HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-04-14, Page 5-IF
■ "' ' ........................... ' ............' " ' H
News From Hensall I
. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton-, of Dau
phin, Man, who have been visiting
for a number of weeks with relatives
apd friends in and around Hensail,
left this week for their home,—Miss
Margaret Hobkirk, of Detroit is vis
iting her parents Mr. and Mrs, W.
Hobkirk.—The Hensail bowlers are
holding a concert in the Town Hall
on Monday evening, April 18th. A
good programme of home talent will
he given and no doubt will be well
patronized.—The young people of
the Anglican church put on their
play- entitled “Cyclone Sally” in
-the Town Hall at Wingham on Mon
day evening last, the hall being fill
ed to capacity, and the play being
•well given and greatly enjoyed by
the large audience.—Easter* ser
vices will be held in the St. Paul’s
Anglican church on Good Friday
evening. The sermon and service of
praise will be in keeping •with the
Easter time.—The Mission Band of
the United church held their
meeting in the basement of the
church on Sunday afternoon last
with a good attendance present. The
meeting was opened by singing a
liymn after which sentence prayers
were given by Florence McDonald,
Pearl Elder, Hazel Hudson and
Marion McKay. The scripture les
son was- read by Mary Hemphill,
after which the minutes of the last
meeting were read by Gladys Pass-
more. The roll was called by
Eleanor Skinner, followed by singing
-a hymn after which the collection
by Norman Sinclair.
Mr, Gordon Moriock suffered a
serious accident while cutting wood
with a circular saw on his farm near
Crediton, on Thursday, of last week.
The tiding gear of the engine broke
and a piece pf it fell into the fly
wheel and was thrown with consid
erable force striking Mr. Moriock in
the face cutting’a hole in his cheek
and laying open the lower lip. He
was rendered unconscious and re
mained so until* the following day.
Dr. Fletcher dressed the wounds and
Mr. Moriock is now
The Mission Circle
United church held
meeting on Friday of
pleasant time was spent by all.—
Mr. Christian Beaver has returned
home from Detroit after attending
the funeral of his sister, Mrs.
Truemner,—Miss Smithers, of near
Mt. Carmel, visited at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Matthew England over
the week-end.—-Miss Dorothy Hirtzel
and girl friend, of Detroit, are vis
iting for a week with Mr. and Mrs.
John Hirtzel,'—On April 4th the
Junior Department of the Evangel
ical church, under the leadership
of Miss Lavina Smith and Mr. Fred.
Haist, held an enjoyable evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Haist.—Mr. Clifford Hill has pur
chased a. Ford coach.—Mrs. C.
Haumillpr and her brother Clarence
Eilber and his girl friend spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Eilber,—Special Easter services will
be held in the United churches of
the Crediton charge on Easter Sun
day. At the evening service, Rev.
Mr. Hiscocks .will speak on the sub
ject “The Risen and Exalted Lord.”
Special Easter music will be one of
the main features of the services.
All are cordially invited to attend.
—At the meeting of the Official
Board of the United church last
Wednesday evening, the pastor, Rev.
Hiscocks was given a unani-
invitation to remain for an-
John Edwards, Sr., returned
Dashwood Before you buy your new Spit for.
spring get prices elsewhere and get
a sample of cloth. When yen do
this call in and see me and see what1
you cap sayp. Also when you want
any Cleaning, Pressing or Repairing
done call 193 and
T. H. Elliott
will cull for your clothes and deliver
Hquim and Barnu
Phone 152w John St? East, Exeter
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S..
D. D. Sfr
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three das of week and
at office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
Painting and paper-hanging done
by an expert, Henry Jensen
4-7-3 tp,
Mrs. Ed. Siebert, of Detroit, is
visiting her parents Mr, and Mrs, H.
Ehlers,*—Percy Kleinstiver returned
to Detroit last week after spending
several weeks with his parents.—
Mr, and Mrs, Norman Kellerman and
daughter, of Kitchener, spent Sun
day in town.—Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Nadigei* and daughter Helen spent
Friday in London.—Mrs. Wm. Zim
mer, who underwent an operation
in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London,
returned home this week. We are
pleased to say much improved.—-
Misses Letta and Edith Guenther
spent Saturday ■■ in London.—Mr.
Leo. Eveland left for Detroit Sat
urday, where he will spend the sum
mer.—Rev and Mrs. R. Koessel re
turned to their home in Magnetawan
after spending several weeks with
the latter’s parents,—Mr, and Mrs.
Wm. Stadelbauer, of London, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft.
—Mr, and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman visit
ed in Zurich on Sunday.—Mr. and
Mrs, J. C. Reid visited in Goderich
on Sunday.—Rev. J. M. Colling, of
Grand Bend will give his splendid
lecture entitled “Jack Sprat”
Dashwood Evangelical church
evening of April 25th. Mr,
ing’s 15-piece orchestra of
will provide the musical part
program. Don’t forget the date.—
A cantatta “The Glory of the Cross”
will be given in the Evangelical
church on Easter Sunday at 7.30
p.m. by the choir and Bible school.
The leading feature of the Cantatta
will be seven ladies dressed in white
who will explain in a very beautiful
manner “The Glory of the Cross.”
The tableau and children’s exercise
with a choice selection of solos,
duets, quartets and choruses will
make an evening's entertainment
such .as the Dashwood talent is noted
for producing. A collection will be
taken in aid of missions.
Sylvester B. Taylor
Jeweller, — Exeter
Fit ton's Old Stand
Brunswick Trio, of London, put on a
fine program. Rast Noble Grand G.
J. Sutherland was chairman. After
the program refreshments were serv
ed and the hall was cleared for
dancing, William Hyde and Fred
Beer furnished fine violin music,
with Miss B. Madge at the piano. A
large number also engaged in play
ing cards in the Council chambers.
purchased the residence on King St.
belonging to the Bullard estate. Mr,
and Mrs, Mitchell intend moving to
town in the fall.—Mr. and Mrs. Lem
on and fainily have moved back to
their farm eat Ripley after spending
the last four months in Hensall.—
Mr. Lee Hedden is up helping Mr,
Thos. Kyle for a month putting in
the crop.—Mrs. T. C. Jpynt left on
Sunday for Detroit to wait on her
sister, Mrs, Simpson, who is serious
ly ill at her home there. She was
accompanied by Miss Myrtle McLin-
chy. Mr. Will Simpson came over
after them Sunday morning and re
turned immediately after dinner,-—
Mrs. R. Pollick is visiting friends
in this vicinity for a couple of
The W.M.S. of the United church,
Hensall, met in the schoolroom re
cently with a good attendance and
with the president, Mrs. McDonell,
presiding. The meeting was opened
with hymn No. 528, followed by re
sponsive readings “The Lord is Ris
en Indeed.” A devotional -leaflet en
titled “The Risen Saviour” written
by W. H. Graham, was given by Mrs.
Scruton followed by a paper on In
dia read by Miss Jessie Moir,
book study “Welcome to India”
very ably given by Mrs. Wilson,
lowing this the minutes of the
vious meeting were read and adopt
ed, The roll call was answered by
20 members. A letter was read from
Dr. Konzle thanking the ladies for
their donation to the leper fund. Mrs.
Dougall and Miss Morrison were
appointed to preside over the Mission
Band. The first annual meeting will
be held in North St. Goderich short
ly. It was moved by Mrs. Hobkirk
seconded by Mrs. Lammie that Mrs.
Swan act as delegate to the annual
meeting. Following this sentence
prayers were given by Mrs. Henry,
Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs. Wilson and
Mrs. Merner. A paper on India was
given by Mrs, Fred Hess and was
much enjoyed. The visiting commit
tee reported having called, on 17
members who were confined to bed.
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Hudson at
tended the funeral of Mrs. Jas. Hud
son, of Seaforth on Tuesday,—The
meeting of the Young People’s lea
gue of the United church was held
Monday evening with a good attend
ance. The meeting was in charge of
and presided over by Miss Jessie
Johnston. The meeting was opened
by the singing of a hymn after which
Florence McDonald favored the audi
ence with an instrumental, followed
by the reading of the minutes of the
last meeting by the secretary, Miss
Flora Higgins. . Miss Nora Follick
led in prayer followed by, all repeat
ing the Lord’s praper. Mr. Suther
land very' ably gave the topic op,
Missions ’after Tvliielr -Mrs. Hedd'en
sang a solo in her usual manner. The
meeting next Monday evening will
be withdrawn,-—-What might have
been a serious fire occurred in the
Petty block on Sunday afternoon in
the partition between the stores rent
ed by Thos. Wren and Owen Geiger.
Mr. Wren was going away but luck
ily thought ongoing back to see if
the back door was locked and notic
ed the blaze which* had gained epft-
siderable headway. A few pails of
water put the fire out without call
ing the brigade.
Mr. Carl Passmore, who has been
taking an automotive course in De
troit, spent a short time at his home
here on Sunday. We are pleased to
report that Carl has completed the
course and has secured a position in
a garage in Detroit.-—Mr. J. Pass-
more this week installed a new
electric’*range in the home of Messrs
Wm. and Jack and Miss Craig.
Miss Swan is also having her home
■wired for hydro this week.'—Mr. L.
Hedden, of St. Catherines, spent
Sunday with friends in town.
Mr. Orville Smith, of the Pari*
Line, Hay, was taken to Seaforth
hospital on Sunday to be operated
on for appendicitis. Mr. Smith stood
the operation and is doing as well
as can be expected.—The many
friends of Ray Patterson, who Was
operated on last week in Seaforth
hospital for appendicitis will be
pleased to learn that he is doing
well. His case at first was very
serious.—Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Wolfe on the arrival of a
baby boy on Wednesday last.
Mr. John Young, of London was
in town Tuesday for the show.—
Mrs. Albert* Whiteside, of Goderich
and daughter, Mrs. E. Fines, of
Clinton, visited friends in town on
Tuesday.—The Odd Fellows of Hen
sall Lodge, No. 23, held a splendid
"at home” in the town hall on Wed
nesday evening of last week. The
spacious hall was well filled, many
coming from quite a distance.
getting along
was taken
Katherine Drysdale and
Polljck rendered a very pleasing
duet -entitled “God Sees the Little
Sparrows Fall.” The study entitl
ed “Feeding the Hungry People of
India” was given by Miss Morrison.
Tile meeting was closed by singing a
hymn after which all repeated the
Lord’s Prayer.—The Egmondville
United church choir will present an
evening’s entertainment in the Town
Hall, Hensail, on Thursday evening,
April 14th, under the auspices of
the Hensail United church choir.
Besides readings, solos, instru
mentals, etc., will be the presenta
tion of the Trial Scene from the
“Merchant of Venice. ’’This concert
lias been given in several places and
comes to Hensall
The first annual
Huron Presbyterial
W. 1VI. S. of the United Church will
Im held in North St. church, Gode
rich on Thursday, April 28th. The
-chief speaker will be Mrs. A. H.
Barker, of Korea.—The services , in
all three churches on .Sunday last!
were largely attended. ‘ In the Unit
ed church •special -partd iff;tbe an~
thems were taken by Mrs. Joyiit and
Miss Greta Lammie; Miss Irma Hig
gins. Mr. and Mrs. I-I. Pfile and Mr.,
W. C. Goodwin. Special Easter mu
sic is being prepared by the various
choirs for the coming Sunday.—-Mr.
•John, Mitchell, of Tuckersmith, has
highly recom-
of the
of the
Miss Eleanor Fisher
■JTernis Moderate Phone 68
Radios and Batteries
-Come in and see our new Mar-
.'coniphone, Pierce Airo and Westing-
iiouse Radio sets. We repair all
makes of batteries and recharge
, Honor graduate of Faculty of
•Medicine, and Master of Science,
•University of Western Ontario.
Member of College of Physicians
and Surgeons of Ontario. Office
4wo doors east of Post Office.
Phone 5 6 Residence
The annual Spring Show under
the auspices of the South Huron
Agricultural Society, was held here
Tuesday afternoon, and was a great
success, all entries being well filled.
Seeding in the district being on, a
number of farmers .^stayed home
on the land, which would otherwise
have attended. An exceptional good
lot of horses were shown, especially
in the heavy draft team, and single
roadster class, John Millar and A.
Dow, of Exeter vfon the prizes for
stallions while Dr. Moir, of Hensall
showed some fine colts, A number
of fine cattle were shown, the princi
pal exhibitors being Wm. Dougall,
E. Pym, M. Crich, Owen Geiger and
James Alexander. Before the ex
hibition the Hensall Fire Depart
ment came out and sprinkled Mill
Street, where the exhibition was
held an^l also gave an exhibition of
the capabilities of their new fire
engine to a highly interested crowd.
The following is the prize list:
HORSES, Clydesdale or Shire—
aged stallion, John Millar, 1st and 2nd; Standard foaled, 1924 oi* later,
John Millar; aged Percheron stal
lion, Alex. Dow; Standard Bred
stallion, John Decker, Alex, Stewart
Thos. Yearley.
Harness Horses — Heavy draft
team, Alex. Sinclair, Robert Cooper;
heavy draft mare and foal, A. and
J. Bfoadfoot. 1st and 2nd, 3rd Alex.
Stewart; 3-year-old filly or gelding,
Owen Geiger; 2-year-old filly or
gelding, Frank Bean, Dr. Moir, E. H.
Thompson; draft or agricultural
foals, Dr. Moir, Thomas Butte, Wm.
Pepper; agricultural team, W. Ham
ilton, D. Fotheringham; agricultural
mare and foal D. Fotheringham; 3-
year-old agricultural filly, Earl Par
sons, John McLean, W. Hamilton;
2-year-old filly, R. Broadfoot; gen
eral purpose team, R. Scott; single
carriage horse, B. .Lavis, J. A. Man-
son & Son; roadster team, J.-Smillie
single roadster, Robt. M'cLean, Thos.
Reid, Dr. Moir, Ed. Oesch; grand
championship, A. J. Broadfoot 1st
and 2nd, Alex. Sinclair, W. Hamil
Best lady driver, Mrs. Ira Moir,
Miss Clara Stephenson; the Joseph
Burnie silver cup for the best Cly
desdale gelding of any age was
won by A. and J. Broadfoot; the
Owen Geiger prize for the best draft
stallion was won by John Millar;
the Oscar Klopp prize for the best
draft mare 3 years or over was won
by A. and J. Broadfoot;-the Hensall
Bakery prize for the best lady driv
er was won by Mrs. Moir. Lester
Fisher won 1st prize in the boy's
judging contest of cattle.
Cattle—Aged Shorthorn bull, W.
Dougall; bull calved in 1925, E’.
• Pym, M. Crich; Shorthorn cow, M.
Crich, Wm. Pepper; heifer under 2
years, E. Pym, M. Crich; butcher
steer or heifer, M. Crich, Owen Geig
er; baby beef, M. Crich, Owen Geig
er; dairy cow, James McAllister 1st
and 2nd. The silvei* cup donated in
19 23 for the best Shorthorn female,
by Dr. Peck, and won
19.24 by Wm. Pepper
Elder in 1925 and by
19 26 was won again
Mr. Crich.
The officers of the
Society, president, W. D. Sanders, of
Exeter; secretary Keith McLean, of
Seaforth; Dr. Campbell and -Robert
McLaren, Sr., of Hensall, were all
present and took part in the show
management. The judge for heavy
horses was Dr. Baker, of Toronto;
for light horses H. Darroch, of Lon
don; for cattle Wm. Charters, of
in 1923 and
and by John
Mr. Crich in
this year by
girls of the
their annual
last week. A
in the
on the
of the
“ Fdr Huron and Middlesex
,18 Years ExperieriCe, Brices Reason
able, Satisfaction Guaranteed or
no Charge '
Phono 57-18 Dashwood
A little baby girl arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Dietrich
last Tuesday morning.—Miss Erna
Neeb left_ last week for Kirkton,
where she will remain * for some
time.—Mrs. Wm. Witzef, who has
been under the doctor’s care for the
past couple of months, we are sorry
to report is improving very slowly.
—Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Dietrich spent
Sunday in Zurich.—Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Mason spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. H- Stade, of Dashwood.
W. R. Goulding
A. T, C. M.
Organist and Choirmaster
James St* United Church
Instruction in
Piano Vocal Organ Theory
Supervisor of Music in Schools
Concert Engagements Accepted
Studio, Main St, i Box 57, Phone 192
1874 * 1927
The London Life
Insurance Co.
Exeter. Phone 13 QW.
Residence, Ann St. two blocks west
of Ford Garage
1847 1927
The Oldest Assurance Co, in Canada
Phone 164, Exeter
Barristers, Solicitors, Ac.
Money to Loan, Investments Made
Safe-deposit Vault for use of our
Clients without charge.
Exeter ' London Hensall
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc,
Office: Carling Block, Main Strout
Exeter, Ont.
E. C, Harvey & L. V. Hogarth
Agents —
Mutual Life of Canada
M.D.C.M., Toronto
L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh
L.F.P. & S. Glasgow
Physician & Surgeon
Office over Browning’s Drug Store
Residence 26J Office 26W,
E. S.
home from the West last week after
visiting there for the winter.—Mrs.
Sidney Sheardown is able to be up
and around the house again after
being confined to her bed for nearly
two weeks.—Mr. and Mrs. William
Horney and daughter, Irma, of
Kippen, spent Sunday with the
former’s sister,, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Motz.—Mrs. Eli Lawson has return
ed home after visiting relatives in
Exeter for a week.—Mr. and Mrs.
Fred. Waghorn and family are mov
ing this week into their home which
they purchased from Mr. Thomas
Appleton.—-Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Flynn spent Sunday with the latter’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tuffield
Tetreau, near Grand Bend.
The Sunday School of the Credi-
ton United, church are having a
special Easter program Sunday next
at 10.45 a.m. You are invited to
attend. Come and hear the child
ren and encourage the work of Sun
day school.
Miss Mae Wilson is recovering
from her recent illness.—Master
Addison Mason, of Dashwood is
visiting with liis uncle, Mr. E.
Mason.—Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Pollock and Edison were in Kerr-
wood on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs.
Walter McPherson, of Crediton, have
been visiting the former’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. McPherson.—Listen
Wedding bells! I really believe
is.—Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Webb, of
Grand Bend visited Mr. and Mrs.
Geromette.—R. L. Pollock was
Ben. Regan is seriously
with an attack of pneumonia,
many friends wish for him a speedy
recovery.—Mrs. Thomas Glavin,
Detroit, is spending a few weeks at
the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Doyle.—Miss GerUie -Deterich,
London, is spending’a few days at
her home here.-^-Mrl M. O’Rourke
had a telephone , installed in his
home last week.—Mr. Peter Doyle is
wearing a broad Sinile these days at
the arrival of a* son.—Miss Winnie
Keogh moved her houshold effects
to the residence formerly occupied
by Mrs. D. O’Brien. We welcome
Miss Keogh to our midst.—The in
fant child of Mr. anef Mrs. Frank
Coughlin is quite ill.-—Mrs. T. J.
Hall spent a few days last week at
The regular monthly meeting
the Hurondale AV, I. was held at the
home of Mrs. AV. F. Down on Wed
nesday afternoon, where a short
dressmaking course had been con
ducted under the leadership of Miss
Rolston. After the business had
been disposed of, the ladies display
ed their dresses that had been made
during the course. Misses Maybelle
Strang and Olive Wood were ap
pointed to attend the conference at
the O. A. C., Guelph early in May.
An interesting program followed.
Mrs. Henry Strang gave a splendid
paper on “St. Patrick” which was
enjoyed by all. A paper on “The
Mother and Wha.t She Owes to her
Home,” was also read. Mrs. An
drew, Dogall sang a very pleasing
.solo.' Several Victrola selections
were enjoyed. After which lunch
was served by the ladies in charge
and social half hour spent. Final
arrangements were made for the
bazaar and cooking, sale to be held
in the Town Hall on April 16th.
M H '•
Chevrolet, at such phenomenally low prices
—the lowest prices for which Chevrolet has
ever been sold in Canada.
Roadster - 0655.00
Touring - 0655.00
Coupe - * 0780.00
Landau Sedan ' » - -
Roadster Delivery -
Commercial Chassis
Utility Express Chassis
Prices at Factory,Oshaiva~-Governme>it Taxes fixtra.
ONLY Chevrolet—world’s largest builder
of gear-shift automobiles—could pro
duce such a car as the Most Beautiful
Chevrolet in Chevrolet History—could.intro
duce such smooth, spirited performance—
such beauty of line, such evident distinction,
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Only Chevrolet, with its enormous purchasing
and manufacturing economies, could combine
the beauty, the quality, the distinction and
the ‘ performance „ of«thei<uMost. Beautiful
til Chevrolet
evrolet History J. McDONELL, Hensail
Dealer in Chevrolet and Oakland cars
London on business last week.—At
the meeting of the official board 'of
Grand Bend charge the pastor, Rev.
J. M. Colling received and accepted
an invitation to return for another
year at an increased salary.—At the
congregational meeting of the Un
ited church all departments report
ed the }rear’s work and progress is
shown all along the line.—The
members of the community are look
ing forward with interest to the
privilege of attending the laying of
the corner stone of the new United
church at Grand Bend on May 24th.
—Keep the date of April 29th open i
for a play that. is to he given by
Thedford talent in the United
church.—Mr. Hector Munroe and
Miss Mary Webb visited their uncle,
Mr. Wm. Whiteside.—Mr. J. Hotson
has improved his lot by setting out
some evergreens.
The April meetiug of the W. M. S.
was held on Thursday at the home
of Mrs. S. H. Miller in the village.
Twenty-one member
The president, Mrs.
A very profitable
held. Mrs. Donald
the Scripture lesson,
lesson being taken by Mrs. E.
ham, Mrs. John Hamilton also
a very interesting paper. A
pleasing duet was rendered by
Miller and Mrs. McKellar. Mrs.
led in prayer. A well rendered
was sung by Miss
and Mrs. Donald
suitable and well
hymns were sung,
took the closing
Lord’s prayer
Mr. Ernest Graham
sad news on Thursday
of his father, Rev. Mr. Graham, of
St. Paul. The funeral took place
on Saturday.
We are pleased to state that Mrs.
McLaren, who has been so seriously
ill is somewhat improved, although
at the time of writing is very weak,
Mrs. Quance of the village is
spending a few days in Exeter, her
mother, Mrs. Allen, being very ill.
Friends in this community were
deeply grieved to hear of the death
of Miriam J. (Minnie) Speare, wife
of William ’ J. Carruthers, of Van
couver, B.C., on March 26tli, in her
55th year. She had not been in
the best of health for some time and
contracted the flu. It was thought
she would recover but took a relapse
and passed away suddenly. Minnie
was of a kind and lovable disposi
tion and held in high esteem by her
many friends here and in the West
where she had lived. She leaves to
mourn her loss her husband and one
soft Harry 13 years of age, also five
brothers and two sisters, Thomas
and Emanuel, of Toronto; Harry, of
London; Richard, of Calgary and
Joseph on the home farm; Mrs. Wm.
Butler, of Cromarty and Mrs. John
Shute, of Kirkton, who have the
sympathy of the community in their
sad loss. The remains were laid to
rest in Vancouver.
were present.
Scott presided.
the study
Grace Houghton
McKellar; very
chosen Easter
Mrs. S. A. Miller
prayer and
was repeated
of the death
White Enameled
Woodwork I
Carmote White High Gloss Enamel j
goes on easily — gives woodwork I
and furniture a smooth, lustrous ;
surface as white as swansdown—yet !
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whiteness. Also made in ivory, and :
in eggshell finish if desired.
White Enamel
Meie by Carptnier-Morton Company,
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Bonthron and Dyrsdale
Hensall, Ont.
W. J. Heaman
Exeter, Ont.
A New Word Contest
$600 in Prizes
How many words can you make from the
thirteen letters in the three words
first prize—$100 in cash. Get new contest
sheets from the Nyal druggist. Winners of
thfc Nyal Creophos Word Contest will be
Announced first week in May* Watch the
papers. Meanwhile get Started on thia new ,
word contest. At the same time your health.
deserves attention. Protect it with Nyal Stone /
Root Compound.
Get the
A teacher threatened to consult
the father of a boy who was misbe
having. The boy told her she batter
not as his father was a doctor and
charged $2.00 for a consultation,
Go to the MYAL
Once a trial—always Nyal