HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-02-10, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE de*CLINTON, ONTARIO ZURICH AGAIN PROVES TOO MUCH FOR hensall CREDITOR •j! 'ill IKS DAY, IIAiltlAHY JO, Ml Students may enter at any time Why not attend the School that has the Highly Qualified Staff, The only School that teaches real Practical Business Training from start to finish. Where High School students and. teachers are taught spsciul- ized expert training in Business Administration and Secretarial Scince and are sure of a good po sition, rapid promotion and big income.COURSES Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Cicil Service ' Commercial Teachers^Course and Special Courses arranged. For Information Write to Phone 198 B. F. WARD, B.A., M.Accfs. Principal NOTICE Having the agency for the Galt Art Metal Co., we can' supply you •yith a new barn, a garage or gal- ■sJSisdzed roofing, also hog troughs in all sizes of very best quality at low­ est prices. Also a set of good double harness and a quantity of good brass mounted bridles leather halters, -whiffletrees and -you want them, material wanted. JOHN ELDER, Hensall and good strong also doubletrees, axehandles when Good axehandle » HENSALL -■Mr. Ernest Bates was in Kincar­ dine Monday on business.. Mr. Roy Webber has added a radio -department to his business. Mr. Will Fulton, of Toronto was in town Tuesday on business. , Mr. John McEwen is busy supply­ ing some of our citizens with wood.Mrs. Donald’ McKeller, of Crom­ arty visited with Mr. arid Mrs. S. -Swan. Mr. Wm. Consitt spent the week­ end visiting his brother John in Sea­ forth. Mrs. visited Steacy. Mrs. Simon Miller, of Cromarty, on Tuesday with Mrs. S. Jas. Coxworth, of Strathroy,. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alf. Scruton. Mrs. Wm. Consitt visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Turner at Clinton on Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Smith, of St. Marys, is •visaing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty. * Mr. Lee Hedden has taken the agency at Hensall for the Jewett and. Paige cars. Mr. and Mrs. Mew, of Goderich, -visited relatives and friends in town on Saturday.Mr. ------ nicely South" "^fr. ■was in town on Monday visiting his sister, Mrs. W. C. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hedden were in Seaforth on Monday yisiting Mr. Hedden’s aunt who id' on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnston, of Pilot Mount, Man., are visiting with 4iie Misses Mary and Emma John­ ston. and Mrs. Alf.. Smith have got settled in their new home on Richmond. B. R. Higgins, of Clinton, i Miss Eleanor Fisher ORGANIST HENSALL UNITED CHURCH TUITION IN PIANO Terms Moderate Phone 68 Mr. Harry Cook is able to be out again after his recent accident. Miss Mattie Ellis took part in a concert in Main St. United church, Exeter, on Friday evening giving several readings. Mr. and Mrs. John Mousseau and children, who have been visiting in Michigan for the past month, return­ ed home Tuesday evening. The skating party that was to be held Tuesday evening was post­ poned until Thursday evening, Feb­ ruary 10th on account, of the mild weather. Mrs. Hunt, one of our oldest resi­ dents, underwent an operation for cancer on Friday, at her home here. Mrs. Hunt is doing as well as can be expected. . Mrs. (Dr.) Reid, of St. George and Mr. NoBman Sheffer, of Toronto, are spending a few days this week here visiting their- parents, NIT. and Mrs. Ed. Sheffer, and also to help cele­ brate their mother’s birthday on Tuesday. A number of the young people of Hillsgreen met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Smith on Wednesday evening last and surprised them with a miscellaneous shower. The even­ ing was spent in euchre and dancing after which refreshments were serv­ ed. The services in the United church on Sunday last were largely attend­ ed. Rev. Mr. Sinclair preached' at both services. In the morning 'a communion service was held. On Friday evening last a preparatory service was held in the basement of the church and a number of new i members joined the church. A very sad and sudden death oc­ curred at the home of Mr. George Gram, when his sister, Mrs. Grandy, of Deckerville, Mich., who was visit­ ing him expired suddenly on Wed­ nesday last. Mrs. Granny was , in her usual health up till Wednesday morning when she .complained of feeling unwell and died a few min­ utes later. The bocjy was taken to her home in Deckerville, Mich., on Thursday last for interment. Mr. George Gram accompanied the re­ mains to Deckerville and returned Tuesday evening. The Literary Society of the Hen­ sall .Continuation school held a meet­ ing on Friday afternoon, Feb. 4th, with Ruth Chapman in the chair and Marie Bell acting as secretary. The singing On Friday evening last Zurich feated Hensall for the third time this season when they came to town and came out on top ofc a 3-2 ucore. The game was very clean and at times good hockey was in evidence, but on the whole, the game was not as fast season. Zurich O’Brien ors again tallied in the second while the Hensall team failed to break in­ to the scoring column. At the start of the final period C. Shaddock scored and shortly after Bell bulged the twine on a lone effort. This made the score a 2 all tie and for a time it looked as if the game might go into overtime, but with about 5 minutes to go a scramble took place about 30 feet in front of the local net and someone batted the puck along the ice toward the corn­ el1 of the Hensall net and before McGoech saw the disc it had trick­ led past the poal post. With their one goal lead Zurich played defen­ sive hockey, and so ended the game which put Hensall out of the run­ ning for the play-off. C, Shaddock turned in the best game for the locals while Youngblut and Rau were the pick of the visitors. WOMEN’S GUILD MAKE PRESENTATION as others played here this In the opening period scored on a pass from to Youngblut, and the visit- The regular meeting of St. Paul’s Women Guild was held in the base­ ment of the church on Tuesday even­ ing February 1st. The meeting took Hie form of a birthday social There was a splendid attendance and a good program was provided consist­ ing of an instrumental by .Miss M. Drummond, reading by M’rs. J. B. Simpsom, sol/) by Mr. Huston, duet by Mrs. Drummond and Mrs. Thos. Simpson, solo by Mrs. Geo. Smith, (nee Miss G. Petty), solo by W. O. Goodwin. At the close of Mrs. Smith’s solo, she was presented on^ behalf of the, choir and congregation" with a purse of gold. The address [was read by Mrs. Thos. Simpson and the presentation made by Mrs. Louis Clark. Mrs. Smith made a suitable reply. After the presentation the remainder of the evening was spent in contests and games. A dainty lunch was served at the close by the choir. A collection was taken and the Guild realized a nice sum to help swell their funds. Following is the address: 1927 DR. R. P. L DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of Medicine, and- Master of Science, "University of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office two Aloors east of Post Office. Phone 56 Residence HENSALL, ONT. 114 'ARTHUR WEBER licensed' auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY ?8 Years Experience, Prices Reason­ able, Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Charge Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. 1, DASHWOOD, ONT. In the Latest Prices from 10c. to $1.50 PER ROLL HARDWOOD FLOORING LAID AND POLISHED J. Sangster, Hensall .--------A*— ............... WBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL JflRE INSURANCE COMPANY Mead Office, Farquhar, Ont* President, JOHN ALLISON Vice-President, JAS. McKENZIE DIRECTORS FRANK MCCONNELL, SIMON DOW ROBT. NORRIS? WM. BROCK AGENTS ■ JOHN ESSERY,. Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan W* A* TURNBULL . Secretary-Treasurer JBox 9!?ZjExeter, Ontario. GLADMAN & STANBURY .m K Solicitors,, Exeter Mr. and Mrs, Orville Cann, of near Thames Road, visited withjhe form­ er’s sister Sunday, Mr. Ira Percheron Clinton, Mr, Martin McTaggart went to Victoria Hospital, London, on Sun­ day where he underwent a serious operation on Monday, The sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ per was observed last Sunday in Chiselhurst United church. Owing to scarcity of snow on roads a number in this vicinity running their cars. Mrs. Roy McDonald on Chambers sold his black team to a farmer near THAMES ROAD The W. M'. S. Of' United church held monthly meeting at Mrs, Chas, Allison, February 3rd. The the the are RoadThames their regular the home of on Thursday, president Mrs. Kydd, occupied the chair and there was a large attendance of members present. After the roll call. Mission­ ary Facts was over and the business part of the meeting was finished, the topic on the Leper Mission was very ably taken by Miss Helen Mon­ teith and the meeting was favored with a duet by Mrs. McNaughton and Mrs. Penhale, also a violin selection J>y Miss Beatrice Gollings. A social half hour was spent during the luncji provided by the committee in charge. The next meeting which will be the annual meeting and a special day of prayer will .be held at 'the home of -Mrs. Chidley. Miss Clara Oestreicher has return­ ed home after spending a few weeks holidays with relatives at Walker­ ville. Miss Beatrice Haist spent the past week with friends at Zurich. Mr. John Mallet, of London, Is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Fah­ ner and .family. Get the lucky number with every purchase at England's bakery win the valentine cake day. Mr. and Mrs, Edward Mr. Herb Eilber were Monday on business. There will be no services in the United church next Sunday night, Feb. 13, on acocunt of the anniver­ sary services in the Evangelical church. Mr. G. Zwicker was in London Tuesday on business. Mr, Mose Faist is able to be again after his recent illness. The February meeting of and next Satur- Fahner and in Goderich out KIRKTON little CENTRALIA ■W The Centralia Choking Mill will resume operation on or about the 15 Inst, Ww. J. Smith, Proprietor. Mr. Geo, Wyer, of Toronto was in the Village last week in consultation with Wm, J, Smith re the installa­ tion of a new engine in the mill here, Mr. Bowman, of Beloit, Wis„ chief engineer of the Fairbanks-Morse Company accompanied by Mr, Crock­ ford, of Toronto, were here recently in connection with the recent plosion at the chopping mill. Wm. J. Smith has practically covered from shock and bruises ceived in consequence of the plosion recently. The Young People's Society held their regular weekly meeting last Wednesday in the church. Miss Flossie Davey took charge of the meeting. Miss Vera Hicks read the scripture lesson and Mabel Smith gave a reading. A splendid talk was given by Mr. Silas McFalls, of Exeter, on Christ and High Adven­ ture, Mr. and Mrs. L. sang a duet after which Rev. Safely Razor Blades Sharpened (any make) SINGLE EDGE ........................ 3c DOUBLE EDGE .................... , 4c Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S, COLE, Druggist ** ex- re- re- ex­ meeting was opened by “Massah’s in de cold, cold ground” after which the minutes of meeting were read and A . Ruth Chapman gave a reading on the Goat followed by a chorus by group 4. The topic entitled "A Naturalist with McMillan on the Arctic” was given by Mildred. Scruton. The re­ port of the treasurer was given by Scott Welsh, aftei- which there was a ^contest which was won by Mildred iMcDonell. A dialogue entitled “Mrs. Hooligan’s new spring hat” was well rendered. by singing flag fall”. The meeting,of the Young People’s League of the United churdli was held Monday evening with large at­ tendance present. The meeting was in charge and presided over by Miss Flora Higgins., The meeting was opened by the singing of a hymn af­ ter which all repeated the Lord’s prayer. The minutes of the last meet­ ing were read by the sec’y, Miss Mary McKaig, after which Mrs. Patterson read the scripture lesson, Psalm 112 Tho topic was splendidly given by Mr. Eyre on “The attitude of a Chris­ tian toward wealth and poverty”. Readings by Miss Helen Miller and M'iss Ruth Chapman and an instru­ mental by Miss Gladys Luker were all well rendered. The meeting was closed by singing a hymn after which all repeated the Mispah bene­ diction. Next Monday evening Miss Katie’Scott will have charge of the meeting and a valentine social will be held, after which refreshments Will be served. . The meeting of the W. M. S. of the United church was held in the Sunday school room on Friday af­ ternoon. The vice-pres., Mrs. Rev. Sinclair was in the chair. The meet­ ing, was opened with a hymn after which Mrs. Buchanan led in prayer. The scMpture lesson, Psalm 2, Svas read by Miss A. Moore. A Clip sheet program on Crusade membership Ws given by several of the mem­ bers, led 15y Mrs. Merner, follow­ ing prayer by Mrs. McQueen. The minutes of tlie last meeting were read and adopted. A letter was read from the Deaconess liome in Toronto thanking the W.M.S. for the three nice quilts they had sent. The roll was then called and twenty members •were present. The collection amount­ ed to $4.25 and the flower collection $1.00. The treasurer’s report __ read. The Visiting Committee re ported visiting 18 shuHn homes three sick in bed takeri by A motion sympathy bereaved. LOOK’ LOOK! 1922 FORD TOURING WITH STARTER FOR SALE Good Running Shape FIRST $125 TAKES IT H. Bagshaw 4 VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Spohr Method G. M. GRANT Phone 8 for appointments i ■i the Women’s Institute was held Tuesday evening. The meeting opened with Mrs. C. Zwicker in the chair. After singing the Institute ode and “Flow Gently Sweet Afton” the Lord’s prayer was repeated in unison. Dur­ ing the business period which fol­ lowed it was decided to have a play and supper on March 17th. Follow­ ing the disposal of business a pro- grnp was rendered consisting of a piano duet by Misses L. Smith and A. Gaiser; a paper on “Art in the Home” by Miss Martin; a solo by Miss Prang; a paper on the little Kingdom of Home”, closed with singing Anthem, Lunch was hostesses in charge. Mr. John Apple ton went to Detroit on Friday to attend the funeral of his sister, the late Mrs.. Thompson. , Mr. ........... list. Mr. cepted Young Mr. spending a few days with Mr.-and Mrs. Jobe Sims. Mrs. Esli Heywood has returned to her home in Exeter after visiting for a week with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Fahner. Mrs. L. Clarke Orme and daughter day in Exeter. Mr. Lloyd Fraser, The meeting the National served by the Hodgson F. Irwin read the constitution of a CARLING & MORLEY . Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. 'J LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN­ SURANCE ’ Office: Carling Block, Main Street Exeter, Ont. society. The regular "monthly meeting the Ladies’ Aid Society was held last Wednesday afternoon in the school room of the church. The president, Mrs. R, F. Irwin led in prayer. Mrs. A. Mitchell read the scripture lesson. The treasurer, Mrs. T. Neil reported the receipts from the autograph teas, were $48. It was decided to hoid a pancake social on February 25tli. At the con­ clusion of the meeting a lunch was served by Mrs. Murray Elliott, Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson and Mrs. Milt. Mit­ chell. Mrs. W. Bowden spent the week­ end with her mother, Mrs. Boyle, of London. Mrs. Ewart Powe and Teddy, Mrs. A. Proctor and Cameron, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooks. Mrs. Milton Mitchell spent the week-end at the home of her broth­ er, Mr. Max Baynham, of Sf. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hayter, cf Dashwood and Mrs. England, of Hensall were visitors last week with Mrs. Willert. Mr. Percy Kleinsteiver, of Dash­ wood, was a visitor last week-end at the home of Mrs. H. Willert. Mrs. Herman Zimmer and Iitte Miss Clare Statton and Miss Grace Hayter of Stratford, were week-end guests of Mrs. H. Willert. of GLADMAN & ST ANBURY Bawisters, Solicitors, &c. Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance. Safe-deposit Vault for ««use of our Clients without charge. Exeter London Hensall Miss Irene Taylor and her brother, Ray, left on Friday for To­ ronto. Mr. Amos Doupe was in Stratford on Tuesday attending the District meeting of the Fairs. Mr. Harry Burgan has purchased the garage from Mr. Harold Thomp­ son. We are sorry to lose Harold as he is very obliging and a good mechanic. , But owing to garage work not agreeing with him he is going at another job. Mr. and Mrs. .Archie McCurdy are moving into the village into Mr. Perry Doupe’s house. Mr. W. D. Sanders, of Exeter gave a very* interesting talk on organiza­ tion to the members of the IT.P.O. in the Aberdeen Hall on Thursday afternoon. We are sorry to hear of the ill­ ness of Mrs. Wilbur Kirkby who was obliged to go to a London Hospital, but are pleased to learn that she is improving and also Mr. Wm. Blaek- ler who is also in a London hospital and hope for him a speedy recovery. The tenders for the building of the cement work of the new shed were opened on Friday night and the tender of Mr. Tuffin, of Staffa was accepted. One of our business- men went to London one day last week and by press reports got into the toils and at time of writing his-place of busi­ ness is locked up. t Wilbert Sims is on Thomas the sick has ac-Howard Treumner a position with Mr. Herb, to learn tinsmithing. C. Rollins, of Ailsa Craig is ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer, Investments Insurance Office one door south Times Office XfJ I and Mrs. Dr Lois spent Fri- Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.DJIj DENTAL SURGEON Late District Dental Officer of Military District Number One, Lou­ den, Ont. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 34J Main Street, Exeter, Ont Office open on Wednesday until April 20th, 1927Mr. Lloyd Fraser, of Exeter, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mr., and Mrs. Joseph Bullock and daughter spent Sunday with Mrs. Bullock’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Gower, in Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Flynn spent. Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Tetreau, near Grand Bend. t . Mr. Godfried0 Nicolson arrived home from the West on Saturday. Mr. Eli Lawson and Mr. Godfried Nicolson received their carload of Western horses on Saturday. Next Sunday and Monday, Febru­ ary 13th and 14th will be a great red letter occasion of Zion Evangel­ ical church, when the congregation will celebrate its thirty-first anni­ versary since the erection in 189 6 of the present church edifice, when this church house was formerly ded­ icated by Bishop S. C. Brogvogel, of Reading, Penn. The congregation and pastor count themselves very fortunate in securing the valuable services of such an outstanding speaker as Rev. G. E. Epp, of Cleve­ land, Ohio, who is the efficient sec.- treasurer of the Missionary Society of the Evangelical church. You simply cannot afford, to miss any one of his messages. His subject on Sunday morning is, “The Glory of the Churches Mission and Mes­ sage” and at the evening service he will speak on “The Biggest Thing in the Church.” He will also address tlie Sunday school which meets from 11 a.m. to 12 a.m . On Monday even­ ing he will give an enchanting lan­ tern slide travelogue on the subject, “Along the Old Mission Trails in Europe.” Rev. Mr. Epp accompan­ ied Bishop L. H. Seager, D..D., who is one of the Superintendants of the, Evangelical church, as secretary and interpreter in his travels and as pre­ siding officer of the Euporean Con­ ferences in the past year, and there­ fore speaks in a most interesting manner of the things be has A silver offering will be received at the door on Monday evening at 7.45. The orchestra will give us a thri­ lling musical send off in our picnir- Europoan travels. The invi- goes out to all whosoever may and that means you. GRAND BEND A. Gratton, who took quite Monday night, is much im- Dr. G. F. Roulston* L.D.S..D.D.S* DENTIST Office over I. R, Carling's Law Office . ■ Extractions Under Oxygen GasMrs. ill last proved. Miss Stella Webb, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Webb. Mrs. Bert Holt was called to Pt. Huron on account of the illness of her sister, Mrs. Walter Lumbard. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner visit­ ed at the home of Mr. Thos. Webb on Sunday. The skating party Friday night was a grand success. ! The contest by the young people is getting quite interesting as, the crowds have, doubled in one week. Don’t forget to hear the sermon in the United church next Sunday to the men. Subject; “A good crop of Timothy.” , Mr. Peter Eisenbach has had a gang of men cutting wood and logs for his mill. The fir§t tourists of the season had lunch on the tourist grounds on Thursday last. The village was shocked to hear of the sudden death of one of the old time boy of Grand Bend in the person of Mr. Sim Ireland, who suf­ fered a stroke last Saturday and never rallied. Mr. Ireland, who moved to Stratford some 16 years ago, was well known here where he spent his boyhood days. He was in his 5 8tli year. He served on the council of Stratford for 12 years. He leaves to mourn his loss not only his wife and two sons but. one bro­ ther, Aaron Ireland and one sister, Mrs. Peter Murray, both of Grand Bend. (Too late for last week) Mr. Walter - - - - fined to the lapse from a Miss Cora Patterson, of parental roof over Sunday. A large number of the W. M. S. held an ‘At Home” at the manse Friday night and reported a good time. The ladies had their husbands with them and after lunch was serv­ ed the ladies presented 'Mrs. J. M. Colling with a Life Membership card. Mrs. Colling very ably expressed her appreciation. A large crowd spent an enjoyable evening at the home of Mr. W. P. Lovie where games and songs were enjoyed until midnight when lunch was served. After singing God be with you till we meet again, the guests wended their way to their several homes. Miss Gertrude Lovie has gone to London for a month’s holiday.; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sturgeon have rented Mr. A. Willis’ house and will be moving in shortly. Dr. A. R. Kinsman. L.L.D.,D.D.S« DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto | University Office over Gladman & Stanbury’S Office, Main Street, Exeter | Hensail, Feb. 1, i To Mrs. Geo. LeRoy Smith (nee Miss Gladys Petty) It is,, with every good wish for your future happiness that we the members of St. Paul’s church, Hen­ sail, present to you this gift of gold as a token of the love and esteem in which we hold ypu. Not only for a number of years have you held the" I position of organist in ouu, church, I but in addition you have contributed ! to every cause within the church, i You were generous with your voice in singing; you, excelled in plays and your contribution in work done in sewing for AV. A. S. sale of work iwas of such amount that we who are left to carry on the work of the church will miss you in this- a,s well as in every other department of church activity. We take pleasure in the fact that we can, ’in parting with you, pass you on to your new parish as a good example of the pro­ duct of this church in character and ability and we trust that in the work of that parish you and your husband will have a very happy future. • Signed on behalf of the congrega­ tion, A. L. Case, L. Clark, and on behalf of the choir, Mrs. T. Simpson Mrs. E. Drummond. the last adopted. The meeting was closed- “We’ll never let the old SCHOOL REPORT Primary'Room—Jr. Primer Lloyd Brock 176, Herbert Drum­ mond 175; David Sangster 172, A. Fairburn 169, Margaret Shepherd 161. Sr. Primera-Loretta^Bell 182 Grace Wurm 181, Jean Foster 181, equal; Alvin Lindenfield 173, Violet Beeswax 164, Robt. Drysdale 157. Sr. First—Leonard Hogarth 260, R. Peck 245, Irene Hoskin 244, Cecil Simon 228, May Wolfe 215, Ruth Bell 86. Sr. II—Harold Bell 325, Harold Bonthron 318, Wm. Glenn 312, Muriel Hoskin 307, Dorothy McQueen 294, Edgar Wurm 228, N. Fee 227, Dorothy Daters 224'. Jes­ sie Buchanan, teacher. Sr. IV—Harold Munn, Clair Zuefle Jean Bell, Mildred Smillie, Royce Welsh, Dorothy Hoskins, Ed. Little, Eldred Smith, Marion Sinclair, Lulu Lindenfield, Joyce Scruton. Jr. IV Bob Houstan, Mabel Workman, Irone Daters, Albert Wolfe, Beryl Drum­ mond, Howard Hemphill, Irene Hog­ garth, Eleanor Skinner, Grace Brock Lizzie Bean, May .Kenning, Orville Simon, Edna Wolfe. Sr. Ill—Mar­ ian McKay, Florence McDonald, Ha­ zel Hudson, Alice Higgins, W. Nickel Harold Foster, Will Drummond, R. Brock, Norman McKay, Gladys Pass- more, Isobel Smale, Eleanor Bell, A. Appleton, HaVold Appleton, McKay, teacher. w. S. S. NO. 2, STEPHEN The following is the report No. 2, Stephan, for the month of S. of was and was India0. The topic Mrs. McDonell on was carried that letters of be sent to those recently The meeting was closed S. January. Pupils have been tested in seven subjects arid those marked with an astrisk were absent- for some of tlie tests: Si*. IV-*-Elva Lamport 79, Dorothy Lawson 77. Sr. Ill—Maurice Hirtzel 73, Lloyd Lamport 72, Norma Einkbeinor 72, Ila Lamport 71, Sam Rollins 54. Jr. Ill—Alwfnna Hill 80, Rollins 64, ’’’Gerald Rollings Roy .Lamport (53. - Second — Kathleen Mary Roilings 52. First—Nelson Lamport 80. Primer A—Gerald LaWson 65. Frimer B—Mary Lamport, Evelyn Lawson ZION Mr. Milton Brock, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia, at the time of writing was somewhat im­ proved. Mr. Alf. Brock returned Tuesday last from the Mayo Bros, hospital, at Rochester, N. Y., where he had gone for treatment. His brother George, who also went with him, underwent a successful operation and is at present doing as well as can be expected. Mr. Nelson Taylor, of Exeter, spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor. ’ The W. M. S. annual “At Home” was held at the home of the Presi­ dent on Thursday of last week. The husbands of the members were in­ vited and after a splendid program sumptuous supper was served sociable time enjoyed. a a and GREENWAY afterMiss I. Mason has returned visit with friends in London anda Kitchener. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Stanlake (nee Miss Mamie Battram) who were quietly married at the Mance at Grand Bend last week. Miss Dorothy Belling is recover­ ing from a severe attack of flu. Norman Battram was very ill with Croup last week. Miss Myrtle Luther has returned to Kerwood after a month’s holidays at her home here. -Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hotson. 93 were present at the Y. P. S. meeting, in the United church on Thursday last and enjoyed the social evening put on by the Purples. Messrs. Gordon Young and A. Portice were in our neighborhood Monday collecting for Mr. Willert, of Khiva, who suffered such a heavy loss from fire last week. Mrs. SliOrritt left last week visit Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, Wheatley. to of Lulu 61, 63 -- ----- --------- ~- -------------- - -------------__ ------------------ —,___r __ _ by singing hymn 97*, after which nil * Lawson, Charlie Rollings, repeated the benediction, I Elsie I Blackhatl, Teacher esque tation come, EL1MVILLE Mrs. Wesley Johns has returned home after visiting her brother in Toronto and Port Hope. Mr. John Cornish had a radio in­ stalled last week. . The skating rink has somewhat from the recent Mr. Ed. Johns, who has iously ill with pneumonia, is on the mend. Miss Olive Dobbs, of Saintsburry, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. New­ ton Clarke. suffered thaw, been ser- England has been con- house severe Baker Sarnia, suffering a re­ cold. and Miss Alice were under the DR. HARRY J. BROWNING M.D.C.M., Toronto ]L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh - ! L.F.P. <& S. Glasgow Physician & Surgeon Office over Browning’s Drug Stord Phones Residence 26J Office 26W DR. W. E. WEEKES Physician and Surgeon Late Chief Interne Vancouver General Hospital CORONER FOR HURON COUNTY Office removed to the former Ford, garage building corner of Main and Ann St. Office hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. Phone: Office 67W, Residence 67J DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, Mem­ ber of the Coileg of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Member of the British Medical Council. Phone 6—(The office of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman) DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary, College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Office, old Ford Garage Building Corner of Main and Ann Streets Telephones: Office 158w, House 158j EXETER, ONT. Dr. A. B. Gibson, VETERINARY SURGEON Office anfl residence, Main St. South' Second house from end of pave­ ment East side of the road. , All calls promptly attended to ; Accommodation for treatment of animals Phone 99 — Exeter, Ont, ’ i FRANK TAYLOR THAT IS QUEER Call a girl a chick and sho smiles; call her a hen and sho howls. Call a young woman a witch and she is pleased; call an old woman a witch and sho is indignant. Call a girl a kitten and she rather likes it; 0011 a woman a cat and she hates you. Women are queer. If you call a man a gay dog, it will flatter him; call him a pup, a hound or a cur, and he will try to alter the map of your face’. HO doesn’t mind being called a bull or a bear, yet lie will object to being mentioned as a calf or a cub. are queer, too.—The Sunset. Meh WHALEN Zion,Miss Florence Brock, of spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Gunning. Mr. Albert Gunning and daughter Elsie, spent Sunday in Lucan with Mr. and Mrs. Tookey, Mrs. Wm. Morley is confined to her bed being quite ill with a heavy cold. Messrs. George and Freeman sey, spent Sunday in St. Marys their parents. Mr. Milton Brock is very ill pneumonia. Next Sunday, 'February 13th Ark- with with A TATTLE TRUTH Men go to Church Their eyes to close While Women go To, eye their clothes. 11 Rev. Irwin will speak in the interests of the W. M. S. A ladies’ choir will furnish the music for the service. Mr. and Mrs. Francis tertained a few young Tuesday evening. The W. M. S. will monthly meeting at tho Wednesday afternoon. Squire en- people on hold their church On MT. CARMEL The social held in the hall Mon­ day evening was well attended. Mr. Joseph Dederich underwent an operation to remove his tonsils at St. Joseph Hospital, London, on Friday. He was accompanied home Ou Saturday evening by his sister, Miss Gertie, of St. staff. Joe is doing ___ Mr. M. Madden purchased property formerly David O’Brien, last week. Mr. John Hayes sold ,hls 56 farm to Mr. Herb. Hartman, of De­ troit who will take possession tember 1st. Mr. Joseph Glavin was in don last week on business. Miss Rose Doyle and friend Flynn, of Stratford, spent the week­ end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Doyle. LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY : Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed ! EXETER P. O. or RING 138 > Joseph nursing fine. owned by the Mrs. acre Sep- Lon- Miss There were no better cooks In the old days. Your stomach wasn’t just so particular. JAMES W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in any locality* Farm Stock sales a specialty. Satis­ faction guarin,teed. Charges mod­ erate. Qrders left at this office will be promptly attended to. R. R. No*. 1, Kirkton. Phone Kirkton 54rlL AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP ( Honor Graduate Carey Jones’ Au* Ction School. Special course taken irai Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,)! Merchandise, Real* Estate, Farm’ Sales, etc, Rates in keeping with' prevailing prices. Satisfaction as-» cured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, oij phone 18-93, Zurich*