HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-05-05, Page 3* Its superior strength makes Pnrity go farther than ordinary flours. It is perfect for all your baking-- cakes, pics, buns and bread — so the one flour sack only, is necessary. Try Rurity Flour to-day—-it is certain to please you* ■ma ft ft a ft ftftk L-l ND. man and Linden are both. Engllish and ; Variations Lynd, Lindeman, Lind*. German derivation. | 'Strom, Linden, Lindley, Lynn. ' Racial Origin— English, al*o German. i Source—Geographical, EDROS TT E ^°°d tes” You must' try RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE. A little higher price than other teas, but u real difference in quality* Nov^ packed in Alwninwrn, RALSTON. -Ralsten. Racial Origin—Scottish, Source—A place name. From one spelling ol this family name you wuN logically infer that it fe the (levelopment of a place name, The ending "ton” would indicate such an origin. Apd this is the true origin of the name, for the ending “ten,” which is sometimes but rather infre­ quently met with, is but a variation of the other form. The name ie an English one in the sense that it miginaUxl in the English tongue, though geographically it is Scottish rather than English, the town of Ralston being located in Renfrew­ shire. Historically there is a connection between this town and. the Scottish Highlands. The record® show that it wys a descendant of a certain Mac- Duff, a Highland chieftain of that clan and Thane of Fife, who founded the town of Ralston. This man obtained a grant of land from The Scottish Crown, and, as was not unusual ir. those"days, the little village which sprang up there was named after him. His name was Ralph, and the original name of the place was “Ralphstown” or “Ralphs- ton,” which in time became shortened 10 Ralston. It does not necessarily follow, how­ ever, that those who bear this name Ing. . jcoine of Gaelic stock. In fact, the re- There is evidence that Lind, Linde- verse is more likely to be true. *| in this country to-day wo pay little o3r!a!lnn7'i 'atUrb'Lon to twe, so 1 tile In load that Rac,a' Drigi the average |W®n, particularly among |'be city dwellers, does not know one from .another. This w not the case ip iuelfevail and early modern^times, when tiws werh widely used as lank nwks in establishing legations. AM. of the faani'iy nr.nms in this- list belong to the geographical class, and they are nil derived from the name of a tree, the 4ndon, the name of which is now $nd was in the Middle Ages, . when family names were formed, 1 t'uadly the same in both English . German. | It is impossible to determine That the pupils of our public schools ju the ca®es of most of i* Send 30c in stamps for our 700-recips Purity Flour Cook Book, 202 Western Canada Flour Mills Go, Limited, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa Saint John. One Miwie Churn'^ ewerkt^own H- As demonstrated successfully at I Toronto X, Ottawa, London,' Kingston, and twelve other fall fairs. Sold on free trial basis, with absolute guarantee to make good butter in from one to three minutes from spur or sweet cream. Write for"complete cata­ logue. Agents wanted. 127kg Mary Street, Hamilton, Ont, , Astronomers Seeking New Source of jftmkind in this industrial age is Ijependent in a large degree upon the mineral resources of coal and oil, i which represent the energy of the sun j etofed up over millions of yesrs, That these resources are finite and, are comparatively rapidly reaching a point where they can no longer be economically mined., is universally, admitted. Accordingly the problem; of finding new sources of energy mayi be regarded as the most important |tnd urgent which /faces modern ap-i plied science, and it is interesting t,o note the bearing upon this of astro- physical researches such as are car­ ried on in the Dominion Astrophysi­ cal Observatory at Victoria, British Columbia. The ultimate solution of this prob­ lem is one which will be reached if at all by the road of astrophysics. From investigations of the past his- ; *i toiv of our sun, in the light of studies ’ • j on other stars, it has become evident J that the source of energy of all these suns is sub-atomic. As the sun grows One older it loses mass, and for each, pound of Itself, which is annihilated' by the union of a hydrogen nucleus and a free electron, there is set free as much energy as would be liberated by burning over a million tons of the best anthracite coal. If this en­ ergy, however, were set free only in the far interior of the sun, where the temperature is measured in mil­ lions of degrees, there would not be much hope of either obtaining or eon- -r • o i i trolling this very powerful source of ine Iwm 74J.D. Model euh-atomiic energy. Fortunately, how- The greatest Harley-Davidson of all— ever, recent astrophysical investiga- at new and lowe prices—-Improved— tions indicate that some at least of this energy is released near the sur­ face of the sun at comparatively low temperatures. It is then no chimeri­ cal dream to anticipate the use of this fundamental source of energy upon the earth, perhaps almost in the lifetime of some now living. When split the wind. this takes place mankind will, thanks •. Walter Andrews, Limited to purely astrophysical investiga-~ — tions, enter upon a new industrial ora, in which we will be independent of our rapidly disappearing mineral fuels. to* Pupils from Many Schools Send in Entries—-Examiners Hard at Work, Minute Churn & Freezer Co., Ltd. , refined in many details—but no radical j departures from the time-tried Harley- l Davidson design. Old timers and be­ ginners alike will recognize in these 1927 Twins the last word in engineer­ ing achievement. Powerful—speedy— j built to hug the road—the most depend­ able and satisfactory mount that ever 346 Yonge St. 3 vir- and <10- . ........ ... ... ._ the take a real interest in their country is fam>jpy narnftfl given in the foregoing evident from the number of essays re-1 ^tiher they are German or English, ceived in this contest. Promptly after ( The nam.e Lindstrom is certainly Gw- the closing date the examiners began • inan> meaning “lind<&tr«un," that is, their work and will- be busy for some a strea,m or rjver bordered by linden days reading and marking the contri-: trees< iu swh a Locality of- butions sent to them. It is impossible J teJl WOTe kn0WJ1 by such a name as to say, as this is written, when the' final results will be ready for publica­ tion, but a real effort is being made to announce the prize winners next week. Who Ultimately Pays the Taxes? Prize? amounting in all to $1500.00 are being offered again this year Alvan T. Simonds, President of the : ~7“7 Classified Advertisement** Ladies wanted to bo j’LAin and light «ewlng -hoiae, wiioio or fowl p»y; wrk sent any distance; charces paid. Seal stamp for1 particulars. National Manutarturlng Cp.« Hans of the Lindenstream, the pre­ fixed words being dropped in German as they have in similar circumstances in English. Lindley is an English name formed from the name of the tree and “ley” an old Engilish word for “shelter.” Lynd is the closest we have to the old Eng'liish spelling of the name of the . tree. Lynn in some cases, when it. is A. OHUVW, rAPWWW vx xv 1UTIS™»MTTX® FBIhlNP" TO EITHER Simonds Saw & Steed Company, for 86x; mailed in plain envelop#. Curia 8pq« the best essay on “Who Wtimateiy w««y eo.. Montreal. Bays the Taxes?” • This Is the sixth of a series of An­ nual Contests inaugurated by Mr, Al­ van T, Simonds with the idea arousing a mohe general interest in the subject of economics-, as related to individual and general welfare, and to SUPERIOR BABY CHICKS,i Boys and Girls Helped in Purchasing Sheep. Inherent in every normal boy and girl is the desire to possess hn animal [of some kind. Unfortunately in the .not Celtic, is a variation of this spell- ! large urban centres this longing must1 •be satisfied with some rather dimin­ utive form, of life, such as a gold fish or a canary, but out in the open there is more scope. Realizing this natur­ al tendency on the part of the young people on the farms, the Dominion them. Dipping, docking and castrat-’ ing demonstrations were held, and ; the wool sold co-operatively on a. ~ —-.- graded basis, The Dominion Live' Dept, of Agriculture, co-operating in gtoc|c Branch loans good purebred the various provinces with, the localI rams the clubs for the first few gucultural Representative, has, years> ancj jn the fall organizes a>v J1 7 1 f , years, and in the fall organizes aToronto offered to lend assistance to boys and ]arnb f ajr where they co-operate with How OA.0. STRAIN XRED-TO-LAY BARRXH a Rocks, Torn. Harrow White Leghorns. Oh> speciality Is O.A.C, Barred Rodes of the henry * type. AU flocks ar? helideii with pedigreed, cockerel! from blood-tested stock, and have been culled $(»■ I heavy egg production. If you want Rocks that 1 bred for .egg production aed also have the size, ordtf , ,—-------— ...--------------------P,, from us. Prices: Rocks for May $20.Q0< June $18,003 increase general economic intelligence , Leghorns,, . .. „ , , I express paid. 100 per cent., live arrival giwanteetl.and a knowledge of who pays in the; TernM, 25 per cent, cash with order. b*ianCo c.o.D, j end for governmental protection and aji orders shipped promptly, j. p. Johnson, Box control. | " $1,090.00 will be awarded to the best T> ,cnJfK,s ’j . .i « • O tested Stock. O.A.C. Barred Rocks, Tons essay and $500 to tile second. , Barron White Leghorns. Our aim each year 1* $9 Improve our florirs and this year our chicks are thj best yet. All flocks are headed .with podfgreea cockerels from stock that have been Mood-tested toy of <•-------- Water-Power Situation in Canada. The water-power situation in Can­ ada to-day is one of a record develop­ ment per capita of total population, of increasing construction work, and of large development in view for many years to come. The continu­ ous statistics compiled by the Do­ minion Watej- Power and Reclama­ tion Service show that during the past ten years the developed water­ power has increased at an annual average rate of nearly six and three- quarter per cent.™this, however, in­ cludes the war period, when many projects were in abeyance. 1924 ' ' cent, cent. During the increase was’ over twelve per and during 1925 over 20 per A Last: Word. Here’s my last word; that still I do not know If I am all or nothing to your heart, Not as the past went, so will the fu­ ture go, And must we die as we now live, apart? But this is sure; though you love not at all It shall not make me sorry tube I; Sun, moon, the stuff of stars, I have at call Simply in loving you. Till death, good-bye. Safety In North Waters. Owing to the Increasing traffic along the Mackenzie Valley system of waterways, the Dept, of the Interior has for several years had parties oft surveyors at work along the route, particularly in Great Slave lake and Slave river. From these surveys,! maps have been prepared which have proved most useful to navigators. Buoys, beacons, and lights have also been put in place along the route. Thermometer Aids Fishing. The discovery that cod and had­ dock are found in the greatest num­ bers in waters where the temperature is between 40 and 50 degrees Fahren­ heit has led to the extensive use*of thormomenters by fishing jeets. The name “midshipmen” for ca­ dets originated in the navy about 200 years ago. The men who were going. through a course of training to be-1 come officers were assigned quarters amidships on the lower deck. Hence they came to be called midshipmen. s. ---------- There is gold in sea water, but it J will never make anyone rich. The- average concentration of the precious metal in 5,000 samples analyzed was only about one one-hundredth of a milligram, or three one-millionths of an ounce, to the ton. The time Is at hand when eager eyes should Watch for, and a willing hand should be ready to swat the first fly, thus destroying the possibility of it's multiplying to billions of j/rogeny •before fall. “The flower wraith and leaver are cherished by the waters of the god Lono,” is an English translation of a native name recently convened on a baby in Honuhiitu The eyelids of * frogwink upward#. >1 i Without Medical Examination Select Male Risks, ages 15 to 45, may obtain insur­ ance up to $2500 without Medical Examination. S^bimen Rates for $2500 Age Rate 20 .......................,...^38.75 25 ..................44.90 30 ...................... 53.25 35 ...................... 65.40 40 ...................... 83.75 Mail this coupon today csittnkBntaiMnaBBKSMaKSKairsiGasaEgiminwaniMii Excelsior Life Insurance £o.. Excelsior Life Building, Toronto Please send me particulars of your IDEAL Policy t Name. Address. .Age. W i GUM­ DIPPING Braids Extra Miles one of the most important of the many Firestone contributions to more economical highway trans­ portation. By this procesi, every fiber of every cord is thoroughly •aturated and insulated with rubber, minimizing friction and heat so destructive to tire life. On the cars of hundreds of thousands of motorists, in the day-in and day-out service of the largest truck, bus and taxi­ cab fleets, in the battle of tires .on race tracks, Firestone Gum- Dipped Tires, because of their greater stamina, are delivering longer mileage with added safety and comfort. The Firestone dealer in your locality sells and services these extra quality tires. Let him tell you of the trouble­ free service that the Gum- Dipping process insures and how he Can serve you better and savO you money. See him to-day. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED Hamilton, Oat. MOST MILES PER DOLLAR girls in purchasing sheep. In Pamphlet No. 76, recently dis-, fributed by the Dept, of Agriculture, • the^lambs1 Weak, Run-Down People Can Obtain Relief. essay and $500 to the second. This contest, which Is open to every­ body, everywhere, closes on December 31, 1927, and full particulars can be secured by addressing Contest Editor, Simonds Saw & Steel Co., 470 Main Street, Fitchburg, Mass. In connection with this competition It is stated that the essays are to be brief and written for the purpose of reaching the average man rather than professors and advanced students of economics—and this in conjunction with the liberal prizes offered, make the competition one in. which many will want to take part. t j A ....................... .... „ i white diarrhoea and all flocks have been culled tot heavy cjti; production, Brices: Rocks, for May $20.00, , June $18.00; Isighoms. May $18.00; June $10.00 pc« 1 hundred, express paid. 100 per cent, live arrival | guaranteed. Terms 26 per cent, cash with, order, J : balance C.O.D. No disappointments, All order® shipped when promised, J. G. Twcddla, Fergus, Ont, fBXHE PROFITS YOU WILL MAKE DEPENDS Jg on the Quality you buy, Vrtiy bother with ; ordinary chicks when, you can buy our '‘Ili-Quellty" I'hicks? April and May, O.A.C. Rocks, $18.00 per 100: Lertiorns. $10.60 psr 100. Also Wyandottes and Rods. Onr ton thousand dollar master breeders (Mm Is operated to breed quality into our ehioks. We pay dellVBi-y cbarites and guarantee 97 per cent, live delivery. Selling Hfttcnery, 282W, Elmira, Ont. j the provincial authorities in putting i up^prize money. After these fairs —o------—'.me mmbs are usually shipped co­Ottawa, it is explained that sheep I operatively to the nearest large mar- raismg on a small scale lends itself f where they bring a premium over very well to this purpose as most tlie aVerage run. girls and boys can easily earn suffi- Sheep promoters of the Dominion cient money to qjurchase an animaL or ( jjve g|ock Branch at present work- two. A flock requires little technical jng |n parts of the country report care, and there are two sources of i |hat the scheme is being received with income: wool m the spring, and lambs greategf enthusiasm, and it is in the summer and fall. Th‘e> authoi’- strongiy recommended that anyone ities at Ottawa point out that the interested in this new idea write Ot- sheep industry has been on a very tawa for a copy of Pamphlet No. 76. profitable basis for years, and the, ---------—♦>---------- future points to continued prosperity. A nri Sacra FamesOn this account they wish to extend1 AUH Oacra Tames. -------------- ------------------ ------------------------------------------------- operations, and they believe that the, Business is business! a commercial. John Armour, South Monoghan, Ont.,'rolled out flat as England, ScoDand best way to do this is to enlist the1 interest of the young people. On: farms where there are no sheep at* present the authorities are particular­ ly anxious to get flocks started. Recently an experiment was carried | out in Middlesex County, Ontario. Co-j operating with the local Agricultural! Representative, the federal officials' organized several boys’ and girls’ sheep clubs. T" JJI ten members each of young people in ■ their ’teens. T' the agricultural experts, the clubs! held meeting’s at which 'sheep breed- A man, ing was discussed and a certain breed1 t: was selected. o— „— — ... . v banks viffiich, incidentally, are all en-’ rhymes, , j have taken them with equally good in­ dorsing this new scheme, the mem- As try to live by that exploded code— suits, bers purchased from two to ten ewes Business will take us by another road, /lr7 Dr, Williams Pink PiHs for each, and the government men have To pinnacles where, under tribute anaemia, rlieumatism, neuralgia,^ ner- given instruction on the handling of laid, ............ M...... -----------------------------------------------The kingdoms of the earth are seen displayed. Bow down and worship, then your pockets fill, iThe world is”yours to do with what you will. Money! O, Money!—get enough to spend, No matter what the means, this is the end; - . 1 Then take your fill of Pleasure, Pride and Lust— 1 There are the modern “Ethics of the Dust”! —C. E. Benedict. strongly recommended that anyone Among the many remedies offered for the maintenance or restoration of health and strength, there is none can compare with Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Most ailments are due to poor, thin blood. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have a specific action on the blood, making it rich, red and pure. Through this ________________HELP WANTED._________________ ANTED SALES.'. TEN WITH CAR FOR V V country distribution. Also mechanic foe ! Hamilton factory, capable of taking* financial inter* rnv trnnlo T lnarraz! ‘ in Browing enterprise. Expenses paid to Ham- , learneu j]ton aft(>r ttrranuements niado, ^rlt0 President, of the early history 1271-2 juiy st., Hamilton, ont Wallace and Bruce ! ~~ " " ...........- —— ............- ■ Patriotism.V W- AMED SALESAIEN V V country distribution.Scottish It was from all that I know of Scotland—of and Burns, of Blind Harry’s history, of Scott, Ramsay, Tannahill, Hogg and Fergusson............. Wallace, of richer blood the tissues of the body are, course, was opr hero. Everything better nourished, and the functions of, heroic centred in* him. Sad was the the body better performed. Anaemic ' day when a wicked big boy at school 'sufferers, weak, languid and nervous ’ told me that England was far larger i people speedily find new health and . than Scotland, I went to the uncle, strength through the use rf this medl-1 who had the remedy. cine. This was the experience of Mrs, age, | who says:—‘ . Worships the worker, worthy of his thousands who liaise regained health*! wage. I through tlie use of Dr. Williams1 Pink Prosperity is judged by what we gaini Pills, and 1 take this opportunity of Of this world’s goods, and if we saying a word in praise of this splen- would attain ! did medicine. Before beginning the Success, and' live/ "^without one anx-'use of this medicine I was pale and ious sigh j badly run down. I found it difficult to Forever in our Banker's watchful do my housework and was tired and I breathless at the least exertion. I had These were composed* of Dollars are needful and a bank ac-! tried several medicines without bene- ___j-....t, .V, count i fit, and finally decided to try Dr. Wil- Under the guidance of -Is better than the “Sermon on the liams Pink Pills. Soon I began to feel ' 1 better, sleep better and eat better, and eye”, count Mount”. ,, in these progressive, busy;found my weight increasing. In a word times 11 felt like a new person. I have since Assisted by the local Might just as well try writing silly ’ recommended the pills to others who T —........... ? i I BRAY'S BETTER BRED-TO-LAY BABY CHICKS will bring results, produced from high cuallty flocks. Shipped prepaid and "Guaranteed, to-llve.” Barred Rocks, White Leghorns. Wlllto Wyandottos and Rhode island Reds, 25 chicks $u.00. SW 8U.n0, 100 $21.00, i'.O $10(1,00. After June 1st reduced prlcea. For chicks from blood-tested stock add. 3a per chick. Catalogue free. Bray Chick Hatchery, 5 Claybum Ave.. St. Catharines, Ont. Order from thia ad. as It will only appear oneo. iast/ .............. e - Here’s a washboard so strong that a big, 165 pound man can stand on it without damaging it in the slightest way. That tough SNJP Pearl Enameled rubbing surface is mighty near ever­ lasting, and the rest of the board is built in the same Way. The remark­ able wearing qualities of this 6turdy washboard demonstrate the lifelong wear you get from all SJSJP Enamel­ ed Ware utensils. Made by that old established Canadian company. the Sheet Metal Products Co. °L<mheoA' MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG ■ EDMONTON VANCOUVER CALGARY SMP ... Enaiheled uWARE d THAT BABY OF YOURS “Not at all, Naig; if Scotland were . - - ----. ~ ~ — — — „ V .... .1 •“I am one of the many, would be the larger, but would you have the Highlands rolled down?” Oh, never! ,There was balm in Gilead for the wounded young pa­ triot. Later the 'greater population of England was forced upon me, and again to the uncle I went. “Yes, Naig, seven to one, but there were more than that odds against u.- at Bannockburn. . . . If the source of my stock of that prime article—courage—were stud­ ied, I am sure the final analysis would find it founded upon Wallace, the hero of Scotland. It is a tower of strength for a boy to have a hero. It gave me a pang to find when I reached America that there was any other country which pretended to have anything to be proud of. What was a country without Wallace, Bruce, and Burns? I find in the un­ traveled Scotsman of to-day some­ thing still of this feeling. It remains for maturer years and wider knowl­ edge to tell us that every nation has its heroes, its romance, its traditions, and its achievements; and while the true Scotsman will not find reason in after years to lower the estimate he has formed of his own country and of its position even among the larger nations of the earth, he will find ample reason to raise his opinion of other nations because they all have much to be proud of.—From the Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie. : vousness. Take them as a tonic if you ' are not in the best physical condition and cultivate a resistance that will ! keep you well_and strong. Get a box from the ne-areist drug store and begin this treatment now. The pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50c a box by writing The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. that' says ' men j in a A Banker’s Ten Rules for Success. Ten rules for success, which eminent banker, Otto H. Kahn, lie has given to many young about to enter business, appear recent interview: 1 1. Eliminate from your vocabulary Keep Him Well With the Aid of the word “perfunctory.” • i. , a- rri i 2- Think—exercise your brain asBaby s Own Tablets. y0U,r muscles. I 3. The most serviceable of all assets is reputation. 4. Use your imagination. 5. Know how to bide your time and to “sit tight.” 6. Be neighborly. Be a good sport. Remember you can’t lift yourself by downing others. 7. Work hard. It won’t hurt you. 8. Take an active interest in public affairs. 9. Meet your fellow man frankly and fairly. You don’t have to” go through business armed to the, teeth. I 10. If you are successful, be patient, courteous' and conciliatory. Avoid os­ tentation. No matter bow strong and rosy your child may be .he requires1 a laxative sometimes so that the stomach may­ be kept sweet and the system clean. Formerly the laxative medicines given to children were disagreeable ones—castor oil, senna tea, powders and so on. But now Baby’s .Own. Tab-, lets, easily administered and pleasant ’ to take, have superseded these. The children like Baby’s Own Tablets. , Not only as a laxative but in many other ways these Tablets are an ideal remedy for little ones,. They quickly ( reduce feverishness, relieve indiges­ tion, colic and vomiting,, prevent con­ stipation, check diarrhoea, allay teeth­ ing pains and promote healthful, na­ tural sleep. You can get Baby’s Own Tablets at any dealer in medicine or at 25 cents !a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medi­ cine Co., Brookville, Ont. A census of the buffalo herds in the various national parks of Canada taken on March. 1, 1927, shows that in Ruffalo park, Wainwright, Alberta, there were 6,640 buffalo; in Elk Is­ land park, Alberta, 480; and in Banff park, Alberta, 20. There are also over 5,000 buffalo in the Wood Buffalo park near Fort Smith, N.W.T. j For distemper*—Minard'* LlnlmenL A hyacinth bloom about eight inches in length was recently exhibit­ ed at a London show. The Charm of A Velvet Skin—and the Pure Blood Under It The effectiveness of that popular touch of “make-up” will be greatly enhanced if the skin has the velvety smooth­ ness and clearness that result from the use of TRU-BLOOD. This much-prescribed Blood Tonic corrects the coarsening tendency of “complexion aids” and makes the skin clear, smooth and colorful. Your Druggist now has TRU- BLOOD. Test its health-and-beauty- giving qualities. Get a bottle today. 151 o 30 drops, of Seigel’s Syrup relieves all forms ' of indigestion and dyspepsia. You'll swear by it once you have tried it. Any drug store. ... . . ,'t Motoring in Rockies. The journey by motor car over the entire length of the Banff-Windermere , highway through the heart of the Canadian Rockies can be made com­ fortably in one day. The route lies through virgin wilderness, but rest camps, automobile camping grounds, bungalow camps and service stations are located along the way in’ such numbers as to guarantee accommoda­ tion for those who wish • to make more leisurely survey of the road. a Kill warts with Minard’s Liniment. Spring Tims is CELERY KING Time Brew a cup of this fine old vegetable tonic. It is all the spring medicine you need. It drives out winter’s poisons, improves the appetite and makes you feel better right away. CELERY KING is good for the whole family. At druggists, 30c & 60c. Don’t Suffer With Itching Rashes Pebbles Lead to Mighty Rips. Small pebbles in the roadway often lead, to mighty rips in tires. After a run it is a good plan to look over the , serrated surface of the tread and re- • move any small objects which have lodged forced age. ther^. Then they cannot be farther inward find cause dam- * **-«{♦■** Treatment for Hinges. Occasional oiling of hinges and latches will prevent doors from be­ coming stiff' and rattly. Keeping latches oiled not only makes them work easier, but prevents their rapid 4 wear. The End o? the World. When Lief Ericson and his Norse­ men visited America in the year 1,000 they firmly believed that they had reached the Western end of all the world. A boy, asked what Tennyson’s line, “To bicker down the valley,” meant, replied: “It means to have a row with a fellow in a 'ow place among the hills.” Better Chicks that will pay you. Bred to lay* Barred Plymouth Rock*. S.C. W, Leghorn*, Barron and WycoHsnd Farh twin*. ILll-City Whit. X Wyandotte* Pure-bred, healthy, ? Vigorous, Smith Hatched. Strut tor circular and prices BEIX-OSTY SATCJKERY ' i 4 Colborno Brantford* Ontario, Bbhi-cihh UseCuticura Sample Soap, Ointment, Talcum free. Addfew Ca­ nadian Depot: ‘‘Ontlonra, P.O Box 2616, Montreal?' 1IRB F£ET Minard’s soothes sorb and tired feet. Bathe—then rub well with Minard's. t ISSUE No. 18—b 4