HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-02-17, Page 5|h * * S THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TJIl'HSOAY, FEBKUARY 17, 1027 /At i -i .4 * J JL *' News From Hensail gidjool of Comnufw CLINTON, ONTARIO Students may enter at any time Why not attend the School that has the Highly Qualified Staff- The only School that teaches real Practical Business Training from start to finish. Where High School students and teachers are taught spscial- ized expert training in Business Administration and Secretarial Scince and are sure of a good po sition, rapid promotion and big income. COURSES Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Cicil Service Commercial Teachers Course and Special Courses arranged. For Information Write to B. F. WARD, B.A., M.Accts, Phone 198 Principal NOTICE Having the agency for the Galt Art Metal Co., we can supply you •with a new barn, a garage or gal­ vanized roofing, also hog troughs in ■all sizes of very best quality at low­ est prices. Also a set of good double harness and a quantity of good brass mounted bridles leather halters, ■whiffletrees and you want them, material wanted. JOHN ELDER, Hensall and good strong also doubletrees,, axehandles when Good axehandle HENSALL The Chancel Guild of Trivitt Mem­ orial church will present a motion •picture “Cracker Jack” at the Dome “Theatre on Monday and Tuesday, Feby. 21st and 22nd. A Magical Act by Dawson, the Magician, will be presented. Admission 50c and 25c. Wedding bells are ringing again an Hensall. Reeve Geiger was in Baden Mon- -day on business. Mrs. Chas. McDonell is visiting relatives in Toronto. Mr. Robt. Caldwell left on Mon- •day evening for Toronto. Mr. J. Stewart, of London, was in town Friday on business. ■ Mrs. John Elder is visiting rela­ tives in Toronto this week. Mr. Win. Wilson, of Goderich, vis­ ited in‘town on Thursday, Miss Eleanor Fisher ORGANIST HENSALL UNITED CHURCH TUITION IN PIANO Terms Moderate Phone 68 Dashwood Dr.H.H. Cowen. L.D.S. D. D. S. dental surgeon At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three das of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last tliree days of week. The public school is closed on ac­ count of measels. Mr, J, W. Graybiel is on the sick list, *Mrs. Dursteiu home in Saginaw sisters for a few Mr, and Mrs, family and Mrs, Zurich on Sunday. Mervyn Tieman spent the week­ end in London. r Mr. and Mrs. E. Tieman and Mr. Addison Tieman spent Monday in Stratford, Mrs. Tieman will spend a few days with lmr sister. Rev. F. G. Brascli, of Logan, will give a lecture in the Lutheran church on Tuesday evening, Febru­ ary 22nd, Miss Loretta Ziler visited friends in Mount Carmel last week. Notice OIL SMsty Blades Sharpened (any make) SINGLE EDGE .......................... 3c DOUBLE EDGE ........................... • Perfect Edge Guaranteed w. S. COLE, DruggistCALL 200 FOR SERVICEHarvey Hudson 'was the holder of the lucky ticket, receiving a $2 box of chocolates. Much credit is due E. F. Knipe and Errold Drummond for the success pf the evening. n"~~ proceeds will be handed over to hockey club. VALENTINE SOCIAL A valentine social was held by young people’s league of the United church on Monday evening with a large crowd present. The basement was nicely decorated for the occa­ sion, The meeting was in charge of Miss Katie Scott and presided over by Miss Alma Scruton. After sing­ ing a hymn and repeating the Lord's Prayer the scripture lesson was read by Miss Flora Higgins aftjer 'yhich the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. Solos by Miss C.’ Drysda#e and Mr. Sam. Rennie were splendidly rendered, The Elder and Broadfoot trio favored the audi­ ence with several musical selections. A very interesting feature of the program was a story of St, Valentine -given by several members of the Sun­ day school, Miss Elva Shaddock tak­ ing the, leading part, followed by a solo by Mr. Thos. Sherritt. »Miss M. Ellis won the audience with a lead­ ing entitled “The Three Lovers”. She responded with an encore. This concluded the program after which a contest entitled "A Musical Ro­ mance” was • indulged in. Mr. E. Knipe’s group won the contest and received a box of chocolates. After the contest a dainty lunch was served The the the returned to after visiting weeks. Hy. Hoffman Stacey visited in her her and f 5 Repairs to nil makes of Cars and Tractors Batteries Repaired and Recharged Electrical Repairs a Specialty Re-boring and Re-babbitting U. S. L. BATTERIES . OFFICIAL DUNLOP TIRE DEPOT i ------- -—-------- r EXETER GARAGE LOOK! lOOKl J922 FORD TOURING WITH . STARTER FpR SALE Good Running Shupe ( FIRST $125 TAIGES IT f H. Bagshaw VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Spohr Method G. M. GRANT i Phone 8 for appointments CARLING & MORLEY. , Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, ] LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN­ SURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main Stre0 Exeter, Ont. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Mfiney to Loan, Investments Made Insurance, Safe-deposit Vault for use of our. Clients without charge. Exeter London Hensall ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer, Investments Insurance ' 1 Office one door south Times Office Dr. G. 5. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.DJfo DENTAL SURGEON Late District Dental Officer of Military District Number One, Lon- den, Ont. Office Phone 34W t < Residence Phone 34J < Main Street, Exeter, Ont Office open on Wednesday until April 20th, 1927 Dr. G. F. Roulston. L.D.S..D.D.S< DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling’s 1 Law Office | Extractions Under Oxygen Gas Dr. A. R. Kinsman. L.L.D..D.D.& DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto i University Office over Gladman & Stanbury’g Office, Main Street, Exeter DR. HARRY J. BROWNING , M.D.C.M., Toronto j L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh | L.F.P. & S. Glasgow Physician & Surgeon Office over Browning’s Drug Store’ - Phones Residence 26J Office 26W; DR. W. E. WEEKES Physician and Surgeon ; Late Chief Interne Vancouver General Hospital CORONER FOR HURON COUNTY Office removed to the former Ford garage building corner of Main and Ann St. Office hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m.; Phone: Office 67W, Residence 67J, DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER 4 Graduate of Faculty of Medicine,- University of Western Ontario, Mem­ ber of the Colleg of Physicians andj Surgeons of Ontario; Member of the, British Medical Council. Phone 6—(The office of the late; Dr. H. K. Hyndman) DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Office, old Ford Garage Building Corner of Main and Ann Streets Telephones: Office 158w, House 158j EXETER, ONT. Dr. A. B. Gibson, VETERINARY SURGEON Office anil residence, Main St. South, Second house from end of'pave- ’ ment Hast side of the road. " All calls promptly attended to , Accommodation for treatment of , animals Phone 99 — Exeter, Ont. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER j for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfaction, guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 138 AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones’ Au* ction School. Special course taken in Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,), Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales, etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction, as­ sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich;, or, phono 18-93, Zurich. CHAMBERS BROS. OPPOSITE PUBLIC LIBRARY TIRES TUBESA number of our citizens are at present suffering from bad colds. Mr. Floyd Smith of Stratford, vis­ ited ovei* Sunday at his home here. Mr. T. C. Joynt visited over the week-end with relatives in Toronto. - Mrs.. A. McKaig and Miss Eliza, Newell visited in Kippen on Thurs­ day. Mr. Robt Higgins is visiting his brother, William, in Clinton, this week. x Mrs. Legg, of St. Marys,' visited over the week-end with Miss Mattie Ellis. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Patterson mo­ tored to Kitchener Sunday to visit friends. I Mr. John McDonell recently made a business trip to Toronto and Oshawa,Mrs. John Fisher is visiting her daughter Miss Helen in Toronto this week. Mr. Wm. Consitt purchased a fine young horse at a sale near Mitchell on Saturday. Mr. Laird Joynt, of London Uni­ versity visited oveiuthe week-end at' his home here, Mr, E. F. Knipe purchased a new Chrysler car from Mr. Pilon, of Exeter on Saturday. Mr. Gordon McConnell, of Chic­ ago, Ill., spent a few days recently With friends in town. Mrs. Doherty and daughter. Miss Eleanor, of London, are visiting friends in town this week. Miss Helen Elder and friend of j London visited over the week-end j with Mr. and Mrs. John Elder. Miss Lillian Crawford, of Killar- ney, Man., recently visited Mr. and | Mrs. Dave Kilpatrick, at Kippen. Miss Florerice Welsh, of London, visited over the week-end with her parents, M'r. and Mrs;- Thos. Welsh. Miss Mildred Follick pleasantly entertained a number of her girl friends to a birthday party on Satur­ day afternoon last. Miss Rena Hudson underwent an operation at Mrs. Patterson’s hospit­ al on«Tuesday for the removal of her tonsils. Mrs. Robt. Bonthron who has been visiting fdr the past month with her daughter, in Toronto, home Monday evening. ■ On Sunday, Feb. 2 7th in • ed church the services will 1 ially for women, with a choir leading the singing. On Friday evening last Exeter sent upa'junior team to play a hock­ ey game with ” team. Exeter A fast game here on the evening last Hensall juniors, resulting in a score of 10 to 2 for Hensall.Mr., Fred Steacy has been trans­ ferred from the Standard Bank at Lucan to the Standard Bank at Beaverton. Fred visited at his home here over the week-end. A valentine pie social was held in Carmel Presbyterian church under the auspices of the Welfare of Youth Club on Monday evening last, A good progam was given, after which a dainty lunch was served. A play under the auspices of the A. Y. P. A. of St. Paul's Anglican church entitled “Cyclone Sally” is to be given here in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, February 22nd and is being looked forward to with great interest. A big crowd went from Hensall on Monday evening to Zurich to see the game between Exeter and Zur­ ich, these two teams being in the finals. Exeter won 2-1. This looks as if Exeter will win this year and the McMillan and McDonell trophies will go to Exeter. The services in the United church, on Sunday last were largely attend­ ed, Rev. M’r. Sinclair preaching at both services. Mrs. (Dr.) Reid, of St. George and Miss Florence Welsh of London, assisted the choir at i.he morning service and in the evening . Mrs. Reid sang a solo entitled "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere” which was greatly enjoyed by the’ congregation. The Mission Band of the United church held their meeting on Sunday afternoon In the basement, of the church with a good attendance pre­ sent. •• The meeting was opened by singing a hymn after which Mildred McDonell led in prayer and Mildred Scruton read the scripture lesson, Luke 12. The minutes of the last meeting wore read by the Secretary, Bertha Soldan, after which the roll was called. Mrs. Dougall read a story entitled 'Little Gold”; Miss- C. Drysdale sang a solo and Mrs. Legg , gave a very interesting talk on mis­ sionaries in Korea. Hymn 225 was sung* and Mrs. Dougall Closed the meeting with prayer. ENJOY SKATING PARTY The most successful skating party of the season was staged on the Hen­ sail rink last Thursday evening with i a record 'attendance. The rink was ; tastefully decorated with Chinese ■ lanterns and the fHensall orchestra provided some good music. Follow- ; ing are the prize winners: Gentle- j men's-race, Lee Hedden; ladies' race ; M’iss M. M. ) DR. R. P. I. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty .of ■Medicine, and Master of Science, University of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office two doors east of Post Office. Phone 5 6 Residence 114 9 HENSALL, ONT. ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and .Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Years Experience, Prices Reason­ able, Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Charge Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. 1, DASHWOOD, ONT. In the Latest Designs Prices from 10c. to $1.50 PER ROLL HARDWOOD FLOORING LAID AND POLISHED J. Sailgster, Hensall USBOBNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, President, "Vice-President,Directors frank McConnell, wm. brock "ROBT. NORRIS JOHN ALLISON agents JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulpli OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan W. A. TURNBULL ' Secretary-Treasurer ~Box 99, Exeter, Ontario. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter Farquhar, Ont. JAMES McKENZIE SIMON DOW Mo. 1 Edge Grain xxxxx $4.05 per Square BUY YOUR SHINGLES RIGHT NOW AS THIS IS THE LOWEST PRICE •QUOTED FOR YEARS. 48HINGLE PRICES WILL ADVANCE A. J CLATWORTHY Phone 121 : GB.4NTCN returned the Unit- be espec- women’s the Hensall senior was defeated 10 to 1. of hockey was played rink on Wednesday, between Varna and HENSALL TO APPEAL ASSESSMENT At a-special meeting of the village council on Saturday evening last it was decided to enter an appeal a- gainst the County valuators’ assess­ ment of the property of Hensall, and which was adopted by the county council at the January session. Three reasons are given for the ap­ peal, First the urban centres were entitled to representation on the commission as passed in the minu­ tes of the county council. Second, the valuators asked our village clerk for the total taxable assessment of Hensall, which he gave them. This included the lands, buildings, buSi- »ness and income ssessnients. This I amount the valuators used in their i report. Sec. 85 and sub-sections of | the Assessment Act are quite plain ■ that valuators, for the purpose of that valuators for the purpose of making then’ report to the county cuncil shall ascertain the value of real property only; therefore by tab­ling into account the business and | income assessments of the village J they have made our county assess- ’ment $40,000 too high. Third. Tak­ ing into consideration the number of mills and tion that when the and what sider that meat $195,000 is out of all reason to the growth of our villageo. At a meeting of the Hay Tp. council last week they also decided to enter an appeal against the county assessment, on the ground that it is altogether too high considering the amount of swamp land in the township. In Hay the business assessments cf Zurich and Dashwood were included which they should not have been. factories and the popula- Hensall had 20 years ago last valuation was made, Hensail is to-day, we cen­ to raise our county assess- ELIMVILLE play NewA Hampshire the young the church February 18th, commencing at 8 o’clock. There has been a great deal of time and energy spent on the preparation for this entertain­ ment. so" we feel sure it will, be well worth while hear it. Miss Marie visited at Mr. past week. Mr. Dalmer Skinner was able to return to his home last Sunday after his recent opertion for mastoid in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. He has been receiving treatment in Dr. Fletcher’s hospital in Exeter for the last two weeks and spent four weeks in the hospital in London. His many friends hope that his recovery may be complete. Mr. Mert. O’Reilly is recovering from an attack of the flu. Mr. Walter Johns was able to re­ turn to London on Monday to con­ tinue his studies at the university. Miss Lena Pym was taken to Vic­ toria Hospital, London, last week where she will take x-ray treatment. Her many friends hope that these will be the means of restoring her health. Mrs. Richard Johns has been vis­ iting relatives in Exeter during the past week. Quite a number of children were able to return to school this week after their absence with chicken pox. Mr. Wilfred Johns attended the Threshers’ Convention in London, last week. The young people enjoyed skat­ ing party on the ice pond in Mr. Wm. Johns’ field last Monday even­ ing. Mr. Ed. Johns is able to be up around after his recent illness with pn eu m oh i a • A number of the young men of the neighborhood enjoyed a game of hockey on the ice pond hero last Saturday afternoon. It is the intention to hold special services each night next week in the church here.Rey. Smith will be sssisted by some Of the neighboring ministers. A good attendance is hoped for at these meetings. Arrangements have been made for a hockey match to be played here oh Thursday afternoon of this week commencing at 2 p.m. between entitled “The Old Home” is being given by people of S. S. No. 6 in here next Friday evening making an effort fo Stephens of Anderson, B. Cooper’s during the ; M. McDonell; couples’ race, IKirkton andEllnivitlo boys, weather McUonen and Claude Blowes. | permitting. KIRKTON Mr.* Wilson, of Stratford, is reliev­ ing as teller in the bank while Mr, Gould is on his holidays. Mrs, Lackie, of Motherwell, spoke at an open meeting of the W.M.S. on Thursday evening in the United church. She is a pleasant speakei’ and her address was listened to with much interest. A collection was taken up and realized $85.00. There was no service in the United church on Sunday owing to the an­ niversary services in Mt. Pleasant church and many from here availed themselves of the opportunity of hearing Rev. D. MeTavisli, of Exeter who was the preacher for the day. HURONDALE ofThe regular monthly meeting -- the Hurondale Women’s Institute was held on January 2 6th at the home of Mrs. Archie Morgan, with an average attendance. Final ar­ rangements were made for conduct­ ing a two-weeks’ sewing course dur­ ing March. The afternoon’s address was given by Mrs. W. N. Glenn, her subject being, “Having a hobby for pleasure and profit.” Little Misses Helen and Ann Morgan and Mar­ garet Allison delighted the ladies with cunnig recitations. A duet was rendered by Misses Myrtle and Lila Pymm and Mrs. Wm. Etherington gave a humorous reading. Follow­ ing the program lunch was served by the appointed committee. The next meeting will be held on February 23 at the home of Mrs. A. Cudmore at 2.30 p.m. Roll Call birthday birth stone.. CROMARTY and the the of at Friday CREDITON The annuft* oyster supper Cromarty Scale Co. was held home of Mr. David Bruce on evening last. A good crowd was present and a very enjoyable even­ ing was spent in social chat and amusements, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce being very genial and hospitable host and hostess. Measels are prevalent in this neighborhood and at the time of writing Mr. Thos. Scott’s young son is seriously ill with the same, hav­ ing developed a slight attack of pneumonia, A number from the village atfcend- the of ed the sixtieth anniversary of wedding of Mr. Harry Golding, Staffa on Monday evening last. ZURICH Will Brown and Ed. Bos- motored to Goderich on Messrs senberry Saturday. Mr. Ward Fritz is away to Ford City to attend an agents convention of the Ford Motor Co. Mr. Ed. Morenz, of Detroit, was a week-end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus ColQsky. Dr. A. J. McKinnon motored to London on Wednesday, where he has a patient in the hospital. Hay Council met on Monday in the Town Hall, for its monthly meet­ ing. The annual meeting of the Hay Township Farmers Mutual Fire In­ surance Company was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, with a large number of policy holders present. The financial statement of the com­ pany was presented which showed that the company had 2045 policies in force insuring property at the amount of $7,647,520.00J and with a total of $29,017.39, which is as large an amount as required by the statutes. An application has been made to reduce the rates of assess­ ment from 30c to 20c for every $100 of insurance. This request has-been granted. The total amount of loss­ es by fire for the year were $4,173, and the four Directors whose term of office had expired were re-elected as follows: John Pfaff, John Rau, Oscar Klopp and Wm. R. Elliott. Goldie Graham was then re-appoint- ed as president and Andrew F. Hess and Wm. S. Johnston as auditors. ................— V—— “The Moral Excellence of the Christly Spirit” is the subject at Zion Evangelical church next Sunday morning, and at the evening service the- pastor will preach on “'When God Gets a Chance.” The annivers­ ary services being over with we ask, Where do we go from here? Our answer shall he, “Forward” with sparkling eyes and glowing heart to new adventure for Christ and His Kingdom. Forward like an aggres­ sive army of overcomers. The anniversary services at Zion Evangelical church on Sunday and Monday, February 13 and 14th, by far exceeded the fondest expectation of pastor and congregation. The weather and roads were favorable, permitting the worshipping multi­ tude to gather from near and far until the the church was filled to capacity. Rev. G. E. Epp, of Cleve­ land, Ohio, the efficient secretary­ treasurer of the Evangelical church, was the anniversary speaker and more than measured up to the oc­ casion. He greatly endeared and ingraciated himself with all who were privileged to hear his eloquent powerful, uplifting and soulful mes­ sages. It was indeed a rare treat. He excelled greatly in every dis­ course and will long be remembered because of his inspiring stirring and scholarly sermons and his winsome personality. On Sunday morning he spoke on Ps. 87:3 “Glorious things of thee are spoken Zion City of our God.” He introduced his subject saying, God has spread a wondrous glory around us in nature. The stars are the diamond figures of God. Then too there is the glory that is spiritual. The glory of the church is not in the past but in her present and future history and achievements. Her glory is not ex­ ternal, but internal, consisting in her spiritual life and power, in her message which reveals sin and a Saviour from sin Hei’ glory is in verity, her holiness her victory over the forces of evil universally. On Sunday evening Rev. M’r. Epp spoke on “The Biggest Thing in the Church” selecting Mark 9:36 as his text “And he took a child and set him in the midst of them.” He went on to say that the biggest thing in the church is not the pipe organ, or preacher, or janitor, or choir, etc. The biggest asset in the church is the child. At the Sunday school session the speaker of the occasion spoke in a very interesting, fascinat­ ing and practical manner on “Our Task.” He has the happy faculty of picturing and adorning' truth, until it blossoms before you like a colorful rose garden. His message burns and glows and is full of pas­ sion. It kindles a fire in the aeart of the hearer. The lantern slide travelogue along old missionary trails in Europe, all of which the speakei’ lias visited personally, was indeed a very fitting climax to the anniversary, captivating the splen­ did audience that was in attendance. The special music by the choir and J orchestra and a solo by Mr. Fred. r Money tor you, $600*00 You may win the first prize—$100.00 cash— in the Nyal Word Con­ test. There is no obli­ gation to buy; just go to the Nyal Drug Store and ask for the NYAL CREOPHOS Word Contest sheets. Make as many words as you can from the twelve letters in NYAL CREOPHOS; send your entry to the ad­ dress shown on the contest sheet. Of course, the famous Nyal Line of Reliable Family Remedies is available at every bDRUG STORE k.“Once a trial— always Nyal” 3 orchestra and a solo by Mr. Faist was greatly enjoyed. GRAND BEND S, S. NO. 7, STEPHEN . following is-the report of 7, Stephen, the names appoar- order of merit: V Class—Vir- Sr. IV— S.The S. No. Ing in ginia Moore, Ila Sweitzer, Beatrice Baynham, Fred Schroeder. Jr. Mildred. Lamport. Mellin, Theodore Gaiser, Earl Baker. Harlton, Lucile Martha Gower, Evelyn Sweitzer, IV—Edith Ball, Sr.. HI—Russell Dietrich, Arnold Jr. III — Evelyn Lochner, Samuel Sweitzer, Lawrence Baynham, Roy Dietrich, John Lam- Il.—Gretta Dietrich, A. Orville 1st Class port. Jr Hutcheson, Lorraine Baker Mellin, Wray Sweitzer Arthur Gaiser, Noia Sweitzer, Milton Swietzer. Sr. Pf.-—Dorothy Harb ton, Eva Pickering, Ruth Lamport, Jean Baynham Jean McKenzie. Dawson EL Pr.—Ida Swietzer Woodburn, Teacher Mr. A. Mollard, of Sarnia, visited around the burg for the week-end. Mr. Ed. Vincent is home from the West on a visit. Mrs. Ed. Gill Jr., is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recov­ ery. Mr. W. B. Oliver a.nd wife return­ ed home Marys for a month, Quite a number of cottage own­ ers from Parkhill visited the camp grounds on Sunday. Mrs. Albert Mollard of Melmoral, Man., is visiting around the neigh­ borhood this week. s The young people’s meeting was largely attended on Tuesday night, 97 in all being present. Mr. Slade, who is visiting liis daughter, Mrs. Emery Desjardine, had a bad fall on the ice, hurting his shoulder, but is somewhat improved. Mr. Joe Oliver visited Mr. Webb on Sunday. Mr. Joe. Disjardine visited in Sarnia one day last week. Don’t miss the sermon next Sun­ day for the women. A ladies’ choir will render the music. The school opens again after be­ ing closed for a week on a report of chicken pox. The wedding dance for Mr. and Mrs. Stanlake was a grand success. Everybody enjoyed themselves iwad 'wish Mr and happy One of the largest crowds for some time church to men on ..... .. and the quartette rendered a sel­ ection which was in line it being ■ “In that Beautiful Sand.” All were rewarded for their attendance. after their visit to St. and Mrs. Stanlake a long wedded life. gathered at the United hear the sermon to the A Good Crop of Timothy” CENTRALIA The Centralia Chopping Mill will resume operation on or about the 15 inst. Wm. J. Smith, Proprietor. JVIrs. James Oke is at time of writ­ ing in a very critical condition. Next Sunday morning Windsor will assist the the service and preach in church. In the evening will continue his discourses Bible as the word of God. Rev. R. Fulton Irwin and R. Elliott are attending the tery meeting in Clinton this week. Mr. J. Marshall, of Bly th, is a visitor at the home of his neice, Mis. George Hicks. Mrs. T. Willis and Miss Wanda, were in London over the week-end, the latter trying a music examina­ tion on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Windsor, of To­ ronto, are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hodgins. Mrs. W. Essery, of Exeter, spent last week with friends and relatives here. On Tuesday of last week the sale of real estate of the late William Moffatt took place here. The Wil- lert Bros, purchased the farm, Mrs. H. Hendri, of London, the hotel, while the three vacant lots sold sep­ arately to Mr. E. Abbott, Mr. W. Ford and Mr. C. Baskerville. The regular meeting of the Young People’s Society took place in the school room of the church last Wed­ nesday evening. Mrs. Irwin had charge of the topic which took the form of a missionary contest, which proved Mr. Enos pastor in the the United pastor- on the Mr. W. Presby- interesting and instructive. GREENWAY oyster supper at the United was a splendid success. The was bountiful and the pro- The church supper gram varied and very much enjoyed. The proceeds amounted to over $112. A very successful canvas has been made among the members of the United church for the building of a new shed. A building committee has been appointed and plans are be­ ing laid for the beginning of the work as soon as possible. Douglas Gill, of Grand Bend, lias been visiting Edison Pollock. Mrs. Albert Mollard, of Belmoral, Man., visited Miss Devina Mason and other friends here last Week.' Mr. Gollen is ill at the home of his soil. Mrs. Jas. Geromette bought woodshed from the trustees of No. 10 school and moved it to lot on Richmond St. South. He pur­ poses using it as a garage. Our town is growing. Mrs. Roy Sheppard, of London, spent last week at her home here. Rev. G. W. Rivers, of Parkhill ad­ dressed the Y. P. S. last Thursday night. The contest is so popular that thia week’s meeting Will be held in the auditorium* the the his It is easy to tell. Those who love het best are the ones that tell het' frankly how fat she, is. «« * » * * * A girl who says she doesn’t care how site looks is either a genius a Hai?!, ...usiMjfdi I % 'ii y ■*1