HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-09-15, Page 1■XBTXR TIMES, ESTABLISHED 1878 I AMALGAMATED FOSTER ADVOCATE, ESTABLISHED 1887/DECEMBER lit, 19|4 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 15th, 1927 FIFTH-FOURTH YEAR, NO. 2gOX! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH EXETER FAIR I WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21st j THUMB INJURED Neil the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDonald, of the Lon- EXETER WINS FIRST GAME IN don Road, south, had the end of the 1 thumb of his left hand smashed on I Thursday while he and another boy | were playing with one of the guns finals of the North Huron League in front of the Exeter Library. The injured member was: dressed by Dr. Weekes. BASEBALL Exeter won the first game in the We invite you to come in and inspect our showing of Women’s and Misses’ Fall and Winter CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND W, I, TO HOLD BANQUET The Exeter Chamber of Commerce and the Women’s Institute in pre­ paring for the fall and winter work have decided to hold a joint ban­ quet in the Town Hall on the even­ ing of Wednesday, September 28th. Addresses along lines of community interests will be given by of the W. I. and the C. C. ganizatiops Are planning for program throughout the winter and it is believed that a get- together banquet xfjll give them a splendid start. members Both or- an active fall and % Whether you wish to buy or not, come and see the wonderful values we are offering. You will be delighted with the new styles, and our prices will surprise you. Men’s Overcoats and Suits Our assortment of Men’s high grade Overcoats .‘and Suits at $25.00 to $.30.00 is the last word for value. All we ask, is for you to come in , and look them over and you will be Convinced our prices.and styles, are right. ' 6 a . Men’s Suits at $15 . SPECIAL—25 SUITS, SIZES UP TO 40 ON SALE AT $15.00 EACH Boy’s School Suits, $5 to $10 3 lots of Boy’s Suits, all sizes at $5, $8 and $10. You cannot equal these values at any big Department Store. Bring in your boy and get a suit at less than wholesale price. DIED IN MICHIGAN Mrs. Wm, Kunt# received word Monday of the death °£ her brother Mr. Shmuel Eilber,, of Ubly, Mich. The deceased had b^en ailing for sev­ eral months. Mr. yjjilber was born and raised.at Credfton and was well and favorably known. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Eilber, Mr. Ht K- Eilber and Mrs. Kuntz left Wednesday to at­tend the funeral $ FATHER DIED SUDDENLY ", '" ’ IN VANCOUVER Mrs. (Dr.) W. E< Weekes received word Friday of the death of hei' father, Mr. Henry*'Mutrie, of Van­ couver, B.C. The ’■"word came as a shock to Mrs. Weekes as she was not aware that her father had been ill. The last word she Iiad received from ’home was that the family were plan­ ning for a Labor pay picnic. Mrs. Weekes is anxiously waiting foi’ ■fullei' details. She will have the. sympathy of many friends in her be­ reavement. j ; when they defeated Goderich in the County town on Friday by the score of 12 to 7, The return game is be­ ing played in town to-day (Wednes­ day). Should Goderich win to-day a play-off will be arranged on neut­ ral grounds, In the game on Fri­ day Exeter gathered in half of their runs in the fifth inning. Aftei' two men were put out Medd started a batting rally and seven men connect­ ed with Goldthrope the Goderich pitchei* and six runs crossed plate, nine runs 3rd; 8 th. two in the 3rd; two in the 4th;- six in the 5th and one in the 7th, The line-up — Goderich, Nairn, Archer, Goldthrope, Carrick, Mal- lough, Sheardown, Laman, v Allison, Sanderson. Exeter—Medd c.f., An­ derson l.f., Beaver? 1st, Lawson p., Hind 2nd, Yule r.L, L. Tieman 3rd, M. Tieman s.s., Taylor c. the full two the the . The game went the innings. Goderich scored in the first inning; two in two’ in the 5 th and one in Exeter scor ed one in the 2nd; TO II SPECIAL! Men’s $2.50 Overalls and Smocks for $2.00; Men’s Khaki combina- - ition Overalls at $2.75;Men’s Felt Hats for everyday wear at $1.49; Men’s Farm Boots special for.. Fair-Day at $2.95 a pair. SEAFORTH WOMAN ONE OF TWO HEIRS TO $135,000 Mary Hawthorne, of Seaforth, Ont.r mother, and Nellie Hawthorne widow, are the only heirs of Robert Hawthorne, of New York, who died in that city on August 17th, leaving an estate "not exceeding $135,000,” it was learned in Surrogate Court, when Surrogate James A. Foley ZURICH DEFEATS CREDITON QUALIFY FOR FINALS On Friday evening last Crediton were defeated,by Zurich in a sudden death game on the Jlensall ^diamond by the score of 15-7.* The game did not produce the brand of baseball to be expected of a semi-final game, Crediton contributing'a lion’s share of the misplays, and Zurich scored in every inning except one. The winners, behind O’Brien, who did mound duty for Zurich, played good ball except in the eighth inning when their errors netted Crediton 4 runs. The Crediton infield showed a very poor class of ball and were'a- long way from, their best and -in ad­ dition their notable hard hitting was in absence which all contributed to their severe defeat. The teams— Zurich, Bedard, L. O’Brien, Gascho, Wurm, Brown, E. Bedard, Wagner, Youngblut, O’Brien. Crediton, Schenk Motz, Fahner, Fahner, Wuerth, Fah- ner, Fahner, Faist, Schenk, es, Hugh and Earl Berry, ■and Hensall will now meet finals, playing home and games, the dates for which have yet been set. TRUCKS COLLIDE AND I MACHINES ARE WRECKED An auto accident occurred on the London Road between Mooresville and Clandeboye on Monday evening and as a result considerable damage was done to two corn-husking mach­ ines that were being brought to Ex­ eter for use in the canning factory. Mr, L. White was bringing the two machines from Aylmer on the can­ ning factory truck when the crank­ shaft broke near Lambeth. He was being towed to town by Mr. W. Sims with, one of the Bagshaw transport trucks. The trucks had jnst crossed a narrow culvert on the- road hear Clandeboye when they were met by a truck used by contractors now working on the Sarnia gravel road, the driver evidently not seeing the culvert until too late to stop and in crowding onto the road the front wheel struck the hind wheel of the Bagshaw truck. The front wheel of the other truck was broken letting the front end down and drawing it under the wheels of the canning factory truck. The wheels of the latter truck passed, over the front end of the other and tliO two corn­ husking machines .slid off' into the ditch and badly damaged. None of the drivers were hurt. The two machines were in., the ditch all day Tuesday and on Wednesday were taken to Aylmer for repairs. We Can Help You to See Better Our method of testing is most plete and our prices moderate, lice hours 9.30 to 12 a.m. and to 5 p.m. Evening by appointment S. FITTON Phone 75w. OPTOMETRIST eom- Ofc 1,39, HYDRO IS YOUR HOME WIRED FOR' HYDRO? IF SO YOU WILL BE SURPRISED AND PLEASED TO KNOW THAT WE CAN NOW SUP­ PLY YOU WITH A GENUINE RO­ GERS BATTERYLESS RADIO SET COMPLETELY INSTALLED FOR THE RIDICULOUSLY 'LOW PRICE OF $125.00. DO NOT TAKE OURS. NOR ANYONE. ELSE’ WORD FOR IT, COME IN AND HEAR IT FOR YOURSELF. W. J. Beer,Exeter NOTICE Umpir- Zurich in. the home not granted letters .pf^administration tou ANOTHER CAR TAKES DITCH the widow. ' "■ ' p AT TUKN NEAR CENTRAAT TURN NEAR CENTRALIA. Women’s Fancy Oxfords New Fall Tie Oxfords in Tan and Patent for school girls. New.. Cuban and Louis heel slippers in Black Kid. Patent and Satin for Misses^ - and Women, - LONDON BAND DRAWS LARGE CROWDS PHONE 32 III rfc.. 1 1 ’ : ! ..—| (Exeter Fair Days - SEPTEMBER 20 and 21 You are invited to visit our store while in for the Fair. We have a Large Stock at Low Prices Grain of all Kinds Wanted We are in the market for all kinds of grain and are prepared to pay you the very highest prices. Have also made arrangements with the United Farmers to handle their pool grain. Can supply you with empty bags, also arrange to truck your grain for you. Be sure and secure our prices 'for peas before selling. Phones: office 54, residence 63. COOK BROS MILLING CO. 8;25-4tc Hensall, Ont. Fall is a good time to Paint, use ! Lowe Bros. High Standard Paints u Covers More and Lasts Longer For a Good Varnish use Neptunite, ^Universal LJ or Agate in tins from 85c. up Thd Ladies’ Aid of the Centralia United church will hold their An­ nual Fowl Supper on November 2nd. Keep the date open. Further par­ ticulars later. FLORAL EXHIBIT TO BE AT HAWKINS’ HARDWARE The floral exhibit of the Exeteu Horticultural Society will be held this week in one of the display win­ dows of Hawkins’ Hardware. Mr, and Mrs. Hawkins will be in charge. Anyone, whether a member of the society or not, with beautiful blooms are requested to bring them out for exhibition. The West Huron Teachers’ Con­ vention will be held on Thursday and Friday, October 13th and 14th. The Thursday sessions will be held in Exeter and on Friday the teach­ ers will go to London where they 1 will. be entertained by the teachers and school board there. The day will be spent observing the schools In session and in inspecting other ed­ ucational institutions ' in the city. On Thursday evening there will be given a banquet to the teachers and guests, particulars of which will be announced later. . ■ . CARD OF THANKS Mr. Thoma? Olarke and family de­ sire to express their sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors for th? kindness and sympathy shown during their recent bereave­ ment and tilso for the Ioan of cats and. floral tributes. , ..... Quebec Stoves j A nice line to select from. Heaters, - - $15 up 1 Quebec Cooks $40 up Threshers Wants Oils and Greases Belting and Lacing Valves and Fittings Wrenches, Hammers Heaman’s Hardware & Paint Store BIRTHS .MOULDING—In Dr. Fletcher’s Hos- pital, Exeter, on Monday, Septem­ ber 12th, to “Mr. and Mrs, W. R. ^Goulding, a son, Dawson Leroy. IPRESZCATOR—In Stephen tju, on Monday, September 12 th, to Mfr. and Mrs. Witt. Preszcator, a ‘son, ^CORNISH—In Exeter, on Monday, September 12th,’ to Mr, add Mrs. Emmerson Cornish, a daughter, Donna Marie. DEATHS CLARK’'—In Exeter, On Friday, Sep­ tember 9th, 1927, Hattnah Flet­ cher , beloved Wife of Thomas Clarke, aged 71 years, 4 months and 29 days. KESSELL—Concession 10, iStepher Township, oh Sunday, Septembei 11th, George Kessell, aged 76 years, A number Of ladies from Caver congregation were in Goderich Mon day attending the meeting of ths presbytoriaL The London 1st Silvei* Band of the Salvation Army visited Exeter and Hensail Saturday evening and Sunday and put on a number of en­ tertainments that w0”e greatly ap­ preciated. The London band con­ sisted of 31 players. A concert was given in the Town Hall Saturday evening with Rev. C. J. Moorhouse in the chair. The attendance at this .meeting was not large. This was followed by a street meeting. On Sunday the band haid charge of the morning and evening seryice in the Town Hall. Sunday afternoon they gave an open-air band concert at the park in Hensail at which there was a good turn-out. The largest crowd, however, was present for the open-aii' service in the even­ ing at Victoria Park. Autos were parked in every available space and it is estimated that around 2,-000 people were present. A very fine program of vocal and instrumental music was provided with Rev. D. McTayish acting as chairman. On Saturday evening supper was served the band in the S. A. Hall. Capt. Huson desires to thank all those who helped to make the visit of the band to Exeter a success. An auto accident occurred at the turn in front of Mr. A. Essery's on the London Road south Sunday ev­ ening when a large sedan in which was a man and wife and their dau­ ghter from London, failed to make the turn and rolled over into the ditch. The lady was badly cut about the head. A passing motorisfe took the party to Lucan and the lady wa^ taken to London Hospital ■ by Dr. Orme. A wrecker came out from London on Monday and took the car to the city. Unless improved danger signs are placed at this corner some­ one is going to lose their life. Mrs. (Dr.) F. McLennan, of Wind­ sor, and Miss Marie McKenzie, of New York, and Mr. Donald Young, of Queen's University, were guests at Caver? manse last week. ■ SPOTTON, CONSERVATIVE, CARRIES NORTH' HURON - . , BY 198 MAJORITY George W. Spotton, Conservative/ was elected in North Huron by-elec­ tion on Monday by a plurality o'f 19 8 votes over Archie Hislop, Liberal, with Sheldon Bricker, United Farm­ er, coining third. The result of .the polls was a follows: Spotton 4,531; Hislop, 4,33 3; Bricker 2,725. Mr. Spotton goes to Ottawa as the Suc­ cessor of> the ’ late John" W. ' King,. Progressive,, of Bluevale.” Goderich gave Hislop: a majority Of 240, the largest majority ever given a Liberal candidate in the county town, while Wingham Mr. Spotton’s home town piled up a majority of 322. The vote by municipalities lows: Goderich ........... Wingham .......... Brussels .......... Wroxeter .......... Blyth ................. Ashfield ............ Colborne ........... Morris ............ East Wawanosh . West Wawanosh- Grey ....,. Turn berry Howick Owing to Mr. Stephen; hav­ ing discontinued business we ... solicit your patronage.i 5 ’» Top prices for1'Egg’s and Poultry the year round We carry a full line of Fresh Groceries. R. E. Pooley, Winchelsea FAlRE NIGHT I was as fol­ 71 : 57 30 12 20 316iio 327 . 394 279 .. .313 .286 . 600 931 6.82 167 92 194 341 184 331 ISl- “11 270 296 550 2,725 4,333 4,531Totals FRIDAY AND SATURDAY September 17th and 18th s. Chas. Flight to Paris FEATURE MAGIC, MYRTH AND MYSTERY He makes two laughs grow where one grew before'*'-- ‘Larry Semon, Chas. Murray, Bryant Washburn and all-star caste COMEDY.—HTGH-SEA BLUES Show starts at 8 o’clock, sharp Admission 15 and 35c., ; Step into our •.millinery parlor. We will be glad to show you our new fall millinery, in velvet, and felt uuiuumauuus, Liie styles you are looking for. We ha-ve a large assortment of felts'at reason­ able prices. stock of up-to-the-minute Matrons and Misses hats velvet and silk and velvet combinations, the styles tyelland Will hold their Annual SPECIAL FOR 1-MR DAY WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY September 21st and 22nd t Sid Chaplin. — in -— Oh! What a Nurse’ USUAL COMEDY Ci i DEATH OF MRS. THOS. CLARK The death took place in Exeter on Friday of Hannah Fletcher, beloved wife "of Thomas Clarke, aged 71 years, 4 months and 29 days. Mrs. Clarke's death came as a shock to her many friends a? she had been in her accustomed health up until the day she died. On Thursday Mrs. Clarke spent the day in London and Friday morning she arose but not feeling well she went back to bed and late that evening she passed peacefully away. The deceased was born in Blanshard Tp.and for many years was a resident of Usborne un­ til she came to Exeter about four years ago. Besides her bereaved husband she is survived by six child­ ren, Mrs. Louis Beaver, of Usborne; David, Of town; Edwin, of Kentucky Nelson, of Usborne; Mrs. Wilson Hawkins, of Seaforth and Mrs. J. Simpson, of Winchelsea. One son, Milton, predeceased her on Armistice day, November 11th, 1928. Two brothers also survive, Michael Flet­ cher, of town and John, of Usborhe. The deceased by her genial manner and kindly disposition won a host of friends as Was evidenced by the large attendance at the funeral on Monday which was held in the James St. United church conducted by her pastor, Rev. D. McTavish. Inter­ ment was made in the Exeter cem­ etery. Mr, and Mrs. John W. Taylor cel­ ebrated their golden wedding anni­ versary at the home of their daugh­ ter, Mrs. JoS. McTaVish, of Shakes­peare, on Tuesday. Over sixty wore present and a most enjoyable time was spent. We join with the many friends in extending congratulations, A full account Will appear next week. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ A IN EXETER ON SpeciaLAttractions Free-for-AII, purse $150.00 2.25 Class, purse $150.00 Running Race, open, purse $30.00 Grand Concert, Opera House Wednesday, Sept. 21st ADMISSION TO CONCERT 3B AND BO CENTS, WAR TAX EXTRA W. R. ELLIOTT, President by Taylor Novelty Co. R. G. SELDON, Secretary l:il