HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-06-02, Page 1FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR, NO. 2786 f & New ALLnr i a. ■I lv A I1 J ti­ll 11 TH1<II ST DR.TI[< fi SENSATION Wind PHONE 32PHONE 82 Opening Games AT EXETER The Story of the Immortal RetreatI adjourned by i GAMES CALLED AT 6.00 P.M. FISHING SUPPLIES WINS • I 2.21%ANNUAL LOW FARE EXCURSION in of tin be ial H ‘111 >ry ill t le n dn an St. in­ ch lor- Road *J (Scotland) EX­ PRESS. Dee. 7, 1926—“The most Impressive of its type seen in Aberdeen.” a din tin- ve whopper. The egg Can any- EXETER HTGH SCHOOL 31A NY HONORS Rev. is. (‘apt. 1 dowi Wall Captain and Mr than: rrouij .Comedy: MABEL NORMAND In ‘Anything Once” Admission 30 and 40c. BASEBALL SUPPLIES Tennis Racquets $3.65 Lawn Tennis Balls 60c. Those games will be fast as all the teams, are good ones ADMISSION 25 ant 15 CENTS United States. All Reasonable rates. Write or phone Clin- -1-21-StrStatioui C’onferen YOU CANNOT APPRECIATE THJJ CONVENIENCE OF A LONDON SUNDAY’ EX­ PRESS—"The most power­ ful syllable in cinema his­ tory.” FAREWELL OF CAPTAIN AND 1 MRS. A. J. WHITFIELD HURON COUNTY BASEBALL LEAGUE citizens COIU11 vy , which much. be held m S; li­ en fa: 25c $10.00 .... $11.50 WEST.AHN.CTrn GAZETTE —“A X'.Im—a complete pictorial account of the epic retreat from Mons.” LONDON- (Eng.) DAILY EXPRESS—“A British screen epic the whole world should be compelled to see. 'Mons' is a gallery of won­ derful picLurc6.” Special music, from mem­ bers of the St. James Church Choir, of London ADMISSION A Cordial Invitation is Extended to All. A Time of Great Rejoicing. Rev. James Foote, ILA,, Pastor Jas. H. Greive, Secretary APPOINTMENTS MADE TIMES Phom 222 MRS W. G. VENNEEAR The committee noav meet ed Wednc ClAsfkiR LONG LIVE THE KING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd AND 4th ii- UAVEN I>RESBYTERIAN CHURCH Golden Jubilee The GoRlen Jubilee of the Erectou of Coven Presbyterian Church, Exeter FIFTY YEARS OF CONTINUED GOSPEL SERVICES Public Service^ will be held on E Sth NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES 2, 3 akd 4 burner, $22. up Coleman Gas Stove • .$45. Coleman. Ovens ...........$8.00 Cabinets .................... $10.50 Wicks .............................. 40c. Ovens . ....................... $5.00 JPEETMR TIMES, ESTABLISHED 1873 I AMALGAMATED FXKTER ADVOCATE, ESTABLISHED. 1887 J DECEMBER lit, 191 EXETER, ONT,, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 2nd, 1927 & M STORE CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS, DURING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST A BARGAIN 10 dozen Men’s Shirts in navy blue and blue, khaki and black and white stripes, extra large^sizes 14 1-2 to 17°l-2 a real bargain on SALE AT tl.GO EACH T7 Summer Dress Fabrics We have, just received another shipment of summer dress fabrics in Crepes, Rayons, etc., in a beautiful range of patterns, mostly in ex­ clusive dress lengths, at very reasonable prices. Ready-to-Wear Dresses, New styles in ready-to-wear dresses arriving every few days, dresses on our racks to choose from, suits, middies, rompers, etc., in a' large always have about one hundred Children’s dresses, hiking range to select from. Babies’ bonnets and small arrived. , ehildren’s hats. A new shipment just JL Theo. Mayer’s-Sport Shoes- Sport Oxfords -in Grey, Tan and Patent for outing" occasions for girls. They have’ a good jaunty style. Also Oxfords and straps for children. They give great wear for small cost. Young Mun’s Navy Stripe Suits, double or single-breast­ ed, the very newest in navy each.*..«A»r;„..suits on sale at< In. Sailors, Leghorns, Pan­ amas, etc., now in stock. MAXWELL MOWER EUREKA MOWER .. Poultry Netting’, all sizes Screen Wire, all sizes SCREEN DOORS $2.40 SCREEN WINDOWS 45c. PROTECTO PAINT In 8 colors, only $1.00 p. qt. including white and green. :■ lh: OVERALLS 5 doz. plain blue, blue stripe .or black overalls, hea*vy weight, oh sale at *95 pair 1 SMOCKS TO MATCH Fleet Foot Running Shoes Crepe Sotos, newest stytos, suitable for all. $1.00 Friday, June 3rd Auburn vs. Exeter EXETER COUNCIL COURT OF REVISION Monday, May som, 1927 ' A Court of Revision to hear and 1 determine appeals as filed against I assessments as made for the year 1927, was held in the Town Hall. Members took and subscribed to the oath of office as follows: Reeve W. I). Sanders, Councillors, Coultis, Davis, and Williams. Motion by Davis seconded by Coultis that the Reeve act as chairman. Carried. A list of appeals was read by the clerk as follows: W. A. Bulk will against his William street property; Esli Heywood against/ hi-, property on Andrew and Laughall streets; Owen Geiger & Son against business assess­ ment, After hearing the several appealants the court adjourned to meet again on Friday, June 3rd. at 8 p.m. at the Toavu Hall, on motion of Williams-Coultis. Carried. The municipal council met at the adjournment of the. Court of Revis­ ion, absent .Councillor Gillespie. The minutes of the meeting held April 28th Avere read ahd approved, Mr. Wr. II. Dearing handed in a petition signed by. himself and other OAvners of property asking for a cement walk abutting their property in the park. Petition granted. Mr. ’Wellington Hern asked for outlet into a drain on William north of Gldley. Council Avill vestigate. Mr. W. A. BalkAvill asked for a drain ...outlet on William St. north of Sanders St. Council Avill investigate. Messrs. Heaman, Penhale, Creech, Taylor and Wise, deputation of the first of July celebration. Mr. Hea­ man spokesman., asked for the co­ operation of the members of the council in the method of financing the celebration, The Reeve advised the committee to, pic-eed and the council AA’ould donate a certain in aid of the same. Mr. Penhale also osked ihe < cil for a grant on behalf of the ball club tOAvards. pn paring a able diamond in the fair TO be considered. A letter was rv.sl from the sec­ retary of the Woimn's Im-ritute re­ garding some actios, towards secur­ ing a test of all mills cows and espec­ ially those were a :• pply of milk is being sold. No action. A letter was i'ecviWt bj the reeve I from Clay Product:'- Agency Ltd., Toronto, regarding setver tile was read. No action. A ./letter T. R. Patterson, County Engineer. Goderich, regard­ ing the dirtrnbing of calcium ide on the Thames- and I.°kp -1.- kj be petition is received. A letter from the OntarioI Engine and Pump Co., Ltd., Toronto ... i. rw“pole. I Printed circulars and advertising 'matter Avas laid on the table. The auditor’s report for the month tT April Avas i--..2. end accepted on mo­ tion of Davis ana V; .r.?-.ms. Carried, The follOAving accounts wu. read and ordered paid: Thos. Collingwood labor, $2.00; R. G. Seldon, coal $145.50 WT. S. HoAvey, supplies $20; Dominion Rubber Co., Ltd., supplies $31.50; R. R. Skinner, gravel $121; C. L. Wilson, car $2.00; Russell Moore, labor $23.25; Harry Smith, labor $4.5 0; Geo. Ford, labor 75c; Clyde HeyAvood, team labor $99.75; Richard Davis, team labor $13.75; John Norry, labor $8.50; John Par­ sons, labor $11.80^ Elmer Reeder, labor $13.50; Alfred" BOAvey, labor $1.25; Peter Coleman $13.75. Cem­ etery Accounts. F. W. BaAvden, labor and Material $13.00; Hillery Horton labor blacksmithing $6.25; Percy Webber, labor $49.00; labor $53.75; John Passed on motion of Carried. The meetin was Councillor Williams. JOSEPH SENIOR; Clerk LARGE TIEN EGG We Can Help You to See Better Oui* method of testing is most com­ plete and our prices moderate, o; floe hours 9,30 to 12 a.m. and 1.3 b to 5 p.m, Evening by appointment S, FITTON Phone 75w. OPTOMETRIST i. sum t coun- base- suit- gi’QUHds. blacksmithing $6.25; Wm. Smith. Ford $6 6.67. Williams-Davis — AND — Tuesday, June 7th Goderich vs. Exeter ' Mr. Cephas Pym, of Usborne. gathered a hen egg on Monday that might justly be called a It measured 6% x 8%. was laid by a Rock hen. one beat this? GALVANIZED PAILS gdod size 35c. GALVANIZED TUBS Med. size 1.29 Thames Road Sunday school an- niversity*on Sunday, June 26th. Rev. D. McTgvish will preach at 'll a.m. and Rev. W. E. Donnelly, of Strat­ ford’at 7 p.m. Miss Ruby Creech, of Stratford Normal, Avas home for over the Aveek-end. Heaman’s Hardware & Paint Store # J] BIRTHS ‘.MORGAN—In Usborne, on Friday, May 27th, to Mr.^and Mrs. Archie Morgan, a son. DILLING—In Tuckersmith, on day, May 30 th, to Mr, and Wilbert Dilling, a Son. .. 3FORD-—In Ethclton, Sask., on May 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Barton Ford, a daughter, (Norma Grace.) •^•dKING—In Stephen, oh Thursday, May 26th, to Mr. and M:‘5. King, a daughter, ^FLEMING—-On Tuesday, to Mr, and Mrs. P. Fleming, 12th t.Con., McGillivray, a daughter, DEATHS BROWN—On May 28th, 1927 Mrs. Frank May 24th, Jose­ phine Gough, beloved wife of Wil­ liam Brown/ North Boundary of Biddulph, aged 58 years, NORTHCOTT—In Hay, oil Monday, May 30th, to Mr, and Mrs. W» W. Northcott, a soil* _ ___ BROCK—In loving memory of my dear beloved wife and mother /Etna R. Copeland, wife of Thos. Brock, who departed this life one year ago, June 6th, 1926. In the grave-yard softly sleeping, 3Vhere the flowers gently wave, Lies the one we loved so dearly In her silent, lonely grave. Peaceful, be' your sleep dear mother, Its so sweet to breathe .your name In life we loved you dearly, , In death we do the same. Just one year ago you left us, Oh there’s such a vacant place, Often we think w\ hear your foot steps, Or see your smiling face. —Sadly missed by husband, son daughters. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Matthew England and family wish to thank their many neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness during their recent bereavement^ / » At the recent examinations connection with the University Western Ontario, 1 former students of Exeter High SchooUcarried off a number of scholarships and prizes. Mr. Carl G. Morlock Avon the schol­ arship for General Science in the second year; Mr. Harry M. Greb for Mathematics and Physics in the first year; Mr.*Lorne S. Tieman for English in the first year and Walter H. Johns for public speaking in the first year. POST NUPTIAL SHOWER * ar 4- post-nuptial shower was held at the home of Mrs. A. E. Kuljn on Wednesday evening of last week for Mrs. George Grant (nee Miss Mar­ jorie Clarke.) A large number of young people were present .and a very enjoyable evening was spent in games and amusements. During the course of the evening little Jean Appleton and Master Aubrey Kuhn brought into the robin on a wagon a beautifully decorated basket con­ taining many splendid gifts for the guest of the evening, and before the entertainment was over Messrs. Sam.. Chambers and Win. Walter, on be­ half of a nuipJber of young men of town, arrived on the scene, and pre­ sented Mr. and Mrs. Grant with a handsome electric bridge'lamp. Mr. Chambers gave a short address which was ably replied to by Mr. Grant, Refreshments were served and a very jolly evening spenL Mrs, F, J. Christie assisted the hostess. with deep nounce the farewell of Captain and Mrs. Whitfield. Unfortunately, (’apt. Whitfield ligs been in poor healtn for some time and upon the adx’ir • of his doctor,- has been obliged to relinquish his command of the local, work of the Salvation Army. Dur­ ing Captain awl Airs. Whitfield’s stay in Exeter, they have made a host K f friefids. avIio.Avill bo sorry to have them ’leave. wit?li to and su k SUNDAY, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Conducted by REV. W. M. ROCH- ESTEB, D.D., of Toronto Music by the church choir, assisted by Miss Margaret Forbes, Soprano soloist, of London and Mr. Kenneth Stuiribury, Violinist. Special offer­ ing for the furthering of church A.’ork Avill be received. “THE ROMANCE OF 60 YEARS” A Confederate Jubilee Lecture Avill be given by REV. W. E. DONNELLY of the Central United church, Strat­ ford, on MONDAY, JUNE 6th at 8 p.m.. Until you have ona in your own home. We haw1 already installed three 5n Exeter. Ask these users for their opinion. We .also handle the new AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES which we would like to demonstrate in your own home W. J. Beer Bxetes* Os-at. Whitfield of Exctei for has Sj: ir di IS i □f ng sdav Ida!-.*, of M'-. for Ridgf'lowii Edwards, of I Main St. Itev doAcii for Dnngar Southitou. of Jct.i to St. AndccAvs (di Rev. A. E. Menzic comes to Fu.’lartcn Expert Marceller ATEpps the Mover Varna, Ont, Canada and loads insured. Covered vans, ton 626r21. Mr. Jas. Baigent, of Detroit, cal­ led on his mother in town on Sun­ day.the SPECIALS FOR HOLIDAY V»EKK RED STAR NAVIGATION COMPANY 1 Us* 'draft of the London in London was publish' morning hi St. church and Rev tC21( . J X (London Advertiser) ., „ (’, (\ Pilon, of Exeter is agent for an automobile that is reputed and ' "“’ally does GO miles an hour with- vuv much difficulty. A week a:a-. Mr. Pilon was summoned to appear before County Magistrate Hawksliaw on a charge of speeding at Go miles on hour on the high tv ay between Elginfield and Lu< an, and was as- essed $28.75 by a stern and cold- eyed court. The car's behavior, however, apparently impressed the court. Monday Mr. Pilon delivered a ear similar to his own to the mag­ istrate. who can now safely travel at 3 5 miles an hour, the It gal speed rate, between Lucan and London. Even a police court cloud and fine has its silver lining, M'r. Pilon de­ clared. LARGE (’ROW!) FOR EXETER RACES Exeter had a fine day for the races on Wednesday of Avhich' came as a Avelcome surprise following a season of cold, Avet weather. There Avas a large crOAvd present, consid­ ering that the farmers are very busy on the land. The results of the races Avere as follOAVs: 2.15 Trot or Pace: Purse $250 Pat Bolo, J. McDonald .. Cayuga Hall, Bannerman Elsie Gratton, Litt ....... Capt. Gratton. Cudmore .. Time—2.19%, 2.16%, 2.17%. 2.20 Trot or Pace; Purse $250 Joe Unko, Pettit ................. 3 3 Butcher Boy, F. C. Fox ....... 1 1 Alberta Hall, Doc. Houze .... 2 2 Time—2.18%, 2.16%, 2.18%. 2.30 Trot or Pace; Purse $250 Ann Hydrohon, Bannerman Donna Patch, McDonald .. Peter Patch, Galbraith .... Silent Gratton, Litt ......... Darky Boy, H. Sterling .... Time—2.20%, 2.15^, 2.21%, FLAT The ceivei house week of the ____ the direction of Mrs. N. J. dreAV a large house time the opera house has been used ( for a public, gathering for several i .years as it has been used as a furni-. ture showroom. The play was very; amusing as plot after plot unravel- ! led and many times the house Avas brought down in laughter. The young people took their parts well some of them having particularly heavy parts. Caven Sunday schoql orchestra, under! the leadership of Mr. H. Gidley provided excellent music between acts and a fine solo Avas sung by Mr. Wm. Davis. The play is being presented again this (Wednesday) evening and is also to be put on in Blyth on Friday even­ ing. The cast of characters is: Hastings Hussel, J.P., Wm, Davis; Randolph Dearborn, Alex. Elliott; "Rev.” Ezra Stiggins, Harry "West; General Boomer, James Morley; Guy McGuffin, Joe. Gant; Flora Boomer, Miss Edith Walter; Birdie Sweet- lov.e, Mrs. N. J. Dore; Lucretia Spriggins, Miss Elsie Knight. The proceeds from both evenings Avas about $250.00* DRAWS LARGE HOUSES three-act comedy “A Gay De- ( ” put on in the Exeter opera, on Thursday evening of last, by a number of young people ; Trivitt Memorial church under ' Dore, I It Avas the first WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, COMEDY “Getting Gertie’s Garter Picturization of the famous New York stage siw.eess MARIE PREVOST and CHARLES RAY. MACK BENNETT COMEDY ^Hoboken to Hollywood Admission 20 and 40c. Goderich to DETROIT Return THE BIG STEEL STEAMER GREYHOUND SAFE, SPEEDY, COMFORTABLE $4.00 ROUND TRIP ONE WAY WILL LEAVE GODERICH Tuesday, June 7th at 9:30 a.m. Arriving Port Huron 1.30 p.nu, Detroit 5.30 pan. Returning leaves Detroit 1 p.m., Thursday, June Oth The Only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season. Child­ ren betAvecn 6 and 12, half fare. Visit your Michigan friends and see big and busy Detroit. A delightful trip over the great interna­ tional’ highway Of lakes arid rivers. Don't miss it, Last trip Goderich to Detroit, Friday, June 10th, at 9:30 a.m. MOONLIGHT out of GODERICH UNDER AUSPICES OF WOMEN’S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Come and enjoy the fun Monday, June 6th, at 8:30 p.m FINZEL'S ORCHESTRA for dancing in stearmer’s big new ball room Three hours on beautiful Lake Huron for 50c. Children 25c.