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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-04-28, Page 3
* Canada “Says it With Flowers” at Her Golden Jubilee This Summer. - PRODUCTS~VALUED FOR HARDY QUALITIES, Probably no greater sensation was caused at the British Empire Exhibi tion at Wembley than when me Cana dian buildings were flooded with thous ands of poenles grown in Canada, flowers of a sUe and beauty not before seen in the Old Country. In the far too general conception of Canada which exists overseas people scarcely credit that these lovely blooms, be fore which they stood long in admira tion, had come from a country of such reputed rigorous climate and hardy conditions of life. These blossoms went a long way in eradicating mis- condition. * Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Have No Equal for This Purpose. Anaemia, or lack of good blood, causes not only pale faces and white lips; it is the root of’many pains and miseries. It is the cause of shattered nerves, headaches and backaches, and the always tired feeling from which ' so many women and girls suffer. To . regain new health and strength the , blood should be enriched through the tonic treatment with Dr. Williams’ j . Pink Pills. This medicine has brought ’ new health and strength to thousands. • of weak, despondent people, • j i Among those who have found new health through the use of this jnedi- cine is Mrs. Gregory J, Murphy7East‘ Ship Harbor, N.S., who says:—“I bless the day I heard of Dr. Williams’. Pink Pills. Before I began their use much sun!” .1 was in a run-down and very weak; conceptions on certain phases of Cana-! ]eave me breathless and tired out. Obligato, When you hear a bird sing In spring, The sun goes riding high; The wide sky Is a glnd blue cry; Small leaves applaud* And from the sod Violets nod. I heard a bird song Long, long Before spring.■ Only a wind-worn pine, And the grey whine Of a lost thing Acer No No But Out cf Out of blighting rain, Touching God! —Lena Hall, in “J ate Adventu-e.” -----«-----—O------- ----- ompanying. grave from the sky, iift*frcm the sod* riiwe was I, tn old pain, M - 4 ♦ 1 » j. s* * A ♦ «. 9 « Sj » It s £>■fii J# »7# WHY LAMBS LEAVE HOME Fifty-three mountain sheep left their native haunts at Banff recently, and Follow the Sun. 1 wero sWpfPed by Cana^lau Pacific Ex- x press to their new home at Kamloops.“Such a pleasanr room—it gets so **, , x x. xj The consignment, which was the re- &■» W’i t When you serve RED ROSE ORANGE JPEKOE to your family yon are giving them the best tea you. .can buy. > > The sheep trap, into which the un suspecting sheep is lured by a lump of salt (a great delicacy) is erected of poles on the linos of a bird trap. His mouth watering, the sheep enters the Spring Opening. Usually the* song of the robin »n- . pounces the beginning of Spring, but ■ —...t-'iias I AdvertisemenU,* ') ■ ■* *<- ■ ■•’ “ ■■■“*-*? ■”- * jj bflC ’ " ** •• * •?“V MVgi*44Ua KJJJX *A*g,j Um,wtrap only to find that the door nae this year an enl-irely different tunc wn and very weak. You often hear a proud householder “ »™I>P ng operations closed behind him Later men appear heraWa t)w paKfag. of Qld Mai> wjn_ ast exertion would make this remark about one of his carrlod on by the Royal Mounted Po.|wlth crate®, wd his only nl^Uve Is ter T))e hym of the mot(>r(,yclo on ---------------------------------------------- „ „„ oreaul,ess and tired out. rooms. But, unfortunately, the room lie® wakens, was made at the request to enter. The .beep . the open-road Is a sure sign that dtan existence.------------------------------I Housework was a trial and at times that gets the morning sun will often Ule government of British Columbia, enough, although an old '>«*«*"« . “ Summer In all Its glory Is Just around • Canada In MM celebrates her golden I felt very despondent A friend ad- be dull in the afternoon, and vice *> «•«"* loaCltles. where.the num- «■„.».» Mt of trouble .... ------- ------... ... Jubilee and It Is Interesting to note vILd mTto tr^Dr Winioms’ Pink versa. , hers ot mountain sheep are depleted^ J thfi-t her gift to the Mothcrl&nd on this Pills and I got six boxes. I had not > 1^ some of the newer houses you. occasionally causes a bit °f trouble and it is necessary to rope him. PAM’AllU yiMrODI JUKU8 MAlvh Oh.. uww; Ct wto cjlludvra without rmiladlfl* ... si>eolull«« oft K»rni £ufltuw tud Troeton, 1’oft. v»id 1‘litou Xilag Compsuy, Vrcat NU*«t WwV < Toronto. High ghadu chicks, lac and vf. Circular. Willlum Flutsob, ptrttfw# J13, Oftb AGENTS MEN AND W0MUN SELL WABHO j tnd PAI.CQ ClaUNEHS. Erer; home, j OHj.e, suvie, audit your pxosppcta, G<pd coom < mlibJon. Exclurire territory. P. A. Lcfebire * Company, Pept 0, Alexandria, Ont. ' the corner. When the dyed-in-the- wool devotee of the motorcycle bestirs himself and hits for the open road, it is an assured fact that IVb safe to follow him. This year, more than ever, the motorcycle will be seen in ever increasing numbers on the high ways and byways. The recent intro- Pills and I got six boxes. I had not! In some of the newer houses you «*i vvtz^y^y ix ...... , . . . been taking the pills very long until I nW have one room with windows QAllffp WAMTWD0 AF VP AFT ADI P WAI) I 11 of the better known staple products j began to jmprove Jn health, and facing three points of the compass, UvlTlD JfVlWlinu VI V LiUli 1/IDLiLt Tf Villa/ with which the Dominion is familiarly continuing their use they restored mo and in that case you get a pretty good associated, but a mass of one hundred to my former good health. I plso ■ share of sunshine. The latest idea, I thousand peony blooms. Every pas-- p.nvo the nills to mv daughter.** who however, goes still further——it is a ■ . . - • * -x * • i *1. . • j u Si* i... i’... .senger ship during July, in which I ™ anremP“ an« v«a brilt^ a tarntajle, so that by gand rft frem to nMjoritj- owing j to wind carries. and j 4 tl t tU Cy)1]1^ moa , month the Canadian Dominion was EanM gDod results. Now j always pressing a button you can make the ‘7 rHes ' ? * "’“.has sold the motorcvcM to thousands “ne'bia -T' wppuT'of °SoXs > have «'® Pn’s in‘J'e ^u6l!i ™d '"mild I 77 y°U SIt“ng £°n°W th“l In Sumatra have 'been^ound to 777? J?°?"L « ,7™“ not like to bo without them.” .sun. .................... 'la™«at flowers vet discovered. On occasion will not take the form of ope Jn botany, certain trees and plants ( out its seed in a fine powder, and this I EG ITCH IU5MJ5DT, ONI? AI'l’LU'ATION j will atop Itching, «tr,inplng and biting, |2.9J, Ills Hcare Itomedy for broken-wlnded horaea, J2.08. McGahey Medicine Co,, KeinptviUe. Ont, grown in Canada and donated to th® ■ ""Get a box' of Dr? Williams’ Pink Old Land by the Canadian Govern- pnhj from d igt to_day^ or buiM’ing in London will be filled with them and newspapers in the country ■ will be blooms, will be presented with bouquets of peonies. Flowers will be shipped un til the available supply has been dis tributed to all who desire, and apply tor them. Splendid Advertisement for Canada. These blooms should be a novel and poteht advertisement for Canada as they flpd their way into homes in all parts df the British Isles. They should indicate that besides a winter of vigor which aids in the production of the world’s best wheat’ and makes possible winter sports which are unparalleled, Canada has a summer of equal at tractiveness’which rlpenis that wheat and creates opportunity for an alto gether different ordpr of diversion which lures holidaymakers from ail over the American continent and be- pond. The summer in Canada is a season of a profusion of lovely, vari-.colored **' blooms, both those growing wild in forest and oil prairie and those which hare been cultivated about Canadian dwellings. From Digby in Nova Scotia1, buried in the spring in its cherry bossoms', to Victoria, British Columbia, where the most ‘delicate1 blooms thrive in the open uninterrupt edly throughout the year, Canada Is a series of fair gardens which for variety and beauty no country can excel. Can ada has- a greater percentage of home-' owners than perhaps any other coun try and a proportionately greater at tention to home surroundings would appear to exist. Opportunity in the way of space being generous,, the set tings of Canadian cities and towns are uniformly attractive. Thriving and. Growing-Industry. Floriculture is accoidingly a thriving and growing industry in Canada. In the 1921 census a totafl of 6,614 in dividuals described themselves as florists and nurserymen, of whom 22.5 were women. For the first time the Dominion Bureau of Statistics has col lected data on the sale and values of outdoor and indoor ornamental trees, shrubs and plants, and cut flowers. Be- 'eides indicating the thrivrng condition of floriculture in Canada this data, I which takes no cognizance of planting ' « fo-r afforestation or commercial pur poses, illustrates the wide possibili ties of the Dominion in this direction and the extensive use made of such outdoor beautifl-efs. In the 75 complete schedules re ceived, 9 were from Quebec and New Brunswick, 40 from Ontario, 9 from the Prairie.Provinces, and 17 from Bri tish Columbia. This is believed to in clude most of the leading growers, and the results afford a fairly complete conspectue of the Canadian, floricul- tural industry in its present state o'f development. The total value of the floricultural and decorative plant pro duction by Canada in the year ended June 1st, 1926, was ?1,582,464. The value ot cut flowers was $1,295,028, re presenting 82 per cent, of the total. Exports Extending. Roses for outside planting were .w< to the number Of 99,635, of the vai-v of $34,492, and other ornamental trees , shrubs, and bushes for outdoor plant Ing 905,868, of the value of $86,183. In door plants were sold, to the extent o: 631,918 With a value of $158,586, the moat popular being geranium, tulip. n-furcissus>, ferns, spirea, and lilies Flowering bulbs numbered 160,07] valued at $8,175. A total of 15,268,154 cut flowers, grown both Inside and out- • * eidc, were disposed of during the year, the most popular varieties being roses, carnations, chrysimthemums, lilies the valley, tulips and daffodils. I ADIES WANTED IO DO PLAIN AND LIGHT _J newing at ,h<>me. whole or »p»ro time, good yay; work aeut any distance; cher^ea paid. Send rtatnp for partluulnre. National Manufacturing Co., Montreal. G" RATIS—"LITTLE FlilEND" TO ' EXTMEH sex; inelled in plain envelope. Faria So cially Co,, Montreal. .- r .. , i has sold the motorcycle to thousandsmyTiads of similar fungi. i who heretofore were content to leave a. ■ ... , „ . la7e ‘reM-ono the nloB,t ! that pleasureable form ot touring to The revolving villa is a good idea, Aisoovered On one ful is the Bamboo. It grows in the the younger gM,eratiOT1. Because of but as there is a button in every species of the trees m that island, Bast Indies, China, Japan, and other ea3e t])e single is .....................Some species- grow, handled the older element hare taken j? 4.-V4. u u ’’ j x In?’to the two-wheeler and now it is a fortnight has been noticed to be_ommon si ht u gee father ftnd reached by one plant. F----1-----i reach the height of one hundred feet, j Old stalks grow to five and six Inches in diameter, and are used for water-pipes, bottles, circular boxes, poles for scaffolding and building purposes, walking-sticks and musical instruments. The wood is split and woven into cloth for sails, mats and cordage, and the pith produces bread, starch and paper. The Bamboo is thus almost invaluable to the natives of tha tropics. The Bottle tree is a native of Aus tralia. It has the curious peculiarity of the trunk swelling, from a short distance from the ground, until it as sumes a globular shape. The Dragon’s Blood is considered to be one of the longest-lived of trees. I It is a native of the island of Tener- iffe. The finest specimen known is* the giant tree of Oratava, and is said to have been seen in the year 1400,1 when it was as large as it is now. i This tree is named from its product1 —the astringent resin known as dra-' gon’s blood, a substance formerly used in medicine, but now chiefly known as a red varnish. •- The East Indies are remarkable! for strange growths in trees. We' could fill pages with extraordinary varieties. The Banyan tree throws out branches which, descending in line to the ground, take root, and in turn; .become auxiliary stems. Thus, in' course of time, one tree.will cover anj enormous space. - ! A specimen growing on the banks of the Nerbudda, although it has suf- freed badly from floods, which have washed large portions away, still measures two thousand feet in cir cumference. It has three hundred and twenty main trunks, while the . ___, smaller stems exceed three thousand insects,' in number. It is reputed on good authority to have on one occasion sheltered seven thousand persons.--------------------- Things taste so good we can’t help eating too much, now and then. Don’t suffer for it. Seigel's Syrup. Any drug store. TUo Canadian OovermnMt! |””ents'‘l0 Th^Dr. WlSmJ room, two sun-lovers in different parts ^ows parasitieally a large, carbuncle- warm climates. I ....................................* of the house might give the rest of1'1® which expands into a flower, with great rap.dity. the recipients of a gift? of Royalty and other notables o. tliMalta, the t.nditional Meliia of 1 New T'»stament, hag now issued new lOfc. postage Stamp showing th figure of St. Paul. Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont., and a , _ box will be sent you post paid. A ■ the inmates rather a “giddy’ little book, “Building Up the Blood,”! which explains the treatment, will be sent free on request In Crowded Cars. “That shameless thing actually boasted of the number of men who’ve squeezed her.’’ “She was prbbably just referring to her experience in crowded cars.” time. MOTHERS PRAISE BABY’S OWN TABLETS Mrs. L. M, Brown, Walton, N.S., says:—“I cannot recommend Baby’s Own Tablets too highly. I have found them invaluable for., the ailments of little ones.” Mrs. Brown’s testimony is the same as that of thousands of other mothers who have used the Tab lets. To use them once is a sure guar antee that they will always be kept in the home as long as there are babies or young children to be cared for. The Tablets are a laxative—mild but thorough in action—which never fail to regulate the stomach and -bowels; relieve constipation and indigestion; .break up colds and simple fevers and ’make the dreaded teething period, easy. In fact you banish all the ; minor ills from which little ones suf fer. The Tablets are sold by medi- .cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brookville,- Ont.Mow to Lose a Car. Much has been written about lock- ’ ing cars to foil the motor thieves, but it ds the “just for a minute” driver who is the best friend of the jmrloiners. This operator leaves- his automobile to > -rush into a store to ra short sipace of j little, jest a little, if the heart is sad. time and never thinks to turn the key. little^ send a little to another’s The result, often times-, 1 vehicle disappears. Lock the car, nd matter how limited the absence, is an excellent rule to follow. Buck Up and Boost. Give a little, live a little, try a little mirth; sing a little, bring a litte hap piness to earth. Pray a ittle, play a is, that the door; give a little, live a little, love a i litte more.—A. Nutt in Ottawa Citizen. In London I am but a bird of pass age. I own no house, I am not a Some men fold their trousers-every tenant, I just live in a house from night, but do not fold their minds; it which I can be ejected at any mo- is an odd sense of values.—Dr. Wil- ment without compensation.—Stanley liam E. Orchard. Baldwin.Baldwin, It depends largely on the flour you use. We believe .you’ll welcome this suggestion — try^Purity, the rich, vigorous Flour—made from the finest Western wheat. Thousands of cooks say Purity Flour is best for cakes, pies, buns and bread. pURirynzouR try ^Purity, the rich, vigorous Zestern wheat. Thousands of measuring from three to six feet: across. | Its cup will hold twelve pints ofi fluid, and its weight is fourteen pounds. This flower was discovered | by Sir Thomas Raffles and Dr. Ar nold, and hence its name, “Rafflesia Arnoldi.” Its exceptional size and curious scent, which resembles that of tainted beef, would make it an extraordinary and unpleasant bouton niere. In Western Sumatra grows a still larger flower, Amorphallus Titanum. This plant has two stages of existence —first as a flower, next as a tree. The flower grows to about three feet in height, and measures about the same across. Its appearance is grand; but the smell, like that of the former flower, is offensive, an odor being emitted from the cone lik'S” decaying fish. Wi'thln the cone are the seeds of the plant, growing out of the stem. When the- flower dies it falls away, and then the stem shoots rapidly into the air. Increasing in circumference as it does so, it grows to the height of eight feet. On the top are clus ters o ' seeds, some four hundred in number. Each seed is as large as a date, and of a bright holly-berty Ted. Another large flower is the well- known Victoria Regia, one of the grandest and most beautiful of aquatic plants. It was’ discovered by Sir Robert H. Schomburg in 1837, in a river at Berblce, So.uth America. The leaves of the specimen here met with measured from five to six feet in...diameter, the flower fifteen inches across. We now come to a. series of plants that seem destined by Providence to keep down the multitudes of flies that swarm in the tropics. The Pitcher plan and the Side-saddle are the most noticeable. They both contain in their flowers a self-distilled fluid, which attracts numerous i_____ which, allured by the moisture, fall in and are drowned. Venus’ Fly-trap (Dionoea Musci- pula) catches insects in another way. As soon as a fly has alighted within the two fleshy lobes armed with spines, they clo"® together, killing the creature within, and then open for a fresh victim. 1 In Spring: - I almost had forgotten How nice the spring could be, How soft’ and green the grasses And leafy ev’ry tree. I didn’t quite remember The garden was so sweet, How happy it would make me — ill W44AAAAVAA W DUUSome bamboos j an(j yeg, nl0ther too, enjoying an out- nn r/s i raotorcycle. Because of the >r joy which Spring brings to all, and particularly the motorcyclist, all Harley-Davidson dealers have organ-^ To just walk down our street, Ized a “Spring Opening Week” which ■ r —Alix Thorn, la designed to celebrate the beginning j ---- -----❖--------- of the riding and touring season.! Walter Andrews, Toronto Harley- Davidson Dealer, has arranged quite an elaborate program for "Spring •Opening Week,” May 2nd to 7th. Open house will be the order both day and evening for the entire per iod. Brand new 1927 models will be on display at the store and the pub lic are invited to inspect the machines and if desired to ride them. Osmium, with a density of 32,479, ill the heaviest metal known to science. I I ! i Y-O-LA is unexcelled for Dyeing and Tinting. Professional Dyers use the SameKindof S Take Send 30c in stamps for our 700-recipe Purity Flour Cook Bools, 261 Western Canada Flour Mills Co. Limited. Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Saint* John. Well-Known Home Builder Quickly Restored to Health Victim of Nervous Indigestion, Loss of Sleep and Intolerable Pain, Father of 8 Children Finds Long- Sought Relief. Strength Restored. PraisesTanlac Joseph A. Brunet, a well-known Montreal building contractor, 7053 Boyer Street, says: /‘The brawn, mus- ele and splendid health of the strong est man Will break under the strain of modern living. “I was suffering untold agonies when I began taking Tanlac. My strength had vanished. I couldn’t work efficiently, I couldn’t enjoy life as other men did. 'I had lost weight and. was wracked by knife-like pains. “I wag completely discouraged when Tanlac wds recommended to me and I took it. I recommend It to anyone Who is ailing. "Tills tonlo worked wonders with • me. Quickly my old strength return ed. I began to have a great appetite and ate Everything without a sign of •Pain. OnCe more I khew What it was 'to have a good night’s sleep. Tanlac certainly put me on my feet, mado me Stronger and gave me better health ithan I hate lrid in years.” I Tanlac usually bantehoa pain. Con- (Quora aliments and builds up strength |n famished bodies. It relieves the sys- of poison caused by constipation sluggish liver. It is nature**and remedy made .from roots, barks herb? according to the famou« Tan- lac formula. Banish Bicknofts from yohr life and enjoy th© benefits of golden health. Begin taking Tanlac. The first bottlo usually brings results that will sur prise you. Ask yeur druggist for Tan- lac—today I own and ..................... •“ Coining Jokes. This is a common and very legiti- The Carrion flower is also useful speech as applied to in diminishing the number of insect labors of burlesque writers and plagues. This curious flower is a contributors to comic periodicals; but native of South Africa. It gives out ^here is an instance in which a joke an odor that resembles decaying ani-|was actually coined, struck from a mal matter, and beguiles female flies I £TaVen &e> and. issued from a legal I to lay their eggs upon it. The larvae' ^act 18 historical, and is when hatched find out their mamma’s mistake to their cost, and perish in largo numbers. '*«* The Lattice-leaf plant, so called '•‘from its resemblance to lattice blinds, is a ntttive of Madagascar, It is one of the most extraordinary plants jn existence, because the leaves have the ribs and veinings only, and appear but as the skeletons. The tissue usu-. ally found in the interstices is quite' absent. It is an aquatic plant, and, scription: looks exceedingly delicate and grace-! “The K „ t ful as it floats on the surface of the Hamburg. Whnt^he gamed by it J water. , - - - | The Sensitive plant (’Mimosa Pu- j dica) possesses the curious property 'of shrinking, and the leaves fold up at the slightest touch. Even the; breath strongly directed on to It has J the same effect. At night the leaflets! close together, ns also do the partial i-----7 ' j ,v.,leaves, and the common footstalk I ?r0“tw ”<">s«ise talked than that bends toward the chief stem, remain- ,bra7,T77"7 Ing thus until dawn recalls them all!f°ver- Ho adm!ts t¥t one ™«y.over- itOO> the^cTrlosffof'the vegetable!^ world the Cactus tribo are among the! *>’ bodi'!f h<,t n.CK,Mta f.’ b,"t ,ho c"‘ most striking. One is called the tbit ™ e™ Spanish, Visnaga (a toothpick), the!ArthurB h7’.ef , thVl k-? , spines of which are arranged in! ulus-: S, ’ ” tors on the ribs of the plant, being’118 fuU capacity. ______ They aroj For dlitemper—Minard** Liniment. I Canadian Made Wines. { It may surprise many people learn that Canada is a large manu- i facturer of native wines, nearly three million dollars being invested in' the various plants. The manufacture of in the home undoubtedly to , wines I reaches a very considerable total also, i but ho figures are available as to the .quantities produced in this way. The J value of the wines produced commer- ; cially amount to about one and one- half million dollars annually, the number of gallons being one and one- third millions. Most of the produc- , tion comes from Ontario. . The fact is historical, and is ’ as follows: In the year 1679 the Danes advanc ed with a large force upon Hamburg, but after a seige of considerable dur ation, seeing little hope of ultimate success, they finally withdrew and marched back. Thereupon the Hamburgers caused a medal to be struck in commemora tion of the event. On one side of this numismatic curiosity was 'this in- Tho King of Denmark came be- will be seen on the other side.” , On the other side was a total blank. --------------a-------------- No One Can Overtax Brain, : Declares British Surgeon, i A famous British surgeon, Sir Arthur' Keith, claims that there is no j brain worry may bring on “brain 1 fever.” Ho admits that one may over- [tax his physical endurance by habit- utilized Ur that purpose. ' _ also used as pins to fasten the pon cho, or cloak. The other specimen is ono of many that grows to a con- xiderablo height. Of the Fungus tribe one Interesting variety is the “puff ball.” It throws Thoro is nn aondomy of manners in 1 China which regulates etiquette throughout, tlm entire country. ] IISSUE No. 17—’27. Spring Time is CELERY KING Time (Brew a cup of this fine old vegetable tonic. 'It is all the spring medicine you need. It drives out winter’s poisons, improves the appetite and makes you feel better 'right away. CELERY KING is good foS the whole family. At druggists, 30c & 60c, That Pay Kill wart# with Minard’s Liniment. --------------------- Oil and Fertilizer from Fish. Considerable attention has been' given of recent years to the produc-; tion of fertilizer and oil from the; herring type of fish, and on the Pa cific Coast especially capital investment has been made. It takes about six tons rings to make one ton of fertilizer) and 300 gallons of oil. ---------------.j---------------- There exists a continuous line of! Dominion Lands survey monuments! along the water route from Northern Alberta to the Arctic Ocean. These' monuments, established by the Topo-' graphical Survey, Department of the Interior, serve to locate the positions of mineral claims, squatters’ im provements, trading posts, etc. The surveys have been the basis of a series of map sheets covering the transportation routes. All that the name J implies. From _______________,h e a 11hy, free fange parent flocks. Bred to lay. S.U. W. Leghorn* ana Barred Plymouth Rocks from- nationally known strains. Get more poultry profits from these healthy^ vigorous, Smith Hatched Chicks. Wrlfc for circular FREE ONTAIS3® QOAMCT HATCWBT considerable of raw her- Free Treatments For DEAFNESS Head Noises 8r©m Nasal Catarrh Keaarietg Restored I have an original home treatment fordeafness and head noises from nasal ca tarrh which I want every sufferer to try free—with out obligation. For many years I suffered from ca tarrhal deafness and head noises. I perfected a treat ment which completely re stored my hearing. I gave it to others and they were able to hear again. Since that time, hundreds have , used it successfully.Dr. W. a. Coffee 25,000 Treatments To Be GWEN AWAY This Month Theas treatments cost yon nothing1. Tbt re- suit* etetxuick end C6hVfncJnff.Ybu will feel the difference the first dejr. J have fotind that K» per cent ot the cases of deafa-m; end head mMsca ere Caused primarily by nasal cstxrrh. It'jf tomffec.t* the stomach, causes rheumatism and many other troubles. Usually one eat ia affected first, the. deafhesA stow* worse with every severe cold Until the, other eat is affected. My original home treatment will stop al! th is. I have restored hearing in rnawy extreme cases; one woman had been itfWit.it dtaf for 48 This Is FREE I feel bo sure that this treatment will re store hearing and end head noise3 from nasal catarrh that I want every sufferer to try it free. I want to prove at my expense that the results are quick and convincing. It is the best treat ment that I have found in 42 years’ practice aa eye, ear,nose and throat specialist. FREE othtit instances similar to these have told in* of the treatment’s success. TRY IT FREE In Addition, * Wl!l eend you a'^olutaly free toy new hook an Deafness, Head Notaes and Catarrh. IV discusses fulb' th* tUfabltt and in* c arable kitol8 of deafnuaa. Writ® today far thU free test tavstmtnt. State If you are deaf, have noises of Just natal c&tnirh or hesd catarrh.. Wdjj hr Prfni youf isfttoe s>Iftihty. Do notdelvy, yhiaaotlc* itixy not anpeisr ussln, Per «t? days I an#year*; r iWi Bd yiiipa old who hud ckaf hot at'peAf «calh^ Fo# 1 —„ for Waft? yearn can fc w heat RRfilA. UunJitds I tfoink to yiW a**ay D R. W. 0.0 0 FFEE, StUamva Hotel BWg., D«>er>?iortf Ife t J