HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-09-22, Page 8TT
Big Furniture Sale
Still on
We will continue to sell our Big Stock of
Furniture at prices that cannot be beaten, no
matter where you go. We also have a large stock
of Window Blinds and Window Rods at reduced
prices. Everything in our big store goes at this
continued sale.
Exeter Markets
Wheat $1.25.
Oats 45 c.
Barley 75c.
Manitoba flour $4.75,
Blended flour $4.25.
Pastry flour $3.75,
Feed flour $2.25
Bran $1.70
Shorts $1,85
Creamery Butter 44c.
Dairy butter 35 38e.
Eggs, extras 43c.
Eggs seconds 34c.
Hogs, $10.50.
Rev, James Foote, B.A., illniiter
Sunday, September 25th
Services at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m.
Rev. M. B. Davidson, M. A., of
Galt will preach at both services.
Mr. Davidson is spoken of as ope
of the best preachers in Western
Ontario and it will be a treat to hear
Special music by the chpir assisted
by the S. S. Orchestra with organ
accompaniment by Miss Lena Coates
and piano by Miss Margaret Gladman
of London.
Everybody Welcome.
Call and see us, and be convinced that what we say is true Cr
R. N. Rowe & Thos. Dinney
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
All the latest styles in
Come in and let us show you
r ■> < •
Merchant Tailor and Gents? Outfitter
For Interior Construction =7
A/TAKE your rooms fire-resistant and free from T'
drafts and cold by erecting Gyproc ceilings .ft
and partitions in your home. Gyproc can be put L
up in half the time required for lath and plaster— J,.,
saving time and labor costs. Gyproc takes any i.v
decoration. Let us show you a full-sized Gyproc....
board ready to apply.
Write for free booklet—"My Home.” It will tell’you
how Gyproc, Roeboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and
Insulex will reduce your fuel bill from 20 to 40%.
^^^FireproQf Wallboard
For Sale By
• The Ross-Taylor Co.,*Ltd. - Exeterj* Ont.
W. E. Pfaff - - - - - - Hensall, Ont.
Have Your Eyes
Examined To-day
There is nothing to be gained by
delaying that eye examination.
There is much to be lost.
Each day that your eyes are under
a strain makes it more difficult for
your Optometrist to give you satis
factory glasses
You will be surprised at the thor
oughness of our methods—and will
be pleased with the glasses.
Call today and learn the truth
about your eyes.
John Ward
SHARPENED (any make)
SINGLE EDGE ........."................
DOUBLE EDGE .............
Perfect Edge Guaranteed
A. T. C. M.
Organist and Choirmaster
James St. United Church
Instruction in
Piano Vocal Organ Theory
Supervisor of Music in Schools
Concert Engagements Accepted
Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 192
Organist St. James, Church, London
Teacher of :Pianp,e; Staging, Organ,
• -Theory
Results of Pupils ter Toronto Con
servatory Examinations, Mid
summer, 1927
Studios at '^Centralia—Mrs. Brooks
Hensail—Mrs- W. Goodwin
PIANO—A.T.C.M., Miss E. Nafel,
honors. Intermediate, Miss S. Cole,
Miss N. Beattie/Miss J. Ryan. Junior
Miss E. Holt. Primary, Miss E.
Becker. -
SINGING—Intermediate, Miss S.
McLean, honors#‘Miss E. Holt, hon
ors, Miss H. Bugler, Junior, Miss
G. MacDonald;'honors; Mr. B. Edgar
honors; Miss B. Thornton; Miss E.
Little, Mr. W. Simmonds-
THEORY*—Miss E. Naftel, 1st
class honors,; Miss S. Cole, honors;
Miss N. Beattie,, honors; Miss E.
All pupils entered successful
MEN! It will pay you to get our
prices on work boots before you buy.
Best quality. Lowest price. — A.
Harvest Thanksgiving Services at
Trivitt Memorial Churrh on Sunday,
September 25th, 1927, preacher, the
Rev. Major McGoun.
Mrs. Malcolm C. Fletcher will re
ceive for the first time since her
marriage, on Wednesday, September
2 Sth, from 3 to 6 p.m. at her home
on Victoria street.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor will
be “At Home” to their many friends
on Friday afternoon and evening
this week.
And return, daily, except Sunday,
iealling at Centralia, Mooresville,
Clandeboye and Lucan. Bus leaves
Exeter every Monday, at 7:80 a.m.
arriving tn London at 9 a.m. Leaves
all other days at
leave London at
Exeter at 6 p.m.*
ter 138,; Lucan,
Metcalf 409. J.
8 a.m. Returning
4:80 p.rn., due In
Phone calle, Exe*«
13 r 3; London,
Wiring and installing, guaranteed
workmanship, at reasonable cost
Repairing staves and meters a spe
cialty, Estimates gladly* furnished
free. Fhong 224.—Ern. Davis
Mr, and Mrs. .Peter Gardiner and
son, Cecil, Of Blyth, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Turnbull on Sunday
They recently returned from a motor
trip through, the West/ going as far
as British Columbia* Mr. Cecil Gar
diner leaveh to resume
his position on the staff of the
Princeton University,
Rally Day^services will be observ
ed in the various churches and Sun
day Schools next Sunday. The Main
St, United Sunday School and the
James st United Stfnday school
which during the summer have been
held In the morning will, beginning
with next Sunday, meet B the after
noon formerly, .The, attendance
during the subifher has * ' J *
ly1 weli,
kept up fair-
Miss Ida Gillespie, of Windsor,
visiting with friends in Exeter.
Miss Vera Moony left last week
attend Alma college, St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Flynn, of Lon
don, visited in town on Saturday.
Mr. S. A. Poplestone, of Blyth,
visited in Exeter on Thursday of
last week.
Miss E. M. Bowey visited with Mr.
and Mrs. K. Clarke, of Windsor over
the week-end.
Mrs. Mawhinney, of Toronto, has
been visiting for several weeks at
her home here.
Mr. Robt. Southcott and Mr. W. F.
Darch, of London, visited in town
on Fair day.
Miss Alice Kedwell of Petrolia, is
visiting with Miss M. Jones and
other friends in town.
Mr. Jos. Grant has returned home
after spending a couple of weeks
with friends in Buffalo
Dr. and Mrs. E. Bruce, of Kincar
dine, visited ovei* the week-end with
Dr. and Mrs. Roulston.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Heideman and
babe, of Toronto, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. E. Heideman.
Miss Jeanette Poplestone, of Blyth
has entered the Guelph General Hos
pital in training for a nurse.
Mr. and Mrs. A. McDonald, of
London, visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Lamport on Sun
Mr. Clarise Snell has rented the
residence of Mrs. Madge, on Andrew
St. recently vacated by Mr. A, Rum
ford. *
Mrs. A. Steel and Mr. and Mrs.
H. Steel, of London, visited their
grandmother, Mrs. Hodgson, on
The name of Miss Marjorie Hunt
er should be added to those who
passed in Middle School algebra last
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coates, of De
troit, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Coates and other relatives in
this community.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor and
little son, of California, are visiting
with the former’s parents, MV. and
Mrs. John W. Taylor.
Mrs. Samuel Sweet had the mis
fortune to fall down the cellar steps
Monday evening receiving some nasty
bruises on her face.
James St. United Church Young
People’s League are opening their
fall meetings by holding a Weiner
roast at Riverview Park next .Tues
day evening.
Mr. J. G. Stanbury was at Gode
rich on Friday engaged as Counsel
in a criminal case and on Wednes
day on a contestation in the Surro
gate Court.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skinner and
daughter, Jean, of Shallow Lake
also Mr. Wm. Skinner, of Lambeth,
were week-end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. R. Skinner.
Mrs. Mooney, who has been visit
ing with her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Flowers, of London, returned home
the forepart of the week. The lat
ter has not been well.
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. J. S. Grant were Mr. and Mrs. |
C. E. Davidson and sons Douglas and
Kenneth, of Glencoe and Mids Mary
Grant, R.N., and Mr. Orn B^ltz, of
Mr. Jos. BaWden, of Ridgetown,
was in town this week attending the
fair. Mr. Bawden has attended the
fair for the last sixty years. He re
newed the acquaintance of many of
his old friends on Wednesday.
MV. and Mrs. Wm. J. Ryckman
and Mrs. Moony and Miss Irene at
tended the Van Horne-Nediger
nuptials in Clinton on Wednesday at
high noon. The bride being a niece
of Mr. Ryckman and Mrs. Moony.
Mr. Jack Batson, accountant of the
Canadian Bank of Commerce, has
been transferred to the Bloor and
Yonge branch, Toronto. Mr. Batson
made many friends while in town
and their best wishes will
him, s
Eli Christie has . returned
after visiting for a few days
Thomas. Accompanied by his bro
ther Aylmer they motored to Chat
ham for the week-end to visit their
grandmother, Mrs. J* Ferguson*
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and
two children, James and Edna and
Miss Ila Westcott, of Winnipeg, are
Visiting with Mr, and Mrs. R. Coates,
They* have spent several days in To
ronto where they have secured a
hotise and will reside in future.
Mr. John Stanbury, of Palmerston
has this' week taken over the butch*
er business of Mr, Len, Haist. Mr,
Staftbtiry has installed a new re
frigerator and Is placing a large de*
Kvery auto on the road, Mr, Haist
left the forepart of the week for De* holt
in St.
Rev. D. McTavisli, Pastor
W. It. Gouldlng, A.T.C.M.
Organist and Choir-Leader
. a.m.—“God at the Fireside,” or
“Religion in the Home,” illustrat
ed by the Cotter’s Saturday Night.
Be sure and hear this message.
Baptismal Service.
p.m.—Rally Day in the Sunday
School. Open session. Goo'd
music. Address by Miss N. Medd
of Main St. church.
p.m. — Young People’ Rally.
Young people in charge. Address
by pastor, “Dispising Youth.” All
the young people of the congre
gation will take their places in a
body ip the centre of the congre
Note: Parents desiring to present
their children for baptism will please
notify the pastor by Saturday even
ing. Let everyone aim to inake this
Rally Day a real occasion of spirit
ual uplift.
Rev, 0. J. Moorhouse, Pastor
10 a.m.—Sunday School,
11 a.m.—“Heart Religion”
7 p.m.—“Seyen Wonders of Heaven”
Sunday will be .Rally Day.
Official Board meeting on Monday
Sept. 26, at 8 o’clock. The Pastor
would like members to reserve this
Prayer Meeting Thursday evening
at 8 p.m.
Mr. S. Baskerville, of London, vis
ited in town-Fair-’Day.
Mr. and Mrs, E.- Coultis returned
Thursday evening'of last week after
visiting for two weeks with relatives
in Toronto. While there they en
joyed several motor trips and visit
ed at Pickering, Whitby, Oshawa,
Cobouyg, Greenwood, Lindsay, Bal
sam Lake, Fenlox Falls, Coboconk,
Kawartha Lake, r Kirkfield Locks,
Woodville, Scugog Lake, Oakwood
and Cameron Lake,.
The weekly display of flowers in
the window of M£’rG. H. Hawkins
on Saturday-was not as large as on
former .occasions; although there
were some splendid specimens in the
varieties shown. Among the exhib
itors were G. S. Howard, D. Row-
cliffe, J. S. Harvey, Mrs. H. K.
Hyndman, Mrs. J. May, Bernice Del-
bridge, Mrs. Geo. Snell, Payne &
Davis, J. M. Southcdtt.
Reeve W. D. and- Mrs. Sanders re
turned Monday evening after an ex
tended. tour of Grea’t'Britain and the
continent. A reception- Was tender
ed them at the home of the reeve at
which a number Of relatives “were
present and a very sociable time was
enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders en
joyed a pleasant voyage both ways
across the Atlantic, the reeve being
a pretty fair' sailor. They had a
wonderful trip both -in the British
Isles and on the continent. "Four
days were spent at Paris and a visit
was made to the battlefields. An in
teresting time was also spent in old
Exeter and Devonshire where Mr.
Sanders forefathers came from. We
hope to present a more detailed ac
count o’f their trip to our readers
next week..
' • : ‘ : -■ • h
Southcott Bros. |. ■ ■ I
* sNew Fall Merchandise 1
in All Departments
Smart Coats for Misses & Women ■
You will like the many new styles we have 1
to offer in the newest fabrics. This season's I
| prices are very moderate. It will be a pleasure |
1 to show them. |
Beautiful New Dresses
We will have on display on Fair
Day a very fine range of chic new
dresses for Misses and Women.
Black Paillette Silk I
A beautiful silk, fine eveii weave |
and finish and a good wearing silk |
This is an extra good value at per |
yard.........................................$1.29 1
Boys’ & Men’s Overcoats |
It is a good time to select that new over- |
coat that you are in need of. We are offering |
exceptional values this season. We want you |
to see them. |
Pure Linen Towelling
500 yds. of pure Linen Towelling
I a real wearer and easily washed re-
| gular price 25c. a yard; Fair Day
1 special^™..................... 19c. ft yd.
50 pairs of Men’s Shoes i
50 pairs Men’s Heavy Urus Calf ■
Shoes. Made by one of the best B
makers. Regular value $4.00 pair B
special for Fair Day...............$3.48 B
25 only Ladies Cloth Coats
* These are old styles but the;cldth
is good and would make over for
1 Children’s coats. Get your choice 1 at ....1;.. .......,.T....$2.98
25 Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats |
Last season’s styles all good |
cloths with fur collars value to $30 |
You take your pick...............$9.95 1
100 pr. of Children's Shoes
| These are all high top in nearly
| all sizes. Values as high as $3.50
Clearing at per pr......................98c.
25 Boys’ Suits |
Just the thing for the boys for |
. school wear. This is a real bargain |
values to $9.00 clearing at..$4.98 |
You are invited to make this store your |
headquarters when shopping. |
Southcott Bros. I
Phone 16 ' Phone 16 ■= ts
, On Wednesday evening of last
Week, the Exeter, baseball team de
feated the Goderich team in the
final game of the season, thus win
ning the North Huron title. The
score was seven to two. The game,
although the final, did not produce
the best brand of ball and lacked
I the pep that is generally to be seen
in a final game. Exeter took the
lead in the opening inning and held
it .throughout. A fairly good
crowd gathered on the grounds to
see the first league game on the new
diamond. Exeter secured four runs
in the opening frame, due to two
doubles, a single and three errors
on the part of Goderich. After the
first inning Fritzly, the Goderich
pitcher settled down and Exeter
made only three runs during the re
maining eight innings. They added
one in the second, one in the fifth
and sixth. Goderich secured one
run in the fifth and sixth. In the
fifth inning Archer, the first Gode
rich man up caught one of Tieman’s
benders and sent it into the grass in
left field and before the ball was
found, Archer had circled the bases
for a home-run. The game Was
scheduled to start at 4 o’clock, but
owing, to car trouble some of the
Goderich players did not arrive as
soon as expected with the result that
the game did not get going till after
five. During the last two innings it
was rather hard to keep your eye
on the ball owing to the darkness
but the full nine innings were play
ed regardless of that. Fritzly.did
the pitching duties for the Goderich
team and went well after tiie first
inning, having struck ont six men
and walked one. L, Tieman Was in
the box for Exeter and never was in
trouble, having struck Out twelve
men and walked three, l*he line-,
bps-—Goderich, Nairn, Goldthrbpe;
McKay? Catrick, Sheardown, Archer
Mallough, Sanderson, Fritzly. Ex
eter, Beavers, Hind, Anderson, Mor
rison, Lawson, Tieman, Yule, Pollen
FOR SALE—Storey and half brick
house on Gidley Street with two lots,
hard and soft water, and Electric
Lights, also some fruit trees. Cen
tral location. Apply gladman &
STANBURY, Solicitors for Adminis
trator, Estate Caroline G. Ford.
FOR SALE—Storey and a half
frame house, newly shingled, new
front veranda, hard .wood floor in
living room and hall, hard and soft
water. Bargain for quick sale. Ap
ply to Mrs. M. E. Howard, Andrew
Street. 8-11-tf
FOR SALE—2 beds with springs;
1 oak rocker, 1 washing machine, 1
piece new linoleum 2x3 yds., 20 yds.
of 5 ft. chicken wire, a few dozen
quart and pint sealers; 1 kitchen
table, 1 commode, 1 Cleveland bicy
cle, drop frame, sport model. Apply
to Mrs. J. P. Fowler, corner of Wel
lington and Andrew Sts.
A very enjoyable time was spent
at the home of Mr.
on' Monday evening,
his friends gathered
hours with him and
with a set of ebony brushes,
and Mrs. Spencer, Walter and Mavis
intend leaving shortly to reside In
Walter Spencei'
A number of
to spend a few
to present him
Exeter flowers win at
Mr, Garnet Heywood on seven
entries won seven prizes tor flowers
shown at the London Fair last-week
in the professional class. The priz
es weird as follows: Single peunlas,
'first; double petunias, third; zin
nias, Second; dianthus, first; snap
dragon, second; asters, 12 varieties,
3 Of each, third; gladioli, 12 variet
ies 1 spike each, third in a class of
16 entries. . ..... _ Uu_.
The Cleaner and Presser has rent
ed the store two doors north of the
post office and is putting in a stock
cf men's furnishings and his motto
is going to be a small * prof it and a
quick turn over. Store will be open
every evening after Sept. 1st until
ten o’clock*
1874 1927,
The London Life
Insurance Co.
Exeter. Phone 13 OW.
Residence, Ann St. two blocks wei<
of Ford Garage
Clover Seed
We are continuing our seed busi
ness as in former, years. We would
appreciate an opportunity to bid on
your clover seeds. Our service and
cleaning will be of the usually high
standard we have tried at all times
to maintain.
FOR SALE — Second-hand part*
for Overland 4. Car is being wreck
ed. Apply W. J. Beqr or Times-Ad*
vocate. . <
FOR SALE—A number of good
heavy horses. Apply to Clyde Hey
wood. 6-30-tfc.
FOR SALE—House and two lots
in Exeter. Apply to M. D. Gorle,
213 Huron St., Toronto 5. 9-8-tfc
FOR SALE — Eight stoclcers,
weight about 75 lb., pure York. Ap
ply to H. M. Willert, R. R 1, Dash
wood, Phone 34rl3 9-15-2tp
District Agent Wanted
The Dominion Life Assurahoe Co.
has ah 6p<ening fur a district agent
for Exeter and Vicinity. This com
pany Is Weil*khowh, sells insurance'
to meet all demands, participating
and ndh*partieibating, .This is a
gdod opportunity ter the right man,
Apply 214 Deminloh Savings Bld.,
London, Ont
Life Insurance
Mutual Life of Canada
E. G. HARVEY, Agent
1847 1927,
The Oldest Assnrance Co. in Canadol
Phone 164, Exeter
Authorized by Government
as Trustee Investments
The interest is paid half yearly
upon $100,00 or mare for 1 to 5,
years. ’ (
.Applications for same are accept
ed at any time by
carling a Morley .■
Barglaterx 4^ Exeter, Ont. J