HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-03-31, Page 4r THURSDAY, MARCH 31st, 1927 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE * 'fr History leaves but the interesting 'details. J~" " ------- , _ , B 4 A man can have a good time on __Did Methuselah keep his $40—-half of it to spend and half to WjjMW. hir tKit tMl 'M square himself with at home. I i STAFFA On Friday evening a number of people from Bushfield’s School pre-- seated their play “The Dust of the Earth” ; " "* under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the United church.. The appreciative audience that filled the hall were treated to an exceptionally fine program. Every character was ably taken and the caste as a for amateurs was a good one. taking part between acts Messrs. Lloyd Miller and Rev. Jones, saxaphone and violin tions with Miss Norma Wilson ac- Mr. Frank Bruce and ukelele duet with Mrs accompanist. Messrs, and Harry Leslie gui- The Dust of the in the town hall, Staffa, EVERY WOMAN SHOULD READ HOW “FRUIT-A-TIVES” GAVE HER NEW LIFE AUCTION SAW OF CQRBETT ■ PARSONAGE Frank Taylor, auct., will offer for sale by public auction on Wednesday April 6 th, the splendid brick par­ sonage at Corbett. PONTIAC Six introduced a totally new and revolutionary standard of values when the first Pontiac Six was announced a little over a year ago. Now, Pontiac Six is increasing its lead—• sweeping still further in advance of its field* For, in the New and Finer Pontiac Six, Gen­ eral Motors has achieved a combinatidn of fine, six-cylinder performance, strikingly beautiful appearance and low price unequalled in all the automobile world. I1 *4 Again Pontiac leads in value—and by a wider margin than ever. Small wonder that the records established by Pontiac’s first year sales are already being surpassed by the enthus­ iastic public reception of the New and Finer Pontiac Six. • < t Come in and see the car, and the reasons for Pontiac leadership become at once apparent* New Fisher Bodies NewDuco Colors New Design Radiator rMassive Crown Fenders Tilting-Beam Headlights New Design Steering Wheel » Naw Transmission and Brake Levers Smoother and More Positlv® Clutch Oil-Sealed Universal Joint Three New Body Typea ?r-tno AT NEW LOW ARISES ULRIC SNELL EXETER ----- ONTARIO Dealer for Pontiac & McLaughlin I companist. : Miss McLean, Frank Brce A. W. Norris tar duet. Rev. J. E. Jones spent a few days in Toronto this week. We are sorry to say Mrs. R. A. Sadler is under the doctor’s care. We hope for a speedy recovery. Master Jimmie Remnant is im­ proving slowly in the General Hos­ pital, Stratford, Essex Crystal Dwarf Sweet Clover It ripens early, generally about the 1st to 6th of August, thus pro­ viding an excellent land cleaner pro­ hibiting weed seeds to ripen with it. The seed is smaller than the com­ mon Sweet Clover so that it only re­ quires three fourths as much seed or from 8 to 10 pounds per acre. It is a wonderful seeder producing an acreage of 20 bushels per acre. Tests have proven that this seed will produce a vigorous growth on sand, clay, loam or muck soil. In quality of Hay it equals alfalfa with a greater yield per acre. It also makes excellent pasturage for dairy or beef cattle, sheep or horses. The stock thrives readily on these fields. In using this Clover .vhile still green makes one of the best soil rebuilders when plowed down. This we believe is a valuable addition to the lists of forage plants. The name is derived from Essex County, Sacramento Valley, Califor­ nia, and the first known crops in the eastern States were produced by the Huron County growers in the Thumb of Michigan. Seed experts and anologists familiarize it with the widely known Grundy County Dwarf Sweet Clover, except that the Essex Crystal Dwarf Sweet Clover is an earlier ripener, it’s color .of the plant differs and that it is a larger yielder on all types of soil than othei' clovers. Essex Crystal Dwarf Clovei* many outstanding advantages, is about four weeks earlier than common Sweet Clower and grows much smaller, more branchy and leafier and has finer stems. It sel­ dom grows over three and a half feet tall. It produces finer hay in large quantities and is a better seed­ er, yielding- as high as 25 bushels per acre on large acreage. Frank Taylor whole Those were J. E. selec- gill AUCTION SALE — of — HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received structions to sell by pxiblic auction) Road. 23 miles from Exeter Perth containing 150 acres more or less, 25 acres of wheat, 40 acres of alfal­ fa and 38 acres for siting crop, ba­ lance in pasture. Terms mado known on day of sale. TERMS OB CHATTELS $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 6 months’ credit on. furnishing approved Joint notes with interest at 6 per cent, per annum. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer J. B. C. SHINGLES in- the lias It the N. KATCMPFH. Proprietor -9 MRS. J. F. RUTKOWSKA'. “For several years I suffered with’ severe constipation and was a nervous wreck. I had great pain in my limbs, and such terrible headaches I thought I would go crazy. I had no appetite, could scarcely eat anything without stomach distress. After reading about ‘Fruit-a-tives’ I de­ cided to try them. Before I had taken three boxes, I was entirely well. I sin­ cerely think ‘Fruit-a-tivcs’ saved my life ” —Mrs. J. F. Rutkowska, Tolstoi, Mani- 'tob*. Indigestion,- biliousness, headaches, ner­ vousness, pains in the back and limbs are largely caused by allowing poisons to accumulate in the body, “Fruit-a-tives” is nature’s remedy, made from intensified fresh, fruit juices combined with tonics. “Fruit-a-tives” stimulates the bowels, liver and kidneys to normal action and brings about a condition of delightful health. Buy a box of “Fruit-a-tives”, to­ day. Enjoy life again. 25c and 50c, everywhere. ANDREW STREET, EXETER —> on — SATURDAY, APRIL 9th, 1027 atv1.30 o’clock sharp the following 3 bedroom suites, complete; single (1, 3 toilet sets, clock, sideboard d extension table, four small tables, Morris chair, hatrack, 5 rocking chairs. 2 rugs, 1 tapestry 23x7, 1 9x12, 1 Gold Seal congoleum rug 3x33 yards, pair green silk velour curtains, quantity of carpet, curtains and curtain poles, kitchen range, cupboard and table, pictures, crokinole board, garden tools, 6 doz, quart sealers, wheelbarrow, buck saw, 2 iron pots, draw knife, coal oil heater and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH MRS. S. MANSON, Proprietress W, S. MANSON. Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE OF FARM PROPERTY Barb Wire 7 8 8 7 9 Edge Grain xxxxx $4.20 per sq. $3,60 per spool wire Frost Fence ..... 45c. per rd. wire Frost Fence Close Stay 53c.*? wire Ring Lock .....................45c,-.*a ’ wire Rink Lock .........„..40c. *8" wire Hog Fence .............. ,.45c, IT Bar Steel Post ......45c. each;. ELIMVILLE PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED 75 z Mr. Lloyd Johns has been suffer­ ing from blood poisoning in his arm but at time of writing is beginning to improve. Miss Florence Herdman visited grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Squire in Exeter, recently. Little Miss Jean Snell has been ill with influenza. Mrs.. Richard Johns has returned home 'after spending several weeks in Exeter. Mrs. George Pulleyblank is on the sick list. We are sorry to lose Mr, and Mrs. George Jaques from this com­ munity by their removal to Exeter last week. Last Sunday was Review Sunday in the Sunday .School and was very interestingly taken up different persons, each lesson. Next Sunday morning of the Lord's Supper will be ad­ ministered after the morning ser­ vice. The Y. P. Society of this church are planning to hold a box social in the near future. The Mission Band had an interest­ ing entertainment last Friday even­ ing when Rev. Mr. Smith gave an instructive address on “Quebec and its Problems.” to a fair sized aud­ ience. The children the program also did numbers given by Clark and Marjorie especially enjoyed, amounted tn about $13.00. sacrament AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS AND REAL ESTATE The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction at the residence of the lateMrs. MARY J. BEDFORD, at CREDITON, on TUESDAY, APRIL Sth, 1927 at 2 o’clock p.m. the following HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—3 piece parlor suite, parlor table, organ (piano case), hall rack, sideboard, 2 dining room extension tables, 6 dining room chairs, arm chair, 3 rockers, kitchen cupboard, kitchen table, 4 kitchen chairs, cook stove, Savoy Treasure. (nearly new); fection coal oil stove with oven; 1 bedroom suite, drawers, 2 springs and 2 mattress­ es, parlor carpet, 25 yards of new linoleum, 2 new congoleum rugs 9x 9 and 9x103 feet; child’s iron crib with spring and mattress, drop leaf sewing machine, washing machine, good wringer, vacuum cleaner, cedai- mop, eight day clock, 3 toilet sets, quantity of coal and wood, 12 foot ladder, step ladder, grind stone. 1 lawn mower, hedge clippers, ‘robe, rake, hoes, shovels, pictures and frames and other articles too num­ erous to mention.. REAL ESTATE—Pt. Lot 10, Con. 6, Township of Stephen, one-quar­ ter of an acre more or less. There is a brick cottage on this property in good-state of repair. TERMS Household Effects—Cash Real Estate—10% cash, balance in 30 days. Foi’ more particulars apply to the executors or H. Eilbei’ & Son, Credi- ton. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer ELI KING, WILFRED LAWSON, Executors? Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mort­ gage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1927 at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon on the premises by Frank Taylor, Esquire, Auctioneer, the fol­ lowing property, viz: The West Half of Lot number three and the whole of lot number Five both in the Fourth Concession of the Township of Usborne in the County of Huron, containing One hundred and fifty acres more or less The farm is well situated, fenced and drained and has erected on a two storey brick house bank barn, both in good state pair. TERMS—The farm will be ed for sale subject to certain Leases and other conditions made known at the time of sale. Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid at the time of sale; balance to be paid Jn thirty days. For further particulars and con­ ditions of sale apply to FRANK TAYLOR, Auct.,- Exeter, or CARLING & MORLEY, Barristers, Exeter, Ont., Solicitors foi' the Mort­ gagee. A. J CLAT WORTHY Phone 12 GRANTON taking .part In very well. The Misses May Huntei* were The proceeds Grand Bend been for coal or wood, 3 burner New Per- bed and chest of AUCTION SALE there- and a of re­ offer- AUCTION SALE — of --- FARM STOCK The undersigned has received in­ struction to sell by public auction on lot io, con. 2, McGillivray — on — MONDAY, APRIL 4th, 1927 at' one o’clock p.m. the following: 1 Heavy, mare rising 3; 3 fresh cows, 2 cows due time of sale; cow due April 15, 2 cows due in June, 3 heifers in calf, 3 steers rising 1 year old, 2 heifers, rising 1 yeai' old, 3 calves, 1 Poll Angus bull; 1 sow with 11 pigs, 4 weeks old; sow with 13 pigs; 100 hens; 2 geese, 1 gander; 3 ducks, 1 drake; collie dog; gasoline engine, cream separator. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Range, heater, 4 burner coal oil stove, buf­ fet, churn, washing machine, lin­ oleum, barrels, pails. 85 bushels mixed grain, 200 bush., oats. TERMS $10 and under, cash; over that amount 6 per months’ credit oh fur­ nishing approved joint notes or a discount of 6 per cent, pei* annum off for cash. ELMER FAULDER, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer TRACTORS Safety Razor Blades Sharpened ( any make) SINGLE EDGE .............................. 3®“ DOUBLE EDGE ...................... 4c Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, Druggists Ur' LOOK! LOOK! X922 FORD TOURING WITH STARTER FOR SALE Good Running Shape FIRST $125 TAKES IT H. Bagshaw VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Spohr Method G. M. GRANT Phone 8 for appointments CARLING & MORLEY, Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN- ’ SURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main -Street Exeter, Ont. GLADMAN & ST ANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Money to Loan, Investments Made- " Insurance. Safe-deposit Vault for use of ouiv Clients without charge. Exeter London HensaW- ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer, Investment! Insurance X- Office one door south Times Offir©^- Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.DJL DENTAL SURGEON Late District Dental Officer ofc Military District Number One, Lon­ don, "Ont. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 34J Main Street, Exeter, Ont Office open on Wednesday until April 20th, 1927 * — of — HORSES AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneei- has ceived instructions to sell by public auction at LOT 7, NORTH THAMES ROAD, on FRIDAY, APRIL 1st, 1927 at one o’clock sharp the following: HORSES— Brood mare, Clydes­ dale, aged, due to foal in April, bred to Requisitor; brood mare to foal in July, bred to club horse; brood mare, due to foal in May, bred to club horse IMPLEMENTS—M. H. binder, 7ft. cut; M. H. mower. 6ft. cut; side rake M. H. dump rake, steel roller, spring tooth cultivator, McCormick Seed drill, manure spreader, set of heavy log sleighs, wagon, wagon box, hay rack, flat rack for.sleighs, cutter, single furrow riding plow, walking plow, 2 sets harrows scales, 2000 lbs. capacity; fanning mill, set double harness, set single harness, a quantity of Alfalfa hay, steel range Canada; fence str tellers, ladders, sling ropes, whiffletrees, neckyokes, forks, shovels, chains and other ar­ ticles too numerous to mention. Unless previously sold there will be offered for sale at the same time part Lot 6 and Lot 7, N.orth Thames re- We have the agency for the John Deere and Case tractors. These are both good, sturdy and powerful ma­ chines. Let us explain to you their good qualities, enquire for prices and terms. As spring is in the air let us meet your requirement in two- wheel plows for Fordsons, tliree- wheel plows for larger tractors. 12 sulkies and walking plows, a full line of tractor machinery always available. Our new cultivatoi- for horses or tractor is more superior in many ways than those of our opposi­ tion, our fertilizer drills have been improved and are much lighter, in draught. Our new packei- is great­ ly in demand. Agency for tobacco planters. New Idea and used spread­ ers, De Lava 1 and Massey-Harris separators, Preston garages, roofing- and siding, implement buildings, -barn door track, extension ladders, hay carriers, Peerless wire fencing, barb wire, staples and steel posts, windmills, pumps and stable equip­ ment, engines, electric and engine drive washing machines. A full line of repairs always in stock. Dr. Go F. Roulston, L.D.S..D.D.S* DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling’s Law Office Extractions Under ‘ Oxygen Gas Dr. A. R. Kinsman. L.L.D..D.D.& DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University ■ Office over Gladman & Stanbury's£< Office, Main Street, Exeter I Mrs. John Statton, who has visiting in St. Marys for the winter, has returned home. The boys who have had the mumps are all recovering fine. Mrs. (Rev.) J. M. Colling, is on the sick list. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Mr. J. W. I-Iolt, who is under the doctor’s care, we are pleased to say, is improving. We hope to soon see him around again. Mrs. John Holt, who spent . the winter in Sarnia with her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Mollard, has returned to hei' home in Grand Bend.Arthur Jones MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT. Whalen In the beginning a fascinated, public bought the Chrysler "70” for the charm, and freshness of its new performance and appearance. Behind that first Chrysler, and the public’s first enthusiasm for its new qualities, are now more than three Years of experience. During those three phenomenal years—years in which p ablic prefer­ ence swept Chrysler from 27th to 4th place—motor car buyers have come more and more to know its substantial and solid qualities. They have found a dependability and long life in the "70”—proved by ■hundreds of thousands of enthusias- tic owners—combined with those elements of progressiveness through, which Chrysler has steadily main­ tained the speed, dash, beauty, lux­ ury, economy and safety of the liner Chrysler "70” of today, as far in advance of its field as at the time of its introduction. r r / Phaeton $2010; Sport Phaeton $2130 Roadster $2130; Brougham $2205; Royal Coupe $2230; Royal Sedan $2305; Four' Passenger Coupe $2305; Cabriolet $2530; Crown Sedan $2590. f y y f. o. b. Windsor, Ontario (freight .only to bemadded;. Above prices include, all taxes, bumpers front and rear, spare tire, cover and tank full of gasoline. CHRYSiER'TO THE CANAbLAfcLBUILT CHRYSLER FOR CANADIANS C. C. PILON HURON GARAGE EXETER,' ONT.PHONE issw DR. HARRY J. BROWNING M.D.C.M*, TorontoL.R.C.P. & *S. Edinburgh L.F.P. & S. Glasgow Physician &. Surgeon Office over Browning’s Drug Store- Phones Residence 26J Office 26W The general meeting M. S. of Whalen United church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A, Johnson on Thursday after­ noon, March 24th. There were 25 members present. The following officers were elected for the com­ ing year: Pres., Mrs. Frank Gunn­ ing; 1st Vice-Pres'., Mrs. Albert Gunning; 2nd Vice-Pros., Mrs. John Hazelwood. Squire; Rec. Sec’y. den; Corres Morley; Sec' ship, Mrs. ’ Com.. Mrs. Squire, Mrs, Hoclgsoii, Mrs. Edgar Equire; erature Sec’y., Miss Bessie Morley; Strangers’ Sec’y., Mrs. Mel. Gunn­ ing; Supply Sec’y. and Assistant. Mrs. John Hodgson and Mrs. Geo Millson: Missionary Monthly Sec’y Mrs. Wilson MOriey; Press Sec’y. Mrs. Hilton Ogden; Pianist. Miss V Hazelwood; Assistant Pianist, Mrs Earnest Foster. The meeting was closed with benediction by Mrs. Sam Gunning after which tea was served and a social time was enjoyed. Treasurer, Mrs. Harvey Mrs. Hilton Og- . Sec’y., Miss Bessie ‘y, of Cristian Steward- Tims. Gunning; Finance TJ1OS. Gunning, Mrs. H. i. Will Morley, Mrs, W. Lit- ANYTHING BUT THESE Wife.—“The doctor says i must take more exercise,” Hub.—“All right, ihy dear. Any kind you like except jumping at conclusions and running up bills.” Edmonton Bulletin Fire-protection is all important in modern building. Help protect your home from the menace of fire by using Brantford. Roofing, All Brantford Roofing products are fire-re- ■ tardent and usually reduce insurance rates by 10 to 20 per cent. Specify Brantford for permanent roofing satisfaction. Brantford Roofing Co. Limited Brantford, Ontario) Brantford ROOFS DR. IV. E. WEEKES . Physician and Surgeon ; Late Chief Interne' Vancouver General Hospital CORONER FOR HURON COUNTY' Office removed to the former Ford garage building corner' of Main and. Ann St. Office hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. Phone: Office 67W, Residence 67J f-*-1." . ■' ' .......I, ............................ i , . ■ DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER Graduate of Faculty of. Medicine^. University of Western Ontario, Mem­ ber of the Colleg of Physicians and' Surgeons of. Ontario; Member of the- British Medical Council. Phone 6—(The .office of the lat®- Dr. H, K. Hyndman) . MWh Have Your Eyes Examined To-day There is nothing to be gained by* delaying that eye examination. * There is much to be lost. Each day that your eyes are undeir a strain makes it more difficult for your Optometrist to^givo you satis­ factory glassesYou will be surprised at the thor* oughness of our methods-—and W11P be pleased with the glasses. Call today and learn the trutlsk about your eyes. . John Ward a CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN K MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. * Pl-IOtffi 70 <•