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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-03-24, Page 5
-ff Iff *w < THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATe Thursday; march sm, ■<*> V ♦ News From Hensall gtcljooi of ®omm«we CLINTON, ONTARIO Students may enter at any time Why not attend the School that has the Highly Qualified Staff, The only School that teaches real Practical Business Training from start; to finish,Where High School students and teachers are taught spsciaL ized expert training in Business Administration .and Secretarial Seine© and are sure of a good po sition, rapid promotion and big income. _ __ ___COURSES Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Cicil Service Commercial Teachers Course and Special Courses arranged. For Information Write to B. E. WARD, B.A., M.Accts. Phone 198. Principal hensall Mrs. Thos. Hudson visited in Sea forth this week. Mr. T. C. Joynt is in Toronto this week on business, Reeve Geiger was in London, Mon day on business, Mrs. John Passmore and Miss Z. visited in Exeter on Friday. Mr. Dan Baggs spent the week end at his home in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, John Elligson visit ed friends in Stratford on Friday. Mr: John Passmore attended the liockey match in London on Mon day. Our motor dealers are each week getting a number of new up to date cars. Miss Mary Stewart visited over the .week-end with her parents in Seaforth. Mr. Laird Joynt, of London Uni versity, visited over the week-end at his home here. Miss Eleanor Fisher ORGANIST HENSALL UNITED CHURCH TUITION IN PIANO "Terms Moderate Phone 68 DR. R. P. I* DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of Medicine, and Master of Science, University of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians .and Surgeons of Ontario, Office two doors east of Post Office. IPhone 56* Residence 114 HENSALL, ONT. T*r ed by th© public in general. Mr, Ira McCurdy had the misfor tune to hay© his hand come in con tact with a buzz saw while working for Mr, Wm. Beckler almost sever ing his front finger. The Minstrel show on Friday night in Aberdeen Hall was well given and drew a large crowd. Proceeds were $104.00 in aid of the Women's Insti tute. At the Auction sale of S. N. Shier’s on Tuesday seed oats sold for 95e, a bushel pair. GREENWAY Tursday flight was the closing night of the contest and in every way it reached a climix. The Purples put on an excellent pro gram the final number being the “Challenge of the Cross” given by several young ladies dressed jn Vfhjte. It will not soon be forgotten neither will the enthusiasm when the number present was announced as 371, and an even heartier clap was given when it was announced the result was a tie between Purples and Golds. The pastor presided ov er this part of the meeting and a standing vote of appreciation was given the Judges, Mr, David Shep pard and Miss Ma© Wilson. There will be social evening on March 31 for all who attended the contest. A collection will be taken to assist the Young People in their financial de partment. Annual business meetings for the Ladies’ Aid, Sunday School and Y. P, S. will be held on Thursday in the United church and the Official Board will meet Monday, March 28th at 8 p.m. Miss Mae Wilson spent Saturday with her cousins Mr, and Mrs. R. W. Russell and daughter Jean, of Chi cago, They were the guests of Miss Baird, in Parkhill just for a stop over call for a day. Rev. J. M. Colling preached an excellent sermon in the interests of the W. M. S. on Sunday. The ladies assisted in tile service and the choir rendered special music. SCHOOL OF NURSINCi■F Not cross-words but cash prizes in NYAL (REQPNQS MATERNITY AND CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL, TOLEDO, OHIO Registered School, Three year course for young women, two yearn of accredited High School required for admittance, A delightful new Institution of 300 beds. Complete maintenance with a liberal monthly allowance, For information address—Directress School of Nursing, Maternity and Children’s Hogpital, Toledo, Ohio. taking special parts in the singing were Mrs. Joynt, Miss Greta Lammie and Miss Irma Higgins, and^at the evening service Mrs, Mr. Ed. Lindenfield, nie rendered a solo splendid manner. On Friday evening sail baseball Club met and reorgan ised with the following officers elected; Hon, Pres,, Owen Geiger; pres. T. C, Joynt; secetary and J. A, “ nell, Reichart, W. A. Houston, official scorekeeper N. H. Foster; representatives meeting, E, Drummond and J, Pass- more. The grounds committee re ported the improvement being made to the park as progressing favorably and intimated that Hensall would have one of the finest and fastest baseball diamonds in the district in shape for the 1927 season, On Wednesday evening the MoJ- lard Mission Circle of the United church held a very enjoyable social jn the basement of the church, when they entertained as guests the ladies of the W.M.S. The basement was nicely decorated for the occa sion, everything representing St. < Patrick’s Day After the devotional exercises, a very interesting program was given. Delightful readings were given by Misses Elva Shaddock Gladys Luker and Mildred Scruton. Miss Mary McKaig read a very in teresting story of St. Patrick. Mrs. Lee Hedden and Mrs. A. Joynt ren dered pleasing solos. Miss Gldays Luker gave an instrumental in her usual pleasing manner. Miss Luker acted as accompanist during the ev ening. Great amusement was -of fered the guests jn the various Irish contests and games which were stag ed. Following this everyone sat down at a table beautifully laden with dainties and enjoyed the sump tuous repast. At this hour humor ous jokes were enjoyed. The even ing was brought to a close by sing ing Good Night Ladies. The meeting of the young peoples league of the United church was held on Monday evening. The meet ing was in charge of Mrs. Lee Hed den and presided over Sinclair. by the singing of Lee Hedden Mr. Sam, in his last the with the Hon, Pres,. Errold Drummond Fleming; executive, Laird Mickle, T, C. Ren- usual Hen. Vice-pres., Treasurer, D, Brint- Joynt, N. A. Clark; Reichart; to league and sucking pigs for $7.20 a FARQUHAR Crawford left for Owen on Monday, when she will . and Mrs. Walter Rydall, M, Collings ami her girl Before you buy your new Suit for spring get prices elsewhere and get a sample of cloth. When you do this call in and see me and see what you can save. Also when you want any Cleaning, Pressing or Repairing done call 193 and T, H. Elliott will call for your clothes and deliver them. How many words can you make from NYAL CREOPHOS? Thaf’s all, Just go into the Nyal Drug Store and ask for the contest sheets. Think pf gU the words you can, write them on these sheets and send them in, The Nyal Company Limited, makers of Creophos, the famous remedy for coughs, bronchitis, etcM are offering a total of $600.00 in cash prises. Twenty-one cash prizes on NYAL CREOPHOS. You can make this contest more fascinating than cross-word puz zles and you have a chance towin as much as $100.00. Drop in to-day and get your con test sheets from the k DRUG STORE “Once a trial— always Nyal” 6 Miss Sound Visit Mr Miss _ . friend, Miss Isobel Thompson spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. Hen. McNicol has purchased the farm from the estate of his late mother and the sale takes place next Monday, On Wednesday evening March 16,' in the Farquhar Hall the curtain was drawn on one of the prettiest sett ings seen here for some time when the comic drama “When a Feller Needs a Friend” was given by the Young People of S. S, No. 3. Rare ly has it been our good fortune to see a play in which die parts were so equally balanced, each member of the cast shone as an individual star. The large audience was kept? in fits of laughter from start to fin ish and many were the complimen- try remarks at the close. The music by the McNicol Bros, and the duets by little Beth Ballantyne and Alvin Gardiner and also by Mary Gardiner and Ella Clark between acts, went along way to enliven the evening’s entertainment. HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Authorized by Government as Trustee Investments 5 % per annum is paid half-year ly upon $100.00 or more for Ito 5 years. Applications for same are accept ed at any time by CARLING & MORLEY Banisters Ac., Exeter, Out. IMr. John Zuelfe. florist, hgs a fine display of flowers and plants in his greenhouse. Dr. and Mrs. Knapp pleasantly en tertained a number of............. on Monday evening. Mr. Harry Harmon, Cook Bros, spent the his home in Toronto. Miss Whiteman, of Kippen, is vis iting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Morrison. Mr. Ferris Cantion, of Onodoga, ‘ visited over the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Cantion. The Public Library has been clos ed during the past week, owing to the illness of Miss Greta McNaugh ton, The many friends of Mr. Chas, Jinks will be sorry to learn that he is confined to his room through ill ness. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Price intend moving this week to the farm he re cently rented from Mrs. Elgie near Seaforth. A number from here motored to Stratford on Friday last to take in the hockey match between Stratford and London. Mrs, John Douglas and little dau ghter, of Hyde Park, visited over the week-end with her mother, Mrs. John J. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Moir is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Love, before leaving for for their new home in London, The dance held in the Town Hall on Thursday last was largely attend ed, Collins Orchestra, of Brucefield. furnished the music for the evening. Miss Mattie Ellis has been con fined to her home through illness this week, school has days. Mr. Alf. new Essex car from Cook Bros, Mr. Smith intends going into the taxi business and intends giving a good service. Mrs, Alex McMurtrie, recently sold, her residence on King St., to the Trustees of Carmel church, has bought the residence on S. Rich mond St., owned by Mr. Samuel Dill ing, and occupied by Mrs. A. Doug- all. A good deal of interest was shown in town on Monday evening over’the between both large their friends salesman for week-end at WHALEN by Rev. Mr. “Once a trial— always Nyal” 6 J! for for Her room at the public been closed for a few USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY fie.nl Office, President, Vice-President., Smith has puchased a History I ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex. FARM SALES A SPECIALTY $8 Years Experience, Prices Reason able, Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Charge Phone 57-13 Dashwood - R. R. 1, DASHWOOD, ONT. WallPaper In the Latest Designs Prices from 10c. to $1.50 PER ROLL HARDWOOD FLOORING LAID AND POLISHED J. Sangster, Hensall Farquhar, Ont. james mckenzie SIMON DOW DIRECTORS frank McConnell, wm. brock HOST. NORRIS JOHN ALLISON AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent ‘ Usborne and Biddulph * .OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan W. A. TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer ,13ox 99, Exeter, Ontario. GLADMAN & STANBURT Solicitors, Exeter hockey game at Landon, Stratford and London. At Webber’s and Passmore’s crowds were gathered to hear the game being broadcasted by the Lon don Free Press. Both teams had their supporters but the majority fa vored the London team. The league of the United Church held a sale of home made cooking and candy in the Town Hall on Sat urday afternoon last. Being St, Pat ricks week the Hall was beautifully decorated in the colours of the Em erald Isle and had a very pleasing effect. Lunch was served from 3 to 5, and supper from 5 to 7. Every thing was sold and the proceeds amounted to $75,00. Mr. and Mrs. Beeswax and family left on Tuesday morning for their home on the Indian Reserve at. Mun- cey. Mr. Beeswax was highly thought of here, being a good work er, but owing to ill health and old age he was getting past work, and the Village council thought it best to send them back to the Reserve, where they have a house and ten ac res of land of their own, and will be looked after by the Indian authori ties. The service in the United church on Sunday evening last was of a highly interested nature and attend ed by a large crowd. Rev. ., Dr Laird, of Toronto,, Treasurer of the United Church of Canada was the speaker of the evening, and gave an interesting address on church work and especially Foreign Missions. The choir gave several selections, those The meeting was opened _ “a hymn, after which all repeated the Lord’*s pray- The Scripture lesson was read McDonell, after hymn, after er. by Miss Mildred which the secretary read the minutes of thejast meeting.;readings by Mr. Geo. Follick and Alden Appleton, in- trumentals by Miss Gladys Luker, solo by Miss Kathyrn 'Drysdale and a violin solo by Miss Greta Lammie accompanied by Miss Eleanor Fisher on, the piano, were all well rendered. The treasurer, Mr. Clarence Smillie gave a yearly report of the league fi nances, after which the election of officers took place for the coming year, and are as follows, Pres., Mrs. Robt. Patterson; 1st Vice-Pres., Miss E. Pybus; 2nd Vice-Pres., M'iss J. Johnson; 3rd Vice-Pres., Miss J. Buchanan; 4th Vice-Pres., Miss M. Hobkirk; secretary, Miss Flora Hig gins; Treasurer. Mr. Harry Cook; pianist, Miss Lillian Steacy. The meeting was closed by the singing of a hymn after which Mr. Sinclair led in prayer. COUNCIL MEETING The village council held a special meeting on Friday evening last to discuss the action to be taken by the Reeve at the special meeting of the County Council which is called to meet on Wednesday, March 23rd, to reconsider the County Valuators re port. The matter of moving the Beeswax family to the Indian Re serve, at Muncey, was then taken up, and on motion of Higgins and Cam eron, Reeve Geiger was asked to purchase their tickets, and pay the freight on their furniture. Councillor Higgins took up the matter of draining the park and baseball grounds, and moved that Councillors Consitt and Priest be the Park committee to look after the drainage of the park. Councillor Cameron seconded the motion, which was carried. The meeting then ad journed on motion of Consitt and Priest. KIRKTON Wo are pleased to know that Mrs. E. N. Shier, who has been confined to her bed for the past three months is able to be up again. Mr. Thos. Crew held an action sale on Saturday afternoon. He is mov ing to Stratford. Tom has been a hard working man and will be miss- T- |C Ml-I Mr. Thos. Tapp is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mrs. G. Morley and son, Francis, of Stratford, spem the week-end at the home of Mr. Wm. Morley. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. family, of Lucan, spent the former's parents. Mrs. N. Ogden has Exeter, after spending days with her daughter, Squire, who has been ill with jaundice. A play entitled “Much Ado About Betty” will be presented in this church on Wednesday, March 23rd, at 8 p.m. Miss Irene Harness, of Lucan, spent the week-end with her grand mother Mrs. Jas. Shipley. The W. M. S. will hold their re gular monthly meeting at the homo of Mrs. D. A. Johnson, on Thursday afternoon March the 24th. Brock; Treas., Miss Elva Horne; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Meredith O'Reilly; Cor. Sec., Miss Marjorie Hunter; Organist, Misses Ruth Skinner, Olive Prance and Lavona Cooper; Supt. Mite Boxes, Mrs, Ewart Pym; Stran gers’ Committee. Miss Florence Heidman; Sunshine Committee, Misses Edna Pym, Marjorie bridge and Mildred Bell. Del- Millson and Sunday with returned the past Mrs. to ten F. the ELIMVILLE her tonsils this week can be ex- Miss Mina Cornish, of Bayfield, was home over the week-end to see her mother who lias been on the sick list. Mr. Walter •’Jtdies, of London, vis ited at his home here over the week end. Rev. Smith will give a lecture en titled “Quebec and it’s Problems” in the church here next Friday even ing March 25th at 8 o’clock. There will also be a short program by members of the Mission Band, Miss es May Clarke and Marjorie Hunter will also contribute musical numbers Everyone come to help and encour age the Mission Band. Miss Hazel Johns had removed on Monday of and is doing as well as pected. Mrs. Wes. Horne has returned home after visiting with her mother, Mrs. Whiteford, in Exeter. Mr. Chas. .Stephen our storekeeper 1ms decided to store open for business on day and Saturday nights only. Char lie is a very busy trucking season find lie will sympathize endeavour to have free. The annual meeting of the W. NI. S. was held last Wednesday, Marell 16 th when the following officers were elected: Pres., Mrs. P. Murcli; Rec. Steward. Mrs. Ed. Johns; Cor. Secretary, Mrs. Wes. Horne; Treas.. Mrs. R. I). Hunter; Sec’y Chris. Ste wardship, Mrs. H. Delbridge; Supt.. Mite Boxes. Mrs. Frank Brock; Strangers’ Committee, Mrs. Chas. Godholt; Hon. Pres. Mission Circle, Mrs. Chas. Johns; Assistant, Mrs. Wes. Horne; Mission Band Leader, Mrs: Thos. Bell; Supt.’ Baby Band; Mrs. Geo. Hunter; Organist, Mrs. F. Delbi’idge. The officers of the Mission Circle for the coming year are a© follows: Hon, Pres., Mrs. Chas. Johns; Assist ant, Mrs. Wes. Horne; Pres., Miss Vera Heywood: 1st Vice-Pres., Miss May Clarke; 2nd Vice/Pres., Miss V. obliging keep his Wednes- man during the the general pub- with him in his a few evenings inctio;I As there is the quality of the thorough bred in the appearance of the Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet His tory, so there is the same quality in its performance, New refinements, added to the smooth, powerful Chevrolet en gine (the Now A C. Air Cleaner and Oil Filter, for example) offer definite assur ance of longer life, better operation and greater economy. The Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chev rolet History is now selling at NEW and LOWER PRICES—the lowest for which Chevrolet has ever been sold in Canada. Touring, £655.00 Coupe, £780.00 Sedan, £865.00 Landau Sedan, £930.00 Roadster Delivery, £655,00 Utility Express Chassis, £645.00 Dashwood Dr.H, H. Cowen, L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three das of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Cromarty The roads- in this vicinity were in a very bad shape, using the grader week has put them condition. Mr. Quanee. and don, moved from London last week and are now getting the store nicely started. We wish Air. Quanee every success. Mr. William Houghton of the Vil lage, is at present making extensive improvements on his dwelling. Mr. and Mrs. Graham spent Fri day with friends at Motherwell. At the time of writing Mr. Mahaf fey near the Village is under the doc tor’s care. Mr. Mahaffey has been quite ill for some time. Our pathmaster the end of the hr a much better family, of Lon- CENTRALIA 1874 1927The London Life Insurance Co. W. C. PEARCE, AGENT Exeter. Phone 13 0W. Residence, Ann St. two blocks west’ of Ford Garage done farm pur- Mr. Painting and Paper-hanging by an expert.—Henry Jensen. Mr. Ted Miller moved to the on the 14th con. he recently chased from Mr. Ezra Bender. Bender and family have moved to town. Mr. Ed. Willert spent Monday in London on business. Mrs. J. Kellerman, who spent the past few weeks in Toronto, returned home pn Tuesday. Mr/ Geo. Morner has purchased the farm of Mrs. D. Witmer near Zurich. Mrs. I. Witmer, who underwent an operation in London Hospital re turned home on Monday. The auction saie on the farm of M'r, Louis Kraft on Wednesday drew a large crowd. The Dashwood band commenced practicing last week for the coming season. Several new members have been added to the band and no doubt they will come out in full swing this smmer. Grand Bend NOT merely to provide an econo mical means of transportation has been the aim in the making of the Most Beautiful Chevrolet—but to pro duce a car, at low price, which would satisfy the motorists’ finer tastes. True distinction is evident in every line of the Fisher-Built Bodies of the Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrolet His tory. Refinement and good taste are reflected in the new Duco colorings—- in the rich, luxurious upholsteries—in the handsome new radiator design—m the massive full-crown fenders—in the fine-quality hardware—in the complete ness of the appointments. Roadster, £655.00 NEW Coach, £760.00 f LOWER Cabriolet, £890.00 PRICES Commercial Chassis, £490.00 Pn'ew at Factory, OshaWa—Gdvertiment Taxes Extra J. McDONELL, Hensall Dealer in Chevrolet and Oakland cars The stork was busy around town last week when he left Mr. and Wilbur Dewey smiling over a girl; also Mr. and Mrs. Isaac tvrd smiling at the arrival of u girl. Mrs. C. Willert is visiting her sis ter Mrs. John Baird, The Taffy pull and party held by the Blues for all in the contest, at Mr. Andrew Turnbull’s was a grand success when 87 gathered and had a most enjoyable time in games and singing. All went home with the best of wishes for Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull for their generosVy to all for the evenings fun. The closing night for the contest was Friday night last, when some two hundred and three gathered. Needless to say it was surely a suc cess. the Blues winning out but all agreed it was a close call, so both sides have decided to give a good program and lunch on March 2 9 th. Don’t forget the date. Mr. Pete Eisenbach has started to saw the logs at the mill this week. The. United Church held a success ful bee getting ready for the new church and sheds having the grounds ready and the basement dug out all ready for the cement.” A birthday party was held for Mr. John Baird at his horn© when con gratulations were handed to Jack as he is known by all. While seventy- two he is hale and hearty and all Wish him health and happiness to live until he is one hundred. The W. M. S. had their thank-of fering service last Snday when a large crowd was present. The Mis sion Band took the place of the choir for the service and the quartette rendered a selection “The Old Way- Side Cross” which added greatly to the service. Misses M. and A. Patterson were home from Sarnia on Sunday last. Mr. S. Jones, of London, was up to see his cottage on Satrday and Sun day. A large crowd was out to hear the sermon “What Think Ye of Christ” by Rov. J. M. Colling Sunday night. Keep the dates for the next five Sun days in mind. Something real in every sermon. There passed away at his home on Thursday last Mr, Edward Disjar- dine in his sixtieth year. Deceased had been in failing health for some time. Ho leaves to mourn his loss his beloved wife and one daughter, Mrs. Henry Devine, of the fourteenth of Stephen; also four sisters and one brother of Grand Bond and one bro th© in the west, We extend our sympathy to them. Mrs. baby Bes- baby The price of hair cuts has been re duced to 25c.—M. Mitchell. Last Sunday evening Mr. Irwin concluded his course of sermons on “The Bible as the Word of God” Next Sunday evening his subject will be “A Closed Door.” Mrs. Crone, of Cleveland, is at the home of. her parents Mr. and Mrs Washnidge. Mr. Cooper McCurdy, who spent the winter in Detroit, has returned home. Mts. Washnidge, who underwent an operation last Friday for the re moval of her tonsils, is doing nicely. Mr. Trueman Mills was in Exeter last week acting as relieving agent at the frieght shed. A miscellaneous shower was held last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. W. Skelton in honor of Miss E. Baynham by the ladies of the com munity. The bride-elect was the re cipient of a large number of useful articles. A pleasant evening was spent in games and music, after which lunch was served. On Thursday evening of last week a banquet took place which was ar-1 ranged for by the Young People So ciety about 75 guests were present. The tables were prettly decorated in honor of St. Valentine. After the supper, toasts were purpose to King by Mr. Country, Mrs. Church, Mr. W. R. Elliott; To Young People, Mr. O. Mitchell the following responded in Geo. Stanley, Lucan; Mr. Hicks; Re Thomson. Sinclair, of Hensall. gave an inter esting address on the oldest occupa tion “Building.” The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. Society was held last Wednesday in the school room of the church. The first half hour was ob served in place of die regular time called for World Wide Prayer. After the regular business of the Society was dispensed with, the annual election of officers took place as fol lows: Pres.. Mrs. R. F. Irwin; Vice- Pres., Mrs. A. Brooks; Rec. Sec'y., Mrs Geo. Hicks; Cor. Sec’y., Mrs. A. McFalls; Miss. Monthly Sec’y, Miss A. Anderson; Supply Sec’y,, Mrs. B. Hicks; Strangers’ Sec’y., Mrs. Bow den; Stewardship Sec’y., Mrs. T. Neil; Press Sec'y.. Mrs. W. Parsons; Assoc. Helpers Sec’y., Mrs. T. Wil lis; Treas. Mrs. R. Wilson; Pianist, Mrs. D. Hodgson: Ass. Pianist, Mrs. R. Smith; Auditors,, Miss Aurelia Anderson and Mrs. W. Skelton. Mrs. Herman Powe is in Thorn dale this week being called there by the sdden death of her mother, Weston. 1847 1927 CANADA LIFE The Oldest Assurance Co. in Canada' B. M. FRANCIS Phone 104, Exeter E. C, Harvey & L. V. Hogarth — Agents — Mutual Life of Canada EXETER -5- ONTARIO J.L,. LEWIS BUILDING and CONTRACTING Homes and Barns ESTIMATES AND SUGGESTIONS GLADLY FURNISHED Phone ld2w John St, East, Exete^ X FIRE INSURANCE PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, WITH 23. J. CHRISTIE OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johnu Mrs. the our Our Our and g responded in order Stanley, Lucan; Mr. Andrew . 11. F. Irwin and Mr. G. After the toasts Rev. Mr. N. Mitchell to L. Hodgson; To THAMES ROAD littleWo are glad to learn that Jim Remlin is improving. Jimmie was rushed to the Stratford Hospit al for an emergency operation, Mrs. Remlin, his mother, is keeping house for Mr. A. Y. Campbelll The roads are in rather bad con dition pust at present. Mr. Sim Pollen, of Watford, was home for the week-end, Mr. Jim Vance is improving nicely Jimmie is able to sit up. we are glad to report. Mr. T. Ballantyne and Mr. Clay ton Smith were, in London one day last week. Mr. Morgan has arrived from- Wales, he is a brother of Mrs. Len. Harris. We wish his success land of adoption. A little son has arrived home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Charlie has hired with Mr, Stewart for the coming year. Mrs. Beil, of Hensall, is visiting her sister Mrs. A. Hackney. Mrs. Robert Tyydd addressed Sunday School last Sabbath, in interests of missions. in this at the Little, . Cecil this the Sylvester B. Taylor Jeweller, — Exeter Fitton’s Old Stand WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING GUARANTEED 'W. R. Colliding A. T. C. M, Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 192 EXETER, ONT. DR. E. S. STEINER VBTBBINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Office, old Ford Garage Building Corner of Main and Ann Streets Telephones: Office 158w, House 158j EXETER, ONT. Dr. A. B. Gibson^ VETERINARY SURGEON Office anfl residence, Main St. South' Second house from end of pave ment East side of the road. All calls promptly attended to Accommodation for treatment of animals Phone 99 — Exeter, Ont. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 1‘38 AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones’ Au ction School. Special tours© taken in Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,). Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales, etc, Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, os; phone 18-93, ZttHdh. 1