HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-02-17, Page 8STS”■SB ;X" Our Big Sale will be continued during the balance of February Yon still have 10 days for Sale Bargains 30c Linen Roller Towling now 20e. Piles of the best 32-inch Ginghams, per yard 23c. Exeter Markets Wheat $1.22. Oats 50c. Barley 55c. Manitoba flour $4.55, Blended flour $4.05 Pastry flour $3.55 Feed Flour $2.10. Shorts $1.75, Bran $1.65. Creamery butter 48c. Dairy butter 38-41c. Eggs, extras 40c. Eggs, seconds 30 c. . " Egas, pullets 30c. Hogs $11.00. Hogs, selects $12.10. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1037 White flannelette 36 inches wide 22c Salada and Red Rose 67c per lb. Tea o-1 J jJj, locals •> 'L 7 Lovely shades in 36-in. fancy stripe flannelettes. Per yard 22c. Best Standard Granulated Sugar, per bag $7.15. 3 G’ineh Comforter Chintz. All new goods, per yard 22c. o lb Best Raisins for 25c o o Boxes Best Matches 21c. Pure Wool Dress Serges, Navy. Black, Brown, Green. Good value, going at 85c. lb. Choice Crisp Soda2 cuits 25c. POPULAR LECTURE “The Misty Flats” or “The Drift­ ers of Life" by Rev. D. McTavish will be given in James St, United church on Tuesday, March 1st, under the auspices of the Young People’s League. One hour and a quarter of wholesome entertainment crammed with sense and nonsense. Black Duchess Dress Silk, Yard wide, pure silk. Beauti­ ful finish and wonderful value at $1.37. Fresh Crisp Ginger Snaps, 3 lb for 35c. Mercerized Satinett Bk ■ m- ers, lined throughout $1.39.. Christie’s and McCormick Soda Biscuits, per lb. 15c. Large full sized comforter batts, soft and downey 98c. 2 Cans Choice Peas, Corn or Tomatoes 25c. 4 Boxes McLaren’s Powders 25c. Jelly 36-incli Factory Cotton. A Hum Dinger 5 yds. for $1.00.Best Pink Salmon, Tin 16c. Large 4 Bars Laundry Soap, Com­ fort, P. & G., Gold, Sunlight for 22c. Filled§2.00 and §2.75 Bias Corsets going your choice 98c. YES THE BIG STORE IS FULL OF BIG VALUES. COME AND GET YOUR SHARE. YOU HAVE HEARD ABOUT THE EARLY* BIRD J. A. Stewart Ig CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rey. James Foqta, R.A., Minister 10 a.m.—-Sunday School 11 a,m,—“The Proofs of Faih,” . 7 p.m.—“The Open Forum.” JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Gojilding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—“Zephaniah, the Prophet of Judgment” 6th in the series of “Paintings of the Prophets.” p.m.-7-Sunday School, p.m.—“The tragedy of a disgrunt­ led soul” 6th in series on ‘Bible Tragedies.’ 3 7 MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E. Clysdale. Pastor 11 a.m.—“The New Testament's Good Man.” p.m.—Sunday School—A study in church membership. p.m.—“A Vow Made and Paid.” ALL WELCOME 3 7 w Big Reductions End of Season Clearance of Suits Overcoats Underwear Sweaters Shirts Mufflers Socks Hats Caps Ties Handkerchiefs Gloves BIG SAVINGS IN ALL LINES W. W. TflMflN | Merchant Tailor and Gents’ Outfitter - - ir------F-------IT------HI------"Ttr-TTfiWniMWfllll'IlWlilllMMMWI'R The Man Who Knows A good farmer from Usborne was in the mill yesterday and made this statement “It is almost unbelievable the difference noted in our pigs since we started to give them Flour.” This will work wonders for your pigs too. Feed © BRAN,WE HAVE IN STOCK SUCH SPLENDID FEEDS AS SHORTS, FEED FLOUR, TANKAGE, OIL CAKE WESTERN OATS POULTRY SUPPLIES. IF IT IS SATISFACTION YOU WANT IN BAKING USE MANI­ TOBA’S BEST FOR BREAD AND WELCOME FOR PASTRY. HARVEY BROS. Exeter — Ontario First Mortgages Provincial Bonds Trust Co. Mortgage Bonds Dominion of Canada Bonds Any Term of Years—Interest 5 to 6 per cent* GLADMAN & STANBURY ( THE SALVATION ARMY (Over Soutlicott Bros. Store) - Captain and Mrs. A. J. Whitfield Officers in charge Sunday—“Holiness” 11 a.m. Sunday School 3 p.m. Sunday—“Salvation” 7 p.m. Come once, and you will come again Married man wanted for farm work. Must be experienced and cap­ able, Hy. Smith, Hay P. O. Farm adjoining Exeter. Phone 13 r 2. NOTICE We wish to inform the public that we have opened up a barber shop in the building south of Doyle’s garage and will charge the old prices. John W. Walper. PASTURE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 75 acres, West % Lot 16, Con. 7, Hay. Never failing water in ditch. Fenced for cattle or sheep. Some wood. Reasonable price and terms. W. C. Pearce, Exeter PIGS FOR SALE—A number of choice chunks. Phone 99, Exeter. 2-10-ltc ['1 few Specials for Februar Men’s Fleeced Shirts and Drawers Regular $1.00 values in shirts or drawers, February price 75 c, Stanfield’s Red Label Shirts and drawers, all sizes. Reg­ ular $2.50 value. February- price $1.85, IBEX Flannelette Blankets The largest size 12 x 4 in white or grey, pink or bule borders, first quality. February reduced price §2.39. 36 in. Comforter Chintz In ten different patterns and col­ oring. Get your supply this month. Regular 30c value, February re­ duced price 21c. Ail Linen Towelling Beautiful all linen roller towel­ ling, good weight and easily washed. Regular 25c. February reduced price 19 c. Factory Cotton 36-in. wide. A fine even weave. Regular value 25c. a yard. Febru­ ary reduced price 19c a yd. 10 yds. for §1.90. Ladies’ Winter Vests With or without short sleeves. Turnbull’s make $1.00 value. Feb­ ruary reduced price 75 c. Colored T urkish T owels A Clean-up of all 75c. colored Turkish towels. Take your pick. February reduced price, 50 c. * New Boxer Wall Papers for Spring Don't fail to see our beautiful range of New Spring Wall Papers. Ask to see the new Maximur 30-inch papers. See and admire them. Southcott Bros S * Mr, Orby Kestle, of Detroit, spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. fid. Taylor, of London spent J the week-end at his home here. Miss Ella Kuntz is visiting for a Qouple of weeks in Windsor and De­ troit. Mrs. Baker, of London, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. E. Follick. Mr. W. J. Heaman is attending convention of hardware dealers in Toronto. Mrs. N. J. Dore returned home last week after visiting in Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Van Horne, of Clinton, spent the week-end with Mrs. Mooney. Mrs. E. A. Follick has been visit­ ing for several days with her son, Joseph, in Hamilton. Mr. Frank Taylor has taken a position as salesman with Mr. Chas. Pilon for the Chrysler car. Mr. Dan. Davis is visiting for a couple of weeks with his daughter, Mrs. I. Statham, of Parkhill. Mr. John Gibbings, of Clinton, an uncle of Mi’s. R. N. Rowe, of town died on Monday at a ripe old age. Miss Margaret Wethey returned to Orange N. J., Monday, after visit- • ing for a couple of weeks in Exeter.. Mrs. N. M. Graham and little son, of Walkerville, are visiting the form­ er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Row- cliffe. Mrs. Bert. Bissett, of Usborne, un­ derwent an operation last week in Victoria Hospital., London for antrim trouble. Miss 'Agnes Hamilton underwent an operation for the removal of her tonsils at Dr. Fletcher’s hospital on 9 Wednesday of last week. | Mr. 'Geo. Hind, of Toronto, was i home over the week-end and ■ took I part in the hockey game between I Zurich and Exeter Monday evening. « Mr. Wm. Davis, who underwent ! an operation at Dr. Fletcher’s hoe-' Lpital the forepart of last week, is r now making splendid progress to- i ward recovery. Mr. R. A. Walter, teller of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, is,re­ lieving for a few weeks at Seaforth. 1 His place on the cash is being.taken | by Mr. J. Batson. I Mr. W. R. Goulding, organist of ? the James St. United church, was in- | disposed over the week-end and the 4 organ was presided over on Sunday I by Mrs. Ceo. Williams. Miss May Elworthy, R.N., and Miss Reta Elworthy, nurse-in-train- I ing at the Ford Hospital, Detroit, I spent the week-end- with their par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Elworthy. Rev. M. Harker, occupied the pul­ pit of the James St. United church on Sunday and preached two very acceptable sermons. Tire pastor, Rev. D. McTavish, conducted anni­ versary services at Kirkton. In the obituary of the late Mrs. Wm. Northcott, of Hay Tp., which appeared in the Times-Advocate last week the name of Mr. John North­ cott, of Exeter, was omitted from the list of children, who survive. Miss Vera Essery returned home Saturday evening after spending the week in Toronto attending the an­ nual meeting of the Ontario ' cultural Soqiety. Miss Vera ____, who was also a delegate, is spend­ ing a few days in Toronto. Mr. Geo. Hyndman has been con­ fined to Dr. Fletcher’s hospital for the past couple of weeks suffering from asthma. On Wednesday, ac­ companied by Mr. E. C. Appleton, lie left to visit o with his daughter at Tottenham. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Davis and son Donald, of Toronto motored up and spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald. Mrs. McDonald and daughter Lulu returning with them for a few weeks. The “Buds of Promise” Sunday school Class of James St. church held a skating party last Saturday Lunch was served at the home of Miss Celia Christie and a jolly even­ ing of games and amusements was enjoyed by all, A successful dance was held in Lee’s Hall on Wednesday evening of last week. The Avalon orchestra provided the music. After the dance the hoys phoned to London for a bouquet of carnations*Tpr Mr. Wm. Davis. Mr. Davis was ’ one of the promoters of the dance but was taken ill the beginning of the week, The regular monthly meeting cf James Street United church W. Ivl. S. was held in the church on Thursday afternoon, there being a large num­ ber present. The < president preside ed, and after the usual devotional exorcises and business, Mrs, Mantle presented an interesting program. Mrs. Mollard gave an excellent ad-* dress, after which a Vocal solo was given by Mrs. Roy Goulding, and a violin solo by George Grant, Horti- Rowe, FOR SALE—600 to 700 bushel cf turnips and mangolds. Apply C. B. Allison, R. 3, Exeter. FOR SALE—100 ’ acre improved farm near Lucan, on good road, handy to school, good buildings, lots of water in house and barn; 17 acres fall wheat, plowing all done. Will sell at Sacrifice. §3,000 cash, balance time. Address Box 131, Lucan Post Office. 1-27-tf Ulric Snell Authorized dealer for the General Motors Products ~r Furniture Prices Reduced W. C. CUTBUSH Bricklaying and Plastering General Repair Work jJDxeter -:- Simcoe l-20-4tp St. Buick Pontiac Chevrolet Oldsmobile and Oakland cars Having taken over the furniture business of Mr. M. E. Gardiner, our stock is too large and must be reduced. FOR SALE OR RENT — 1%- storey frame house, 1 lot of land, good well, on William St., conven­ ient to school and church.- Apply to Mrs; Jas. Wanless. HOUSE FOR SALE—Fully mod­ ern, new, storey brick, centrally located. Apply at 7?imes-Advocate. and three-quarter 2-17-tf. Mrs. Allen Swayze, of London, is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Broderick. Miss Ella Link left Monday to at­ tend the milinery openings in To­ ronto. Mr. Wm. J. Northcott and sister, Miss Mar.y E. Northcott, spent a few days in London last week. Mr. Tlios. Dinney has purchased the property of Mr. J. Floyd, on the south boundary of the town. The land comprises about two acres. The senior Literary society of the E. H. S. held a successful meeting on Thursday, Feb. 10. The meeting opened with the roll call, Wilfred Turnbull’s side answering to their names by a verse of poetry. A critic was appointed and the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The president m'ade the announcements after which the trea­ surer made a report showing .a bal­ ance on hand of $11.61. It was moved that the secretary send a let­ ter of thanks to Mr. Lee for the use of his hall. After some discussion it was decided that Helen Hick’s side take charge of the next program and Harry Joynt’s group answer the roll call by verse. • Clara Thompson took the chair and her side rendered a delightful program at the conclusion of which the Senior Clarion was read by the editor. The critic gave his report and the meeting adjourned with the singing of the National An­ them. A valentine social was held at Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall, Mon­ day, February 14th under the aus­ pices of the W. A. The hall was artistically decorated for the occa­ sion by members of the W. A.„ The first part of the program consisted of a solo by Mr. J. R. Wilson; piano solo, Miss E. Walter; short address by the rector; a duet, “When You and I Were Young Maggie” by Miss­ es Davis and Willis. The numbers were much appreciated by the audi­ ence. Thon came the contests which, exercised the brain cf the contest­ ants and afforded much amusement to the on lookers. The first of those was “The Things Grandmother Mis­ sed” the second, “Photo Guessing Contest” was joined by young and old. Miss C. Davis prbved herself to be the best guesser. It was a real contest. Miss Davis carried the honors also in the mother Goose , contest.^^Refreshments were sorv-1 ant time spent. The young 'folks were given an hour for relaxation ' anti onloyed it all. The proceeds 1 of the evening will help the W. A. in ' their work, Thanks to all. Show Room in the Pickard Building Our Skilled Bakers —know well the art of baking nutrition and deliciousness in­ to every tasty loaf. They don’t trust to luck. But day after day give you bread of. uniform goodness in Lockwood’s Better Bread Their spick-and-span white uni­ forms are just another evidence of the fresh, clean sweetness of your bread. Ask your grocer for the loaf that brings you biggest Food Value in tempting form, W. H. LOCKWOOD BAKER EXETER -I" ONTARIO . GRASS FARM FOR SALE Splendid grass farm for sale known as part of west half lot 8 and 9, Concession South Boundary, Tp. of Hay, 146% acres more or less, 2% miles west of Exeter North on the Lake Road. Excellent water supply. Apply to Moses Amy, Ex­ ecutor of J. S. Amy estate, Hay P. O. Ontario. 2-3tf. HORSES FOR SALE OR EX­ CHANGE—I have 16 hoi'SOs weigh­ ing from 1000 to 1500 lbs. Will' sell or exchange. F. Taylor, Exeter Ont. ........ ........... —A. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, oP’Lon- don were welcome visitors in Exeter last week. Since the removal of their son, Howard and his family to Plainfield, N.J., and the daughter, Miss Olive, to Alberta, they have not been as frequent visitors as they were before but they are still very welcome here. During the past summer they had a very enjoyable trip extending over five and a half months visiting their children and friends. Last May they left for Winnipeg where they visited Mrs. Taylor’s people and then to Franklin Man., where her mother was still liv­ ing at the ago of 96. While there she was strong and well, able to sing the old hymns she knew in early life with much of her old time vigor, but before the summer was over she had passed away. At Arrowwood, Alta, the visited Mr. and Mrs. Moir., (nee Miss Olive Taylor, former teacher here.) At Miiibedosa and Brandon, in Manitoba; Penticton, Vancouver and Victoria, B.C.; at Oakland* San Francisco* Palo Alto ahd Los Angeles California; numerous other friends Were visited. In Arizona they spent some time with a missionary. At Albuquerque, Now Mexico, a daugh- by the W. A. members and a pleas- ter was visited, in Chicago another daughter and in Detroit two cons. They had a delightful, trip and Mr. Taylor had the privilege of telling the Gospel story in sermons in many places, a real delight to him. R. N. ROWE PRICES HAVE BEEN CUT Mt Stock Must Go, Regardless of Cost This is your Opportunity to secure. High Class Furniture at a Low Price Have Your Eyes Examined To-day is nothing to be gained by that eye examination. is much to be lost. There delaying There Each day that your eyes are under a strain .makes it more difficult for your Optometrist to give you satis­ factory glasses You will be surprised at the thor­ oughness of our methods—and will be pleased with the glasses. Call today and learn the truth about your eyes. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PHONE 70 HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES Authorized by Government as Trustee Investments 5 % per annum is paid half-year- upon $100.00 or more for 1 to 5ly years. Applications for same are accept­ ed at any time by CARLING & MORLEY Barristers &c., Exeter, Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE Brick residence and garage with three choice lots on east side of William St., Exeter. Well built and best of material and workmanship throughout. Central location. Will make a choice home. Special terms of payment if desired, GLADMAN & Stanbury Solicitors for Vendor Bring your broken castings, mai­ lable, brass or steel, etc. and have them made as good as new, Horse shoeing. General blacksmithing and acetylene welding, HILLARY HORTON Notice Come here if you want your suit overcoat cleaned or pressed. Tailor-Made Sults at Any Time Como and see us T. H. Elliott or W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 19» EXETER, ONT.X. Sylvester B. Taylor Jeweller, — Exeter Fitton’s Old Stand WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING GUARANTEED FIRE INSURANCE PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, WITJ7 E. J. CHRISTIE OFFICE: North of EUlott and John# — "JIM I, .........................—ML JLLEWSS BUILDING and CONTRACTING Houses and Barna ' I ESTIMATES AND SUGGESTIONS GLADLY FURNISHED Phone 16 2 w John St. East, Exeter, E. C. Harvey & L. V. Hogarth — Agents — Mutual Life of Canada EXETER ONTARIO 1927 s London Life Insurance Co. tv. c. PEARCE, AGENT ~ Exeter- fhone 130W. Residence, Ann St. two blocks west of Ford Garage 1874 1847 CANADA LIFE The Oldest Assurance Co. In Canadsr B. M. FRANCIS Phono Exeter. J 1$27