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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-03-17, Page 4
MARCH 17, 1037 1 *THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE •r At the school meet- tee replacing Win. Smillb jjibj re- Qfte New and Finer IngBh^^by^S. S^NoT 3, "McGillivray, signed the position in view Qt jScott Trevethick was elected as true- moving from the section*.... 0 ■CT i IIIBK AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction on LOT 8. S. Boundary Stephen, on FRIDAY, MARCH ^5, 1927 at one o’clock sharp the following: 1 cow clue at time of sale, 2 cows due in April, 1 cow due May 1st, 3 cows due in May, 1 cow due in June, 2 farrow cows, 5 heifers rising two, 3 yearling baby beef. 24 pigs sows; 11 roosters.Kitchen oil stove, couch, 3-piece parlor suite 3 rockers, kitchen table. Quantity of corn stalks, 30 bus. of barley. 25 acres of grass land to rent; lots of water, well fenced. TERMS—$10 and under cash, over that amount 7 months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes with 6 per cent, added. F. TAYLOR, Auctioneer A. HODGINS, Clerk JOHN ROLLINS, Prop. R. R. 1, Crediton K ’Ir How many words in * * <■ Product vf (general Rotors of Limited THE moment you see the new and finer Pontiac Six, you will realize that General Motors have taken extraordinary measures to insure the continuance of Pontiac value leadership in the field of low-priced sixes. . . . Here is the commanding beauty of new bodies by Fisher — lower, longer, fin ished in striking new Duco combinations with windows smartly recessed. . . . Here la the substantial appearance of deeper radiator and new crown fenders of impressive grace. . . . Here are all the advantages of numerous refinements, including narrowed body pillars, tilting-beam headlights with foot .control, new transmission and brake levers, and the like. . . . And, most important of all, here is the exceptional value created by the new low prices at which all body types are offered. , . . The success of the Pontiac Six has gone into history, probably never to be equalled by a new make of car! But already the new and finer Pontiac Six is striding away to new and more impressive records—for it constitutes the greatest value ever offered in a low-priced six. PF-M2& © 1 steers, T yearling heifer. 50 to 75 lbs.; 10 young pure-bred black Minorca stove, coal heater, coal STAFFA We are sorry to report that Jimmie Remnant, youngest son of Mrs. Remnant, Thames Road? is serious* ly ill iu the .hospital at Stratford. At time of writing there is no' hope for his recovery.—Mr, and Mrs. Archie Miller celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in Strat ford on Sunday.—One of the best plays of the season will be given in the hall on Friday evening. “The Dust of the Earth/’ presented by the Logan school.—Mr. John Pinder intends leaving for Niagara Falls Tuesday. on be In calf; 2 cows supppsed to be calf, 2 cows due May 1st, 2 fresbf cows, 6 yearlings, 2 calves 8 months' ; ol,d at time of sale, calf 5 months- ■ • old, 2 small calves. . HOGS—York sow due April 1st, • ■ Tamworth hog. IMPLEMENTS—M.-H. binder, £ cut; M.-H. mower, 5 ft. cut; 15k *r hoe drill, wagon, wagon box, pig rack, spring tooth cultivator, gravel- box, hay rack, scuffler, Cockshutt walking plow, 4 truck wheels, Cock-'* shutt riding plow, nearly new; 2”* set diamond harrows, newly sharp- • ened; Frost & Wood hay loader,, steel rake, new; 10 ft er, wheelbarrow....................... ... to digger, cutter, fly nets, tpp buggy nearly new; woollen blanket, 2 goodt- horse blankets, a quantity of elimi planks, 16 ft. long, scraper, 2 straw berry crates, grindstone, steel rake,. 10-ft., International; Cockshutt man ure spreader, flat rack, set bob sleighs, Frost & Wood mower, disc,- pair bunks, quantity of wire, chick-- en coop, 1200 lb. scales, fanning milt, with bagger attached, 2 dozen grain, bags, 10 inch plate chopper, sling ropes, a quantity of rope, bag truck, bag holder, hay knife, dozen cow chains, new; logging chain, small chain, barrel of salt, a quantity of... - . heavy harness, set single har— set of light double harness, collars, set hamesfi string of new; 1-horse scuffler, new trough, pea harvester and articles too numerous to AUCTIONSALE — of — FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ■ The undersigned, has receive^ in* structions to sell by public auction op LOT 19, CONCESSION 7, HAY 2£ Miles East and % Mile South of Zurich — on — TUESDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1927 .. Commencing at 1 o’clock sharp HORSES—Bay horse 7 years old, bay mare rising 5 years old, driving horse 5 years old quiet and reliable; aged driver quiet and reliable. CATTLE—Holstein cow 9 years old, due in May; cow 6 years old due in May; cow 9 years old due in April; cow 7 years old, due in May; cow 4 years old due in May; cow 5 years old due in June; 2 2-year old heifers bred 2 months; 5 steers and 1 heifer rising 3 years, steer and heifer rising 2 years, 5 yearlings, Durham bull; brood sow due at time of sale, 8 store hogs, 125 lb. each; 75 hens, half rocks, half year lings, balance pullets. IMPLEMENTS, —M.-H. ft. cut, nearly new; M.-H. ft. cut nearly new; M.-H. ft. cut; M.-H. rake, 8-ft, 1 & Wood drill, 14 hoe; roller, 3 drums; Deering cultivator, 6 ft.; Cockshutt 14 plate Frost & Wood 12 plate disc, 3-section harrow, Frost & Wood bean scuffle? and puller, International riding plow nearly new, Wilkjnson walking plow No, 7, nearly new; w.agon, sleigh,, hay rack, gravel box, set iron wheels for wagon, rubber tired buggy, new; trailer 1000 cap., witli stock' rack; 2000 lb. cap, scales, Clinton' fan ning. mill, road cart, root pulper, 7 h.-p Lister engine, 10-in Lister grinder, 1| h.-p. engine, pumper, Ankor Aalth cream separator, new; Chatham incubator, pig box, grass seeder, hand or power cutting box, 5 good horse collers, doubletrees, neckyokes, britchin harness, back- band team harness, Yorks, shovels, sugar kettle, cider barrel, scoop shovel, 30 cement blocks, quantity of hay, 1926 Chevrolet Coach. . HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Large oak extension table, china cabinet and buffet combined, sideboard, new; cabinet table, 6 kitchen chairs, high chair, set of bed, springs and dresser; bureau, 2 beds and springs mattress, wash stand, 4-burner coal oil stove with oven, sink, kitchen table, easel, Daisy churn, cream can, hanging lamp, parlor lamp, lanfern, empty sealers, mail box, and num erous other articles. TERMS $10 and under cash, over that amount 7 months’ credit will be giv en on furnishing approved joint notes with a discount of 4 per cent, off for cash oh credit amounts. Hay and poultry, cash. ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer ' W. S. JOHNSTON, Clerk ROBERT GREEN, Proprietor 1 tt I turnip seed corn sheller, pota-Clearing AUCTION SALE .— on — • FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPXiR- MENTS, ETC H. A. Stanley, Auctioneer, will sell by public auction at lot 28, con 2, McGillivray, on TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1927 At 1 p.m. sharp, on the premises, the following HORSES—2 Clyde mares rising 7 years; 1 Percheron gelding rising 7 years; 1 Clyde gelding rising 7 years; 1 General Purpose mare 12 years; 1 General Purpose gelding 9 years; 1 Clyde colt rsing 1 year. CATTLE—1 cow due before sale; 4 cows due in April; cow due in June; 1 pure-bred Shorthorn pow due in July; cow due in August; 1 cow due in November; 2 heifers due in October; 3 steers rising 2 years; 3 heifers rising two years; 3 heifers rising one year; 1 pur'e-brPd Short horn bull, 3 years old. IMPLEMENTS— McCormick bin der 7 ft; M, H. mower 6 ft; M. H. hay loader; F. & W. Spring, tooth cultivator; F. &’ W, 14 plate. Out- throw disc; four section harrow, wa gon, stock rack, set sleighs, M. H. two-rowed cultivator, M. H. 15 disc drill, M. H. one furrow riding plow, Quebec type; Oliver walking plow, Oliver tractoi’ 2 furrow for Fordson, Avery 8 0 Tractor, grinder 9 % plate, nearly new; Lightning Evapa- porator, 500 tree cap, 200 galvaniz ed sap pails and lead spiles, used 2 years; hay fork, root pulper,,DeLa val cream separator No. 12; buggy, cutter, 3 cook stoves, fanning mill, churn, 2 barrels, set britchen har ness, set backband harness, set of driving harness, 5 good .collars, single plow harness, Quantity of mixed oats and barley, about 2 tons of hay, 75 bushels, of seed • barley, Chinese Ottawa No. 30; and numer ous other articles. TERMS— Sums under, cash ;• over months’ credit on ____ ___ •notes; .or 6 per cent, per annum off for cash. H. A. STANLEY Auctioneer A first prize of $100.00 and twenty other cash prizes will be awarded to those making the most words from the twelve letters contain ed in—NYAL CREO- PHOS. This wonderful all-the- year-round Nyal Rem edy— the family guardian against colds, bronchitis,' deep-seat ed, coughs and pul monary troubles—is familiar to Canadians everywhere. It has re stored health and strength to thousands. Now you’ have the oppor tunity to use your skill and ingenuity in making a list of words from NYAL CREOPHOS and win a cash prize. Ask the Nyal druggist for Nyal Creophos Word Contest sheets, which ex plain in detail how. $600.00 is being offered in cash prizes for lists of words made from the names of certain Nyal Preparations. And remember that the safeguards of good health are found at the AUCTION SALE FARM .STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received, in structions to sell by public auction at LOT 19, S. THAMES ROAD, on MONDAY, MARCH 28, .1027 at one o’clock p.m. the following HORSES — Team of Percheron horses 11 apd 12 years c>ld; mare supposed to be with foal, age 10; yearling colt. CATTLE—Fresh cow with calf at foot, Durham; cow freshened about 2 weeks, Durham; 2 cows due time of sale, Durham; cow due in April, Durham; 2 baby beeves; 2 yearling steers; 2 yearling heifers; 2 young calves. PIGS—2 young sows, supposed to be with pig; 6 young shoats; 75 hens; 2 drakes and 3 ducks. IMPLEMENTS—M. ,H- binder, 6 ft. cut; M. H. mower, 6 ft. cut; hay rake, land cultivator, seed drill, Maxwell disc, steel land roller, rid ing plow, walking plow, No. 21 Fleury; set of ahrrows, 8 cart'; scuffler, cutter, rubber tired open buggy, steel tired top buggy n good shape, hay rack, truck wagon and box, set of sleighs, 3 2 ft extension ladder, Clinton fanning mill, bag holder, dozen grain bags and a num ber of sacks, Lilley cream separator, set of double harness, third “horse set of harness; 5 horse collars; set of single Harness; set of sling ropes hay fork rope; 2 set of wliiffletrees, neckyokes, forks, shovels, hoes and chains and other articles too num erous to mention. HAY AND GRAIN—Quantity' of Alfalfa hay; quantity of timothy hay; 250 bus. of mixed grain, wheat oats and barley; quantity of oats. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—^Furni ture, stoves, gems, crocks, pots, pans sewing machine and a number of other articles. TERMS—$20.00 and under, cash; over that amount 6 months’ credit on furnishing approved joint notes. nUm off for cash. Hay and grain cash. ESTATE OF THE LATE'JANE Mc- NICOL. WM. NAIRN, Auct. ’ GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Estate. DRUG STORE J “Once a trial— always Nyal” 2 , binder, 6 , mower, 5 . rake, 10- cut; Frost 9-ft. steel disc, new; URllCl ui, DCUV; CV U-CllA Vi Vjr VI seed oats, a quantity of mixed liay, 2 set ness, new; bells, water other mention, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— Separ- tor, 500 lb. capacity, extension lad der, *2 long ladders, Daisy churn, sap pan, 110 sap buckets, 2 iron, kettles, scalding barrel, pig hanger, parlor rug 4i yards long and 3% yards wide, new; box heater, lan tern, lawn mower, milk pails, strain-- ers, linoleum and numerous other articles. TERMS . $10 and under, cash; over that, amount 7 months credit 'on furnish ing approved joint notes, with a dis count of 3 per cent, straight off for cash on credit amounts. Hay and,, grain cash. LOUIS L. KRAFT, Proprietor ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneei’ ' ADDIE TIEMAN, Clerk you renewed your subscrip-• the Times-Advocate? The $1.50 in Canada and $2.00 -4 NEW WW PRICES .’ ! I * ■a $ s% « L* 1 • r X .. i * i f »y the simple process or a mental comparison pf the “50” with these four other fours, th© public has discovered in the Chrysler “50” ele* meats of progressiveness in such striking con* trast as to compel a decision in favor of the Chrysler “50”. Touring Car $1045j Coupe *1045 Roadster $1045 (Rumble Scat Extra) Coach $1080; Sedan$l 15O<iu*wtrat«J Al»ow>, Landau Sedan $1220 /. o. b. Windsor. Ontario (freight onty to bo added), Ab«w i>ricei include all taxes, bumpers front and rears spare tire, tire cover and tank full of gasoline, All Chrysler cars are protected against theft under the FeHco System. > ♦. * Chrysler dealers are in position to extend the convenience of timepayments. Ask about Chrysler’s attractive plan. ULRIG SNELL EXETER ---- . ONTARIO Dealer for Pontiac & McLaughlin Overwhelming Preference y One of the factors in Chrysler’s amazing ad vance from twenty-seventh to fourth place in three years* time—has been the widespread recognition of the startling, difference in full size, performance and appearance between the Chrysler “50” and the only four other four* Cylinder cars of large production. By the simple process of a mental comparison (and upwards) Full-sized, with ample family seating capacity; Mohair-plush upholstering; 50 miles and more an hour; 5 to 25 miles in 8 seconds; 30 miles to the gallon^ CHRYSLER 50 \»V1LT>A.S ONLY CHRYSLER BUILDS ' C. C. PILON HURON GARAGE EXETER,1 ONT.PHONE 155 <■> 4 % Albert Edward Bain, a resident of Fullarton for. the past 50 years, died on Saturday in his 65 th year. He was never’ married. He and his brother.John Bain, and sister, Miss Ella Bain, lived together near Ful larton village. Mr. Bain was a member of the United church, and had been on the official of the church for-many years. the AUCTION SALE OF FARSltoOlTiriMY Under and by vffYue of the' Power of Sale contained in a certain Mort gage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1927 at the hour of two. o’clock in the afternoon on the premises by Frank Taylor, Esquire, Auctioneer, the fol lowing property, viz: The West Half of Lot number three and the whole of lot number Five both in the Fourth Concession of the Township of Usborne in the County of I-Iuron, containing One hundred and fifty acres more or. less The farm is well situated, fenced and drained and has erected on a two storey brick house bank barn, both in good state pair. TERMS—The farm will be tliere- and a of re- __ __ __ „ _ offer ed for sale subject to certain Leases and other conditions made known at the time of sale. Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid at the time of sale; balance to be paid in thirty days. For further particulars and con ditions of sale apply to FRANK TAYLOR, Auct., Exeter, or CARLING & MORLEY, Barristers, Exeter, Ont., Solicitors for the Mort gagee. Notice to Creditors. Re JAMES JECKELL, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. CREDITORS AND OTHERS HAV ING claims against the estate of the* said deceased are required to < send full particulars of such claims, duly proven, to THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, 446 Richmond St. Lon don, Ontario, one of the Executors of the said Estate, on or before the' Second day of April A.D., 1927, after which date the Executors will pro ceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having reghrd only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated this 15 th day of March, A.D. 1927. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY Executor, by its Solicitors CARLING & MORLEY Exeter, Oht. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate of MARY JANE BED FORD, late of the Township of Ste- Huron, On the are re claims, &ASon, 1st day- phen, in the County of widow, deceased,' who died 15th day of January, 1927, quested to forward their duly proven to H. Eilber Crediton, on or before the of April, 1927. AND.NOTICE IS FURTHER given that after the said date the executors will proceed to distribute the estate haying regard only to the Claims, .of which they then shall' have 4fotiep Dated at Crediton t'Mk 12tli dhy of March, 1927. .Wilfred Lawson and EH King, . Crediton, Executors of $10.00 and that amount six approved joint W. D. SMITH Proprietor MAPLE LODGE FARM Sale of Farm sharp at 1 p.m. The Canada Trust Company, Exe cutors of the Charlotte Smith Estate will offer for sale by Public Auction at the premises, the following lands;', In the Township of McGillivray in the County of'Middlesex and being parts of, Lof 27 and lot 28 in the second concession and part of Lot 28 in the third concession. (This affords a splendid opportun ity to purchase about 230 acres of the best land in Middlesex County with excellent buildings, brick resi dence, hot water heating, bathroom with hot and cold water; small frame house;‘barn about 70 ft. by 9 0 ft.; stone foundation to accom modate 9 horses, 50 cattle and 50 sheep. Good orchard and woodlot. Farm only 3i miles from shipping point and 21 miles from London by. excellent roads. ‘ If not sold as a whole, the lands in Concession 3 and the rest of. the farm will be offered separately. TERMS—Ten per cent, at time of sale, balance in thirty days. For further particulars and condi tions of sale apply to HARRY STANLEY, Auctioneer, Lu can, Ont. or to THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, 446 Richmond Street, London, Ont. Decision of Auctioneer to be ‘final in case of dispute. AUCTION SALE — of FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Frank Taylor has received’instruc- tions from the .undersigned- to sell by public auction on. LOT 16, CON. 5, TOWNSHIP OF BIDDULPH, on Friday, March 18th, 1927 at one o’clock sharp the foilowing HORSES1—Gelding 6 years old; gelding, 1 Percheron, 5 years old; 1 mare rising two years old; mare ris ing 3 years old; aged team. COWS—Hereford cow due 1st of April; Rolled Angus cow due‘in Apr. Durham cow due in May; 2 Holstein cows milking; 9 I-yr.-old heifers; 4 calves. PIGS—14 chunks about 100 lbs. each; 1 sow with pigs 4 weeks old; 75 Rock hens, 2 hen turkeys. • IMPLEMENTS—M. ’H. binder, 7 foot; McCormick mower; Deering Manure spreader; John Deere hay rake;Cockshut 2-furrow plow; _No. 21 Fleury walking qlow; Cockshut riding plow, new; farm wagon, dem ocrat wagon, pig rack, hay rack, gravel box, set or bobsleighs, De Laval cream separator; M. H. drill, 13 hoe, new; Maxwell disc: root pulper; extesion ladder;' top buggy 50 sap pails, iron kettle; Oats, 500 bushels clean for seed; 8 tons of hay; hay fork truck and rope; set of new brass mounted harness; set of double harness: set of single har ness; set of three'-horse wliiffletrees set of diamond harrows, 4 sections, new; iron” vice; Doherty kitchen ffthgo; heater and ofheX itrfiMogi toe numerous, to inention. ■' ‘ , Everything., will be sold as the proiwietor is giving uD farming';TERMS-1—'$ 10,00 ahd under, .cash oter that amount?.six'bioliths credit' bh.,fjir.n’i^hflag' apfd.Vbd joint’ notes? A per ident per annum, off dr Hay and grain cash, ' ' .» WM. HODGINS, Prop, FRANK tfAYLOR, Auct. Have tion to price is in the United States. TRACTORS AUCTION SALE — of--- FARM STOCK, IMPLEJuENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in structions to, sell by public auction, on LOT 22, CON. 12, STEPHEN % Miles South of Dashwood — on — - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23r<l, 1927 at 1 o’clock sharp the following: . HORSES—Black Percheron team matched, rising 6 .years; bay Perch eron horse rising 6 years, Clyde horse rising 12 years. CATTLE—Pure bred cow due August 1st, Jean, 117601; pure bred cow due in April,' Lady Royal, 168- 449; pure bred cow due at time of sale, Vesey'Violet, 169753; cow elig ible for registration, supposed to We have the agency for the John. Deere and- Case tractors.. These are . both good, sturdy and powerful ma chines. Let us explain to you their good qualities, enquire for prices and. terms. • As spring is in the air let us meet your requirement in two- wlieel plows for Fordsons, .thre.e- wheel plows for larger tractors. 12 sulkies and walking plows,, -a- full line of tractor’ machinery always available. Our new cultivator for horses or tractor is more superior in. many ways than those of our opposi tion, our fertilizer drills have been, improved and are much lighter in, draught. Our new packer is great ly in demand. Agency for tobacco planters, New Idea and used spread ers, De Lava 1 and Massey-Harris' separators, Preston garages, roofing and siding, -implement buildings, barn door track, extension ladders, hay carriers, Peerless wire fencing, barb wire, staples and steel posts, windmills, pumps and stable equip ment, engines, electric and engine drive washing machines. A full line- of repairs always in stock. Arthur Jones MASSEY-HARRIS AGENT... 4 Tfee “Cameo,F ROGERS Batteryless RADIO No Batteries No Chemicals No Charter No Aerial » > tameoHCbnsole**.' 5515. .Complete w/A Junior SumphontJ’ Speaker Inbuilt v Just Plug In . ;Jhen J'unelnJ 3 Minutes to Install! 5f a week or less, to Operate?* This latest 1927 Rogers is a.powerful 5-tube set, with dual-dial t control, in a beautiful walnut cabinet with a Rogers Junior Sym phony Speaker built in. It is a masterpiece of tone and beauty. It will harmonize with the finest furnishings, yet is small enough, to fit ’most any nook. Has both volume and oscillation controL Hear the neu) “Cameo” in Your Home .‘This model is the result of thtee years research Jnd development and represents, we believe, the greatest radim value in Canada idday. Let us demonstrate, Payment oyer 3 to 12 months. For Sale by W. J. BEER, Exeter l I / 4 » ■*S ¥ iH'.rtW'.r: