HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-06-09, Page 5t THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATe THURSDAY, Jl'.VE Olli, 1027 Dashwood ginijjcnjl of (Commeixe CLINTON, ONTARIO Students may enter at any time Why not attend the School that has the Highly Qualified Staff, The only School that teaches real Practical Business Training from start to finish. Where High School students and teachers are taught spscial- ized expert training in Business Administration and Secretarial Scince and are sure of a good po sition, rapid promotion and big Income, COURSES Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Cicil Service Commercial Teachers Course and Special Courses arranged. For Information Write to B. F. WARD, B.A., M,Accts. Phone 198 Principal HENSALL JRECITAL • The violin and piano pupils rf Greta H, Lammie, A.T.C.M. will give a recital in the town hall, Hensall, on Friday, June 10th, at 8.15 p.m. A musical playlet will be presented in two acts. Scenes from the life of Ludwig Van Beethoven. Admission 25 cents. *>.-i Huron County Council is meeting Illis week, Mr, T, C^Joynt is in Toronto this week on business. A number from Hensall attended Hie Exeter races on Wednesday last. Miss Flossie Foss, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Foss. • Miss Edna Butt, of Toronto, visit­ bed for a few days with Mrs. John Murdock. Miss Florence Welsh, of London, Visited ower the week-end with her parents here.- Mr, Clarence Shepherd is spend­ ing his holidays visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd. Quite a number took in the Moon­ light -Excursion on- the’ Greyhound i»t Gpder.i'clr'fpn Mo’nday’.evening. Mr/ and^Mrs. Richard.' Welsh, of Exetey,ty.isited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins and family, on Thurs­ day. • ' •'> Mr. ’ Ferris Cantelon and boy Iriend of Onondaga, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. David Cantelon, Miss •visited Mattie Miss ■fcained a number of friends on Sat­ urday evening. Mrs. E. Rennie and sop Sam., vis­ ited over the week-end with rela­ tives in Detroit. ■ Mr. .and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer, of .Detroit, visited over the week-end with relatives, in town. Congratulations .to Mr. and Mrs. McLaren on the arrival of a youpg daughter on Monday. Mrs. Robt. Higgins, who has been 'Visiting in Detroit for the past two weeks, returned home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John McNeal and ^family of St. Thomas, visited over #he week-end with Mrs. John Mur­ dock. Janet Smith, of St. Thomas over the week-end with Miss Ellis. Mattie Ellis pleasantly enter­ Miss Eleanor Fisher - ORGANIST HENSALL UNITED CHURCH ’ TUITION IN PIANO Terms Moderate Phone 68 Radios and Batteries Come in and see our new Mar- ^.oniphone, PiercejAirij and Westing- Saouse Radio sets. We repair all snakes of batteries and recharge batteries. PRICES MODERATE ROY WEBBER DR. RrP. I. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of jSfiedicijie, and Master of Science, T'niTersity of Western Ontario. Blember of College of Physicians rfS&tad Surgeons of Ontario. Office 3IW© doors east of Post Office. IPhone 56 Residence 114 HENSALL, ONT. Wall Paper 8a the Latest Designs JMces from 10c. to §1.50 PER ROLL HARDWOOD FLOORING LAID AND POLISHED J. Sangster, Hensail tf'-SROL'NE & HIBBERT MUTUAL P3RE INSURANCE COMPANY OHice, • Farquhar, Ont. President, JAMES McKENZIE ^lee-Pr«sideat, SIMON DOW directors -S-junk McConnell, witf. brock MDBT. NORRIS. JOHN ALLISON agents ESSERS, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph S0UVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for SSibbert; Fullerton and Logan W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer -fei Exeter, Ontario. GLAhMAN & STANBURY SoBcitova, Exeter Mt\ - Jack' Scott, of /Toronto, visit­ ed • over’ the week-end with his grand parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Petty. Mrs. Jas. visiting for daughter in Brantford, lias return­ ed home. Reeves Geiger of Hensall, Klopp of Hay and Manson, of Stanley are atending the County Council at Goderich.. Among those taking in the Grey­ hound Excursion to Detroit on Tues­ day were Mrs. Geo. Petty and Mr. Fred. Steacy. The services in the United church on Sunday last were largely attend­ ed, Rev. Mr. Sinclair preaching at both services. The baseball match on Monday evening between Hensall and Cred­ itou at Crediton resulted in favor of Crediton 6 to 2. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. on Sunday with Higgins, at Clinton. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Wren and Wm. Eyre attended the funeral of the late John Eyre in London, on Wednesday afternoon last, > ’ . . ;Mr. Wm. -Thompson left on .Tues­ day morning for his home in Iridi- anna, after- a pleasant visit with his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson; » " . ■ There Vvas no service held in the Presbyterian church here on Sun­ day evening last, to give everyone that could a chance to attend the anniversary services at the Presby­ terian church at Exeter. While Miss Waddell, of London, was visiting at-the home of Rev. Dr. Colin - Fletcher, she was suddenly thrown forward when caught by a gust of wind, falling down soihe steps and fracturing her hip. Anniversary services will be held in Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday, June 12th. Rev. Jas.’ Cor- doner of the Presbyterian church, London, Will preach at both servic­ es. Special music will’ be given by the . choir for the occasion. The violin and piano pupils of Miss Greta Lammie will give a‘re­ cital in th‘e town half on Friday evening, June 10th, also a musical' playlet will be presented in two" acts. The scenes will be from the Life of, Lhdwing Van Beethoven, The regular meeting of tl\e Young People’s League o’f the’ United church was held on Monday.’even­ ing. The meeting was :-in charge and presided over by Miss Mary -Mc- Kaig and was opened by the singing of a hymn, after which Mr. Ortwein led in prayer. ‘ The Scripture les­ son was read by Miss Alma Scrutou, after whidi the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting-;.' The topic was ’given in a very able nian- ner by Mrs. Sinclair, rendered by Miss Sells and ’ an- strumental by Miss Gladys The Meeting was closed by peating the Lord’s Prayer. • The W.M.S. of the United met in the school room on Thursday .June 2nd, with Mrs. McDonell, the president in the chair. The meet­ ing was openefi''by singing a hymn, after which Mrs. Wm. Buchanan led in prayer, followed by a solo by-Miss Slay. The offering was then taken amounting to $13.75. The minutes of the last lheeting were read and adopted, after which the roll was called. Another hymn was after which arrangements were made for quilting Missionary quilts. Scripture lesson Hopkirk. Letter wore then read by Mrs. John Elder. Thing,’.’ was read McDonell. closed _ Mr. visited The church day anco present. The meeting opened by the singing of a hymn after which Marion Sinclair led in prayer, Katherine Drysdale rendered a very pleasing solo entitled ‘-God Sees tpe Littl.e Sparrows Fall,” after which the Scripture lesson was read by Pearl Elder,-followed by the roil call by Eleanor Skinner, utes of the last meeting by Gladys Pas.smoro. Skinner gave a very reading. The collection by Norman Sinclair and hymn was then sung, followed by a reading by Mary Hemphill, The study was given by Miss Morrison, after which Gladys Passmore gave it find instrumental. The meeting was closed by singing a hymn af which all repeated the Prayer. COUNCIL MEETING The village council met on day evening last, as a Court vision from 7 to 8, and after that their regular monthly meeting. The Reeve and Councillors Higgins and Consitt were present. As there wei^e no appeals against the Assess­ ment Holl the papers were signed by the Reeve and Councillors pre- sefit afid the court closed. As there were twe Councillors absent the Sparks, who has been some time with her Robt. Higgins and J. Sweitzer visited Mr. and Mrs. Win. A solo was in­ Luker, all re- church sung The was read by Mrs. from the fields Mrs. Merner, and Leaflets on “The by Mrs. Charles The meeting was then singing a hymn. R. Rennie, of Seaforth, town on Tuesday. by M. iu Mission Band of" the United held their meeting on Sup- .fternoon with a good attend- present. The meeting was actual meeting took the form of a discussion of work to be done by the council this season. Mr. Con- sitt thought that some of the work intending to be done should be laid out immediately and get start; ed gt, Consitt were appointed a commit­ tee to- make arrangements for fix­ ing the drain and sidewalk in front of Brown & Clark's blacksmith slwp and to repair the street water tanks at the Mills and at the King George Hotel, and to report at the next meeting of the council on Sat­ urday evening, June 11th. Coun­ cillor Higgins reported that he had 1 placed side of tion of regular Mr. Higgins of the rates Commsision, structed him to prepare a resolu­ tion, to be presented to the • Hydro Board. Mr, Higgins present­ ed a letter to the council to be en­ dorsed by them and sent on by the Hydro Board. The letter was as fol-, lbws: ; Hensall Hydro Commission. •. Gentlemen: . The council of the village of Hen­ sail, are taking ’this means’ to ex­ press their dissatisfaction at the rates charged by your Commission for street and domestic lighting. The idea of Hydro was to supply power to the people at cost, and th§ first rates set were more of an ex­ periment. , Despite the additional cost of power charged the village, at vari-> ous times by the Ontario Commis­ sion, the plant has accumulated a handsome surplus of over .$11,000 on the first of June, 1927. As your Commission can make no use of this money, and there be­ ing no extra costs in way of con­ struction in view, we think you are taking money from the people of^ Hensall’, . far above the requirment’ of'the plant. ' '• ’ - K"i:' The ; auditor’s .’report for 1926, gives the receipts of that «year,: as-; $9,251.94, and the expenses at $5,-. .’180.39, which included.-, all debent­ ures due that year, making a surplus over .expenditures of '$4,- 071.55, There is also a balance in the savings bank account of $5,752.- 20, besides the profit of this last five months. •Taking into consideration the fact that the board havp no use for this money, we. are asking that the rates on street lighting be reduced to $12 per lamp, per year, and that the rate for domestic lighting be re­ duced lc per Killowatt hour, and the minimum charge for - domestic lighting? be $1.00, rates to com­ mence July 1st, 1927, Taking into ednsideration the rates charged last year, and the profit made, the rates suggested by the council for this year will show a substantial profit. Hoping you will take this matter up with -the. Ontario Hydro Commis­ sion immediately, we remain .yours very truly, This letter was signed b5; Reeve Geiger, Councillors Higgins, Consitt, Cameron and Priest and sent on to the local Hydro Commission to be dealt by them on Monday evening, June 6th. The Council then ad­ journed- to meet again’' oil -Saturday evening. June 11th. • HENSALL AND CREDITON BOTH WIN AT HOME Two ball .games were played be­ tween Crediton and Hensall over Ltie vzeek-end., Crediton being defeated at Hensall 11-2, on Thursday even­ ing,’ and Winning--at Crediton on Monday evoniug 6.-2, . The game at Hensall was rather a lop-sided affair with Hensall taking,the lead early in the game and maintaining it throughout. Motz, on the mound for Crediton was not at his best and gave several free passes and retired after four innings. ‘Beeswax start? ed in the box for Hensall, but was later relieved by Lloyd Venner. The game produced a number of errors, but was full of interest/ Credton defeated Hensall on Mon­ day evening on the former’s diamond by a 6-2 score. Te Crediton team showed a reversal of form, and put up a real game behind was in top form. They pulled off thrpo double plays and the whole team were good at bat. __ __ sail nine made several miscues and failed to get far on Motz’s offerings, The next game for Hensall is at Zurich on Monday evening next when a real battle wpl be expected. Staffa defeated Thames Road at Staff’a on Friday evening 9-6 and Zurich defeated Staffa at Staffa on Monday evening 11-7. Councillors Higgins and safety, signs, one on each the school, for the protec- the school children, May At the meeting of the Council, brought up the matter charged by the Hydro and the Council in­ i I Motz- who The Her- The min- were read Eleanor interesting was taken another T Lord *5 Thurs of Re GREENWAY M. Colling will be in the United church next the regular service. His many friends are hisRev. J. pulpit in Sunday at parishoners and pleased to hear o'f his recovery from his recent illness. The union picnic for the Sunday Schools of this community and Grand Bend is to be hold on June 18th. Misses Evelyn and Mary Bullock have been on the sick list. Miss Stella Gratton, of Grand Bend is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. Hotson. A large number attended the fun­ eral of the late Mrs. J. Foster, on Monday. She lias been a resident here for over sixty years and had the respect of all who knew her. ' We extend congratulations to» Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey (nee Miss Boe Fallis) Who were married on Wednesday, June 1st by Rev. W. J. Also to (nee Miss who were Rev. E. J. Maines, B.A., of Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Curts Shirley Pressy, Arkona) married the same date by Roulstom of Arkona, Mrs. John Prance, of Winchelsea. is visiting her patents Mr, and Mrs, tfhos. Bullock. Dr. H, H. Cowen, L, D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Blocki Dash­ wood, first three das of week apd at office oyer the Post Office, in .......................... j of week,(Zurich, last three days LOST—Ju Dashwood, a hand bag. Reward Mrs. -Alex, Zimmer. Mr. Chas. Steinliagen spent Mon­ day in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kraft spent the week-end in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stadelbaue.r, c-f London were Sunday visitors. Mrs. M. Elsie -returned home on Sunday after visiting for several weeks in Sarnia. Mr, Herb, Gaiser, of Detroit, is yisiting his parents at present, Mrs. J, Rader, is visiting in De­ troit, Mr, Ira Tieman, of Lucknow, spent the week-end with his parents. Mr, and Mrs. P. Kraft spent a few days in London last week- Miss Gladys Guenther^ of Kitchen­er, is spending her holidays in this vicinity. Mr, and Mrs, D. Pfaff, of Sarnia, spent Sunday in town. Miss -Gladys McDowell, of Blylh, spent the week-end with Miss Letta .Guenther, ■ ’ ;-Mr.':and Mrs. Wm. Maier are vis­ iting in Detroit. Mr., and Mrs. Norman Kellerman, of Kitchener visited in town on Sun­ day. A . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kruger and daughter, Jude, of Detroit, spent the week-end with C. L. Walper. Children’s Day will be observed in the Evangelical church next Sun­ day evening. A good being prepared. Mr. Gordon Cal'fas, ............ spent Sunday with liis father. Mr. and’ Mrs. Alex. Held, of Buf­ falo, spent the week-end with rela­ tives here. Mrs. Granger, of Sarnia, spent a few days with her mother. Miss Edyth Walper and friend spent Thursday with friends .in Gode­ rich. DEATH OF SIRS. BERNJIARD “ HARTMAN ’ The death took plac.e in Dgsirwood on ’Sunday morning, June 5.th, of Mi*‘s. Bernhard 1-iftrtman, who passed •away at the age of- 37 years. The deceased has been in poor health for some time and is survived- by her husband. The funeral took place on C. on Main St. to finder,—*• 6-9-l!p program is of Sarnia, husband. The funeral took place Wednesday morning to ■ the R. cemetery in Zurich. Khiva THOMSON-r-NEEB NUPTIALS A very quiet wedding took place at the United church manse, Kippen, on Friday afternoon, June 3rd, when Alice, eldes't daughter of Mr. , and Mrs. Alex. of Khiva, was unit­ ed in marriage' to Mr. Samuel Thom­ son, son o'f Mi;, and Mrs. George E.; ■Thomson, of Hensall, the ceremony being performed by Rev. R. A. Lundy. Following the ceremony they motored to the home of the bride’s parents where a sumptuous repast, .awaited them. ■ The evening was spent in social chat and then the young couple .left for their home on -the groom’s fine farm, 1 mile north of' Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. M’at. Sweitzer, of Shipka, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. Witzel. Mr. and Mrs’. Crawford McPher­ son, of Parkhill, Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ratz. Mrs. J. Ha-noVer returned home on Saturday, having spent the past six months in Buffalo. Her son Arthur, and daughter Voroncia, accompanied her home. Mr. and Mr. Russel Schroeder, of Creditou, have moved i-nto Mr. Wm. Mason's house, near Dashwood. Mr. P. Eisenbacli of Grand Bend, is busily engaged this week building the cement foundation for Mr. Art. Willert’s barn. MT. CARMEL Ordination services are to be held at St. Peter’s Cathedral; Loudon, on Saturday, June 11, when Bishop M. F. Fallon wjll receive into the priesthood eight candidates, one of them being John J. Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hall of this place. Fr. Hall will celebrate his first holy mass here, on Sunday, June 12th. Michael Borland, well known cat­ tle buyer of McGillivray, died at St. Joseph Hospital, London, on Friday. June '3rd, aged 88 years, following a short illness.' Mr. Borland is sur­ vived by several nephews and nieci'S in McGillivray. The funeral took here on Monday at 10 a.m., with relfnquim mass celebrated by Fr. Concoran. Mr. Jas. Hall, of Detroit, is spend­ ing a few days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hall. Mr. John Houlahan has purchased a Chevrolet sedan, and Mr. Alonzo McCanse a Pontiac sedan last week. Miss Margaret Carey of Hamilton, is spendng her holidays at- hep home here. Mr, and Mrs. Alonzo McCanse and babe attended the? Hickey—Fischer wedding at Preston on Monday. Miss Winnifred Keogh is visiting friends in Detroit this week. THAMES ROAD Mr. R. Hail of Fullarton, tvas visitor Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hodgert. Mr. J. Fife of Winnipeg, is visit­ ing with his sister, Mrs. Niel. Miss Rheta Pollen, anct Mr. Avery were Sunday visitors at her here. The Misses May, Nellie and rude Stewart are holidaying relatives here. They motored Florida, a home Gert- with from , SHIPiiA Mr. Thos, Keyes attended Confer­ ences in London last week. Miss Irma Finkbeiner is visiting her sister in Sarnia Mrs. La Fond. Sorry to report Mr.,G. Hutchinson is confined to his bed again. A Strawberry Festival will be held at the United church, Monday June 20th. More particulars next week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer spent a couple of days in Windsor last week. Mrs. D. Hutchinson, of Dashwood, is visiting at the home of her son Mr. Gordon Hutchinson. LOCHNER—AIJ4S0N AnnaThe marriage of Gladys eldest daughter of Mr, Wm, Allison, of McGillivray, to Ernest Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lochner, of Shipka, took place very quietly on Wednesday, May 25th. at the home of Rev, A. W. Shepherd, Park­ hill. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Mary Allison, and Mr, Roy Schenk of Crediton, was best man. After the ceremony they ret­ urned to the home of the bride’s father, where a dainty supper was served. On the following evening a reception’Was‘held in honor o'f the young couple, at which some ninety friends side in EUMVILLE Mr. Will. Elfoyd is havipg some improvements made to his house be­ fore having it wirefi for hydro. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hern and Miss Bailey, of Goderich were guests with Mr. Chas Johns last-Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Hern also visited and Mrs. Whaley in St. Marys-, Miss Bailey, of Goderich, was speaker at the evening service Sunday in this church, -She gave a very interesting talk on Missions, giving short sketches of the work in different countries in a very appeal­ ing maner. A liberal collection was received for the W. M. S., the society was responsible for Miss Bailey be­ ing here. We were in error last week when we stated that Miss Bailey was from the Children’s Shel­ ter, Goderich, this having been an­ nounced the Sunday previous, but she has no connection with that in­ stitution. ZION Mr. tin? last J Alvin McNicol 623, Velma McNirol 5(12, Alvin Scott 508*.) Sr. H.--Mary J. MoMltun 558, Jenette Scott 648, Jean Colquhoun 629, Ross McPherson 534. Jr. II.—Mary a. Hamilton 610, Elmer Dow 547, Blanche Harrison, 523, Rliena McNlvol 487, Carman McPherson 438, Bob. Gardiner, 317, Billie Harburn 286*. 1st Book—Mervin Dow 192, Don­ ald Colquhoun 122. Pr.-—Calvin Christie, Harold Mc­ Pherson, Hugh Currie *, Ernest Har­ burn *, - Number on roll 36. Carrie E. Anderson <ee were present. They will Innwood. re'- Grand Bend Tenny, of Buffalo N.Y,, isMr. staying at Dr. Orme’s cottage, also Mrs. E. L. Orme, of Buffalo. Rev. ‘J. M. Colling is improving nicely after his''recent illness and is able to be around, Mrs. Geo. Southcott,.who recent­ ly came to camp,., received the sad ■news of her sister’s.sudden death in Toronto and left to attend the fun-' eral. Mr. W. I-I. Davis has come to his cottage for the We welcome their return. Mr. and Mrs. have come to our tourist camp and expect to remain till October. Mrs. John Gill news of the very her mother, Mrs. way. She passed last after only a few days -illness..' Several new cottages are being erected this summer in the camp grounds. Everything points to a. real good summer at t-he-. summer resort. The'auditorium for‘the camp ser­ vice has received a coat of paint which adds to its appearance. The old church having been torn down service is being held n the new shed and one of the ’’ largest crowds of the season -was out to hear Rev. Mr. Colling. All were glad to see him able to. take his work, Mrs. L. Ravelle is visiting her daughter in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Webh visited Mr. Mellman,’ of Thedford, on Sun? day last. Quite a number of cottagers are talking • of wiring' ____ All step i-M line and light-up the old park. • Rev. Mr. Colling his place on Sunday next and has a' real treat for all in the morning -at 11.15. This sermon will be “The Man with a Tape Line in his-Hand.” In the evening still better awaits you, so be'on,time to hear some­ thing new. Plenty of room.. Meet­ ing day The Zion W. M. S. will hold an ice cream social on Tuesday, June 14th at 6,30 p.m, followed by a concert Consisting of solos, quar­ tettes and missionary dialogue. Ad­ mission 40 and 25c. Rev. A. Sinclair, of Hensall, will preach anniversary services on Sun­ day, June 12th, morning and even­ ing. Special music by the choir. Mr. Hy, Hern has returned home after visiting for a couple pf w’eeks at Arkona. Mrs. Rule, who has been visiting her sons at Ingersoll", has retiirned to the home of Mr. Jas. Earl. Mr. Thos. Brock is out again after an operation for the removal of his tonsils at Victoria Hospital, London, summer. all the campers on Small, of Cleveland, sad of received the sudden death Foster, of Green- away on Saturday their cottages. wilf be back in in the new church shed., Sun­ school at 10.15.’ CREDITON Wuertli & Son- wfeh to un­F. nounce that there will - be no chop­ ping on Wednesdays and Saturdays during the summer. ' ' _ A strawberry social under the auspices of the Evangelical' Ladies’ Aid will be held on" tire church lawn Monday, June 27th. A splendid program. Admission 40 and 25c. Everybody welcome. • ■ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer mo­ tored to Windsor and Detroit last week. The Mission Circle of the United church held their* sewing meeting at the home of Mrs. J. A'lter the meeting lunch ed and all had a very time. ‘ Rev. Lome Brown, of Conn., is holidaying with his mother Mrs. B. Brown. Mrs, Herb. Faluier and daughter, Shirley, are visiting with relatives .at Detroit. Rev. and Mrs. Otto Brown, of Whitehouse, Ohio, are visiting for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Either and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hill left on Wednesday, for a visit with relatives at Pigeon, Mich. ~ Miss E. Balfour, of Thames Road is visiting with-Mrs. James Brock. Miss J. McLean is visiting in Cred­ iton for a few days. A mother and daughter banquet by the Dorcas Band Bible class of the Evangelical church will be given Wednesday evening, June 15th be­ ginning at 7 p.m. Miss Lulu Gaiser of the Faculty of McMaster Univers­ ity will be the speaker for the even­ ing. Au entertaining program of music and readings will be added. This is the first banquet of that class for the church and these daughters of Dorcas are cordially inviting all the mothers and daughters of the congregation for the success of the project. Hear our speaker and the rest of the program, enjoy the evening’s banquet. The following is the menu for the banquet: Tomato soup, biscuits; potato salad, cold ham, pickles; fruit salad, cookies; ice cream and cake; coffee. The Evangelical Sunday School announces its annual Children’s Festivity for June 19th all day. Sermon to the Sunday School in the forenoon service, special Sunday school session to follow and the pro­ gram in the evening. Movement is on foot to organize a ladies’ chorus and a men’s chorus. The both services next Sunday 'Woodall, was sevv- enjoyable Stamford, orida. ‘will be in English and the Child Rev* Mr. Jones of staffs, occupied J ren’s Day services‘will also necessar the pulpit here Sunday* •ily be in that language CENTRAMA Strawberry Festival at Centralia, on Wednesday, June 29th. Reserve the date. The regular monthly meeting of the W. M’. S. was held last Thursday afternoon in the school room of the church. Mrs. Geo. Thompson took, charge of the devotional part of . the meeting while the president, Mrs. Irwin, had charge of the business part and, afterwards ga've an -inter­ esting report of the convention held at Walkerville. Mr. Cecil Hodgson. of Toronto. University has returned to his home for the holiday season, . "Rev. and Mrs. W. Kiteley, of West , Lome, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hicks. Mrs.' Geo. Essery, “who has been quite ill is sliglitly improved. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies’ Aid was held in thi s.cliool room of the church last Thurs­ day .afternoon with the president, Mrs. B. Hicks, presiding. After the business part of the meeting Mrs. B. Hicks and Mrs. W. J. Smith serv­ ed lunch. . . Mr. Hazlewood, of .Whalen, took charge of the morning service in the church here last Sunday and gave a very able address. Mr. ahd Mrs. Rex Mills, of Strath- roy Were Visitors over the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mills. - - • Mrs. Chas. Fairliall spent the lat­ ter part of last.w-eek with friends in Lucaii. , Miss .Ada Mitchell., nurse-in-train­ ing at Victoria Hospital is spending a three weeks’ holiday’ at her home lier'e. • •• - ’ ■ COMMUNICATION 'Mr. Editor:- . . Do we realize, how much we can do for our town by being constant, boosters? Very many people, espec­ ially in the rural district are look­ ing forward' to leaving the farm and finding a pleasant home in town. The words of praise given our town, in- season and out of season, by ouf citizens will attract new comers as almost nothing else -will.. We have a neat, beautiful village,...with al­ most all the advantages of city life' such as .electric lights, hydro power, a splendid telephone system, fine streets, well cared for; good bank­ ing businesses and manufacturing concerns to take care of the needs of the people, splendid schools’, pub­ lic and high with enthusiastic stalls in each case, and .good churches with able ministers in charge, town of our ’size we ar noise, dust congested "distances, wickedness to life -and property. Here the people of slender or erate means’can live more cheaply and happily. Come to Exeter, you will find many of your old friends and neighbors, besides our town’s people are very friendly and you will make many new and delightful acquaintances. STONE ROOT COMPOUND $600 Contest You can win $100 or one' 0?^^ the twenty other cash prise# by making up a list of words from the thirteen letters in Nyal Stone Root. .Go to the Nyal Drug Store in your local­ ity. It has all the famous Nyal preparations, including Nyal Stone Root Compound which restores health and strength, relieves kidney and bladder troubles, rheuma­ tism and sciatica. Just ask the Nyal druggist for the new word contest sheets which explain everything. Be sure and .go to the ■WM, Ldrug store J Once a trial—always Nyal r r <3 a 1 fI ft ’wxv« A • "1 “Ths Sutiahlna of tho NlgM** 1. Muke -and Bum Their Own Gas From Common Motor Gasoline. Give An Abundance of Brilliant’Pure White Light, No Glare—-No Flicker. Mor® LIghr Than 20 Old Style OU Lampo er Lanterns. Light With Common Matcher—No Torch Needed. 0. No Wicka to Trim or Chimneys to Clean. 6. Can’t Spill Even If Tipped Over, Cannot Be Filled While Lighted. 7. " ’ ‘ ' 4. S. I Cost to Ub« L«m Than 3 .£ , .Cents B.Night. I 8. Solidly Built of He*viiy ■ Nickeled and Bighly B Polished Bra** and ■ -Steel. ft Lamp I* H«nc!eonne!y ft Designed - With’AJrJ- § ▼areal Shad* Holder. fi 10. Lantern huMiek'GIoba ft With, .Rcfli-etor-sCan't 8 Blow Outin Any Wind. » . Rain-proof,Bug“P»oof. K IL Sold by SO,000 Dealer*. » If your* can’t-»upp!v ft yon write of* S, flee. Dept. ET '21E THECDLEMANLAMPCOiUlL S Owm St East & Baulks At*. 5 Toronto, Ontario, Canada | IS TRUE NOTHING LIKE “FRUIT-A-TIVES”' FOR CONSTIPATION In a s without t!»' traffic, long and dangers of the city. mod- REPORT OF »S. S. NO. 3, USBORNE The following is the report of S. S. No. 3. I'sborne 'for May. .Sr. IV—Mary Gardiner, ] lantyne, Ella Clarke, Colin Gerald Neil. Jr. IV—Bert Elsie Heywood, Florence Roy Bal- Gilfillaii, Gardiner j Brock, Wesley Ballantyne, Laverne Stone, Sr. II—Evelyn Routly, Jean Ballan­ tyne, Wesley Neil. Jr. II—Melvin Gardiner. Sr. I—-Beth Ballantyne, Ross Francis, Jessie Heywood, Clif­ ford Scott. Sr. Pr.—Billy Ballan­ tyne, Ray Clarke, Verna Brock. Jr. Pr.—Jack Duncan, Bessie Heywood. Freeman McGill, Verna Scott, Or-« 1 mi cl Sciiii vci E. Tinning, teacher ) MR. E. E. NEWMAN. Even the most severe cases of constipa­ tion yield to “Fruit-a-tives”. Witness this letter by Mr. E. E. Newman, Iona Sta­ tion, Ontario: “Ever since leaving the army I suffered terribly from constipation. After spend­ ing a great deal of money on other rem­ edies, I took ‘Fruit-a-tivesf. I can sincerely; say it gave me permanent relief. I often, thought testimonials were untrue. I will gladly assure anyone writing me that ‘Fruit-a-tives’ are all they are claimed to be.’* “Fruit-a-tives” goes right back t® nature. Apples, Oranges, prunes ahd figs give to it their fresh juices which arc in** tensified and blended with tonics. Conse­ quently, the action of “Fruit-a-tives”. ft naturally corrective and strengthening. It is a positive remedy for podrly function­ ing stomach, kidneys and bowels. Thist day buy a box of “Fruit-a-tives” your­ self, Feel Well, vigorous, again. 25c and JOc everywhere. S. S. NO. 5, HIBBERT following is the report of S, 5, Hibbert for April and May marked The No. Those for one or more Sr. IV.—Norman Harburn 545, J. Lammond 530, Lloyd Hackney 511 Leslie Hackney 324*, Emily Gar­ rison 262*. Sr. HL—Roger Christie 902, Mar­ garet Hamilton 889, Robert Hamil ton 793, James Scott Scott ♦. Jr. Sarah honn Alex. s. have been absent examinations. . 708*, Gordon TIT.—Murray Harburn 834, _____ . 816, Colon MacDougall Hackney 71f>, Mary Dow 700’ Christie 837. Laurie Coiqw J1 778.