HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-05-19, Page 8butter 35 c. extras 28c. seconds 23c. imllets 33c. $9.25. Remova Sae Having to vacate our north store owing, to the building having will give some•eensoldwe real bargains in all lines to clear out our big stock in this building. Come and get some of the bargains '.<■1 Exeter Markets Wheat Oats 50c, BaiTey 60c. Manitoba flour $4.65. Blended Flour $4.15. Pastry flour $3.65* Feed flour $2.00* Bran $1,70 Shorts $1.75. Creamery butter 43c, Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs. Hogs, locals ■n £ THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVJEN PRESBYTERIAN CHKRCH Rev. Jamea Foote, B,A., Minister IQ a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m,—"The Gift of Life.” 7 p.m.’—"The Beginnings of a Na­ tion.” Third of the series upon what built the Confederation of Canada. R. N. ROWE •-•—J) PINEAPPLES—They are now at then* best, would recommend buying them now. The Cuban pines are here, and have advanced over last week’s prices. Phone or leave your order at HARVEY’S GROCERY. 5-19-ltc. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W, R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.nx.—Rev, R. F. Irwin of Cent­ ralia. p.m.—Sunday School. p.ni.—“Thomas, the Despondent desciple,” 9th in the series oix “Desciples of Jesus/ We sincerely hope everyone will try to be present at the morning ser­ vice to welcome Mr, Irwin and listen to his message. 3 7 if Ali the new Shades and Styles *- in -- Straw, Sailor, Leg­ horn and Panama T-I A nTQ XJLiY A O We have a complete range in all the newest Sport Trousers Come in and look them over I » W V f l 1 1 I I I 1 11 Merchant Tailor and Gents’ Outfitter » =n Owing to next Tuesday being a holiday the officers and brothers of Exeter Lodge No. 67, I.O.O.F, are holding a special meeting next nesday, May 25, 1927. S. Reid, Wed- N. G. Flnk- MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E. Clysdale, Pastor 11 a.m.—Rev, J. M. Colling, Grand 3 7 Bend. p.m.- p.m, A Splendid Garden? SPECIAL FERTILIZER FOR GARDENS. GET SOME. WELL, WE CAN HELP YOU TO SECURE IT. WE HAVE A Plenty of Feed WE HAVE IT IN LARGE QUANTITIES, GOOD AND CHEAP. FLOUR HARVEY BROS . YES, THE BEST OF IT. COME IN AND GET A BEG. WE HAVE CHICK FEED, CHEAP. IT WILL MAKE THEM GROW. Good Chickens? Ontario Safe Securities ) First Mortgages Provincial Bonds Trust Co. Mortgage Bonds Dominion of Canada Bonds Any Term of Years—Interest 5 to 6 per cent GLADMAN & STANBURY n UJU \1 J. cyPtfOf ********* Change Your Attic / into a comfortable deix, radio room, play- / room or extra sleeping quarters by erect- / 1 xng ceilings and partitions of Gyproc. f Gyproc will make your attic fire-resistant, / Warm in winter and cool in summer. f Write for free booklet—"My Home.’? itwill tell f Voti how Gyproc, Roeboard Gypsuni Insulating . fiheathlftgand IrtsukX Will reduce yotir fuel bill front so to40%* 153 THE ONTAhlO CYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA » V For Sate By •; The Ross~Tayloir Co./*LtcL •* Exeter, Ont# ....W* ....*..x, .......,**, Hensall, Ont» ...................... ,1 Messrs. Ulrie Spell and Roy beinex* are in Oshawa for new ears. Dr. A. R. Kinsman is in Toronto attending the Ontario Dental con­ vention. The little babe of Mr. and Mrs. N. Hannigan has been quite ill but is improving. Miss Alma Harding has returned home after visiting for a few weeks in St. Marys. Mr. Lome Baskerville, of London called on friends in Exeter on Thurs­ day of last w'eek. Miss Ethel Leach, of the Central Hotel, underwent on operation last week for the removal of her tonsils. Mr. Chas. Acheson, of the Bank of Montreal, London, is holidaying for a couple of weeks under the parent­ al roof. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques and daughter Ina motored to Rockwood last week and also visited in Toron­ to and Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rice, Miss I Ellen and Master Marvin, of Wyom­ ing, spent the week-end visiting with friends in Exeter. Capt. A. j. Whitfield, of the Sal­ vation Army, who has been confined to his home for several weeks through illness, is improving. Mr. J. G. Stanbury is in Belleville this week engaged in Court work. Mr. Melville F. Gladman, of London is looking after the office here. Dr. McTaggart and Mr. and Mrs. McLennon and son Bobby, of Toron­ to, spent the week-end with the former’s mother, Mrs. McTaggart. Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Roulston and Mrs. W. J. Beer motored to Toronto where the doctor is this week at­ tending the Ontario Dental conven­ tion. Mrs. Fred Bloomfield and hex* little grandson left Saturday for St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A., where they will be the guests of Capt. and Mrs. Row­ land. Mr. E. S. Down and sister, Mrs. Trace and the latter’s daughter Jean of Shedden, visited on Sunday with Mr. C. W. Keddy and othei’ rela­ tives. Rev. R. E. Southcott, of Jeannet­ tes Creek, and Miss M. Ost, of Chat­ ham, visited with' the former's mother, Mrs. C. A. Southcott, in town on Tuesday. M'r, Charles Box, of Stephen, went to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Saturday and on Tuesday underwent an operation. His ’friends hope fox’ his speedy recovery. Mr. Elmore Harness has' taken possession of the barbei’ shop recent­ ly purchased from Mr. F. M. Boyle, Mr. Czar Harness arrived home from Detroit Monday and is assisting him. Mr. Moses Amy made a business trip to Brantford Past week and while there visited Mr. John Mc­ Laughlin and son Will. Ho also vis­ited with his brother Bert and Mr”s. George Hoskin of Woodstock. People of Exeter will be interest­ ed to know that Mrs. Gladys Mc­ Leod, the hairdresser at the Centx'al Hotel, won the Gold Medal in The Mezzo-Soprano class in tile Perth Co. Musical Festival, held recently in Stratford. Mr. C. H. Sanders .has been ap­ pointed issuer of permits under the new Government Control system by the Pi’ovincfal Government foi’ Ex­ eter, his office being at deuce. Mr, Thos. Hunkin appointed foi- Usborne. Mr, Robert Southcott, Mrs. R. Rawlings and Mrs, ham, of London, motored n* Sunday and spent the day with firs. C. A. Southcott, Mrs. Buckingham is 94 years of age and although quite feeble is remarkably smart fox’ one of hex” years. Mr. Case R. Howard, managei’ of the Foreign Business Dept., of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, New York City, and an Exeter Old Boy, will be one of the speakers at the fourteenth National Foreign Trade convention at Detroit on Wednesday May 25th, Mi*. Howard will speak on "‘Industrial and Financial Invest­ ments m Canada,” A very impressive service was' held in the Janies St, church on Sunday morning when the newly elected elder® were ordained-1 and several members were received into the fellowship of the church in con­ nection with the sacramental -ser­ vices, tn spite of the inclement weather a large congregation was < present. The pastor, Rev. D, Me- Tavish, preached a splendid sermon on "The office of an Elder.” Four- teen persons were received Into membership* , -Sunday School. — The Pastor, subject, —* '‘Lukewarm.,’’ May 29th, a.m.,. Infant Baptism—. Parents desiring their children bap­ tized will kindly communicate with the pastor. BUS SERVICE FROM EXETER TO LONDON And return, daily, except Sunday, calling at Centralia, Mooresville, Clandeboye and Lucan. Bus leaves Exeter every Monday, at 7:30 a.m, arriving in London at 9 a.m. Leaves all other days at leave London at Exeter at 6 p.m,. ter 138,; Lucan, Metcalf 409.' J. § a.m. Returning 4:30 p.m., due in Phone calls, Exe- 13 r 3; London, C. HOWARD. MOVED While oui’ store is being remodel­ led we have moved our stock to the rear of the old Commercial Hotel. S. MARTIN & SON House and two lots for sale. Ap­ ply to Mrs. Caleb’Haywood. 5-5-3tp HYDRO ELECTRIC Wiring and installing, guaranteed workmanship, at reasonable cost. Repairing stoves and motors a spe­ cialty. Estimates gladly furnished free.—Davis & Wells. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN REVISION Notice is hereby given Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephen, will hold its first meeting in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Thursday, 26th day of May, 1927, 10.00 a.m. HENRY EILBER, Clerk, 5-5-3tc Crediton, Ont. 4-28-tfc COURT that a LOST—On Main St., Exeter, a large flat key. Finder rewarded by leaving at Times-Advocated THURSDAY, MAY 19th, tflJS? "W itt V 1 SUCCESSORS TO J; A. STEWART We offer many Big Reductions for the balance of this week. Our counters are filled with Bargains for thrifty shoppers. Men’s and Boys’ Suits You should not miss the opportunity to buy Boys’ and Men’s Clothing at Large Reductions. See our Men’s Suits at $9.98 $12.98 $16.98 Men’s Balbriggan Shirts and Draws 15 dozen Men’s Balbriggan Shirts and Draws. Regular 75c. value. Get your Summer Supply this week. Reduction Sale Price 59c Children’s & Women’s Hose Colors Black or Sand. All sizes in this lot. Don’t miss this chance 1 Ac Big Reduction Sale Price............. Women’s Cotton Vests In sizes 38 to 40. Good fine weave, and weight* ' AOc Big Reduction Sale Price, 3 for.....vO 20 Women’s & Misses’ Coats The balance of our Spring Stock, every coat must go. This week we offer them at Big Reductions $11.98 $14.98 $16.98 50 pairs Children’s Shoes and Slippers In canvas, kid and patent leather. Sizes Z to 7 and a half. Your op-AOc portunity at Big Reduction sale.., DINNER SETS Save, save, You can save dollars on that new Dinner Set if you buy this week* . 15 Patterns to choose from. FRESH GROCERIES at LOWEST PRICES his resi- has been Mr. and Bucking- Mrs. W, C. Vennear, of Windsor, lady hairdresser, is coming td Exet- ex* to reside with her sister, Mrs. Fitzgerald. Mrs. Venfiear will spend Friday of each week at Hodgert’s barber shop. Appointments may be made at the shop or the house, one block east .of t, Caven ' Presbyterian church. FOR SALE—Driving shed in good shape,, 20x45 ft. Apply at Tfmes- Advocate. 5-19-2tc Why Not Get the Best? SCRANTON COAL, all sizes and SOLVAY COKE with the good old reputation. Why not order your supply today? Spring prices are: Stove $15.50; Egg and Nut Coal $15.00; Nut Coke $12.00 delivered. 10c. pel* ton per month will be added aftei‘ 30 days. H. T. ROWE SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE ...................... DOUBLE EDGE ..................... Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST . 3c . 4c E. C. Harvey & L. V* Hogarth — Agents —• . Mutual Life of Canada EXETER ONTARIO FOR SALE'—A number of young York pigs 6 and 8 weeks old. Ap- uly Johif B. Hyde, Lot 8, Con. 2, Stanley. Phone 86 r 11. WANTED—Good milch cow. Jer­ sey or Jersey cross preferred. W. F. Abbott, 'Exeter. 5-19-tf LOST—A driving .bridle between Harvezy Bros, mill and Geo, Jeffrey’s on the Thames Road. Finder please notify Wm. Jeffrey, R. 1, Hensall: TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE " COURT OP-' REVISION Notice is hereby given that PIANO-TUNING S. BOARDMAN Formerly 10 years with Heintzman & Co. and Gerhard Heintz­ man. Phone S. Martin & Son, Exeter. J. L*. LEWIS BUILDING and CONTRACTING Houses and parns ESTIMATES AND SUGGESTIONS GLADLY FURNISHED Phone 1.6 2w John St. East, Exeter 1874 1927 The London Life Insurance Co. W. O. PEARCE, AGENT Exeter. Phone 130 W. Residence, Ann St, two blocks west of Ford Garage Notice is hereby given that a Cburt of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Usborne will hold its first meeting in the Township Hall, Elimville, on Satur­ day the 4th day of June, 1927, at two o’clock p.m. HENRY STRANG, Clerk Hensail R. K 1 PLANTS FOR SALE Geranium, Canna, Salvia, Foliage, Ageratum, .Snap Dragon* Asparagus Fern, Dusty Miller, Silene, Stocks, German Ivy, Vinca, Silver Loaf, Dracaena, Pansy, Giant Zinnia, Be­ gonia, Gladiol i bulbs, French and African Marigolds, Giant White, Hearts of France, Astermuni and Crego Asters. Bonny Best, Can­ adian, IXL, John Baer, Early Jewell, Ponderosa and Cham plan Tomatoes Cabbage, cauliflower, celery and pepper plants. Hanging baskets, Window boxes made and filled to order, D. DAY & SON Union St., Exeter Order your Coal Now! Prices are Down# Notv is the time to place your order for next's winter’s coal supply. Prices have dropped, " Stove Coal $15.50 a-ton Egg and Nut Coal per ton Coke $1^.00 per ton Cents a ton per month will added to these prices .after 3d days- , R. 6. S ELDON Yen be Before you buy your new Suit for spring get prices elsewhere and get a sample of cloth. When you do this Call in and see me and see what you can save. Also when you want any Cleaning, Pressing oi’ Repairing done call 193 and T. H. Elliott will call for your clothes and deliver them. W. R. Goulding A. T. C.' M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. Uxxited Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio, Main St. Box 5", Phone 192 EXETER, ONT, 1847 1927 CANADA LIFE The Oldest Assurance Co. in Canada B. M. FRANCIS Phone 164, Exeter DR. E. S. STEINER ' VB5CERINARX SUBOEOS Graduate of the .Ontario Veterinary College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS . PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Office, old Ford Garage Building Corner of Main and Ann Streets Telephones: Office 158w, House 168j EXETER, ONT. Have Your Eyes Examined To-day WE DON’T, CA1RE What you tried for Cough, Whoop­ ing-Cough, Bronchitis, Sore Throats and Tonsil Ills, Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs Tohsilitis treats 'successfully, or money hack.—Howey’s Drugstore There is nothing to be gained by delaying that eye examination. There is much to be lost. Each day that your eyes are under a strain makes it xnore difficult for your Optometrist to give you satis­ factory glasses You will be surprised at the thor­ oughness of our methods-—and Will be pleased With the glasses. Call today and learn the truth about your eyes. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. Rhone 70 HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Authorized by Government as Trustee Investments The interest is paid lialf yearly upon $100.00 or mm,o for 1 to 5 years. Applications for same are accept­ ed at any time by CARLING & MO ILEY Rarristcrs &c.r EXetex*, Ont. COURT OF REVISION in reference t<5 appeals as filed against assessment as made fox4 the year 192?. Take notice that a Court of Revi­ sion to hear and determine the ap­ peals as made will hold Its first meeting at the Town Hall on Mon- day,, May 30th, 1927, at 8 o’clock p.m; Dr. G F. Roul.ton. L.D.S..D.D.S. DENTIST Office Over L R. Carling’s Law Office Extractions Under Oxygen Gaa ‘ JOS. SENIOR, Clerk FOR SALE—House roem brick dwelling, ^mhvenjmme.s. Apply Motvey, Exeter, and lot, 3 All modern to Beatrice 5-12-2U Dr. A* R. Kinsman. L.L.D..D.D.S. DENTIST MohOr Graduate of Toronto University Office over Giadman & Stuhbuty1* Office* Main Street, Exeter Religioh keeps man pure If ho tan cmitrive to keep fdHglou pure. ■< Baby Chicks $10.60 per hundred and upwards according to quality and quantity* Day old, 3 jsveeks and 8 weeks ac­ cording to requirement. Bred-to- lay Rooks and S. C. W. Leghorns. Custom hatching $4.00 to $5.00 per hundred according tn quantity. Brooder stoves supplied on request. W. F, ABBOTT* EXETER .................................■■■.. Sylvester B, Taylor Jeweller, — . Exeter Fitton’s Old Stand WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING! GUARANTEED