HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-05-19, Page 4^KlHibDAY, M|l* lOtlt, iw THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE T A bull market doesn’t refer to ike money paid an after dinner orator. Frank Brimmer s cNewBookon’ Auto Camping rGetYourCopy BEFORE you take that tour­ ing or camping trip, read this complete auto camper’s guide prepared by Frank E. Brimmer, nationally-known out­ doors man and writer. Tell* how to get tb« utaoat plmuiure and benefit out at your trip—at tho least ijxpensa. 1 Ten* Uihat to taka along. Gives ration Huts, clothing and eauipmont lists, tools and extras for the car, tips on driving. Tell* hou> to select comps, know good drinking water, lightyourwunp.cookreal □ampmoals. Tells why theCoIemanCampStovebtho finest, moat convenient cooking outfitfor the nil-summer tourist, the two-week vacationist, or the week-end picnicker. It’s the flnest book of its kind. 64 pages of helpful Ideas on "the smooth way to rough it”. Priced at 25 cents, nnd worth It, but we will send you a copy on receipt of 10 centa and the name of your sporting goods or hardware dealer. Mail coupon to the office nearest you. MADB IN CANADA BY TA4 Coleman Came Stow acknowledged b>/ outdoor expsrte <i» RW aCdittJ wwciiL (CS54) 8. tjai^pjng ■ Dept • -. IsTul 1 “..I I I The Coleman Lamp & Stove Co., Ltd* Qneen St.. East S Davies Ave. Toronto, 8, Ontario. w gg M Our Corner The world doesn’t need a new re­ ligion. it hasn't used the old ono much yet $ A modern girl is one who carries, on the way her grandmother would have liked to.* <!* Sweetie: A pink and white creat­ ure whose emptiness, when she gives the waiter hei" order, seems to in­ clude more than her head.« « « 4: Xi * O 4= X" Too many cooks no longer spoil the broth as it is bought canned and heated up, A true modern is one who is bor­ ed if he isn't excited.« X> « # ♦ # 4f Xs * The astonishing thing about Eve is that slm landed the first man so quickly without a porch swing. There was less crime when is was a disgrace instead of a misfortune to be in jail.*< 4, * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ You can’t tell by her hauteur at the wheel how much is yto to paid on the car,♦ HU; * * # yet to be A Bee's Stinger is one-thirty-sec-1 ond of an inch long. The other two feet is imagination. Xi Xs * >f # sft * * * An average man, my who isn’t as good as his lie is before she% marries as bad as ’ she thinks he ward. ” - XI Xi 4= Xs <s >(r sjs Ss It is possible to forgive everything except being more than you are. X-. X-'Xi si-Xs# ##4s People can’t think beyond the reach of their vocabularies, but they can, alas, speak far;beyond the reach of their The other son, is one wife thinks him, is nor after- an <■ Nowadays “Bobby” may named after his mother's* * * « <■ * * * * How to be happy though married consists of being contented with the kind of mate you .desire. t $ Hi # It’s the girl that is a lemon that is seldom squeezed. A: ifi $ * When a boy had a date in the old days he turned down the gas instead of stepping on it. x= # * # * * It would be easy been enemy decent to believe man evolved from a lower order of ani­ mal if vou could see a lower order. ’ SistXs *»* *** The advice to young men olden days of “always look entirely ignored now; it is of always look down.* * * * * * * * * Tfie bridegroom soon learns why it is called “spending the honey­ moon.” order in the up” is a case LOCALS The Esetet High School report will be toqud on another page. The winners Ip. tfie Essay Contest on Canada are announced on an­ other page, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Cookson and , son,- of Windsor, motored over and spent the week-end with relatives. Dr. F. A. Blatchford, and daugh­ ter Lois, of Ft. William, visited with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Blatchford. Dr, Blatchford is this week attending the dental conven­ tion in Toronto and will later return to Exeter for his daughter before re­ turning to his home, The Opera House which lias been used as a furniture show-room for some time is tp be re-opened. The first to use it will be the Ladies' Guild of the Trivitt Memorial church when they will present their play “A Gay Deceiver,” JUBILEE YEAR This is the 50th anniversary of the -erection of Caven church’s pre­ sent. building and special arrange­ ments are being made to celebrate j the event. On Sunday, June 5th, | Rev, Dr, Rochester, of Toronto, will preach and on Monday evening, June 6th, Rev. W. E. Donnelly, of Strat­ ford, will give one of his entertain­ ing lectures in the church. MAIN STREET W, M. S. The regular monthly meeting of the W, M. S. of the Main Street Un­ ited church was held in the class room of the church on Thursday, May 12th. Mrs. V. Mollard the president, having charge of the meet­ ing. A report from the secretary of Christian Stewardship and finance was given. This means the conse­ cration of our lives and our money. This is necessary with prayer. A motion was passed and carried, that we continue using the monthly con­ tribution envelopes for the coming year. It was decided that we hold our birthday party earlier this year deciding on Wednesday, May 25th. After the business session was over Mrs. Ward, convener of the group for the month of May presided over the educational part of the meeting. Canadian Missions in Central India was the first topic under discussion. Mrs. J. Elston read the devotional leaflet entitled “Faith and Prayer.” Mrs. J. Sims followed with a paper, “The need of the Indian Church.” Mrs. P. Skinner spoke of the prob­ lems on .the mission fields. Mrs. Ward sketched the story of the Nat­ ional Missionary .Society in India. Miss Murray then gave a report of the Huron Presbyterial which held in Goderich recently. i * x; * * * * * * * The world is progressing, now spend more money for powder than for gun powder. X< X: * * * * * * * A very good way to train a is to be less childish than the child. Xs Xs * ‘ ‘ "■ Talking over Man is inferior. ’ He can’t make means no more two words like “perfectly darling” , talk clearly, describe everything he likps.X: * * . * « X< I If only the motor could be adjust­ ed to the slow,ness; .of the driver’s wits. The advertisment that won the j prize as. the best, foke "out recently appeared in a Toronto daily. It read: For Sale—Sniall footballs for little boys with real- rubber bladders. Some because may get thinking. x.- X: X-- « S= * * X< # men are. not open minded they fear something within out. ■,XtX-X< ***' He can’t make # <s Xs They face child « « « * # * the heads of people, than an inability to « $ $ * ♦ x> W IN MT, CARMEL HALL The A.Y.P.A.y Brinsley, will present their well-known comedy “Forest Acres” in Mt. Carmel Hall, hit. Cannel, Ont.,,on Friday, May, 27th. Music furntBhed by the Allison Trio. This will be the last entree of the season at Mt. Carmel. I I VIQLJN INSTRUCTION f J 'bS. -.4 Bethel Anniversary The anniversary of the Bethel Un­ ited church, three ipiies south of jMitchejl, will be field on SUNDAY, MAY aSnd, 1027 ■ * - awl .•*— TUESDAY, MAI 24 th, 1027 Sunday, May 22nd, Bey. James M. Finlay, field secretary’ fol1 Ontario Boy’s Board Work will preach at-11 a.m, and 7:30, Special music by the home choir. Come early. Special offering. ' Tuesday, May 24th, afternoon 2.30 Rev. W. W, Savage, pastor’of first church, Pontiac, Mich., will fiis favorite lecture, will be rendered immediately after shed specially prepar Tickets 60c. of Spohr Method * G. M. GRANT * Phone 8 for appointments EXETER, ONT, ■ CARLING & MORLEY * IklRBISTERS, SOLICITORS, .JOTO, LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN-^- SURANCR Office: Carling Block, Maia EXETER, ONT. HURON PRESBYTERY The Presbytery of Huron held Its regular May meeting on Tuesday, May 10th in the First Presbyterian church, Seaforth, Rev. Alfred Mac- farlane, of Clinton, presided in the absence of the moderator, Rev, R. C. McDermid, of Goderich. Rev, James McIlroy, who was recently in­ ducted as minister of Carmel church, Hensall, was introduced to the court and he expressed his pleasure in be­ coming a member of Huron Presby­ tery. Rev. R. C. McDermid, of Goderich, was appointed to convey the greetings of the Presbytery to the Presbyterial of the W. M. S, when it meets in Goderich in Sep­ tember. Mr. Wellington Graham, a student in Knox: College, Toronto, was appointed to have charge of the cogregations of Bayfield and Bruce- field during the summer months. The Presbytery expressed its regret at the loss sustained by the death of Mr. John Fraser, for many years re­ presentative elder of Bayfield con­ gregation, and a faithful attendant at Presbytery. Mr. Fraser was to be a commissioner to the approaching Central Assembly, and the Presby­ tery appointed Mr, M. Ross, of Bay- field, to this responsibility. Rev. R. C. McDermid was appointed with the clerk to arrange the dockets of future meetings of Presbytery. The appointments of commissioners were confirmed. Rev. Dr. F. H. Larkin, of (Seaforth, Rev. James Foote, of Exeter;’ Mr. William Shepherd, of Clinton and Mr. M. Ross, of Bayfield are the commissioners to the Central Assembly, which meets in Knox churc, Stratford, on Wednesday, the first day of June, at 8 o’clock in the evening. The next regular meeting of the Presbytery -will be held in Goderich on the second Tuesday of September. James Foote, Presbytery Clerk NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of WIL­ LIAM H. P.’ HOOPER, late of the Village of Exeter, who died on the 4th day of May, 1927, at the City of London, are required to forward claims duly proven to the undersign­ ed on or before the 6th day of June, 1927. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER Giv­ en that after the said date the Ex­ ecutor estate claims notice. Dated May, 1927. GLADMAN.& STANBURY Executor’s Solicitors . will Special Supper in the ed for After­ weeks Baptist deliver music served church the occasion, noon tickets can be secured 2 previous from members of ticket committee. Evening tickets 1.. ased at church, May 24tli ........... afternoon, tickets will be served be­ fore those with evening jackets.- Evening -—> Supper in church shed from 5.30 to 8« Tickets 60c, Rev. W. W. Savage in the church Also special music. purcli- All with GLADMAN & STANBURY | BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ac. Money to Loan, Investments Mad® -> Insurance Safe-deposit Vault for use of ous; Clients without charge _ EXETER LONDON HENSALL ERNEST ELLIOT CONVEYANCER, INVESTMENTS;, INSURANCE Office one dooi* south Times Office- at 8 o’clock, Offerings‘taken at each lecture for the lecturer. White tickets in the afternoon, red tickets at night, Afternoon tickets not accepted at night. Tickets necessary on each occasion to hear the lecture. Tables will seat from 200 to 250. Full course supper. Good parking space in school grounds and pasture field adjoining, must park according to Parking Committee intructions. Buy early, come seeking a blessing. ' Ticket Committee—Henry Green­ wood, R. R, No. 1, Mitchell; George Docking, Munro; Alvin Harris, R. R. 1 Mitchell. A. E. HOPPER, Pastor EXETER, ONT. Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,DJ>.$»- DENTAL SURGEON Late District Dental Officei* of MilitarJT District Number One, London, Ont. Telephones Office 34W Residence 34^ Office open on Wednesday until April 20th, 1927 MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. | —..... ' ...t..........I.................. Xi X' If a man’s time is valuable he does not kill it. Xi <i # Xi <i Xi Xi Xi Xs Suppose we took these flappers at their face value. Xi Xi « Xi Xi Xi « * S A good time to break off political relations gracefully is before you are licked. Xi X> Xi <s X1 Xs Xs X' Xi There are two sides to every ques­ tion—your side and the wrong or idiotic side. St Xi X: Xi Xi * x> * * There is a lot of good in everybody but some persons are mighty close- fisted about it. # Hero; A man who is excited enough to forget how scared he is. Si Si * Xi Xi X< $ Si s> An educated man is one who can quote Shakespeare without crediting it to the Bible. Ss Ss ,;s Xi St Xs S' Si Xs And others have as much right to their faults as you have to yours. <s * st- St X< 4s St St * And much poor health is caused because people have ample leisure for it. “I’m no longer a cowcatcher,” said that part of an engine, “but I’ve stopped many a flivver driver’s bull. With Two ears and one mouth we should say only half as much as we hear. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,DJD.S^. DENTIST Office over Carling & Morley 4 Law Office,, [ Extractions Under Oxygen Gaa EXETER, ONT.end the A wicked cause is near its when followers begin to quote Bible to support it.Rupture Expert Here Do you suffer fi-pm rupture ? If so your big opportunRy has now arriv­ ed. Mr. Reavely, the noted rupture expert will be at the Central Hotel, Exeter for one day-’only Thurs., May 26th and will be pleased to give free ex­ amination to any ufferer and to de­ monstrate his famous appliance. This appliance will contract the op­ ening in 10 to 15 days and will cure cases in from three to six months. This appliance is positively demon­ strated to' you right on your own­ person without any charge. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully satisfied it is the right appli­ ance for you. A consultation with Mr. Reavely will Cost you nothing. Don’t let this opportunity get away from you. Remember the date. * # x< was ?< Usborne Council Tp. will proceed to distribute the having regard only to the of which he then shall have Dr. A. R. Kinsman, L.L.D^D-D.Sj DENTIST Essex Crystal Dwarf Sweet Clover It ripens early, generally about the 1st to 6th of August, thus pro­ viding an excellent land cleaner pro­ hibiting weed seeds to ripen with it. The seed is smaller than the com­ mon Sweet Clover so that it only re­ quires three fourths as much seed or from 8 to 10 pounds per acre. The stock thrives readily on these dairy or beef cattle, sheep or horses. It is a wonderful seeder producing an acreage of 20 bushels per acre. Tests have proven that this seed will produce a vigorous growth on sand, clay, loam or muck soil. In quality of Hay it equals alfalfa with a greater yield per acre. It also makes excellent pasturage for fields. In using this Clover vhile still green makes one of the best soil rebuilders when plowed down. This we believe is a valuable addition to the lists of forage plants.- The name is derived from Essex County, Sacramento Valley, Califor­ nia, and the first known crops in the eastern States were produced by the Huron County growers in the Thumb of Michigan. Seed experts and anologists familiarize ‘it with the widely known Grundy County Dwarf Sweet Clover, except that the Essex Crystal Dwarf Sweet Clovei’ is an earlier ripener, it’s color of tlie plant differs and that it is a larger yielder on all types of soil than other clovers. Essex Crystal Dwarf Clover many outstanding advantages, .is about four weeks earlier than common Sweet Clower and much smaller, more branchy leafier and has finer stems, dom grows oyer three and a half feet tall. It produces finer hay in large quantities and is a belter sold­ er. yielding as high as 25 bushels per acre on large acreage. Honor Graduate of Toronto University Office over Gladman- & Stanbursr*^ Office, Main Street EXETER, ONT. DR. HARRY J. BROWNING M.D.C.M., Toronto; L.R.C.P. & 3.*- Edinburgh; L.F.P. & S. Glasgow; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ' Office over Browning’s Drug StoraK Phones Office 26W Residence 263J' EXETER, ONT. The Municipal Council of the of Usborne met May 7th pursuant to adjournment. Members present: Jas. " lors Tile 2nd tion The clerk noti Judge Lewis had liot set a hearing re price of gravel. Letters from Thos. McMillafi, M. P, and Railway Board, re the resolu­ tion Coal J. the gave council and solicited patronage. The clerk notified the council that the Assessor had completed and de­ livered the 1927 assessment roll. Skinner-Dew: That a vision on same be held at the Township Hall p.m. that the necessary be given. Carried. A. Duncan, C. Routley and zV. Gardiner petitioned tlie council for the, repair of the Gardiner Drain. N. Passmore intimated that, some of the parties subscribing to the Agreement of Owners made in June. 1925, had not fulfilled their agree­ ment and petitioned the council for a D. & W. C. Award .for sufficient outlet. Both these petitions have been forwarded to John Roger., O.L.S. Petitions were received for grants to the Exeter and Kivkton Agricul­ tural Societies. Dew Williams: That a grant of $15.00 be made to each Society and a grant of $15 to be made for com­ petition in Baby Beef by Ratepayers of Usborne. Carried. Williams-Skinner: That tile clerk procure from tho Highway Depart­ ment pay sheets for the use of the Road Supt. Carried. Berry-Dew: That the following bills bo* passed and orders issued for payment of same: viz. Ray Francis, snow work, con. 12, $1.20; A. Doupo, do., con. 14, $1.00 J. Whelilian, dragging Usborne and Biddulpli Bdy.. our share $14.75; W. Moodie, 7 Pedlar Culverts $415.- 32; W. Moodie. Tp. grading $85.75, gravel for con. 4 $10.00; Moses Beckler. replacing hedge with wire fence $31.50; I). Alexander farm bridge, McDougall Drain $20.00; Dominion Rd. Mach. Co., repair to grader $8.7 8; W, Batton,. drawing stone $2.50; J, Heywood, do. $2.50; C. Stephen, drawing tile $2.00; grad- ' >; Garnet F. Harry Coates $58.50; '5.00; Wilfred Johns Cl etcher $50.00; Joe. ; gravelling, Geo. R. ; Jas. Brooks $15.00 $10.00 Clarence Coates $16. to; Arthur at Exeter this 16th day of ct scan «E» mkso «sa» The Colerc.'.n Lamp Co. Cuntlcmsn; I enclose 10 cents. Send my eup, of tho Coleman Motor Camper’s Manual. My Name. sfi ij: # sjs s'; Another thing about old Dobbin. You didn’t need to pour any anti­ freeze in him. Si Xs * .Xi st- Xi >t- 4< Si O Excellent method of getting a cook who will stay: “Will you marry me?” Address___ Mv Dealer's Name. Ballantyne, Reeve and Council- Skinner, Dew Berry Williams, minutes of the meeting of April were read and approved on mo­ ot Berry-Williams,... .to.l. „^-ifj^Rfhe council that of this freight Snider, Adams a council on the Alberta rates. Noted. travelling salesman for leaning wheel grader demonstration before the Court of Ro­ on June 4th at 2 o’clock press notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS notice'is hereby given"that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of SAMUEL R. BROCK, late of the Township of Usborne, who died on the 27th day of January, 19 27, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 6 th day of June, 1927, AND NOTICE IS FURTHER Giv­ en that after the said date the Ex­ ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter this 16th day of May, 1927. GLADMAN & STANBURY Executors’ Solicitors ■#* DR. W. E. WEEKES PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Date Chief Interne Vancouver General' Hospital CORONER FOR HURON COUNTS Office removed to the former Ford Gavage Building, corner of iMain and Ann Sts. Office hours 2 to 9 and 7 to S p.ra Phone: Office 67W, Residence 67J EXETER, ONT. I 50 miles and more an hour. 5 to 25 miles in S seconds. 30 miles to th gallon. Full-sized, with ample seating capacity for adult passen­ gers. You can prove by demonstra­ tion of performance that the Chrysler tc5Q,f—with its 50 miles and more an hour, 5 to 25 miles in 8 seconds, 30 miles to the galion, marked ease of han­ dling and consistently smooth operation at ail speeds--*is in a. brilliant class of its own which no others have yet approached. The Chrysler “50” reveals at a glance—in its full-sized ample seating capacity for five passen­ gers, its smart, low-swung lines and beauty of color harmony 'alite in such startling con- trast to all other fours and sixes in or near the “50” price division as to automatically determine your decision. y y y Touring Car $1045; Coupe $1045; Roadster $1045 (rumble scat extra); Coach $1080^ Sedan $1150; Landau Sedan $1220; f. o. b. Windsor, Ontario (freight only to be added). Above prices include all taxes, bumpers front and rear, spare tire, tire cover and tank fall of gasoline. i i Mohair plush upholstery.7* HURON GARAGE ’THE CANADIAN-BUILT CHRYSLER FOR CANADIANS PjrfONfc. 155R Gerald., Ford $8.75 ? 2.2 j ; R. Williams $8.50 ing. Johns $6.25; Horn $15.00; W. Routly $ $24.00; Loui Kernick $22. Ferguson ,$8.00 Chas. Jeffrey cliffe $22.00; Whitney C .. Coates $10.00, ........ H. Rowcliffe $30; Fred Ford 27.50; A. Penwarden $10.00; team work, H. Ford, $157,75; E. Skinner $15; for grader, W. J. Heainan $4.00; W. .................... P. road 9 snperintendance S 1< 50: Luther Row- Johns $22.00 25; Maurice ICerslake $9: Simmons $7.00 Whitlock, grav $3.50; IL ’F $118.70, ■Berry: Saturday. ; 11. Kernick 35c '01 and worh 'ord That June HENRY, STRANG.-- Clerk we •1th adjourn to meet at'i o’clock p.m,' NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of FRANCIS R. GILL, late of the Village of Ex­ eter, who died on the"' 9th day of May, 1927. are required to forward their claims duly proven to the un­ dersigned on or before the 6th day of June, 19 27, AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- cn that after the said date the Ex­ ecutors will proceed to distribute the ’estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter this 16th day of May. 192 7. GLADMAN & STANBURY Executors' Solicitors NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of John Johnston. late of the Village of Hen­ sall, who died on the 26th day of January, 1927, are required to for­ ward their claims duly proven to tho undersigned on or before the 6th day of June, 1927. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER Giv­ en that after, the said .date the Ex­ ecutrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Exeter this 16th day of May, 1927. GLADMAN & STANBURY Executrix' Solicitors B Tobacco Planters We now have Idea planter. It ___ __________ _ machine with the latest improve­ ments, Call and see it, We have some good’ second hand stiff-tooth cultivators, spreaders and riding plows. Let us meet your require­ ments in roofing, garage, barn door track, hay car track, etc. Free re­ pairing done on cream separators, Charges pbnly fo/ new parts required. 'j AEdnuMoBMtacc! in stock the New is a good sturdy fi the has It the grows and It sol- DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER Graduate of Faculty of .Medicine,- University of Western Ontario, Mem­ ber of the College of Physicians and:’- Surgeons of Ontario; Member of the- British Medical Council. Phone 6—(The office of the latei- Dr. H. K. Hyndman) DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS ^PROMPTLY ATTENDED TQ’ Office in old .['■'ord Garage Building of Main and Ann Streets EXETER, .ONT. Notice to Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate of CHARLES WOLF, late of the Village of Credtton, Gentle­ man, who died in the said Village of Crediton on the 30 th day of March, 1927 are required to forward their claims, duly proven to H. Eilber & Son, Crediton. on or before the 21st day of May, 1927. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER Giv­ en that after this said date the Ex­ ecutors will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. • Dated at Crediton. this. 6th day of May, 1927. George E. Eilber 5-12-2tc Albert Wolf, Executors DR. A. B. GIBSON VETERINA RY SURGEON Office and residence, Main St. Soutl^ Second house from end of pave­ ment, East side of the road. All calls promptly attended to Accommodation for treatment of animals PHONE 99 — EXETER, -ONT^ FRANK TAYLOR ” LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron anil Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 138 , * Edge Grain xxxxx BEST MADE arb Wire ...............$3.60 per spool wire Frost Fence ..... 45c. per rd. wire Frost Fence Close Stay 53c. ” wire Ring Lock ... wire Rink Lock . wire Hog Fence ... U Bar Steel Post OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AU( ’TIONEEB Honor Graduate Carey Jones’ Auc­ tion School, Special course taken in. Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,),’ Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales, etc, Rates in keeping with prevailing prices; Satisfaction as­ sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or; phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. ..........45c. .........40c. .........45c. •• 45c. each » A. J CLATWORTHY 8 I i ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesei' FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Years Experience, Prices Reafibssa"- able, Satisfaction Guaranteed or ; . bo Charge t Phone” 57-13 Dashwood ;t