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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-09-29, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 'illl JiSUAV, SEl’TE.llUEK 20, 1U27 Fall Term Opens, Tuesday, Sept, 6, 1927 gtdjool of ©ommrrce CLINTON, ONTARIO ■ M • OFFERS THE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES Expert teachers, Two Standard makes pf Typewriters, Practi cal Business Training, Gregg Shorthand, Secretarial Studies, Actual Office Practice and a record of successful Graduates, whose high Standard for good work, we expect yon to reach or exceed. WHEN YOU THINK OF A COMMERCIAL COURSE, WRITE Phope 198 B. F. WARD, B.A., M.Accts. Principal CLEARING SALE —- OF —- Staple Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Trimmings, Men’s, Women’ and Children’s Underwear, Socks, Hosiery, etc., at sensational prices. Special Bargains in Groceries and China. Commencing, SAT., OCT 1st Remember the Date SKINNER’S STORE, Hensall For Bargains ■ ■ ■ i meetings tire pow being held in the League and everybody is cordially invited to attend, reAd.b$tAte changes Quite a number of real estate deals haye taken place in the village during the past week or two, several valuable properties having changed hands. Miss Mattie Ellis has sold her residence on Soutll Richmond St. to W. L. McLaren, of Cromarty, who gets possession on November 1st. Mr, Ernest Shaddock has purchased from Mr, Fred. Hess his residence on South Richmond St. and Mr. Hess has purchased from Gladman & Stanbury the handsome brick resi dence lately owned by Arthur Cox worth on the South side of South Richmond St., near the London Rd. and gets possession at once. We understand that Mr. Hess’s son, who is at present in the West is coming to Hensail to assist his father in the jewellery business. Twitchell has Goderich and occupied will Spencer who planing mill. Mr. Davis, of iated with Mr. ing factory here will move to Hen- sall shortly and occupy the residence on Queen St. West now occupied by Mr, Thos. Farquhar, who is vacat ing it soon. patriotism. rNe^t Sunday is Rally Day in the Synday School. Let us have- a re cord breaking attendance. Program ie renderel before the lesson period apd promotion exercises. Dashwood Dr, H. H, Cowen, L..D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL surgeon At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three das of week and at office over the Post Office, in (Zurich, last three days of week. POULTRY WANTED—We are in .the market for all kinds of poultry paying the highest prices. Truck will call. Phone 30r3 Dashwood.— C. Andersen. 9-l-4tc B i■ i ............................................. ....,— -..-3 . hospital are all getting along nicely. ■The Sunbeam Trio consisting of Miss Greta Lammie, Miss Katherine Sells and Miss Gladys Slay gave a concert An the Parish Hall, St. Col- umban, ’on Monday evening last. At the baseball match on the Hen- sall grounds on Monday afternoon, in the finals between Hensall and Zurich Hensall won 9 to 8, The second game of the series will be played at Zurich on Thursday of .this ‘week. . . . Next Sunday morning Rev. E..S- Hiscocks, of Crediton will preach in tire United church, ■ and at- the even ing service Miss Mitchell, of Toronto travelling secretary for the W.M’.S. will be tlie speaker. . Mr. and Mrs. A. J. (Sweitzer and little daughter accompanied by Miss Leis Coby, of Detroit, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Higgins. They were accompanied liome by Miss Irma Higgins, who ■will spend some time in Detroit. ■ The ’morning train from London arrives in Hensall five minutes after eleven instead of half past ten. This i3 a serious inconvenience to the students attending Clinton Business College, making the school hours that much Shorter for them and the • time they could spend at school was short enough before. Rally Day services were held in the United Sunday School on Sun- Mr. C. McCready - day morning last with a large at- HENSALL Mr, Geo. Thompson is confined to bis ro'om through illness. Mrs. E. Sheffer is visiting rela tives in Toronto for a time. A number from Hensall attended Seaforth Fair on Friday last. A number from Hensall attended the Fair at Zurich on Tuesday. Mr. Lester Fisher has taken a position in the Bank of Montreal here. ’ Mrs. McLean, of Wingham, visit ed for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. ’Thos. Drummond. Mrs, Thos. Palmer, who has'been visiting relatives < in Windsor, return ed home on Monday. Miss Helen Houston, of Ottawa, is visiting for a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Houston. Rev. Mr. Sinclair will preach an niversary services at the United church at Crediton on Sunday. Mrs. Win. Henry who has been visiting for some time with relatives in Cromarty has returned Home. Mr. Mervin Brown, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown. Mi^. J. McKenzie, who has been visiting for some time with her son Wm. at Kippen has returned home. Miss Florence Welsh, of London, ‘ visited over the week-end with her j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Welsh. Mr, Stevenson, I* " ____ ___ ___ _ and Miss McKinley, of Toronto, vis-' tendance present. The Sunday ited for a few days at the home of School was nicely decorated with Airs. H. Reid. ■ Miss Gertrude. Hoggarth, of Tor onto, who has been visiting with her parents here for a couple of weeks, had her tonsils removed last week. The many friends of Mr*. Fred. Brock are pleased to see him able to be out again after his recent acci dent. Mrs. A. Ross, ivho lias been visit ing for a number of weeks with re latives in Toronto has returned home. Mr. G. J. Sutherland is improv ing the appearance of his home and post office by having it nicely painted. On Sunday evening, October 9 th, a young people's rally- service will be held in the United church. A y.oung people’s elioir will furnish the music. Mrs. Ernie Moody and little child xec-ently returned to her home in- Brandon, Man., after visiting for a number of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hobkirk. Mr. Ezra Kelpfer, of Zurich has rented Mr. Wm. Webber’s house on JSTorth Richmond St. and is moving to town immediately. He is taking a position with Cook Bros. Miss Margaret Drummond, Mr. Bobt.’ Jackson' arid' 'Ma'ster'Tim^&ey- ritt who recently'Wderwent operas - tjons- for appendicitis in Seaforth. ,thp close of. the meeting. ....gr ■....... i ........— flowers for the occasion. Mr. J. W. Ortwein got the prize of a bouquet of flowers for the oldest- member present and Miss Greta Lammie’s class got the prize of a box of .choco lates for the largest number present .in the class.. A very interesting reading was given by Miss Marion McKay and a male quartette was rendered by Messrs. Goodwin, Fol lick, Pfile and Lindenfield. Mr. John Rowcliffe spoke far a few minutes on flowers. Mr. Pfile, the superintendent took great interest in; making the Rally service a suc cess. . - The regular meeting of the Young People’s League of the United church was held on Monday even ing with a large attendance present. Miss Jessie Johnson presided over the meeting which was opened-by the. singing of a hymn after which Mi-. Ortwein led in prayer. The , minutes of the last meeting were read By. .the secretary. Miss Irene Dqu'glass played a very pleasing pianq.^solo, followed by a duet by Mrs. A'nna McDonell and Miss Mar garet Johnson which was greatly en joyed. Miss E. Morrison gave a very "interesting topic on Christ as the modern business man. The meeting . was closed With prayer,* after which the executive met at . Special TOUR SUMMER COTTAGE r-Ks is as AteacJive Inside as Out? MAKE your summer cottage comfortable and home-Tike *’* with Gyproc Fireproof partitions and ceilings. , At small cost the whole interior may be transformed into attractive, cosy rooms.- Write for free booklet—"My Home,” It will tell yoti how Gyproc. Roeboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and Insulex will reduce your fuel bill froiil 20 to 40%. THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, I^ARIS, CANADA 152 Exeter, Ont. Hensall, Ont> Mr. Orville moved his family to the house lie recently be taken over by Mr. recently bought the We understand that Exeter, who is assoc- Goodwin in the cloth- Creditor! Mi*. William Stire, of Buffalo, L.spent Sunday the guest of Miss Lil lian Stahl. Mr. Jack English who has been confined to his bed through illness is improving, Mrs Adair, of Shipka, spent a few days with her grand-daughter, Mrs. Francis Flynn. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Zurbrigg, of Toronto, spent Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Haist. Mrs. G. Fischer, of Dashwood, spent Sunday with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Wxn. Fischer. Miss Gertrude Haist, of Goderich, • .spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Christ Haist. Mr. Ezra Ewald has returned to his home at Kitchener after visiting .his niother, Mrs. Mary Ewald. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haist and Mr. John Gaiser are visiting with friends^ in South Cayuga and Buffalo. We are glad to hear that Mr. Fred Haist is slowly recovering from his. sudden attack of pneumonia. Remember, that the Crediton United church will give a Hot Fowl Supper on Wednesday, October 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Berg, of Detroit, is visiting for a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fahner. Mr. and Mrs. William Heatherley and daughter Thelma, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Haist. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, of Windsor, spent Sunday with the lat ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson. Mr.; and Mrs. William Wilson-'and two daughters, Gladys and; Birdie and' Mr. John Fern, all of Pbtrolea,, spent the week-end with Mr. and M’rs.'Wm. Motz, . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Girvin and Mrs. Henderson, of Oklahoma City, spent Monday with Mr; and Mrs. H; K. Eilber. They, left Tuesday for Lucknow to visit relatives. . Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Sr.,, and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Schroeder and daughter, Wealthy, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. 'J. Klien- feldt, near Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Vai Domm and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Diebel of, Aytou, spent Sunday at the parsonage and graced the morning services with their presence. After another week the annual fowl Supper of the Evangelical people of Crediton will be past. We trust that October 6th will be a fav orable evening for us and that the usual masses of people will turn out to the Evangelical premises for sup per and ■ program. The large com mittees and members will notice your presence with delight. Anniversary Services will .be held in the Crediton United church next Sunday, October 2nd. Sunday school will convene promptly at 10 a.m. Special preaching, services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. Arthur Sinclair, of Hensall, will preach at both ser vices. Special selections by the choir. Everybody welcome. Come early and getxa good seat. An event of unusual interest will be a special Woman’s Missionary. Rally and program in, the’ United church on Wednesday ,evening, 'Oct ober 5 th, when. Miss Evelyn Mitchell' Field Secretary of the W.M-S. will be present to give am address. There will also .^.e. a number ‘pf musical sei-, ections. Miss Mitchell'is .'a very iri-t teresting and forceful speaker and a real treat who hear mind. Services evening in the Evangelical church for the first time since June. It didn’t seem to have any effect on the usual attendance. Services next Friday evening at 8 o’clock followed by the session of the church Board. Rev. H. A. Kellerman, P. E. will be present to conduct these meetings. Services next Sunday morning and evening. Let there b.e special in terest in the evening service when the pastor will conduct an “Eccles iastical Question Box.” What does the pulpit say about certain things that attract unusual attention? Have tlie people of the community any questions?. The Ladies’ Aid Society met at the parsonage Wednesday evening of this week. The writer presumes that the final finishing .touches wore given f.O the fowl supper project. The .men’s chorus of twenty-five voices should attract attention on the pro gram. The entertainers from Lon don sjhould meet with ready re sponse. The niovi© “Making farm work easy by new devices” should bring every farmer to the large ceni'bnt church shed. “Animated Cartoon’'* should please the boys and girls. “The Prince in Canada,” adds is in store for all those her. Keep the date in began at 7 o’clock in tlie i Mr. Chas. Stephen is suffering from a severe attack of blood-poison in his arm. Mr. Geo. Merner had the misfor tune to fall from a cultivator injur ing his knee. Mr. and Mrs, Emmanuel Ehlers and family and Mr. Wilbur Ehlers, of Kansas, are visiting their mother who is in a very critical condition. Mr. and Mrs. R. Watt, of Strat ford, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. Bender last week. Mrs. Pope of Hensall, is visiting her sister, Miss Graybiel. Mr. and Mrs. C. Stade and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade spent the week end with friends in New Hamburg. Mr. Milton Goetz, of Chicago, is visiting with his mother this week. Dashwood Band is furnishing the music at Thedford and Ilderton fairs this week. ELIMVILLE Miss Gladys Weber of near Dash wood visited at) Mr. Rich Johns dur ing the week. Miss May Jones of New York and her parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones, of London, visited at Mr. Hy. Johns, and Mr. Nelson Coultis re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Will Johns and four children visited in Sarnia Saturday and Sunday. . Mr. Silas Johns spent a few days with, his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Pybus at Chiselhurst last week. Mr. Waiter Johns has returned to London to resume his studies at the Western Unviersity. Last Sunday afternoon the Rally service’ was followed in the S. S. here. Next Sunday morning service will be withdrawn in favor of Zion ap pointment anniversary services. Sun day school will be held as usual in the afternoon. The many friends of Mrs. Richard Johns are pleased to see her able to attend public gatherings again after being in poor health for a consid erable time. Mr. Nelson''Coultis has torn down the old kitcheij of his house and is preparing to /effect a new one. Congratulations ' are due Miss Lilia Heywood on winning the silver cup do.nated by the T. Eaton Co. for the exhibitor . winning the highest number of points at the school fair. Mrs, Wilcox has returned home after visiting for a few weeks with relatives in Chicago. - THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mr's. Pollen were visitors in Seaforth Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire are the proud possessors of a wee daugh ter. MT. Fred Dawson had a successful barn raising the past week. We are sorry Mr. Dawson is not regaining the use of his' arm very quickly. Mi< J. W. Stewart has a Fordson tractor. Mr." and Mrs, Bert Venner and Mr. and Mrs. A. Hodgert, of Chiselhurst were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken. McNicol. Miss Chidley, of Stratford, is very ill at “the Manse.” A nurse is in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gardiner spent Sunday with friends in Exeter. MT. Wm. Moody spent Sunday with friends in Nissouri. SINCLAIR—G OLLI NG S Attractively decorated with asters and gladiolis and * other autumn flowers was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gollings, Thames Road, when their eldest daughter Beatrice Maud was-> United- in, marriage to Gordon C. Sinclair, youngest son of Ml*, and Mrs. Wm. Sinclair,, of Wood ham. The ceremong- was performed by the Rev, G. M. Chidley, of Thames Road church at 3.30 o’clock to the strains of' Lohengrin's wedding march. The bride entered the room on the arm of her father. She was prettily attired in poudre blue crepe de chene trimmed with rhinestones and carried a bouquet of snow white asters and ferns and was attended by her sister Marjorie, wearing peach georgette trimmed with cut velvet. Her flowers were colored gladioli. Mr. Edgar Kennedy, of London, was best man. After the ceremony about 20 guests sat down to a dainty supper, aftei* which the happy couple left for points unknown, but going south. ZION Mr. Epli. Hern is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Culbert, of Clande- boye, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor. The young people are having a weinet roast oh the school grounds. Zion anniversary will bo held next Sunday, October 2nd. The Confederation Diamond Jub ilee Edition of “The Canadian Mother’s Book” is now being distrib uted from the Department of Health Ottawa, It Is by Helen MacMurcliy M.D., chief of the Divisian of Child Welfare, and. contains much valuable Information for mothers on the rear ing and care of infants. The book is sent free on 1‘etj.uest. 7 CENTRALIA Mrs. W. R. Elliott, wlio, has been in New York for the past few months for medical treatment has returned home much improved in health, Mr. Cecjl Hodgson returned last Monday to Toronto, where he will resume his studies at the university. Rev. Mr. Menzie of Fullarton, Will take charge of the morning service in the church here next Sunday, while the evening service will be in charge of Rev. Dr. McKinnon, of Cariboo, while Rev, F. R, Irwin will preach anniversary services at Ful larton, Mrs. Charters, of Ft. Worth, Texas is a visitor with Mrs. E. Anderson. Miss Vera Hicks met with a seri ous accident last Friday when she was knocked down by a run-away team, crushing her foot severely and receiving other minor injuries as well. Mr. and Mrs. D.'C, McVicar and Mr. and Mrs. Carrol, of Harrietsville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Downey, of Lucan, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Abbott. Mr. F. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. O. Anderson and family, of Belgrave spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooks. Kirkton Miss Gladys Skier is visiting friends in St, Catherines. Dr. J, Roger of Worthington, Ont. spent a few days with Mrs. J« Ur quhart Mr. Ira shier, of Newbury, is spending a couple of weeks holidays with his parents. i Mr. Randall, of cnesiey, emwfl Oft friends here over the week-end. Service is withdrawn in the Unit- ed church next Sunday owing to the* Harvest Home sevice in St. Raul’s church. Mrs. Dave. Gonlding purchased the house and jot of Mrs, /Miller a£ the auction sale on Saturday, the price paid was $300. ’ Greenway Keep in mind the anniversary ser vices in the United church on Octob er 9 th. when Rev. A. H. Foster, of Parkhill, will preach- and the fowl supper on Friday, October 14th in the new shed. Ample accomodation this year and a splendid program by the Kenney Concert Co., of London, This will be the event of tlie season, so doh’t miss it. Miss Pearl Brophey had an opera tion for appendicitis last week and is progressing favorably. Mrs. Connor and Mrs. Lewis, of Centralia, were visitors with relativ es here on Sunday. A large number from here attend ed the fowl supper at Grand Bend on Tuesday night. Next Sunday afternoon at 2.45 in the United church Miss Mitchell, a returned missionary will, , give an address in the interests of the W,M. S. The ladies of the Grand Bend church have been invited to worship with the local auxiliary. Every mem ber of tlie congregation is urged to be present as Miss Mitchell comes very highly recommended. Willis Hayter was operated on in London on Friday for appendicitis and is doing as Well as can be ex pected. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Pollock and Edison were Kerrwood visitors on Sunday. Mrs. Sherritt visited in Stanley over the week-end. (Intended for last week Mrs. Arnold Rock has returned from a visit with friends in Detroit. M’iss Mabel Purdy, of Hensall, is visiting her aunts, Mrs. G. Luther and Mrs. Rickhorn. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McIntosh, of Port Huron, are spending their vaca tion with relatives here. Mrs. J. SHerritt, of Granton, Miss Lydia Sherritt, of Mt. Pleasant, Mich., Mrs. Champagne, of Battle ford and Mrs. W. Patterson, of Grand Bend, visited at A. M. Wil son’s last Wednesday. Mrs. J. Hotson and babe visited in London for a few days. Miss Viola Curts has gone to Lon don to attend Normal school. Mr. Dawson Woodburn has gone to Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Mollard, of Duluth and Miss Emma Mollard, of Grand Bend were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. McPherson. Mount Carmel Mr. and Mrs. Pearson, of London, is spending a few days with friends here. Miss Susie 'Keogh returned home last week after spending several months visiting friends at Wetaski- win, Alta. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hall, of De troit, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hall. Mrs. P. Sullivan returned home on Sunday after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Kearns, of West Lome who is seriously ill. Mrs. L. J. Hall called on friends in London last week. Miss K. Carey spent a few days at London last week.-*. Mr. Fred. Krauskupe, of Cali fornia is visiting his sister, Mrs. L Ragier. Miss K. Madden accompanied by Mrs. Madden and Bernadine called on friends at London' last week. Mr. and Mrs. Etue and babe, of Detroit, are visiting Mrs. Etue’s par ents, Mr. 'and Mrs. James Carey:- Mr. Harry Clarg has rented Mr. Daniel Barry’s farm. Miss Eileen O’Rourke, of Detroit, is spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. O’Rourke, near Khiva. CHISELHURST (Intended for last week) Anniversary services on Sunday were conducted by Rev. Mr. Ander son, of Monkton, who preached two inspiring sermons. The church was filled for both occasions. The Hen sall choir under tlie leadership of Mr. W. O. Goodwin, furnished some splendid music for the evening ser vice. The offering for the day amounted to $190. Mr. J'ohn Varley had the misfor tune recently to be kicked by a horse in the face. His face was cut and he had four teeth knocked out. He raised a hand which was also struck and cut. Visitors at the home of Mr. T. Harris for anniversary Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire and family of Woodham; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann and son, of the Thames Road; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dayman and family, of Kippen. Mr. Ira Chambers has purchased a new Chevrolet truck. PLUSH UPHOLSTERY and > RICH INTERIOR APPOINTMENTS 1 NEW elements of luxury are now incorpor ated in the handsome Fisher-built bodies of Pontiac Six! Rich plush upholstery and trim create an atmos phere of drawing-room refinement which is accen tuated by fine details of interior appointment—— custom-quality hardware—new, beautiful window; garnish strips—and many other features whichi pronounce the very last word in motor-car design and finish. Amazed as you will be to find such beauty and luxury in a low-priced six—your astonishment will be intensified by the fact that these new quality features, reliability ana spariding performance, are available, in the New and Finer Pontiac Six, at New and Lower Prices. r-»a«a ULRIC SNELL Exeter, Ont Dealer in Pontiac and McLanghlin-Buick Cars PONTjAC SIX PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, UKCT&Qi [Till The New Symphony Console —a revelation in tone-quality, power, volume, range and beauty AFTER three years of research and development the .Rogers laboratory presents this new Symphony Console as tlie ideal radio for the better-class home. The powerful single dial receiver is equipped with the famous Rogers A/C tubes, including the Rogers power tube affording excep tional range and volume; a completely shielded audio amplification unit, and illuminated dial showing wave lengths. The receiver itself is encased in a beautiful genuine Walnut cabinet with built-in Rogers Symphony Speaker and filter system. Price, complete, ready to ^plug in—then tune in”-—$395.00. Terms arranged, if desired^ We invite you to call and inspect this new de luxe Rogers Radios Ots ii you would prefer to See and test it at home, W will gladly arrange such a test without charge or obligation* W. J. BEER, Exeter, Ont.