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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-09-29, Page 4
TltCRSDAY, SE?TEBB so, IW r~ -4 *m THE EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE ■gyrr?--^“ !725J f I 3 i J #1 FREE TRIP to the I Winter Fair TORONTO, NOVEMBER 15th to 19th (inclusive) Exceptional Opportunity offered by the Ontario Department of Agriculture to the Young Farmers of Ontario THE Ontario Department of Agriculture wishes to entertain about 500 representative young Ontario Fanners at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, November 15th to (inclusive), 1927. The object is to enable them to see the Royal Winter Fair and the other places of interest in the belief that this educational experience will benefit both them and. their coimnumties by the information and enthusiasm they will gather. All expenses for travelling, lodging and transportation will be paid by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, with whom a number of Commercial Organizations will co-operate. Contestants shall judge five rings of live stock and five classes of crop products, such as grain, small seeds, potatoes, roots, fruit and vegetables. Special crops may be included where production is general over the county. The competition shall be open to all farmers and farmers’ sons, living on the farm, between the ages of 16 and 23 on October 1, 1927 (must not have reached 23rd birthday) and who have not previously represented the county as a member of a Stock Judging Team at the Royal Winter Fair or are not graduates of an Agricultural College or Agricultural School. Prizes shall be awarded on aggregate scores only, 50% will be allowed for placing and 50% for oral reasons on each class. When computing aggregate,scores Live Stock and Crop products shall have a ratio of 2 to 1. The possible score, therefore, will be: Live Stock, 500; Grop Products, 250. For Further Information, Representative. J ‘ ROYAL JUNIOR FARMER JUDGING COMPETITION This free trip will be available to ten winning bqys in a special “Royal” Junior Fanner Judging Competition to be held in each county of Old Ontario and to the five winning in a similar competition in each New Ontario District where an Agricultural Representative is located. Make this yewr, fopportunity to take a holiday, visiting the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. It will not cost you a cent for living and travelling expenses and will prove an interesting experience of inestimable value to. you in your future . profession. • * Read the conditions, then ask the local Agricultural /Representative in your district concerning date and place of’ competition, etc. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF., AGRICULTURE HON. JOHN S. MARTIN, Minister .-of, Agriculture. R.-S. DUNCAN, Director, Agricultural Representatives. apply to loCaT Agricultural is M. Ingram, of De- with Mr. and S. Hardy has health and is Local News Mrs Atmore, pf Owen Sound, visiting at the home of Mrs. Sheere. Mr, and Mrs. Qeo. JaquQs and Mr. P. Hern visited at the home of the latter’s daughter, Mrs.-Stevenson, at Divies. Br. R. B. J, and Mrs. Stanbury, of Toronto, motored up and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J, Q. Stanbury, Dr. Harry Browning is around again after being laid up flor a few days with soiue broken ribs the re sult of a fall. Mr, and Mrs. A. A. troit, spent Sunday Mrs. S. Hardy. Mr. greatly improved in able to take short walks. The Young Peoples’ League of the James St, Uxiited church opened their fall rally with a weiner roast on th® banks of the river Tuesday evening. About forty were present and a very jolly time was spent. Mr. Robert Gambrill has accepted a position as organist and choir master of the United church at Elora and leaves this week to take up his new duties. Mr. Laverne Morley, of Whalen, is taking over Mr. Gam brill’s pupils in this district. The Huron Athletic Association meet -is being held at Seaforth on Friday, Octobei’ 7th. A full pro gram of track and fiefd events and games will begin at one o’clock sharp. Students from Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth, Mitchell and Ex eter High Schools are competing. Exeter won two championships last year. Come and cheer to a second victory, In the report of the last week the name of should have appeared as prize win ner in the Holstein cattle class and for agricultural mare and cplt in stead of A. J. Ford. Mrs. McPher son secured first • for collection of stamps instead of Wm. Burke as re ported. An item that was overlook ed was a splendid drill put on by the pupils of Sharon school, in charge of Miss Smith. The monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held on September 26th at the home of Mrs. Wm. Walker-, Exeter North. The Devotional Ex ercises were conducted by Mrs. Amy. During the program Mrs, Sam. Skin- nor and Mrs. Vale gave two very interesting readings. There was a good attendance. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by Mrs. Walker while Mrs. Miners pour ed tea. The next meeting is to be held in James St. church. Caven Sunday School celebrated their golden jubilee anniversary on Sunday and splendid services were held both morning and evening. Rev. N. B. Davidson, M.A., of Galt, was the special preacher for the day, Mr, Davidson is an outstanding preacher and he delivered two very fine inspirational sermons. Special music was provided by the choir and they were assisted by the Sunday School orchestra which rendered some very fine music. Miss Lena Coates, organist of the church, ac companied on the organ and Miss Margaret Gladman, of London, a former member of the Sunday school accompanied on the piano. Mr. K. Stanbury delighted the congrega tions with his violin selections. A bank of beautiful fowers adorned the pulpit, Have you ^joined the $30Cj g §One in a Thousand -I our athletes Exeter fair A. J. Tod'd ZURICH FAIR WAS BIG SUCCESS Zurich Fair on Tuesday was a de cided success. The weather was fine although a slight shower about five o’clock soon cleared the grounds. The indoor exhibits were excellent although fruits and vegetables were not up to the usual showing. There was a fine showing of horses some of the classes being particularly well filled with excellent animals. The horse races were keenly contested and of much interest. The gate re ceipts amounted to about $350.00. The Zurich band and the Kiltie band from London provided entertainment and the concert in the evening drew a large house. Following were the winners for the outdoor exhibits: Free-For-All Silent Gratton, G. Litt, M'itchell 111 Hal Medium, McManus,Goderich,222 ------ _ . - 3 - 4 Jack Patchen, Hedden, Exeter Pearl Peters, Yearley, Crediton Green Race Ray Peters, J. Decker, Zurich Alva Gratton, Yearley,Crediton 3 4 1 2 1 2 AUCTION SALE ! Contest yet? NYM CREOPHOS may reach his objective in the business world, but he is the one who has taken advantage of every oppor tunity to improve himself. Be on the safe side I Join now! Everyone needs a tonic to be ready for winter. Nyal Creo* phos will not only build up yourstaminaandgiveyou new vim, vigor and resistance, it may win$100 cashforyou! Ask for free contest sheets ex plaining the cash prizes for best slogans, rhymes or jingles about Nyal Creophos. Keep this good old. favorite remedy always ready for in stant use in warding off and conquering coughs, colds and bronchitis. Wondrously effective in persistent bron chial ailments.- Get Nyal Creophos and con testsheets today from the bDRUG STORER k “Once a trial— always Nyal” 17 “Once a trial— always Nyal” 17 Sfi % I 3 4 Our Training-- will make it possible for you to secure a very much better position at the start and will open for you many opportunities ment. Enroll Now- New classes formed every your decision for advance- are being week. Make „ _ _______ now to start with the next class and your future will be assur ed. Central Business College Stratford - Ontario fs "P| *2 • AUCTION SALE •I —70 Head of Cattie The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auctioa, at GEO. R. PATTERSON CLINTON, ONT. I buu it J smooth running and for keeping a car in 37“Let me serve you too.” 'Let me tell you about N the gasolene and oil business you have to know what’s what, just like in your own .buslri&s. My success depends on “repeat” customers —the Qn^s; who come baclc. I’ve seen-(Ke insides of enough automobiles to know' nbw important .lubrication and the right file! is to a car. That’s why out of all the propositions offered me I chose to handle British American Oil Company’s Safety Motor Oils and Gasolenes. 'When it* comes to lubrication, experience’■ have taught me that for safe first-class condition you can’t beat this British American Autolene Oil. I’ve used it myself and I’ve sold it to thousands. Autolene is making more steady customers for me every day. BRITISH AMERICAN OIL CO. LIMITED ^se ex’cAfot&iene depending Upon the make of your engine 1 2 Jack McKinney, Atm or e,Parkhill .333 HORSES General Purpose — Brood mare with foal, W, Thiel,' J. A. Manson & Son; T. M, Snowden; foal, Manson & Son, E. Schwalm; 1 year-.old, P, Neuschwan ger, W. Decker; 2-year-old, J. A. Manson & Son, A. Becker; '3-year-old J. A. "Manson & Decker & 2nd. Agricultural— foal, B.'Edwards; foal, B. Edwards; 1-year-old, Ji McBride; 2-year-old J. McBride, P? Neuschwanger, E. J. Walper; 3-ye'ar-old, A. Becker; span E. Willert, P. Neuschwanger, Geo. Becker; Eaton’s special for best ag ricultural team, E. Willert. There were, no entries in. the hea vy draught ; class. Roadsters—Brood mare with foal S. Hey,. J. Decker Jr., R. McLinchey foal, j. Decker Ir., S Hey, J. Decker Jr.; 1-year-old, J. Gardiner, R. Mc Bride; 2-yea'F-old, J. Gardiner, W. Decker.? 3-year-old, J. Gardiner, R, McLinchey, J. Decker Sr.; single roadster in harness R. McLaren, W. Hyde, W. Davidson; lady driver, R. McLaren, W -Hyde, R 'McLinchey. Carriage—Brood mare with .foal, E. J. Walper, J. Decker Jr., R. Mc Bride; foal, J. Decker Jr., E. J. Wal per, W. Thiel; 1-year-old, J. iManson & Son and 2nd;. 2-year-old/ E. J. Warper; 3-ye£r-old, P. Neuschwan ger; single horse in harness, Wm. Thiel, Wm. Hyde. Wesley Meaner special for best gentleman’s outfit, R. McLaren. L. W. Hoffman special for . best halter-broke spring colt shown by boy 15 years, T. McAdams. Judge—L. L. Cooke, Kitchener. tCATTLE Registered Durham—Milch cow, R. N. Peck arid 2nd; yearling R. N. Peck and 2nd; 2-year-old, R. N. Peck and 2nd; bull calf, E. J. Pym, R. N. Peck and 3rd; heifer calf, W. Oestreicher, E. J. Pym, R. N. Peck; 1-year-old bull calf, W. Oestreicher. Other than pure Dubham—Cow in milk, H. Youngblut, J. Pfaff and 3rd heifer calf, J. Pfaff and 2nd, F. Ha berer; 2-yr.-old heifer, J. Pfaff and 2nd, F. Haberer; fat cow or heifer, O. Surerus; yearling steer, J. Pfaff, F. Haberer; steer calf, F. Haberer and 2nd; Holstein cow in milk, J. K. Farwell, W. Battler & Son; Holstein bull calf, W. Battler & Son. Herd of Grade cattle, F. Haberer. Herd of Durham cattle, R. N. Peck and 2nd.Bank o.f Montreal special !foi‘ best finished cattle beast; ; open . to /far mers-in Hay Tp„, F, Haberer. ■ : T. L. Wurm special .for. best " calf under one year, any breed, E. . J. Pym. .. ; Jenkins .special- for-.,b.en.t .calf rai's- ‘ed on their calf 'meal, E. J. Pym, SHEEP Leicester and Lincoln — T. Snowden swept the list. Oxford Downs—Shearling ram. sail, have moved into Mr. Wildfond’s house for the winter. The Young People’s Rally for Grand Bend and Greenway will be held in Greenway church Monday, Oct. 3rd. Rev. J. M. Colling will preach at the morning service next Sunday on “Setting the Pace” and in the even ing on “Covering the Naked Things” None should miss hearing these dis courses. PARKHILL — on — SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1927 at one ©’clock the following Heifers and steers, yearlings and- 2-year-olds, 5 cows..................., This is a choice lot of cattle. TERMS—6 months’ credit on furnishing approved joint notes, with a discount of 5 per cent, off cash, ■ DOLF. FALLIN, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneex; for MORTGAGE SALE J. A. Haberer, . T. Son; span; Win. Brood mare with M. Oxford Downs—Shearling ram, T. McAdams; aged ram T. M. Snowden*; shearling ewe, T. McAdams and 2nd rain lamb, ewe lamb and ewe, T. M. Snowden and T. McAdams. Shropshire Downs—C. Parke, J. A. Manson & Son; aged ram, shear ling ewe, ram lamb, ewe lamb and ewe, J. A. Manson & Son and 2nd. Dorset Horned—Shearling ram J. A. Manson & Son. HOGS Tamworth—Aged sow, J. A. Man- son & Son, W. Battier & Son; spring boar, W. Battler & Son, T. M. Snow den; spring sow, W. Battler & Son. Johnston & Kalbfleisch for pair bacon hogs, E. & R. Snowden. Grand Bend Of Lo-Mius Cora Oliver, Miss Gertie .__ vie and Mr. and Mrs. W. Holt visited in St. Marys on Sunday. At a congregational meeting of the United church November Cth was set for the opening of the new church. Mr. Win, Jennison has bought the house of Mr. N. Stebbins and expects to move in this fall. Mr Maurice Brenner1 lias purchas ed the property of Mr. Wm “ed the Jr. Mr. Jeiinison Mouseau and family, of Hen- STEPHEN COUNCIL A special meeting of the council of the Township of Stephen was held in the Town Hall, Crediton ’ on Sat urday, the 17th of September, 1J9.27. at. 7.30 p.m. Pursuant to the-call of the Reeve.' AH present with the ex ception of Councillor Mawhinney. Tenders were opened foi* the con struction of the Neil-Nevin or Cen tralia Drain as follows: Elmer Lawson $1,855 ; George Eit her $1,100. Goetz-Tetreau: That the tender of George Either for the construction of the Neil-Nevin or Centralia Drain be accepted on condition that the contract be not signed until such date - set for appealing against the by-law has expired. Carried. ; . Tenders were also opened for the' construction of a Community Hall to the rear' of' the Town Hall. The matter was laid over' until the next regular meeting to be held on the 3rd of October for further considera tion and until definite assurance has been received from the Government that they would give a grant towards the expense tq be incurred. Tetreau-Dearing: That by-^aw No. 357 being a by-law .to acquire and expropriate certain lands for the purpose of erecting a community hall or addition to the Town , Hall, having been read three times, be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the corpora tion attached thereto. Carried. The council adjourned to meet .again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on *the next regular meeting on Monday October 3rd, 1927, at 1 p.m. HENRY EILBER, Clerk NEDIGER—VANHORNE A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Van- Horne, Victoria Street, at high noon Wednesday, September 21st, when their eldest daughter, Greta Alice, became the bride of Mr. John W. Nediger, Mrs, W. the Rev. wedding Madeline Van Horne, sister of the bride’. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked lovely in a gown-of'White'georgette with,silver trimmings-' and veil; of fifie net fal ling* from a!' 'coronet of orange blos soms., She carried a shower bouquet of Premier and Sweetheart roses. The bride aiid 'groom were attended b^’Miss Jiqleii Nfidigerj- sister of the gfridm',‘‘antPMiv Garnet1 Van Horne, brother of the bride. The brides maid was dressed in pale green geor gette over pink and carried a bou quet of Sliasti daisies, pink snap dragons and baby’s breath. During tlie.-signing of the register Mrs. Merritt Nediger sang sweetly, “Always.” Following the ceremony the bride and groom led the way to the prettily decorated dining room, White and maize being the color scheme. About thirty guests were present. The groom’s gift to the bride was a mink chocker', to the bridesmaid and pianist gold bar pins to the groomsman gold cuff links and to the soloist a pair of silver candle sticks. Mr, and Mrs. Nedi ger left on a motor trip to Owen Sound, Niagara, Hamilton and Lon don, the bride travelling in a dress of rose satin with black velvet trim-) mings, a rosewood suedine coat with fur collar nnd cuffs and hat, hose ahd turn youngest son of Mr. and J. Nediger,- all of Clinton, J. E. Hogg officiating. The music was played by Miss shoes to matOli, On their re- they will preside in Clinton. a inan gives much sympathy itit is because in hfs time he has need-, ed much. ■* * . You can tell a self-made mail- He foregets sometimes and strikes a match 'The a year settled on his flannel trousers. ’ # sfc $ He He He $ .time to get married is about befofro selfishness becomes a habit. — of --- __ STORE PROPERTY The undersigned has been-instruc ted to. sell by public auction under and by virtu© of a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the sale, at KIRKTON, ONTARIO ' ' — on — ■' SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1927 at 11.00 o’clock a.ni. The store property known and des cribed as baing in the -Village of Kirkton, in the County of Perth and Province of Ontario and being com posed of Kirkton Hotel, property in the said Village of Kirkton and be ing the South West corner of Lot number eight in the West Boundary Concession in the Township of Blan- shard- in the County of Perth afore said and more particularly described in instrument-registered as No. 7066 of the said Township of Blanshard. This is a desirable corner and is in the centre of 'a prosperous farming community and has been occupied in part as a harness shop. Terms and conditions of‘sale will be made knriwn on the day of the sale but may be had meantime upon application to FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer ■ Exeter, Ont. GLADMAN & STANBURY Hensail and.' Exeter Solicitors for Mortgagee AUCTION SALE --- of -7— . , REAL ESTATE AND CHATTELS The Administrator of 'the, Estate of the late JOHN LYNCH-has in structed Mr. Arthur Weber to sell by public auction on the West half of Lot 24 N. B. Concession,: McGil livray SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1st, , 1927 at 1.30 p.m. on the premises the fol lowing real estate and chattels: REAL ESTATE—Parcel No. 1: West half Lot 24 N. B. Concession, Township of McGillivray, containing 50 acres more or less. The property is convenient to church and school. PARCEL NO. 2! Nohth Half Lot No. 3, Concession 1’5; Township of Stephen, containing 50 acres more or less. There is' a good bush on this farm. ‘ r . CHATTELS—1 horse. 2' Mowers, walking' plbw, ' gang ■ plow, riding plow1, 2 discs', wagon, hay rack, Mc Cormick mower;'Deering rake, bind er-, set of diamond harrows and, a number of household articles too numerous to mention. ■ - ..' 'TERMS O ".. ; . Chattels, '' caSli.^ *10' per cent, on day of sale, balance in 30 days thereafter. Real estate will be put up subject to a reserve bid fixed by the Official Guardian of in fants, known For F. W. and other conditions made on day of sale. further particulars apply to HARCOURT, K.C., Official Guardian, Toronto 2 HERBERT K. EILBER, Adminis trator, Crediton ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer, Dashwood ‘ CARLING & MORLEY Solicitors for Administrator, Exeter B. C. SHINGLES Edge Grain xxxxx BEST MADE <...$8,60 per Spool wire Frost Fence ...... 45c. per rd wire Frost Fence Close Stay 53c. ” Wire Ring Lock ...........45C. ” wire Rink Lock ...................40c. wire Hog Fence ........... 45b. * Steel Post ......45c. each CLAT WORTHY Phone 12 GBANTON Barb Wire ’7 8 8 7 9 U Bar 4.J. '—- of ■— • FARM STOCK AND LMPLEMET^ * The undersigned has received structions. to sell by public. ,g.uetio*j on LOT 13, CONCESSION 2., USBORN^- — on — , THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6tli, 1927; at 1 o’clock sharp tlje following: HORSES—-Heavy mure in foal t«!> Requisitor; heavy mare in foal t# Jefro; carriage maro (n foal to Jefyoi. yearling colt, sucking colt. CATTLE—Cow due Feb. 16; eovjJ due April 17, cow due May 26, freslj. cow, cow due May 5, 3 two-year-old. heifers in calf, 3 two-year-old heif ers, 3 two-year-old steers, 7- one* year-old steers and heifers, fall calf,; 4 spring calves. PIGS—Sow with 11 pigs fit wearj at time of sale; sow and 9 pigs just weaned, sow with 6 pig»- just weaned; 6 pigs weighing 150/ pounds. 35 ducks, 75 hens, 25 pullets. IMPLEMENTS—M.-H. binder, ft.; McC. mower, hay rake, hay loadj*. er, Deering; M.-H. seed drill, diw harrow, Perrin’s riding plow, 2 walk-t ing plows, cultivator, 2-furow Kan garoo plow, set 4-section diamond, harrows, corn scuffler with bean!, puller, root pulper, scuffler, grind stone, wagon, hay, rack, pig ruck,? McCormick corn binder, nearly new-;!, set of sleighs, eutter, 2 buggies, X sets double marness, 2 sets singly.- harness, 20 ft. ladder, 16 ft. ladde'r^ 12 ft. ladder, set 2000 lbs, scales^ fanning mill, b.ag truck, set sling, ropes, wheelbarrow, 2 h.p. Interna tional gas. engine; DeLaval cream!, separator; some lumber, roller rac^ 12 tons mixed hay, whiffeltrees^ neck yokes, chains, forks,-hoes and- other articles too' numerous to men*- tion. “ HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Codlt stove, 2 lounges, Quebec heater, 12C» egg incubator, churn, 6 dining-room^ uchairs, rug. TERMS OF SALE Stocker pigs and ducks, cash. $10 and under, cash; over amount 12 months’ credit on nishing approved joint notes or it discount of five per cent, off fog cash. > ED. KESTLE, Proprietor ; FRANK- TAYLOR, Auctioneer that fur- COURT OF REVISION | VILLAGE OF EXETER I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha£ Court will be held, pursuant to thgsa Ontario Voters’ Lists Act by His- Honor the Judge of the County Court 'of the County of Huron at the Towrir Hall, Exeter, on Wednesday, the 5tM day of October, 1927, at two o’clock in the afternoon to hear and deter mine complaints of errors and ornis* sions in the Voters’ List of the Muni* cipality of the Village of Exeter for- 1927. Dated the of 22-9-2tc 20 th day of September, ’2’g' JOS. SENIOR, Clerk the Municipality of the Village of Exete^’ . k IT! USE IT! Sore Throats, Bronchial As«- Quinsy, Bronchitis, Coughs Colds and Tonsil Diseases^ results or money back. It’$- Solft GET For th ma, Head Good Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs Tonsilitis. S by Howey’s Drug Store, Exeter. CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC&- LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN- \ SURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main Streep EXETER, ONT. GLADMAN & STANBU4RY j BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ac. Money to- Loan, Investments Madek Insurance Safe-deposit Vault for use of outf Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HENSALD DR. HARRY J. BROWNING. M.D.C.M., Toronto; L.R.C.P. & S.«. Edinburgh; L.F.P. & S. Glasgow Office over Browning’s Drug Stores Phones Office 26W Residence 26S EXETER, ONT. '....... DR. W. E. WEEKES PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Late Chief Interne Vancouver General Hospital CORONER FOR HURON COUNTS Office removed to the former Foyd ; .Garage Building, corner of Main and Ann Sts.Office hours 2 to 9 and 7 to 8 p.m - , Phone: Office 67W, Residence 67J EXETER, ONT. I .■■I. .............................................. DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Faculty of Medicine^ University of Western Ontario, Mem-* ber of the College of Physicians andit Surgeons of Ontario; Member of tha British Medical Council. Phone 6—(The office of the late- Dr. H. K. Hyndman) Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S<> DENTAL SURGEON ' Late District Dental Officer of Military* District Number One, London, Ont. Telephones Office 3-HV Residence 34JT Office dosed every Wednesday .until' December, 19&7 Main st., Exeter, ont. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.a, DENTIST - /T Office over Carling & Morley ; Law Office Extractions Under Oxygen f EXETER, ONT. . 1