HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-07-14, Page 8■]1 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE PRICES ARE DOWN We must vacate the Opera House Block and are offering wonderful, Bargains in all lines of Furniture. A very full line of furniture to choose from. Call at either store* This is your opportunity. If you are needing furniture now is the time to buy. Our stock must be reduc­ ed and we are sac­ rificing to sell. Exeter Markets Wheat $1.35. Oats 50c. Barley 65c. Manitoba flour $4-75. Blended flour $4.25. Pastry flour $3,75, Feed flour, $2.10. Bran $1.70 Shorts $1.75. Creamery butter 40c, Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Hogs $8,50 GA VEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Jameai Foota, B.A., Minister Services at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m, will be in charge of Mr, Graham, Knox student, of Bayfield. butter 32-35c. ■Extras 2 9c seconds $24c Jji. -r- cCoaals JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Gouldlng, AT.q.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 10 a, m.—Sunday School. Union Services with Main St, United Church Preacher—Rev. C. J. Moorehouse 11 a.m.-—-"All the Lord's People Prophets." 7 p.m.—"The Stupidity of Godless­ ness," R. N. ROWE Mi Mid-Summer Values IH I in Men’s Suits and Furnishings All the latest styles in Hats, Caps, Belts, Ties and Sport Goods Come in and let us show you W. w' TMMMN I Merchant Tailor and Gents’ Outfitter E3SMB Is The Old Service Station GLADSTONE COULD WRITE A PAGE AND MAKE IT WORTH $500.00. THAT’S GENIUS. SOME MEN CAN WRITE A FEW WORDS ON A BLANK CHECK AND MAKE IT WORTH $1,000,000.00. THAT’S CAPI­ TAL, AMECHANIC CAN MAKE A DOLLAR’S WORTH OF IRON IN­ TO WATCH SPRINGS WORTH $50.00. THAT’S SKILL. HARVEY BROS. BRNG FROM NEAR AND FAR FEED OF A SUPERIOR GUALITY FOR YOUR HORSES, CATTLE, SWINE, POULTRY AND FOOD FOR YOURSELVES WHICH THEY SELL AT A REASONABLE PRICE. THAT’S SERVICE. YES, VERILY, A SERVICE THAT BRINGS TO /YOUR DOOR OATS FROM WESTERN CANADA; CORN FROM OHIO; TANK­ AGE, OIL CAKE, MINERAL FEEDS, BONE, ETC., ETC., BESIDES THE FACTURED IN OUD MILL. WILL YOU. MEAT SCRAP, GROUND’ FLOUR AND FEED MANU- YOU ALLOW US TO SERVE i- HARVEY BROS. Exeter • ? Ontario XWIWAY' aiw Util, 1927 i Southcott Bros SUCCESSORS TO J. A. STEWART BEAUTIFUL We have always something new to show you. For those who are hard to fit, we take your measure and have a dress made for you and guarantee a perfect fit. We are clearing a lot of summer dresses this week at $2.98 The new London Hotel was open­ ed in London on Wednesday. Mr, Arthur Hogarth, of Hamilton, called on relatives one day last week. Miss Joy Hillhouse, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer. Miss Vina Fisher, of Hamilton, I is holidaying With Mr. and Mrs, Rd, [ Coates, i Miss E. M. Bowey is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. K. Clarke, of > Windsor. i Rev. R. E. Southcott, of is .visiting for a few days mother in town. Huron forth Monday morning. [ tended from Exeter, i Miss Evelean Farrell, J is a guest at the home I Mrs. W. T. Acheson. | Mr. Bieber, of Ridgetown, visit- | ed with his son Wm., of I for a few days recently. j Master Will. Chambers J ing the week in London, I of Master Ted. Wethey. | The hay harvest has been in full: 4 swing for several days. The | is extra heavy this year, t Recent visitors with Mr. and 4 Fred Hogarth were Mr. Fred | chell and Miss Janie Hogarth, of To- 5 ronto. | Misses Verda Rowcliffe and Greta | Hamess returned Monday after vis- | iting for a week in Windsor and De- | troit. I Dr. Jas. I visited for | Mrs. Wm. I Burlington Mr. Alfred Wilcox and daughter I Elsie, of Detroit, were the guests of the former’s mother, Mrs, Thomas Webster, Exeter North. Miss Violetta Ratcliffe who has been teaching in Regina, is visiting her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. John N. Ratcliffe, of Strathroy. Mr. W. J, Northcott and neice Miss Stella Northcott, of Hay, re­ turned home on Friday -last visiting for a week in Toronto. • Miss Lillian Marshall and brother, have returned to home in London after visiting at the home of Mr. W. J. Northcott. Mrs. Geo. Russell and four child­ ren, of Hanna, Alta., are here visit­ ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sanders, Huron St. Miss Vera Mawhinney, of Stephen who has been teaching school Flint, Ont., has been engaged teacher for S. S. No. 6, Stephen, next year. His Grace the Archbishop Huron, was the guest of the Rev. and. Mrs, Walter Jones at,the rectory when in town for the purpose of confirmation. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ingram, of De­ troit, are visiting with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardy. Mr. Hardy has not been as well during the past week. Mr. Wm. ‘McDonald, of Detroit, accompanied by his son-in-law, Mr. J. O’Brien and wife, visited the for­ mer’s sister, Mrs. John Gould, of Hay, and other friends. Mrs. (Dr.) Irwing and daughter, Miss Katherine and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Sutherland, of St. Marys attend­ ed the funeral of the late Mrs. C. MacDougall on Saturday. Mr. C. B. Snell has fitted up the old Pickard residence on Main St. for use as a private hospital. The building is about ready to be oc­ cupied. He has J received several applications from parties Wishing to take charge. Dr. Fletcher, who had been suf­ fering from a sore foot and who re­ ceived treatment at Victoria Hos­ pital, London, returned to town Saturday. Dr. Cliff, who was look­ ing after his practice here, returned to the city. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Seabrooke, of Walter’s Falls and little daughter, Doris spent a couple of days at Trivitt Memorial rectory, leaving Wednesday morning for their home. Master Leonard Jones accompanied them to spend the vacation, with his grandparents. A truck-load of boys, members of the boy’s choir from St. James Anglican church, London, under the supervision of Mr, A. W. Anderton, organist and choir leader, together ' with Mrs. Anderton, passed through Exeter Monday morning on their way to camp at Grand Bend. Mr, J, L. Lewis, of London, was in Exeter over the week-end and on Monday moved with Mrs. Lewis and daughter Thelma together with their household effects to London," They have- taken up their residence at 125 1 Mill St. The best wishes of many : friends will follow them. ’The first of the union services by > the Main St. and James St. congre- : gallons for the summer months was i held in James St. church on Sunday i lot A large congregation was i present at the morning service, tile • church being nearly tilled. A fair ' congregation was present in the ev* i ening'. Rev. U. J. Moorhouse, the ‘ new pastor of Main St. Church, coil* ducted the services and preached two very acceptable sermons. The < . ...... James St choir had charge of the longer necessary for a lady to be mnsi& ’ . helpless. „ , MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Union Services next Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. to be held in James St. United church 11 i First Mortgages Provincial Bonds Trust Co. Mortgage Bonds Dominion of Canada Bonds Any Term of Years—-Interest 5 to 6 per cent. « SAFE SECURITIES GYPRQC GLADMAN & STANBURY For Interior Construction YJAKE your rooms fire-resistant and free from drafts^ and cold by erecting Gyproc ceilings and partitions in your ’home. Gyproc can be put up in half the time required for lath and plaster—' saving time and labor costs. Gyproc takes any decoration, Let us show you a full-sized Gyproc board ready to apply, Write for free booklet—-"My Home.” It Will tell you how Gyproc, Roeboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and Insulex will reduce your fuel bill from 20 to 40%, the Ontario gypsum co,, limited, Paris, Canada w For Sa]e By • The Ross-Taylor Co»,*Ltd» « Exeter, Ont W. E* Pfaff ..** * Hensail, Ont Morpeth, with his in Sea-Presbytery met Several at- of Toronto of Mr. and Hay Tp., is spend- the guest crop Walker, of Burlington, a week with his mother, Walker, returning' to Tuesday. is C. of Rayon Silk Hose Ladies’ Rayon Silk Hose in all the wanted shades. A good he for hot weather at per pair AH Wool Bathing Suits For chlldren> women and men. There is nothing Hike an all wool bathing suit, We carry “Aberley” They are hard to beat, priced at $2.25, $2,95 to $4.00 A TON OF TEA We have in stock and on order a ton of ORANGE PEKOE TEA, reg. 75*0. and 85c. a pound. Special prices are as follows. 1 pound for.. 2 pounds for 3 pounds for 5 pounds for 1 pound for.. 2 pounds for 3 pounds for 5 pounds for 69c $3.25 after little their at as for o£ Hilton Laing has taken a position with Beaver’s Hardware, S. Martin & Son have moved into their new store, Mr, J. W. Taylor, who has been ill with pneumonia, continues to improve. The Veterans’ picnic will be held, in Goderich during the Centennial celebration. Miss Elsie Brandeau, of Detroit, is the guest of Miss Beartice Howey of town. Miss Jean Walker, of London, has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Walker. Mrs. W. H. Harness and daughter and Mrs. H. Smith spent the week­ end in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Prout and family, of Detroit, motored over and are visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, Mr. Ed. Dignan and Mr, J. Dignan, visited Mr. Cliff Lamport at Byron on Sunday. Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers has return­ ed home after spending the past two weeks visiting relatives and friends in Brantford and Hamilton. Miss Grace Allen, of Toronto, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. Pearce. Miss Francis Pearce, Stratford, was home over the week­ end. Messrs, P’red. Ford and Sam’l Buchanan, of Toronto, are holiday­ ing for two weeks with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ford, of Usborne. Mr, H. O. Southcott underwent an Operation for the removal of his tonsils on Monday, the operation be­ ing performed by Dr. H. J. Brown­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. McPhail, of Melfort, Sask., were the guest’s at the home of Mr. C. W. Keddy, of Usborne, an Thursday of last week while on a motor trip. The Horticultural Society would would like “ to know if any of our readers have a photograph of- Fed­ eral Park before the improvements were made. Messrs. Frank Newman and J, A. Stewart; R. N. Creech and R. G. Seldon were in Strathroy last week attending the Scotch doubles bowl­ ing tournament. Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers attended the county convention Of the W.C. T.U. held in Blyth last Wednesday and Thursday, being the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bender. Miss Verda Leavitt, R.N., of Walk­ erville, spent a few days at her home here prior to leaving for an extend­ ed European tour. She will visit France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland,' Holland, Belgium and the British Isles. * Rev. D. McTavish, wife and family are. holidaying this week with rela­ tives at Ripley. Next week Mi-. Mc- TaVish will take part in the Goderich summer School for the young people of the United church, of which he is president. In our report of the lire which took place recently in front of the gas filling station of Mr. S. J. V. Cann we stated-that the owner of the car struck a match to see how much gas was in the tank. The tank had been almost filled with g‘as the hole in the tank being on one side and the indicator was on the other side or over three feet away. The match was struck to see the indicator and owing to the warm night the fumes had spread and ig­ nited. A very enjoyable evening was spent recently at the home of Mr. Aidwin Collingwood, Hamilton when about forty members of the In-' ternational Harvester Go., wheel room gathered at his home and pre­ sented him with a large antique gilt Polychrome finish buffet mirror and his mother a large bouquet of roses, A mock wedding was put on by some of the members which was very laughable. The evening was spent in games, music and singing. The ladies served a dainty lunch all enjoying themselves and ending With singing "He's a Jolly Good Fellow.” Dr. G. F. and Mrs.'Roulston and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer returned home the forepart of the week after a two weeks’ motor trip to Ottawa and Quebec, The party were in Ot­ tawa for the Dominion Day celebra­ tions which were on a most elaborate scale and extended for three days. They witnessed the reception to Col. Lindburgh, the occasion being some­ what marred, however, by the death of one of the aviators in tlje escort­ ing patty. From Ottawa the party motored to Montreal and the, city of Quebec and from the latter city tlieY took a two days’ Ifdat trip np tile St, Lawrence and Saugenay rivers. They travelled over 1,500 miles by auto, the only trouble being a leaky, valve In one of the tires- It wasn’t fashion that made hips disappear, but the fact that it’s no MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED. STOCK UP NOW Hatchway Underwear The kind the boys like as well as the men. No buttons to button. Boy’s $1.00, Men’s $1.50 Men’s Balbriggan Underwear In shirts and drawers. Good wear ing light weight for Stammer. Reg value 75c. Special a garment 59c. MEN’S STRAW SAILORS In good shapes and straws, nearly all sizes in this lot. QO^ Vaises as high as $3.00. Clearing at.............................vOC FOR SALE OR WILL EXCHANGE FOR FARM'—Up-to-date house and two acres of land in Exeter. Will ex­ change for farm near town, to Chas. Upshall. Apply HYDRO ELECTRIC Wiring and installing, guaranteed workmanship, .at reasonable cost. Repairing stoves and motors a spe­ cialty, free. Estimates gladly furnished Phone 224.—Enn. Davis 4-2 8-tf c BUS SERVICE FROM EXETER TO LONDON And return, daily, except Sunday, calling at Centralia, Mooresville, Clandeboye and Lucan. Bus leaves Exeter every Monday, at 7:30 a.m. arriving in London at 9 a.m. Leaves all other days at leave London at Exeter at 6 p.m.. ter 138,; Lucan, Metcalf 409. J. 8 a.m. Returning 4:30 p.m., due in Phone "calls, Exe- 13 r 3; London, C. HOWARD. FOR SALE—A number of good heavy horses. Apply to Clyde Hey­ wood. 6-30-Uc. TEACHER WANTED—-For S. S. Np. 1, Usborne. State salary and qualifications. Apply to Ed. Mc­ Dougall, R. R, 1, Hensall.,... - Earn $25 weekly up at home clipping newspapers and addressing envelopes. No canvassing. Every­ thing furnished. Spare or full time. Particulars for stamp. Gil­ lies Mailing Service, Box 8, Syndey, N. S. 7-14-2tp We wish the parents of Exeter to co-operate with us in stopping the practice of children riding on Wagons drawn by team or tractor; also play­ ing in the factory and on the prem- ise.s. We Will not be responsible tor any accidents whatever.—-Canadian Gunners. FOUND Have Your Eyes Examined To-day There is nothing to be gained by delaying that eye examination. There is much to be lost. Each day that your eyes are under a strain makes It more difficult for your Optometrist to give you .satis­ factory glasses You will be surprised at the thor­ oughness of our*methods—and will be pleased with the glasses. Call tpday and learn the truth about your eyes. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PHONE 70 1847 1927 CANADA LIFE The Oldest Assurance Co. fa Canada B.M. FRANCIS Phone 104, Exeter Before you "buy your new Suit for spring get prices elsewhere and geC a sample of cloth. When you do this call in and see me and see wha£ you can save. Also when you want any Cleaning, Pressing or Repairing done call 193 and x T. H. Elliott-< w Will call.for your ciothes and deliver them. ' Baby Chicks Rocks 12c, Leghorns 10c. Order early. 100 yearling Leghorns; 100 yearling Rocks for sale to make room. Wz F. Abbott, Exeter. Why Not Get the Best? SCRANTON COAL, .all sizes and SOLVAY COKE With the good old reputation. Why not order your supply today? Spring prices are: Stove $13.50; Egg and Nut Coal $15.00; Nut Coke $12.00 delivered. 10c. pur ton per month will be added after 30 days. H. T. ROWE E. C. Harvey — Agent — Mutual Life of Canada EXETER ONTARIO FOR SALE—House and lot, S All modern to Beatrice ’ 5-12-tf room brick dwelling. Conveniences. Apply Howey, Exeter. W. R. GOdLDING A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 192: EXETER, ONT. » SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE ........................... 3 c DOUBLE EDGE ........ 4c Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST Ig7/ 1927The London Life Insurance Co. w. c. PEARCE, AGENT Exeter. Phone 13 OW. Residence, Ann St. two blocks west ’ of Ford Garage A full Buy rope, slings, hay at the Massey- real service on repairs’, always kept on hand binder twine, pulleys, etc. A stool your cars, _ _______ _______ ____„Hanis shop. Let us fill your order for a hay loader, rake or mower, l . unsurpassed in cutting qualities. Let us prove it to you right oh your own farm. Enquire about the latest and most up-to-date cream separator. The spindle has no point or neck bearing. A marvel within a marvel, call and see It.. Agency for elec­ tric and engine driven washing ma­ chines, Delco light systems, etc. Brighten your home at a vmy nor­ mal side rake, dump Out new mower is cost. Get dur prices. Arthur Jones MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT, Order your Coal Now I Prices are Down. Now is the time to place your order for next's winter’s coal supply. Prices have dropped. Stove Coal $15.50 a ton Egg and Nut Coal $15,00 per ton Coke $12.00 per ton u Ten'cents & ton per month will added to those prices after 30 days R. G. SELDON be HURON & ERIE debentures Authorized by Governniertt as Trustee Investmeuts The Interest is paid half yearly upon $100,00 Or more for 1 to 5 years. Applications for same are accept* ed at aiiy time by CARLING & MORLEY Barristers &c.t Exeter, Ont. £