The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-09-15, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 11)27 ' i in 111 n , i j i ,iw mu i iiiiiwwi .. — I ... —■ jNews From Hensall a gijcljxud of Cfiommerjce CLINTON, ONTARIO Fall Term Opens, Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1927 OFFERS THE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES Expert teachers, Two Standard makes of Typewriter’s, Practi­ cal Business Training, Gregg Shorthand, Secretarial Studies, Actual Office Practice and a record of successful Graduates, whose high Standard for good work, we expect you to reach or exceed. WHEN YOU THINK OF A COMMERCIAL COURSE, WRITE B. F. WARD, B.A., M.Accts. Phone 198 POULTRY WANTED We are in the market for all kinds visiting her of poultry, for which we will pay the highest cash prices. Our trucks will call at the farm for them. We have just completed a course in poultry, culling which service will be free to our patrons. Write or lihone us and our trucks will call the next day. ROBERT HIGGINS HENSALL Miss Louise Drummond, has taken a position at the Bake Shop. Messrs Cook Bros, have been get­ ting in a number of new cars. Mr. and Mrs. Hill, of Hamilton, recently visited relatives in town. Mrs. Agnes Ross is visiting rela­ tives in Toronto for a few weeks. Mrs. N. Blatchford visited for a few days with relatives in Seaforth. A number from Hensall are at­ tending the Fair at London this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Patterson visit­ ed for a .few -days, with relatives in Toronto. M*r. Lome Ballantyne, of Detroit, spent the week-end visiting with his mother here. • . Mrs. Wm. McAllister, .of Edmon­ ton, Alta., is vjsiting for a few weeks with her sisters .here. n ; , Miss Margaret Slaven, of London, visited over the .week-end with her sister, Miss Lizzie Slaven, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Wright,, of Niagara Falls, visited for a few days, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dick. Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and. little dchild, of London, visited’ over " the week-end with relatives in town? Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Smith, • of- St. Mary's,’ 'visited over the- week-end with Mi'. -and Mrs. Geo. C. Petty. Mr.-’and Mrs. Oliver Geiger,’ of Bridgeport,' visited ovei’ , the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger. Mr. and Mrs...Beattie, of Montreal, who .have been visiting with .Dr. and Mrs. A.\ R.. Campbell, have returned-, home. Miss Gladys Slay,’ of Sarnia ’and Miss Kaherine Sells, of London, are visiting this week with Miss Greta Laminie. ’ ■ • ••.:. Miss Eleanor Fisher ? ORGANIST HENSALL UNITED CHURCH . TUITION IN PIANO Terms Moderate Phone 68 DR. R. P. I. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of •Medicine, and Master of Science, University of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office ,jtwo doors east of Post Office. Phone 56 Residence .114 HENSALL, ONT. -Lome Elder, Alox. McMurtrie J Lindnnfield: Model of Cow in M qg^ENWAXDashwood I Ab, well, folks, if it wasn’t for „ „ x rr ix I vanity there would be no profit In Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Harlton and, corn plasters. Tube-—Lloyd Liiidenfield; Model of Cow in Plastigine—-Bert.’ Thompson, Ken­ neth Elder, Herbert Drummond, Leonard Hoggarth, Brute Berry, A. Beeswax, Injurious Insects—Bert Thomp­ son, Myrtle Thompson,. Commercial Forest Foods—-Hugh McEwan, Myrtle Thompson. Map of Huron-’—Mildred Follick, Norman Sinclair, T" Dorothy Drummond Lillian Beeswax; Myrtle Thompson. Helen Munn, Bell, Jessie Grace “Dick, Munn. Writing Dougall, Loretta Bell, Grace Wurm, Leonard Hoggarth, Robert Drysdale, Mary Wolfe; Writing "Water”—Lil­ lian Beeswax, ^Norman Sinclair, An­ nie Coleman, Minnie Sangster, Olive Brock, Kathryn Drysdale; Writing, “In Flanders Field”—Helen Munn, Emma Wurm, Helen Glenn, Garnet Mousseau, Edith Wolfe, John Mc­ Kay; Writing “Oft in the Stilly Night’—James Rowcliffe, Margaret Dick, Grace Dick, Hugh McEwan, Ted. Munn, Doreen Varley. Crayon Drawing of Pumkpin—B. Thompson, Mildred Follick, Tom. Smale, Olive Brock, Dorothy Drum­ mond, Norman Sinclair; White Tril­ lium in Water Colors—Alvin Bell, Helen Munn, Jimmie McEwan, M. McKay, Mary Hiuser, Jessie Dick; Sunset Scene—Margaret Dick, Grace Dick, Public Speaking—Myrtle Thomp­ son, Hilda Kennedy, Emma Wurm. Class 84, Judging Competition, poultry— Marion Sinclair, Gladys Passmore, Joyce Scruton, Lulu Lin­ denfield, Grace Brock. Class 86, Spelling Match—Grace Dick, Margaret Dick, Mabel Work­ man, Hugh McEwan, Irene Daters, Edith Dick. Class Hensall smith 9, family and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hickey visited Mrs, Jackson, of Arkona, Mr. R, English has recovered from his illness last week. The W. M. S. of the United church sent a bale of clothing and quilts last week. The United church has decided to hold its Anniversary Sunday on, Oc­ tober the 9 th with Rev. Foster, of Parkhill, as the preacher. The fowl supper will be served in the new shed the following Wednesday, October 12 th, Keep these dates in mind. Rev. L. Bartlett, will preach in the next Sunday. We are glad to Turner out after his long severe ill­ ness. Last Friday evening Miss Mary Webb entertained the young people of the United church at a kitchen shower in honor of Miss Elsie Young a bride of this week. She was asked to sit in a chair gaily de­ corated in white and placed in front of a background of ferns and white asters under a large white bell. On the table beside her stood a wee bride’s cake and a miniature bride composed of utensils and draped with towels and curtain materials with towels and curtain materials. After an address in poetical form was read by Mr, Byron Brown, Miss Viola Curts assisted in presenting the few the and refreshments Mr. Colling added a few words of appreciation of her work done so cheerfully in the choir Sunday School and Y. P. S. All joined hands and sang “Auld Lange Syne” and wished Elsie much hap­ piness in her married life. Pr. H. H. Cowen, L,D.S., D.D.J5. DENTAL SURGEQN At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three das of week and at office over the Post Office, In Zurich, laBt three days of week, POULTRY WANTED—We are in the market for all kinds of poultry paying the highest prices, Truck will call, Phone 3 Or3 Dashwood.— C, Andersen. 9-l-4tc Mrs. Ogden, of Exeter, spent a few days in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Schenk and family motored to Kitchener on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Neuswanger are visiting in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, May, of Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Oestreic’ner. Miss Freda Schroeder returned on Saturday after a pleasant visit With friends in Pembroke. Dashwood Evangelical congrega­ tion have decided to hold their an­ nual fowl supper on Octobei’ 19th Don't forget the date. Miss Clara Kraft has returned after spending several weeks London. Quite a number from here are tending London Fair this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mclsaac, of-De- troit, and Mrs. Pete Mclsaac, of Dashwood motored to Toronto Ex­ hibition and Niagara Falls and re­ port having had a wonderful trip. Misses Lucille, Jean, Mary, and Willis Mclsaac, of Detroit, have re­ turned home after having spent the summer holidays with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mclsaac. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Noll and family, of Stratford, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. Kleinstiver and other relatives in town. Mr. Simon- Hartman and son, Ed­ ward, of Detroit and. Pete Mclsaac and M. Mclsaac and son Willis, mo­ tored to Niagara Falls on Sunday returning the same day. WHEN USING Hensall School Fair The first school fair of the season in Huron County was held at Hen­ sall on Thursday last and was large­ ly attended. Nearly every line of exhibits were well filled and a keen interest was shown in the fair by the children of this district. The children of the different schools, of this district lined up in front of the Town Hall at half past one and un­ der the supervision of their teach­ ers they marched to the London Rd. and from there back to the Park grounds where a line of sports were run off. The exhibits were in the three rooms of the public school and the poultry and other stock were ! shown^on the school grounds. Keen interest was shown in the poultry judging contest for girls, Thirteen girls being in the class. Alice Hig­ gins of the Hensall Public School secured first prize for judging, hay­ ing the highest number of points to her credit. County Rep. Patterson, of Clinton and his two assistants were in charge of the fair. The fol­ lowing is the prize list. Among the schools competing were Hensall, S. S. No. 10, Hay; S. S. No. 14, Hay; S, S. No. 9, and S. S. 10, Tucker­ smith. Wheat—Bert Thompson, Jas. Mc­ Ewan; wheat sheaf—Stewart Bell, Bert Thompson, Jas. —‘Harold Shepherd; Harold Shepherd; Thompson; barley Thompson; sweet corn, ears—Flor­ ence McDonald, Archie McGregor, Marion McKay, John Farquhar. Potatoes,. Irish Cobbler —• Lulu Lindenfield, Dorothy McQueen, Nor­ man Sinclair, John McKay, Joyce Scruton, Alex. McMurtrie; Green Mountain—Alvin Lindenfield, Har­ old Munn, Margaret Shepherd, Olive Brock, Harvey Hudson, Helen Munn; Dooley — M’abel Workman, Lloyd Lindenfield, Jessie Dick, Mildred Follick, Harold . Higgins, May Wolf. ■ -• Mangoldst-^-Hugh McEwan, Sidney Taylor; turnips—-.Garnet Mousseau, Harold Sherritt, Melvin Taylor; beets—Irene Hoggarth, Robert Drys­ dale, Mary .Little;- Doreen Varley, Edith Wolf,- Kenneth Elder; -carrots —Ronald Peck, Alice Higgins, Annie Hinser, Ruth Bell, Grace Dick, Har­ old Bonthron; parsnips—Margaret Kennings, Annie Coleman; onions— Katherine Drysdale, Edward Little, Robert Varley, .Irene Mousseau, Hilda Kennedy. .*:■ Asters-—Katherine Drysdale, Har­ old Elder, Harold Sherritt; Sweet Peas—Harold Shepherd, ^Ronald Peck, May-.Wolf, Edith Wolf, Doris Alexander;. Phlox,— Mary Little, Ruth Bell; Zenhea—Mildred Follicle Garnet Mousseau; African .Marigolds —Bobbie. Drysdale, . Olive Brock, Mary. Hemphill; Coreopsis—Hazel McLaughlin; Calendula -— Leonard Hpggarth, Myrna- Hudson; French Mhrigolds—Lloyd Brock, Alvin Lin­ denfield, Margaret Shepherd, Joyce Scruton;. Verbena—Mabel Fee;- Cos­ mos—-Myrtle Thompson, • Margaret Kennings, .Alvin Bell; Pinks—Bert. Thompson.; . Gaillardiar-—Edith. Dick. .Copieerel-^Jiminie. McEwan, IJugh McEwan,. John. Alexander, Harold Shepherd; Pullets—Hugh McEwan, Harold Shepherd, Jimmie. McEwan, 'jo'hn’'$Alexah’deif; ’ Pen Of Three—A. Colebfan, Leonard Hogarth; Barred Rocks1—Alvin Lindenfield, Margaret Taylor, Sidney Taylor, Ruth Bell, Gertrude Martin, Mary Coleman; White Leghorns—Myrtle Thomson, Grace Dick. Dog — Simmons, Elder, Robert Arthur Elder, Norman White Eggs Alex. McMurtrie, Archie McGregor, Helen Munn, Myrtle Thompson, L. Lindenfield; Brown Eggs—M. Cole­ man, Bert Thompson, Stewart Bell, Keith Buchanan, Myrtle Thompson, Ted Munn. Table Bouquet—'Harold Sherritt, Robert Drysdale, Dorothy McQueen, Keith Buchanan, K. Drysdale, Lorne Elder. Muffins — Dorothy McQueen, D. Martin, Myrtle Thompson; Tea Bis­ cuits—Marion McKay, Hilda Ken­ nedy,. Hazel McLaughlin, Beryle Drummond; Cookies—Lorne Elder, Marion McKay, Hazel McLaughlin, Florence McDonald, Myrtle Thomp­ son; Tarts—Grace Dick, Lloyd Lin- denfield, Hilda Kennedy, Margaret Dick,’ Harold Sherritt, Hazel Mc­ Laughlin; Dark Cake—Doris Alex­ ander, A. Coleman, Dorothy Drum­ mond, Edith Dick; Pie—Harold Sherritt, Margaret Dick, Mabel Workman, Myrtle Thompson; Candy —'Helen Munn, Dorothy Drummond, Grace Dick, Beryl Drummond, Mabel Workman, Margaret Dick; School Lunch—Florence McDonald, Harold Sherritt. Patch on Flanelette—Hilda Ken­ nedy, Edith Wolfe, Hazel McLaugh­ lin, Myrtle Thompson, Olive Brock, ! Marion McKay; Knitted Doll’s Shop­ ping Bag—Myrtle Thompson, Marion McKay, Lulu Lindenfield, Mabel Workman, Edith'Dick; Knitted First Cuff—Myrtle Thompson; Sample of > 5 fancy stitches—Lulu Lindenfield, spent the Week-end in Woodham. I Hilda Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Workman ahd Mary Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Bert, Workman, Wolfe, . Of the States has been visiting their. Lulu Lindenfield, sister, Mrs. Grant Ryckman. Misses Victoria and Doris Bolton lin, returned home last week after spend-, Lace- ing a couple of months with their' uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Art Huntmell, of Pennyselvania. Principal »"■ -—’......."~== ..■nsr-7T===U| Miss Mary Bonthron, of Detroit, L . grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bonthron and other relatives in town. An aeroplane from Hamilton vis­ ited town on Tuesday and caused considerable excitement, a number going up in it and greatly enjoying the ride. Harvest Thanksgiving services will be given .in St. Paul’s Anglican church on Sunday, September 18th, Special music will be given by the choii- for the occasion. The many friends of Miss Mona Glenn will be pleased to learn that she is improving nicely from an at­ tack of appendicitis. Mona was op­ erated on in Seaforth Hosiiital on Tuesday last. The services in the United cliurcli on Siuiday.last were largely attend- at of at OSCAR KLOPP f LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones’ Auc-j tion School, Special course taken in Registered Live Stock *(all Breeds,) Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales, etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as­ sured, write. Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or phone 18-93, Zurich; Ont. In the Latest Designs Trices from 10c. to $1.50 PER ROLL HARDWOOD FLOORING LAID AND POLISHED J. Sangster, Hensail ed. Rev. Mr’. Sinclair preaching both services. The Sacrament the Lord’s Supper was observed the morning service;' The Sunbeam Mission Band Carmel Presbyterian church held a sale of home-made cooking and candy in the basement of the church on Saturday afternoon last. Supper Was served- from 5 to -7. The League of the United church are’ holding ■’a social evening ail’d weiner roast on Monday evening, September 19th in Mr. Jas. Smillie’s field on the London Road. ’ A good time is being looked for. The com­ mittee in charge are preparing a good programme. A great deal of interest was shown in town on' Monday in the by-election in- North Huron by our local politic­ ians. Conservative circles were quite elated when reports came in that George ■Spotton; .Conservative, was elected. . , ... , Mr. George Petty, accompanied by his little granddaughter, June Kern nedy, of Winnipeg,; left-..on . Wednes­ day morning on a. trip to Winnipeg. He intends going ..by boat to .Port Arthur And returning by rail.’ .Mr* ■Petty will: attend ' the Conservative .cbhyentibn at ’ Winnipeg • and • will .probably be one Of the delegates from South 'Huron. ' The Salvation Army band of Lon­ don ’ gave’ a 'concert on the Park grounds on’‘Sunday*’afternoon 'to -a' •very' large ‘and appreciative audien* • ..cevi Besides the- band music a cor-- net solo was'-given-and',eight mem--< biers-of the?band .sang. Reeve.GO’.ger acted as chairman. A- collection of $41.00 was taken up, which is be­ ing devoted to A-rmy work. Anniversary services will be held at Chiselhurst next Sunday afternoon and evening. Rev. Mr. Anderson, of •Moncton will be the preacher for the occasion. The Hensall choir of the United church will supply the music at the evening service. Rev. Mr. Anderson will preach in the United church here on Sunday morning and. the evening service will be with­ drawn owing to anniversary services at Chiselhurst. The tobacco in this district splendid pieces Adam and Nelson Reichart have 9J acres of splendid tobacco. Amongst other growers who have good pieces are Fred Kenning, Ed. Lindenfield, Elliott Bell and Owen Geiger and at the Huron County home at Clinton they have several splendid pieces. It looks as if tobacco growing will rival the bean industry in this dis­ trict and will make land very valu­ able. ’ , The ; Women’s Missionary Society held their meeting in the basement of'the United church on Wednesday afternoon last with a good attend­ ance. Mrs. Skinner read the report of the convention held at Crediton. Mrs. Lammie, Mrs. Dougall and Mrs. McDonald led in prayer. Miss Mit­ chell, the field secretary, is to be here the beginning of October. She is a .good speaker and knows all about the work. We hope a large attendance will be present to hear her speak. A card was read from the Deaconess’ Home, Toronto, a.sk- ing the society to send them of canned fruit. of harvest has started this week and some are being harvested. a box Lumley McEwan; oats oats sheaf— barley—Myrtle sheaf—Myrtle Myrtle Thompson, Jack Harold’ Appleton, Lorne Harold Sherritt; Rabbits— Drysdale, Harold Elder, Field; Any Pet—Harold Arthur Field, Jack Munn, Sinclair, Cornelius Faber. s — Harold Shepherd,’ USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, President, Vice-President, Mr.and Mrs. John Selves,Sr., Minnie Sangster, I, Olive Brock, Map of Canada— , Marion* McKay, Mary Hiuser, Alvin Dick; Map of World— Margaret Dick, Harold Cradle Song”—Marion 87, Parade—Hensall 1st; 2nd; Hensall 3rd; Tucker- 4th; Hay 14, 5tli. Crediton will be no service in the in at- of Thamesville, United church see Mr, Frank j gifts. Miss Young replied in a well chosen words, thanking young people. After games WILSON'S FLY PADS READ DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY AND . '' FOLLOW THEM, . A/ EXACTLY 7 * < 7 Best of all Fly Killers—10c and 25c per packet at all Druggists, Grocers and General Stores. o BEST MADE Barb Wire ................$3.60 per spool wire Frost Fence ..... 45 c. per rd. wire Frost Fence Close Stay 53c. ” wire Ring Lock ..................,45c. •’ wire Rink Lock ..............,...40c, ** wire Hog Fence ....................45c. ° U Bar Steel Post ......45c. each 7 8 8 7 9 A. J. CLATWORTHY Phone 12 GRANTON Farquhar, Out. JAMES.McKENZIE SIMON DOW directors frank McConnell, wm. brock robt. Norris John allison agents JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer JBox 99, Exeter, Ontario. GLADMAN & STANBURY t Solicitors, Exeter The engagement is announced Lorna Adeline, younger daughter My, Samuel Wilson, of Parkhill, Mr. Kenneth Palmer McKenzie. only son of Mr, and Mrs. Donald M, Me* Kenzie, of Parkliili, the.marriage to take place the latter part of this month. of of to Kennedy, Myrtle Thompson, Coleman, A. Coleman, Edith ; Quilt Patch—Marion McKay UU1U LLxdwxxfUxd, Mildred Follicle, Myrtle Thompson, Hazel McLaugh­ lin, Florence McDonald; Crocheted ~,j—Myrtle Thompson; Tea Towel !—Myrtle Thompson, Edith Dick, D. McQueen, Dorothy Drummond, Olive : Brock, Annie Coleman; Bath Towel -—Marion McKay, Hazel McLaugh- i Jih.j’ Model of Farm Gate—Harold G. Elder, Myrtle Thompson, Harold i Higgins, Hugh McEwan, Jimmie Mc- EWan; Bird House—-Jimmie Mc­ Ewan Hugh McEwan, Harold Elder; Rope Halter—Hugh McEwan, Lloyd Lindenfield, Bhvain Dick; Patch on There United church next Sunday evening. The service having been withdrawn on account of anniversary services at- Shipka. The. Sunday school will be held in the'morning, as usual. , .A most enjoyable social evening was. spent .at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E, ’Faist when Fred, enter­ tained his Sunday school class of Juniors before leaving for'college. He was presented with a beautiful gift. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whitewane, of Joliet, Ill.* and Rev. and Mrs. M. C- M'orlock, of Cincinnati, Ohio, have returned home .after spending sever­ al days with their mother Mrs. Mat. Morlockj * Miss Ethel MacKay and Miss Rey­ nold, of Thedford and Mr. Hill of Arkona, visited Sunday at the. home of- Mr. and Mrs,- Jos. Woodall. Miss Carrie Kuhn, of Detroit, is visiting at the home of her father, Mr. Conrad Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill, Mr. Isaac Hill,’ M'r; and. Mrs. Lawrence Hill ' and Doris motored to West Lorne on Friday.were they attended the funeral of the late Mr. William Neil. Mr. Ed. Fahner and family spend a day at London Fair this week. .Mr. and Mrs. Will. Burkhardt and Mr. and Mrs. Hoppe and daughter of Saline, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fahner on’ Sunday. Miss Lauretta Holtzmann, R. N. has returned home after -spending the summer as camp nurse under the Amercian Youth Foundation at Camp Miniwanca. Mr. Irving Stahls, accompanied by his mother and sisters Lillian and Cora'motored to Hanover and Ches- ley over,the week-end. Miss Barbara Finkbeiner, of Cleve­ land, Ohio, and Mrs. Peck, of Lon­ don, called on friends one day last week. Miss Carrie Kuhn, of Detroit, is visiting at her home at present. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Faist and Lewis accompanied by Mrs. Geo. Finkbeiner have returned home after spending the week-end with relatives at Pigeon, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Holtzmann and family have returned home af­ ter spending a week at Toronto Ex. and Niagara Falls. Mr. Gerald Zwicker left on Mon­ day for Toronto to attend College. Mrs. Albert Fahner visited the past week with relatives at Toronto. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins had a successful op­ eration at Victoria Hospital, London. We Wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Fred Faist left on Sunday for Naperville, Ill., where lie will attend the North Western Gollege. We wish Fred success.Mr. and Mrs. Carter, of Windsor, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Kuhn. Mrs. Joseph Haist is visiting for a few days at Thedford with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Watson. Mr. Fred Beaver, of New York City .has returned after spending a week with his father Mr. Michael Beaver.Mr. Fred. Beaver has returned to New York, after spending the past week with his brother Ed. A meeting of the Women’s Insti­ tute was held in tlie Institute Hall. A very interesting and helpful paper on “Health” was given by Mrs. H. J. Browning, of Exeter. A piano solo by Mrs. Emery; Fahner. A concert in charge of the institute will be giv­ en on the evening of the school fair, September 29th. Those wishing to join the sewing class which has been arranged for the latter part of Octo­ ber kindly notify any of the com­ mittee, Miss Mabel Fahner, Mrs. 0. Hill and Mrs. Herb. Young. Hodgson gave a demonstration Ever-Wear aluminum and at close of the meeting presented institute with a beautiful tray. WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. A. Millson, of Luck­ now, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Millson, also attended London Exhibition, Miss Dorothy Parkinson' spent a few days in Stratford ‘last week. ■ The W. M. S. held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Albert Gunning on Thursday last and was well attended. Miss Jessie Brooks left Monday morning to enter Victoria Hospital, London, to train, for a nurse. Little Miss Alice Passmore, of the Thames ,R.oad spent a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. A'. Gunning. Mrs. Jas. Squire and daughter Alda attended Toronto Exhibition Mr." and Mrs. Arthur Baker spent several days at Lion's Head, week, > Mr. Frank Squire spent a days at Port Burwell last week. A very interesting meeting held by the Whalen Auxiliary at the home of Mrs. Albert Gunning on Thursday afternoon, September 8tli. The Confederation program was us­ ed with Mrs. John Hazelton presid­ ing: There were 25 members an­ swered the roll call. Some items of business were discussed after which all took part in the program. A splendid bale was packed ’ by the supply secretary and assistant. A new member was added to the roll. Mrs. Albert Gunning pronounced the benediction which closed the.meet­ ing, All then enjoyed the .usual social time and. tea was served. Elimville Mr. Walter Johns had his tonsils removed in the Hospital in London last Friday and was able to return home on Saturday. Mr. Philip Murch has been on the sick list. Mr. Will Johns has been confined to his bed with an attack of pleurisy but at time of writing is improving. The rain on Monday night has en­ abled the farmers to start plowing, again. Quite a number from this vicinity were in Exeter on Sunday night to hear the musicale given by the Sal­ vation Army Band of London. Mr. and Mrs. John Sleamon are moving to Centralia this week. Their many friends here hope they will en­ joy their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen have vacated the store and are moving into their home purchased from Mr. John Sleamon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Wright, of London, are moving into the residence adjoining the store. We welcome them to our midst. We. believe Mr. Wright intends remodel­ ling the store before reopening. CHISELHURST Mr. on the the Miss who 6 th, The remains bf the late Birdie Stephens, of Seaforth, died on Tuesday, September were laid to rest on Friday afternoon in the family plot in EginondVille cemetery, The anniversary services of the Chiselhurst United church will be held Sunday afternoon at two-thirty and 7 p.m. The Rev. Mr. Anderson of Moncton will preach at both ser­ vices. Chiselhurst United church choir will render the music for the afternoon and Hensall United church choir will furnish the music for the evening service. Everybody wel; come. Earl’Drover little son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Drover, underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, last week for his eyes. He is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Patterson, of Monroe, visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McTaggart were home from Detroit last week and visited Martin McTaggart and Ann McTaggart. Wm. Ferguson and family, of Win- chelsea visited over Sunday with Mi and Mrs,Joseph Ferguson, Thomas Montgomery, was ^Amazin for Economical Transportation YOU would require three years of arduous day-to-day driving to know as much about Chevrolet performance and endurance as the General Motors Proving Grounds brings out in a few months. There’s strength—stability—ruggedness built into every inch of the Chevrolet Chassis; into its beautiful body by Fisher; into every detail of its powerful engine. After years of trouble-free driving, you will know that Chevrolet has added to its economy, its smoothness, its power and its Beauty, the greatest measure of Strength, and Endurance ever possessed by any low-priced car. Ask your Chevrolet dealer for a demon­ stration. Mrs. - H___ Parkhill, died in St. Joseph’s Hos pital, London, on Sept. 9tli, follow­ ing ah operation for appendicitis. She is survived by her husband who is engaged as shoe repairer for Wright & Sons. NEW LOW PRICES - - £645 - - 645 < * 720 - - 765 . - 875 - a 750 Sedan - Landau Sedan Imperial Landau Sedan l-Ton Truck Chassis Roadster Delivery - _ . __ Commercial Chassis Pritts at Factory, Osfiawa, Ontario—‘GoverfbH/fit Taxes Extra C«028C Touting Roadster Sport Roadster • Coupe . . • Cabriolet • » • Coach • PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED