HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-05-19, Page 5fl* News From Hensail I. THE EXETERTIMESADVOCAT k T THLHSDAY, MAY lMk, iVJH of (Commerce OWfTOJT, ONTARIO Students may enter at any time Why not attend the School that has the Highly Qualified Staff, The only School that teaches real Practical Business Training from start to finish. Where High School students and teachers are taught spscial- lzed expert training in Business Administration and Secretarial Sclnce and are sure of a good po sition, rapid promotion and big income. COBBSES Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Clcil Service Oommercial Teachers Course and Special Courses arranged. For Information Write to B. F. WARD, B.A., M.Accts. Phone 198 ~ Principal AUCTION SALE --- of --- RESIDENCE PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ’ ; The undersigned have been in- 4itnieted to sell by public auction on. Hie,, premises of the late WILLIAM SINCLAIR, at EGMONDVILLE, on SATURDAY, MAY 28tli, 1927 nt 2 o’clock p'.rn. the following valu- ’’sable -property: •■’HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS1—Quebec Cosey Home range, new; Quebec > Heater, new; kitchen .-.stove, kitchen • tables, glass cupboard, .couch, 5-piece jparloy suite, 2 small tables, 3 bed- . room suites, bedstead and dresser, 2 .mattresses, springs, feather beds, ■Redding,1 pillows, 3 bedroom’sets, 2 Slanging lam’ps, • organ, sewing ma­ chine, child’s high chair and cradle, ■clock, dishes, copper boiler, lawn .‘mowpr, kitchen- utensils, garden Itqols and many other articles. REAL ESTATE— ' . . - Parcel 1.—Lot 5, Armitage's Sur­ rey of part lots 1 and 2, in the Vil­ lage of Egmondville, containing one- tjquartei’ acre of- land more or less. On this property is a seven room- ■ad, frame house, electric lighted, on .igOod stone foundation, in good state . -of repair with hard and soft water anjtl splendid garden with fruit trees"' ’.-and small fruits., and a good frame stable. This residence is well locat­ ed and very desirable. “Possession att once. ' • > ■ Parcel 2.—-Part of Lot 17 and all ■■of Lot 18 on the East side of Centre ^Street in L. O. Van Egmond’s Sur­ rey of the Village of Egmondville, Containing one-third of an acre of land more or less.^ On this property is a seven room- ■exl frame house, electric lighted, on good cement foundation and recent­ ly put in first class repair. Hard and soft water and is Sently situated. Possession 3.st, 1927. TERMS Chattel property—Gash. Real Estate—10 per cent. Whase money on date of sale and h'al- rance within thirty days without in­ terest. For further particulrs and condi­ tions of sale, apply to W. N. KNECHTEL, Agent for Executor ’THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Executor Has conven- October Miss Eleanor Fisher ORGANIST HENSALL UNITED CHURCH TUITION IN PIANO ”Terms Moderate Phone 68 Radios and Batteries Come in and see our new Mar-, ?con;phone, Pierce Airo and Westing-. Jhouse Radio sets. .We repair all makes of batteries and recharge -batteries. PRICES MODERATE ROY WEBBER DR. R. P. I. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of Medicine, and Master of Science, ■University of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.’ Office Swo doors east of Post Office. .Phone 5.6 Residence 114 HENSALL, ONT. WallPaper sin the Latest Designs .Prices from 10c. to $1*50 PER ROLL •HARDWOOD •FLOORING LAID AND POLISHED < W « .rSBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Waa Office, 3’residcnt-, V Ice-President, Farquhar, Ont. james mckenzie SIMON DOW DIRECTORS jfrank McConnell, wm. brock &OBT. NORRIS ’ JOHN ALLISON agents ^OHN ESSERS, Centralia, Agent for IJsborne and Biddulph ■SOLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fuliarton and Logan W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer SBtts 99, Exeter, Ontario, GLADMAN & S'£ANBUO v ‘ Sblicitora, Exotor HENSALL bells are ringing in thisWedding vicinity. Mr. Lee for Port Hurcjh, Mr. Thos. Palmer,” Sr., is visiting relatives in town. Mis Nora Follick visited in Exeter over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Goderich were in town on Thursday. Mr. Robert Buchanan, lias pur­ chased a Ford touring car. Mr. and Mrs.’ Richard Blatcliford visited in Exeter over the week-end. Mr. Ferris Cantelon, of Onondaga, .visited over the week-end. with his parents ''here. Mrs. McMurtrie moved into her house on south Richmond Street on Thursday last. "Miss Mary Clark, of Tuckersmith, is spending a few days with aunt, Mrs, G. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson Mr", and Mrs. _A. Foster visited the week-end in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Jas Priest and M>. and Mrs. Alpine McEwan visited wjth friends in. Walton on. Sunday. , Mrs. James Barnett, of Toronto, returned home on Saturday, after attending the funeral of her brother the late John Thompson. ’ ■ The Liquor Control' Permits for this-district-have arrived in town, and are now on sale. Robt. Higgins will be the issuer at Hensall. Miss M. Cassmore was taken to her home at Wingham last week, suffering a nervous breakdown. Her many friends covery. Be sure to ball game of evening meet for the first time on Hensall’s fast, new diamond. Dr. little . . , , _____ on a motor trip to Mr. CampbelVi home ' “ hell recently purchased a new Chev­ rolet- coupe from J. E. McDonell. Rev. Telford, of Blyth., will occupy the pulpit of the United church on Sunday morning next, and will ap address Extension, week from of Clinton, services in the United church here. The W.M.S. of the' United church held a Birthday Party 'in the base­ ment of the church on Friday even­ ing last. The Mission Band and the Mission Circle also took part in the program. Dr.. E. McMaster, a miss­ ionary on furlough from India gave a splendid address on Missions. At the close of-the meeting lunch was. served by the ladies. The young people of the United ch'urcli held their ‘ regular meeting ’on Monday evening with Miss Jessie Johnson as president. Lantern slides entitled ‘Life and Customs-in Japan’ was given 'by Thos. Simpson, accom­ panied by addresses on th.e-subject by Rev. Sinclair and Miss Johnson. An invitation was received from the League of the North Side United Church, Seaforth, inviting the Hen­ sall League to spend a social evening with them on May 31st. The League accepted the invitation and will supply the program. BIG* DAY PLANNED FOR MAY 21 Hedden left on Tuesday I !■ .................. ■■■——ft Trombone, Mr, Toman is an artist in his lipe and his whistling selec­ tions were certainly a marvel. Others taking part with violin selec­ tions were Thomas Murdoch, Gordon Boltop, John Hyde, Fred, Hess, Mr. Collins- pnd Russell Brintnell, All these gentlemen gave at least two selections, which were well received by the audience. .Reeve Geiger oc­ cupied the chair in his usual breezy manner. Owing to other attractions the same evening the crowd was not as large as it might have been, but if the Bossenbury family come to Hensall again we will assure them a bumper house, as on Friday even­ ing they made a reputation for them­ selves here, as entertainers, Mr, Bossenbury is an old timer pf this district and his ’ many friends here were pleased to see him again. After the concert was over the floor was cleared, and dancing commenced the Bossenbury Orchestra giving the music. SCHOOL REPORT • Sr. IV—Mildred Smillie, Harold Munn, Jean Bell, Eldred Smith, Marion Sinclair, Clare Zeufle, Lulu Lindenfield, Joyce Scruton, Royce Welsh, Edward Little. Jr. IV.—Mabie Workman, Bob. Houston, Irene Daters, Grace Brock, Lizzie Bean, Albert Wolfe, Eleanor Skinner, Beryl Drummond, May Kennings, Irene Hoggarth, Howard Hemphill. Sr. Ill,—Alice Higgins, Marion McKay, Hazel Hudson, Gladys Pass- more, Florence McDonald, Harold Foster, Will Nicol, Eleanor Bell, Isobel Smale, Will Drummond, “Ald- on Appleton, Norman McKay, Brock, Harold Appleton. centralia Mr. Murlt Mitchell bus moved from the bote! and opened a barber shop just south Of the mill. Miss Pollock ©nd Misses Alma and Hilda Isaac, pf London, ably assist­ ed the choir at ’ versary services, a beautiful solo vice.- Mr. and Mrs. last week-end in the district, Mrs, Hpoper, Mrs. Mjss Vera Essery, of the week-end with relatives here, Mrs, W, Dowden and Mrs, Thos. Boyes were in London, visitors at the home of their mother Mrs, Boyle for a few days last week. Miss Pollock, of Norwich, spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A, Hicks. Misses Jennie and Rachael Wilson visited last week with their neice Mrs. (Dr.) Hamilton, of Ailsa Craig. Very successful anniversary ser­ vices were conducted in the United church here last Sunday. Rev. J. J. Brown, of Lucan, was the preacher for the occasion, Both preacher and choir seemed at their best, sermons and music being of a high order. Congregations filled the church both morning and evening. The contri­ butions were about twenty per cent over the amount asked for. The stewards are grateful to the ‘people for their • hearty response. The pastor of the church, Rev R. Fulton Irwin, conducted the services in Lucan. . Next Sunday morning Rev. D. Mc­ Tavish of Exeter, will preach here, the pastor preaching in Exeter. last Sunday's anpi- Miss Pollock sang at the evening ser- Geo.Ussery Niagara spent fruit and her and over Roy Dashwood Dr. H.H. Cowen, L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three das of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days EGGS AND POULTRY Our business in eggs is increasing. Highest of week. and poultry prices paid. Eggs received at our plac’e of busi­ ness or truck will call. C. Ander­ sen. i hope" for a speedy re- first base- on Thurs- when Staffa and Hensail take in the the season and Mrs. A. R. Campbell and son Jim, are leaving shortly in New Brunswick. Mr. Camp- give on the Maintenance and Fund of the church. A next Sunday Rev Hogg, will preach Anniversary The firemen are making prepara­ tions for their big tournament on the 24th. They are planning tho biggest event ever staged in Huron C e >unty. There will -be a big umpian and trade procession, given for the best decorated a Or. the Park grounds there will be hasebal matches, rat es an d other spurts,such as "climbi ng th ? greasy vcle, c atching thj gi pig and bun eat ing contests.In the evening there v•ill be dancing Oil tl le street and in the hall, and a big f ireworks display will be put o 1 late r in the different fireevening. Also the companies will give demonstrations. The Galt Jazz Band will be present all day. Other bands will be in at­ tendance and a local town band will i.ndoubtedly give a lot of the music. As a celebration has not been put on in Hensall for a long time, big crowd will be here, and a flay is anticipated. GONf’ERT MUCH ENJOYED a big on by an- Mr. Frank i\ his son Frank Toman the program, time toddlers, won the Old The concert and dance put Friday evening in the Town Hall the Baseball team was greatly joyed by those present. J Bossenbury, of Kitchener and daughter and Mr. of New Dundee gave assisted by local, old Mr. Bossenbury, who Time Fiddlers’ prize at tho Toronto Exhibition, is certainly in a class by I himself as a violin player, and his playing greatly delighted the audi­ ence present, Miss Bossenbury, who I accompanied her father on the piano also gave tioils, Mr. humorous man gave tions and a number of piano selec- Bossenbv.ry, Jr., gave 8 readings, while Mr. To- several whistling seleft- also a selection on the Essery Exeter, spent CREDITON "Mr, John Hockey has opened up a barber shop in the Fahrner Hotel and specializes in men’s and ladies’ haircutting. Miss Pearl Motz and Mr. Frank Scheiding a»d Miss Thelma Heather- ley and Mr. Fred Huddleston, all of London, spent Sunday with the for­ mer’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Baisden, Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Dark and daughter of London, spent Sunday with the former’s sister Mrs, Chris, Hoffman- Mr. Henry Motz, of town received the sad news of the death of his father Mr, George Motz, of Napinka, Manitoba, who died on May 10th. The late Mr. Motz has been confined to his bed for some time, his death due to old age being In his ninety- second year, He leaves to mourn his departure his aged partner who is ninety-four years old and five dau­ ghters and five sons; all living in the West except Mr. Henry Motz, of town, pinka Mrs. W. X Davis announces the engagement of her only daughter, Verna Myrta, to Mr. Murray Abbott, second "‘son of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Abbott, both of Lucan, the marriage to take place early in June. Delegates to the forthcoming na­ tional convention of the Conserva­ tive party scheduled to meet in Win­ nipeg in October, will include all Conservative members of the pres* ent House of Commons, defeated candidates and four delegates from each riding. If you would know a man’s age discover if he thinks an insurance agent is a nuisance or a benefactor. Children: “Little darlings’’ when their mother is present; when ing. “brats” their mother isn’t within hear- HURONDALE Burial taking place in on May 12th. Na- THAMES ROAD Rev. Wm. and Mrs, Gardiner The old-fashioned engaged girl did not act as though her finger wag the only part ot her engaged. The four great destructive cies are wind, watOL fir© and boys. *' Parties split at times. The der is that some candidates the way they,straddle. agen.- small won- doM/t Algebra is useful to the average map only because It enables him help the kids with their algebra." - ! ——1 Some men fairhecauBe they aim too high with a short-range gyn. Smiles are rases, frowns sire thorns* Malt the time when a girl thinks she is in love she is merely jealous Mr. and Mrs. A. Morenz are visit­ ing in Detroit. Rev. E. Bruer is attending con­ ference at Kurtzville' this week. Mr. Ira Tieman, of Lucknow spent the week-end with his parents. Mrs. Durstein left on Tuesday for her home in Saginaw, after spend­ ing several weeks with her sister. Mr. Charlie Snell is on the sick list. Miss Ida Goetz, of Chicago,, is vis­ iting her parents, Mr. and Mr. J. K. Goetz. The Dashwood Brass Band intend holding their annual band concert in the near future. Further partic­ ulars later on. Preparations are in "progress for the erection of a new church shed by the congregation of the Lutheran church here. Miss Theada Hayter spent Sunday with Miss Selma Rader. Miss Edythe Walper and friend spent Thursday in Parkhill. The Hurondale Women’s Institute will meet in Mr. F. Down’s vacant house on May 25th at 2.30 p.m. The, May meeting of the W. M, S, of James St. church was .held' on May 12tli, Mrs. Thos. Harvey, vice- president, presiding, presented the program, ing part were Mrs. Win. Snell, Bible lesson; solo, Mrs. Tiios. Coates. Mrs. McTavish gave a very interesting re­ port of the Pr.esbyterial lieltS at Code- rich. Prayers.were offered by Mrs. Miners and Mrs. Snell and a very beautiful instrumental was played by Mrs. Reid. '• The regular meeting of the Hur­ ondale Women’s Institute was held at the‘home of tlie-Misses Keddy on Wednesday, May 4th with a fair at­ tendance. The president, Mrs. R, Kestle, occupied tho chair and fol­ lowing the opening execrises Mrs. Hey, of Zurich, district president , gave a splendid address on looking on the bright side of life. Mrs. (Dr.) Browning, of Exeter, also gave a fine address on “Health and Efficiency.” Solos were sung by Mrs, Thos. Coates and Miss Pearl Wood. A social half hour was spent and lunch was served by the host­ esses, Mrs. Wm. Welsh, Mrs. Luther Oke, Mrs. Kestle and Mrs. W. Jef­ frey. The next meeting will be held May 25th in the vacant house’of Mr. F. Down. Next Tuesday will be May 24th and" a publi^hbtiday. A number of this Mrs. Mantle ‘Those tak- and* a public^hbliday. celebrations are being held in district. Elimville Mr. KIRKTON theA new Zion morning. Mr. Stewart Shier and Miss Gladys Shier, spent a few days this week with friends in St. Catherines. Dr. Garence Jose and David Hazle- wood motored to Belleville, Thurs­ day. Mrs. Walter Hazlewood and Mrs. Silas Shier, spent tlje week-end in London. • Preparations, are being made for the anniversary of the Sunday- School which is being held the mid­ dle of June. Mi-, and Mrs. Hiram Hannah were in St. Catherines this week attending the graduation of Miss Hester Han­ nah nurse-in-training at the hospital there. ' Rev. G. 1VI. Chidley, of Thames Road will preach in Shipka, Brinsley' and Crediton United churches next Sunday, May 2 2nd, while the Rev. G. S. Hiscocks, will be Elimv-ille charge of 'the bur ch. large congregation greeted pastor, Rev. Al. W. Seppell at Evangelical church last Sunday pastor, on the United c WHALEN and Mrs. Thos. Gunning wereMr in London on Sunday and spent tbo day with Mr. and Mrs. John Ashton. Mrs. Geo. Millson and Miss Lucy Gunning spent tlie week-end_ with Mrs, Geo. M’a-rdlin, ship. Mr. and. Mrs. Geo.' Squire spent Sunday witli friends in Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs, I-Iilson Morley were in London on Thursday. • The* regular monthly meeting of the the on the Gunning, occupied the meeting opened with Doxology and repeating the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Several members letl in prayer. Mrs. Thos. Gunning led the reading of the Scripture les­ son, Matthew, 15tli Chapter, Mrs. Will. Morley read the devotional leaflet. Twenty-three members an­ swered tho roll call and one new member jo.ined the society. Some interesting leaflets on “The native. Church of India” Were read. The beautiful solo, “My Task,” sung by Mrs. Ernest Foster, was much en­ joyed. Two Watchtower heralds re­ sponded. Mrs. -Frank Gunning pro­ nounced. the benediction. After the meeting all enjoyed a social time around the tea table. London Town- Whalen W. 1 home of Mrs Thursday afternoon 1st vice-president, M. S. was held at i. Melville Gunning , May 12th. Mrs. Albert chair. The singing the spent a with Mr. family, of Bayfield. her home in few and The Misses Mills, of Blyth and and Mrs. Cecil Oke, of Seaforth, also Miss Carrie Oke visited with Mr. J. Brock last Sunday. Mrs. Heywood, Sr., days in Exeter recently Mrs. N. Hannigan and Miss Mina Cornish, spent the week-end at tho village. Next Sunday there will be an ex­ change of pulpits, the ministers preaching in' the interests of the Maintenance and Extension Fund rf the United church. Rev. Hiscocks, of Crediton, will preach in the church at 7 p.m.j Rev. W. F. Smith will preach at Thames Road and Roy’s churches. Last Sunday, evening Miss Reta Rowe, of Exeter, gave a very inter­ esting report of- the-animal meeting of the London branch of the W.M'.S. in the .church held in Walkerville last week. The attendance was not as large as was hoped for but those who attended were well repaid for the effort. The report showed good progress made and gave encourage­ ment to aim still higher this year. Mr. Len. O’Reilly and son Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Meredith O'Reilly and family motored to their former home near SUOlbourne last .Saturday. Mr. Len. O’Brien and Irwin returned on Sunday but the others are remaining for a week or so. Mr. A. G. Smith, editor and pro­ prietor of the Wingham Advance- Times for over 12 years has sold his business to Mr. W. L. Craig. The of Ailsa Craig, were week-end visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardi­ ner. Mrs. McKay and Miss -McKay3, of Seaforth, are visiting with Mrs. J. Hodgert. Mr..Course Brown is busy these days building a garage for his new coupe. Mother’s Day was observed .on Sunday in the Sunday School. The primary pupils presented a pageant, “The Coronation of Mother.” Mrs. Chidley rendered a sweet song on the Mandolin and Miss Beth Ballan- tyne sang a solo very nicely; Miss Jessie -.Monteith recited, a quartett was given by four senior members entitled,' “My Mother’s Prayer.” The attendance was .splendid and tlie Superintendent, Mr. Moody, extend­ ed a cordial invitation for such mem­ bers to be present‘every Sunday.- The Mission Band are invited to the home of Mrs. Hy. Rhode next Saturday afternoon. The Thames Road has quite a number of small evergreens planted which will. eventually improve it’s appearance. Bert Batty visited with Mr. Statton on Sunday . Stella Webb, who spent the in London, returned home on GRAND BEND Mr. Walter Stattou and Mr. Bob Love were in Buffalo this week on business. Mr. Frank Miss winter Friday for the summer. Mr. C. Giles is our first camper for the summer, having arrived last week from Royal Oak, Mich., His wife expects to join him here on Saturday, she being now visiting her son in Detroit for a few days. The masons who have the contract for the new church are now on hand. Mr. R. Krellan, of Ingersoll being the contractor. Mr. Peter Isenbach expects to com­ plete the new sidewalk this week. The program put on by the Thed­ ford people, headed by their pastor. Mr. W. Williams, was a grand suc­ cess and was enjoyed by all. A good crowd turned out to hear it. Those who have not seen the largo bills in regard to the laying of the' corner stone, we remind you again , it is on May 24tli, when a large crowd will be present.- A hot supper will be served and a program in the afternoon starting at 2:30 p.m. with something doing all thv time; no waiting, lor the Sunset Concert C). I will be on hand both afternoon and evening. Como with the crowds on tho 24th of '.May. Next Sunday morning Rev. F. E. Clydsdale. of Exeter, will preach in an exchange in pulpits in the Huron Presbtry. In the evening Rev. Mr. Colling will, conduct a special pat­riotic service in honor of Empire | Day, preacliin, Empire, question, Christ at wered. Public tho present United church for the last time on Sunday. Slav 29. After that date service will be held in the closed shed until the first of July, when outdoor services will begin. At an enthusiastic meeting of the young people held in the church on Tuesday night, arrangements were made to have both a. girl's and boys' softball team in Huron Presbyte. y League. Marjorie Jennison and War­ ren- Patterson were appointed cap­ tains, with Rev. Colling and J. W. Holt, supervisors. It was also decid­ ed to enter a team in Mr. Ecclesons league. About fifty young folks were in attendance. Don’t forget all roads lead to Grand Bend on May 24tli. where provision in made for you at the laying of the corner stone of the new United church. in honor g on the subject “Our and it’s Enemies.” The “Is the second coming of hand" will be briefly ans- worship will be held in Blessed are the poor. They do' their own laundry and. never wear; strangers’ shirts and things. One war weapon that never grows obsolete" is the lie, 1 I DUNLOP AT splendid ap­ pearance of Dunlop Balloons is no guess­ work. ’ That rugged road resistance is not * there by chance. That adequate resiliency was no blind selection. You receive the benefit of thirty- three years of honest thinking, careful planning, judicious experi- '' mentation when you DUNLOP TIRES to-day. Thirty-Three Years* Merit A2TOO— --- -----... .... DUNL.OP OFFICIAL SERVICE DEPOTS Exeter Garage (Chambers Bros. Exeter Milo Snell, Exeter F. W. Clark, Crediton Morris Brpnner, Grand Bend Herb. Mousseau, Zurich W. E. Pfaff, Hensall v L. A. Prang, Zurich J. McDonell, Hensall - Dave Tieman, Dashwood. m !r HERE COMES SUMMER! And the RED STAR NAVIGATION COMPANY ANNUAL LOW FARE EXCURSION Goderich to DETROIT & Return THE BIG STEEL STEAMER GREYHOUND, SAFE. SPEEDY, COMFORTABLE ONE WAY GOLERICH $4,00 ROUND TRIP WILL LEAVE Tuesday, June 7th at 9:30 a.m Arriving Port Huron 1.30 p.m., Detroit 5.30 p.m. Returning leaveg Detroit 1 Thursday, June 9th ’ The only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season. Child­ ren between 6 and 12, half fare. Visit your Michigan friends and see big and busy Detroit. A delightful trip over the great interna­ tional highway of lakes and rivers. Don’t miss it. Last trip Goderich to Detroit, Friday, June 10th, at 9:30 a.m. Come and enjoy the fun MOONLIGHT out of GODERICH MONDAY, JUNE 6th. AT 8:30 pan. FNZEL’S ORCHESTRA for dancing in steamer’s big new ball room. Three hours on beautiful Lake Huron tor 50e. Children 25c. Quality that Cannot be licated &t Chevrolet POWER that laughs at high hills and rough roads I Smoothness that thrills you with delight! Speed and acceleration that meet your every de­ mand I Long, resilient springs that cushion every shock I Beauty that makes you proud to be seen driving such a carl A rightness about every little detail that you would expect only in much higher-priced cars! and only Chevrolet can give them at Chevrolet price. The Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet History is now selling at new and lower prices . . . the lowest for which Chevrolet has ever been sold in Canada. Roadster - -. - $65'5 Sport Roadster $730 Coach.................$760 Cabriolet . - . $890 Imperial Landau Sedan - - - Roadstcr Delivery $655 Com’tc’l Chassis $490 l-Ton Truck Chassis «.»*»•• $645 Prices al Factory, Osftawa—Government Taxes ExtraAll these things Chevrolet gives you . . . . Fid Tourinc - , - - $655 Coupe • - • • • $780 Sedan • - • •- $865 Landau Sedan $930 $975 ..... . $645 Dealer for Chevrolet and Oakland Cars J. McDONELL, Hensail, Ont.