HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-06-16, Page 8and THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE XHVliSDAY, JUNE 10U1, War Exeter Markets Wheat §1.35. Oats 50 c, Barley 60c. Manitoba flour §4.75. Blended flour §4.25. Pastry flour §3.75. Feed flour, §2.10. Bran §1.70 Shorts §1.75. Creamery butter 40c. Dairy butter 3 2-3 5 c. Eggs, extras Eggs, seconds 22c. ■ Eggs, pullets 22c. Hogs, §9.00, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, James Foote, B,A., Mlnhtqr 11 a.m.- Prayer, 7 pan.- ____ ___ The choir will be assisted by Gladys McLeod, soloist of St. An­ drew’s church, Stratford. Caven church welcomes Masons of Exeter and vicinity and a hearty invitation is extended to all to attend this, service. -“The Pattern of Human If •“The Symbols of Masonry.” ’ ' ? Miss thu Lil STORE (W» WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS, DURING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST Big Reduction on all I = k 27e. Kight Here in Exeter. The biggest furniture sale ever known August 1, 1927 As we have to move from our North Store by that time, we will give wonderful bargains at both stores in order to make room for furniture not sold. Don’t Miss Tins Snap c locals 7 3 FronCNow to August 1st R. N. ROWE r/ HATS All the new Shades and Styles in — Straw, Sailor, Leg­ horn and Panama We have a complete range in all the newest Sport Trousers Come in and look them over W. W.TflMflN Merchant Tailor and Gents’ Outfitter 1 The Ladies' Aid of the Main St, United church will hold their annual Strawberry Festival June 29th. Par­ ticulars later. Reserve the date. of Seaforth, in town Sunday. Lloyd White, of St. David’s friends in town Sunday. Jas. Hodgson, of Granton, with her mother on Saturday JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH GF CANADA Key* D. McTavisli, Pastor W. R, Goulding, a,t,c.m. Organist and Chqjr-Leador i a. m. - a.m. Faith of our Fathers. Children’s choii’ and children’s ex­ ercise. Parent? are urged to come to Sunday School at 10 o'clock and have their children stay with them for morning wor­ ship. p.m.—“The Guide of Youth.” A children’s choir will furnish music Don’t miss these special services, RUGS 10 11 7 -Sunday School. -A Story Sermon. “The Special 22 only, beautiful Tapestry, Brussels, Velvet and Wilton Rugs in sizes 2 1-2 by 3 yards, 3 by 3 yards, 3 by 3 1-2 yards, 3 by 4 1 > '—c T - •< •yards. You can save money this week on any room rug in stock Compare our prices with others The Old Service Station GLADSTONE COULD WRITE A PAGE AND MAKE IT WORTH $500.00. THAT’S GENIUS. SOME MEN CAN WRITE A FEW WORDS ON A BLANK CHECK AND MAKE IT WORTH $1,000,000.00. THAT’S CAPI­ TAL. AMECHANIC CAN MAKE A DOLLAR'S WORTH OF IRON IN­ TO WATCH SPRINGS WORTH $50.00. THAT’S SKILL. HARVEY BROS. BRNG FROM NEAR AND FAR FEED OF A SUPERIOR GUALITY FOR YOUR HORSES, CATTLE, SWINE, POULTRY AND FOOD FOR YOURSELVES WHICH THEY SELL AT A REASONABLE PRICE. THAT’S SERVICE. YES, VERILY, A SERVICE THAT BRINGS TO /YOUR DOOR OATS FROM WESTERN CANADA; CORN FROM OHIO; TANK­ AGE, OIL CAKE, MINERAL FEEDS, BONE, ETC., ETC., BESIDES THE FACTURED IN OUD MILL. WILL YOU. 3 7 A Exeter •“A Career Found by Acci- How to play “Clothes MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E. Clysdale, Pastor 11 a.m.—“The Message of- the Pulpit. Bouquet.” p.m. Sunday School. p.m.— dent.” Pins.” special All are Special vacation services with tho congregation of James St. and Main St. United churches for last four Sundays of July and the month of August. message to young people, specially invited. FOR SALE—House room brick dwelling, conveniences. Apply Howey, Exeter. s modern Beatrice 5-12-tf and lot, All to MEAT SCRAP, GROUND FLOUR AND FEED MANU- YOU ALLOW US TO SERVE HARVEY BROS. Ontario Provincial Bonds GLADMAN & STANBU|RY Any Term of Years—Interest 5 to 6 per cent. First Mortgages Trust Co. Mortgage Bonds Dominion of Canada Bonds YOUR SUMMER COTTAGE >—Is it as Attractive Inside as Out? ? yobr sumrtiet' dbttage comfortable and home-like | •’*‘with Gyproc Fireproof- pattitiorfs and ceilings.- At ■ small cost the whole interior may be transformed into attractive, cosy rooms. • . Write fof free f>ooicfet-—“.N(y Hpme.” It will tell you how GyproC, Roeboard Gypsum liisulatinu Sheatltiiig and Insults will reduce your fuel billfrona20 to40%. - “ ... THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA For Sale By * Ross-Taylor Co*,*Ltd* * Kxetety Ont W.E. Pfaff - - - Hensall, Ont and Mrs. with Suu- WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY The undersigned merchants have agreed to close their places of busi­ ness each Wednesday afternoon commencing at twelve o’clock dur­ ing the months of June, July and August. Jones & May Southcott Bros. Mrs. W. D. Yeo. Wei. Johns. Grigg’s Stationery. B. W. F. Beavers H. S. Walter. W. J. Hearnan. Times-Advocate Miss Yelland Miss Armstrong. W. J. Beer. Walper J. Christie. C. Rivers. Hockey. FANCY CHINA We are showing a splendid range of Fancy China, suitable for gifts. Special price .on Fancy Cups and Saucers for this week. Regular 35 to c 50c. Value each 15 different patterns is what we can show you. Why not commence .saving a set of our open stock, Bri­ dal Rose and Overland. Dinnerware you can buy one dr a dozen pieces at, a time. This week we will have another shipment of Fugi and Fancy Crepe Dresses that are last word in style. They are popular priced $12.95$7.50 $9.95 to Light Weight Work Shoes Valentine Martin make. A light sturdy work shoe with Panco sole and rubber heel. Special value at $3.00per pair. HOUSE DRESSES About 5 dozen in this lot. The val­ ues were as high as $1.50. We group , them in one lot to clear at Special Price.................. 79C Miss McKenzie .spent the week-end visiting in Granton. Miss 11a Johnston, visited Mr. visited Mr. visited last. Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgson visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner on Sunday, Mrs. Thompson, of Forest, visited with her sister, Mrs. Hodgson, fov a few days. Mrs. Burgess, of Minot, N. D., is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Kydd and other relatives. ' Mr. Alex, Elliott, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff is. holiday­ ing at his home in Blyth, There are 18 from this com­ munity in training at the military camp at Carling’s- Heights, London. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clarke and Mrs. Chas. Clarke, of Thedford visit­ ed with Mr, and Mrs, A Rumford on Monday, Rev. D. McTavisli conducted the anniversary services at Wesley Unit­ ed church on Sunday afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hutchinson and daughter Eileen, of Ailsa Craig visited at Janies St. parsonage ou Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Passmore, of Sault Ste Marie,' Mich., spent the week-end with 'Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ryckmam and other relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Passmore, and family, Jennie and Alvin and Mrs. Wes. Stone, motored to Niagara Falls and spent the week-end. Miss Ella Link, Mrs. Flett two children and her mother, Habkirk, of Seaforth, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz on day. Miss Gladys McLeod, who won the first prize for Perth in the musical festival, will sing at the Masonic ser­ vice Sunday evening in Caven church. Mr. Arto Delve is in Niagara Falls taking a short course on the operat- ling o£ some of the machinery used in connection with the canning factory. Rev. D. McTavisli attended a Sum day School convention held in Dray­ ton on Monday and delivered two addresses in the interests of O.R.E. C. work. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ketchen and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ketchen and daughter, Shirley, of «Waterford, spent a few days during the week with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Essery, of Chicago, and the former’s mother, Mrs. Jos. -Essery, who are on a motor trip are visiting with Mrs. W. Essery and other relatives in this community. The Sunday school of the Main St. United church decided on Sunday last to hold their services during the summer previous to the morning preaching service instead of in the afternoon as formerly. Mr. Edgar Thomson, of Usborne, left on Monday for Woman River in Northern. Ontario where he will spend the summer months as student assistant on a field party of the Geological Survey of Canada. Dr. A. L. Storey, of Blenheim, a recent graduate of Western Medical school was in Exeter Tuesday look­ ing after ®r. Fletcher’s practise. The latter attended the wedding* of Dr. DoUgall, of Hensall, to Dr. Brown, of Eedy’s Mills. Mrs. T. H. McEwen, of Tillson- burg and Mrs. T. C. Shelby, of Tor­ onto, were called home last week owing to the illness of their father, Mr. D. Mack, whom we are pleased to say is somewhat improved, Mr, Shelby also arrived on- Monday. Mr. Fred Hearnan, who has been attending university at Ann Arbor, Mich., is home for the holidays. Since school closed he has been at­ tending a conventon of the Interna­ tional Brotherhood of Magicians at- Kenton, Ohio. Fred has been adding to his magic stunts and has had a number of engagements. Mr. S. A. Poplestone, of Blyth, who some time ago sold Kls interest in the general dry goods store of Poplestone & Gardiner to Mr, R. Gardiner has now purchased the business from the -latter and has taken -possession. Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner intend, taking an extensive trip through the West this summer. The 3rd annual convention of the Huron County E.A. of Trustees and Ratepayers will be held in the Audi­ torium of. the new Collegiate, Clin­ ton, on Friday, June 17th, at 1 p.m, Mr. Wm. M. Mbrris, Toronto; Pro-. fessor.Reynoids, O.A.C., Guelph, hnd Mr* Malcolm MacBeth, Milverton, are, expected to address the gathering in addition to Dr, Field, L P. S., East Huron; J. E, Tohi, LP.S„ W. Huron; Messrs. Charles Rbbertsort, M.L.A., Goderich; W. G. Medd, M.L.A., Ex­ eter, and Elmer Klopp, Zurich, war- : den of Huron County.: a special in- < vitation is extended to ladies to at- : tend. Robert coultis, President, i Mrs. R. Davidson, Sec.-Treas. i J. E. H. N. Harness Barber Shop M. Rumford. J. W. Powell. W. IV. Taman. S. Martin & Son. G. A. Hawkins. Jas. Lawson. S. B. Taylor. S. .Fitton. R. N. Rowe. T. H. Elliott. Wick wire Print Shop. M. Hodgert. Leu’s Meat Market. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received for carpenter work and the metal roof­ ing with putting on of roofing, for the Lutheran church sheds at Dash­ wood. Plans and specifications can be seen with Louis H. Rader. And tenders must be handed in to Mr. Rader not later than June 27th, 1927. 6-9-3tc the BARN FOR SALE—40x50 feet, timber nearly all first class rock elm including sills, siding all in first class condition. This barn can be purchased for the well worth price asked. Apply to Jno. Elder, Hen- 'sall'. 6-16-4t£ Thames Road will hold a baseball tournament on the afternoon-of July first. Particulars later. Mr. John S. Smith, of Crediton, has purchased a J. I. Case 18-32 tractor from Mr. J. G. Cochrane. Reeve W. D. Sanders intends leav­ ing early next month for a pleasure trip to the British Isles and the Con­ tinent and expects to be away about two months. During the three and a half years that Mr. Sanders has oc­ cupied the .reeve’s chair he has not missed a single meeting and he will now seek a three month’s leave of absence. He is planning to visit England, Scotland and Ireland, France and ‘ Belgium and will toui’ the battlefields. The Sunday School service in James St. United church during the summer months will be held in the morning at ten o’clock instead o‘f' in the afternoon as has been the custom for many years. The first of Me morning services will he held next Sunday. It is hoped ift this way riot only to maintain the interest in the school during the hot weather but also to increase the attendance at the morning worship. The Willing Workers Mission circle of James St. church, met at the home of Mrs, Trueman Elliott for their regular monthly meeting, on Monday evening with a good at­ tendance. Miss A, Handford gave a report of the finance committee, and a letter from Miss Hume, girl’s work secretary, was read by Miss Grace Creech, It was decided that a ban­ quet be held early in the fall, also a Japanese tea. The musical pro­ gramme consisted of a "duet by Miss Betty .Grant and. Mrs. Tom, Coates and an instrumental by Mi$s Mad­ eline. Dearing and was followed by the topic taken by Mrs. MollaVd of Main St. Church which Was much, ‘ - The way and appreciated by all present, meeting was closed in the usual after which lunch was served a social half hour spent fl Southcott Bros, j SUCCESSORS TO J. A. STEWART I ■ B ■*»ST Baby Chicks / /1O.50 per hundred and upwards according to quality and quantity. Day old, 3 weeks and 8 week’s ac­ cording to requirement. Bred-to- lay. Rocks -and S C. W. Leghorns. Custom hatching §4.00 to §5.00 per hundred according to quantity. Brooder stoves supplied on request. ’ W. F. ABBOTT, EXETER jfave Your Eyes * Examined To-day is nothing to be gained by that eye examination. is much to be lost. BUS SERVICE FROM EXETER TO LONDON And return, daily, except Sunday, calling at Centralia, Mooresville, Clandeboye and Lucan. Bus leaves Exeter every Monday, at 7:30 a.m. arriving in London at 9 a.m. Leaves all other days at leave London at Exeter at 6 p.m.. ter 138,; Lucan, Metcalf 409. J. 8 a.m. Returning 4:30 p,m., due in Phone calls, Exe- 13 r 3; London, C. HOWARD. There delaying There Each day that your eyes are under a strain makes it more difficult for your Optometrist to give you satis­ factory glasses You will be surprised at the thor­ oughness of our methods—and will be pleaded with the glasses. Call today and learn the truth about your eyes. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST, EXETER, ONT. PHONE 70 HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Authorized by Government as Trustee Investments The interest is paid half yearly upon §100.00 or more for 1 to 5- years. Applications for same are accept­ ed at any time by CARLING & MORLEY Barristers &c., Exeter, Ont. MOVED While our store is being remodel­ led we have moved our stock to the rear of the- old Commercial Hotel. S. MARTIN & SON Before you tmy your new Suit for spring get prices elsewhere and get a sample of cloth. When you do this call in and see me and see what you can save. Also when you want any Cleaning, Pressing or Repairing done call 193 and T. HL Elliott will call for your clothes and deliver them. E. C. Harvey & L. V. Hogartte — Agents — Mutual Life of Canada EXETER ONTARIO 1874 192T The London Life Insurance Co. W. C. PEARCE, AGENT Exeter. Phone 130W. Residence, Ann St. two blocks west/ of Ford Garage j. IONA RABBITTRY Large, healthy rabbits, 10c a lb. A. Christie Earl E.- Christie Exeter, Ontario 6-9-3tp FOR SALE—Storey and a half frame house with modern improve­ ments, wired for hydro, furnace and’ 3-piece bath; good stable and gar­ age, ' fruits, able. l'J acre land, plenty small Desirable property, reasou- Apply at Times-Advocate. 6-2-2tc. Of Canada’s largest Life In-One surance Companies wants a good man to • represent them in Crediton, Dashwood, Exeter and Hensftll. Ap­ ply to the Times-Advocate, Exeter. Order your Coal Now I Prices are Down. How is the time to place your order for next's winter’s coal supply. Prices have dropped. Stove Coni $15.50 a ton Egg and Nut Coal $15.00 per ton Coke $12.00 per ton cents a ton per month will added to these prices after - 30, .days R G. SELDON Ten be Why Not Get the Best? SCRANTON COAL, all sizes and SOLVAY COKE with the good Old reputation. Why not order your supply today? Spring prices are: Stove $15.50; Egg and Nut Coal $15.00; Nut Coke $12.00 delivered. 10c. per ton per month will be added after 30 days. 1847 1927 CANADA LIFE The Oldest Assurance Co. in Canatf# B. M. FRANCIS Phone 164, Exeter H, T* ROWE HYDRO ELECTRIC Wiring and jrtstalling, guaranteed workmanship, at reasonable cost.w ui iiiuuiiBiu civ 1 UclbUllctDie COSV* Repairing stoves and motors a spe- cialty, Estimates gladly furnished free. Phone 224.—Ern. Davis 4-28-tfC TENDERS WANTED Tenders will he received up until June 25 th at 6 p.m, for the alfalfa hay oil the cemetery grounds. Will be divided into three equal parts and sold separately or in bulk, The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be. handed to -the clerk.—W« D. Sanders, Reeve. "" 11111 ' 1 r ■ «■■■ ‘i’ WHAT THE DR. SAID Tonsils are Diseased MUST Oper­ ate. Mrs, Sybflla Spahrs Tonsilitis whs; applied, Tonsils healed and the Operhtiom’cakceHed. Try it at oiir risk. Howey’s Drug Store, Exeter. Sylvester B. Taylor Jeweller, — Exeter Fltton's Old Stand WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING GUARANTEED W. ft. GOULD I NG A. T. C. M* Organist and Choirmaster James Sts United Chnrcl* Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 192 EXETER, ONT. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any hiake) SINGLE EDGE DOUBLE EDGE Perfect E<!gc, Guaimtitcedf * w. s. COLE, DRUGGIST 3<S