HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-10-13, Page 8T"' ■■'"V. 511 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE L Big FurnitureSale Still on * We will continue to sell oup Big Stock of Furniture at prices that cannot be beaten, no matter where you go. We also have a large stock of Window Blinds and Window R^ds at reduced prices. Everything in our big store goes at this continued sale. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU Call and -see us, and be convinced that what we say is true R. N. Rowe & Thos. Dinney Funeral Directors and Embaljfoers , COMING TO FRIDAY, OCTOBER the 14th I Mr. Geo. H. Jones the Special Head Office representative of Z Tip Top Tailors, bringing an Advanced display of ' K The New Fall Fabrics and actual finished models I of TIP TOP SUITS and OVERCOATS | We sincerely believe that the new Tip Top*Fall ; fabrics- are bet- B ter than we have ever before received. At the standard. Tip Top m . price of $24.00 these fabrics represent the most amazing values ever offered in made-to-measure clothes. *•'■• ' - There are hundreds of beautiful fabrics to.);ftljjaose from. Any of them will be tailored to your- measure in suits..rQr overcoats for only $24.00. » For Friday this special display will be directed, by M"r. Jones the special Head Office representative of TIP TOP TAILORS. SEE THEM ON FRIDAY % ' I Exeter Markets... Wheat $1.20. 1 QaU 50c. Ba^ey .75c. Manitoba Flour $4.50. Blended Flour $4,00, Pastry Flour $3.50. Feed Flour $2.10, Bran $1.60. Shorts $1,75. Creamery Butter 44p. Dairy butter 35 38c, Eggs, extras 43c. Eggs seconds 34c. Hogs $9.50. ■Sfe locals A Hallowe’en Social, under the auspices of Aid Society of Main church. Reserve the particulars later. $ Mrs. Geo. Southcott, who has spent several weeks with her sister, Mrs. R. E. Pickard, left Saturday for Toronto to visit for a few weeks •before leaving for a five-months’ tour around the world. The boat on which the party sail will be their home throughout the entire tour and the trip is so planned that it will be springtime in each country ited.vis- JAMES ST. MISSION CIRCLE The regular meeting of the ’ “Wil­ ling Workers” Mission Circle of James St. church was held at the home of Mrs. Amy, with an attend­ ance of twenty-eight. The meeting wab* opened In the usual <’way, and during the business session, it was decided that instead of holding a bazaar, which had been previously planned, we give a special thank- offering at the November meeting. Further arrangements were made for the banquet, being held on Fri­ day evening, October 21st, at which Miss Lola Clarke, returned mission­ ary and other good speakerfl will be present. It is hoped that this meet­ ing will be largely attended.' The scripture lesson was taken by Mias Verna Coates and the continuation of the story of Dr. Margaret Mc- Kellar’s early years, as given at the last meeting was read by Miss Leila McFalls. A vocal duet was then rendered by Misses Pearl Wood and Margaret Johns after which the meeting was closed by all repeat­ in gi the Mizpal benediction. Miss Horton very kindly invited the girls to her home for the November meeting* t ’• ' Li,n v, a * ORGANIZE A* Y. P. A. AT SUCCESSFUL BANQUET . Thd. Trivitt. Memorial church y.P.A. Rally'\ahd bamjuet. whs’ a gr?af fluccoss* About So' young people sat down to a sumptuous banquet provided by the Chancel Guild, When all had done justice ’ rec­ on A. ----------vj October 31, the Ladies' St. United date. Full Remember the date—Oct. 18 Caven Y. P. S. Play at the OPERA HOUSE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN .CHURCH age Rev. James Foots,. B.A^ Minister ANNIVERSARY 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Services at 11 aan. and 7 conducted by “ RJEV. J. W. WALKER, B.A., of the First Presbyterian Church St. Marys, Ont. SPECIAL MUSIC BY. THE CHOIR Everybody Welcome p.m JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R, Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a,ni.—Rev. E. S. Hiscocks, Credi- ton. 3 p.m.—Sabbath School. 7 p.m.—Rev. E. S. Hiscocks. ■S /t Another Shipment of This week we have another shipment of the newest styles and cloths that are being shown this season. Come in often and see what we have to offer. r\ AJTUllUv W X1C11 Ctl.1 UcXv*. UvAlUJU** to the good things provided, the’ tor, acting as chairman, tailed the Rev. J. N. Mills of Goderich to give the address off the evening. Mr. Mills is a very pleasant speaker and an enthusiastic believer in the A.Y.P.A. “For • Christ and the Church,” the motto of the A.Y.P.A. was his subject and he thus present­ ed a high ideal to- the young people. The address was inspiring and will long be remembered. At the close of the address a resolution to form a branch of the A.Y.P.A. was car­ ried with enthusiasm. The rector named the following as a nominat­ ing committee .to draft a slate of of­ ficers, Miss Carrie Davis, Wm. Pom­ fret and E. J. Wethey (cdn.) While the committee were at work in the anti room, M’r. R. Wootle, of Gode­ rich, gave a short address. On mo­ tion. of Mr. E. J. Wethey and Mr. Wm. Pomfret the following slate of officers was fendorsed: President, Mr. James Morley; vice-pres., Mr. Harry West; sec’y, Mr. Wm. Davis; treas., Miss Elsie^ Knight; Miss Edith Walter. C ____ membership campaign, Mr. James Penrice and Miss Grace Chambers vs. Mr. Ted Moyle and Miss S. Dear­ ing. The president-elect was called on for a short speech and responded as he only can, and appealed for support of all young people to make the work of the A. Y.P.A* a success. During the evening Miss Knight and Miss Walter gave pleasing piano solos and Mr. Writ. Davis gave a vocal solo and encore accompanied by Mr. George Grdnt. Mr. Wethey moved a hearty vote of thanks to the speakers of the evening and those who contributed to the pro­ gram. This was ,seconded by Mr. Complin and carried dnarilrhously. With the singing; of thd National Anthem A splendid evening closed. The next meeting of the A.Y.P.A* will be' held in the parish hall on Monday evening; October 1’7th at 8 p.m. A short programme; admis­ sion of members ahd instdllatiort of officers* social half hdmr* refresh­ ments. All members of Trivitt Memorial and friends Arc invited to this meeting* _ . pianist, Captains of Six pages of the Times-Advocate are printed at home this week. Mr. *■ phone end. Mr. „__ ____,_______ of '“days this week in Toronto on business. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Salter, of Lon­ don, visited with Mrs. M. on Sunday. Mr. Fred. Mitchell, of spent the week-end with Mrs. Fred Hogarth. Miss Minna Y,ellow spent the part of the week with Mr. and Wm. Amy of Burford. Mr. Ray Eacrett, wife and daugh­ ter, of Sarnia, visited over the week-end with Mrs. John Snell. Mr. Charles W. Heywood, of Wes­ tern (University, London, spent the fW&SQtt&ifd' Ut his home near Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dorman and children, of Ailsa Craig, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Moses Amy. M’iss Reta Elworthy, of Highland. Park Hospital, Detroit, visited with' her parents for a couple of days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shapton return­ ed Friday evening after a pleasant wedding trip spent in Detroit and Sandwich. Mr. ’ Percy Baker, a student at Toronto University, spent a few days the latter part of the week’visiting with relatives in Exeter. Mr.. John Trevethick, of Brinsley and son Garnet, who is attending Toronto University visited Mr. and Mrs. Amy one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing and Mr. and Mrs. Preston Dearing mot­ ored to Zurich and spent Sunday with Mr. .and Mrs. Chas. Eilber. . Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Winegarden and family, of Parkhill, spent Sun­ day with the former’s parents and Mrs. George Winegarden. Mr. Findlay and Mrs. Baker family, of Detroit, motored to eter for the week-end and visited Mrs. Baker’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. M'iddleton, of Exeter and Gordon Washborn,.of Saintsbury, spent Sunday and Mon­ day visiting friends and relatives Brantford. Oren Winer of the Bell Tele- Co. was home over the week- H.’O. Southcott spent a couple F. Salter Toronto, Mr.and fore­ Mrs. Mr. and Ex- m Get your tickets eariy Plan at HOWEY’S DRUG STORE ' The Caven Y. P. S., Play,. On Saturday Mr. Percy Dunsford, of Hay, picked a couple of branches of berries that were well laden with a second growth crop. Some were well formed and ripe. Rev. . Mr. Spargo and wife, of Bowmanville, who visited for sever­ al days with the latter’s sister, .Mrs. (Rev.) Kestle, returned to their home on Friday last. Mr. W. W. Taman and family at­ tended the wedding on Saturday of the former’s neice, Miss Evelyn Burt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allah Burt near London, to Mr. O. E. Eakins, of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Orby Kestle and Mr. Norman Keddy, of Detroit, motored over and spent a few days with relatives here. Miss Hazel Kestle and Miss Nettie Keddy returned -to Detroit with them- on Monday. The engagement is announced of Miss Marguerite* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Maguire, Clandeboye to Samuel G. Chambers, of Exeter, the marriage to take place the lat­ ter part of October. Messrs. Wm. Hind, spent their Brine ed at The annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys’ Association of Toronto, will be held in the Y.M.C.A.’, 40 Col­ lege St., Toronto, on Thursday,-Oct. 20th at 8 ..o’clock. Officers will be elected and refreshments served.Air. and Mrs. Jones, Mrs. McKay and Mr. Allan, of Detroit, who at­ tended the Eakins—Burt wedding near London on Saturday, spent Sun­ day at the home of Mr. W. W. Taman. Relatives of Mrs. W. E. Efhering- ton have visited her on frequent oc­ casions in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, during the past week. Her condition is such that only the im­ mediate relatives are permitted at her bedside. Mrs. Geo. Anderson has been suf­ fering for several weeks with a bad­ ly sprained arm the result of an auto accident when the car In which she was riding was forced into a four-fdot ditch during the week of London Fair. Capt. Huson and Lieut. G. Airfl, of the Salvation Army will be in To­ ronto this week and part of next at­ tending the Territorial Congress held every year in connection with the work of the Army. Sunday ser­ vices Nvill be conducted, as usual under the direction of S. M. Hanni­ gan and give everyone ah invita­ tion. Lawson and Geo. of Toronto Dental College, the latter part of last week at homes here. Mr. J. H. Mc- came up with them and yisit- the home of Mr. Lawson, “NEXT DOOR” WHAT?—Caven Y. P, S. Play WHEN?—October 18, WHERE?—Exeter Opera House, MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor 11 a.m,—Our morning service is withdrawn that our attend the Caven service. P.m.—Sunday School. people may Anniversary 3 7 p.m,—Rev. A. E. A,___ __ _ . Menzies, M. A.,B.D., of the Fullarton charge will preach. We invite our people to rally and hear this able young preacher. Prayer services is withdrawn this week. Rev. Geo. A. Moor, of Ailsa Craig will conduct the servic^ at Trivitt Memorial church next Sunday morn­ ing. Evening service withdrawn. Mrs. G. Ferguson, of Toronto, is visiting her " father, Mr. Jas. Hand­ ford. Mr. Andrew Hacknew was taken to Victoria ,Hospital on Tuesday'trdr treatment ,:dXqbetA&* Mrs.fiF. K. Matthews, of Toronto, is visiting for two weeks with M"r. and Mrs. F. A. May. Miss Alma Winer nurse in train- ■ in,ga%’t'"’tyictoria Hospital, London,- spent Saturday and Sunday at her home here. Mr. Thos. Kernick, who recently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, is making splen­ did recovery. Mr. Thos. H. Heywood, of London Normal visited at his home near Exeter during the past week-end. Mrs.’E. ’ Pollen was taken ill on Sunday and on Tuesday was .taken to Victoria Hospital,, London, where she underwent an operation. Lat­ est .reports state that she is getting along as well as can be expected. Mr. and M’rs. Melville Gladman returned Tuesday after a pleasant wedding trip by auto to Montreal. They made the trip one way through the States returning through On­ tario. Revi J. W.‘, Penrose, of Varna, conducted the“ services in Main St. church on Sunday" and preached two very inspiringAsdrmons., Mr. Moor­ house conducted ahhivesary services at Goshen on the Yapna circuit. ■Mr. Geo. Pujleyblank, of Kipkton, was thrown from his wagon on the night of Kirktop. Fair when he wae run into by a .car driven by Mr. Gunning. Mr. Gunning maqqged to keep control of the horse although part of the harness was broken. The wagon was also’ damaged. At the Oshawa Fair, Thornton’s Corners Public? School, taught by Miss May M. Fpijd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Jf' Ford, of Usborne, won the South Ontario Agricultural Association’s cup’ for the best march­ ing public school group. In the march their wer.e 2,000 school child­ ren aijd Miss Ford ist to be congratu­ lated. on carrying off the honors among such keen competition. English Flannellette 36 inches wide in six good pat* terns, fast colors and good weight, worth 30c. per yard. Special at per yard 36 in. Fancy Chintz Beautiful patterns for comfort­ ers etc, You will like the new pat­ terns. 36 inches wide at per yard ............................ 25c. New Dresses Popular Priced H. O. Southcott is in. Toronto this week buying new dresses and coats and we will have a fine range of new dresses, to show on Friday and Saturday In all the newe^WlTand Winter shades. This is^Ttegurar $1.00 line 85c.Special at per pr. l TI 50 pr. White Flan. Blankets Cottons are much higher in price. We offer 50 pair of white blankets, large size at pair ... $2.25 Warm Overcoats for Boys & Men We want you to see our new Boys’ and Men’s overcoats. We think we have what you want at the price that you are prepared to pay. Southcott Bros. Phone 16 Phone 16 4> FOR SALE—Storey and half brick house on Gidley Street with two lots, hard and soft water, and Electric Lights, also some fruit trees. Cen­ tral location. Apply GLADMAN & ST ANBURY, Solicitors for Adminis-1' trator, Estate Caroline G. Ford. FOR SALE—Used cook stove with high oven and reservoir, burns coal or wood. Apply^to B. S. Phillips, Exeter. ' 10-13-2tc Earn $25 weekly up at home clip­ ping newspapers 'and addressing en­ velopes. No canvassing. Every­ thing furnished". Spare dr full time. Particulars for stamp. Gil­ lies Mailing Service, Box 8, Sydney, N. S. " 10-13-2tp Notice T. H. ELLIOTT , The Cleaner and Presser has rent­ ed the store two aoprs north of the post office and is putting in a stock cf men’s furnishings and his motto is going to be a small profit -and a quick turn oves. Store will be open every evening after Sept. 1st until', ten o’clock. W. R. GOULDING ONIONS—We will start lifting onions on Tuesday, October 18th at our storehouse on Carling St. No onions taken Saturday.—Jas Grieve. ~ 10-13-ltc H. STRAYED—From lot E, cohces- sioh 8, Usborne, a dark red year-old steer, dehorned. Please communi­ cate any information to James Earl. Phone 41 r 12, Kirkton. 10-13-2tc FOR SALE—Good second-hand top buggy. Apply to Thos. McCurdy Exeter. 10-13-2tp FOR SALE—2 Grade Durham, dual purpose cows, coming in be­ tween now and Christmas. Apply 1, phone 34-15, Kirkton. 10-13-2tc STRAYED—There strayed into my grass farm, one Holstein heifer about two years old. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. * Apply to- Chris. Dietrich, R. R. No. 3, Dashwood, Phone 31-r 18. 10-13-.4tc FOR SALE—A number of good heavy horses and drivers—Apply to Clyde Heywood. 6-30-tfc HYDRO ELECTRIC Wiring and installing, guaranteed workmanship, at reasonable cost. Repairing stoves and motors & spe­ cialty* _ Estimates gladly furnished free,Phone 224.—Ern. Davis.- 4-28-tfc < cocker­ various HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY FOR SALE—Some choice els for breeding -purposes, prices. We carry a complete ilii'e of poultry supplies, including Cod Liver Olh Poultry Specifics, Developing and Laying Meal, Beef Mehl, Bond Meal, Oyster Shell, Cell-O-Glass, Etc* 9-29-tfC Three Day Sale THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY L "■ FREE Wash Cloth 15c. with every 3 cakes of MANYFLOWER SOAP ALL FOR 25c. FREE 35c. TOOTH BRUSH with every, 50c. Den- tachloe of Permadent Tooth Paste 85c. VALUE FOR 50c A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster Janies St. United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 192 EXETER. ONT. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE .............................. 3c DOUBLE EDGE ............................ 4C Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST 1874 1927 The London Life Insurance Co. W. C. PEARCE, AGENT Exeter* Phone 130W. Residence, Ann St. two. blocks west of Ford Garage Have Your Eyes Examined To . There l« nothing to be gained by delaying that eye examination* There le much to be lout. Each day Chat your eyes are under a strain makefl it more difficult • for your Optometrist to give you satis­ factory glaaaea You will be surprised at the thor­ oughness of our methodfl—and will be plbafled with the glasses. Call today and learn the truth about your eyefl* John Ward CHIROPRACTOR A OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER. ONT. PHONE 7« FREE Garland Jelly Knife $1.00 value with $1.00 box CHARME FACE POWDER ALL FOR $1.00 ' 15c. TRIAL SIZE THREE FLOWERS. FACE POWDER Free with each $1.50 hox on -reguest $1.35 Special SHAV­ ING SET (Cream, Talc and Lotion * ALL FOR 85c. DYER KISS TALC Reg. 3,5c. Special 25c. Flesh Color only 20c. FREE CAKE CASOLAY SOAP. 2 FOR 20c. FREE UTILITY KNIFE 50c. free with $1.00 Auto Strop Safety Razor $1.50 VALUE FOR $1 FREE Trial size Colgates Af­ ter Shave Talc 'with- each tube Col­ gates Shaving Cream 50c. 25c. A. B. S. & p. ‘ 2 for 25c. UNLISTED VICTOR RECORDS 4 FOR $1.00 Come Early ....Splendid Choice We want to clear Chi's line. 75c. Pinaud’s Face Powder ..............49c. New Bobbed Hair combs assorted col­ ors ..... .....15c. New Powder Puffs Assorted colors andi sizes .............15c. lb. English Health Salts ........ 50e 85c. 1 lb. Rolls Ab­ sorbent Cottosi 59c. Big Assortment ..25c- Talcums ......... 19cr 1 wfV. . STATIONERY 15c. Gray Pad 15c. Envelopes 25c. Pads ........ 40c Box Paper ...9c. ...90 .10c. 29». COME EARLY SOME LINES ARE LIMITED W. S. HOWEY* Exeter, Ont. . PHONE 50 • 7 ■ 1847 1927 CANADA LIFE The Oldest Assurance Co. In Canada B M. FRANCIS Phone: 1<H. Exeter "' ’ ■ * * ** Life Insurance WITH SUBSTANTIAL DIVIDENDS Mutual Life of Canada E. C. HARVEY, Agent DOMINION LIFE^ Assurance co. ” Head Office, Waterloo, Ontario . Clinton, g. Morlock . Agent, Cfedltoii, Ont. ’ F- Telephone 21 r 5 \ „ 10-6-4tC "7T MADE A MES$ OF IT Bought' CHHAP remedies, got (0). Use Mrs. .Sybilla gpahrs Ton- silitis for Cough, Bronchitis, CrOtfp, Quinsy* Hoad Colds. Catarth, Sore Trdats and Tonsil ills* Success or 'THOney1 back* Howey’s Drug Store, Exeter* HURON & ERl£ DEBENTURES Authorized by Governtnfirtt^ as Trustee Investments The Interest is paid halt yearljM* upon $190.00 or more for 1 to years. . . Applications for same are accept­ ed at any time by Carling & Morley ! Barristers Jte*, Exeter, Oat,