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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-07-14, Page 5
4 i- WED., JULY 2 0 STREET PARADE AT 12:'30 GAMES START AT 1 P.M. 'f -,u r" 1 X ex 4* THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATr ■Dashwood THWISDAY, 11U1, 1027 News From Hensail nr MONSTER BASEBALL Tournament t -------- AND ------- , Firemen’s Demonstration AT MOIR MEMORIAL PARK HENSALL Four Fast Teams Compete on a Fast Diamond Exeter, Zurich, Fullarton, Hensall Clown Softball Game Firemen’s Water Fight SPECIAL ATTRACTION AFTERNOON AND EVENING Kincardine - Highland Band •ftwill provide good Scotch Music and Dancing Admission: Adults 50c., Children 25c. Public school children from Hensall and community carrying a flag in the Parade, Admitted Free. EVENING PROGRAM A Street Dance with an Fine Orchestra AN OLD TIME DANCE IN THE TOWN HALL WITH REAL OLD “ TIME MUSIC Music for Scotch Reels supplied by Kincardine Pipe Band E. DRUMMOND, President J. A. FLEMING, Sec’y-Treas. TENDERS FOR BOOTH PRIVILEGES Written tenders will be received by Mr. J. Passmore, Hensall, for booth privileges for the day of the k Hensall baseball tournament, July 20th, 1927. All particulars may_be obtained from Mr. Passmore, lowest tender or any tender not cessarily accepted.1 .. . , ... . . ...........; The n«c- NOTICE - Our summer clearing been very satisfactory, have many odd lines and ed a fresh stock bought at especially low prices. Commencing on Friday and Saturday of this week, and con tinuing all next week, we are mak ing another deep cut on everything in our store including groceries. -Come anp be'convinced and get your share. Sale now on at Skinner’s Store, Hensall. sale We have has now adfl- Miss Mattie Ellis is visiting Triends in St. Marys this week? Miss Mildred McDonell_ attended the Summer School at Alma College last week. Mrs. C. J. Rubmall, of Goderich, is visiting her sister, Miss, Mary Mc Gregor. Miss Grace Pepper is taking a fecial course in MacDonald’s Hall, Guelph.The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Buchanan will be pleased to hear is recovering from her recent illness.Miss Audrey Kerr, of Toronto., is visiting at the home of Mr. Earl .Drummond.A number of our residents have left for Grand Bend to spend the summer months.A number from Hensall attended the 12tli of July celebration at Mit chell on Tuesday.Miss Hattie McQueen, of Albany, ,N. Y., visited for a few days with □relatives in, town.Miss Margaret Slaven left for . ;London on Saturday where she will spend a few weeks..Miss Mary Hoggarth, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hoggarth.Mr. and Mrs. L. S« Smith and ^children, of Detroit, are visiting re latives and friends in town. Mr. Fred Berry” and son, of Wmd- ' sor, visited over the week-end at t Mr. and Mrs. Wnr. 'Consitt’s.Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hemphill, of Wroxeter, recently visited with friends and relatives in town. Miss Amy Lammie and girl friena ©f Toronto, are visiting with Mrs. Wm. Lammie and Miss Greta. Mr. and Mrs. George Troyer and family, of Courtland Visited friends .and relatives in town recently. Mr. Robt. Higgins is making large .shipments of fowl daily, a great 'amount of fowl being marketed. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bonthron, of New York, are visiting the Ormers jparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bonj fliron. .Mr. Harry Caldwell, of Winnipeg, 5s spending the summer here, visit ing liis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ■>. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunt, of St. Louis, are spending a vacation with Mr. Hunt s mother, Mrs. Robt. Hunt.The annual Sunday School P\cnic 1 tot the United church Will beheld it Bayfield on July 27th. Ftiller particulars will be given next Mrs. Short and daughter* Mi a. Forrester, or Windsor and Muss Ferguson, of Minneapolis, are visit- ing Misses Mary and Emma John ston. Master Bobby Drysdale is in a London hospital taking treatment from an eye specialist. friends here, hope for a speedy re covery. Mrs. H. Magnell and Mr. Kenneth Magnell, of Beachville, and Mrs. A. H. Carroll and' Mrs. G. F. Scott, of Woodstock, visited with Mrs. Suth erland. -■ ' „ 'Mrs. A.’ J. Hummel and daughter of Pennsylvania visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bolton, Misses Victoria.and Doris Bolton re turning home with them on Satur day.A number from Hensall attended the W.C.T.U. Convention at St. An drew’s United church, Blyth, on Thursday last. Mrs. Duff of Toron to was the chief speaker for the day.The choir and minister of the United church will take charge of the services at Egmondville church on Sunday evening, July 17th. Rev. McDonald and choir, of ’Egmond ville will take charge, of the ser vice here. ” Mrs. Vincent Wood and son Jack, of Santa Barbara, Cal., are spending a few weeks’ visiting with Mrs. Wood’s mother, Mrs. John Dinsdale and other relatives. They were eight days motoring over, having made good time. A number from Hensall attend ed the services in North Side Unit ed church, Seaforth this week. Dr. W. C. Poole, of London, Eng., one of England’s greatest preachers and president of the World’s Sunday school association, delivered fine ad- di’jesses for the occasion. The services in the United church on Sunday last were largely attend ed, Rev. Mr. Sinclair preaching at both services. Special parts in the singing were taken at the morning service by Mr. and Mrs. H. Phile and. Miss Irma Higgins and at the evening service Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lindenfield sang a duet. The Orangemen of. the village ac companied by a large number of friends "motored to Mitchell on the 12th of July and took in the cele bration there. . The fife and drum band played a number of selections before they left in the morning with Truman Brintnell on the drum, .Dave Beeswax with the fife and Wm. Welsh with the snare drum. Haying is in full swi®g in this dis trict and is a splendid crop with ideal weather for haying. The tall wheat is also a good crop and is turning fast and will soon be ready for the binder. Sam. Merner and Will Cooper have their threshing machines and engines at Morre Bros, repair shop, giving them a thorough overhauling and prepar ing for a big fall’s threshing. COUNCIL MEETING The council held a special meet ing on Saturday evening to hear the report of the committee which were appointed to look over the ground with a view of placing more water tanka in the village for better fire protection. It was decided to place three tanks on the west side of tho Railway tracks and six more on the ea;t side and also buy 200 feet more hose which with the splendid equip ment we now 'have should give'the village ample protection* A meeting of the Women’s Mis sionary Society and Mission Circle was held on the lawn of Mrs. T- Sherritt’s farm on Friday evening The meeting was opened by the sing ing of a hymn after which Mrs. Henry led in prayer followed by a chorus entitled “The Maple Leaf” His many ‘M by the Mission Band." Addresses were given by different members of the -W.M.S telling the progress of the Missionary Society since confed eration in 1867, A chorus entitled “O! Canada” was given by the Mis sion Circle after which hymn 282 was sung, A pageant entitled “The Birthday of Miss Canada” was well rendered by the Circle girls, follow ed by a cornet solo by Bruce Ho garth. The meeting was closed by singing God Save the King, after Which a dainty lunch was served. ' A monster baseball tournament and firemen’s demonstration will be held.at Moir’s Memorial Park, Hen sall on Wednesday, July 20th. A street parade will be held at 12.30 and the games start at 1 p.m. Four fast teams will compete, Ex eter, Zurich, Fullarton and Hensall There will also be" a clown softball game and a fireman’s water fight. Public school children of Hensall and community carrying a flag in parade will be admitted to grounds free. EVening program: street dance will be held and an cellent orchestra will supply music. An old time dance will be held in the Town Hall with real old time music. Music for Scotch Reels supplied by the Kincardine Highland Pipe band, which has been engaged for the day. the the A ex- the KIRKTON and Mrs. John Williams spent days the past week in Kitch- and Mrs. J. Smith, of Crandal visited, friends here the past this Mrs. Mr. the Mr. a few ener. Mr. Man., week. A little baby girl arrived week at the home of Mr. and Ottos Sawyer. A little baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Phillips. * We are glad to know that Ira McCurdy, who has been in hospital in London, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gallaway, of Toronto, are visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hazlewood, of Vancouver are visiting the form er’s brother, M'r. David Hazlewood and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Doupe, x>f To ronto, are visiting with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Shier and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stephen, of Andersou, were in Owen Sound this week at tending the Old Boy’s re-union. . About thirty of the members of the Epworth League held a picnic at Grand Bend on Friday. The St, Paul’s'church S. S.lield a picnic at Springbank one day this week. Mr. Jas. Wiseman, of New York, is visiting his brother, Mr. Wm. Wiseman,. Miss Grace Switzer is-z~spending her holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Switzer.' •» Dri Jack. Jose, of London, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jose. Miss Evelyne Moore, of Kitchener is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Moore. The cement work of the new shed has been completed and is a credit to the contractor Mr. Frank Tuffin. Haying is the order ef the day and the crop this year is a good one> GREENWAY Mrs. W,. Sherritt visited at Mr. II. Harlton’s last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wilson, of Springfield, Ill and Mrs. W. J. Wil son, of Chicago visited relatives and friends here last week. Mrs. Wm. Hicks is ill with rhe mumps. Mr. Lloyd Brophey has recovered from his illness. MT. Collen, who has been ill for several months passed- away last Friday at the home of his only son The funeral was held on Sunday af ternoon by his pastor the Rev. J. M. Colling. Mr. Frank Turner has been very seriously ill with intestinal flu. Members of the L. O. L., No. 219 and the newly organized Ladies’ So ciety worshipped in Grace church on Sunday afternoon. Both organiza tions attended the Orange Celebra tion in Mitchell on Tuesday, July the 12th. Mr. Wansley and Mrs. Elliott and son, of Bayfield visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hayter. Miss Mae Wilson is on the sick list. Byron Brown and Dawson Wood burn are taking a summer course at Western University. S. S..NO. 1, TUCKERSMITH The following is the report of the June promotion’ examinations for S. S. No. 1, Tuckersmith. Jr. IV., pass —Sandy Pepper 451, Beatrice Vol land 444, Donald Walker 438. Sr. III., pass 435—Nelson Pepper 513, Helen Pfaff 449. Jr. Ill—Margar et Bell 442. Sr. II. pass 345—lion. 431—Cecil Dilling 490, Charlie Wil kinson 345. Jr, II, A—Harold Wil lard 210. Jr. II, B—Edison For rest 526, Dorothy Traquair 470, Mil dred Madge 462, Jackie Traquair 462, Ruby Pfaff 430, Helen Walker 430.' Primer class—Ross Forrest, Bruce Volland, Ruby Dalrymple. Best in ‘Reading, Bruce; in arithme tic, Ross; in writing, Ruby. Highest marks obtained in arithmetic by Ce cil Dilling; 82 in*spelling by Bear trice Volland 72 out of 75. No. on roll 21, Rossie Broadfoot, teacher STOP OPERATING Hiindreds of Operations have been cancelled,' when' Sbre .throats and Tonsil Diseases were treated with Mrs, Sybilla Spahrs Tonsilitis, Good results guaranteed, or money back. Howey’s Drug Store, Exeter, * * * # * + * ♦ The best way with a husband Is to feed him well and trust to luck. , Dr, H*H, Cowen, L, D. S. D,R. S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first -three das pf week and at 'office over fhe Post Office, in Zurich, last three days pf week. . Mr, and Mrs. C. Stade spent Sun- , day in Ingersell. Veola K1PPP, of Zurich, is spend ing her vacation with her aunt, Mrs, Louis Kraft.Miss Freda Schrpeder visited in Detroit last week. Mrs. Armstrong and daughters Lottie and Germaine of London, vis ited with friends in town on Sunday. Miss Selma”Eiffert, of Detroit, is visiting with friends in town. Rev, and Mrs, P. Graupner and family, of Farmington, are visiting in town. Miss Verda Fussold, of London, is spending her vacation at her home here. Mr. Wm. Morenz, of Detroit,, is ViSiting his parents. Miss Fanny Preeter, of- Kitchener visited in town on Sunday. Eileen Schroeder, of Detroit, is visiting hei’ grandmother, Mrs. Ha macher. Mr. C. Steinhagen left on Monday for Toronto, where he is takiug treatments for his hand. The band gave an open-air con cert Monday night which was much enjoyed by all who heard it.. The band will continue giving an open- air concert every Monday evening 'weather conditions being favorable. Mr. P. Mclsaac and Harry Hoff-' man spent Tuesday in London. Mr. and Mrs, G. Suggitfc and son, of Toronto and Miss Winnie Schultz of Windsor, were visiting with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilfond over the week-end. Dashwood School Report The following is the result of promotion .examinations for. Room 2 Dashwood Public School: Sr. Ill — Harry Stuart the Ruth Tieman 88 per cent; Miller .85; Earl Zimmer 84, Wolfe 83, Ralph Genttner 82, Amelia Willert 81, Kathleen Merner 81, M. Stade 76, Howard Shenck 70, Ger ald Mason 60; Irene Genttner 32. ; Jr. Ill—Laura JVitmer 88, Arnet- ta Eveland 85, Hubert Restemeyer 82, Rosie Willert 79, Sheldon Wein 74, Gladys Maier 72, Thelma Fisher 71, Lorna Kraft 65, Ella Witmer 64, Olga Fisher 60, Leonard Restemeyer 5 8, Melvin Mason 42, Melvin Schlundt 32. ” Sr. II—Regina Miller 92, Mar garet Restemeyer 64, Evangeline, Held 88, Maty Meyer 81, Howard Klumpp 80; Milton Willert 76; Ella Eveland 74,. Phyllis Reid 71; Albert Goetz 71, Harold Kraft 66, Lorne Genttner 62, Illa M'ason 61, Mervyn Willert 56, Harry Rinker 35. Letta R. Guenther, teacher. Room 1 Dashwood Promoted from Jr. II to Sr. Reta Fassold 88, Maida Wein Dorothy Schroeder 84, John Meyer 81, Carl MalCJU. 7 8, Leonard Shen ch 69, Alvin Fisher '68. From Sr. I to Jr. II—Garnet Weiberg 84, Edna Maier 84, Douglas Shenck 72, Ervin Fisher 69, Mabel Bender. From Jr. 1 to Sr. I—Myrtle Gaiser 93, Mur ray Wolfe 90, Percy Atkinson S9, Irma Wein 8 8, Ila Schroeder 82, Ward Kraft 81, Eileen Willert 78, Lloyd Guenther 78, Alvin Willert 73 Verda Kinker 55. Primer— Hilda Maier, R-oy Bender, Jean Moulten, Ray Fisher, George Mathers. Nola K. Gaiser, teacher. II— 38, Khiva Mr. and Mrs. N. Dietrich and fam ily accompanied by the latter’s mother, Mrs. Steffler, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Dietrich. Mrs. Jas. Ziler and children visit ed for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. D. Lippert at bourne. A little baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCann last week. Miss Marie Walker, of Detroit,, is spending her holidays at her home here. Miss Meta Sararas, of Zurich, vis ited "her sister, Mrs. Otto Willert, last Thursday. Mrs. Alex Neeb visited her daugh ter, Mrs. Thompson, at Kippen a few days last week. Crediton Miss Laura Clark is visiting with relatives at Marietta, Ohip. Mrs. Kenneth, of near Ilderton, yisited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Hill. Miss Eileen Lamport who has been holidaying at home has return ed to Detroit. Miss Emma Cunningham, of derton, called on friends in town Tuesday last. Miss Eda Davis, of Toronto, visiting for a few weeks -with Miss Carrie Fahner, Miss Wealthy Schroeder, who has spent the past week in Detroit, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hill have re turned after visiting with relatives at Pigeon, Mich. Mr. and Mrs, Christ. Haist and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hess spent Sun day at Goderich. Mrs. Garnet Sweitzer is visiting with relatives in Detroit and other parts of the States. Mrs. Henry Sheardown is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Chas. Lou- chner, in Shipka. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Brown and family, of Detroit, are visiting with relatives in town, Mrs. Ed. Cramer, of Saginaw, Mich., is visiting with friends in town and at Mt. Carmel. Miss Roberta Hill, of Pt. Huron, is spending her holidays with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hill. Mr. Mark Mitchell, of Centralia, spent Sunday with his sisters here. Mrs. Chris. Ran and Mrs, Wilson Anderson. Mr, and Mrs. Frances Flynn spent Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr, and Mrs. Tuffield Tetreap near Grand Bend. Mr. Sylvester Wuerth, Mr. Albert Wolfe, Mr. Harry Trick and Mr. H. Fahner spent a few days at Windsor and Detroit. Mrs. Chris, Haist has returned af ter spending a few days at Chefam- ing, Mich, where she attended a fam ily reunion. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Whiting and Miss Vera Holtzman have returned home from attending the summer school at Alma College. Mr. and Mrs. son Kenneth, of week-end at the Mrs. Ed. Fahner Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley daughter Thelma, Mr. and Mrs. F. Scheiding all of London, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mots. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Buckle and Mr. and Mrs. FreK- Chambers, of Hickson, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Thos. Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Buckley and Master Thos. Buckley, of Tor onto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fahner at the Central Hotel. Mrs. Blake Heath and babe have returned to their home in Windsor after visiting several weeks with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schroeder and little daughter Eleanor, of Pon tiac, Mich., have returned home af ter spending a- week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morlock and Clinton accompanied by Mrs. Geo. Holtzmann and Mr. John Haist spent the week-end with relatives at Elkton and Pigeon Mich. CREDITON PUBLIC SCHOOL ' S. S. No. 5, Stephen The following is a correct list of the pupils in all the classes in room I. for the fall term: Jr. II—Total 800, Pass 480; Wil liam Woodall’ 657, Harvey Waghorn 553. Sr. I.—Total 700, Pass 420; E. Hill 590, Delton Finkbeiner 579, Al- dona Wuerth 567, Alice Lawson 510. Jr. I.—Total 600, Pass 3 60; L. Richard 497, Lillian Edwards. 4S6, Austin Fahrner 466, Martin Morlock 450. Jack Mallett London, spent home of Mr. and family. Mel- BETTER JAMS AND JELLIES At Lower Cost The modem, short-boil method of making jams and jellies with Certo delights women everywhere because it is so simple, so sure, so practical and so improves the color and flavor of their jams and jellies. With Certo your fruit jells per fectly every time, with only one or two minutes' boiling. This saves the bright color and delicately lus cious flavor of your fresh fruit and gives you a larger amount of jam , or jelly from your, fruit because you save all the juice which used to boil away. Women who have figured the cost both ways find their cost per glass two or three cents less when they use Certo. Certo is a pure fruit product— the jellying substance of fruit re fined and bottled. A book of simple, tested recipes comes with each bottle. Send for this new (free) booklet. Douglas Packing Co., Limited Cobourg, Ontario. Please send me (free) your new col ored booklet ou Jams and Jellies. »» • • • •« * • •••• i » i « t » , i ' M 141 li on is and the and and Pr. A.—Lois Orme 168, Ethel Waghorn 15 8, Reynold Wuerth 144, Bobbie Wolfe 141, Charles Sims 128 Lillian Finkbeiner iabsent, -.Lewis Faist absent. - Pr. B.—Harold Edwards 160, L. Sippel 150, Reginald Wuerth 131 Mary Waghorn 121, Gerald Eng land absent. Pr. C.—Douglas Hill 115, Fred erick Sims 75, Vera Culbert 44. V. B. Prang, Teacher ROOM II Second class to third class, total 700, pass 420—Honors, Marguerite Guettinger 529, Carrie Fahrner 528 Arthur Haist 527; pass, Dorothy Hill 499, Gerald Smith 476, Karl Kuhn 471, Mary Culbert 469, rec ommender Harold Wolfe 409. Jr. II. to Third Class—Jack Wal dron (absent for examinations). Jr. Ill to Sr. III.—Honors, Elva Wuerth 75; pass, Annie Waghorn 73, Eugene Beaver 65, Jean Richard 60. Sr. Ill to Jr. IV.—Pass, Evelyn Sippell 63. Jr. IV. to Sr. IV.—Pass, Helen Finkbeiner 73, Harold Fahrner 65, Kenneth Lillow 61, recommended, Velma Guettinger. THAMES ROAD Miss Margaret Harris, of Ottawa, is visiting her aunt Mrs. Robt. Kydd. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks and fam ily, of Toronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. Squires. Mrs. C. Little has returned home after spending a couple of weeks with her sister Mrs. Cooper, of Whehtly. Miss Violet Stewart is home for the holidays. Misses Marguerite Hackney and Ruby Alexander were the two repre sentatives of the Sunday School elected to attend the Summer school at Goderich.. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bray, of To ronto, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. John Bray. Mrs. Plug!©/ of Toronto, spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Sadler. Dy. and Mrs. Currie Wilson and Mr. Lome Hutchison, of Toronto, and Miss Dorothy Hutchison, of St. Catherine^ spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G> G, Wilson. Miss Willa Sillery has returned home after spending two weeks with her sister, Marie at Batchawana who also returned home with her. Mr. and Mrs. Bobs and family, of Niagara Fails are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, A. Smale. Quite a number from here spent Sunday at Grand Bend. Mr, and Mrs. D. E. Elliott, of Windsor, spent the week-end undex’ the parental roof. Miss Irene Sillery, teacher near Stratford, is, spending the holidays with her parents, MT. and Mrs, Sillery. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Leslie family spent a tew days in Galt the latter’s brother, Mr. Sam, rnerson, Mr. Arnold Jeffery, of Detroit, spent the holidays at his home here. Mrs. C, Templeman and Betty, of Detroit, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, H. W. Templeman. The girls’ softball team won first prize and the boy's second at the ■■ fnent on July Mr. Albert new Whippet Mrs. Cooper and Bobb'y, of New York, visited with her cousin, Mrs. F. O’Brien, The Bush services held in Stat ton’s Gr.ove on Sunday were well at- Anderson, of morning and Chidley, of evening. Thames 1st. Smale sedan. Rd, and with Em- baseball team Road Tourna- is sporting a tended, Rev. E. A. Monkton, preaching afternoon and Rev. Thames Road, in the Rev, J. E. Jones conducted servic es in Monkton and Willowgrove on Sunday. CROMARTY , Mr, ana Mrs. Dwight Fischer, ot Harriston, visited the latter's. par ents for a few hays last week. Mr, Wilson Allen, of Ehmonton, is at present visiting his people In this vicinity. It is 22 years since Mr, Allen has been In these parts. Miss Hoyle who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Denny at the Manse has returned to her home in Toronto. The July meeting of the W.M,S, was held at the home of Mrs. Thos, Scott on Thursday, July 7th. The meeting was presided over by Mrs, Hill. Mrs. Donald McKellar read the Scripture lesson, Mrs. Tufford. read a portion of the Study Book “Moslem Women-’’ Hymn 64 was sung after which Mrs- Allen led in prayer. Mrs. Denny gave a very in teresting talk on mission work in Spain, having lived In Spain for some time and assisting in the Mission work with her father, Mr. Hoyle, The business part of the meeting was taken up, arrangements being made to hold the annual quilting bee on the Manse grounds on or about the 27th. Hymn 572 was sung after which Mrs. S. A. Miller closed with prayer and repeating the Lord's prayer in unison. S. S. NO. 1. McGILLIVRAY* Promotion Examinations: Jr, IV. to Sr. IV.—Fred Conlin, Rita Flana gan.* Jr. II to Jr. Ill—Margaret Flanagan, Gerald Hennessy, Ina Mae Boyle. Sr. I. to Jr. II.—Mary Hennessy, Catherine Flanagan. Sr. Pr. to Jr. I—-Harold Boyle, Andrew Flanagan, Class A. to Jr. Pr.— Margaret Hennessy,' Bernard Flana gan. Those marked * missed ex aminations. Written in order of merit, Ethel O’Connor, Teacher There is only one way to kill Ml the Flies ThlS 18 it—-darken the room as much as possible, cloSCfhd windows, raise one of the blinds where the sun shines in, about eight inches, place as many Wilson’s Fly Pads as possible on plates (properly wetted with water but not Hooded) on the window ledge where the light is strong, leave the room closed for two or three hours, then sweep up the Hies and burn them,, See illustration below. Put the plates away out of the reach of children until xe-' guixed in.another room,. The right way ton: Wilson Fly Pads cjpe Coleman Campers everywhere, old-timers and tenderfeet have given the Cole man Camp Stove thedoubIe*'1O.K.” They like it because it’s Johnny- on-the-spot anywhere, anytime, in tiny weather. It’s all complete and built-in. lias Hot-Blast Starter, Swinging Fuel Tank, Built-in Pump and Funnel. Wind Baffles, Oven and Wanning Cabinet. It gives full cooking heat in 2 n-iinntea. Fries,broils, roasts;bakes, boils and toasts. Fuel is any better grade of motor gasoline. Folds up like a suitcase. Tlie Colenum temp Co., Ltd, Toronto* 8* Ontario “The Smooth Wyljg Ask Your Dealer to show you ColMum Camp Stoves or write vs direct for descriptive literature and full information.-. Address Camp- ing Dept, y l' I. i3eaufy Thru theTears JBrantford Roofing1 Co., Limited Brantford, Ontario Brantford Big Butts are beautiful, heavy asphalt slates made in numerous mellow-toned tints. They give a shadow line which adds greatly to a home’s distinction and charm. Being tapered* extra thickness and weight are exposed to stin, wind and rain. They provide double thickness over all the roof and triple thickness over part of the roof. Size 16 inches by 10 inches, laid 5 indies to the weather. STAFFA Mrs. (Dr.) Nixon, nee Olive Vivian and daughter, of Los Angeles, Cal./ are visiting her brother Mr. George Vivian and favored Me evening ser vice of the United church with two beautiful solos, which Were greatly PMr. and Mrs, Ed. Chamberlain and, daughter, of Seaforth, and Mr, and < Brantford e« •>4:ROOFSi________ __ Stock Carried* Information Furnished and Service oh Brantford Roofing rendered by Ross-Taylor Co., Ltd.,