HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-03-17, Page 1EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 17th, 1927 FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR, NO. 2773EXETUR TIMES, ESTABLISHED 1873 I AMALGAMATED EXETER ADVOCATE, ESTABLISHED 1887/DECEMBER lit, 1914 French Kid Gloves Ladies’ Suits at $5.00 Spring House Furnishings PHONE 3? Over one hundred Smart Spring Coats to choose from in a wide range of Styles and Colors, including a good range of Navys and Blacks. We have Styles for extra small as well as extra large women. EXETER COUNCIL , COME AND LOOK THEM OVER DRESSES—The New Spring Dresses are now ready for your inspection. They are well worth seeing. The new French Kid Gloves for Ladies are now in stock. These are’ in a beatiful quality, with fancy cuffs and retail at $2.50 a pair Monday, Mach 14, 1927 A regular meeting of the Municip­ al Council held in the Town Hall. All members present. The minutes of the meeting held. February 14th were read and approved. The following coryhsponden read: A letter from the Si fice of the Ontario Munk ric Association, T. J. Guelph, in regards to Gt-i Canal Companies chart* r ; the Municipal Council pi Parliament of Canada, i the Charter of the Mg:. ahd> Georgian Bay 'Cm motion of Gillespib-’ 1 the Reeve and Clerk sii of motion, as submitted. Letter from the Dow Chemical Midland, Mich., in regards to supply of Calcium ChlorRlc. action. Letter from Biehle AVoodstock, offering si hand fire trucks. Ole reply. Letter from the 'Natii Ltd,, Brockville, ing equipment, ply. Mr. S. Stevely, half of the Charlton Simplified Road Maps of MRS. FOWELL PASSES SUDDENLY IRISH NIGHTS AT THE DOME THEATRE Bi ( Onfr„ ciork Of-1. ■e was iry of- Eleet- •(•ret :ipal Hannigan, irgian Bay '.siting that ctit! t to al : Ci ultii i> tin Carried, it 1 *Vt rl> in •e ti Ladies’ House Dresses at 98c 8 dozen splendid quality house dresses in ginghams etc to sell this month at only 98c. each. AVe have a few good quality ladies’ suits in good quality serges, navy %nd black to clear at only $5.00 Supersilk Hosiery For Spring The new shades of Supersilk Hosiery are no\v here, for Spring. This is tlie best silk hosiery vale on the market at $1.50 per pair. Twenty ood shades to choose from. Get our prices on Linoleum and Congoleum rugs before buying Jones & May PHONE 32 Ideal Incubators INSURE BIGGER HATCHES AND STRONGER, HEALTHIER CHICKS from $27.50 up OIL and COAL BURNING Brooders $18.50 up Baby Chicks $15.00 per hundred and upwards according to quality and quantity. Day old, 3 weeks and 8 weeks ac­ cording to requirement. Bred-to- lay Rocks and S. C. AV. Leghorns. Custom hatching $4.00 to $5.00 per hundred according to quantity. Brooder stoves supplied on request. W. F. ABBOTT, EXETER Millinery ■ Use the Best Paints & Varnishes for Your Spring Painting . AVE RECOMMEND LOWE BROS. HIGH STANDARD PAINTS LO/WE BROS. MELLETONE LOWE BROS. ENAMELS LOWE BROS. AUTO GLOSS Lowe bros. Neptunite varnishes Be sure to call.and see our jaunty .ribbon hats also Gainsborough'"mo­ dels, very specially priced. AVe also have a range of tailored hats, trimmed and untrimmed hats, ornaments new and sparkling, and flowers of every hue. A. YELLAND A RARE TREAT CHI-NAMED VARNISH STAINS CARMOTE VARNISH STAINS ALABA STINE and MURESCO Wall Finishes in all (■OlOl.'S Tinsmithing and Plumbing Do not fail to hear Mr. AV. E. Groves, general manager for John Connon Co., Nurserymen, of Hamil­ ton, in the town hall, on Friday night. He will have something to say that will interest you. Be sure to hear him. No admission fee. It is not to late to take advantage of the special privileges offered by the Horticultural Society for this year. Heaman’s Hardware & Paint Store card of thanks Mr. Jas. Oke, of Centralia, desires •Io express’ his sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for their many ■ kindnesses to Mrs. Oke during her illness and. for the sympathy express­ ed during his bereavement; also • The beautiful floral tributes. 7 IN JIEMORIAM : 5ILLERY—In loving memory of Car­ rie Copeland, wife of Avilliam Slllevy, Avho died In Exeter on ,M,arcb J 4, 1922. for ■ r--.. ....... -rlr-A’"' —Mli ,Five years have passed and we have missed you, Never shall our memories fade. Loving thoughts will always linger Round the grave where you were laid, AAre' loved you, yes, no tongue can tell HoW deep, how dearly and how well Christ loved you too, and thought it best. To take you home with Him to rest. The Family Mrs. D. Manning, of Vancouver, is visiting her cousins, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Sims. Mrs. Mabel Burke was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, on Mon­ day and on Wednesday underwent an operation, On Monday evening a number of Masonic brethren paid a visit to Zurich Lodge, Hensall and exempli­ fied the work of the third degree. Refreshments were served andRefreshments ................ short addresses were delivered. The evening was enjoyed by all present. DEATHS Have you renewed your subscrip­ tion, FOAVELL-—Tn Exeter, on March Margaret Fowell, widow of late Harry Fowell year, T ■ .... ___ ___ at Woodstock following the arri­ val of her son Harry from the west* 15, the 70t.h interment will take place in lifer on the renew Ottawa ■)., Per k that i notice Co. the No Son Ltd., iral second to make .1 Mfg. Co. fir m fight- :ke re- ud<in on be- Ontario, ad dr council in regard .to E the said.' ’ Ji ur eased the ■ter adver- ■nal. for tising in council decided to take year. t ", Messrs. ' Harvey, J Stanbury,. members of the Horticul­ tural Society, addressed the council as to the labor proposed and the success attained throughout the Municipality by the Society and ask­ ed a larger donation than that re­ ceived in former years. Per Gilles­ pie and Williams- seventy-five dollars he Mr. Richard councillor’ Davis, to remove some trees surro his property. Referred and Bridge Committee. The auditors’ report f«. was read and accepts- Coultis and 'Davis. The following ace*') and passed: Grigg : books and supplies Seldon, cqal $.66.50; sand sprayer $20.00; wood, cleaning yoon $2.00; C. H. Skelton, nace clocks, library . ber, team labor wood, team Reider, team labor Gillies, team Passmore, lai team labor labor $1.50; •Ci The the In:•t m and -That a grant of .. made. Car. Qlfrim!-. through made application unding Roadsto <1. uar y n of $ 5 <1 J. Til '© I read Co., R. G. Greive, Colling- Town Hall abor on fui- 75; AV. AVeb- Clyde Hey- 6.5 T; $63.75 ; labor $5-5.00; bor $3.00; R. E. $2.50; James P Russell Moore, $13.50; Ernest Collingwood, $1.25; Harry Smith, labor Treas. City of London Fire $1,300.00. Cemetery accounts, Smith, labor $11.00; Cecil $2.50. Passed on motion of and AVilliams. Carried Jos. Senior, 111 V-Elmer obt. Ivin iv is, ons, ibor labor $3.50; Truck, AV. Rowe, Davis I- D; 1i Clerk SUFFERED SLIGHT STROKE toMr. Wm. Dunsford is confined his bed the result of a slight stroke on AVednesday evening of last week when one side of the body, became paralyzed-. PRESENTATION About thirty friends of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence “Dutch" Kestle met as a surprise for thehT at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dinney on AVednesday evening of last week and presented them with a handsome mantel clock. Mr. and Mrs. are leaving the first of next for Seaforth, Mr. Kestle charge of a Supertest ■ gas Kestle month having truck. The evening was pleasantly spent in games and refreshments were serv­ ed. SHOOTS SILVER POX Mr. Cecil Rowe, of Hay Tp., had good fortune to shoot a silver on Friday of last week, the of which is in first-class condi- and quite valuable. Mr. Rowe previously captured a white owl the fox pelt tion had which he had shut up in a building and which had escaped. Seeing a bunch of crows harassing something in a near-by field, he thought it must be the owl and he secured a single-barreled gun and went over, when the fox jumped out in-front of him. The pelt measures 4ft. Sin. from tip to tip, TO FORM WELFARE ASSOCIATION of a number of citizens •forming a welfare as- Exeter met in the Sal- rooms above Su.thcott Friends in this community were deeply grieved Tuesday morning to learn of the sudden death of Mrs, Margaret Fowell, one of Exeter's most highly esteemed citizens, who, only a few hours before her death; was apparently in the best of health ‘ and spirits. On Sunday she took t part in the services of the AV.M.S.' at the Main St. United church as- sisting the women's choii’ with the ^aily Q Neil, singing. At noon on Monday when, Charlie Murray, the family were home for dinnei* she J appeared to be feeling fine but about ■' two o’clock she was taken critically I ill, ^She seemed to rally during tliej evening but shortly after midnight she passed peacefully away, the’ ., „ „ , „ cause of her death being angina pec- iD’-ulay A Saturday, March, -o & Mrs. Fowell was a promi-; worker and St. United has given She Aid Friday ami Saturday March IS & 19 ! ‘‘MIKE” We Cao Help You to See Better Our method of testing is most com­ plete and our prices moderate. Of­ fice hours 9.30 to 12 a.m. and 1.30 to 5 p.m. Evening by .appointment s. FITTON The most rollicking, frollicking, thrilling picture you ever saw with Ford Sterling COMEDY “YOUR OWN BACK YARD” Admission 15 and 35c. Phone 75 OPTOMETRIST 20 toris. nent Main years the ladies, the Ladies’ position for also actively supporter of the'; church and for j leadership among; was president of i having filled the ] many years, and was; associated with all the organizations of the church as well as the AALC.T.U, The deceased was born in Belleville her maiden name being Margaret Latta. She was in her 70 th year. Early in life she came to this community with her parents and was united in marriage with the late Harry Fowell who predeceased her 30 years. They lived in Exeter for a number of years after their marriage and for several years re­ sided at AVinnipeg, Belleville and Woodstock. Mrs. Fowell is surviv­ ed by one son, Sergt. Harry Fowell, of the R.N.AV.M.P., Regina, Sask., and one sister, Mrs. E. J. Spackman of Toronto. In May of last .year Mrs. Fowell was suddenly bereaved i Tom Mix in “GREAT K AND A TRAIN ROBBERY” Comedy: “STEEPLE CHASERS" Admssion 15 and 30c. A COMEDY IN 3 ACTS Will be presented by the T. S. C. of the Whalen United Church Wednesday, March 2 3 at 8 p.m.Good musical program provided be­ tween acts COME AND ENJOY IT Admission: Adults 3 5c,, Children 15 i I-Ion. Graduate American Poultry School, Address* Exeter, Ont, phone, Creditom 17-12. White Leghorns (Ferris Best Egg Strain) eggs . $8.00 per hundred,; chicks $18.00 per hundred; Roses’ Strain Chicks $16.00 per hundred; Barred Rock chicks $17.00 per hundred. GARNET HEYWOOD BABY CHICKS AND EGGS 4.1 V If »* 0,0 Q UHll VXAA J If VA VO. V Wl • in the loss of her daughter, Mrs. AV. ; AV. Taman and since that time she ' has had charge of the home and family, which besides Mr. Taman, is comprised of three children, Ted, Margaret and Jeannette and it is in this capacity that she will be missed the most. The remains will be taken to AVoodstock to he interred beside tho.-.e of her late husband. The arrangements for the funeral have not been completed awaiting the arrival of Mr. Fowell from the West. Among those from a dis­ tance who are here at present are Mrs. Spackman and Mrs. Johnston, of Toronto; M’rs. S. Gidley. of Bly th; Mrs. F. AV. Gladman, of London; Miss’L. Johns, of Brantford. LOCALS held This is a 12-20 Farm load This is not the Wallis Tractor Manufactured by the J. I. Case Flow Works and sold by the Massey-Hniris Co., but the genuine Case 12.-20, 18-32 and 25-45 made by the <1. I. Case Treshing Owners are amazed by the amount of power which this Tractor 5 ft. x 4 ft has for its conditions: or 24. shots MANY Ob' THESE TRACTORS CAN BE SEEN RUNNING IN THIS VICINITY. Tractor possesses for its size and price. Picture a solid 9 It x then you can better appreciate the power this tractor size. It will pull the following loads under ordinary 3 bottom 1 .1 inch plow; 8 foot Tandem disc; 22 grain drill. h!< h gear; 8 foot grain binder, high gear. Its coxisuniption of fuel is 14 gals, to a 10 hour A St. Patrick’s dance is being this Thursday evening in Lee’s Hall. Mr. Geo. Holman, of Goderich, visited in Exeter on Tuesday. z Mr. C. H. Beard, district Manager for the Bell Telephone Co. was in Exeter on AVednesday evening last. Mr. AV. C. Davis, who underwent an operation for appendicitis on February 7th resumed his position with the Times-Advocate Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Sam! Elliott and daughter Mildred, of Melford. Mich, who have been visiting in Exeter and Clinton left for their home on Monday. The ten-year-old son of Mr. and I Mrs. Patrick Boyle, Mooresville, is in a London hospital, suffering from blood-poisoning from a wound in the knee caused by a Messrs. Ulric Snell, Roy Finkheiner -and were at Oshawa and brought home a Buick sedan and two Pontiac Lan- deau sedans, arriving home Tuesday morning. Miss Greba Hedden, who for the past three years has been clerking at the post-office, has resigned her (position which has been filled by by Miss Flory AVest. Miss Hedden by her genial manner in serving the public made, many friends. Mrs. J. S. Grant returned Tuesday evening from London where she was ! called Saturday morning owing to the serious illness of her son Jos., who suffered a hem'orrage on the (Wednesday previous and who for a time was inra critical condition. He is considerably improved but it will be another week before he will be able to leave the hospital. A well attended and enthusiastic meeting of baseball fans was held in the sample room of the Central Ho-, tel on Thursday evening last and the’ interest manifest augurs well for a | successful season, was chairman of the meeting with1 R. N. Creech as secretary An in-1 'vestigating committee to find out what players are available was ap­ pointed as follows: R. N. Creech, M. R. Complin, H. C. Rivers and L. J. J Penbale. An organization meeting will be held when this committee makes its report. The “Comrades" Sunday School class of James St. Church comprised ' of the young married people of the [ church held a social evening on Fri-; day last the entertainment taking the form of. progressive crokinole. I Over sixty were present and a very! enjoyable time was spent by all,; The highest score for the ladies was ' made by Mrs. AV. Stone and the highest score for the men was made ■ by Mr. Cecil Rowe. Refreshments ■ were served. ■ The Welfare Youth Club of Car-, mol church, Hensall, and the Young People’s Guild of Caven church, Ex-' eter, spent a very enjoyable evening' together in the basement "of Caven. church on Monday, March 14tli. ’ The basement was tastefully decor-1 nted in green in honor of St. Patrick.1 A program of readings and music, ( mainly Irish w young _ . which two contest A sumptuous lunch was served by the Exeter young people ancl a very nail. C. J. Kestle,. AA’m. Smith, Mr. F. M. Boyle A meeting interested in sociation for vation Army Bros, store Monday evening’ with a fair attendance- and a lot of enthus­ iasm, Several topics of interest to the community were discussed and it Was decided to hold a banquet in the near future with the idea of per­ fecting some form of organization. A committee was formed to make the necessary arrangements. I STRUCK BY CAR E3 Id Cline, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lee, of the Cent­ ral Hotel, narrowly escaped a ser­ ious accident at noon on Wednesday when he was run down by a Ford car in which were several men from AVingham, The little lad was cross­ ing the toad in a small express wa­ gon when someone called to him and lie stopped. wheel of the car and knocked the _ _ celve.d two nasty cuts one on the top of the nose and the other above i .................. .the right eye. The injuries were Pleasant evening was brought to a dyessed by Dr. Fletcher,# ’ close with the National Anthem. n< The left front struck the wagon lad out. Me re- people, of put on by the Hensall, after were enjoyed. COCHRANE MACHINE WORKS Phone 135w Exeter, Ont Health in Herbs Nature’s Way is the Road to Perfect, Lasting Health The world’s greatest desire is not foi* wealth or pos­ sessions, but to be free from disease and pain. Not­ withstanding the fact that remedies are multiplying, each day reports some new “Cure”. . Science has done its utmost, yet the world’s hospitals remain crowded. But You can be Well Observe the kindly laws of Mother Nature. No other living feature suffers as men does. No other creature but man poisons his system with nauseating drugs and pills. There is a Herb For Every Disease Nature has provided Bark, Berries. Leaves and Blos­ soms for the ills of suffering mankind. 1 their natural Health and Happiness. Mr. Murfin, the celebrated Herbalist, will be at the CENTRAL HOTEL, EXETER One day only. All day and evening. Thursday, March 24th CONSULTATION FREE Asthma, Biles, Dropsy, Bedwetting, Skin Diseases, Ner­ vous Diseases, lihetiniatisni, Bladder Trouble, Diabetes, BHgbUs Disease, Stomach, LivcF or Kidney Trouble, Neuritis, Blood Dl-essurc, Heart Trouble, thnstipation, Lung and Bronchial Troubles, etc., etc. Gall Stones removed, no operation necessary. Goitre I'cmoved, no operation* Cut this advertisement out and bring ft with you. Tt entitles you to a splendid. Herb Doctor Book Free with every treatment* Canadian Herb Gardens 133 Garfield Ave. - London, Ont* Use them in state and know the true meaning of 1