HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-05-05, Page 1WHY 'I 'll" W-'l. WJIH'd. MNUUJlHfl‘l,X5!i HJ FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR, NO. 2783 Coal Prices Reduced NEW LOW CASH PRICES J Ladies Attention!E. J. CHRISTIE, Exeter of Coultis were read Clerk o Tenon Monday, then in- MOVED She told Ap- r tl:.die: IE 'St il?in Carmote J J A SEB ALL ORGANIZED nthu: a qt. 'S. !SI fella 00 each PHONE 3? h 1 J, J in- •k- I) young people, of the fair sex f I Pa E W tin nt da LlCi inj superior wonder- that the part in l Hl Hi G. lin­ es; ixet illis W -pre re< com- Of- 1.30 Hon. Graduate, American Poultry School, Address/ Exeter, Ont, phone, Croditon 17-12, cli; , S, Ore A. P. 011- o£ Sat­ an d end mill in ms on, Uil- dit ill ang, lest teres f tlie United chu st re m Memorial 1927, to Glenn a les were nragin g, don on Sunday, Mrs. Win. Lt. A. The rized box rent a very 1: Dearborn, Mich,, in holy Matrimony, The bride was by Miss Madeline Haist groom supported by Mr, After a pretty wed- & Sons, Chloride 0. B. on RE-ORGANIZATION EXETER LAWN Firemen. Exeter was a very busy spot urclay evening. The Main St. the side streets from the south of the town to Harvey Bros, were lined with autos. Now is the time to place your order for next’s winter’s coal supply. Prices have dropped. NELSON—-ORTWEJN NUPTIALS rt Wingli msitt, ar din er y. Mis citizens of It is confidently hoped that grounds on the agricultural The elec- Mello Gloss A semi gloss finish for walls and etc. Washable. $1.50 PER QUART May and Mrs. Norman House and two lots for.sale, ply to Mrs. Caleb Heywood. 5-5-ltp M.P.P.: M. N. AGATE VARNISH S5e PT. VICTOR VARNISH 75c PT. UNIVERSAL VARNISH 85 PT OF THE TENNIS CLUB Alabastlno per pk»’ FISHING SUPPLIES BASEBALI/ SUPPLIES TENNIS SUPPLIES Mrs, Durant, Varna; Mrs. Barnby. Blyth; Mrs, Young, Hill; nominating committee Clarks, cotivemiiv 'Goderich; Wm. Field, XVibglmm; An expert in MARI ELLTNG SHAMPOOING HAIR CUTTING will be at CENTRAL HOTEL, EXETER Carmote Automobile finish (K)c anil $1.00 Per CAN ALL COLORS Floor Varnis’i and Varnish Stains 30c., 55e., O5c., and $1.75 Mello Tone The rich flat wall finish for interior use $1.50 PER QUART NEPTUNITE VARNISHES Nothing BeU<‘v $1.00 per pt., $1.90 per LAWN MOWERS $10.00 UP CULTIVATORS $1.25 is (ll o tl: Mil tc >d EXETER TIMES, ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER ADVOCATE, ESTABLISHED 1887 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 5th, 1927 JONES & MAY Great Clearing of BARGAINS BARGAINS Every Coat must go regardless of cost. We have over fifty beautiful coats to choose from. Come and get a coat at A REAL BARGAIN PRICE / AT this season of the year many men are look­ ing' for a good serviceable suit of clothes at a low price. Bloomer suit for their boy at a low price that-reason, we are placing on sale some won­ derful bargains in these lines, for the month of May. Get into your car, come to Exeter, and let us show you that our prices are lower than any mail-order house to which you may send And many are looking for a good For THESE BARGAINS ARE UNBEATABLE 25 BOYS’ BLOOMER SUITS ON SALE — at — $5.00 each ....................... . 35 BOYS’ BLOOMER SUITS Reg. Price $13 — at — $8.50 each 50 Boys’ Bloomer Suits, famous Wearbet ter or Progress Brand make, regular $15.00, on sale during May, at per suit $10.00. All the above include sizes right up to size 35. S SUITS .25 Men’s Suits, all sizes up to 44, mostly darker colors, at per suit $ 13.00. EN’S SUITS it $15.00 each Young Men’s Tweed Suits in light and medium shades, a fine selection at $i5.00. ’S SMALL Sizes 34, 35, and 36 to fit smaller men about 25 suits all to go at $10.00 each PHONE 32 —---------~—T------------~~Exeter Council Monday,/^pril 25, 1927 A regular meeting of the Muni­ cipal Council held in the Town Hall. All members present. The minutes of the meeting held April 11th were read and confirmed.. A circular letter from the office of the American La-France Fire En­ gine Co. Ltd., Toronto, re La-France Smoke and Gas Mask for Filed. Letter from M. Wilson London re price of Calcium namely $32.12 a ton F. cars Exeter. Filed A petition was read from resi­ dents and property owners along William St., East bet.vi rn Gidley and Sanders Streets asking for a concrete walk. Filed for further consideration. The Blue print giving plan of shrubs to be planted around the Memorial Monument as submitted by the Horticultural Society were ap­ proved and permission was given to have the same planted.. When com­ pleted bill to be submitted to the Council on motion of Gillespie and Williams. Carried.By-La\v No. 3 of 1927. A By-Law to ammend By-Law No. 91 of 1923 regards Fire Engine, Fire Truck and Equipment having right of way on all streets of the Municipality was finally passetd on motion and Davis. The following accounts and ordered paid: The Bank of Montreal........ . ....... $2.50; The Dominion Road Machin­ ery Co., Goderich $10,0(1; C. N. R„ freight 50c.; The Grigg Stationery Co., books $43.00; Win. Webber, team labor $49.50; Richard Quance labox $10.00. Cemetery accounts: Wm. Pomfret, C. N. R; express 75c; Win. Smith, labor $23.00. Passed on motion of Williams and Coultis. Adjourned by. Davis; Jos.' Senior, BAiyiER BUSINESS SOLD Mr. F. M. Boyle lias sold his bar­ ber business to Mr. Elmore Harness, of Clinton, who takes possession next week. Mr, Boyle lias conduct­ ed a successful barber business in Exeter for a number of years but is fo.rced to take it easier on account of his health. Mi’. Harness is an Exeter Old Boy and a veteran and will doubtless do well. TOBACCO MEETING WELL ATTENDED On Wednesday, Aru-Jl 27th, a num- jby^qGthip-. prbspe^A .growers .of Tobacco of the Hensall. district at­ tended a meeting in the Council Chambers in - Hensall. This meet­ ing was arranged by Agricultural Representative Paterson of Clinton and. was addressed by Mr. Thomas White of the Ridgetown Experiment­ al Farm. Mr. White gave the grow­ ers many valuable hints on the pro­ per culture of this highly specialized and comparatively new crop in Hu­ ron County. This year the Ontario Department of Agriculture has plac­ ed practical field men at the service of the tobacco growers of South Western Ontario. The growers should not be backward in asking for the services of these men as the results of the first crop will likely to some extent determine the adapt­ ability of the district as a tobacco growing area. About twenty-five including a number __ __ __ met at the Bank of Commerce Cham­ bers on Thursday evening and re­ organized the Exeter Lawn Tennis Club. The following officers were elected: Honorary President, Medd 1VI.L.A.; president, M. F plin;. vice-president, Se'c’y-treas., W. A. bership committee, ard and G. Harness Evans and W. A. committee, Dr. W Walter and J. Rev. W. Elliott. Misses V. together v atrick. G 3. Weekes. 7. Batson grounds committee were authi to complete arrangements with th. Bowling Ciub for the lease of a por tion of their green. Another ing will be held on Wednesd ening, May 4th at 8 o’clock when rules and regulations v drafted, tournaments etc. ai for, and it is earnestly r that all members and those ed in tennis should attend. let- ev- rp, be Hl >d ;t- A quiet and pretty wedding was solemnized on Saturday, April 30th at 4 p.m. at the Methodist parson­ age, 638 Hazelwood Ave., Detroit, Mich., when Rev. C. B. Allen united Miss Pearl Ortwein, of Detroit, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ort­ wein, of Zurich, Ont., and Mr, Roy Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Nel­ son, of bonds of attended and the George Howell. ding dinner the happy couple left by boat for Cleveland and other points. On their return they will reside at 1300 Bethune Ave. AV. .Detroit, Mich. EXETER A FLOWER GARDEN Many compliments have been paid to Exeter for the beauty of her home surroundings and parks since the Horticultural . Society led the way in the planting of flowers and shrubs. This, year the membership of the society is the largest since its organization—217, and the distribu­ tion of premiums and the care of special orders for extra planting has been very large. The secretary in­ forms us that he has distributed 212 roses, 800 asparagus roots, 270 tub­ erous begonias, 130 larkspurs, 171 shrubs and 81 dozen gladiolus bulbs. In addition to this the Parks Com­ mittee has planted 1,000 small evergreens in Riverview Park and the society has procured the services of a landscape gardener for several citizeris and the council free of charge. The officers of the society acknowledge with thanks grants from both tlie Council and the Women’s Institute of Exeter toward civic improvement. DJED IN LONDON As we go to press we learn of the death of Mr, W. H. P. Hooper, who has been ill in Victoria Hospital, London for several weeks. The re- i mains are being brought to Exeter l for interment. We Can Help You to See Better Our method of testing is most plete and our prices moderate, flee hours 9.30 to lg a.m, and to 5 p.m. Evening by appointment s. FITTON Phone 75w. OPTOMETRIST‘An Old Fashioned ? presented by THE (’. W. L, OF SEAFORTH — jn __ MT. CARMEL HALL Tuesday, May 10th Commencing at 8:15 Fun galore, music, and singing EVERYBODY COME Beginning May 16 th, from 9:30 a.m. CHILDREN A SPECIALTY Good Work Guaranteed Call early and make your appoint­ ments. HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB The regular meeting of the Home and School Club was held o-n Friday afternoon in the school. The presi­ dent, Mrs. M H. Browning, announc­ ed the subject of the program, “The Development of the Moral and Spir- f itual Life of the Child.” Promptly the pupils of Miss Pickard’s room, assisted by pupils from rooms IV and V took their places and splendidly characterized the subject by song and recitation. A display of draw­ ings, (many of them of merit) and writing, helped fully to carry out thejdea school plays a very large the child’s life. Rev. Mr. McTavish was ___ ... troduced to the many interested par­ents hncl friends assembled, and by copious illustrations, he impressed on tjiosQ present- three important, facts in the development of the soul­ life of the child, viz:The child has a soul, that soul is capable of develop­ ment, the home and the school have a great deal to do with that develop­ ment. A vote of thanks was tend­ ered Mr. McTavish for his address. Miss Kneclitel in a few words showed the value of fiction in teach­ ing the child to form opinions for himself—an important factor in the child’s best development, of the effort that is being made to­ day by educationists to compile books that will be a safe guide to the parent for his child’s reading. During the business part of the program, it was decided to hold the meetings alternately at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.; .......................... Friday, thought early in on the meeting tlie next meeting to be on May 27, at S p.m. It was that a garden party be held June to raise funds to work of the society, was then adjourned. Egg and Nut’Coal $15,00 per ton Stove Coal $15,50 per ton Coke $12.00 per ton Thirty days allowed for cash after which ten cents per ton pei’ month will he added to all charge accounts. In future we will handle SOLVAY COKE entirely. This is the best coke produced, fl TENDERS WANTED For building of new United church, at Grand Bend. Plans and specifi­ cations may b.e seen at Thos. Webb’s Grand Bend, or may be had for one day on application to Thos. Love. Time for closing of tenders has been extended for 1 week or until May 7, 1927. Thos. Love, Spc. for Committee Dome TTHeatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, C & 7tli “Wings of the Storm” With Wnr. Russell, Virginia Faire, and THUNDER “The dog sensation of the screen Comedy—Honeymoon Hospital MONDAY & TUESDAY, 0 & lOtli Love’s Blindness , Story by Elinor Glyn, featuring An­ tonio Moreno and Pauline Starke Usual Comedy Epps the Mover Varna, Ont, Canada and United States. All loads insured. Reasonable rates. Covered vans. Write or phone Clin­ ton 626r21. ‘ 4-21-8te Order your Coal Now I Prices are Down. BIRTHS MELVILLE—In Exeter, May 1st to klr. and Melville, a daughter. APPLETON—In Exeter, May 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Appleton, ,a daughter. MALLETT—In. London on Wednes­ day, April 27th to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mallett, a daughter (Bessie Ann,) SMITH—In. Exeter, on Wednesday, April 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. W. Smith, a son (William Earl.) ' ' Hos-l Mr. son, Stove Coal $15.50 a ton Egg and Nut Coal $1.5.00 per ton Coke $12.00 per ton cents a ton per month will be added tp ..these prices after 30 days > . R. G. SELDON GLBNN—At Seaforth pital on April 20, and Mrs. John M. (Harold Bruce.) COOK—In Hensall, on Tuesday, 3rd, to Mr. Cook, a son. CARD OF TH ANKS Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Etherington wish to express their sincere thanks to the many neighbors and friends for the kindness and sympathy ex­ pressed during their recent sad ber­ eavement and also for the beautiful floral tributes. While our store is being remodel­ led we have moved our stock to the rear of the old Commercial Hotel. S. MARTIN & SON At a meeting of baseball asts at the Bank of Com; Wednesday evening last it cided to organize and go South Huron League, Wliic all probability consist, of —‘Exeter, Hensall, Zurich, 'i'hames Road and Staffa. mittee appointed a month ported that the players of when Exeter won the top pl the league were all avail a bl drive for membership in the has been made and has met ready response by the town. now field would.be available, tion of officers resulted as follow Hon. Pres., W. G. Medd, Pros., John McLean; vice-pros R. Complin; sec’y-treas., R Creech with Silas Reed as assistant; manager, H. C. Rivers, with F. M. Boyle as assistant; executive com.- mittee, L. J. Penhale, B. Meili, C. Anderson, Dr. Weekes, and the cap­ tain of the team. A successful sea­ son Is again looked for and the pat­ ronage of the public is assured when the season opens in a few weeks. In the meantine join the club and • boost the sport. wa int :h n six Cre Tile HURON PRESBYTERIAL W. A very large and enthusiastic gath­ ering of . women workers attended the first annual meeting of the Hur­ on Presbyterial Women’s Societ was held in North church, Goderich, April 28th. The president, presided. The auxiliaries and Auburn conducted tin al exercise: extended to the visitors dial welcome from North street church. The reports of the received and were m< g splendid work I department. election of offi< by Mrs. W. : i. and resulted irj presidents, Mrs, ch; Mrs. Hamilton, . Wilson, Wingham . E All’s ■pres., ; 3rd G W Missionary rch, which et United Thursday, Mrs. Hogg of Carlow 1 cl evotio ii- Miss Robertson then ■ or- ci f earry M. S. Lowe Bros. High Standard Paints- IT COVERS MORE cei’S was Plumsteel I as follows: Colborne, Goderich; president 1st vicc- er; 2nd Wing- J. An- Mrs. sec’y, 1; cor. ensall; Blyth; Esther Children's Work vc, Exeter; Asso- M'rs. Johns, Elim- Mrs. F. Vonn or, sec., Mrs. A. Miss. Monthly sec., Mrs. H. Fowler, Clinton; Christian Stewardship sec., Mrs. R. Archibald, Seaforth; strangers’ see., Mrs. W. A. Bromner, Brucefield; literature see., Mrs. Jr. W. Orme, Crediton; dele­ gates to conference, branch-— Mrs. T. O. Johnston, Corrie; Mrs. Goo. Rob­ ertson, Brick church; Mrs. (Rev.) Colling. Grand Bend; Mrs. (Rev.) Lundy, Kippen; Mrs. Ferguson, Sea­ forth; (Rev.) ■ Smith's -Mrs. .Mrs. Wm. FiekL Wibglmm; Mrs. Campbell, Walton; Mrs. Lundy, Kip- ncn; Mrs. Tyreman, Seaforth. Hogg V. Mrs. Vll’i cleric Lane, 7. J. ( Miss All’S. People Goiler Miss Reta Rov Clinton Midland, E W. H. Wi pres., Mrs. 4th vice- >af( ?r, Ci G Mrs. ' sec’y, trims., Young Hume. S' 1 ciate Helpers’ sec. villo; supply sec Clinton; asst, supply Rczell, Clinton; Fowler, Heaman’s Hardware & Paint Store || ) TO LEARN TINSMITHING PLUMBING White Leghorns (Ferris Best Egg Strain) eggs $8,00 per hundred; chicks $18.00 per hundred; Roses* Strain Chicks $16.00 per hundred; Barred Rock chicks $17.00 per hundred, GARNET HEYWOOD