HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-09-08, Page 8Big Furniture Sale Still on We will continue to sell our Big Stock of Furniture at prices that cannot be beaten, no matter} where you go, We also have a large stock of Window Blinds jand Window Rods at reduced prices. Everything In our big store goes at this continued sale. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU Call and see us, and be convinced that what we say is true R. N. Rowe & Thos. Dinney Funeral Directors and Embalmers ............... —"J ' ■■■■ , 1, !.!.», Mid-Summer Values in Men’s-Suits and Furnishings All the latest styles in Hats, Caps, Belts, Ties SERVICE THE GOVERNMENT CAN TAKE % OF AN OUNCE OF SILVER AND MAKE IT WORTH §1.00. THAT’S MONEY. A PAINTER IN FLORENCE CAN TAKE A PIECE OF CANVAS WORTH 50 CENTS AND MAKE IT WORTH §5000.00. THAT’S ART. ; .jf’ * . ... ’ A MODISTE IN PARIS CAN TAKE A PIECE OF DRE$S GOODS WORTH $25.00 AND FASHION IT INTO A GOWN WORTH $1500.00. THAT’S ,SKILL. , HARVEY BROS. BRING TO EXETER WHEAT''AND"’OATS' FROM THE WEST, CORN FROM ILLINOIS, OIL • CAKE, TANKAGE, MINERAL FEEDS, GROUND BONE, MEAT SCRAP§, ETC;} ETC-., FROM OUR CANADIAN FACTORIES, BESID'ES^Thfi:f’FLOUR AND FEED MANUFACTURED IN THEIR MILL FOR TjHE SUS­ TENANCE OF THE PEOPLE AND THEIR STQ0K- a' THAT’S SERVICE. LET THEM SERVE YOU. ' HARVEY BROS. ./ Exeter *’ — JO Qntario 154 I GYPROC Your WZHY endure another winter with a -cold garage? By vv lining it with Gyproc you may save the cost ofc attacked radiator, frozen water pump and numerouSrepairs^caused by zero weather. ( . ’Gyproc keeps obf winter’s bitter cold. It is also fire- .resisting. Easy and inexpensive to buy.and apply.’, * 1 Write for free booklet—"My Home.*< . It will telF you how Gyproc, Roeboard Insulating Sheathing and Insulcx Will reduct you? JW bbl trots 20 to 40%. THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED,.PARIS,-CANADA For Sale By *’>•' Ross-Taylor Co.,*Ltd. * Exeter, Ont* . JPfaff - - - - - - Hen^dlly Ont. W. R. GOULDING ; A. T. C. M* Organist and Ciiolrmaster Janies St, United Church Instruction' In Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools £ ' Concert Engagements Accepted Studio Main St. Box 57, Phone 192 EXETER, ONT. The engagement Is announced,,hi IfleroncS/ daughter of Mi*. and Mrs. Janies McRann, Clandeboye,- to_ Cech MoFalis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hatty MoFalis, of Lucan, the marriage to .take place this month, 9 n Mr. and MrS. >• 11. jW. Doerr and faihily visited, relatives in Kitchener and spent the holiday ori A* fishing trip to Meaford-.- They .brought home a‘ ntimber of fine tfdnt. ' Rev. F. G. MOTavish Wife and two children, of Northport, Ont./ visited With the former’s brother Ret. D. MOTavish on Saturday. They were accompanied by, his„ mother. Mrs. s. McTavigh, his 'sjster Mafg^ret, ?his brother James and Miss Clara Ham­ ilton, all of Ripley. On Sunday Mr. John Colling, wife and little son, ac­ companied by Miss Rena Colling and Mr. Mervyn Hovey, Ripley, were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mc­ Tavish al the coltage at Grand Bend. Exeter Markets Wheat $1.25, Oats "47c. , . Burley 75c, Manitoba flour $4,75. Blended flour $4.25. Pastry flour $3.75, Feed flour $2.25 Bran $1.70 Shorts $1.85 Creamery Butter 44c. Dairy butter 3 2-3 5c. Eggs, extras 42c. Eggs, seconds 33c. Hogs, $10.25 C-------------------- -----------------------Q cCoaals C---------’ 5 With the re-opening of school children will need school shoes. We are offering them at a low price.— A. Rumford. Mr, Howard Dignan, who has spent the summer at Pt. Credit with the Fisheries research depart­ ment in connection with the Toron­ to University, has returned home.— Dr. and Mrs. Gibson and son Jack, visited the former’s sister near Strat­ ford over the week-end.—Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beavers, of Detroit, vis­ ited with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, on their way home from Toronto Exhibition, on Monday last.—Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, Mrs. J. Gould and sister, Mrs. R. Campbell, of Saginaw, were visitors during the week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Dempsey, of Holms- ville.—Misses Amelia Acheson and Florence Walters are visiting in To­ ronto.—Miss Auld, of Watford, has resumed her position as milliner with Miss Armstrong.—Rev. Walter and Mrs. Jones and family returned from their vacation on Wednesday even­ ing and Miss Hazel Dixon, of Wal- 'ter’S Falls, accompanied them for a short visit at the-Rectory Mr. N. Ogden is in Bruce County this week looking over the territory and appointing new agents for the Huron Weather Insurance Co.—Miss Jessie Hodgert left this week for Toronto and she will also visit at Port Hope.—Mr. and Mrs. E. Treble visited for a few days in Toronto.— Misses H. Powe and A. Shapton spent the holidays in Toronto.—Reeve W. D. and Mrs. Sanders are expected home this week after a pleasant two month’s tour of Great Britain and the continent.— Rev. ■ Rural Dean Hawkins, of Blyth, will occupy the pulpit of Trivitt Memorial church next Sunday, the Rector Rev. W. Jones, conducting the services at Jones, conducting .the services at Au­ burn.—Mr. R. E. Davis, of the Can­ adian! Bank of Commerce staff, Windsor, spent the-week-end at his home.—Mr- and Mrs. W. Newell and children, of Stratford, are visiting with Mrs. Newell’s sister, Miss Ethel Bissett.—Mr, and Mr&. G. P. Holm­ berg and children of Sault Ste Marie are visiting at the home of Mr. L. Day.—Mr. and and Mrs. Jos. May are visiting’ for a few days with Mr. and Mrs John Rowe, of Toronto.— Mr. and Mr$. Gould, of Detroit, visit­ed' with relatives on Sunday and were accompanied home by Mr. John Gould, who hag been visiting here for several . wepks.— Mr. Edward Taylor, of London, is holidaying at his home here.-—Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May are holidaying in Toronto.— Miss M. E. Brown, R. N., of Toron­ to, is visiting for a month with Miss L. M. Jeckell.—Mr- Wm. Gardiner, of Meaford, has joined Mrs. Gardiner and will visit for a time at the home of Mr. S. Parsons.—Miss Yelland returned last Friday after spending a pleasant visit of two months in the west. She canie down the lakes by boat to Sarnia. On Tuesday Miss Yelland and sister Bessie left to spend a few days in Toronto.—Mrs. W. Johns is visiting her son Frank • in Toronto.—Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones are spending a few days in Toronto.—Miss Gladys Harvey has resumed her position as school teach­ er at Wilton Grove.—Mrs! W: S. Cole has returned from Lucan where she has been caring for her mother. The latter is considerably improved in health.—Miss Caroline Davis has returned home after holidaying at Waterloo and Toronto.— Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Christie and daughter Grace also Mr. and Mrs- W. S' Ho­ wey and Marvin are taking in To­ ronto Exhibition.—Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Woods and family have returned aftei* spending the summer , at Grand Bend,—Mrs. Howe left last week to visit in Toronto and Owen Sound— Mr. and Mrs. Lester Barber and sOn Robt., John Steiner and Irving War­ boys, of Bergen, N. Y., motored here to visit for a week with Dr. Et S. and Mrs. Steiner.—Miss Alma Winer visited for part of the week in Strathroy with her sistei’ Mrs. (Dr.) O. G. Truemner.—Mr. and Mrs Rd Tapp left Wednesday to visit with relatives at Virden, Man.—Mr. W. A. Patrick has returned to his duties at the Canadian Bank of Com­ merce after holidaying at Orillia and Seaforth.— Mr. Harold Wood left Saturday for Toronto, where he has secured a position in a drugstore.— Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Locke, of Bos­ ton, are visiting with Mr and Mrs. W. T. Acheson.—Messrs, V. Roul- ston and Wm,. Allison motored to Toronto and Niagara Falls.—Mr. and Mrs. John Colwill and family left Wednesday J!or Lawson, Sask., where they intenu to visit for about three months.— School re-opened Tuesday following the summer Va­ cation. The same staff of teachers in both high and public school Will be in charge.—Mr. Geo. Anderson and son Ed., motored to Sarnia" for the Week-end and were accompanied home by Mrs. Anderson, who has spent several weeks in Detroit.*—-Miss Olive Wood has left for Toronto to enter the training- school for nurses at the Toronto General Hospital. The 39th Anniversary of Trivitt Memorial church was observed on Sunday. Appropriate sermons were delivered during the day by the Rec­ tor, Rew. W. Jones and the choir furnished special music. Large congregations wet© present* ... THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE QAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, ‘James Foot®, B.A., Minister 10 a.m.—-Sunday School. 11 a.m.—“The Joy of the Harvest’* ,7 p.m.—Service withdrawn JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OP CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 10 a.m,—Sunday School. 11 a.m—“Watching the smoke blow” op “The signs of the Times.” 7 p.m.—“Contentment” First in ’a series on “Test of a Christain.” Our congregations were good last- Sunday. Let us make them better next. Be sure and hear this morn­ ing message on how men try to read the future from the present. are now showing for Fall MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev? C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Subject, “The Precious Blood of Christ” followed by com­ munion service.. 7- p.m.—“Th© Seven Wonders of the World.” First of a series of ser­ mons. Y. P. S. —Tuesday at 8 p.m. Prayer service Thursday at 8 p.m. Mr. Bert Doyle was in Toronto last week attending a convention of Overland dealers. Mr. Doyle has had a successful season having in­ creased his sales this year three hun­ dred per cent, over last year. His territory has been increased to in­ clude all of South Huron and North Middlesex. Mr. Alex McTavish, brother of Rev. D. McTavish, of town, who a few weeks ago was critically ill is improving. Mr. McTavish accom­ panied by his wife and two children are guests,- of* James St. parsonage, this week"*. ’’MrT MCTavish is receiv­ ing X-ray treatment in London. Mrs. McTavish is also ar sister of Mi-g, vMga Tavish in town,- Master Jack Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson, met with an accident Monday evening while watching the street dance. He was sitting on the bumper of a Ford car and in some-manner toppled over to the pavement. His leg came in contact with something sharp inflict­ ing a nasty gash which required three stitches to close. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Allen, son and daughter, Claude and Ruth, of Cas­ tleton, Ont., "motored to Toronto early last week and attended the Na­ tional Exhibition; :then came on to Exeter by way of Stratford and Mit­ chell and visited with Mn and Mrs. J. T. Miners. • They were most fav­ orably impressed With the straight roads, level fields and fine crops in evidence in this part of Ontario. The floral .display by members *of the Exeter Horticultural Society on Saturday filled tl^L. twp large win­dows at Beavprp^.Hard^ar©, The exhibits were of exceptional quality and were the centre of aftra’ction all day. Among the exhibitors were J. S. Harvey, G. Heywood, Hamblyn & Heywood, D. Rowcliffe, Mrs, G. Snell Mrs. J. Lawson, Miss V. Essery, J, Hunter, J. Senior, J. Hern, Mrs. J. Willis, Mrs. J. Greive, J. M. South- cott, B. W- F. Beavers, Mrs. R. E. Pickard, and Mrs. A. Monteith, Kip­ pen. Among the holiday visitors in town for the week-end were: Wm. Hill of Toronto; Mr; and Mrs. Orby Kestle, of. Detroit; Miss May El­ worthy, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dearing, of London; Mrs. D. Ru.ssell and son Earl, of Detroit; Mr. John Murray, of Detroit.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry McFarland andoMr. and Mrs. Wm. Lakin, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. John Ford,, of Exeter North.—Mr. and Mrs. David Hall, of Detroit, with the former’s p’arents, Mr and Mrs. Isaiah Hall.—- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford," son and daughter, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. John Penhale, of Usborne and other relatives.—Mrs. T. M. White and son Mr. Clyde White, of Wind­ sor, with Mr and Mrs. Wickwire and Miss White. Mrs. White, Mr. Clyde White and Miss White left here for a motor trip to Parry Sound.—Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Parker and sons Ro­ bert and' Harold and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore, of Chiselhurst; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell and child, of Denfield, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vale on Sunday last.—Dr. R. Muir and wife of Gowarida, N. Y.,r Mrs. Dr. J. C. Christinson and two children of Niagara Falls, N.Y., were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. B. Makins, of Stephen.—Mrs. H. Brown and Mr, J. T, Fuller, of Sar­ nia, spent the week-end with Mrs. John Snell. Mrs. Fuller, Who has been here for some time, returned home with them.—Mr. and Mrs. H. Sanders and family; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sanders; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mills and daughter Pearl; Mr. E. Mills, all 9t Windsor, visited with relatives.—Mr. and Mrs, Wm( Bradt and family, of London’, visited with relatives.—Chas. Acheson, of Lon­ don, visited under the parental roof.—Mr. C. W. Kestle, of Seaforth, spent the holidays with his father, Mrs. Kestle is spending a few days in Toronto.—Mr. Roy Perkins and Mr and Mrs, Gordon Perkins, of De­ troit, with their parents.—Mr, and Mrs. C- Davis and daughter, Of Lon­ don, with relatives.—Mr. and^Mrs. Elmer Tuckey and son, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Mawson.—Mr. Harold Kuntz and the Misses Do­ rothy and Margaret Kuntz, of Wind­ sor, under tbe parental roof.-—Miss Ella Link, of Seaforth/ with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz.—Mr.. Wilfred Al­ len, of Windsor, at^hls home in Us- bofne.^-Mr. Earl Hutchinson, of De­ troit, under the parental fool.—Mr. and Mts. Ronald WitWdi* ah.d daugh­ ter,-of Wallaceburg, are holidaying for a Week with relatives.— KTlss Laurlho Rawlings, of London Is spending a few days at the home of Mr, Nelson Stanlake.-^-Mr. LhrhO Brimacombe, of Windsor, and Wm. Webster, of Detroit, visited With fel- atives^Mr» and Mrs. T, Slight and := Thursday, September s, 1&27 •- ft’ The individual in style The exceptional in value and in all the new and popular materials and shades for Ladies, Misses and Juniors; also DRESSES for Fall of originalityandstyle at popular prices. Our fall range is ready for your ’ 1 - ip inspection. We invite you to see these and be convinced of our ex- - ceptional values. Bros. Phone 16 T V LOST—On Saturday night, on the Main St., Exeter, a gray purse, kind­ ly leave any information with the Tjmes-Advocate. -LOST—On September the 2nd’ a ladies’ black purse containing small sum of money, ladies’ watch .and car licenses between Seaforth, Exeter and London. » Finder may keep the money and return watch, purse and contents’to Mrs. Flora-Smith, Paler­ mo, Ontario. 9-8-ltp FOR SALE—House and two lots in Exeter. Apply to M. D. Gorle, 213 Huron St., Toronto 5. 9-8-tf^ FOR SALE OR RENT—A fully’ modern house with garage. Apply at this office. 9-8-ltc Clover Seed We are continuing our s^ed’busi­ ness as in former years. We would appreciate an opportunity to bid on your clover seeds. Our service and cleaning will be of the usually high standard we have tried at all times to maintain. - • JONES & MAY The W. C. T. U. intend holding a “Refreshment Booth” on the Fail’ grounds at the Fair this year, ' •‘ ‘ \ 9-l-2tc SPECIAL—Lard barrels, sugar barrels and oak malt barrels for sale.—Grant’s Bakery. . two children, Of Whitby, motored up and visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Down, of Usborne.-*—Mr. Jos. Taman, of Picton, is visiting his brother, W. W.; Taman.—Miss Iva Francis, of Detroit, visited with her parents in Stephen.—Miss E. Wiggins, of Gode­ rich, was the guest of Mrs. Banes and Mrs. MOllard.—Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Neil, of London, Visited With Mi*, and Mrs. J. H. Jones.—Mr and Mrs Norman Ford, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wyant, of Sylvania, Ohio, visited over the holidays with Mr and Mrs. Cfhas. Box.—*Mrs Thos Cookson, Mr, and Mrs. Elea^er Cook­ son and son /Donald, Of Windsor spent a few days with Miss May San- ders.*—-Miss Marlb Willis visited the lattei* patt of the Week With Miss Alma Winer.—Miss .LOVlca Keliand, of Detroit, visited with her cousins, Mr. ahd Mrs; ThoS. Jones.—Mr^ B. W; Grigg, of Monti’eal, spent Thurs­ day and Friday With Miss ftrigg" and Miss MacFauL—‘Mi*, and Mrs. Kydd and family, Of Detroit, with Mr, and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd.—Miss A. Weeltfes, of Guelph, with relatives.—- Denson Tuckoy, of .London, tinder the parental roof.^—Mr. Harry Sweet, of Windsor, visited with his mother, Mrs, T. Sweet, FOR SALE—A number of' good heavy horses. .Apply to Clyde Hey­ wood. . ‘ 6-30-tic. STRAYED—Onto the,premises of. Mr.u S. Stanlake, Lake Road, three head of cattle, year-olds. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. • *■ 9-l-*3tc. ' mi ■■ ■ I > ■ . in,*,...........—I...... . . FOR SALE—Load of godd quality fleshy heifers weighing 800^Tb. Erni'e Thompson, Parkh'ill. Bell phone. 9-l-3tc FOR SALE—6 roomed.... cottage., good pantry, garage. In'first’’class condition, one and lialf lot. Apply G. W. Davis, Huron St. 8-25-3tc WANTED — Experienced maid. Phone '226, Exeter. STRAYED—From the farm of Mr. Garnet Frayne, Thames .Road, about the sixth of August, a grey 2-year-old steer with horns,* Any person having any information.- leave with Mr. Fred Delbridge, Woo'dham, P.O., or phone 14-2, Kirkton 8-25-tf Dr. Atkinson wishes to announce that he will be away on his holid.aysr from August ^5 th until; th©'-moriting? of Septembei* 15th. During this time Mr. Wm. Lawson, fifth, yeai*. dental student will be in Charge '.dt the office-- 8-18-4tc HOUSE FOR'RENT—Brick house on Andrew. St., if agreed to rent, possession will be given on Septem­ ber 1st. Apply to Mr. Geo. Williams Exeter, or phone 154w. 8-25-tf • TRUCK SERVICE—Having pur­ chased a new Chevrolet truck I am prepared to do trucking of any des­ cription. F. Brackley. Phone wm\, Waal, Kirkton, 10-14. 9-8-ltp FOR SALE—Storey and half brick house on Gidley Street with two lots, hard and soft water, ahd Electric Lights, also some fruit trees. Cen­ tral location. Apply GLADMAN & STANBURY,* Solicitors for Adminis­ trator, Estate Caroline G. Fdrd, LOST—On Monday evening a grey felt hat was put in the Wrohg car' by mistake. Please leave at Times- Adyocate* "y 9-7-ltp FOft SALE-—Stofey and a half frame house, newly shingled,, new front veranda, hard wood floor in living room ahd hail, hard and soft water. Bargain for quick sale* Ap­ ply to Mrs. M. E. Howard, Andrew Street. 8-11-tf TRY IT YOURSELF at dm* risk and learn as thousands have, that Mrs. Sybil!® Tonsilltis, treats sore throats, Quinsy, Croup, Cough, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Bron* chiai Ashma and Tonsil troubles successfully;. Udwey^ Drugstore. I Order your Coal Now! Prices are Down. Now is the time to place your, order, for next’s winter’s coal supply. 'Prices hove dropped. Stove Coal $15.50 a ton ’ . Egg and Nut Coal $15.00 .per ton Coke $12.00 per tori Ten cents a ton per month will be added to these prices after ' 30 days R. G. SELDON Life ’Insurance < WITH SUBSTANTIAL DIVIDENDfif Mutual Life of Canada E. C. HARVEY, Agent 1847 r 1927. CANADA LIFE The Oldest Assurance Co. in Canada B. M. FRAiNClS Phone 104, Exeter 1874 1927, The London Life Insurance Co. W. C. PEARCE, AGENT. Exeter. Phone 130 W. ’• t Residence, Ann St. two blocks Wea| of Ford Garage Notice T. H. ELLIOTT r The Cleaner and Presser has rent-? ed the store two doors north of the- post office and is putting in a stock tf men’s furnishings and his motto is going to be a small profit and a quick turn over. Store Will be open! every evening after Sept 1st until ten o’clock. HURON & ERIE, DEBENTURES Authorized by Government * as Trusted Investments Th© interest is paid half yearly upon $100.00 or mor© for 1 to 5t years. Applications tor same are accept­ ed at any time by CARLING & MORLEY KarrlsUra Enter, Ou(. j