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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-05-19, Page 1
’«3 rXXSTBR TIMES, ESTABLISHED 1873 | AMALGAMATED UXJDTER ADVOCATE, ESTABLISHED 1887 J DECEMBER lit, 1114 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 19th, 1927 FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR, NO. 2784 .1 >. t JONES & MAY 0 at this Store on — ■ F 1I/L»« OU MORNING AND I, IViay LlSl., AFTERNOON A REAL BARGAIN IN LADIES’ SILK HOSIERY 59c. or 3 pairs for $1.65 We were particularly fortunate In a silk hoiery purchase. These are a well known $1.00 quality, not seconds, but sub-standard, having very slight imperfections, in a fine range of colors and black. Sizes 85 to 10. A real bargain while they last at 59c per pair. 3 pair for $1.65. 10 dozen men’s fine silk and wool socks in colors and black. Slight- ■ ly imperfect, well worth 65c pair in- tegular way. On Sale this week - at only 35c. per pair. 3 pair for $1.00'. ' ' Pure Linen Table Damask at 98c. a yard 6 Webs pure linen , table? d,amash, in bleached, unbleached, also ■ with the new colored borders. On. sale this month at 98c per yard. Men’s Crepe Ties 65c. or 2 for $1.25 SPECIAL—About 5 dozen men’s good quality crepe ties. Good pat terns well worth $1.00 each? Off sale at 65c or 2 for $1.25, Ladies’ & Misses’ Coats at Bargain Prices * M^hy ?bav©. &XR out* 1 . a Ladies’ and Misses’ Spring Coats.’"Get your’s now. Coats as. low as., $9.85 each. White Turkish Towels White Turkist Towels, large size, seconds, on sale at 49c each or 95c per pair. OUR SALE OF MEN’S SUITS AND SPRING- COATS CONTINUES FOR THE MONTH OF MAY CONGOLEUM AND LINOLEUM RUGS, OILCLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, WINDOW BLINDS, ETC., AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES PHONE 3? (Qj [Q] MAXWELL MOWER EUREKA MOWER .. f . $10.00 . $11.50 Poultry Netting', all sizes Screen Wire, all sizes SCREEN DOORS $2.40 SCREEN WINDOWS 45c. PROTECTO PAINT In 8 colors, only $1.00 p. qt. including white and green. % PHONE 32 in TT NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVES 2, 3 and 4 burner, $22. iip Colciuan Gas Stove . .$45. Coleman Ovens ............$8.00 Cabinets . $10.50 Wicks ..................................40c. Ovens ................ $5.00 FISHING SUPPLIES BASEB ALL SUPPLIES Tennis Racquets $3.65 Lawai Tennis Balls 60c. GALVANIZED PAILS J? gdod size 35c. GALVANIZED TUBS Med. size 1.29 .......... ■■■■ I ■ Heaman’s Hardware & Paint Store BIRTHS •KEYS—Iii Hay Township* oil May 4 th, to Mr. and Mrs, Albert Keys, & son. KELLER—-in Hay Township On April 12, to Mr. Aild Mrs, Adolph Keller, a son. TAYLOR—In Hay Tdwiiship, April 30th, to Mr.' and Mrs, villa Taylor, a daughter, j.McDOVGAtL—In Hibbert, oil 1st* to Mr* and Mr* Allah I on Or- i 'I SHERRITT—In Blanshard, on May 5th, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Sherritt, a daughter. istf to Mr* and J ..Do.u^aB* a s^n* May M<1- MARRIAGES HACGAU—THOMPSON — At this United church parsonage, Lucan, by Rev. J. J* BroWh, on Wednes day, May 4th, Mr. Charles Henry Haggar, to Miss Kathleen, daugh ter of Mr* Wm. H* Thompson, all o£ Lucan* the GRANT—CLARK—At the James St. United church parsonage, on Thursday, May 12th, 1‘927, Mar jorie Delina Clark, eldest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clark to Mr. George McBain Grant, eld est son of Mr. and'Mrs. J. S. Grant both of Exeter, by Rev. D. Mc- Tavish. DEATHS WESTCOTT—In Exeter, on Wednes day, May 11th, Walter Westcott, aged 76 years, 8 months and 17 days. THOMPSON—In Lucan,, on May 6th Wm. H. Thompson, in his 56th year. GOSLING- London, Mary Harrison, widow of the John Gosling, aged 70 years 8 months. J C. OF C* ELECTS COMMITTEES : A meeting of the Chamber of Cpm- J merce was held in the Town Haji on • Thursday eyening Jif last week. The : President, B. W* F. Beavers, occu- : uied the chair, Th© minutes of the : previous meeting Were read and ap-• proved. The chairman informed the : members that thCif Ontario Motor : League had supplied him with signs ■ on which was the Word “Exeter” the• majority of which fhad been erected j in suitable places?; More signs are : available npon application, without : any cost to. the Chamber of Com- ; merce; / i The question of appointing com- : mittees was taken hp and it was de- ■ cided that each. a committee should consist of five niemhers with power to add, to their 'nubher should they consider it necessary, Each com mittee will oiitliuf their plans and recommendations fo the executive, who in turn are tp review their re spective reports’. .at each general meeting, Following th,e ’■ appointment of committees a discussion was entered into relating to a Dominion Day cele bration and a motion was passed that ’the Reeve be, requested to call a.public meeting for that purpose. It was decided that the meeting* 'Should be held- Mpfadoy, May 16th, in conjunction with the meeting al ready called in the interests of a local band. . < Following are the committees appointed: ’ Publicity Committee—F. J. Wick wire, chairman; Jos. Harvey, Rev. D. McTavish, R. E, Pickard, R. N. K°We. . ? Sports and Celebration Committee W. J. Heaman,Chairman; W. A. Wise, L. J. Penhale, R, N Creech/ Frank Tayloi'; Retail Merchants’ Committee—-J. Hubert Jones, chairman; H. Walter, H. C. 'Riversi>;J.v Willis Powell, T. 6. Southcott, *,. •? Accident' Preveiition, Health and Education—Dr. A; Gibson, chairman Reeve W. D. Sahders, Dr. W. E. W^ekeS,. ’Rev. W^ Jone’s, Dr, E. S. Steiner.,' ' .Tourist1 • and Town Beautification —S. M. -Sanders, chairman; W. G. Medd, M.L.A., Milo Snell, H. Doerr, C. B. Snell, Agricultural Interests Southcott, chairman; Reeve W. Sanders, F. “May. Remaining members to b^T: qhl^en by aboyS com- ;'? * J/-? ' ,rp, • ’> ■ • - THE LATE WALTER WESTCOTT Another well-known resident of i Exeter passed away on Wednesday evening, May 11th in the person of Mr. Walter Westcott, aged 76 years, 8 months and 7 days. The deceas ed had been ailing since Christmas. Mr. Westcott was born ’in Usborne Township on September 24th, 1850, and was twice married. For the past seventeen years he has made his home with his sister, Mrs. Geo. East erbrook, at whose home he passed away. He leaves ’to mourn his de mise, one brother, Mr. J. T. West cott, of Hamilton, and two sisters, Mrs. Grace Hill, of Crediton and Mrs. Easterbrook, from whose home the funeral took place Saturday aft ernoon, interment in the Exeter cem etery. The services were conducted by Rev. D. McTavish, pastor of the James St. United “church. Mr. West cott will be missed by many as he was a constant visitor on our streets. The pall-bearers were near friends, John Chambers, Geo. Walker, Joseph Stacey, Richard Hill, Sidney Sanders and Thomas Sanders. Those who attended the funeral from a distance were Mrs. Annie Westcott, of Sea forth; Mrs. Frank Lee, of Thorn dale; J. T. Westcott and wife, of Hamilton; Mrs. Grace Hill, Crediton Mrs. Walter Dearing, London; Mr. and Mrs. John Quail, Miss Velma Ruth Quail, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Westcott and Mr. Nelson Westcott, of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hill, of Crediton. W. lMARRIED IN WINNIPEG A quiet wedding took place Sat- i urday afternoon, May 7, at the Cal vary Evangelical parsonage, Winni-I peg, Man,, when Lulu M„ eldest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. S. W. Hauch was united in marriage to- William Foster Johnson, of Bran don, Man. The bride wore a navy blue satin crepe dress trimmed with poudre blue and grey, a rope of pearls, the gift of the groom and orange blossoms worn by her mother on her wedding day. The bride was attended by hei* sisters Esther and Martha. The ceremony was per formed by the bride’s father. GRANT—CLARK » J.M. D. i‘ A CaV DprAi’vpr * We Can Help You to See Better | AjfvL'VIVvI Our method of testing is most com- COMEDY IN 3 ACTS OPERA HOUSE, Exeter UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE LADIES’ GUILD, TRIVITT MEM- | ORIAL CHURCH plete and our prices moderate, Of-* fice hours 9.30 to 12 a.m, and 1.30 to 5 p,m. Evening by appointment S. FITTON Phone 75w. OPTOMETRIST CAST OF CHARACTERS A quiet wedding was solemnized at James Street United church par sonage on Thursday morning of last week, when Miss Marjorie Delina Clark, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C, Clark and George McBain Grant, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Grant, both of Exeter, were united in marriage. Rev. D. Mc- Tavish oficiated. The. young bride was charming in a gown of navy georgette over rose silk, with blonde hose and shoes.’ She carried a bouquet of white and pink tulips, Immediately after the ceremony the young couple left amil showers of confetti and good wishes for Toron to,. Niagara Falls and Buffalo. On their return they will take up resi dence in town. Mrs. Grant will be “at home” after June 1st. The many friends of the bride and groom will join with the Times-Advocate in tending best wishes. WILL .CELEBRATE JULY 1st ex- the -At St. Joseph's Hospital, on Sunday, May 15 th, late and CARD OF THANKS Wm, Witzei and family express their sincere thanks many friends and neighbors their kindness and sympathy and trib- Mr. sire to to the for during Mrs. Witzel’s illness death and also for the floral utes. Hastings Hussel, J. P. .... W.C. Davis Randolph Dearborn Alex Elliott “Rev.” Ezra Stiggins .... Harry West General Boomer James Morley Guy McGuffin ............... Geo. Grant Flora Boomer ........ Miss E. Walter Birdie Sweetlove ........ Mrs. N. Dore Lucretia Spriggins ., Miss E. Knight Act 1, Deception Act 2, Detection Act 3, Destruction Reserved Seats 55c., Rush and Children 35c, PLAN AND TICKETS AT W. S, HOWEY’S DRUGSTORE Epps the Mover Varna, Ont* Canada and United States. All loads insured. Reasonable rates. Write or phone Clin- 4-21-8tc i iii in Covered vans, ton 626r21. ‘FOREST ACRES’ COMEDY Presented by Brinsley A. Y. P. k» — IN — MT. CARMEL HALL A public meeting was held in Town Hall, Monday evening when a lively discussion took place in refer ence to re-organizing a town band in Exeter, The matter of a patri otic celebration on the occasion of Canada’s Jubilee of Confederation was also discussed and decided upou. The meeting had been called by Reeve W. D. Sanders who occupied the chair and emphasized the im portance of a-town band. He stat ed that such an organization would have the full support of the muni cipal council. After a full discus sion as to the number and condition of the band instruments, which be-’ long to the municipality and the prospects of .M-organizatioxi, a com-; "miltee^ wa& Reeve Sanders, F. A. May and J. M. Southcott to go into the matter’ and see if anything can be accomplished. ■' The next matter to be taken up was the holding of a First of July celebration. It was felt that on this Jubilee occasioh some celebration of a patriotic nature should be attempt ed, the celebration to take place on the morning of Friday, July 1st with a procession of school children, short addresses and sports. A great open-air service of thanksgiving on Sunday afternoon, July 3rd, was also spoken of. Reeve Sanders, on behalf of the council, heartily en dorsed the suggestions and promised the support of the municipality. He expressed his opinion that the mat ter should be taken up Hy the Sports and Celebration committee of the Chamber of Commerce and that the citizens generally should be asked to co-operate. The committee is com posed of Col. W. J. Heaman, W. A. Wise, L. J. Penhale, R. N. Creech and Frank Taylor. Dome TTHeatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY May 20th and 21st Mary Pickford in her latest picture “Sparrows” A rare gem that has come from years of artistic endeavor on the part of the MT. CARMEL, ONT. — on — Friday, May 27th MUSIC BY ALLISON TRIO Ladies Attention! world.’s best loved artiste. . USUAL COMEDY Admission 30c and 15c TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY May 24th and 25th ‘WINNERS OF THE WILDERNESS’ featuring Tim. McCoy, Poan Craw ford and" Roy D’Arcy USUAL COMEDY Admision 35c and 15c An expert in MARCELLING SHAMPOOING HAIR CUTTING will be at CENTRAL HOTEL, EXETER • From 9:30 a.m, CHILDREN A SPECIALTY Good Work Guaranteed Call Phone 10 and make your ap pointments. At the Commercial Hotel, Hensall on Tuesdays. ill WED., JUNE 1st 2.15 2.20 and 2.30 Trot or Pace Hensail Firemen’s SACRAMENT AT CAVES CHURCH The regular Communion Service was held at Caven Presbyterian church on Sunday morning, a large congregation being present. Seven new members .were received by the Session. The preparatory service on Friday evening was taken by Rev. Mr. Jones, Rector of Trivitt Mem orial church. On Sabbath morning a week ago four infants were ad ministered the Sacrament of Bap tism. . . Victoria Day Celebration May 24tli TUESDAY May 24t »radeDEATH OF MRS. GOSLING The death occurred at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Sunday* of Mary Adeline Harrison, widow of the late John Gosling, dnd 8 months. The born at Owen Sound years was a resident ing here until the father, the late Rd. died suddenly in the of yearsSince that time slm had been ...... . in Toronto until* coming, to Lon don last Christina.-. While the de based had been in failing health : ">r some time her death came sud- only. She is survived by one sis ter, Mrs. Robt. Taylor, of Granton and two brothers, Rd. Harrison, of St. Joseplfs_ Island and William Two brothers xr « _ Tancisco and Dr.N. F., of Detroit, predeceased her within the past three years. The funeral took place Wednesday after noon from Oatman’s funeral par lors, London, thd remains being brought to Exeter for interment. Rev* Mr. Lloyd, of Gi’antOn, conduct ed the services. de- church a number aged 70 years deceased was and for many of Exeter, death of Harrison, ..J James liv- lier who St. ago. Deen living IN MEMORIAM CAMPBELL —- In loving remem brance of Mrs, bell, 23rd She is And In our Thoughts of her are always near; Days of sadness will come o’er us, Friends may think the wound is healed, But they little know the sorrow That lies within the heart con cealed. -—Sadly missed by husband and family, also brothers and sisters. IN MEMORIAM ESSER Y—Hi loving memory of Irene, Who departed this like four years ago, May 19 th, Sileiitly the shades of evening Gather round our lonely door. Silently they bring before us Faces wo shall see no more. There is grief that cannot find com fort, A wound that cannot be healed, A sorrow deep in our hearts That shall always be concealed* Arthur Y. Camp- one year ago, Maywho died , 1926. gone, but as dawns lonely hours of .thinking not forgotten, another year; St. Joseph’s Island Harrison, of Toronto. Dr. B. I., of San ed the CARD OF THANKS F. Gill and family, wish the neighbors and friends Mrs. thank _ _ ________________ the kindness and. sympathy expres- during their sad bereavement to those who loaned their cars. CARD OF THANKS Miv and Mrs. Geo. Easterbrook wish to thank the friends and neigh bors for their kindness during tlm illness of the laid Walter Westcott, also for the loan of cars and tU floral offerings, at the funeral. 'VM/" L__. .......... sed and to fCr CLEBRATES 90th BIRTHDAY Enoch Follick, of toWn, cele- her 90th birthday on Friday eek and is receiving the con- of many friends. Mrs. . hale and hearty and en- ■e. facult es. She is one of t residents of this commun-: Friday ill her children, j •xception of Dr. E. R. Fol- j 'couvci, wore present with cl ' cele..rate the occasion, ■■ded D.. L. L. Follick, i .y. . St. Marys; Mrs. ■ children, of London; Mr. i’ck, a, ti. ranr *k, < . a Mrs. brated of last gratuii Follick joys a. the ol< ity. (. with t. lick, o her ti These wife a Baker Josepl of H; only „ E. A. Mrs. at b- Engl. and York, aerm. vessel the o of tl and eer 1 old s Meil- lier tliir . verr Sim Mrs Pae’ On of afi aP |tr’ jOf' h oi * ng n t She ; on ’ ?: ack i ! “e and daughter, < latter being the d; Mr. and Mrs. .vii ana daughter; •« Mabie Follick( . 1. ame from■Ive years J - rents in - tu The trip | a sa'ling: weeks to cross beer a resident; a-out 75 years^ <1 h? is of pion- j ays oi the; and ■ irly - bile’ • hose• ’On- : •ics. ■irs *lie ia.! mt 'ho nd u ,..p I CONSISTING REN, DFO THUS? Tf 'treasv Bov’ Other ev ’ TT r? MNMr F Commencing at 1 o’clock shavp "’PE TOWN COUNCIL, pr’-RTT'1* ■’“'FD AUTOS. ADVERTIC,T'’Z' “ BASER ALT, niS, ' ” ” HEADED BYr r , ■ +he Crowds to an after”- K T 'I ' / *• M- entry * *1 ft v? i" V ' fll >■>) maW•**•*» an'1 JiT** ♦ » EVENING ATTRACTION $ “<31001* chit ”r-OAn|,S, CALI "HGADES r leTisaH 'WWW '-'nrs-up. 2 r ^<4 o *r Fid1"1 •• **or every eve** ^VTNG NEW - DANCE IN THE HALL OF FIRF~’'V’VS AT 11.30 *1.T1 * ..V«i» «■' Q REFRESHMF?’ "fr»