HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-03-17, Page 3* CARMVAl. AND THEATRICAL. W FOR HIT ATENTS A L|*t «rf "Wanted Invonllon*” end Full Information Sent Free ort Requert, The Ramsay Co. GROWTH OF MANITOBA Tu * - V y v J A1--Jaooays Perhaps after all it’s the radio an­ nouncer who should, be seen and not heard, Often Finds Herself Weak and Feeling Worn-Out Manitoba has a population of 639,- 056, according to a. preliminary state­ ment of the census of the province y Conducted during the past summer. This shows an increase of 273,368 over that of 1906. In twenty years the province’s population “has increased by nearly seventy-five per cent. Ac­ cording to the latest figures, 360,861 of the people of the province are classed’ as rural and 278,195 as urban, rural dwellers representing over 56 per cent, of the total inhabitants, Rural population in the five years shows an increase of 12,359 and urban of 16,579. In twenty years, Manitoba rural population has in­ creased by 135,305, or over 37 per cent. ’ Qf the four cities in Manitoba three show substantial increases. The population of Winnipeg is placed at, 191,998, an increase of 12,911 com-i pared with 1921, and of 99,803 com­ pared with 1906. In twenty years the population of the Gateway of the West has more than doubled. Bran­ don, with a population of 16,443, has added 1,046 citizens in five years, and St. Boniface, with 14,187 of a popula­ tion, has taken on 1,366 souls in the period, While many of tile thirty towns show declines in the past five years, Deloraine, Killarney, Morden, Neepawa, The Pas, Virden, Beau$e- jour, Birtle, Carberry, Ilartney and ■Minnedosa show increases. Increases are shown in the population of prac­ tically all of the twenty incorporated villages. PROGRESS IN AGRICULTURE. Though the first settled and de­ veloped of the provinces of Western Canada, the progress in Manitoba’s Rgviculture in recent years has been notable. This growth has been achiev­ ed in what has been a depressing period for Yarming in all parts of the continent. In the new and brighter era opening up for the in­ dustry in Western Cana’da, it is im­ possible to make any estimate of the growth the next five years will bring. That there is still opportunity for' wide expansion ia disclosed in the re­ cent survey of the Manitoba Govern­ ment, ..which revealed that there are 4^349,389 acres of unused land in the province, of which 42.7 per cent, is owned by the Dominion Government and the rest held by local owners, foreign owners, the municipalities, the Hudson’s Bay Company, and the Soldier Settlement Board. YIELD HIGHER COST PRODUC­ TION LIMIT. The advantages of farming in Manitoba have likewise been the sub­ ject of some study in connection with the survey, in the reported statement by Px-of. H. C. Grant, Economics De­ partment, Manitoba Agricultural Col­ lege, that the Manitoba •fai’iner is Gnore favorably situated than his neighbor to the south mainly on ac­ count of higher yields per acre. In wheat, foi- instance, the net cost of producing an acre was $10‘.76 in 1923 in North Dakota and Minnesota and $10.-03 in Manitoba. The yield per acre, however, in the two states was 10.03 bushels and in the province 12.3 ’ bushels. The cost of producing a bushel of wheat in Noith Dakota and Minnesota was $1.20 and in only 81 cents. « Manitoba t tiptoes The Old Road. You know that road that through the torn And .runs so fast around the rocky turn As if it had r charming tryst to keep On.spme far, hidden hill where gen­ tians sleep? You know the hollow where it dips, to stay A moment by the birch-rimmed pond where sway To eager winds, the alders and the reeds ? We always wonder where that old road leads, It is so long since any feet but burs Have followed’ its faint track through grass and flowers And dreaming larches, out beyond the pool Through green and shadowed dim­ ness*. Always cool On hottest, days, its magic leads us still From one turn to the next. To-day the hill Beyond the frozen pond was loud with song That Caroled joy, though April still is long Away, and February greys the skies. I heal'd the*warm, glad notes of blue­ birds rise, I found a dandelion’s early gold, And saw the . snowy fragrant spikes untold Where saxifrages starred the rocks, The,breeze Blew soft across my face. Among the trees I^caught the glimmer of a bright moth’s wing—. Aiid.knew this was the Secret Road to Spring! —j-Ruth Aughiltree in Christian Science Monitor. Aiding Voung Doctors. The Medical InsilttdiiCe Society of England is enabling medical students •frithout. means to buy a practice through Ioans. Eagles, larks and crows have been ! known to fly at a height of 6,000 feet, iiMMfflsaii Fodls count their sales, wise men their profits. No obligation to buy, but if you dp, easiest terms are arranged. Guaranteed for ten years. Write now for particulars. Aesnts wanted uhtri Wd art not repw^ti. Swedish Separator Comnsuiy * %T Limited36r Notre Dame St. West Montreal -J 9s*£j SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE MALLABAR ° I TORONTO* AND WINNIPEG' <■58 5PAD/NA * CUMBERLAND. EASTER NOVELTY for Confectioner*. The very latert In Chocolate Mould. One confectioner bought «!x on iloht. Doo, Bunny, Chicken*, al! on one ohocolato bar, a)| mado In one oporation. Act now. Don’t delay. Sent Stay' ajil by mall prepaid for $2.00. Don’t get the habit of being punctual In being late. A young husband was anxiously awaiting nows of the birth of hjs first child. He was pacing up and down the hospital corridor when the doctor camo out and told him to control him­ self oi’ else take a walk around the block. "But I toil you I’m scared to death,” protested the yqung man. "Yon needn't be,” replied the doc­ tor, “I’ve brought more than 2,000 babies into the world and I haven’t lost a father yet.” The modern swain may have his shortcomings, but leaving early isn’t one of them. An itching are about to Itching head have something. palm signifies that you receive something. An shows that you already A man called on an optician to have his eyes tested. The optician held the test card forty feet away and asked: "Can you read that?” - ■"No,” said the man. , The optician came closer. Can you read it now?” "No, I can’t.” The optician came within twenty feet, then ten feet, but each time the answer was "No.” Finally he stuck the card under the manto nose and said: "Well, can-you read it now?” "No,” said the man. "I never learn­ ed to read!” Vision* O happy Winter, with your dreams of Spring, Your ecstasies of beauty not yet willed! Your artist soul projocta a perfect thing, But keops it unexpressed and unful- fl’lled. Dormant, so man may call yon, and they mean, Because they find no color nor yet sound, They cannot heed that Imrmony un- i seen,‘ __ , _ t Pure tea of finest quality, free of dust and packed in AZaminum. - The nursing mother more than other woman needs rich blood plenty of it, The demands upon her' health are many and severe. House-1 hold duties and the €&re of her child-' i yen exact heavy toll, while hurried meals, broken rest and indoor living tend to weaken her. No wonder she; is often indisposed through weakness, For you to them, are bare and frozen headaches, backaches and nervous- I ness, in tills condition the blood will always be found weak and watery, and relief will come only through en- i riching the blood, For this purpose I Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills is the best J blood-making tonic known. Through their uso many weak, ailing wives and mothers have found now health and strength, As an example of this Mrs. Sarah Cortez, EMenstown, N.B., rays: —"While* nursing my baby I became run-down, very weak and nervous. My head ached all the time and I was not able to do my* work. I had often read of Dr. Williams’ Fink PJlls and began using them, and what a blessing they proved. Before I had used a half dozen boxes I felt like a new person, and by their continued use for a while I was entirely restored to my former health and strength, I take pleasure in recommending Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills to everyone suffering as I did,” You can get these piha through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. any and w i H. D. MERS, 345 WAV EFILEY, TORONTO A Handful of ’‘Royal Quality . BABY CHICKS Born to Live and Lay 13 WORTH A YARDFUL OF THE CHEAP VARIETY THEY are bred mostly from flocks mated with Record of Performance Males, whose ancestry proved to be heavy layers. THEY are strong, hardy, vigorous Canadian chicks, from Canadian flocks, bred to produce profitably in this climate. THEY are sold under a TWO-FOLD-GUARANTEE, as to quality, and a square deal, plus an additional GUARANTEE OF 200^ LIVE ARRIVAL. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. THE CANADIAN CHICK HATCHERY, LIMITED 147 King Street East HAMILTON, ONTARIO J Canadian Farmer Tells His Experience Booth, widely known Ontario fanner, and a sick man for 20 years, suffered daily, only half alive Now strong, robust, vigorous, credits new found health to Tanlae Though popularly known, as Les,” Mr. Booth’s correct first name is George. His home is at 271 Perth St., Brookville. For the past three years he has enjoyed vigorous health but what ho endured before thcri- is best told in his own words. "For twenty years my arms, shoulders,, back and hips, ached with rheumatism,” said Mr. Booth. “Often I had to quit work entirely and I remember one bad sjrell that kept me in bed for six months. f'My case got to be so chronic that the ficin ran the farm. I was prac­ tically helpless. Even my wrists and hp.nds would swell up so that I couldn’t ’$fite my name. I dreaded bedtime, tor I got no rest, but lay there m kgony; waiting for morning. Nervous- /spells, would seize me and I would * tremble all over Idee a leaf 1 couldn’t ’ get any benefit from my food and had _to force myself to eat. My weight was far below normal. ffThtoO years ago I decided to give Tanlae a good trial, for nothing else had helped me. I could scarcely be­ lieve Huch results were possible as those Tibiae soon showed. The achine stopped, my appetite came back and . I could eat heartily. My-nights be­ came more restful, too, and I 'slept soundly. I gained 16 pounds which I still retain, and I now work hard out­ doors from 8 to 10 hours a day. 1 never have an ache. It’s hardly believeable! If folks want to know what Tanlae can do, tell them to write to Lea Booth, or to como and see me. I’ll tell ’em.” 4 ** If your health is broken from over­ work or neglect, profit from Mr. Booth’s experience. Try Tanlae, na­ ture’s own body builder, made from roots, herbs and baijca. Your druggist has it, Over 52 million bottles sold. k£>s t Suffered ’ Years Battle Creek, Mich.: "Afflicted with kidney and liver complaint, for over twenty’- years, I was induced to try Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy, and after using It for a time was completely cured. Am now well and strong. I can unqualifiedly state this medicine without any doubt eaved. my life and I can conscientiously recommend, it to others similarly afflicted*. This testimonial is given solicitation and by my own free will.” quest. Got Warner’s Safe kidney and Liver Remedy to-day. begins as soon as you begin its use. Sold by all druggists. Price $1.25 per bottle. Warner’s Safe Remedies Co., Toronto, Ont ground. Your visions of all loveliness to be Of perfect trees' and skies* and full­ blown flowers, Though not transformed to actuality, Still dwell within your soul in snowy hours, Nor can one dull regret from you be wrung, you, O Winter, dream of Springs unsung I —•Emily C. Sowerby. For MARCH WEATHER DANGEROUS TO BABY 'J REB ROSE ORANGE PEKOE good. OPEN TO CANADIANS A Matter of Choice. Which do you choose? To adhere to the disinclination of the average man and woman to discuss cancer, refuse to learn the facts about It and not he in a position to help yourself and your friends should the need arise? Or to ascertain the few proven items about cancer and thus help prevent your­ self and your friends being listed as one of the victims? We know' very little about cancer, but one point wo do know--it is cur­ able if treated promptly. To ensure early treatment, We must know the signals which nature uses to warn us of danger. A lump on the lip of a man, any unusual discharge, a sore on the skin which will not heal, a lump on the female breast, attacks of so-called indigestion—these are all signs which we should.not take the responsibility of disregarding. The only person wljo can aay whether they may safely be overlooked* is your doctor, , Just count the number of people you know who have suffered from cancer and you will realize how urgent is the need to learn all you can about it. Men who have given years to its study state that, whereas it is in. tbeir power to cure the large majority of cancers, they are only able to apply the neces­ sary treatment in about ten pei- cent. Why? The same i».e$son is given wherever you go—“I did not see the patient early enough.” Nobody knows how many cases of cancer are in Ontario at present, but everybody is aroused by the fact that this Provincelost three thousand of her people from this cause in 1925. Yet the cancer situation is not hope- i less. Prevention of constipation Is one means in our hands to aid the pre­ vention of cancer. The danger signals listed above are not difficult to ob­ serve and each means “See the doctor’’ Immediately it is found; this is the one powerful weapon in our hand against cancer — early diagnosis and early treatment. Soap Used as Money. Probably the queerest money in the world la thd "soap money” used in Mexico. A traveler says that he fre­ quently received soap in change dur­ ing his visit to the interior of that country. In a certain town he bought s'ome limes from a girl, and handed her a silver dollar. By way of change the girl gave him forty-nine pieces of soap about the size of a water-cracker. Each cake was stamped with the name of a town, with a mark indicat­ ing that the Government authorized the issue as a legal tender. Some of the cakes showed signs of having been in the wash-tub, but that was not un­ common, find made no difference, pro­ vided the stamp was not obliterated. The cakes were worth about one and a half’cents each. On Account of the Very Sudden Changes in Temperature. Our Canadian March weather-one day bright, but sloppy, the next blus­ tery and cold—is extremely hard on children. Conditions make it neces­ sary for the mother to keep the little ones indoors'. They are often confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooms and catch colds which rack their whole system. To guard against these colds and to keep the baby well till the better, brighter days come along, a box of Baby’s Own Tablets should be kept in the house and an occasional dose given the baby to keep his stom­ ach sweet and his bowels working re­ gularly. Baby’s Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which never fall to regulate the stomach and bowels and thus relieve colds and simple fevers and keep baby fit. . The Tablet's are sold by medicine dealers' or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine" Co., Brookville, Ont. The War Debts. Philip Dexter in the London Nation­ al Review: The great "majority of our citizens would undoubtedly approve of revision or cancellation if they could be induced to think about it. The dif­ ficulty is that it does not interest them. Most Americans are hot merely badly informed about European affairs—they are not informed at all. In the news­ papers .published in at least three- fourths of the United States, inhabited by over two-thirds of the voters, Euro­ pean events are hardly ever mention­ ed. That is not merely perversity on the part of the editors'.- It is due to a' total lack of interest on the part of their readers. Since the end of the War* Europe has been to tlitffri little more than a geographical expression. They do not think about Europe.-------<5,—.----- A Slap from Germany. Berlin Tageblatt: What is happen­ ing now is not the fault of the Govern­ ment now sitting at Downing Street but of those Ministers' who 12 years ago did not consider even the abandon­ ment of the solidarity of lhe white race too great a risk to take when it was a case of obtaining one more tool .for the fight against Germany. That was- not only a betrayal of European civilization; the future will show whether they did not break loose the corner stone of the proud structure of British might. Upset stomach, sluggish liver, and acid condi­ tion cause bad breath. Sei gel's Syrup gets at the cause. Try it and have a wholesome breath. Any drugstore. Letters Are Carried for Extra Ten Cents Per Half-ounce. Washington.—Air mail routes in the United. States have been made avail­ able to Canadians'. For an extra ten cents per half ounce, letters' from Can­ ada will he carried by the coast-to- coast air mails operated under con­ tract with the United States Govern? ment, Letters posted in Montreal-Ottawa district in the afternoon leave New York at 11 a.m. next day and reach San Francisco at -4*30 p.m. the following day. Letters posted In the Toronto district are picked up at Chicago by the same mail. ViemOBL STSIJS, VULL VABINCT, FUATS) all record*, 48 wlecUww. muunatk'. Vuliw . JU5.00 for 135.00 1‘obwtm. 840 Mount Iloyal Vart, Montreal. _____ WYry* JS 1 HEnii 16,090 JIOHSKS A YE Ail TO w t satisfied cusumier*. Send for our llamM* Catalogue: it will brvis jott. money. The R^orftorr, to Nelson Street., ‘rorento. HEALTH CLASS,_______________ _ UNBItEAKAUW GLASS SIIBS'TJTCTB XOR poultry liouMM, liol beds; t>brt'd* growth, doesn't ourn plants. 'Delivered 15o eouara jr.nl. I’tHjrlwg Poultry, EJnilra. Ont. UTNL’A. 3*108 WANTED. i’On PA)WT<'ULAIlR y epply Connaught Latoratai'lea, Unlwaity Cf Toronto. yu ANWAHD PISTON KINGS 1UT WORN CVK- I INPBJIS ttud Tegrlndtog. Ouawntccd for 16,000 miles. Itanjaid ITswn R|n» Co.. 32-34 Front St. W., Toronto. REPAIR YOUR OWN TIRES AND TUBE?. WITH OUR OUTFIT YOU CAN MAKE A jrermanent repsir without u»>y bent er tool?. Iluhbw boots, hot water bottles, gloves and ovw- diooa can be fixed, Standard Kit Ono Dollar. Ijetters destined to Uousekokl Htae Firry Cents. Postpaid. T/ccd bv * ■ - - • - • -• ■ ' ■ . Money back VUI.-I.’OWN1ZR, vllw wCvIll'w JlUcwL XAlbUvU} m L* 1 LU i ■■British Columbia aro .carrlM to Blko,|X»„CX’X, Nevada, by air, transferred to a Seat­ tle train and from there transhipped to Vancouver or Victoria. A net saving­ in time of at least a day is sure In. the latter case. Letters to United States points <on the Pacific Coast are deliver­ ed at least a couple of days on the average. The announcement of the States Post Office Department, ly issued, points out that the extra ten cents for air mail routes muet be pre­ paid from Canada in United States postage stamps. l Hospital fit., Montreal, earlier Minard’s Liniment for rheumatism. Time to “Come Through.” ■ Chicago News"..(dlejiry Ford, whose total fortun,edd ■esUmatefl. at not less than. $2,000;000;000, hds-.4*eluaed three ; separate offer's of $1,000,00lhW;fp‘r. His { motor car company). In the lastth'rde'f or four doeades“Alr. Rockefeller has1 given more than .$500,000,000 to the> cause of education, to lhe furtherance I of peace and religion and tor scientific j research and oilier methods of..hn-l proving the health and promoting the welfare of mankind. No one else has * given so much and few have given! more wisely. If Mr. Ford, lias lj^en I studying how best to distribute the1 in-: oome from his great fortune, instead I of letting it accumulate as it. has in the I past, he has given the world no sign, I LONDON CONCRETE 100 Kitohentr Ave. ONLY $35.00 The Ideal Handy Farm Mixer, mixes concrete, mortar, fertilizer, or traahss roots. Il can he used on iho fam the j eat round. It »ave« 26 per cent. In cement and 75 tier cent, in labor. A Plec* Fsr Ono On Every Farm, Send for Bulletin No. 126. MACHINERY CO.. LTD. London, Canada United recent- Acts LSke a ,1© HeXSeviog That's -why bo many.people buy "Buckley's’' to end Coug-hn, Bron- chitia and all Throat, Chest <nd Lung troubles. It’rt instant, pleasant, guaranteed. You'll note its unique powers in the very first dose—and there are 4t> doses in a 15-cent bottl# 1 Aalc your druggist for ”Buekley’e‘ » W. H. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 WCICLEYSJar Mixfrxmja ftF Ac«s likt a . »sinfiie sip prove* ft COSTIVE BOWELS, HEADACHE, COLDS TAKE "CASCARETS” ' No Headache, Sour Stomach, Bad Cold or Constipation by morning I ead bunlone forever with tsy nan Pedodmn SelTent treatment, Pain atopn nlmoatlnaUot.- ly. Actual reduction ot the calimjad srr<n» tn- I end bunions forever with SelTont treatment, Pain r— ly. ActtuUreduction ot ™ bo faat that your nest pair of ahoat* cut ba a me® amallcr—often C«<> »Ue» »autU«r. PROVE IT FREE—Just send your naxoa atud addroaa. no money, end the loll treatmeps Stumntoed to brfnf complete roanlte raw o« youra to try. No obllxmoiur-Addreas KAY LABORATORIES, Pej>*. 80 Front St., W. T«ron|o.9nw STOP FALLIHO HAIR with Minard’s. It stimulates the growth of the hair. Stops dandruff. Securing Information- Father left homo for his work in tile early morning one day, and when his gon rose later he saw his father’s din­ ner still lying on the table. He ran after his dad aud, after sprinting for two miles, caught him up. Tommy -"Father, you left, your din­ ner at home.” “Eh, lad, so I have; where is it?” Tommy "Homo, father.” Scientist on a Stamp. Madame Curie’s likeness adorns one i o£ the new stamps just issued by Pci-! land, it is a delicate way of recall- i that the scientist is a. native of { nd, although by her marriage to | Flqrre Curie, she adopted the French j .iWi|onuJHy. It is a rare event for | any one; who'is-not * i without any Name on re- Improvement ISSUE. No. 11 Get a 10-cent box now. Furred Tongue, Bad Colds, Indiges­ tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head­ aches come from a torpid llyer and clogged bowels, which cause your stom- i acli to become Ailed with undigested food, which'"sours and ferments like garbage in a. swill barrel. That’s* the first step to untold misery—indiges­ tion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow i skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Ca scare 0 I to-night will give your constipated. ; bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you. out by morning. They work while you sleep—a 10-csnt box from your druggist will keep you feel­ ing good for months. Millions* of men and women take a Casearet now and then to keep thefr stomach, liver and bowels regulated, and never know a miserable moment. Don’t forget the children- -their little insides need a good, gentle cleansing, too. 1 1 1 ------— IF STOMACH IS Keep Minard's Liniment In the stable. < TROUBLING YO$F End Indigestion ’Instantly! or Stomach Misery with “Pape’s Diapepshi”. ♦ -H+4 .+++-.+-H +444^ As soon ns jou cat a tablet or two "Tape’s Dfapopsin” your indiges­ tion is gone! Heavy pain, luundburn, flaiuleiM’o, gases, palpitation, or any misery from a sour, acid Rtomnch ends, and digcsiidn package guar- (’error! your Ftomaeh tor a tow cento. Each iuitee.1 by druggist. Dissolve twd “BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN" to four tablespoonfuls of water and gargle thoroughly. Swallow some of the solution. Don’t rinse the mouth. Repeat gargle every two hours if necessary. This is an effective gurgle proved safe by nXtUlons and prescribed by physicians. if Cross?’ Handy "Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets. Also bottles of 24* and 100—Druggist#* Aftpirin is ibo V’uh inuik vt'e*s;t*,t"'cd lit of finret iSaiMifMfure of acldefcter of SalicyliciMhd (Awfj-I SaHcyHe Acid, "A. s. A.”). While it Is tojWh that Aspirin means Barer raanuffteturejo Miiint. the publio nnainat 61 Bayeh company Vvill b* uumptd v-ith their pnora! trade laark, tlift liwfw ixw/' w TONSIL1TIS and SORE WROAT A t