HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-07-21, Page 7AVIAHON GAIN
pay his
If- Not Corrected Serious Results
Sure to Follow
“Tom pays me -wonderful compli
“Maybe so—but can he
■I A EiTHPH...SHX? 'TW....a
I.’’X'EWK EASX SELWNQ J’ALCQ , C—BAb«Sells on right. Cleans everything Hife MAGIC. Free gampleJU.
o’ & CO., Alexandria.
Frentth Peopk Also Praise
Gallantry Displayed by
America’s Crew
Jaris—“Give them a rousing recep
tion equal to Lindbergh’s!” Such was
the mot d’ordi'o which ran through
Paris when it was learned that the
four American airmen led by Com
mander Byrd would, reach the capital
on Saturday, July 2. It was a com
mand which Parisians delighted to
obey and the reception, though differ
ent in character was heartfelt and en
The transatlantic fliers came up
from the little coastal village in Nor
mandy, where they had been shelter
ed, after their forced landing in the
sea, by the lighthouse keeper and de
puty mayor. Th-eir adventures deeply
stirred France and it is declared that
the exploit is perhaps the most thrillring in tho history of aviation.
T It is obvious teat the weather fore
cast was unreliable for the America
r J;a to battle rain,- wind and fog through-
*cut its long course and when in spite
of the adverse elements it llcw with
in a fe'w miles of Paris even the most
powerful searchlights failed to indi
cate the topographical situation to the
mist-shroude-d and tempest-tossed
Yet these conditions amply prove
the trustworthiness^af their machine.
They show that notliing is tco barter
aircraft to overcome. Commander
^Byrd, lost in absolute darkness, turn-1
ed in his tracks and after four hours
of searching was obliged to risk a
descent. The crew used its
Vniflatibl-e rubber boat. The whole
story in every detail fills the front
pages of French newspapers and if it
is impossible to renew the feeling of
marvel experienced at the first beauti
ful crossing of the Atlantic there is
nevertheless admliation fc-r the cour
age, skill and endurance of Comman
der Byrd and his ctmpanions.
The President, the Premier and
other authorities have sent messages
of congratulation. For the moment it
is the exciting incidents of this prodi
gious Odyssey which attract chief at
tention, but it is not doubted that
i despite the untoward circumstances a
rich liarves of aeronautical observa
tions has been reaped.
In no trouble is delay or neglect
more dangerous than in anaemia—
thin, watery blood. It is very common
in young girls and in persons who are
overworked or confined within doors
It makes its approach in so stealthy
a manner that it is often well develop
ed bei'oro the trouble is recognized.
But taken in time the tonic treat
ment through the use of Dr. Williams’
Pink Pills, so enriches the blood that
I good health and strength is speedily
■ regained. The correction of anaemic
conditions by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills
is as certain as anything can be. Miss T Arncn r*x.______ r\ _
War Paint?
Altainha Apt., 5 and 6 rooms,
ner Colfax and Lafayette, beautifully
decorated janitor.—Ad. in a Denvci
Conscientious Witness
old-time practise of kisslu
received a jolt at a recent
HowanCounty wedding when an awk
ward-looking guest was asked if he
had Ids ed the briJe, and m plied:
“Not lately.”—Hardware Age.
_ 1
Teresa Healey, Dunravon, Que., is one of salt."-
of the many anaemic sufferers who |.
has found new health through the use
of this medicine. She says:—“I can
not express too warmly my thanks
for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
have done for me. I was suffering
from a.badly run-down condition, I
was very nervous, had little desire for
food, and would feel tired out at the
least exertion. In this condition I
began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, | ‘
and before using them very long j
found my health gradually improving,
and under their continued use was
Completely restored. For this reason
I earnestly advise-all weak girls to
take these puis, feeling sure that they
will do for others what they did for see us starve.”
Send your name and address to The
Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brock
ville, Ont., and they will mail you free
a useful little book on “Building Up
the Blood.” The pills can be obtain
ed through any druggist or by mail at
50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Jackie’s orders were that he should
come straight home immediately
school was over. He had obeyed
them to the letter for some time, but
unfortunately a day came when he
forgot. I-Ie arrived home very
dirty and tired.
“Look here,” said his father
grily, “didn’t you promise me
you’d come straight Home?”
“Yes, father,” was the meek reply.
“And didn’t I promise' to punish you
if* you stayed behind?”
"Yes, father,” answered
more meekly still. “But as
my promise I won't hold
Behind the Door.
“John, 1 wish you’d bring me home
ono of those tabloids.”
“Tho kind you take with a glass
of water?”
“No; the kind you take with a grain
■Boston Transcript.
I The Flapper Flaps.
! “Well,” remarked a married
after examining his friend’s new
■ “1 wisll I could afford a place
, “Yes,” said Ills friend, “you mar
ried men may have bettor halves, but
we bachelors usually have bettor
No Spectator.
I j They wero newly wedded and not
in tho best of circumstances. Said
, he, “If things don’t go better with us,
darling, I suppose your father
I “No, pool- dear,” replied the
*’-j- . . . getg worsewife, 'his eyesight
day.”—Boston Transcript.
Dog Fight.
“I can read a book and still
to the
radio music,” said
it confusing?” ,
Each helps to take
off the other.”—Washington
Miss Ca
by mind
Aviation paegress in the pant fifteen years- i-s- strikingly illustrated by these
photographs of two Avio planes, one of which, the bottom, was manufac
tured in 1912, and the other in 1927. The old -c-ne is in South Kensington
Cc*l Mining Under the Sea in1 Advertisements
The Sydney coal field in Cape Bre
ton Island, Nova Scotia, has a total
area of about 200 square mileB and
supplies from G5 to 78 per cent, of
the total coal production of the pro
vince. The largest mines are all pro
ducing from submarine areas, pome
of the workings running for more
than two miles under the sea. About
130,000,000 tons have been won from
this field and there is an estimated
reserve of 2,500,000,000 tons within
economical mining distanco.
Earn uffwuras pf wpultjy; crowlnff.
mushrooms far us, using waste space In cellars, barns or outhouses. Light
pleasant work for either sex. Com
mence now. Illustrated booklet, particulars and testimonials sent any
where. for stamp. Address Dominion
Myshroorn Co.. Toronto 3.
July—the month of oppressive heat;
red-hot days and sweltering nights;
is extremely hard on little ones. Diar
rhoea, dysentery, colic and cholera
infantum carry off thousands of pre
cious little lives every summer. The
mother must be constantly on her
guard to prevent these troubles, or if
they come on suddenly to fight them.
No other medicine is of tuvh aid to
mothers during the hot summer as is
Baby’s Own Tablets. They regulate
the bowels and stomach, and an occa
sional dose given to the well child
will prevent summer complaint, or if
the trouble does come on suddenly
will banish it. The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams’
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Britain, Germany and the
>- Soviets
- Berlin Tageblatt: (Declaring that
Britain is endangering the peace of
Europe by expelling the Soviet repre
sentatives, the Tageblatt enjoins Ger
many to observe a strict neutrality.)
Germany, justly anxious regarding her
neutrality, can give Russia no more
that diplomatic friendship and her
voice at Geneva. Nevertheless, to-mor
row or tho day after, or in tho very
near future, strange events: may occur
in Albania. There is no need to direct
M. Bi’iand'a attention to thoeo inci
dents, for doubtless lie thinks of them
unceasingly. With equal umiainty all
sorts of rumors and alarms must have
sounded in Mr. Chamberlain’s ears;
yet, though one of the walls of the
house, is already full of cracks, he is
'assiduously attacking the other with
crowbars and explosives. In very
truth he docs not boar the stamp of
his predecessor, Pitt.
........................................... «•«
When Irons Were Outlawed
There is a very charming and very
okl book called “The Golfer’s Manual
by a. Keen Hand” which was published ill 1857. Tho author did not think
much of irons; he regarded them as a
new fanglcd and dangerous1 inventions,
eu-jHiis advice>tep_a modal day wall
to “avoid presteng ami by all rogans
try and give ycur iron clubs a holi
day.’ Incidentally he held that these
abominable iron clubs (how different
from the graceful and trusty bailing
spoon!) were “obviously of an un
changeable character.” t How ho would
open his venerable eyes if he could
come back to see some of tho mon
grels, of to-day! The nibbliclc was then
‘ not an iron club, but a wooden cne,
clcreribed as a nantiquated connection
of the spoon family, now seldom met
vKth, v.r.kss as a supernumerary
the pad: o fan oldster.
I forgot
Poor Man.
He was. a good-natured Irishman
and was one of a-number of men em
ployed in erecting a new building.
The owner of the building, who knew
him, said to him one day:
“Pat, didn’t you tell me once that
a brother of'yours is a bishop?”
“Yis, sor,” replied Pat.
“And you a hod-carrier! The good
things of this life are not equally
divided, are they?”
“No, sor,” said Pat, as he should
ered his hod. "Poor fellow! My
brother couldn’t do this to save his
, |saMaBKS^SaiBaaKaEa3si5a»UEBaffit!HEXISE3XX=^Mn!SS5EHBSRSSna3SSS»
Flies Mosquitoes Moths "Tbeyeiio can
Ants Bed Bugs Roaches tbi btack band”*
Ma Bum gets it in the .neck
TOLIT spray clears your home of mosquitoes
J? and flies. It also kills bed bugs, roaches, ants,
and their eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to
mankind. Will not stain. Get Flit today.
Distributed in Canada by Fred J. JFfiitlon1 & Co., Limited, Toronto
NORTHERN ONTARIO contains millions of acres
of the finest agricultural land in the world and may be
had by returned soldiers and sailors free; to others, 18
years and over, 50 cents per acre. What settlers say
of the soil, climate, farming and forest life, is told in a
moist attractive booklet issued under the direction of the
Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture for On
With the approval of the Minister of Education.
DAY AND EVENING CLASSES ' may be conducted in accordance with the regulations Issued by
Director of Colonization, Parliament Buildings,
Toronto, Ont., Canada
"Please mention this paper"
High School Boards and Boards of Education
Are authorised by law to establish
Heavy Correspondence.
r “You have a heavy correspondence
with tho college bny:i, haven’t you?”
J'Yos, nearly all of their letters
Come postage duo.”
( “You look dejectcf ” 'Yes, marred
life g»ts on my no ' oe " Boon mar
ried long?’ “No. T io wedding Ukefi
uplaco to-;n j<’’ow.”
the Department of Education.
Is given In various trades. The iritorie IO Hivvm • _ is. . nAUMlTTCCdirection of
Application for
____ _ The schools and classes are under the
an'^advisoRy COMMITTEE.
attendance should be made to the Principal of the
for in the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High
Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments.
Copies of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may be
obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
Advisor to Foreign Office Tells Chicago University Confer
ence That Crown Could not Be Supplanted by
Elected Head for F amily of Dominions
Chicago—Commenting on the recent , which constitute -the llnksi which bind
esta'bliishment at Washington, D.C., of
ministers acting for the Dominion of
Canada and for the Irish Free- State,
Sir Cecil J. B. Hurst, legal advisor to
the British Foreign Office, and editor
of the British Year Book of Interna
tional Law, said hone, “Whether the
practice will spread I cannot tell you.
It will do so if the Dominion govern
ments feel that their interest will be
better served by making such appoint
ments.. Unless' they feel that, I should
opine that they will prefer to continue
the existing system and make, use as
heretofore' of the British diplomatic
service as the medium for their com
munications with foreign powers.
■ ’-*£1“Since -their return to their own
countries after the Imperial Confer
ence, both Mr. Brue, the Prime Minis'-
the Empire together, Sir Cecil pne-
sente-dj arguments' to the effect that the
British Empire would collapse if a
President were to. be substituted for
the crown.
Interest Would Be Lacking
“No one unit .of the Empire would
feel the feast interest .in, much less
enthusiasm, for a. process of election
of a head of the State,” he declared.
“One can well imagine a homogeneous
community like Australia or New Zea
land taking a fervent interest in the
election of a president for itself, but
what interest would 10,000,000 of Cana
dians take in the election of a presi
dent, when the votes- to be ea-st would
run into millions, when the candidates
for election might be man whom Can
ada had never seen and who might
Now to Keep Your Tent Dry
The best method of water-proofing a
tent is to iron in paraffine or cerasine,
but this will leave, the material slight
ly heavier and stiffer than formerly.
The method is to put two p-ounds of!
paraffine! into .two gallons- of turpen- ■
tine, and- set the vessel in a tub o£t
hot water. After a solution is1 made '
■the tent .should be set up and painted
quickly and evenly with a stiff brush.
The .paraffine method will turn almost
any rain, but makes- a tent that is* in
flammable. The foil-owing process
makes a tent easier to handle and less
inflammable, but .the treatment will
need to be renewed. priodicaliy every
one or two seasons'. The tent should
be soaked over-night in water. Dis
solve alum in hot, soft water in pro
portion or one pound to four gallons.
In another tub dissolve the same pro
portion of water and sugar of lead (a
poison) and let both solutions stand
until clear, then pour the sugar of
lead solution into the alum solution.
Let stand about four hours, then pour
the clear liquid back Into the empty
tub, leaving the dregs. The liquid is
now ready for the tent. Rub in, wet-'
ting thoroughly every part, and let I
soak overnight. Then rinse, wring
and hang up -to dry.
“It appears, Mary Janes,”
magistrate “that you have
been convicted thirtyfive
answered Mary,
said the
times of
“That’s right, your honor,”
“No woman is per-
P A M P C U free .book
i Tells cause of cancer and what to do
for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for
;t to-day, mentioning this paper. Ad
dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital
Indianapolis, Ind.
ter of Australia, and General Hertzog, (never have visited; the country and
tee Prime Minister of South Africa,; when tee man to be elected would have
have stated that their governments do his seat of office overseas and would
not intend to appoint special diploma-1 ■ -
■tic representatives.”
Sir Cecil was speaking at the Nor
man Walt Harris Memorial Foundation
Institute of Politics at the University
of Chicago'.
Research Committee -Described
“One thing is certain,” he declared.
“There are many matters- of business
on which the members of the British
family of nations inuist act together.
This is particularly ■so' in tee case of
foreign affairs which affect the inter-i . . Pte ■..'T' ”te" *“ .------’ Uie-sts of the whole gi-oup. The day has hersete wou.d be the first
gone by when these general questions!
of foreign affairs, questions affecting I
tee interests of the whole group, can'
merely be represented by a governor
“I am putting first the consideration
in favor of the retention of the mon
archy which is of greatest weight from
the point-of view of the self-governing
communities of the Empire, but if you
will1 think for a moment of India you
will see how hopeless' a presidential
election in the Empire would he. It
would 'be an election in. which it would
be rank injustice if the preponderant
elements were not in India, but of
‘‘Apart from all questions of per
sonal loyalty, of sentiment, of tradi-
be- left to one member of tee group to ’tion an<1 devotion to a sovereign for i Trnrlr -urn id _*conduct without reference to the
Extensive and valuable activities
arc anticipated for the recently cre
ated civil research committee, to con
sist of the Primo Minister of Great
Britain and such other person®* as* he
may summon and to be charged with
giving connected for-ethouglit from a
central standpoint to the development
of economic, scientific, and statistical
research in relation to civil policy and
administration, Sir C-eciil reported. This
committee* is to be purely an advisory
group but its work is- so- important
that it will assume an Emptee-wado
scope, he said.
Emphasizing that it is the crown
and tho- common citizenship which
flows from allegiance to- the crown
i work well done, the crown is indeed
the keystone of the imperial arch
the .British Empire.”
Why Go Through?
Fast Eastj-Cuifi^
Edge-Holding Sawsc^
Guaran teed because made
from our own steel
ISSUE Nd. 29-—’27.
* - -’i
A Year's Test Will Prove
Swift Best.
Send Us Your Next Shipment.
Better Still.
One of the American film magnates
was recently approached by an ac
quaintance of less affluent days with
a request that he endorse a note for
“AU you have to do,” said the man,
"is sign this paper and the manager
of the bank will let me have the
“Do you know tliat bank manager?”
asked the magnate.
vNot personally.”
“Well, do you think I'd let you bor
row money from a strange bank man
ager? An old friend like you? You
have him endorse the note and I’ll
lend you the money myself.”
Keep Minard's Liniment near at hand.
Good Yarn.
Salesman (showing customer cyc
ling stockings)—“Surprising value,
sir. Worth double the money. Latest
pattern, fast colors, holeproof,
shrink, and it’s a good yarn.”
Customer—“Yes, and very
Found It.
“I can’t imagine why Smith should
be so angry with his son. The boy
acted on instructions.”
“In what way?”
“His father advised him to go out
and find an opening, and the next
thing the youngster did was to write
and tell his father he was in a hole,” j
Alice—“Do you ever go through
your husband’s pockets?” '
May—“No; you’ve gotten every'
cent when you roach the bottoms— •
—why go through?”
“Thin is the age of specialists,” said
Charles M. Schwab, “but there is
such a thing as overdoing it. Office
inefficiency has ruined many an other
wise good business. “ 'I want a girl,’
the office boss said to his secretary,
‘who is a high-school graduate; I
want a girl who can spell words of at
least two syllables; and I want a girl
who knows something about busi
ness; I want a girl who has ambition
to become an executive.’ “ ‘Yes, sir,’
said the 'secretary, looking up from
her notes. ‘You want four girls for
the inner office.' “
George—‘‘There goes a fellow that
whistles at danger.” Sam—“He must
be a very brave follow. Who it he?”
George -“A locomotive engineer.”
Minard’s Liniment for Insect bites*
I !
Drive away the throbbing pain
with applications of Minard’s.
Two Women Owe Health
to Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound |
st. Adolphe, Manitoba.—“I was
very weak and had great pains during
my periods so that
I cculd not sweep
the floor. The
pains were in the
right side and ex
tended to the left,
and then down
wards. It seemed
as if the body was
heavy and upside
down. It is for
these troubles I
took tlie Vegeta
ble Compound. I
saw about it in a paper and one wo
man prevailed on me to take it. It
has helped me in every way, tha
pains are less, and I have more appe
tite. It is a pleasure to recommends
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com-
Sound to other women.’’—Mrs. J. I*.
louncHAiNE, St. Adolphe, Manitoba.,
Found Great Relief
Toronto, Ont. —“ I am at the Change
of Life with hot flashes, dizziness,
weakness and nervousness. I had
head noises and was short of breath.
I was this way about six months whens
I read about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg
etable Compound in the newspapers.
I have taken eight bottles so far and
found great relief.”—Mrs.R.J.Sal- 1
mon, 112 Lawk: Ave., Toronto, Ont,j
I Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Headache Neuritis
“1 hoar you and Peggy have quar
relled.” “Yes. Last night I found
something about her I didn’t like.”
“What was that?” “Another follow’s
Accept only “Bayer” package
*• which contains’proven directions.
Handy “Payer” boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 21 and 100—-Druggists.
ASp'tln is the trade rnttrk In Cannes) 6f Sayer MumiOwtuH* Motmncriltf*
tideate t>l Salleylieacid tAcetyi Salicylic! Add, “A. S. A.”). While tt If Wdi known
that AtqJrin tnenns Bayer uimmfacture, 16 asdst the public tiKAlrsl luHatlon**, •>% Titetes .
of Bayte Cc-mpaLy will to elamped With their geu.j«J ISficie matt, the •