HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-05-05, Page 5FOR SALE-—SOracre farm being
west halt of lot 10. cpn. 4, Hay.
Price $2,000 or will rent for pasture.
John Elder, Hensall, Phone 1,
ews From Hensail
gijct)#joI ex QDtfmnterre
Students may enter at any time
Why not attend the School that has the Highly Qualified. Staff.
The only School that teaches real Practical Business Training
from start to finish.
Where High School students and teachers are taught spscial-
ized expert training in Business Administration and Secretarial
Scince and are sure of a good po sition, rapid promotion and big
Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Cicil Service
Commercial Teachers Course and Special Courses arranged.
For Information Write to B, F. WARD, B.A., M.Accts.
Phone 198 ’ Principal •
Don’t? forget the play “An Old
Fashioned Mother,” at Mt. Carmel,
on Tuesday, May 10th, by the C. W.
L. of Seaforth.
Beginning the first week in May
the Hensall Chopping Mill_will,be
grinding Tuesday and
forenoons and Saturday all day.
J. Passmore, Proprietor.
Mr. H. J, Moore, of Toronto, will
give his illustrated lecture on “How
to Beautify Home Surroundings” in
-the Town Hall, Hensall on Tuesday,
May 10th at 8 o’clock, under the
auspices of the Horticultural Society
A good program is being prepared
Mr. Moore is the representative of
the Ontario Horticultural Society
and everybody should try to hear
Mr. and Mrs.' Wilson, of Stratford,
visited over the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. George Brown.—Miss Mae
Ingram, of Detroit, is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ingram.
—Miss Pearl Churchill, of Clinton,
spent the week-end visiting friends
in town.—Mr. and Mrs."Wm. Pearce,
of Exeter, were in town on Satur
day.—Dr. and Mrs. Smith, of St.
Marys, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. G. C. Petty.—Mr. Russell Busch
of London, visited friends in town
last week.—Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper
and Mrs. French, of Kippen, visited
-friends in town on Saturday.—Mr.
Albert Whitesides, of Goderich, was
in town on Monday.—Col. Reason, of
London, and W. J. Mitchell, were in
town Thursday trying to interest
people in this district in Kitchener
real estate.—Mrs. W. C. Davis at
tended the funeral of her cousin,
the late Thomas Fraser, at Bayfield,
on Friday.—Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
McDonell and family and Miss Mil
dred Scruton spent Sunday • in St.
Marys.—Mr. and Mrs. John Leiper,
of St. Catherines, arrived in town
Friday evening with their household
effects and will occupy their new
home on King St., which they re
cently purchased from the Truemner
estate. Mrs. Leiper’s’ sister, Mrs.
Hugh McDonald, will reside with
them for some time.-—The household
effects of Mrs. Treumner, on King
St., were sold on Saturday afternoon
the sale being largely attended. Ev
erything was sold and brought good
prices. Mr. Arthur Weber, of Dash
wood weilded the hammer in his
usual, efficient manner.—Mr. Carl
Passmore left for Pontiac, Mich., last
week where he has secured a -posi
tion.—Mr. James Tapp, of the ,West-
-ern University, spent Sunday at his
home here.—M’r. Alphine McEwen is
moving this week into the Wilson
residence on Brock St., and Mrs. Taylor is moving into her own resi-'
men’s tournament (5n June 3rd,
Several fire brigades from neigh
boring towns have offered to come
and it is anticipated that if the idea
is carried out, one of the biggest
days ever put on in Hensall will be
arranged for. A committee was ap
pointed to make the arrangements.
In the evening a big street dance is
proposed, with several bands and
orchestras in attendance.
Mr. Frank Toung and son Lloyd,
bf Rochester, N. Y. accompanied, by
Mr. Wm. Wright, of Toledo, Ohio,
were visitors the ‘first of this week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J,
Leiper and Mrs. Hugh McDonald of
our village.—Mrs. McMurtrie is
making some improvements to her
residence which she recently purch
ased on Queen St.—Mrs. T. C. Joynt
and little son Donald, and Miss M.
McLincliey, who have been spending
the past few weeks with Mrs. L.
Simpson, of Detroit, returned home
on Thursday of this week.—A large
number from Hensall and vicinity
last Thursday attended a Missionary
and W.C.T.U. combined convention
held at Goderich and report ail un
usually large attendance.—Mr. and
Mrs. F. Taylor and daughter and
Mr. and Mrs. Langdon' and children,
of London, visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. G. Troyer of Hay Tp.
on Sunday last.—The concert put
on, on Monday evening by the young
people of Clandeboye entitled
“Diamonds and Hearts” was largely
attended. A dance was held after
the play. The Avalon orchestra
supplied the music.—On Sunday
evening last as Donald McKinnon
was driving into town lie run out of
gas just a short distance from Hen
sall and was gone from the car only
a short time. During his absence
some one stole a spare tire and some
rugs. Mr. McKinnon has got no
trace of his lost property.—Mrs. J.
G. Scott and son Lloyd, of Cromarty
visited in town on Monday.—Mrs.
Thos. Simpson is visiting friends in.
Woodstock this week.—Misses Beryl
Pfaff and Louise Drummond visited
over the week-end with Miss Violet
Morrison, at Clinton.—Congratula
tions to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cook
on the arrival of a young son.—Mrs.
A. McDougall and Mrs. F.' Bengough
attended the funeral of their aunt
at Moncton on Thursday last.—
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Naylor are in To
ronto this week visiting friends.
There died at his home, 19 Marley
Place, London, on Monday morning,
May 2nd, William James White, in
his 7 6 th year. Mr, White was born
at RodgerviTle, being-a son of the
late James and Margaret White. Hedeuce being vacated byf Mr. McEwen.'spent practically all his life at the
—Mrs. Almond McEwen was taken .................. ’
to Seaforth hospital on Friday last
to be operated on for appendicitis.
----Mr. Broadie, of London, was in
town Friday, checking up the local
cream buying stations.—The. village
council, last iveek got the baseball
grounds all drained and on Saturday
afternoon the diamond was graded
and .is now in splendid shape for the
basebq.ll team.—Mr. Alf.
purchased a new Essex
Cook Bros.—Mr. Alex.
Dashwood, was in town
day.—Miss Evelyn Wilkinson,
"Victoria Hospital, 1 . , _ . . . .. .................
the week-end at her home.—The I formerly Miss Jane Mitchell,
services in the United Church were leaves to mourn his loss 7 sons
of a very interesting character on i 'I r
D r. H. H. Cowen, L. D, S.
D. D. S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three das of week and
at office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days
Our business in eggs
is increasing. Highest _ . _
Eggs received at our place of busi
ness or truck will call. C. Ander
sen, Phone 30 r 3, 5-5-tfc
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong,
of Detroit, spent the week-end in
town.—Mr. and Mrs. D. Tieman and
family visited in Thedford on Sun
day.—Mr. and Mrs. D. Schroeder of
St, John visited the latter’s parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lippert on Sunday.
—Mrs. P. Mclsaac, wo spent the past
week in Detroit returned home Mon
day evening.—Mr. Otto Schatz, of
Detroit visited his brother Vern last
week.—Mr, Jonas Hartleib visited
in Port Frank on Sunday.—Mr. Dan
Hartleib is visiting in Port Huron.
—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stadlebauer, of
London visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. P. Kraft on Sunday.—Mr.
and Mi’S. S. Adams, of London, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Kraft.—Mr, Sol. Miller, of Lon
don, visited his mother Mrs. Mary
Miller on Sunday.— Messrs. Chas,
and Wm. Lindenfield, of Parkhill,
were Sunday visitors in town.—Mr.
Eugene Tieman is on the sick list
this week.
Dashwood Calvary church Bible
School will observe “Mothers' Day”
and “Go to Sunday School Day” next
Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The
choir and several classes of the Sun
day School will render an appropri
ate program at both services. You
are cordially invited to join in
Mothers’ Day celebration.
Leonard, son
Birk, who for
attended the O.
ceived word from the registrar of
the college that he was successful
in his studies to win the Governor
General Medal. This medal is
awarded each year to the student
who has ranked the highest in gen
eral proficiency in first and second
year work. He was also successful
in winning the George Chapman
scholarship awarded on work in
English of the first two years of the
Degree Course, to the best all round
man in English, based on English
literature, English composition and
public speaking. His third prize
was for first and second year work
in Theory and Practice, known as
the General Proficiency Prize award
ed by tile O. A. C. Dashwood, Step
hen Township, and County of Hur
on, have reason to feel proud that
one of her sons has the distinction
of having won the only three prizes
offered by the college. Leonard is
a fine sport, a hard worker and
active in church circles.
of week.
and poultry
prices, paid.
of Mr, and Mrs, A.
the past two years
A. C. at Guelph, re-
Clark has
car from
Neeb, of
on Satur-
London, spent
at her home.-
farm at Rodgerville, and besides
working his farm, he was one of the
, and
last'don , . .............
White has been in poor health for a
number of years, hut last summer
took a motor trip through Michigan
and other parts where his family re
sided and after being away for
.about 6 months he returned to Hen
sall greatly improved in health,
sides his sorrowing widow, who
J—.e Mitchell,
known horse dealers in the Ex
district. Eight years ago Mr.
Mrs. White retired to Hensail,
were valued residents here till
fall when they moved to Lon-
to be nearer their children. Mr.
rjcultural rejpresefttatlve, Mrs. Wm.
OestrJckeih Meeting wan dosed
With singing the National Anthem.
A dainty lunch was then served by
the hostesses Mrs. Orme, Mrs. Gow
er and Mrs, Woodall.
A Mother’# Day service will be
held in the United church next Sun
day evening at 7 o’clock. The Pas
tor will, speah on '
"Mother, the Crown of the Home1
A cordial Invitation is extended I
all to attend*
the subject:
- - ,M
GRAND bend
Miss Cora Olivo lias returned
home from London and has secured
a position gS clerk in Mr. J. W.
Holt’s store.—Mr. Walter Statton
was in Thedford Monday on busi
ness.—r-Mrs. Dave Sturgeon is on the
sick list. We hope for a speedy re
covery,—Work on the Lake shore by
Mr. C. Gibbs is progressing in fine
shape.—The fislierm
over some fine lifts*
Sunday morning ar
United church the
and the service will
specially prepared program will be
given including a black-board ser
mon on the word “Mother” by the
pastor. In the evening service Mr,
Colling will preach on the problem
of evil.—The program committee
have secured the following persons
to lay the four corner stones on May
24tli at the new United Church:
Rev; and Mrs. S. A. Carriere, W, G.
Medd, M-L.L., Tlios. McMillan and
Rev. G. A. S. Leitcfillghter. The Sun
set Male Quartette will sing and
Rev. Dr. McGregor, President of the
on are rejoicing
i of fish,—Next
10:45 in the
Sunday School
be combined. A
Loudon Conference, and Rev, C. F*
Clark, chairman of the Huron Pres
bytery, also former and visiting
ministers will be present.—The
Ladies' Aid assisted by the ladies of
Greenway will serve a hot supper at
5 o’clock followed by a splendid con-
cret.—-Fourteen delegates were pre
sent at the Presbytery and presby-
treial’ from Grand Bend and Green
way in North Street Church, Gode
rich last Thursday, A very en
couraging report of the year's work
was presented from the two church
es as follows: Total number of fa
milies 150; total number of persons
under pastor’s care 700; received by
profession of faith in Jesus Christ
19; present total 'numbership 373,
A total of $1327.00 was raised for
M. and E, Fund which together with
the splendid amount of two Sunday
Schools which raised a total of $373.
Total raised by
the two Ladies
the grand total
poses $5133.00.
a splendid progress all along the line
for which we praise God.—Rev. J. M. Coiling is to be away for a few
days this week having to speak at
three Sunday School Conventions in
Kent County for tjie Ontario Relig-
ous Educational Council.
W.M.S. $1697.00;
Aids $1082.00 and
raised for all pur-
Tlie report shows
E. C. Harvey & L. V. Hogarth
—- Agents —
Mutual Life of Canada
Economical Transpoftati«n
Beauty that
THE refinements which distinguish the design, finish and ap
pointments of the Most Beautiful Chevrolet have their counter
part in many striking advances in engineering. Features which you
would expect only in cars at hundreds of dollars above Chevrolet
price—AC oil-filter, AC air-cleaner, new, improved transmission,
smooth dry-disc clutch, sturdy rear axle and scores of others give
to Chevrolet a unique combination of power, smoothness and rugged
The .Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet History is selling at
NEW, LOWER PRICES, the Lowest for which Chevrolet has ever
been sold in Canada.
interesting character on
Bunday last. In the morning com
munion services was held and a
number united with the church. In
the evening the Odd Fellows of Hen
sail, (Tinton, Brucefield, Exetei and
Seaforth marched to the United
church in a body, and the pastor,
Rev. Arthur Sinclair preached the
annual sermon. Special music was
furnished by the choir, a male quar
tette by Messrs. Goodwin. Pliile, Fol
lick and Passmore, and a ladies’
quartette by Mrs. Drysdale.
Pfile, Mrs. Lindenfield and
Lamtnie. Mr. Sinclair gave
•did sermon on
was listened ,t?
by the large
•Sunday will
jChurcli, and
lead in the
young people
held their wc
day evening v
presiding. An
;os Mildi
hi selc<
.snip. an
c in hi:
mini eve)
:1i was
er had e
and Mrs
wore i
1 n
’ 1);
■ Odd F'rd
o with i\"
iiidiencp r
a Mothers
l Mothers
ervii-e or.
of the United
?kly meet in
ith Miss
a splen-
sliip and
at fe n (ion
>nt. Next
The undersigned auctioneer has re
ceived instructions to sell by pub
lic auction, at
THURSDAY, MAY 5th, 1927
at 12:30 o’clock sharp the following
REAL ESTATE—West Half of
Lot 11, and the South Half of Lot
12, Con. 10, in the Township of Ste
phen,' containing 100 acres more or
horse, Charlie; bay horse, aged,
Queen; bay horse, aged, Bill; bay
horse, King. Set of double harness,
set of single harness, covered buggy,
box cutter, set of 3-section harrows,
wagon and gravel box, riding plow,
mower, Frost & Wood; Massey-Har
ris binder, Massey-Harris cultivator,
two-horse roller, walking plow,
horse rake, hay rack, hay loader,
Ford touring car 1914 model
touring car 1918 model,
hens, 1 sow.
HORSES- -3 year old colt, gray
lionse, aged; brown horse, aged; 1
brown horse, 9 years old; brown
horse, aged driver; -aged hqrse, In
dian Lady; heavy horse, Charlie;
aged horse, Doll.
and wagon, stock1 -rack and gravel
box, open buggy, set double harness, democrat with pigi rack, wheelbar
row, walking plow, 2 horse; scyffjer,
buggy pole with whiffletrees, break
ing cart, 2 horse wagon, pair bob
sleighs, cultivator, harrows. Ford
touring car 1917,
TERMS—5% discount for cash, 4
months’ credit at 6% interest.
Frank Taylor, Auctioneer
Immediately following
sale they will also sell
Heifer, 12
the above
by public
auction the Real Estate, Horses, Im
plements, Etc. of Mr. JOS. FLYNN,
REAL ESTATE-—-House and barn
at Centralia, frame; Lots 52 and 53
in the Village of Centralia. House
and Lot at Crediton, Ont., S, Half of
Lot 11, Con. 5, Stephen,
Home* and Barna
Phone 16 2w John St, East, Exeter
W. R, Goulding
A. T. C. M.
Organist and Choirmaster
Janies St. United Church
Instruction in
Piano Vocal Organ Theory
Supervisor of Music in Schools
Concert Engagements Accepted
Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 192
Sedan -
- 58)55,00
- 890.00
hevrolet History
, Dealer for Chevrolet and Oakland
Coupe - - - $780.00
Coach - - - 760.00 ________
- $930.00 Roadster Delivery - -
- 490,00 Utility Express Chassis
Roadster - - $655.00
Touring - . 655.00
Landau Sedan - •
Commercial Chassis
Prices at Factory, Oshava—Government Taxes Extra
But Notice
You Cannot Heli®
That there is far more Frost Fence in use through
out the country than any other kind of wire fence.
Thousands of miles of it along our1 very fine high
ways, as well as down the side roads and across the
fields and barnyards. Everywhere you see the
famous Frost Tight-Lock.
Can anything more convincing be offered than,
the judgment of these thousands of farmer users,
growing in numbers every day?
Isn’t such widespread use of FROST FENCE,
continuing over the years, the best proof of the
superiority of Frost Fence?
Prove the above assertions for yourself by your
observation when you are driving around the
country. You know the Frost Tight-Lock, and you
can be sure that your fencing problems will be
best looked after by the dealer who displays the
Frost Tight-Lock Sign.
Frost Wire Products are most complete and
include all styles of Fencing and Gates, plain or
ornamental; we also manufacture Playground Equip
ment, such as Slides, Teeters, Swings and See-Saws.
Mrs. Wm. Witzel passed awaw on
Tuesday evening. Funeral Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Sheardown,
of Goderich, spent Sunday with the
former’s mother Mrs. H. Sheardown.
—IVIr. Leonard Wein and Miss Gladys
Lewis spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Edwards and fam
ily in Ingersoll.—Mr. and Mrs. John
■Sims and family spent Sunday with
Mrs. Sims parents, Mr. and Mis. J.
Baird in Grand Bend.—Miss Verda
Hoffman who has been confined to
her bed through illness is improving
—Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brown and
daughter Kathleen and the former’s
mother Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Mu
riel Drummond and daughter Ruth
all of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday with
Mrs. Chris. Hoffman and family.—
Mr. Jerry Heaman from near Fair-
field spent Sunday wither. ancl Mrs
Wilson Anderson.
Mrs. Robert Wyatt and her dau
ghter Mis. Walter Fairoy, of Winni
peg, attended the funeral of the
late Mrs. George Fahrner.—Mrs. J.
Haist left on Friday for a 'month’s
visit with her children at Battle
creak and Detroit.—Mr. Roy Fahr
ner, who has been home attending
his mother’s funeral. Mrs. George
Fahrner. left on Monday for Chat
ham.—Miss Ruth TJeiiney, of Buffa
lo, is visiting with Dr. J. W. and
Mrs. Orme.—Mr. and Mrs, Richard
England Jr. and son Grover, of Nia
gara Falls and Mr. Wm. England, of
Springhank, spent the week-end
with their father Mr. Richard Eng
land. who is at present seriously ill
at the home of Mathew England.—
The May Meeting of the Women’s
Institute was held in the Institute
hall with a large attendance. The
president Mrs. C. Zwicker occupied
the chair. The meeting was open
ed with the optning ode and the. 23
Psm. was repeated in unison. Roll
Call was answered with say, sing or
pay. A very interesting talk on:
‘Looking on the Bright Side of Life’
by our district president Mrs. John
Iley, a piano solo by Miss Ruth Tin
ney, Miss Orme gave a talk on
trip South. Election of officers
the new year: president, Mrs.
E ilb er;
and Mrs.
- ---- . ___ and
,2 daughters. Frank and Harry of
[Saskatchewan; Elwin, Albert and
| Kenneth, of Detroit, and William
and Roy, of London, and Mrs, Hardy
and Mrs. Baxwell, of Detroit, one
son Ernest, formerly of Lucknow
died a few years ago. The funeral
will take place on Friday, at Lon
don," after which the body will be
brought to St. Paul’s church Hensall
where a service will be held at 3
o’clock, interment will take place
at. Hensall Union cemetery. Mr.
White was a member of a family of
.5, all having predeceased him but
’Mi’s. Robert Bonthron, of Hensall.
in politics
interest in
a member
The pas-
Frost Steel and Wire
j Ho was a Conservative
■ and always took a great
public affairs, .and was
[of the. Anglican church. __
>fdug of Mr. White will leave another
j vacancy in the old timers of this district.
in the
,r will
41 Mon-
s Lulcei
duet b5
nd Kil
£$4.20 per sq.
01 L(
a si
Garnet Weber
lug a few day
Visiting his fa1
-—The concert
ing by the Blyth Choral Society-was
A groat success, the large hall being
crowded to the doors. Tlw con
cert was put on in aid of the Ladies’
Aid of the United church.—-A meet
ing was held in
Monday evening
putting on of a
it Wei
wn Sunday
London, is spend-
■n this week
. W
5 in t
her, Mr. W. Weber
put on Friday even
town hall on
consider the
ball and fire-
irb Wire 7,.,.,„».,„7?$37go
wire Frost Fence ...... 45c. per rd,
wire Frost Fence Close Stay 58c.#l
wire Ring Lock ...
wiro Rink Lock .
wire Hog Fence ...
U Rar SteCl Post
.........45 c.
45c. each
Phone 12
Makers of Galvanized and Bright Wire—Hay Wire and Bah Tics —Woven Wire-
Farm, Factory and Ornamental Fences—Galvanized Qates—Chain Link Fox Fabric
Imitation is the sincerest flattery, but the flattery seldom has the most
substantial or service-giving qualities.
the exclusive dealers for the territories are:
1st vice-pres. Mrs. H,
pianist, Miss Clara Morlock
Entry Fahrner ■
•treas,, Mrs,
G. May
Representatives Mrs. Mclsaac, Mrs.
Clark, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Maynard;
District director, Ml’S? C. Haist. Ag