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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-09-22, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Principal HENSALL OFFERS THE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES Expert teachers, Two Standard makes of Typewriters, Practi cal Business Training, Gregg Shorthand, Secretarial Studies* Actual Office Practice and a record of successful Graduates, whose high Standard for good work, we expect you to reach or exceed. WHEN YOU THINK OF A COMMERCIAL COURSE, WRITE B, F. WARD, B.A., M.Accts. M- .’v X > ♦ ’ itf * TOBBSMK. sw’tbmbhb aa. wat, gidjAcn pf ©pmmerre OUN1OK, ONIABIO Fall Term Opens, Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1927 Phone 198 POULTRY WANTED We are in the market for all kinds <jf poultry, for which we will pay the highest cash prices. Our trucks will call at the farm for them. We have just completed a course in poultry culling which service will he free to our patrons. Write or phone us and our trucks will call the next day. ROBERT HIGGINS Miss Marks, of Brucefield, is visit ing friends in town. Mr. John Passmore has purchas ed a new Chrysler car. A number, from Hensall attended . Exeter Fair on. Wednesday. Mrs. John McKenzie is visiting Iier son William at Kippen, for a few weeks. Mr. Norman West is visiting ton Love. Miss Thelma been in Sarnia returned home. Miss visited friends Miss onto Mrs. Jas. Hoggarth. Miss Jean Sparrow, of Dobbington visited for a few days with her sister, Mrs. A. McEwan. A large number from Hensall at tended the anniversary services at Chiselhurst on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Smith, of St. Marys, visited over the week-end with Mrs.' Geo. C. Petty, Miss Helen Elder, of London, vis ited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elder. Mrs. Lou. Simpson, Wm. and Mae Simpson, of Detroit, visited over the week-end with relatives in town. Mrs. R. Bonthron who has spent the past week visiting relatives in Detroit, returned home on Saturday. Miss Florence Welsh, of London, visited over the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. Roy White and little child, of London, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wil son. “ Mr, and Mrs. J. Adams, of St/ Marys, recently visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Chas., Mc Donald. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case, who have -enjoying a two weeks’ vacation at ^Toronto and Niagara Falls, have re- , turned home. Miss Ethel Murdock who has been’ visiting for the past three • weeks With relatives in Tonawanda, N.Y., lias ..returned home.. Next Sunday morning Rally Day ’Svill be observed in the Sunday school Of the United church'.’ A good gram is being prepared. Mr. Robert Jackson of the don road was taken to Seaforth jpital Sunday for appendicitis and is »ow getting along nicely. The many friends of Mrs. Jas. Logan who has been confined to her room through illness will'be pleas- ^di. to learn that she is improving. Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper and" •son who have been visiting for some ■time with relatives around Hensall liave left for their home in Delor- * aine, Man. Miss Margaret Drummond was .taken to Seaforth to -be operated on for .appendicitis. Margaret is get ting along as well as can be expect ed. Mr. Fred Stacey, of the Standard Bank, Beaverton, has been transfer red to the Standard Bank at Leth bridge, Alta. Fred visited over the ■week-end at his home here, leaving xsn Monday morning for Lethbridge. •Harvest Thanksgiving services werd held In St. "Wil’s Anglican' Achurch on Sunday hist. ’ The church was nicely decorated "With flowers. Rev. Mr. . Jones, pastor of the church delivered special’services for the oc casion.Our council have 200 k.w. .lights placed on the business portion of main street instead of 100 k.w. and ,,a light placed on the corner opposite the hotel which it used for a park ing place. This improvement adds greatly .to Main street. The young people of the United church held a weiner and corn roast at the home-of Mr. and M’rs. Jas. Braillie on Monday evening. A large crowd was present and the evening was spent in playing games, Miss Jessie Johnston and Dr, G. Knapp, being in charge of the games. Lunch was served by members of the league consisting of weiners, coffee and corn. The service in the United church on Sunday morning last was largely attended. Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Moncton, occupied the pulpit. The avonitlg service was withdrawn. The -choir of the United church conduct ed the service of praise at Chisel hurst at the evening service, render' jug two anthems, a solo by Mr. Sam. Rftbnie, entitled “Open the Gates of the Temple,” and a violin solo by .Miss Greta Laramie, Alex McKenzie, who has carried on a harness making business in Kippen for the past twenty years or sn, has sold his residence to Mr. J. "Workman and will have a sale of jMs household effects. He will con- <£<ute his basittess for a time at least, Workman., of his sister, Mrs. Hudson who for some time the Mil- SOUTH HURON LEAGUE PLAY-OF The first game of the South Hur on League play-off between Zurich and Hensall will be played on the former’s diamond on Thursday (to day) at 4.30 p.m., and the return game in Hensall on Monday after noon of next week. Fred Brock was seriously injured in a motor accident two miles north of Hensall on Thursday afternoon. The car driven by a friend of Mr. Brock, got out of control and went into the ditch, turning over two or three times. The driver was not in jured beyond a shaking up but, Mr. Brock suffered severe cuts about the face and other injuries. He was brought to the home of his brother - - - ™ wasGeorge Brock, here. The car badly damaged. Dashwood CENTRALIAI Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL ISURGEQN At office in Hwtleib Block, Dash’ Wood, first three das of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. ^TAFFA Rev. j, E. Jones anti Mr. Oscar Reid are spending the week in Tor onto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Worden and daughter Ethel, tot Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. T. Worden, of Seaforth, and Mr, and Mrs, M. Hodgert, of Exeter and Mrs Wilber, of Algoma, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Miller. Mr Howard Leary is .attending Westervelt School at London. The anniversary services thank-offering of the United Church will be held on Sunday, Oct. 2nd at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Rev. E Rouls- ton, of Arkona, a former pastor, will conduct both services The Missionary Society held a quilting bee on the lawn of Mrs, F, O’Brien on Tuesday. All roads will lead to Staffs fair Sept. 26th. B. C. SHINGLES Edge Grain xxxxx ■BBSD BIADE Barb Wire .....,......,...?3.60 n^r spool 7 wire Frost Fepse per rd, 8 wire Frost Fence Close Stay 53c*ft ■wi'i'Ci T?l-r»er T.nnlr * ,, 5p, ** ...............45c. Bar Steel Post ......4^c. each Crediton Mr?. Schwartz, pt South Cayuga is visiting; with relatives, Mr, Wm, Winer, of Brantford, spent a few days in town, Mr. Fred. Haist is confined tp his bed. We hope for a speedy re covery. Mr, Len, Hais,t and friend, of Exe ter, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Haist, Mr. Stewart Kuhn, pf Kitchener, spent several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Kuhn. Mrs. Melvin King has returned home after her recent operation. She is getting along fine, Miss Wilda Pollick, R.N., of Joliet Ill., was the guest of Miss Vera Holtzman a few days last week. Rey. and Mrs. E. S. Hiscocks at tended anniversary and decoration services in Tavistock last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bissett and son, of Brantford, spent a few days with Mr and Mrs. Alonzo Hedden. Mrs. Thos. Hedden, of Brantford, has returned to her home after spending the week-end with friends. Misses Viola and Verta Roninger, of Elmira, spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Oes treicher. Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Holtzmann and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Eidt, of Philipsburg on Tuesday aft ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. Carter* and Miss. Carrie Kuhn, of Windsor, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuhn. Miss Vera Holtzmann, R.N., left for Cleveland, Ohio, where she has accepted a position in the Lakeside University Hospital. Mrs. W. Motz, Mrs. Eli Lawson and Mrs. Henry Motz returned Mon day after spending several days at “Robinhood” cottage Grand Bend. Last Saturday afternoon and ev ening Mrs. Orme with her Sunday school class had a corn and'marsh mallow roast at the former’s cottage at Grand Bend. The pastor will be in charge of the service in the United church next Sunday evening, September 25. Service begins at 7 o'clock. All wel come. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgeman and Miss E. Burgeman, of Floradale, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Oestreicher over the week- end. Anniversary, services will be held in the Crediton United church on Sunday, Sinclair, special date. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Geiger and and Mrs. Rolland Geiger visitors from Zurich, were at Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Haist’s last Shnday and also graced the evening service with their presence. Mrs. Ernest Kobe, Mr. and Mrs. Kobe and Miss Grace Kobe, all of Snyder, of Southampton, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Oestreicher. Messrs. 'Cayl, Hedden and Earl Bickering, of Brantford, called on Mr,, and Mrs. Henry Motz recently. Also Mrs. Thos. Hedden, of Brant ford, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Motz. , Miss Elizabeth Grenzeboch, of Tavistock, generally known in that town as “Grenze” has made her home with Mrs. (Rev.).W. M. Sippell, of Crediton, Mime the death of. their mother, Mrs. Martha Grenzeboch. M’r. and Mrs. Levi Carter accom panied of the eneral turned after a The coat of paint and presents a very neat appearance. After the sidewalk has been repaired and a few kitchen touches it will be one of the most commodious and well equipped par sonages in the conference. Mr. Fred Faist has gone to North Central College, Napierville, Ill. We miss him. Another Sunday and a few more of our splendid folk will be away to their colleges whether belonging to the enrollment as stu dent enrollment or one of the faculty An event of unusual interest will be a special Woman's Missionary Rally and program in the United church on Wednesday evening, Oct ober 5th, when Miss Evelyn Mitchell Field Secretary of the W. M, S. will be present to give an address. There will also be a number of musical sel ections. Miss Mitchell is a very in teresting and forceful speaker and a real treat is in store for all those who hear her. Keep the date in mind. Last week Wednesday afternoon for a number of hours there was scarcely a living being to be seen oh Main St., Crediton. ‘ Many were sweltering at the London Fair and report seeing interesting exhibitions and amusements. We presume that this Wednesday will be somewhat the same since it is Exeter fair and the weather is much more comfortable. The services next Sunday evening begin at 7 o’clock at the Evangelical church. Let everyone get the new time fixed in mind. Various organizations are active since the fowl supper is fixed for October 6th. Orchestra, male chorus violin and 4-hand piano troubodour and solos. These are home talent and there will be entertainers from London, interesting and humorous reels and various other attractions. Sermons next Sunday will be more of historical nature. Sermons are oft polemical, now and then dogmat ical aiid historical. Variety is even the spice of preaching. A new member has been added to the choir in the person of Mr. Emil Meyer. Bass is his favorite voice. A new member has been added to the S. S. teacher’s staff in the person of Mr. ' Erwin Finkbeiner who has taken charge of Mr. Fred Faist’s class. Mr. Arthur Ainey. the Able vice-president of the S. S. has also mken charge of a lively boy’s class. He willy however, keep his connec tion as president of tile largo C.I.C. 1 class. POULTRY WANTED—We are in the market for all kinds of poultry paying the highest prices. Truck will call. Phone 30r3 Dashwood.—« C. Andersen. 9-l-4tc of of 8 wire Ring Lock , 7 wire Rink Lock 9 wire Hog Fence .U ~ - - -•and Mr. and Mrs, Sinale, of Highgate* were guests ovex* the week-end with their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Hodson? Mrs, J. Scandrett, of Belgrave, is spending a few days at the bogie of her sister, Mrs, A. Brooks, Mrs. Jas. Dempsey, of Niagara Falls,' visited for a lew days last week with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, J, Dempsey. Mrs. Rex, Mills and baby, Wyoming, spent the latter part the week with Mr, and Mrs. W. H, Mills. Mr, and Mrs, Birney, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Thompson, Mr. for a ness. An for a evening. J, Smith each enjoyed a ride in the air. Next Sunday morning will be ob served as Sunday School Rally Day, the programme will take the place of the regular church service while the Sunday school will be withdrawn. Miss Skinner, of Exeter, spent the week-end at the home of her brothei’ Mr. Cecil Skinner. The Flax mill has commenced threshing their season’s crop of Flax. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynham, Sr., were in Denfjeld last Friday attend ing the funeral of the latter’s broth er, Mr. Nichol, of that place. The Shamrock Creamery gained 3rd place in section three for a 2fl pound prints box, at the London Fair. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sleamon, of Elim- ville have moved to the village and at present are residing with their son, Mr. M. Sleamon. Mr. Frank Lewis has purchased the property of Mr. John Dempsey, on - the West; side of the railway track. The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was held recently in the school room of the church with the president, Mrs. R. F. Irwin pre siding. The meeting was in charge -of circle number five, and was open ed by singing a hymn and repeating the 23rd,psalm. The topic took the form of a questionable on Mission work lead by Mrs. G. Hicks in which the members took part. After the roll call some items of business were discussed. A bale consisting of an Indian girl’s outfit is being packed by the supply secretary. Meeting closed with benediction. A. J. CLATWORTHY I Mr. and Mrs. D, Meerburg and . family, of Port Frank, visited in town on Sunday, ■ Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Stadelbauer and Miss Elda Kraft, of London and Mr, and Mrs. V, Heywood, Exteer, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. ‘ Kraft. Mr. Wm. Stire, of Buffalo, is vis iting his parents. fdr, Geo, Kellerman and Mr, Alvin Kellerman visited in Tavistock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Schenk and family spent the week-end in Walkerton. Miss Laura M. Reid, of Goderich, spent Sunday with her parents. Mrs, Wagner and Mrs, L, Weber, of Zurich, called on Miss L. Hartleib on Thursday evening. Rally Day will be observed next Sunday. A special program is be ing prepared. Rev, E. Bruer was called to Clif ford on Saturday owing to the ser ious illness of his mother. The Evangelical League held a social evening and wiener roast on Grand Bend beach on Monday night, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kleinfeld spent Sunday with their daughter /Mrs. Geo. Link. Miss Hovey, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Rev. F. B. Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. V. Shera, of Gorrie, visited a few days at the Evangelical parsonage last week. Mrs. Hy. Ehlers is confined to her bed with slight hopes of recovery." Mrs. E. Oesch, of Zurich, is visit ing her mother. Mrs. C. Steinhagen is visiting hei daughter, Mrs. R. Taylor, in Exeter this week. DASHWOOD LOSES A PROMINENT CITIZEN Dashwood has lost one of its graud ' old men in the person of Mr. John K. Goetz, who passed away on Tues day aged 79 years, 6 months and 16 days, Mr.' Goetz has lived a very useful life and being a man of sterl ing qualities, good judgment and ability he has contributed much to the community in which he lived both in his efforts and his-influence. He was born in-Fullarton Township, Perth county, on March 4th, 1948, where he grew to manhood and en dured all the hardships of pioneer life. -He remained on the farm where he was born until the year 1893 when he moved to Dashwood and entered the sawmill business which he carried on until the timber was exhausted-.>. He was a man who took a deep interest in the welfare of the community and in the church and Sunday school; having occupied all the important positions in the church. He • Was trustee for nine •year in his native school. After moving to Dashwood he was a mem ber of the council of the Township of Hay for eight years. In 1878 he was married to Ernestine Truemner, of Hay Tp., who with a family of six sons and two daughters mourn the loss of an affectionate husband and father. The family are Reuben A. , of Dashwood; Arthur H., of St. Brienx, Sask.; Eldon, of Pt. Alberni, B. C., and Milton J., Leslie and Gor don, of Chicago; Mrs. R. J. Donehey and M'iss Ida C., of Chicago. The funeral will be held Friday after noon interment in the Exeter cem etery. » W» R. Elliott was in Crumlin few days last week ,pn bush •aeroplane visited the village short time last Wednesday Mr. W. Dobbs and Mr. W.on Pho^e 12 GRANTON Thames Road The regular meeting pf Thames Road W. M. S. was held on Sept. 9 th at the home of Mrs. John Alli son with a good attendance. It was decide to accept the invitation of Roy’s church W. M. S. to meet with them in Roy’s church on October 3rd at which meeting Miss Mitchell will give an address. An excellent pro gram was enjoyed by the ladies, Mrs. Stanley Coward and Miss Helen Monteith sang a pleasing duet after which the topic on British Guinna was very ably taken by Miss Helen Monteith. An interesting report of the district meeting at Crediton was given by Mrs. Robt, Kydd. Mrs. Archie Morgan then favored the meeting with a solo “Face to Face.” The meeting was closed with prayer after which lunch was served by the hostess and committe in charge. Who is away fe@m home? <Keep the family united. If some are away from home, the easiest and quickest way is of course by a Long Dis tance call. The young people nowadays put up a very brave front of wish ing to appear independent and self-reliant, but their hearts still thump faster when they hear Dad’s or Mother’s voice over the Wire. a BOA—PHINN NUPTIALS A very pretty wedding was sol- lias emnized in London on Thursday has, last at the home of Mr, and Mrs. G. Phinn when their daughter, Miss Ida 1 Jean Pliinn, became the bride of Rev. Andrew Boa, formerly of Hen sall. Rev. Mr. Milgard performed the ceremony, Very lovely was the setting for the bridal party in the large drawing room where an arch was banked with roses and carna tions. The bride entered the draw ing room on the arm of her father, to the strains of the wedding march played by Mi;s. Robertson, assistant organist of Wesley church, London. She was charming in her bridal gown of white crepe, and carried a, show er of pink roses. The ring bearer was Miss Aran Phinn, neice of the bride, and Miss Irene Smale, of Hen- sal! was flower girl. They were dressed in pink silk crepe with ros ettes in their hair. The groom’s gift to the bride was a diamond necklace, to the flower girl and ring bearer were gold rings, to the soloist who was M’rs. O. L. McCroomy a diamond brooch and the organist a cheque. After the wedding cere mony a dinner was served at the home of the bride’s parents. The toastmasters were Mr. Millyard, of London and Mr. W. Do'ig, of Pt. Huron. Rev. and Mrs. Boa left on the evening train on their honey mooli trip' to Toronto;' Montreal, Niagara'Falls and Belleville, after the bride had donned her travelling suit of blue satin with shoes’ aiid hat to match Some 60 guests were pre sent from Port Huron, Detroit, .Kip pen and Hensall. On their return Rev. and' Mrs. Boa will reside in Bayham. Their many friends wish them long and continued happiness. lias Pearl Churchill of Clinton, over the week-end with in town. Gertrude Hoggarth, of Tor- visiting her parents Mr. and SAINTSBURY pro- Lon- Hos- ’ Lumley Mr. aiid Mrs. Bartlett, of Thams- ford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen. They were accompanied, home by Mrs. Mc Queen, Mrs. Bartlett’s mother. Miss Hazel Smillie and Miss Elea nor Fisher spent Sunday with Rossie and Gladys Broadfoot. r October 2nd. Rev. of Hensail, will be preacher. Remember Hanover and Mrs. J. Mr. the the Mr. by Miss Carrie Kuhn, R.N., staff of Highland Park Gen- Hospital, Detroit, have re- to their respective homes visit under the parental roof, parsonage has been given a Kirkton Mrs. Archie McCurdy is visiting her daughter in Detroit. Mrs. J. Foster, of St.Marys, spent a few days this week with Mrs. Wal ter Hazlewood. Quite a number from tended London Fair, The next big event will ton Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Chester __ ____ have returned to Detroit after spend ing a week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, of Minneapolis, are visiting Mrs. J. Mophet and Mrs. Phil. Blackler. The funeral of the late W-m. Rob inson held on Wednesday afternoon was largely attended. The service at the house was private and the public service in St. Paul’s church, which was filled, was conducted by the Rector Rev. Mr. Biilteel after which he was laid to rest by the Orange brethren. here at- be Kirk- Heywood Harvest Thanksgiving service will be held in St. Patrick’s church, on Sunday, Sept. 25 th at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Mr. Moore, of Ailsa Craig, will have charge of both ser vices. The choir will be assisted by the Gambrill Quartette. Keep the date in mind. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dickens spent the week-end in Elora Miss Lena Davis and Mrs. Alex. MacDonald visited in London on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Fox, spent the week-end at Mr. F. A. Dobbs Mr. Harry Atkinson, is under the doctor’s home on the 2nd concession. A lage number from this district attended the Western Fair last week.' Mrs. F. A. Ellerlngton and son, Bobbie, and Miss Margaret Quinton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Quinton on Sunday. Mr. J. C. Creery, of Alvinston, spent a few days last week with Mrs. N. B. Davis. of London, the home of of Stratford, care at his Even when they go into business, per haps in distant cities, their nature does not change with their habita tion. The tie still holds. The dear familiar voices are just as potent. <Have a regular time to call up the absent ones by Long Dist ance. The service was never so rapid. The cost of Interurban. Service to nearby towns—within a radius of say 25 miles—is very low. IT ALL DEPENDS ON VOU ! Your future and everything that it holds for ’you depends yourself so that of business and Wherever You live HERE’S the Coleman Radiant Heater — a complete, portable heating unit that gives you gas heat no matter where you live. Like Coleman Lamps and Lan terns, it works on the safety-pres sure principle:--makes and burns its own gas from any good grado of gasoline—-no piping, no tost of installation. Starts quickly—easy to operate—use i t anywhere. Just the thing for the cool spells of fall and spring and for extra heat needed bn severely cold days of winter. Radiates a penetrating fan-like zone of clean, live heat like sunshine. Instant regulation. Steady even temperature. Hotter than city gas; no smoke, no noot, no ashes. A real comfort and economy. Model 2 price $37^0. Ask Your Deafer to show you the Coleman Radiant Heater. If he is not supplied, write ub for full particulars. Address Dept, jr;T 2 Hie Coleman lamp CP. Ltd. Queen St, East & Davies Ave* Toronto, 8, Ontario ' ' (H-l) ' Cbleman I RadiarrtHeateL Illi 111 ll'kuf S' ELIMVILLE About fifty young people of the neighborhood gathered at the home of Mr. Everett Skinner on Monday night and had a very enjoyable time as well as a weiner roast. Messrs. Richard and Charles Johns have purchased a tractor. Mr. Will Johns is recovering nice ly from an attack of pleurisy able to be out again. Mr. Fred Wright has got established in the store here open for business. He is having the premises redecorated and we wish him success in his new venture. Miss Mitchell, field secretary for the W.M.S., will speak in the church here on the evening of October 7th. A hearty welcome is extended to all. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodgert and family of near Seaforth visited at Mr. B. Cooper’s last Sunday. Next Monday Wjnchelsea school Fair will be held. . This fair Jias be come quite an ineresting event and the exhibits of large variety. Mr. John Sleamon has disposed of property to Mr. Chas. Stephen. and is nicely and is Grand Bend Rev. J. M. Colling was in Thames- yille Sunday taking anniversary ser vices for Rev. Mr. Bartlett. He is also taking in the Young People's convention in Walkerville before re turning home. Everybody is getting ready for the hot goose and duck supper in the new shed Tuesday, September 27th. A good program will be given by the Concert Co., of Loudon. The hot weather of last week fil led up a goodly number of cottages but the cool weather scattered them again. A good crowd was out morning and evening last Sunday to hear the splendid sermons by Rev. M’r. Bart lett, of Thamesville. Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Mollard, of Duluth, are visiting the former’s sister and friends in this neighbor hood. Mr. Jos. Oliver is on the sick list but we are pleased to report is some better. Mrs. W. B. Oliver is quite ill but somewhat improved. The school will hold their annual school fair on September 30th. Mr. Wm. Desjardine visited at the home of Mr. John Lovie on Sunday. upon the preparation you make now. Train you will be necessary in some particular kind with perserverance your success is assured. Students are entering every week. Write tails of our courses. Central Business College, Stratford, Ont R. F. LUMSDEN, B.A., Principal now for full de- A- his SHIPKA Don’t forget the 'chicken pie sup per Monday night, September 26th. A good programme is being pre pared. Large crowds attended both ser vices last Sunday in the United church to hear Rev. Mu. Moorhouse preach’ anniversary services. Rally services will be held next Sunday. Sunday school at 10.30. Rally at 11 o’clock. Everybody wel come. Mr. and M'rs. C. McPherson and family visited Sunday at the home of Mr. Matt. Sweitzer. Mr. and Mrs. John Schroeder vis ited Sunday with Mr and Mrs. L. Schroeder. Mrs. Geo. Scott is confined to her home through illness. Mr. and Mrs. T, Yearley and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Keys. Miss Martha Gower and Miss Beatrice Baynliam have returned home after being in London for some time. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ajnos and the former’s sister, Miss Mary Amos, of Brinsley and Mr. Kilpatrick, of To ronto, visited Relatives here on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Balkwill and Ruth, of Exeter visited Sunday at the home of Mr, Thos. Keys. Mr. and Mrs, H, EXETER FAIR (Continued from page four.) Reynolds; best jar plums, Vera Kestle; jar of raspberries, Gladys Hunltin, Mrs. Stone; apple pie, Mrs. Stone; hemmed handkerchief, Dor othy Luker, Mrs. Stone; dressed doll M’rs. Stone; doll’s clothes, Mrs. Stone; fancy pin cushion, Mrs. Stone and 2nd; crochet work, Mrs. Stone; button holes, Mrs. Stone and 2nd; painting, Mrs. Stone, Ruth Balkwwill, Helen Stanbury; pillow cases, Mrs. Stone; hemstitching, Mrs. Stone; hand worked towels, Mrs. Stone; Mrs. Lawson, Doro’thy Luker. MISCELLANEOUS-—Best hammer handle, Mrs. L. Lawsoil; best gate, Allen Fraser; birdhouse, Geo. Smith Allen Fraser; best school display of vegetables grown by school children open to any school, Exeter School; Willis Powell special for pan of bis cuits made by girl 12 years and un der, Mrs, Stone. Specials-—Paper basket, Geo. Smith; French mari golds, Jean Ross; flower basket, G. Smith; cabinet work, Geo. Smith; embroidery, Dorothy Luker, Helen .......... „„„ Salter, Dorothy Luker;" hemstitch-Lfamily Of Dashwood, visited Sunday ing, Helen Salter* at the home of Mrs. C.. Eagleson and G. Hutchinson. A New 1?28 Model MODEL 250 A 5-tube table model with dual dial control and Rogers A/C tubes. Com pletely shielded audio amplification unit (180 volts). Walnut finish cabinet. Complete (except speaker), $215.00. Just Plug in Then Tune in NO BATTERIES NO CHEMICALS The Greatest Radio Value in Canada Here is a new model Rogers that will appeal to thousands who have waited for a powerful, high-grade set/' completely Batteryless, at a minimum price. There is nothing to compare with it anywhere. Takes three minutes to instal. If’it does not perform to your com plete satisfaction in your home, a test won’t cost you a cent. If you decide to keep it, this Rogers Batteryless Set will cost you less than 5c a week to operate, See and test it in your home, . J. BEER, Exeter, Ont.