The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-02-24, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE r yard 2 I B. End of Season Clearance of Overcoats SweatersUnderwear MufflersShirts Socks Hats Handkerchiefs Gloves BIG SAVINGS IN ALL LINES o u 7 Horses, harness, wagons for sale —Apply to Wm. Gillespie. FOR turnips Allison, R. 3, Exeter. HORSES WANTED—We are now in a position to buy conditioned horses.—G. J. Dow.. 24-2-ltc FOR SALE—Two incubators, one 85 egg and the other 140 egg, both in good Wein. SALE—600 to 700 bushel cf and mangolds. Apply running order. Apply Wes. Phone 21 r 31, Crediton 2-24-ltc Never failing water in ditch. 1 for cattle or sheep. Some Reasonable price and terms. W. C. Pearce, Exeter Suits HOUSE FOR SALE—Fully mod­ ern, new, storey arid three-quartei* brick, centrally located. Apply at 7?imes-Advocate. 2-17-tf. W. C. CUTBUSH Bricklaying and Plasterin General Repair Work Exeter Simcoe q l-20-4tp Dress Surges Brown, Green vain11 going at 85c. Exeter Markets Wheat $1.20, aLIS Oats 50c. Barley 55c. Manitoba flour $4.55., , Blended flour $4.05 Pastry flour $3.55 Feed Flour $2.10. Shorts $1.75. Bran $1.65. Creamery butter 4 Sc. Dairy buttex* 3S-41C. Eggs. extras 36c. Hgiui. seconds pullets ! Hogs $10.75. Hogs, selects CAVBN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B.A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—“Light and Shadow.’ 7 p.m.—“The Hand of Truth.” ilunnek’tlc 36 inches j shades in flnnneli'ttos.Best Raisins fox* Matches Choice Crisp Soda 25e. k DmllPSS Di‘< Vcr.i v id », j-ir > silk. f;il ftoDix and wonderful v’ at $1.37. •Ierct rizcd Satinett Bl lined throughout $1.3' Large full sized comforter batts, soft and downey 98c. 3 6-inch Factory Cotton. A Hum Dingei* 5 yds. for Si.00. 4 Bars Laundry Soap, Com­ fort, P. & G., Gold, Sunlight for 22c. 1 six Crisp Ginger lb fox* :S5c. Snafts, Christie’s and McCormick du Biscuits, per lb. 13c. 2 Cans Choice Peas, Corn or Tomatoes 25c. 4 Boxes McLaren’s Powders 25c. Best Pink Salmon, Tin IGc. Jelly Large Filled$2.00 and $2.75 Bias Corsets going your choice'98c. YES THE BIG STORE IS FULL OF BIG VALUES. COME AND GET YOUR SHARE. YOU HAVE HEARD ABOUT THE EARLY BIRD J. A. Stewart Bi Caps Ties W. W. TMMMN Merchant Tailor and Gents’ Outfitter FEED! FEED! We believe your feed is too light for your cattle and You need some 'born with it to make it better. We have a supply of splendid corn and the price is very reasonable, some! pigs, good Get We have also need. Tn addition Do not forget a real good heavy mixed chop, just what we have all our usual lines of feed. a supply of our good flour for the home. you HARVEY BROS. Exeter — Ontario First Mortgages Provincial Bonds Trust Co. Mortgage Bonds Dominion of Canada Bonds GLADMAN & STANBURY Any Term of Years-Interest 5 to 6 per cent PANCAKE SOCIAL Will be held in the Trivitt Parish Hall by the Ladies’ Guild, on Shrove Tuesday. March 1st, 1927, at 5.30. Adiu’-.v-i.m 25 rents. Everyone wel­ come. Mr. Vt'PL Wise spent the week-end in Toronto. Mrs. E. C. Harvey, who has been ill, is improving. Misses Ethel and Alice Preszcator are visiting in London. ; Mr. S. Hardy, who has been ser­ iously ill, is somewhat improved. Mr. C. R. Howard, of New York, spent the week-end with his mother in town. Mr. Louis Kirk, of Huron St. has been ill with pneumonia,, but is im­ proving. Mr. E. C. Appleton returned home Tuesday after spending a week' in Toronto. Mr. Russell Hedden left last week on a short business trip to Wind­ thorst, Sask. Mrs. R. N. Creech returned Friday evening after visiting fox' a few days in Brantford. Mrs. Marshall has returned home aftei- visiting for several months at Calgary, Alta. Mr. Jos. Senior, has been confin­ ed to his home for several days through illness. Mr. Grant Sanders, of Toronto University, spent the week-end under the parental roof. Mr. M. Pfaff lias purchased a new Chrysler sedan and so has Mr. Wes. Dearing, of Stephen. Mr. Thos. Harvey, who has Ixeen confined, to his home for several days is improving. Miss Vera Rowe returned Satur­ day evening after visiting for two weeks in Toronto. Mr. Herman Gower, of Detroit, is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Heaman. Mr. Ed. Howald on Friday last underwent an operation for the re­ moval of his tonsils. Mrs. A. McAvoy returned home from a month’s visit with friends and relatives in Wingham. Mr. Chas. Salter, who is taking a course at the O. A. C., Guelph, spent the we&k-exid at his home. Mr. G. J. Dow shipped two cai’r loads of horses last week, • one to Toronto and the othex* to Montreal. Mrs. Wm., Walker left the lattei' part of the week to visit with hex* son, Rev. J. A. Walker, of Dungan­ non. Miss Alma Harding who has been in .bed fox' the past six weeks with heart and nerve trouble is able to be up again. Mr. Wm. Murray and sister, Miss Isabella, of Sexsmith, visited recent­ ly in Detroit, the lattei* remaining for a time. q Mr. W. R. Goulding, who has' been under the doctor’s care for over a week with influenza and jaundice, is on the mend. . Mr. Chas. Lindenfield, of Park­ hill, was a pleasant caller in town one day last week, renewing old ac­ quaintances. Mr. Ezra Witzel, of Cupar, Sask., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Witzel, of Stephen, owing to the illness of his mother. Miss Burrows, of Hamilton, who is interested in child welfare in the city and especially boy’s work, is vis­ iting with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Mr. Bruce Tuckey, of London, was home over the week-end and played with the local team in the hockey finals between Zurich and Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers returned Friday evening after spend­ ing a few days in Toronto, where ' ' t Hardwarethe former attended the Dealer’s convention. Mrs. S. A. Harness has ill during the past week proving at present. Hex Mrs. ~ i “ waiting on her. The farmers Qf the vicinity have challenged the town boys to a game of hockey with the losers putting up an oyster supper. Further particu­ lars will be given later. Messrs. Geo. Hind and Wm. Law- son, of Toronto Dental college were home over the week-end and wore on the line-up in the finals between Zurich and Exetci’ on Friday even­ ing last. A few ladles of toVzn gathered at the home of Mrs. Dowixfe on Friday last, to spend a sociable time. They took along their baskets and a splen­ did banquet was served. Everyone had a very jolly time. Master Stewart Cann, five-year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Cann, underwent an operation Mon­ day by Dr. Graham for the removal of his tonsils and adenoids. He is getting along nicely. Mr. C. T. Brooks has been serious­ ly ill during the past week. On Thursday evening it was thought he had only a few hours to live but ho has pulled through and is now con­ siderably improved* been quite but is im- daughter, Jas. Stewart, of Windsor, is JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavlsh, Pastor W. R, Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and. Choir-Leader It a.m....’“Jeremiah, the Prophet of Personal Religion.” 7th in the series “Paintings of the Prophets.” p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—“The Tragedy of a Uovet- eous Heart.” 7ih in series on Bible Tragedies,” A story in the life of Aclxen, BLAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev, F. E. Clysdale, Pastor 11 a.m.—“Walking «.• Floundering —A Venture of Faith.” 3 p.m.—-Sunday Sclm.d. 7 p.m.—"Forgiven, but Too Late.” Pointed, practical, messages. Pro­ fitable services. The place to be helped. A welcome for all. THE SALVATION ARMY (Ovex* Southcott Bros. Store) Captain and Mrs. A. J. Whitfield Officers in charge Sunday—“Holiness” 11 a.m. Sunday School 3 p.m. Sunday—“Salvation” 7 p.m. Come once, and you will come again PASTURE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 75 acres, West %, Lot 16, Con. Hay. J' Fenced wood. FARM FOR SALE—Lot 16, Con. 1, Stephen, 1 1-4 miles south of Exeter, containing 7_p acres, 25 acres seeded to alfalfa anti grass, 4 acres fall wheat, balance all fall plowed and in high state ■ of cultivation. Owing to ill health this farm must be sold. Reginald Knight 2-24-2tp FOR SALE—3 Shorthorn bulls, from dual purpose cows got by the herd sire Victor Champion 155 449. The latter also being for sale. T. B. tested. Apply Geo. Hunter, ,R. R. 1, Centralia. 2-24-ltc STAY DOG—A collie dog has strayed onto the premises of Melville, Exeter. Owner may same by paying expenses. FOR SALE—One and a half storey good frame house with two lots on Andrew street, in good loca­ tion. House contains 8 -rooms, soft water pump and sink in kitchen, new furnace and cistern. Blouse modern except bath and will be sold at a moderate price. For particulars phone 12 6J ox* to Mrs. Manson on the premises. 2-2 4-2 to PRICES HAVE BEEN CUT Examined To-day is nothing to be gained by that eye examination, is much to be lost.' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 31, 102 r* Buick and Oakland cars Show Room in the Pickard Building W. R. Goulding Wm. have 'O J Buy your wall paper where you have a wide choice AMONG the extensive range of designs we always XX carry in stock you are sure to find the wall paper that will give to your room the pleasing indi­ viduality that invariably reflects your personality and good judgment. In our stock is a complete line of MAXIMUR Wall Paper — a quality paper of unapproachable beauty and charm. Come to the store, or ’phone us. We will gladly assist you in choosing the right paper for your home. Southcott Bros Ulric Snell Authorized dealei* fox* the General Motors Products Pontiac Chevrolet Oldsmobile The meeting of Lowex* School Lit­ erary® society was held in second Form on Feb. 10th with the presi­ dent, Marjorie Westcoztt in the Chaix' The meeting was opened by the read­ ing of the minutes by the secretary. The following business was trans­ acted: Boyle, ^Valters, Kathleen Sni­ der and Hazel Hey were appointed to prepare a school yell. Lee, Balk- .will, Pearl Brock and Marjorie Pearce were asked to prepare a1 school song. It was also decided that the secretary write a lettei’ to Mr. Lee thanking him for the use of the hall two weeks ago. It was moved by Stanley Walters and seconded by Will Lee that wo have a roll call everyone recite a verse of poet- Aftei' the business the meeting, taken over by Lettie Lavis’ side’ the following program was giv- Furniture Prices Reduced Having taken over the furniture business of Mr. M. E. Gardiner, our stock is too large and must be reduced Stock Must Go, Regardless of Cost This is your Opportunity to secure High Class Turniture at a Low Price. R. N. ROWE Lessons in Fine Art OIL PAINTING A SPECIALTY MILDRED M. HARVEY Phone 35 r 3 for information and ry. was and en: duet, Wealthy Schroeder and Isa­ belle Russel; reading, Christie; sel­ ection on mouth organ, McKaig; reading, Eva Stackhouse; riddles, Walters; serrage by several of the girls; jokes, pearl Brock; selection on jewsharp, McKaig. The Herald' was then read by Grace Chambers. The critic’s report was given by Miss McKenzie. Afterwards candy was passed. The meeting was brought to a close by singing ‘God save the King.” There delaying There Each day that your eyes are under a strain makes it more difficult for your Optometrist to give you satis­ factory glasses You will be surprised at the thor­ oughness of our methods—and. will be pleased with the glasses. Call today and learn the truth about your eyes. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. * PHONE 70 A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster Janies St. United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio, Main St. Box 5 7, Phone 192 EXETER, ONT. Sylvester B. Taylor Jeweller, — Exeter Fitton’s Old Stand WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING Guaranteed SCHOOL OF NURSING MATERNITY AND CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL, TOLEDO, OHIO Registered School. Three year course fox* young women, two years of ^credited High School required foi* admittance. A delightful new Institution of 20.0 beds. Complete maintenance with a liberal monthly allowance. For' information address—Directress School of Nursing, Maternity and Children’s Hospital, Toledo, Ohio. HORSES FOR SALE OR EX­ CHANGE—I have 16 horses weigh­ ing from 1000 to 1500 lbs. Will sell or exchange. F. Taylor, Exeter Ont. FOR SALE OR RENT—250 acres suitable for pasture. Lot 11 S. Boundary of Hay, and West half Lot 3, Con. 6, Hay, containing 150 acres; Lot 11, North Boundary Stephen, containing 100 acres. Creek runs through all properties. Good pas­ ture land. Apply to John Ford, Hay P. O. 3-24-3tp We wish to take this opportunity of expressing our sincere appreciation to the many customers and friends of Exeter and community for the splendid patronage they have given us while in business in Exeter. And wc bespeak for our successor, Mr. Middleton, who comes to Exeter highly recommended, your continu­ ed loyal support. HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Authorized by Government as Trustee Investments 5 % per annum is paid half-year- upon $100.00 or more for 1 to 5 Applications for same are accept­ ed at any time by CARLING & MORLEY Barristers &c., Exeter, Ont. ly years. GRASS FARM FOR SALE Splendid grass farm for sale known as part of west half lot 8 and 9, Concession South Boundary, Tp. of Hay, 146^ acres more or less, 2^ miles west of Exeter North on the Lake Road. Excellent water supply. Apply to Moses Amy, Ex­ ecutor of J. S. Amy estate, Ha,y P. O. Ontario. 2-3 tf. Bring your broken castings, mai­ lable, brass ox* steel, etc. and havo them made as good as new. Horse shooing. General blacksmithing and acetylene welding. • HILLARY HORTON Notice Come here if you want your suit or overcoat cleaned or pressed. Tailoi’-Mado Suits at. Any Timo Como and nee us T, H. Elliott FIRE INSURANCE PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, WITH B. J.'CHRISTIB OFFICE; North of Elliott and John* J. IL. LBWIS BUILDING and CONTRACTING Houses and Barna ESTIMATES AND SUGGESTIONS GLADLY FURNISHED Phone 16 2w John St. East, Exeter, E. C. Harvey & L, V. Hogarth. — Agents — Mutual life of Canada EXETER * ONTARIO V x 1927 London Life Insurance Co. w. C. PEARCE, AGENT Exeter, phone 139W. Residence, Ann St. two blocks west Of Ford Garage 1874 1847 CANADA LIFE The Oldest Assurance Co. In Canady B. M. FRANCIS Phono 104, Exetes