HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-03-17, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATb inriisnar. jubcii it. J02t News From Hensall|■mH HENSALL ,-WecRling bells fire ringipg on S. Jlicbmond St.—Mr. Wm, Moore, of Loudon, visited his sister, Mrs. T, Rimpson, on Friday,—Mis. J, Bon- throp and children are visiting Mrs. Bonthron’s mother in Kitchener.— Mrs. M. Chambers, of Clinton, re­ cently visited friends in town.^—Mr. W. D, Sanders, of Exeter, was in .town on Friday.—The Mission Band of the United Church held their meeting on Sunday afternoon last, with a good attendance present. The meeting was opened by singing a liymn after which Mildred McDonell led in prayer. The scripture lesson was read by Gladys Passmore, fol­ lowed by an instrumental trio by Marion Sinclair, Eleanor Skinner and‘Florence McDonald, aftei' which the election of officers was voted on and are as follows: President, Marion Sinclair; secretary, Gladys Passmore; roll call sec’y, Eleanor Skinner; treasurer, Florence McDon­ ald; pianist, Hazel Hudson; vice- president, Ray Patterson; to take collection, Norman Sinclair; pro­ gram committee, Marion McKay and Roy Brock, after which Ray Patter­ son took uii the collection. Miss E. Morrison gave a very interesting reading on “King Jesus has Come.” ^The meeting was closed by singing a hymn after which all repeated the Lord’s Pi’ayer. ■ Friday last to make arrangements for the spring show and prepare the the the will had the Mr. Thos. prize list.—Mr. Robt. Gr.een, of Parr Line, Hay, has purchased residence of Mrs. Pollock and move to town as soon as he has He will- engage in_ ' business. iOBANpEMEN ENTERTAIN , The Orangemen of Hepsall and' vicinity gave a, splendid concert and dance in the Town Hall here on Wednesday evening last. Harry Mc­ Gee, of Auburn, Canada’s Harry Lauder, was chief entertainer. Other numbers on the program were solos l)y Mrs. J. • W. Boritliron, Samuel Rennie and Me, Hueston, readings by Mrs, J.. A. Fleming and violin selections by.. Jack Wren and Russel Brintnell. Rev. H. Naylor acted as chairman. Following^ the program an old time dance was held, music' being furnished'by Messrs. Wren and Brintnell with Mrs. J. Murdock and Miss Pearl Harris as Lunch yvas served by George Hudson. A meeting of the .directors of the South Huron Agri­ cultural Society was held here on accompanists. Mr. and Mrs. officers and his sale, automobile ..................... Kyle, of the Parr Line, has rented Mr, Green’s years.—Miss . , over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Fines, of Clinton,—Mr. L. Hedden is moving this week into the residence on King street recent­ ly vacated by Dr. Campbell.—Mr- Alvin Wurm left on Friday for Port Huron where he has secured a pos­ ition—Miss G.* Marks, of Brucefield, is spending a'few weeks with Mrs. Robt. Bontnron,—Miss Emily Mor­ rison visited with relatives in Clin­ ton on Monday.—Mr. Wm. Simpson and Miss Mae Simpson, Miss Marion Prescott, Mr. Jack Steacy and Mr. Carl Passmore, of Detroit visited relatives in town over the week-end. Mrs. Simpson who spent the past week with her mother and father here returned with them. Owing to the bad condition of the roads Will, had quite a time getting over, hav­ ing to hire a team several times to pull him out of the mud holes.— Mr. Harry Harmon, of Toronto, has engaged with Cook Bros, as sales­ man for this season. Mr Harmon was here a number of years ago acting as salesman for Milne Ren­ nie. When here before he made a host of friends who are pleased to gee him back.—Mr. Donald McKin­ non and Mr. Lad McEwen were in Detroit last week and brought homo a number of cars foi’ Cook Bros.— The meeting of the Y. P. S. of the United church was held on Monday evening with a good attendance pre­ sent. The meeting was in charge of Miss Gladys Luker and presided over by Miss Marion Passmore. The meeting was opened by the singing of a liymn, after which all repeated the Lord’s prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary after which the Scripture lesson was read by Miss Flora Hig­ gins. The topic was given' in a very able manner by Miss Gladys Luker on “Christ Knocking at the Door.” The Broadfoot and Elder trio rendered several selections,. Mrs. Elder at the piano, Mr. Elder tlie stfxaphone and Mr. Broadfoot farm for Mary a term of McKaig visited the violin. A reading by Miss G. Luker and an instrumental duet by Miss Jessie Buchanan and Miss Avis Lindenfield were all well rendered and enjoyed by the audience. The league of the United church are holding a cooking in.the day afternoon, ed from 6 to served from 3 was in Clinton ing a meeting municipalities interested in the ap­ peal of the County Valuators re­ port. ' Judge Lewis of the County Court had set Monday, March 14th to hear arguments as to whether the bylaw appointing the county valu­ ators was legal. After1 hearing the arguments advanced he adjourned his court till Tuesday, March 29th, and in the meantime he asked that the.Couhty Council be called togeth­ er and see if they could agree as to a proper valuation. The County Council will meet on Wednesday, March 23 rd and it is to be hoped that a reasonable agreement will be arrived at. The Hensall council will meet Friday evening, March 18 to discuss the situation, Miss Mary Stewart is confined to her home through Andrew’ Dougall is in attendance.— Mr. Jas. Wright, of Hibbert, has purchased the Robt. Bell farm on the London road north of here, paying $8,500. Mr. Thos. Workman has been renting the farm for the last twenty years.—Our council have this week got our main street all cleaned from end to end, creating a very nice appearance.—The play “Cyclone Sally” put on Friday even­ ing in the town hall in firemen was presented to house. Tlie members of any all local talent ___ play two weeks ago in the same hall playing both nights to crowded houses. After the entertainment was over the ladies of the Anglican church entertained the company and the firemen and their wives to a supper in the Anglican church.— Rev. Mr. McLroy, of Toronto, has accepted a call from the congrega­ tion of Carmel Presbyterian church here. The congregation of Carmel church have purchased the residence of Mrs. A. McMurtrie, King street, for their new minister.—A number from Hensall took iu the hockey sale of home made town hall on Satur- Supper will he serv- 8 and lunch will ho to 5.-—Reeve Geiger on Thursday attend- of the reeves of the illness, Mrs. aid of the a crowded the cpmp- gave this match in LonflPA on Monday even­ ing.—’Thursday tn© 17 th, is St, Patrick's Day.—Miss Elva Shaddock visited friends lb London on Thursday,—The services in the United church on Sunday last were largely attended, Rev. Mr. Sinclair preaching at both services. At the evening service besides the anthem a quartett was rendered by Mr, W, O. Goodwin, Ed. Lindenfield, Geo. Follick and John Passmore. Those taking special parts in the anthems at the morning service were Mrs. M. Drysdale, Mrs. Sinclair, Miss Greta Lammie and Mr, W. O '” Next Sunday evening Laird, of Toronto, will preach in the United church, Dr ; treasurer of the United churches and will no doubt give a splendid address,—The many friends of Mr, John Berry are” pleased to see him able to be out again after his long severe illness,-;—Mr. Thos. Tapp, of Virden, Manitoba, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Tapp, and also visiting relatives in Exeter.—Miss Lily McEwan has returned home after a very pleasant visit with her sister, Miss Edith McEwan, at Kit­ chener.—An Old Time Dance will be held in the Town Hall on Thurs­ day evening. Collins orchestra will furnish the music for the evening. oReport of Hensall Continuation School for January and February Form III—Ma^rgare Dorothy Hefferman Scruton 74, Mildred Avis Lindenfield 62, 57, Milton Boyle. 55, , Norman Alexander 4 Margaret McLaren 85. gins 80, Marie Bell 67, Scott Welsh 06. er 65, Beryl Pfaff lor 62, Edwin Dick thron 60, Louis© Grace Tinney 57, Stewart Blackwell 53, Clare Way 51,“Roy Bell 50; Ben­ jamin Tinney 4 8, George Tinney 44. Form I—Stella Ingram 69, Mildred Forrest 68, Etta, Bell 67, Olive Wal­ker 66, Earl Dick *63, Gordon Troy­ er 61, Albert Passmore 60, Bertha Soldan 60, Billy Joynt 59, Lorne Chapman 58, Mervyu Ryckman 53, Dorothy Little 50, Russell Black- well TRENTON MAN IS VERT GRATEFUL SAYS THAT * FRUIT-A-TIVES ” STOPPED NERVOUS HEADACHES Goodwin Rev. Dr. Laird is MJUR. A. BOVAY has been, in Craig taking care of her daughterr^taw’ returned home, The latter who , has been very sick, we are glad to report is improving. — Mr, Tlierma Hayter is sporting a new Star coupe; Mr, Fergus Turn­ bull a newsedan and Mr. Joe Disjardine a new Chey. coach, looks go©d for the burg.-™<,, land-mark for fifty-four years being torn down apd moved away. We refer to the little White church, former Methodist church of Grand Bend, It has stgod the storms for many a year and'many have found their way to a higher life inside its' walls,—Mrs. Wm. Mollard is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. She is a woman of Stir­ ling quality despite her years, being close to ninety, and tjie only survi- voi' of a number- who were the means of building? the little White church now being torn down.—Next Sunday night the sermon “What think ye of 'Christ” promises to be a real treat,.. SCHOOL OF NURSING ‘W It -An old is MATERNITY AND CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL, TOLEDO, OHIO Registered School. Thro® your course for young -women, two year# of accredited High School require for admittance. A delightful new Institution of 20Q beds, complete maintenance with a liberal monthly allowance. For information address—-Directress School of Nursing, Maternity and Children’s Hospital, Toledo, Ohio. Before you buy your pew Skit for spring get prices elsewhere' and get a sample of cloth. When you do this call in and see me and see what you can save. Also when you want any Cleaning, Pressing or Repairing done call 193 and T. H. Elliott will call for your clothes and deliver them. t Douglass 78, 75, Mildred McDonnell 66, Ruth Chapman Jean Stone 54, 2. Form II— . Gertrude Hig- ” Pearl Elder bel Alexand- Edwin Tay- 76 64 . 61, Jean Bon- Lrummond 59, 50, Lillian Steacy 49. Jessie V,. Johnston, Prin. Mary Stewart, Assistant, CENTRALIA The regular weekly meeting the Young People’s Society held on Wednesday A splendid missionary topic giyen by Mrs. R. ........ 1 Coach ThE banking requirements of farmers differ according to location and the partic­ ular branch of farming in. which they are engaged. Whatever your banking requirements may be you will find the Bank of Montreal prepared to give ■ the particular form of service you need. Established 1817 IN EXCESS j^r Economical Trast^rtiition Mr. Roy A. Bovay of. Trenton, Ontario, thinks very highly of “Fruit-a-tives” for removing the cause of nervous headaches, “I wish I could tell every sufferer in the world what ‘Fruit-a-tives’ have done for me”-—he writes-r“For years I was much troubled by bad headaches, nervous dys­ pepsia and liver troubles. Then I com­ menced taking ‘Fruit-a-tives’. Thanks to these wonderful tablets I am once more entirely well.” Are you, too, afflicted with nervous head­ aches? Quite probably they are traceable to lazy bowels, stomach, kidneys or liver. What you need is the gentle, natural help of “Fruit-a-tives” which is made from intensified fresh fruit juices blended with tonics. “Fruit-a-tives” is nature’s own ally in. promoting health and happiness. Enlist its aid for yourself, to-day. 25c and 50c, everywhere.- Of was evening last, was w_. „ . Smith, a violin duet by Messrs. Cecil Skinner and Murray Neil. Rev. R. F. Irwin con­ tinued his thlk on the consitutions of a society.—Messrs. Fred. Bowden and Elgin Hodgins are leaving this week for Gull Lake, Alta.—Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Jas. Oke on Thursday last were: Mrs. J. Hepburn, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. C. Simp­ son, Mr. and Mrs. W. Anderson, Mrs. Merritt, Mrs. Gerald Thomas arid Mrs. Campbell, of London; Mrs. O. Essery and Mr.„ Jack Essery, of To­ronto and ’Mr’.*"^^er;' of Mitchell. —Mrs. W. R. Elliott speent the week-end with relatives in Lucan.—■ Mrs. Jas. Neil who” underwent an operation in the hospital in London last week is progressing favorably. —Mr. Thos. Willis was in Toronto last week on business.—Mr, W. J. Parsons, who has. been on the sick list ancl under the doctor’s care this past week is somewhat improved. MT. CARMEL The death took place at Mt. Hope, London on Saturday, March 12th of Mr. John Lynch and old resident of this neighborhood after an ill of two days, age about SO years and whose funeral took place to the R. C. Cem­ etery here on Tuesday at 9 a.m. with requiem Mass. He is survived by two brothers, Thomas, of Cleveland and Jeremiah, of S.- Dakota.—Mr. J. O’Rourke accompanied by his son, his sister Miss Gerta, of Jackson, Mich., Miss Mary O’Rourke, of San Franciso, Calif., James O’Rourke, of Edmonton, Alta, arrived home .last week owing to the serious illness of their father Mr. Richard O’Rourke. —Miss Martha Morrissey returned to London this week aft^er spending two weeks with her parents. Dashwood Dr. H. B. Cowen. L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three das of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. A very successful canvas has been made among the members of the’ Lutheran church for the building of a new shed. A building committee has been appointed and. plans are being laid for the beginning of the work as soon as possible.—Miss Let­ ta Guenther has been confined to her home for several days. We hope for a speedy recovery.—Mrs. A. Bi- shopf and daughter’, of East Towas, M’ich., attended the funeral of her brother the late John Stephan last week.—-Mrs. Alma Preeter and son' Lorne, of Detroit, Mr. John Preeter and Miss Fanny, of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zimmer and Mrs. B. Statton, of Stratford, attended the funeal of the late Mrs. Preeter on. Wednesday.—Mrs. D. Schroeder, of St. John, spent a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lippert.— Mr. Ed. Morenz returned to Detroit Saturday after spending ,several weeks with friends.—Miss Violet Gambrill,, of Exeter, spent the week­ end with' Mrs. Pedersen.—rMrs. H. Pfile attended the funeral of a rela­ tive in New Hamburg last week.—- Miss Rose -Guenther, of Windsor, spent the week-end with her parents. —Miss Webb, ' "..................... charge of the in J. C. Reid Webb comes and the ladies a call.—Miss Thursday in London. Crediton Rev. J. M. CpUing, of Grand Bend, give his popular lecture entjted “Jack Spratt” incite United church, Crediton, on March’ 23rd at 8 p.m. A short prograiri , Will be given by local talent, Admission, Adults 25c children 15c. Come one and all and enjoy a splendid treat, Mrs. Henry , Motz has returned home after visiting her daughters in London for* two’’ weeks.—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Bullock and daughter spent Sunday with Mrs. Bullock’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Ike Tower. M’rs. Bullock remaining there for a visit.—Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mc­ Pherson and two children spent Sun­ day with Mr., and Mrs. Arthur Rob­ inson near Exeter.—Mr. Wilson An­ derson spent Wednesday in London visiting his sister who has been sick but is improving.—Mr. and. Mrs Wilson Andersori spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davey.—-Mr. Thomas Appleton, of Exeter, visited friends here for a few days last week.—-Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Sims and family, of Exeter, spent the week­ end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Joab Sims.—Mr. and Mrs.' Fischer and son spent Sunday with the former's' parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Fischer in Dashwood.—Mrs. A. Wein is confined .to her home With the Flu. We hope for a speedy re­ covery. - ■ The annual S'. School reorganiza­ tion and election of officers and re­ ceiving of reports will take place at Zion Evangelical Church next Sun­ day morning and at the evening ser­ vice the pastor will preach on the subject; “The Supremely Worth­ while Thing in the S. School.” The need of th© child is the law of the school. The child is wax to receive and granite to hold. The nation moves forward on the feet of pratt­ ling children. The hand that rocks the cradle rocks and rules the world. HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Authorized by Government as Trustee Investments 5% per annum is paid half-year­ ly upon $100.00 or more for 1 to 5 years. Applications for same are accept­ ed at any time by CARLING & MORLEY Barristers &c., Exeter, Ont. 1874 1927 The London Life Insurance Co. W. C. PEARCE, AGENT Exeter. Phone 130 W. Residence, Ann St. two blocks west of Ford Garage 1847 1927 CANADA LIFE The Oldest Assurance Co. in Canada B. M. FRANCIS Phone 164, Exeter E. C. Harvey & L. V. Hogarth — Agents — Mutual Life of Canada EXETER “ ONTARIO Lumley vis-Mr. W. Harris of the West is iting for a few days at the home of Mrs. Rennie.—Mrs. John Selves, Sr. is suffering with a sprained ankle. —Mr. Lloyd Horton returned home from Detroit after spending a couple .of weeks with his brothers.—Misses Ruby Alexander and Helen Millar are attending the sewing course held at Mrs. Down’s home put on by the Hurondale institute. SMARTLY stylish new belted Fisher Eddies But seeing the Most Bcntiful Chevrolet is “—modish, new, harmonious Duco colorings not enough. , . . Only when you have —rich and luxurious new upholsteries and ridden in this cm and driven it can you fully appointments —never before has .any low- realire how supremely satisfying fa Chevrolet priced or presented so many evidences of performance. For the attribute* which gained style and beauty, as the Moat Beautiful tit]- d Mtet Powerfutt the Most Vhevrolet. Econom.Jal, and the Smoothest Chevrolet are And, underlying this smartness and beauty is a still present, enhanced by new improvements, new andI higher standard of quality. Its ad- in the Mast Beautiful Chevrolet, vahced features include New1 Oil Filter, Air , ...» ,aenner. Bullet-type Head and Cowl Lamps, It fa amaring indeed that the.Most BeantiM Newly Dadgned Radiator,; Full Crown Fend- Chevrolet In Chevrolet History is now selitag Siding Seats in the Coach, and many al new and lower prtedi —th* lowest tar drt literally tod numerous to mention. which Okrndet tan mr been mH in Canada. J. McDONELL, Hensall Dealer in Chevrolet and Oakland cars NEW LOWER PRICES Roadster - $655.00 Touring - 635.00 Coupe - - 780.00 Couth - 760.00 Sedan - - 865.00 Landatt Sedan - 930.00 Cabriolet - 890.00T. Roadster Delivery 655.00 Commercial Chassis 490.00 Utility Express Chassis 645.001 Prictxtit Factory, | OiMima, J Govcr*me*i Taxer. Exira. ■ I - Thames Road of London, is taking millinery department & Co.’s Store. Miss highly recommended are invited to give her Laura Reid The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of Thames Road United church was held at. the manse on Friday afternoon March 4th with a fairly large number of members present. _ Rev. Chidley opened the meeting "ahd'as it was the Interde­ nominational day of prayer the pro­ gram for that day was carried out by the members. It was also the annual meeting of me society so tlie business part of the meeting was followed by the election of officers. Mrs. Robert Kydd was again, chosen a.s president and there wei’e few changes made, among the officers except the programme committee. A social half hour was spent over the dainty lunch provided ladies in charge. The April will be held at the home of Kydd. JJU. LEWIS BUILDING and CONTRACTING Housei and Barns 4 ESTIMATES.AND SUGGESTIONS GLADLY FURNISHED Phone l&2w John St. Eaat, Ezetei) FIRE INSURANCE PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, WITH B. J. CBRISTI-B OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns GREENWAY spent ELIMVILLE by the meeting Mrs. R. Sylvester B. Taylor Jeweller, — Exeter Fltton’s Old Stand WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING GUARANTEED Mrs. Bullock has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Prance, who is ill at her home in Winchelsea.—Mr. H. McAdams, of Zurich, is the guest of his cousin George Gollen.—Next Sunday will be the anniversary of the W. M. S. in the United church. The pastor, Rev. J. M. Colling will preach and the Easter thankoffering will be observed. The ladies are asking for a liberal one.—Last week the program at the Y. P. S. was put on by the Golds and was much ap­ preciated byj the largest audience that has yet attended since the con­ test began. There was a hearty clap' when the count was taken and the total number present was 309. The program this week will be given by*the Purples and the judges will give the result of the contest. Never mind the mud, you can’t afford to miss this meeting.—Several mem­ bers of the United S. S. have been appointed to attend the S. S. Insti­ tute, in Exeter this week. Mr. George Wright is doing as well as can be expected after, his re­ cent operation for appendicitis last week in Dr. Fletcher’s hospital, Exe-, ter.-—Mr. R. Rae went to Stratford last Saturday to visit his brother’ Will. They had received the sad news that day of the death of their only sister in Scotland.—Mast­ er Orville Snell is ill with the flu at time of writing.—Miss Mildred Bell spent the week-end at her home here.—Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Robin­ son celebrated the sixtieth annivers­ ary of their wedding, on Monday- last. Their many friends heartily congratulate them. —Mr. Joshua Johns was in London over the week­ end attending a ‘banquet where he was the guest of honor, given thirty Johns W.R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster Janies St. United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 192 EXETER, ONT. GRAND BEND Despite the condition of the roads a large crowd gathered to hear th© sermon in the United church Sun­ day "Are there few that be Saved.” All were well repaid. The choir ren­ dered a beautiful number “The old Rugged Cross.,, — The fishermen have had to pull in their nets on ac­ count of the condition of the ice, it being too soft.—Mr, C, Gibbs’ men fire busy hauling gravel for the now improvements on the beach this sum­ mer.—The contest by the young peo­ ple will be completed Friday night, They are looking for a record crowd. -—Boiling maple syrup is the order of-the day, but all look for a short Tuh.—Mr. and Mi's. Sol. Pollock vis­ ited at the home of Emmery Disjar­ dine on Sunday.—Mi\ Johnston, Our worthy butcher fAiled to got through on Saturday the roads being so bad hence a large number were without meat over the week-end.—Mr. Ed. DesJardine is very ill at time of writing.—Mrs, Jos, Dlsjardihe, who It was by Mr. Lewis Wood’s class of boys needless to say Mr. had a most enjoyable time. Nothing worth while is easily ob­ tained. If the cork comes out easy the label lies. DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Office, old Ford Garage Building Corner of Main and Ann Streets Telephones: Office 15 8w, House 158j EXETER, ONT. To meet your Insurance Premium TMVIDE the amount into monthly or weekly instal­ ments, and deposit them re­ gularly in a Savings Account, When the premium falls due* you will thus be prepared to meet it, n CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid Up $2O,O00£OO Rcrntve Fund $20,000,000 . M. R. Complin, Manager * G. G. Maynard, ManagerExeter Brandt Crediton Branch