HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-02-10, Page 6You Cannot Buy ope of the close-lipped, silent “Haynes boys,” pyornj and unapproachable. "Salt of the earth, but just a leetle mite touchy,” went the local phrase. But now, suddenly, out of a clear sky, came news that Anne was heir to all of the properties of old Andrew Thorne, the great-uncle who had so wickedly deserted her helpless in­ fancy. A dry, well-dressed, gray little man named Fink had appeared at Cartertown only a week before, sent by Andrew Thorne’s attorneys, who had been searching for Anne ever since the death of the unrepentant old sinner, their client. It had taken over a month to find her; for though he had expressly willed everything to her, he in bulR, Sold only in sealed packages. of Money BY SOPHIE KERR. -------- -................. 1 ■ dant let”s begin that argument all over again. You know how I feel.” “I do—and I think you’re down­ right mean. After all you’ve done for me, you don’t want me to do anything for you. Why, you’re my mother, . Some women are moth- Fifty-Eighth Annual Meeting of The Royal Bank of Canada opera, and Mrs. Case wants me to send yoyng Bdgar to scientific school because he's going to be an inventor, the lazy little rat ! I wish she knew what I know about him. Everybody wants to help me spend but you, and you're tho one who ought to help me.” “Now, now. don’t start that again. Folks ought to ,be ashamed! Anne, what does la»uis say—about the money, I mean?” “He didn’t say much of anything when I told him over the phone. And I haven’t .'-oen him.” Happiness came back tv her face as she spoke of Louis. "Ile’H be in this evening, and I’ve got to run ovex* to Thelma Downes’ and give her the key to the apparatus clo­ set. I brought it home from school with me this afternoon.” She jumped up and came round the table to Mrs. Chaner and hugged her tight with her strong young arms, "I wish you weren’t so obstinate, '--------- \ . fl ------------ ma one bit.” i the morning she was to start. Mrs. Chaner returned the hug with ‘ Mrs. Chaner rose and began to clear interest, "It’s you who’re obstinate, the table dispiritedly. Adeline, the and always were.” She sighed with helper in the kitchen, was waiting to pretended regret. "If you weren’t too ’’ • big to spank-----” ! “I know'—you’d love to! Tell Louis I’ll be only a minute, if he comes be­ fore I’m back.” She hurried away on her errand. Mrs. Chaner sat still, thinking, her capable working hands folded in idle- gm. dhu nuvw xv,ness. Her thoughts ranged back over., „ ^as helpless. A ring at the door- the years. Anne’s history was simple I™1 Brought an end to her meditations, enough—until now. Andrew Thorne, H". was Louis Haynes, and directly be- a tall, quiet young man had been sent ^•^^m^came Anne, so Mrs. Chaner to Cartertowp by a teachers’ agency ’ x to rule over the newly created high school. He brought with him his wife) and three-months-old daughter, and; they boarded with Mrs. Chaner. An! early epidemic of grippe caught them! both and there was the baby, left with­ out a penny foi' her care, without a friend, and seemingly without a rela-1 tive save for one uncle of her father,] an older Andrew Thorne, to whom] Mrs. Chaner wrote, and who replied briefly that he would not burden him­ self with her, and she could be put in an asylum or sent for all of him. Mrs. Chaner tore took the child and fondly and tenderly, and Anne had grown straight and smart, helping with the work of the boarding house, clever at books, and for the last two years teaching in the primary school of the town, and “going with,” as they called it in Cartertown, Louis Haynes, owner of the spacious Haynes farm, three miles out on the highway, and PART I. [ “Don’t worry about mo, Aunt ■ Mary,” said Anne Thorne. “That Mr. Fink who was here will meet me, and, anyway I can take care of myself.”) Her appearance bore out her words;,--- a handsome girl, with clear gray eyes Aunt Mary, and clear pink cheeks and a fine, di-‘ers with their bodies, and some with rect, up-headed way with her. The their hearts, and that last is you.”. pink was burned to rose-red now, and i Mrs. Chaner’s eyes twinkled with her eyes, usually so serene, were bril-' quick tears. “You lamb you’ve been liantly alive "with an inner fire. 1 more to me than I could be to you, "I know you can,” agreed Mrs. precious. I feel like you’re my own Chaner. “But if I could be with you -~I took you when you were such a —there’s no use talking though. Ade-! little tike.” line can't run the house herself.” She | "Then why-----” looked at the girl with affectionate! "Now, Anne! Let’s have it straight concern. She and Anne always lin- once and for all. Just because you’ve gered a little after the last meal of > inherited this money I can’t let you the day, when the boarders had gone dump a lot of it on me and get my life their several ways to movies, prayer] all out of kilter. That’s what it would ^—4.:..™ ----- j amount to. You don’t understand yet I about money. It does queer things to folks.” A cloud came over Anne's bright­ ness. "That’s true anyway. I can’t j toll you how many people have spoken j to me—asked me if maybe I’d like to (give the town a hospital, or endow the library, or build a new Methodist church, or a parish house for the Episcopalians, or give a town clock—” “The nerve!” . ' "And Mrs. Devlin thought I might like to have Lelia trained for grand The fifty-eighth annual general meet­ ing of The Royal Bank of Canada, held at the head office, marked the close of a very suecoss'tul year and was attend­ ed by a large gathering of shareholders. Several announcements of special Interest were made both by Sir Her­ bert Holt, president, and C. E. Neill, general manager. In his address, Sir Herbert Holt gave a complete review i of the outstanding features of the ‘ _____,__growth in Canada’s trade and industry had—seemingly with malice afore-!Rnd look the view that during the past ' ‘ 'year there had been steady and sub­ stantial improvement in almost every department of Canada’s business life, Discussing the necessity of the re­ ducing of all taxes, Sir Herbert said: I "What Canada needs is to follow the example set by the United States in the reduction of all taxes and in the porters cost of government, so that by econo­ mies due to the efficiency of adminis­ tration we may secure a substantial reduction in the total burden of taxa­ tion rather than a change of incidence. Caiiada has frequently shown that she is not without courage in facing her economic problems, and there are in­ dications that a bold co-operative policy of administrative economy on the part.of all governments would meet with strong public approval and support." C. E. Neill, general manager, gave a number of interesting particulars of thought—left no directions as to her whereabouts, Having ferreted her out, and through their invaluable Mr, Fink verified her claim, the attorneys You don’t help now required her presence in the city. wash the dishes. There was no use worrying about it, she supposed* but she was a shrewd and sensible woman, with only one great affection in her life—Anne. This sweeping change that had come to Anne’s status had peril in it for* the living maternal rela­ tion sho held to the girl. She knew it, CONVERSAnO?' AND CHARM the Bank’s growth and expansion dur­ ing the year. Of special import was. the increase of $8.904,5S7 in commer­ cial loans in Canada. This1 reflected business activity arising from the country’s growing prosperity. Referring to the constructive co­ operation the Bank had been in a posi­ tion to give towards of Canada’s foreign said in part: "Since this bank to establish branches abroad twenty-five years ago, wo have quired an intimate knowledge of many foreign markets, W-e have done our utmost to use this knowledge for the benefit oL Canadian trade "by placing foreign buyers in touch with our ex- and locating advantageous sources of supply for Canadian import­ ers. The Managers of our foreign branches are familiar with Canadian products, and it goes without saying that our opportunities to be of service have been numerous, more particular­ meeting, lecture or whatever other evening diversion Cartertown pro­ vided. "It would be lots more fun with you,” said Anne. "Oh, Aunt Mary, when I get thinking about it I’m al­ most too excited to live. Ever so much money—ever and ever so much! You can sell the boarding house and never do another bit of work as long as you live.” "An idle life is a useless life,” said Mrs, Chaner sententiously. "I’d go Crazy holding my hands. However, to. the poorhouse up the letter and brought her up i The Fathers of Confederation They Breathed Life into Confederation and Behold . . a Nation was Born Out of the separate,Colonies of British America, they created a powerful Dominion, forming what is now an important part of that great Empire upon which the sun never sets. i.S $ Shoulder to Shoulder with the Progress of the Canadian Confederation Marches the Record of Confederation Life Sound, conservative, avoiding, the spectacular, but building a struc­ ture ^of enduring strength, Confederation Life Association records another year of progressive achievement in 1926. 1867 1871 1927 Confederation of Confederation Life Incorporated 60th Anniversary Canadian Province^ by Act of Parliament Confederation of Canada ■ The Association enters the sixtieth year of the Confederation of Canada with INSURANCE IN FORCE” - « ASSETS - INCOME, 1926 NEW INSURANCE WRITTEN AND REVIVED Paid and held for benefit of policyholders since 1871 Full Annual Report sent upon request !••» $230,747,937 50,660,858 12,334,566 45,076,775. . 5107,'169,778 Confederation Life Association A GROWING COMPANY IN A GROWING COUNTRY ‘ HEAD OFFICE * TORONTO, CANADA 1v * "’W,.*- T| did not need to give him her message. “It’s so nice this evening, I thought you’d like to drive,” he said, and Mrs. Chaner watched them as they went down the walk and got into Louis’ shabby elderly flivver. They made a striking couple, both tall, both straight and both good looking. Mrs. Chaner shook a discouraged head at their backs. “Louis Ilaynes’ll never live on any wife’s money,” she told the parlor window curtains. "Never in this world.” They drove off together, Louis’ and Anne, into the soft spring twilight. Through the little town and out to where the road stretched its concrete. ! smoothness between the rolling, pros- ; perous farms of Carter County like a path in a well-ordered, well-cared-for garden. The orchards were in early blossom, delicately pink and white, bridesmaids of spring. All along the roadside the beginning greens, still pale, but dewy fresh, made a border of color that allured the eye. Beyond were the fields, some of them already seeded, some with bared bosom wait­ ing. A fair land, quiet, tended know­ ingly, for many generations. Louis, a little more pinched of lip than usual)' drove silently and did not look at Anne, but she looked at him— his tanned straight features, the ras­ cally curl of his lashes that belied the gravity of his expression, his strong hands, all the bigness and straight­ ness and brownness of him that were so endearing. She didn’t know why she found it hard to begin. She had meant to chatter nineteen to the dozen when she got with Louis. She had thought she could tell him everything she’d thought and felt in these four extraordinary upside-down days. But he seemed so restrained, so stiff----- “Aren’t you glad, Louis?” she asked at last. “I mean, for me.” “I don’t know whether I am or not. It’s mado me feel strange—cut off from you.” "I don’t see why. Now it’s no use you looking like that, Louis. We’ve got to talk this out.” “How’m I looking?” “Like one of the silent I-Iayneses. Stop*lt.” He laughed and so did she, and the restraint relaxed. "I’ve stopped. Now begin the oratory.” “I don’t now where to begin. Some­ times I’m flying so high I can hardly come down, and then—well, I don’t know. My gracious, Louis, think of the things I can buy, pretty clothes, the useless kind I’ve always wanted 1 and knew it was foolish to get, and all the books’ I want, and—and every­ thing! I’ve got an awful spendthrift streak in me, Louis, and it’s certainly been working on my imagination ever since I knew about this money. Am I very silly?” “I never think you’re silly.” “Oh, Louis, you’re so dear. It will be fun, won’t it?” He looked straight before him. “That’s just it, Anne. You’ve got so much now and I’ve got so little. I’ve got the farm and a good house, and I’ll make you a good living. Of course Bro’ Fred taking out his share last fall to go to Alberta has crippled me. I’ve got that note in the bank to pay off, for the money he got. But I can do that, give me a few years. But you, with thousands and thousands of dollars maybe, and Lord knows what besides in the way of property— where am I alongside all that? No­ where. And I know it._Jft puts things out of proportion.” “But why does it? It doesn’t change me. Why can’t you share what I’ve got just as I’m going to share what you’ve got?” He shook his head violently. “Never in a thousand years. Before I’d be the kind of a louse that lives^on a woman’s ! iI NURSES Th# Toronto Hospital for Incurables, In Affiliation with Bollcvuo and Allied Hospital,, New York City, offers a three years' Courts el Training to ycuno wonion, havlnp th, required education, and desirous of bcoomlnj nurses. This Hospital hot adopted the eloht* hour system. The pupils roceiva uniforms of the 6choot, o monthly allowance and iravcllntf expenses to and from New York. For further Information write the Superintendent. ISSUE No. 6—'27. property—and that’s what it would amount to, and you know it—I’d shoot myself.” “It’s not fail’ to talk like that. You’re as bad as Aunt Mary. If I’d asked for this money or tried to get it, it would bo different. But for all Great-uncle Andrew wouldn’t do a thing for me when I was a baby, he left it to me, straight enough, and it’s honestly mine. And look what we could do right off. You could pay that note for Fred; you could build the new stable and hog house you’ve been needing, and build ’em the best, new­ est way; you could get a tractor and buy some of the pedigreed cows you’re so crazy for; you could make a regu­ lars model farm-----” (To be continued.) Do you remember the oi l fairy tale of the two sisters who were so dif­ ferent in disposition that every tinto one pf them spoke pearls fell from her lips, while-, when the other opened her mouth, toads jumped out? The word® people say uro nearly as telltale In revealing their characters- and thoughts as pearls and toads would be. Their conversation, although they are often not conscious of it, shows whether they are kind and thoughtful or self-centored. Conver­ sation shows, too, whether people have made any use of their brains and ofr their powers of observation. All of us want to be able to talk well, to say things that will bo pleas­ ant and agreeable and interesting to­ others. The Bible takes notice of the fine art of conversation, and in Proi verbs wo find, "A word spoken in due- season, how good is it!” Tho way to interest people is to make them feel that they have a part in the converse­ ly since the majority of our foreign, tion. branches are located in countries ’ which are not competitors of Canada, but rather buyers of our products and ner sweetness and thoughtfulness that suppliers of our necessities. I know will express themselves In a colorant that during this past quarter of a cen- and sympathetic attitude of mind to- tury we have been, able to facilitate ward others; the next thing is to de- the movement of Canadian goods to velop your intelligence so that you of- the extent of many millions of dollars.” the development trade, Mr Neill first comm 1 meed over ac- The first thing in becoming a good conversationalist is to cultivate an in- fer something to those with whom you talk. Additional Qualities. After we have cultivated the right kind of feelings inside, there are many already rather generally things we should attend t-o so that wo A Birthday Gift. remarkably / at u For Colds—Minard’s Liniment. NEW FROCK. GOOD NEWS For the Radio Fan, Dealer or Professional Set Builder. Wo aro now ready to place on the market a com- Cotldcnsert, Tubes and As is known, the University of Toronto is may give as much pleasure as we can to celebrate, next October, the one in conversation, hundredth anniversary of its found­ ing. The Alumni Federation is male- voices gentle, and easy to listen to. ing plans to arrange for a birthday A loud, harsh voice detracts from the gift to the University on that occa-'*’■ * sion. Various suggestions of a suit­ able gift have been made but the one that so far seems to ihake the great­ est appeal to the graduates is that the money he used to place a carillon of bells • in the Soldier’s Tower, which the graduates erected a few years ago. The Soldiers’ Tower of the Univer­ sity of Toronto is said' to be the larg­ est single memorial of the Great War in the British Empire. It was built with money raised by graduates and former students of the Provincial University of Ontario. At the- time it was buiilt, the plan was to put a carillon of bells in it but there was not sufficient money for the purpose. Now it is proposed to mark the one hundredth anniversary of the Univer­ sity in this distinctive way, and cer­ tainly this would be a birthday gift that would never be forgotten. Of course we want to make our The Reason. ■ Mother—"If you wanted’to go skat­ ing, why didn’t you. come and ask, me first?” Sammie—" ’Cause I wanted to go.”___ ,, a • , ,,■ 11 ' V It Depends. "How long will this lawn mower last?" asked the careful buyer. "I-Iow many and what kind of neigh­ bors have ycu?” countered the ex­ perienced hardware dealer. plctd New 1927 Line of Low-Lo«, Colls, Transformerc, Vernier Diels, V.acuum Complete Sets. All are Quality Produots, but Low Price. We tiro convinced that wo can FREE—Our New Bulletin No. also for copy of Blueprints of Standard Circuits. ,We make Edison Type Storage “B” Batteries and Kits, also Short Wave Colls. COMET RADIO-PRODUCTS Eariscourt and St. Clair Aves. Toronto, Ont. A CHIC Charmingly youthful is the attrac­ tive frock shown here, having the modish surplice closing, tucks at each shoulder and a becoming round collar. The long sleeves are gathered to wrist-bands and are finished with frills. The front of the skirt is shir­ red to the bodice and there is a nar­ row belt across the one-piece back. A chic bow is placed at the left hip and buttons adorn the front closing at the neck. No. 1473 is for misses and small women and is in sizes 16, 18 and 20 years. Size 18 (36 bust) requires 3% yards 39-inch material, or 2% yards 54-inch. Price 20c the pattern. Many styles of smart apparel may be found in our Fashion Book. Our designers originate their patterns in the heart of the style centres, and their creations are those of tested popularity, brought within the means of the average woman. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain­ ly, giving number and size of such patterns as' you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Pattern Dept, Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade­ laide St, Toronto* Patterns sent by return mail. Dainty Underwear for 15 cts! chafm of any person. It is inconsiderate as well as care­ less to talk indistinctly or very fast, so that others find it difficult to under­ stand. And it does not show much 1 pride in our speech if we leave off the last letters of words when we say “running,"tellln’,’; if we,add a’let­ ter as in "twigt” and “onct”; or if we slide our words together, as, "Lemme try, wontcher?" It is not affected to say “running" and "Let me try, won’t you?" and to add letters to words ap­ pears illiterate. And when you stick on conversation’s burs, Don’t strew your pathway with those dreadful urs. So wrote Oliver Wendell Holmes. It is a bad habit,—that of throwing ur- ur-urs-into every sentence,—but an­ other habit, easily formed and no more desirable, is that of using worn- out phrases constantly. Some words ought to bo left out of the conversation of discriminating peo­ ple, because they do not belong in good company. This does net mean that ail sl-ang has to be given up, for some slang expressions aro accept­ able, but it does mean, that many words have coarse associations and belong only to the street. .Examples of these are "swell,” "guy,” “her fel­ ler” and “bum.” "Aw, quit yer kid­ din’ ” is back-alley talk and should not be heard from nice girls. "Wire” for telegram, “photo,” “ad,” "auto" and “0 K,” as well as other shortened forms of words used in business, do not sound well in social conversation, although it happens that "taxi” and "movie” have been adopted by good custom.z Things to Omit. Too mu,ch curiosity and boastfulness are qualities to be kept out of conver­ sation. It is never polite to ask peo­ ple very personal questions. Some girls do not like to be asked what grades they made in their studies. Boastfulness may show itself not only by "bragging," as boys and girls say, but in talking about one’s self con­ tinually. One of the worst forms it could take would be for a girl whose parents were able to do many things for her to make her entire conversa­ tion witli a girl whose parents were poor1 centre around the dresses she had. ■Finally, if ive want to be charming and to be popular in company, one thing is especially needful—simplicity and naturalness. To be sincere and unaffected in manner adds to the charm of any girl; to be gushing, full of p-oses and pert to her elders mars beauty. Do not contradict bluntly; do not be too positive in what you in* his-t is true; be .gentle, and then be yourself without affectation, and you will have something to offer any com­ pany., . ______ The Oldest Gypsies. Over the sky’s dark roads - The caravan moon moves slow, Those delicate, true tints the fabric had when new! You can do such __, ______ ____ tinting if you use real dye. Soft, but And all the hosts of Stans perfect shades ’ for all your under­ things, stockings, etc.., • I And don’t stop with tinting! You: can Diamond dye dresses, even your! old suit. The true tones in Diamond! dyes make home dyeing Just as per-. Athletes use Minard's Liniment/ Forever restless go'; Unwearied gypsy companies Traveling the centuries. —Rachel Field, in “Taxis and Toad­ stools." ■*S?- A little boy had been to Sunday So easy, it’s fup—and how' school, where he had listened open- | eyed to the teacher’s explanation of ynur druggist will give you the “kingdom of heaven.” the street he saw several boys playing, and as he camo up to them, th^y pushed him out into the mud. I He jumped tip find brushed the dirt i off and with a smile xjaid, “Well^there is one thing you can’t do. You can’t ; push me out of heaven.” Tha tvutht >U\at hiust whispered ihc-qld never Ut nttore4 Cf-’alL feet as auy professional could do. Any material, any color—right over the old.1 Dlamouid dye your drapes and cur-) tains, tOO. F- -‘"-’y **’- “7;’ ’ - - economical! free: the Diamond Dye Cyclopedia; valuable suggestions and easy diroctions, with piece-goods samples of color; Or, big lllnstratedi book Color Craft postpaid-- Write DIAMOND DYES, Dept. NI, Windsor, Ontario, There to Stay. , i ir Make it NSW for IS cist ?JT’'>5: