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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-07-07, Page 5
ITT nr THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 2WBSB4X, <J®X 1»37 ■Daahwood News From Hen sal I Dr. H.H. Cowen, L. D. S D. D. S. MONSTER BASEBALL AND DEMONSTRATION at HENSALL on WED., JULY 20th i •' —-------* Four Fast Ball Teams a Fine Band and two Orchestras Park Dancing on Street Old Time Dance in Hall WATCH FOB BIILS and POSTERS * , TENDERS FOR BOOTH * Written tenders will be received Sby Mr. J. Passmore, Hensall, fox* SOoOth privileges for the day of the IHensall baseball tournament, July 50th, 1927. {Obtained from Mr. Passmore, jjowest tender or any tender not (cessarily accepted. All particulars may be ■* 1,'r" "----------. ’The nec- NOTICE Our summer clearing heen very satisfactory, .have many odd lines and « •* has now --------------- .---- -------------- --------add led a fresh stock bought at especially Jow prices. Commencing on Friday -and Saturday of this week, and con tinuing all next week, we are mak ing another deep cut on -everything in our store including groceries. (Come and be convinced and get your ssliare. Sale now on at Skinner’s £5tore, Hensall. sale We have X BARN FOR SALE—40x50 feet,, timber nearly all first class rock elm .including sills, siding all in first ■class condition. This barn can be , jmrehased fox*, the well worth price Apply to Jno, Elder, Hen- ' 6-16-ltf ■ ill■I.IIIL■ ...im in niiiwu .y ■—H ,.asked .sail. and Mrs. J. Thompson, whoMr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, who jxave been visiting Mrs. Thompson’s' ^parents, Mr. and Mrs, John'Fisher, ■returned to their home in Toronto An Friday.—Miss Irene Brigham, of •Ford City, is visiting for a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. G. Knapp.—Mrs. '' D. McLean is improving the appear ance of her house by having it nice- . Mr... Janies Paterson is «.lsb improving the appearance of Olis home by-having it painted.--A. baseball tournament will be held on 4the local baseball grounds on Jiily 20th. In the afternoon the ball tournament'will be held, and in yhe evening a firemen’s demonstration with old and new time dances and bands in attendance.—Mr. Sheldon Coleman, of Detroit, visited ovei’ the week-end with relatives in and « ground Hensall.—Mr. and Mrs. A. jlfemry, who have been visiting with Wmtives in town, have returned to ^^Kir home in Cass City, Mich.—Mr. I^R.Ol.d Bell, of Toronto, visited over Me week-enA-with- his mother, Mrs. bertha Bell.—The" many friends of 2drs. John Consitt' will be sorry to 3xear that She is confined - to her Jxed through illness.—Mrs. John 1 Tassmore is visiting for a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. W. McLean, <of North Bay.—Owing to the 4th be ing a holiday in the States a num ber from there spent the holiday in and around Hensall.—The services 3n the Presbyterian Church were largely attended, the Ret. Mr. Heix- ...person.,preaching, inspiring sermons , .both moj:i)ingJXna,aJ d ■ ;^s..-.!Fleipiixg;.']iaYe . r,e». ‘'fiMfae after speeding'a very pleasant txyo •• weeks’ Ixbixday.—Mr, and1‘Mrs.’ Dorhe/ .’..RcotCjtnd family, “df Toronto', /are: " .. yelativfis- ■ xn. )< ;_____ -'J/ Sy painted. ’G-'Mtix xnni^ ■ ■:.^•s..:-:!Fieipiixg^;iia^e . x;e® ■;;' ageekgf holiday.— ' "visiting Iriends', ----- . T . town.—Miss HatW;Mc.Que'en,* of NeW> . 4 *®<wk^jsivisiiWWdtfves iiPtWn.| __Mr. Allan McDonald, of Detroit, is; A/visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W AV M'cDonell.—Miss Alice Dougall, of 4 Windsor, visited. oVer the week-end ” with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm." Dougall.—M'r. Carl Passmore, of "■ Tontiac, visited his parents over the GRANDBEND Mr> and Mrs* Abner Mojlard, of Sarnia,: visited friends in the burg over the holiday.—Miss Muriel Fallis of pt. Huron, is holidaying with her parents—-Mr. Wm. Love has dispos* ed of five of his choice heifers to the Grand Rend butcher. Mr. Love is noted for having the choicest cattle.—The Jubilee services • were very largely attended op Sunday, when nearly seven hundred gathered to hear th© sermon by Rev. J. M. Colling,—Mr, W. B. Oliver is ren dering good service as policeman and order is being strictly observed. — M'r. Lloyd ’Monure had the misfor tune to have his car run into and damaged, but none was hurt—One of the largest crowds ever gathered at the lake .shore and camp grounds was her© for Dominion Day. All hotels were filled to over-flowing and ved had hill Knox, of St. Marys, visited at Waltei* England’s over the holiday.—Ser vices for all for th© month of July, which have already started with a very large attendance, will be con ducted by Rev. J. M. Colling. Ser vice next Sunday morning at 11.15, subject “A. Full Dinner-pail”; even ing subject “You and your Shadow”, Don’t least. Cromarty Anniversary services were con ducted on Sunday in the 'Presby terian church with much interest there being a large attendance at both services.*™ Mr- Otto Walker and Dan McKellar, of Detroit, spent the week-end in our village.-—Miss Vera Heywood, of Winchelsea, has been engaged as teacher of S. S. No. 6,, Hibbert.—Mr. Lloyd Melton, of Stratford, spent Sunday undei* the parental roof.*—Mrs. Roy McCul lough has returned from St, Joseph's Hospital, London, and we are pleas ed to report satisfactory progress, —Miss Annie Speare, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of her father, Mr. Joseph Speare. A pleasing event took place on Tuesday, June 28th when the pupils of S. 8. No. 5, Hibbert presented their teacher1 Miss Anderson with a leather hat box and rose and amber clock. Miss Mary Dow presented the gifts while Master Roger Christie read the address in which regret was expressed that Miss Anderson had resigned and was going to teach in Windsor next was completely and replied in thanking the thoughtfulness. Packet of WILSON’SDENTAL SURGEON At office in Hftrtleib Block, Dash-’ wood, first tfergft das of week and at of fide over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mr, and Mrs, H. Dark and family, of Windsor, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Steinhagen.—- Miss Ferrol Hartleib, of Windsoi’, spent th© holiday in town,-—M’r, Goi-- don Calfas, of Sarnia, visited with his father over the week-end.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther and Miss Rose Guenther, of Windsor, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, C. Guenther^—Among the week-end vis itors from Detroit were Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong, Leo. Eveland, H. Phile, Raymond Calfas, Geo. Maier, Dr. and Mrs, Bruer, Mr. and Mrs, M1, Melsaac and family, Mr. ;and Mrs, Arnold Merner and Milford Merner, Hazel Snell, Mr. and Mrs, Berenson, Ella Wm. and and JLVX4 0. yvxu. Auxjicp auu lyxy. Mrs, Samuel Schaab, of Kitchener, called on friends in town on Friday. —Miss Clara Kuntz, of Lansing^'is spending her vacation at her home on the 14.—Mr. and Mrs. P. Humble and family of Sarnia, spent the week end in town.—Miss Hilda 'Snell, of London, visited with her parents over the holiday.—Miss Verda Fas- sold, of London, spent Sunday with her parents.—Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stire, of ‘Oshawa, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. N. Stire.—M'rs, Pitt and Mrs. Milford Cook, of De; troit, spent the week-end with Mr’, and Mrs. Geo. Cook.—The Dashwood band furxtished the music at Lucan last Friday.—-Mr. and Mrs, JL W. Graybiel are visiting in Toronto.— Rev. and Mrs. F. B. Meyer and fam ily are holidaying in North Bay, Parry Sound and other places.-—Ow ing to the redecorating of the inter ior of the Evangelical church there will be no services for the next two weeks.—Mr. Valentine Becker, of Lucan and Miss Hallman, of Kitch ener, spent Sunday at Dashwood. £ Dominion Committee and as we did not have any celebration.<>n the First of July some other features were added to it. An immense crowd gathered on the street to witness the parade and also the services on the park grounds. Shortly before two o’clock the scholars of the Public and Continuation schools and also a wnumber from the schools from the surrounding districts gathered at the school medal and orate this medals all them and with the flags were pin ned on the breast of the scholars by their teachers. Those taking in the parade were massed in places, the Zurich band, the veterans, some 20} in number, pioneers and , the school children formed at the school, the village council, the members of the hydro commission, the school trustees and the Odd Fellows lined up on the Station square and the three village choirs with the clergymen of the~vil- l.age lined up at the corner of the United church. The parade left the school shortly after two, headed by Fire-chief Bates, who was mar shall for the occasion, the Zurich band was next, next came some 20 war veterans commanded by sear- gent McArthur, the old pioneeys of the town and district came next in 6 autos and added a dignity to the procession which was very imposing. Some 300 school children came next in charge of their teachers. As the parade swung down King Street, passed the station grounds the school trustees stepped in ahead of the school children and after the scholars passed the council and hydro commission stepped in follow ed by the Oddfellows lodge of the village. As the procession' passed the United church corner, some 70 members of the village choirs all dressed in their vestments swung in to line. The procession proceeded to the London Road corner where it turned ardund and proceeded back King street to the grounds where the service was held. Reeve Geiger oc cupied the chair and welcomed the vast crowd to Hensall and spoke a few well chosen words commemorat ing the Jubilee. The service was divided into three parts, the Rev. M'r. Henderson who was occuping the pulpit of Carmel church for the day, took the first part of the ser vice with Mrs. Murdock, organist of Carmel church at the piano. The second part of the service was taken by Rev. Mr. Sinclair of the United church with Mrs. Earl Drummond at the piano, and the third part by Rev. Mr. Naylor, rector of the Angli- ca> church with Miss Eleanor Fisher at the piano. After the service was over at the grounds Marshall Bates lined up the procession again and proceeded 'to. the . Town Hall, where a short, memorial service* for the .boys of this district who fell in the war was held. The address was given by Mr. George Sutherland. Mr. Goodwin sounded the Last Post and a minute of silence reigned.' At the close of this service the immense crowd present sang God Save King. The day was ideal for occasion aftei’ the extremely weather that prevailed for the few.days, and the service-which simple but impressive was enjoyed who were and who ” were choix* rendered special music and solos were given by Boyle, Mr. Sain. Rennie O, Goodwin.—’Mi’, and and sister, Mrs. Madaugli, of Detroit, visited ovei' the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Zeufle,—Mrs. Owexv Geiger, accompanied by her sister, left on Monday for an extended trip to the West.—Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Dayman and Miss Sarah Dayman, of Kippen, recently visited with Mrs. John Murdock. Mr, and Mrs. George Brown spent the holidays with theii’ daugh ter in Stratford.—Mr. Ed, Bejp'y, of Detroit, spent the holidays with his mother here,—Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wurm spent the holidays in Kitch ener.—Mr. John McDonald, M'r. Thos. Murdock, and Mr. Alex. Mur dock took in the races at Strathroy last Saturday,—The holiday passed quietly here, the day being extreme ly hot. Quite a number took in the celebration at °Exeter in the morn ing and the different lake side re sorts were well, patronized by our young people,—Mr. and Mrs. John Ellingson spent Sunday in Mitchell. Mr, and M'rs. Israel Lindenfield, of London, spent the holidays visit ing relatives in town.-—Mr. Jack Stacey, Mr. Joe Dowell and W. Gibbs of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mrs. Sta«ey and Miss Lillian.-—Mrs. Beverley Beatpn, of Detroit, is visit ing her- parents Mr. and Mrs. JOnah Green.—Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and little daughter left for their home ;on. Tuesday. Mrs. Higgins and son Harold accompanied them. —Mr. Will, Thompson, of Chicago, is spending a few days in town visit ing Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Thompson. BRAWLEY—BE AVER - A very pretty wedding was solem nized at the -home of Mr. and Mrs. William Beaver, Hensall, at high noon;'' on Wednesday, June 29th, when Rev. A. Sinclair united in mar- iage Miss jSalina Beaver, only daugh ter of Mr; and Mrs. William Beav er, to Mr. Charles Brawley, son of Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Brawley, of Guelph. The room was beautifully decorated, with pink and white peon ies, the bride being married in the drawing room in front of a bank of ferns and flowers. The bride look ed charming in a gown of peach georgette with shoes and hose to match, while the bridesmaid, Miss B. Becker, of Kitchener,. was dainti ly gowned in a dress of powdei' blue taffeta. ' -Mr. John Saylor, of Kitch ener, acted as best man. The bride’s flowers were sunburst roses and the bridesmaid’s were pink roses. Fol lowing the wedding dinner the happy couple., left by motoi' fox* Cleveland Ohio, ‘the bride’s travelling costume being marsh rose taffetta dress, and coat -WithAblonde hat and shoes to match. Guests i for. the, wed<iinSi were from Guelph, London’, Kitch ener, Nile, Michigan, and other plac es. The bride is a very popular' you’ng lady of Hensall, and until re cently held a good position ,in Kit chener, and hosts of»good wishes are extended, to the young couple in their married life. Miss Eleanor Fisher, organist of Hensall United church, presided at the piano iii hex' usual. pleasing manner. The happy couple will reside in Kitchener, where the groom has built a pretty- home. CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING An. event of unusual interest took place Jn .Hensall on Wednesday afternoon last when Mr. and Mrs. George C. Petty celebrated the 5 0th anniversary of their- wedding. They were married 5 0 ygars ago at the Methodist parsonage at Kippen and became residents of Hensall and liaVe lived here continuously since. Theii* only-dSQn -Hanson was killed in the war ^and oii-j daughter Mrs. Don aldson wljo pwas a niirse over seas also died ’fr.om the effects of the war after her return home. Mrs. Scott of Toronto and Mrs. Smith of. St. Marys were home for the occa- ision. The. many friends here of Mr. Mrs. Petty wish them many years pf"happiiiess still to come. HEN^Ali PUBLIC SCHOOL Pi'onibtlbii Examinations < ’ PRIMARY ROOM L.JrMl. to"^r,VlI^B’iHio-G^nn .1, Dorothy M^Qubdfi’?'8,8) Muriel] ,Hos- Wurpa. ,81^JD'0Fpthy Dafars 7.1,, Nellie Kee.. .69,-' Jr. II.—Le6ndrd ''Hogarth 91, 'Rbirdld- JPecRO 9 D;,'> irone Hoskin’s 3, .Mfty JWolW 2 •L-4Loretta.Belt.95, Grace Wurm 8’8, Jeaft Foster S6, Alvin Lindenfield S3 Bobby‘Drysdale 78. Jr. I.—Agnes Fairb,u,rn .89, Herbert Drufttmond 88. DavicT'ISaiigster 77, Margaret Shep herd-77, Llftyd Brock 72. Pr.—Al vin . Beeswax 90, Mbna Glenn 87, Jack Simmons 87, Max Hudson 86_, Keith Buchanan 85, Edith Wurm 85 Mary McKay 84, Herman Wolf 79, Keiifietli Passmore 78, Ray Fostex* .70. Jessie Buchanan, Teacher. Jr. Ill to Sr. Ill—Honors 75, pass .60; Harold Sherritt 80, Lome-Elder 79, Emma Wurm 77, Helen Glenn 76, John MacKay 71, Viola Hilde brand 70,.Harvey Hudson 68, Mabel Fee, 68,: Robert Passmore 67, Mary Hemphill “67, Lloyd Lindenfield 65, Kornelie ‘Feber 63, John Farquliax* 57, Edith Wolf 52, SteWart Bell 51, Ray Paterson (recommended on year’s work-. Sr. II to Jr. III.—-Nor man Sinclair 87, Mildred Follick .86 Minnie Sangstei’ 84, Lillian Beeswax ®2, MfiY&a'xifit' K'eix’ningS ‘79p'Dorotiiy- Wumnxottrt 78, Irene Smale 77, Katlityn Drysdale 72, Harold Hig gins 71, Olive'Brock 68, Tom Smale 60,.-Myrna Hudsd^x58, Mary Little 52, I^ennOth M&nhS ’^- M. A. Ellis, Teacher; 1 •. •' ■ t ' ; THE jUBILtH^Cia^BBnA^IGN . On Sunday afternoon the peopPe of Hensall and vicitiity held their ‘Jubilee Service as ouftined by the Miss Nellie and, Mr. W. Mrs. Kaiser 92, kin 86, Harold Bonthron 83, Edgar \WXL!2LL MQ^E FLIPS WORTH OF ANY STICKY FLY CATCHER and were each given a a small flag to cginmenj’ Jubilee occasion. The had a ribbon attached to Clean to handle. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and General Stores GREENWAY part three War ; the the the hot last was by all. The pioneers in the procession men and women of 67 were Wm. Caldwell, John Hudson, Thos. Mur dock, Robert Bonthron, Rev. Dr. ’Fletcher, A. Bolton, Thos- Dickson, Nathan Peck, ,J. W. Ortwein, Alex. Buchanan, John Berry, Adam Reich- art, Mr. Hill, Roland Cudmore,®Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lindenfield, Mr. Turnbull, Henry Pybus. Robert Mor rison, Mr. and Mrs. E. Shaffer, J. C. Clawson, John McDonald. The com-, mittee who were in charge of the celebration were Reeve Geiger, Councillors Higgins, Consitt, Cam eron and Priest, the Rev. Mr. Nayl or, the Rev. Mr; Sinclair, Wm. Mc Kay, principal public school, Wm. McLaren, leader of the Carmel church choir, Mr. Houston, leader of the Anglican church choir and Mr. Goodwin, leader of the United church? choir. Zimmer, Rev. and Mrs, Eifert, Kleinstiver, Percy Kleinstiver Flossie Kleinstiver.—Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Ehlers and Mr. and CENTRALIA Herbert White, of London, the week-end at his home ____ M'r. White recently injured his right leg by falling from a rail road engine. Miss Saphi'ona White and Miss Murphy, of Detroit, visited over the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White. Mrs. John Essery is visiting her sisteiy Mrs. (Dr.) Heighway, of Lon don. Mr. Essery spent a few days with them last week returning on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hicks visited in Brantford-and Hamilton on Wed nesday and Thursday of last week. Miss1, Mary'O’Brien is leaving for Detroit on aLvisit. Confederation . -.Jubilee Services were held iii the Uilxted church here last Sun’d’ay.^-Next Sunday morning the pastor Will give an illustrated sermon .on a very important theme. —The Misses Hilda and Hannah Bachelor and Mabel Todd, of Lon don, were holiday visitors at the parsonage.—Mr. and Mrs. Lundy and family, of Detroit, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. O’Brien.—-Miss Verna Connor is holi daying fox1 a* week at Pt. Colboxme. —Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fisher, of For est, and Mr, and Mrs. Hoopbr, of Exeter, were ^visitors with Mr. Jas. Oke, on Sunday.—Mrs. W. Rowlands is spending a few days with friends at Mt. Carmel.—Mr. Truman Mills is acting as releiving operator at Kingscourt Junction for a few weeks —Messrs. Wni. Dobbs, Chas. Mason, Murray Elliott and Wilfred Ander son were on a fishing excursion at Wiarton over the holiday.—Mr. A. Parsons, of London, visited ovei’ the holiday at the home of his brother Mr. W. Parsons.—Mr. and Mrs. Lux ton and family, of Routh Bend, Ind. were visitors this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Willis.—-Mrs. L. Hodgson, who has been in Victoria Hospital for the past couple of weeks has returned home much improved. —Centralia street's received a gen erous supply of oil last vyeek which adds greatly to the comfort of the residents. Mr. spent here. Miss Emma MacPherson, R.N., is holidaying at her home here.—Mr. Lawrence Pollock and Edison holi dayed in Norwood and Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGregor and family spent Friday at Springbank and London. The lawn social held at Grace church last Wednesday evening was successful in every way. A good program was given by London tal ent. The proceeds amountfid to over $75.00, Last Tuesday evening the young people and members of the choir of the United church gathered at the home of Mr, C. Curts and spent a pleasant social evening with Mr. and Mrs. Elton Curts, who were receutly married. Rev. J. M. Colling presid ed and an appreciative address was read by Miss Mae Wilson and Miss Alice Turner and Miss Elsie Young presented them with a silver bread plate and Pyrex Casserole. Both Mr. and Mrs. Curts replied thanking all for the kindness, the former be ing quite humerous in his remarks. After refreshments were served all joined in singing Auld Lang Syne and wishing them many years of hap piness. Next Sunday in the United church the pastor’s subject will be “A Full Dinner Pail” The service last Sun day was patriotic with appropriate sermon, music by a young men’s choir and decorations of flags and bunting. Among those who spent the holi day here we're: Mr. and Mrs. R. McPherson and family, Miss Igrancis Shettler, of Buffalo, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McPherson; Will Curts, of London English, Mrs. R. Mr. and of London with Mr. Will. Hicks; Mr. and Mrs. R. Eagleson and Mrs. Wareham, of Sarnia, with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mason; Alfred and Clayton Hayter, of Clandeboye, with Willis Hayter. 1VAUX 1AC1 £>VJL1 , VV ____- — , at home; M'r. Seibourne of Detroit and Mr. and Sheppard, of London, with Mrs. R. English; Mrs. Hicks ELIMVILLE some of the fanners' homes ser- to house the crowd. Also some to motor to Dashwood and Park- to find room to sleep. — Mrs, miss hearing one of these at CHISELHURST Mrs. Jacobi and son Harvey Sunday at the home of Mr, Jacobi of Parkhill—Mrs. ____ Chambers is . visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Mooney at London for .two weeks.—Mr. Wm., Wright, of De troit, visited with )xis mother, his brother Howard and sister, Mrs. Kaecher, over the First.—Miss Annie Wren returned to Toronto and Miss Gladys Wren is home for a few days. —-Miss Edna Gill and gentleman friend visited the former's cousin, Mrs. Geo. Chambers Sunday. MT. CARMEL spent Wm. John Miss Mary -McCann left on Tues day to visit friends at Detroit.—Miss Ileen Ragier, of Detroit, spent the week-end at her home 4here.—The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson is improving from, an attack of bronchitis.—Mr. Fergis Ryan, of De troit called on friends here on Sun day.—A. number; ■ from here attend ed the strawberry social at Lurey on Wednesday’ evening.—Misses Geral dine McKeever and Margaret McIn tyre, of Detroit, accompanied by Messrs. Burke and McCabe, of Forest spent Sunday at the former's home. —Miss Marie Regan, of St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, nursing staff cal led on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Regan on Sunday.—Mr. Jack Morrissey, of Detroit, spent Sunday at his home.——Mr. Joseph Mahoney last To ber purchased * ‘an Overland car week.—MissvWin'nie Madden, of ronto, spent the week-end at home. term. The teacher taken by surprise a suitable manner; pupils for their EVERY WOMAN SHOULD READ HOW “FRUIT-A-TIVES” GAVE HER NEW LIFE , MRS. J. F. RUTKO.WSKA; “For several years I suffered with' sever’d constipation and was a nervous wreck. I had great pain in my limbs, and such terrible headaches I thought I would go crazy. I had no appetite, could scarcely, eat anything without stomach distress. After reading about ‘Fruit-a-tives’ I de cided to try them. Before I had3 taken three boxes, I was entirely well. I sin cerely think ‘Fruit-a-tives’ saved my life.’’ —Mrs. J. F. Rutkowska, Tolstoi, Mani toba. Indigestion, biliousness, headaches, ner vousness, pains in the back and limbs are largely caused by allowing poisons to accumulate in the body. “Fruit-a-tives” is nature’s remedy, made from intensified fresh fruit juices combined with tonics. “Fruit-a-tives” stimulates the bowels, liver and kidneys to normal action and brings about a condition of delightful health. Buy a box of “Fruit-a-tives”, to-" day. Enjoy life again. 25c and 50c* everywhere. NOTICE;.. 7. ‘ Owners of live stock should take notice that it is contrary to a by-law of the County of Huron to allow their animals to be at large upon the County-roa’d^.A This by-law was pas sed prim&Wly’ for the protection of the traveUing^public, and there is a probability-tlrat the owner of any' such.-stock--may be held liable for loss of life, or property, caused by such animals.:. Huron ’^tinty Roads Commission R.ev. A. E. M. and Mrs. Thomp son and son John, of London, visit ed here during^ the past week.— Miss Mina Cornish, of Bayfield, is home for the summer vacation.— Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. Hodgert' and family, of near Seaforth visited Sunday in this vicinity.—Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym were visitors in the community last Sunday.—Most of the residents of this neighbor hood took in the celebration in Ex eter on the morning of July 1st. The afternoon was spent by some at Grand Bend others at Thames Road but all seemed to have a very en joyable time despite the intense heat.—Mr. Wilfred Johns suffered a very painful and serious accident on Friday of last week while working on his threshing machine. A piece of iron flew up smashing his glasses a piece of which seriously slashed the eye. He was rushed to Lon don hospital where he is still. His many friends hope that his eyesight may be retained.—Mrs. Whiteford, of Exeter is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wes. Horne.—Mrs. Heywood Sr. has been visiting Mrs. Harding, of Exeter during the past week.— Mrs. Lloyd Johns spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bannerman, recently.—Miss Lena Pym is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skinner, in, Hensail.—Mr. and Mrs. Telford Horne and daughter, of Toronto, spent a week at the former’s uncle, Mr. Wes. Horne re cently.—Last Sunday evening the service was carried out according to the program sent out for the Na tional Service. Rev. Mr. Smith gave a'very interesting-address, in :.keep, ing with the, time.—The regular meeting of the. Live Oak Mission Circle was held last Thursday even ing in the basement of the church with a good attendance., The scrip ture lesson was read by Miss Dorris Brooks, the Indian entertainer was given by Miss’Florence Herdman. A reading was also given by Miss Ruth Skinner. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid Up $20,000,000 . Reserve Fund $20,000,000 Exeter Branch ... M. R. Complin, Manager Crediton Branch - - - G. G. Maynard, Manager To Send Money use the Money Orders sold at all branches of this Bank. They are safe, cheap and convenient, and are readily cashed in all parts of the world. « The young aren’t foolish. They are just willing to satisfy their curi osity at the cost of a blister. OWL si uonsa^ip..og pie iseg eqj, , WRIT OVER ALLEGED TRESPASS Mr. Charles Gibbs, of Parkhiil .lias issued, a , Supreme^C°brt, Writ against Mr. John MousSeau, of Heti- sail,for ,‘$ainage'st. foi* . entering the ■piaiii'tiff’s^.iands','and'' Buildings' find for an Rijftnctidii to re’Stfain the' tle- •fehdant frbm,.entering 1 the' ' plain- .tiff’s, lands ’ in the Tdwtiship of Ba-, .sanquet in the’County'of Liamt’on. , <( DEATH OF MISS ISABELLA WADDEII The death of Miss Isabella Wad dell occurred on Thursday afternoon at the residence of Rev. Dr. Fletcher. Miss Waddell came up about a month ago to visit at the home of Dr. Fletcher and falling one day she suffered a broken liip and despite the best medical skill and nursing, she gradually grew weaker until sh© passed away. She was born in In gersoll, 80 years ago, and received hei- education there, and when a young woman moved to Selkirk, Man., where she remained until about ten years ago. She then came to London where she made her home wittx her sisters, Mrs. A. H. Mosley Williams, 505 Princess Ave., She was a member of St. Andrew’s church. She is survived by three sisters; Mrs. Mosley Williams, Mrs. J, R. Staples, of Lome. Ave., London, and Mrs. ’ C. Prtlden, North •Khm- loops; and two brothers,' William, residing oft TeCximseli AVe, London, find* Janies, 1ft High Gate, Sask. A short service Was held At the lxoftxe Of Dr, Fletcher when the body was ..taken to London for interment, the ^ufteral taking place oil Friday ffom Logan'S funeral Home to Woodland Cemetery, service was conducted’ by Rev. D. C. McGregor, Pastor of St. Andrew’s church. From Berries or Cherries : j ■’ to Jam or Jelly b'-.r In Fif teen MinUtes, "■ Do you know rthe new short-boil Certo method of making jams and jellies, which makes success cer tain? No longer need you have any fears as to the l'esult, for the “set” is perfect every time. And the drudgery is gone, too. For in stead of tedious lengthy cooking, one or two minutes’ boning is enough when Certo is used* This short, cooking saves the bright natural color and the fresh flavor of the fruit. Besides it avoids the great waste of boiling away the juice, so that the actual cost of your jams and jellies made the Certo way is about two cents a glass less than by the tiresome old-fashioned method. Greater ease,« better jelly, lower cost—this is a combination which naturally appeals to women every where. A book of. simplb recipes for all sorts of delicious jams, jellies and marmalades comes with each bottle of Certo. . . . ,. Send for this new (free) booklet.1 Lumley Many of this neighborhood attend ed the confederation services in Hensall on Sunday last.—Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hummill and little daugh ter Kate, of Pensylvania, motored over this week and are visiting their friends, Mrs. Hummill being a sister of Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Jack Bol ton.—Miss Bella Brintnell, of Strat ford, spent the First of July at her home on the boundary.—An aero plane was seen flying over on Sun day last and seen returning on Monday evening. They seem to be getting more prominent all the time. —Mr. Robert Hoggarth, county clerk of Stratford, visited friends on the boundary on- Sunday. Week-end.—'Miss Mae Simpson, of, Detroit, is spending her holidays •with hei* grandmother, Mrs. Robert -Bonthron.—Miss Florence Welsh, .of London, visited over the week-end With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. r.- Welsh.—Miss Edith McEwen, of Kitchener, is spending her holidays At hex’ home here?—-Miss Nellie Boyle who has spent a month’s vacation at her home here, returned to London . on Wednesday.—rMr. and Mrs, Wni. Tentiale, of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Higgins on Wed nesday.-—M'r. and Mrs". Alonso Ort- wejn, of Detroit/ visited over the week-end in town.—Miss Elva Bol* a ton, of- JCitchcner, . i?.. spen0jng the. sHimhior holidays at her home east of the village.—Mr. and Mrs. Earl 1-ai mer, of Windsor, visited over the Week-end with Mr. and- Mrs. Thomas ■^Palinef.*—The League., meetings*' of the United church are Withdrawn during the months of uJ«ly . 3X111 AagustM-W church /seryicefi' on Sunday last in the United church •were largely attended both mdrning And evening, the Rev. Mr. Sinclair ^preaching at both- services, ihe J Douglas Packing Co., Limited Cobourg, Ontario. Please send me (free), your hew col ored, booklet on Jams And Jellies. »» 151 YES IT WILL Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs Tonsilitis treats sore throats, Tonsil troubles, Bronchitis, Croup, Quinsoy, Whoop ing cough and cough successfully, or cash back.—-Htfwey’s Drug Store Exeter, Brantford Big Butt Asphalt Slates provide a roof of double and triple thickness, matchless beauty and life long protection— Brantford Big Butts also give a shadow line—adding greatly to the charm and distinction of your home. Being tapered, extra thickness and weight are in the part exposed to the weather. Size 16 inches by 10 inches, laid 5 inches to the weather. BrAntford Roofing Co., Limited Brantford, Ontario Brantford * ROOFS Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by Ross-Taylor Co., Ltd., - - Exeter................................................7................................................-■ . .................................. as