HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-05-05, Page 4< TOITOOAY, APRII. S8W, 1027 * THE EXCTERT1MES-ADVOCATE 4 14 Days14 Days Big Reduction Sale SOUTHCOTT BROS. n rf ■ Having taken over the stock of J. A. Stewart and combining it with our own we are forced to raise $10,000 in a short time. We must have the money. Here is your chance. I 'i t to be Sacrificed in a 14-Day Sale •1 “5 GREAT REDUCTIONS ON MEN’S SUITS 10 only men’s suits; regular value to $20.00. Sale Price............................$9.98 10 only men’s suits; regular value to $25.00. Sale Price..,.............. $12.98 ' 10 only men’s suits; regular values to $30.00. Sale Price........................ $16.98 MEN’S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS & DRAW ERS. 20 dozen men’s balbriggan shirts and drawers. We are overstocked. KQc Big Reduction Sale Price.............each MEN’S SILK TIES 10 dozen men’s silk ties; values to 75c. Big Reduction Sale Price fJQc—2 for JFJc 10 dozen men’s silk ties; values to 50c. Take your pick. QQc Big Reduction Sale Price.......... MEN’S SWEATERS—ALL WOOL Regular $3.50 values. (PI AO Big Reduction Sale Price......'.. «PA*t/O MEN’S FINE SHIRTS 10 dozen men’s fine shirts. Included in this lot are values t'o $2.00. Come early and get first choice. ^T IQ Big Reduction Sale Price......... MEN’S FELT HATS 24 men’s felt hat's that sold for $3.50 and $4.00. Just the thing for every day . wear. If we have your size. QQc 20 MEN’S RAIN COATS These are wonderful values; almost all sizes in the lot. These coats sold as high as $27.00. Big Reduction Sale $4-98 Price............................................. ... MEN’S WORK SHIRTS 20 dozen. Buy your summer’s supply; all sizes in this lot. Regular $1.25 *7Qc values. Big Reduction Sale Price.... MEN’S WOOL SOX 10 dozen men’s wool sox; a splendid sox to be worn with heavy shoes; regular value 35. . Big Reduction Sale Price...............2^c 100 MEN’S CAPS Values as high as $2.25. Our stock is too heavy. Big Reduction Sale Price (Jgc boys’ Cotton jerseys All sizes and colors. Get a supply for . your boys. Big Reduction Sale Price BOYS’ AND WOMEN’S HOSE 20 dozen. In sand and black, Aii sizes.. Regular 25c value. 10c Big Reduction Sale Price.......................... . LADIES’ HOLEPROOF and GOLD DOL­ LAR SILK HOSE In all the newest shades. Regular $1.00 value. Big Reduction Sale Price y(Jc BLEACHED TABLE LINEN Regular 85c yard. Big Reduction Sate Price, per yar|d Values that Spell 4 4 100 YDS. BLACK 1JAIUETTE SILK Good, weight ahdAfine thread. (PI OA Ppct £1 EG Pio* P/pdnrtion-Sale PricesReg. $1.50. Big Reduction- Sale Pricey 10 DOZEN GINGHAM DRESSES Good patterns in good washing mater­ ials. Big ‘Reduction. Sale Price.........gQc encourage Thrift 500 YDS. PURE LINEN TOWELLING Every thread pure linen. Sold regular at 25c. Big Reduction Sale Price J(Jc CURTAIN NETS 200 yards curtain nets; regular value 30c. Big Reduction Sale Price... .... J(Jc 4 9 6 'H SCRIMS & NETS . 250 yards of scrims and nets; value to 60c a yard. QAc Big Reduction Sale Price................... COTTON CREPES In plain and fancy patterns, for under­ wear ; values to 45c a yard. 9Qc Big Reduction Sale Price, per yard . * TJ1 40 LADIES’ RAIN fiOATS These coats are not this year’s styles. The values were as high as $10.00. Big Re­ duction Sale Price............................ 30 LADIES' TWEED AND SERGE SUITS Thesee suits sold for as high as $35.00. The cloth in the skints will make lovely girls' dresses.. Big Reduction Sale (PI Pj’iee ... “ ‘ » CHILDREN’S SHOES 50 pairs of children’s shoes; values to $2.00, Big Reduction Sale Price Qgc WOMEN’S SHOES’ 50 pairs of women’s shoes in all sizes; values to $6.50. Big Reduction Sale § Price............ ..................... DXFO^^ANirSTiAP SLIPPE 50 pair ox Oxfords mid Strap- --values io $5.00. Big Reduction Sale Price. ...■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■•■ MEN’S~HEAVY work boots 50 paly of men's heavy work si es 6 to 11; regular $4.50 values. Big .Reduction Sale Price........ MEN’S FINE OXFORDS . 15 pair of men’s fine Oxfords in odd styles and sizes; regular $5.00. If we have your size. Big Reduction Sate $1J)8 iiiWiWITfiTOMiiWIW TRY US. FOR GROCERIES 100 lbs. best Sugar........................... $6.98 3 Boxes of Matches for...,................. 21c Fresh Sodas.........................2 lbs. for 25c Large Tin of Best Pink Salmon......... 15c Dates.......................... 2 pckgs. for 25c McLaren Jelly.............................. 4 for 25c Salada and Red Rose Tea (reg. 75c) lb. 67c Toilet Paper................................... 7 for 25c Gold, Comfort, P & G, Sunny Monday Sunlight, and Surprise Soaps, 5 cakes for 25c Rex Fresh Ground Coffee............. lb. 55c Corn Starch...........3 pkgs, for 25c Post Toasties............................. 15c for 8c Seedless Raisins.................... 2 lbs. for 25c Corn................. 2 Tins for 25c Peas • < > ’ -............ 2 Tins for 25c Tomatoes.................................2 Tins for 25c We have every pattern and size that is made. Get our prices. 100 YARDS OF BLEACHED SHEETING 2 yds. wide; good weight; regular value a yard. Big Reduction Sale Price FANCY GINGHAMS 500 fancy ginghams^ good washers and splendid patterns. Regular 30c a yd. 9Q Big Reduction Sale Price....... „ LADIES’ SILK AND CREPE DRESSES Values to $25.00. Big Reduct- (PA Q ion Sale Price................................. SUCCESSORS TO J. A. STEWART CREPE AND SILK KNIT DRESSES 15 ladies’ crepe and silk knit dresses values to $15.00. Big Reduction QK Sate Price............. ................