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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-09-29, Page 7
........... Southerners Slow to ■J Use Electrical Devices A DOCTOR’S PRAISE A Noted Doctor Strongly En dorses Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. The test of any remedy lies in its acceptance and employment by the qualified medical practitioner. No less an authority than Dr. Andrea Amici, physician to tho Papal house hold, writing on the subject of anae mia, impoverishment of the nervous system and * disorders attributable thereto,, strongly endorses I>r. Wil liams’ Pink Pills, recommending them as superior to othei* tonics. Dr, Amici's testimony reads as fol lows;—“For several years I have made use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills in my work and I have always found thorn efficacious in tho treatment of disorders due to inmoverishment of the nervous system, anaemia and neurasthenia, stomach weakness, re tarded development in young women, and irregularities. There is is no lack el’ tonic remedies, but in my experi ence no one of them manifests a su perior efficacy to that of Dr. Williams’ Transforming the Zuider Zee Holland Undertakes Gigantic Task, to .Increase .Her Farming Area and So Her National Wealth The relation of climate and meth-! ods of living to the use of electrical appliances is shown by a recent study of the United States’ Southern neigh bors, made by the Bureau of Domestic and Foreign Commerce. Most of these countries, by comparison. wifrh the United State?', are exceedingly back ward in availing themselves of elec trical servants. In some of them, like Veneaulea, much of the popula tion is'so scattered that electricity Ims been unavailable, and only a few cities have daytime service, In many places, such as Porto Alegre, Brazil, the market for electrical devices suf fers from the high cost of operation and the unreliability of current sup ply, Other important factors include the servant situation and prevailing styles in interior decoration. In most of these countries house hold labor is plentiful and economical. „ The servants, as of old,odo the wash ing by hand. They have no faith in labor-saving devices, and since the housewife who could afford electrical Pink Pills.' appliances takes no part in tho work ■ Ho more conclusive evklenco ot the „„......s vL n hoisell, tho servants aro loft to tlioir va ue ot Ill. Williams Pink 1 ills could ^;on ,0 ,j10 area 0, ^ho habitable globe. f i is re- WORK UNDER WAY A colossal feat of engineering under way to Holland, which is the clamatlon of the greater part of the Zuider Zee for agricultural purposes, and we are told that this work is ex pected to add one-tenth to the culti vated area of the country. The cost of this Etupendous work, it is predict ed, will be less than the capitalized value of the now land, and in the view of the London Times, the pro ject seems to bo “one of those rare their disposal. One of 4he two minor dams, which, with tho central main dam, are to block the moutlf of the ! Zuider Zoe, has recently been com pleted, and he tells us that thi:-i dam is one and one half miles in length and runs from tho west coast to the Island of Wieringen. Tho main dam, it is pointed out, will be some twelve miles in length and will run from Wieringen to an artificial Island, “Wieringen’s opposite number,” wh.cn is being constructed an equal (Ms-tan co .from the Friesland coast, with which It will be connnected by a third small dam. This informant continues: “During a recent visit I was able to , go over the completed portion. Be-! hind the embankment width faces the 1 sea there are two parallel trucks, each 1 tie, a matter of great Importance In the production of milk. The benefi-ts of shipping are placed at a further 50,« 600,000 florins. At present the con veyance of goods by water to the northern provinces suffers consider ably in periods of drought, when, as a j consequence of low-water, vessels can only bo partially loaded. Lastly, the capital value of the land to be re claimed is 510,000,000 florins ($212,- uC‘0,000), while the cost of reclamation 13 estimated only to reach 454 mil lions ($180,150,000). i Will Rogers Throws Light on Fann Offer tp Collidge To Editor, The New York Times. Burbank, Cal.-—The good people of; about twenty-five yards in width. Tho Dakota offered to give Calvin Cooll-j southernmost cf these in now the dge a farm if he would live on it. I main road, and carries the traffic to' wouldn’t advise you to give those peo- ■ and from Wieringen. Tho second[ Pto too much credit for generosity, track is destined eventually to carry1 There is not a farmer on any State a railway across the Zuider Zee. It is [ in the West that wouldn’t be glad to at present some ten feet above the ‘ give- him a farm if he will paint it, fix anti fortunate cases in which the ad- jOvel of the road, having been built-up the fences and keep up the series Vft.ntn.crn ft ata th a tiif nVI and th a /Hand. ■x_ x-.,* ii.aA __ * nf> a-^/1vantages are manifold and the disad vantages negligible.” Not every coun try is in the happy position, this news paper points out, of being able, by mere ingenuity and hard work, to in crease its own size and resources, to say nothing of making a clear addi- time-honored ways. ;be asked for or given, than is found In Mexico few vacuum cleaners arc 511 U10 above endorsoment of this used, it is said, because rugs, carpets noted European physician. Besides ' and heavy hangings are not emplovod this, however, this medicine has en- to any great extent, and only the Wed a world-wide public confidence wealthy have upholstered furniture.'1" On account- of heat and insects, floors are tranerally left bare, ana -------------------------------- ------........- forel |nvader N ,n h ( X%r. WflUanra' PtaR Pills lor ‘m* to expel ft and to i American countries, and tlieso know ?naemia- Htoumatlsm, neuralgia, ner- ala’“.?,r ou,'“vaUon Bro”“a whiclH littlo of thpi Veicdim dcctiiGr Tii *DUf>ncfes And. stomsiOli trouble. Zenthm Z Uduguay hangings. and-J^ a tonic if you are not in the heavily upholstered are more in use, .best Physical contotion and cultivate and there vacuum cleaners are slowlya r^tanee that wjll keep you well comine in inn<1 strong. You can get these pills '.through any medicine dealer or byCurling irons and Fans , ..„ x ” «’ mail at 50 cents a box irom The I)r.. That a country may ignore labor- williams’ Medicine Brookville, saving devices and yet see the im-J portance of electricity as a beauty aid i is attested by the popularity of elec-' trical curling chops and par’ois. Fans have made more the American republics most electrical appliances,. and they are usually found only in offices and public places. Tampico is an excep tion. Here-, for eight months of the year, they are to general use in homes of very moderate means. In Mexico City they are not so much used, since in that altitudo Summer weather is not oppressive. The same is true of Bolivia. But in Paraguay they are considered essential for five months of the- year, and in Brazil they are much in use. In many parts of South America, in spite of the heat, refriger ators of any kind are scarce, and ice is looked on as a luxury by the poorer classes'. South America ofie.rs( many traclictions in electrical usages. Bolivia firewood is so expensive electricity is the most popular available means of heating, yet said that there is not Oh electric cook ing range in aJll Bolivia. Sometimes when a particular appliance is shun ned tho reason is not apparent on the surface. The scarcity of electric toasters in Venezuela is "traced to the fact that rolls are used instead of bread, and in Uduguay most of the bread is in small, hard-crusted loaves. Percolators fare poorly in Brazil because the people believe they know more about preparing coffee than . any new-fangled electric appli ance maker. We road thon: "Before now, in their long, eventful * history, tbo Dutch have welcomed the _____invasion of tho sea, and to moments iniitvH .tor more than a third of a century crlsls have admitted its destructive Cuban aU(i bas brought relief to thousands ,waters over large areas of fertile land and thousands of weak and suffering as a lasl; barrier against a more hated cli-au ,_____________________________________________________fWoipTi invnfioi* Mmxr i-n Tionnlftf hairdressing progress in than have[ con- In that and it is Will Rogers Compares Air*- planes and Auto Deaths ,^To Editor, The New York Times. .. Beverly Hills, Cal.—Every paper is raving about legislation to stop ocean flying because thirteen people have been lost, just a fair Sunday’s average in auto deaths. Prom ten to fifteen is just about the number that are al ways in a bus when it meets a train at a grade crossing, yet you never see an editorial about relief from that. You may not die as spectacularly in a ma chine as you would if you dropped) in the ocean, but you are just as dead. —Will'Rogers. Over 30 years the same good, tea, Now packed in Aluminum. OSE RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. Classified Advertisements , Ladies wanted to do plainj and light sewing; at home,* whole or Show Rim By Advertisers SITUATIONS VACANT i c£>- must keep in trim.”“We girls Ho—“And wo fellows must keep be ing trimmed.” / Take overlies between the provinces of North Holland and Friesland. Al ready a dam has been constructed connecting the mainland with Wier ingen—a rather dreary known since the war as dwelling-place of the Crown Prince. This dam the beginning of the immense barrier, some thirty miles long (including the islands), by which it is intended per manently to block out the ocean from an area of well over a thousand square miles which it now covers. Not the whole of this area, however, is to be taken for cultivation. The middle part will still be a lake, but a fresh water lake. It is to be formed by damming up the flpw of the Yssel River, a branch of the Rhine, which at present empties itself uselessly into the Zuider Zee. The reservoir form ed will, it is calculated, be of immense service to the surrounding country. Droughts occur regularly In these northern provinces, and they not only produco a scarcity of drinking-water, ■but occasionally render canals use less. ■ What Was Wrong. A navvy bought a coat and was ad-' vised by the salesman to uso a coat hanger to keep tho 'shoulders in good shape. Next day tho salesman was sur prised to find the navvy in his shop complaining. “And what is the matter with coat?” asked tho salesman. “Oh, tho coat is all right,” said navvy. “But the wood part of hangers rub my shoulders, and every time I turn my head tho hook knocks my hat off.” the the tlie little Island, the enforced German ex- is itself only spare time. Good pay. distance, charges paid, particulars. National Co,, Montreal. (~S RATIS. (LITTLE FRIEND) TO JT either sex; mailed in plain envelope, Paris Specialty Co., Montreal. Woi’kAsent any Send stamp for ManufacturingMany Attend London Exhibi tion of Up-to-Date Meth ods of Increasing Sales London—Several ^thousand adver tising men gathered at Olympia for the recent exhibition of modern ad vertising. The exhibition has been an undoubted success, and has stimulat ed throughout British trade and in dustry a desire to know more about modem advertising methods. British Industry in the past has ex celled in making good products, but has been, it i3 claimed, backward in selling them. A fast pace is now being get in overcoming this defect, of which the exhibition just closed gave evidence. Merchants and manu facturers attended in large numbers, as well as those interested through the publishing and advertising industries. The provincial dailies drew much attention through having installed the adtual mechanism by which news is instantly transmitted from Fleet Street to their offices in the north. The British railways had an im pressive exhibit, while that of the Em pire Marketing Board was easily first in size, variety and in the attention The British religious excellent, and of mortagages that are on it. And if you think Collidge ain’t smart, you just watch him not take it. Yours, Congressman-at-Large, . Will Rogers. P.S.—That wasn’t a philanthropist that made him that offer. That was some comedian. jup to this height in order that the ex- |tra weight of material should accel erate the settling of the undersoil. In eight years’ time, it is thought, the [setting will have so far advanced as 1 to give sufficient strength to the dam j to prevent gaps forming after the .opening of the railway service. The I top layer will then be removed and jthe permanent way laid on the same level as the main road. Work Well In Hand. “Another great work which has been completed is the construction of a new sea-dike from Ewycksluis in a ! northwesterly direction nearly as fai* [as Helder, the northernmost point of 'Holland. This was built as a precau tion against the higher tides which are expected after the closing of the Zuider Zee. To have strengthened tho old main sea-dike sufficiently to withstand these would have necessi tated the expropriation of large areas of valuable farm land. A new dike was therefore built, parallel to but 200 yards east of the old one. This has the advantage of creating a first-class ship canal ten miles in length, which will be made still longer when the new dike is continued to the south. Another new dike is to be built next year from the east of Wieringen Is land to Medemblik, in the south, and the area thus enclosed will, when the water has been drained off by power ful pumps, be the first of the four polders of reclaimed land.” At the eastern end of Wieringen two more considerable tasks have been completed, this correspondent goes on to say, and they are the new dock, which serves as a base for the fleet of dredges, barges and tugs, tak ing part in the work, and the con struction of fifteen sluice-gates, which are to control the waters of that part of the Zuider Zee which is to remain unclaimed. It is further related that: “This work is simply a stretch of the old sea bottom enclosed by a dike, the water having been pumped out. Its construction was a matter of great difficulty. Boulder clay was taken by dredges from a spot in the Zuider Zee some five miles away and brought to Wieringen by barges. This clay, which is a deposit from the Ice Period, is proof against erosion even in a strong current, and will form the foundation of all’the main works. Af ter dumping the boulder-clap up to sea level the water was pumped out and the enbankment thoroughly re-en forced. The outer surface of the dike has been covered with large blocks of stone, which are brought to barges from Germany and Belgium. It is stated that between $10,000,000 and $15,000,000 is to be spent in tlie pur chase of this stone from abroad. “The sluice basin is mile long and about width. It will contain gates erf ferroconcrete, each of them 33 feet wide. These will be used to regulate the watel-level of the lake formed by the unreclaimed central portion of the Zuider Zee. Lake Ys sel, as it has been named, will re ceive its waters from the Rhine through the River Yssel. On the Friesian side of the Zuider Zee, where tho artificial island is being built, an other great basin to contain ten more sluices is in course of construction. It is thought that these twenty-five sluices, with two very large locks for shipping, will prove sufficient to keep Lake Yssel at its proper level.” Comparative Size. * As an illustration of tlie vastness of this engineering enterprise, the Times’s correspondent calls attention to the fact from Wieringen to the Friesian coast is a voyage of two Fours in a fast tug, and he says that when making this voyage it is not easy to picturo sea crossed by miles in length, ther that: “Tho building begun in 1932, after the sluice-gates have been finished and the small dam built between the artificial island and the Friesian coast. The last stretch, about twelve miles In length, to then expected to be completed in three years. FOR UTILE ONES Baby’s Own Tablets Should be in Every Home Where There Are Children agents waited. WANTED LADY OR IN EVERY CITY, VILLAGE IN CANADA I THE BIBLE PRAYER. importance. No experle:I Pleasant and profitable < Apply by letter. BIBLE I ASSOCIATION OF CANADA [ TARIO STREET, TORONTO. GENTLEMAN TOWN AND as agent for Position of ice necessary, occupation. PRAYER (, CIS ON- AGENTS—EITHER SEX—weekly easy selling I’ALCQ CLEAN ERS, WASHO, POLISHRITE everything right. Rem without injury to pa monstration. Sample LEFEBVRE A C eana TarRoad think home He—“I’m sure of it. She—“Then why aren’t and in bed” The perfect,medicine for little ones is found in Baby’s Own Tablets. They are a gentle but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach; drive out constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and promote healthful refreshing sleep. It is impossible for Baby’s Own Tablets to harm eVOn the new-born babe, as they are absolutely guaranteed free from opiates or any other injurious drag. Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. Alex. J. Perry, Atlantic, N.S., writes:—“I always keep Baby's Own Tablets to the house for tho children, as I have found them a perfect medicine for little ones.” Baby’s Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Canada Anticipates Large Wheat Crop Ottawa, Ont.—According to the esti mates of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics just compiled, the Canadian wheat crop this year will amount to over 458,000,000 bushels, a yield sec- onl only to that of 1923, when a record of 474,199,000 bushels wag made.’ Most of the wheat is grown to the prairie provinces, and. Alberta’s, estimated yield promises to make a new record for that province of nearly 169,000,000 bushels as against 113,000,000 last year. » Oat production for the whole do minion is estimated at 502,199,000 bushels which is far in advance of last year, while the estimated yield of hay and clover amounting to 16,524,- 000 tons is the largest yield on record to Canada. Of course, as the report states, good weather is still required for the completion of the harvesting and threshing operations, but “grant ed favorable conditions, the harvest in the West this year will be second only to the bountiful crops of 193.” --------------------- If sometimes tho tea you’ ar© using does not taste( as good as it used to—just seo[ what kind of a-package it is in. No chances are ‘ taken’ with Red Rose, It is packed in clean, bright Aluminum J st; it received, press-exhibits were many visitors were „amazed to dis-, cover the part played by these jour- 'you can read my mind nals in the ’ press oF the British Isles. Window dressing, poster advertis ing and mechanical advertising de vices were all well. done. The exhibi tion of old newspapers and other periodicals, loaned by the Sells- collec tion, was a great drawing card. A good many people ctill seem to think that it’s possible for an automo bile to knock down a telegraph-pole.i Duce No Spender Mussolini Rent Bill, $90 Year, Offered by Protest ing Tenant Milan. —' Benito Mussolini, Italy’s Ironhanded dictator, paid 450 lire rent for his apartment here during the year 1914. At that time this amount ed to about $90. This fact was learned recently dur ing the process of readjusting rents to accordance with the Duce’s decree that nobody should pay more than four times as much (in lire) as was paid for the same place to 1914. In order to see that this rule is enforced the present inhavitants must appear before the prefecture and prove that the rent for the places they now oc cupy was such and such to 1914. A certain Signor Garducci, who now found himself paying 2,430 lire a year (about $135) for his apartment ap peared and demanded a reduction to 1,800 lire. To prove that he was en titled to this reduction he produced a receipt showing that one Benito ' Mussolini, who had occupied the apartment in 1914, paid only 450 lire rent—or just one-fourth of 1,800, or,, according to the present rate of ex- : change, about $100. He was granted the reduction.----------4.---------- . Slightly Different.-------------; Small Boy (to chemist)—“Please I ■ want some powder for my sister.” Chemist (joktogly) — “Some that goes off with a bang?” “Small Boy—“No, tho sort that goes on with a puff.” ---------------------- Minard's Liniment eases sore feet. A Scotchman, it is reported, has walked a hundred miles on his hands. We are still guessing what it was ha was looking for. 1 I Irrigation Too. With a controlled reservoir of this magnitude it is hoped to maintain the canals at a uniform level, as well as to supply,-the counl^side with fresh drinking-water for man and beast. [The cattle of these regions have suf fered much to the past from having 'sometimes had to depend upon tlihe .blackish waters of the southern Zui- ,'dor Zee, and the quality of their milk has naturally deteriorated. The soil ■itself has been damaged by irrigation I with the same unsweet waters.” j The good loamy soil produced will 'increase the capacity of Holland for [food production, notes The Times, which tells us that it- was really the experience of the sharp food scarcity during the last two years of the war that determined the Dutch authorities to execute a scheme often mooted in earlier days. The work has brought some relief to the unemployment problem that vexes Holland, as well as other1' countries, it seems, and it is said that the twin difficulty of over population should also be relieved by the occupation of nearly a thousand square miles of cultivable land—land, moreover, which is easily accessible and conveniently situated for th ex port of its produce. The Hague cor respondent of this newspaper advises us that the reclamation of the Zuider Zeo is proceeding apace under the supervision of twenty-five Dutch en gineers who have 1,000 workmen at tSAWc^— SAW ITy FLOUR Kt depends largely on the flour you use. We believe you’ll welcome this suggestion —try Purity, the rich, vigorous Flour — made, from the, finest Western wheat. Thousands of cooks say Purity Flour is best for cakes, pies, buns and bread Send 30c in stamps for our 700-recipe Purity Flour Cook Book. 261 V/csiarn Canada Flour Millo Co. Limited. Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, SoittS John, . I - ’ I Or-M- 1 Ji__ _ , Am .A rrt—rrn, Could Hire the Chinaware “There’s a man who can fire all the chinaware he wants and never break a piece.” .. “Impossible,” “No—he's a potter.” All tlie world needs is an agreement not to have any more wars until the old ones are paid fo£ We are asked if a wife should be bothered with her hus’band’s btisinoss troubles. Every time she demands a new hat she mart. “There is no reason why all should not 'livo to a good old ago,” declares a famous physician. On the other hand we could give softie very sotihd reasons why soma should not. s nearly half a 300 yards in fifteen slulce- Read Mrs. Menard’s Letter.,' Her Experience May HeJp Chatham, Ontario. — "I want to tell you how much good your medicine Cuts easier. Saws faster SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO, LTD. Montreal VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN. W.B., TORONTO •BWWWI SH_ POLISH T/icre’fi d f> Nugget ” shade/or every shoe roada ^Wclt theta goes twenty-seven holos this afternoon Want to stop—arc your feet wet?” should say not! Do YOURS ever get wet when you’ve polished them with Toot,Toot! Drum—“You look all In.” Horn—*Tve been on a toot!”. ... . • ..t»t ■■ ..... ■ - Minard's Liniment relieves backache. ,th. Slavery in the Empire London Daily Mail (Ind. Cons.); The British public has always be lieved that under tho Union Jack slav ery cannot exist. It has consequently- been not a little disturbed by a recent decision of the Supreme Court of Sier ra Leone. That court by a majority of two judges, to one who dissented, has quashed the conviction of two owners of slaves to the Sierra Leono protect orate who recaptured by force .runa way slaves within tho protectorate, if the judgment really protects or pro motes slavery on British soil, as at it is if not Eo But the protector LUU U.U J-vv eujwiuuo U.IU Ul ...... x.-Ytlbll S01J Of this sum 160,000,000 florins j to tho Eame sense as the cokmy of Sierra Leono, which is quito distant from it. In tho colony flute to no slavery, and there has never boon any for a century. this long stretch of a dam some twelve He advises us fur- of this dam is to be Cost Justified. “The total cost of enclosing the Zui der Zee is estimated to reach 90,000,- 000 florins ($37,500,000), but against1 first sight it Ectms to do. Uoh it Is this must be set the behefits to be de-!safe £o'say that it wfif 1 rived from the operation, which are ted Jong to stand, estimated at 150 millions ($62,500,-[ato of Sierra Leone is not Br! 000). C.......- ---- -------- ' represents the capitalized value of the advantages which are expected to'ac crue from the creation o fa reservoir of frosh water from which the north ern provinces can draw a plentiful supply of good drinking-water for cat- I “Thus oysters with a predilection for broadcasting by remote control— the clicks of their valves being picked up by underwater telephones and re layed to the shore and ship radio sta- otins constituting the radio-acoustic systems—have made it necessary for the Coast and Geodetic Survey to con- sutl the sun as it rises and sets for accurately determining the position of the survey ship. Only time a horse gets scared now adays is when he meets another horse. —Wall Street Journal. “Twelve always make a dozen,” sagely observes an economist, very few make a million. has done me. Be fore my baby came I fcl t so , weak and run- . down that I could hardly do my work. My head ached continually and I was so dis couraged that I could cry from morningtillnight, I had another jbaby justoneyesr and a half old and it gave me a lot to do. So I thought I would try Lydia E, Pinkliam’s Vegetable Compound, as I had read so much about it in th®‘ little books. I found a difference right! away as my head was relieved and - ■jmy tired feelings gone., My sisteu had been doing my washing and sha continued doing it, as she said fflH- might set me back if I started to d» - ft again. It sure did help mo and i, had taken just two bottles when my ’ baby camo. Ho is a fine big boy, • now nearly five months old. I am taking your medicine again and I am? able to do my work all by myself now. T nlwatrfl rAnnmmond tho vocretahlft I* able to do my work al 1 by myself now. I always recommend the Vegetable Compound to women, and especially I to expectant mothers, as I belief they need help at] those times.”— Mrs. Oliver Menard, 24 Harvey StJ I Chatham, Onta&ioi ’»