HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-02-10, Page 3Made only from hard Western wheats, Pyrity-FIow 18 rich in gluten «— the energy giving and body,4 building food. Purity Flour is best for all your baking and will supply extra nourishment to the children, in cakes, pies, buns and bread, PURITy FCOUR ffaron 3hiclehara Aiwouncea Policy — No Aggressive ! Aims in Manchuria, Washington. — Pledging non-lnter- feireaiC'O on the port of Japan in the Internal aflairn of China, and express­ ing a desire to promote world peace and a further reduction of naval arma­ ments, speaehos delivered to th© Japanese Diet by th® Preuntor, Mr. Wakatmiki and the Fcrogn Minioteir, Baron Sli'idohara, have been made pub­ lic by the Japanese Embassy. The text® had been received from Tokyo by cable. Both officials in their addresses sltes-sed tho Chinese situation, Both said that <3i*o relations* between Japan and the Soviet Union had been mark­ ed by growing cordiality, and Baron Shldehara mad© dlreot reference to the immigration law of the United States. “I regret,” he said, “that the ques-' 95011 of diecriminatoiry treatment in-' volved in the United States Immlgra-i tion Act of 1924 still remains* unad- ■ justed. I have nothing to say at pre­ sent that would modify or supplement the observations) which. I have made on many previous occasions but to point out the evident welcome facts that on tills and allo th er matters of common interest he true knowledge and sympahetic understanding of Jap­ an have grown considerably in the United States in recent years*, and that wild report circulated at one time discrediting Japan’s Pacific in­ tentions now a-ro receiving the general condemnation of an enlightened' pub­ lic opinion there, Mutual Understanding. “In cur turn, for the correct esti­ mation of trie question, we should also fully up pre-elate the national lnstitu- , tion® and conditions which character­ ize the United States. A mutual* un­ derstanding is the first essential step for (ho settlement of all' international questions, and I am firmly convlnvoed that the two nation®, conscious of .their important missions of guardians of the peace *of the Pacific, will stand side by side for all' time in friendly accord tor the fulfillment of such, responsi­ bilities.’^ Japan's Policy. Japan's policy, covering tions of relations between China, wa® summarized Shldeiiara as follows: “Fiinsit — Respect the sovereignty and territerial integrity of China and scrupulously avoid all interference in her domestic strife. “Second—Promote the solidarity and economic rapprochement between the. two nations*. “Third—Entertain “ sympathetic ally and helpfully the just, aspirations of the Chinese people and co-operate, in efforts of realization of such aspira­ tions. “Fcuulh—Maintain an attitude of patience and toleration i*n the present situation ’in China and-at the same' time protect Japan’s* legitimate and essential lights and Interests by all reasonable means at the disposal of (Jho Government.”' In discussing relations with the Soviet Unioai, Baron Shidehara said ’ that oil and coal* concessions in north­ ern Saghalien were developing satis*- fact'ory and that revision of the fishery convention was under negotiation. “There are in certain sections peo­ ple who indulge in alarming specula­ tion as if the interests of Japan, and the Soviet Union are destined to clash in Manchuria/’ he continued, “but we have no aggressive policy in Man­ churia or elsewhere, our sole* preoccu­ pation being that/ peace and cider be maintained in that region and that our national® there be permitted to,engage 1 in peaceful pursuits without molesta-! tlon.” j SUN BATHS NOW FOR MILKING COWS Send 30c in stamps for oar 700-recipe Parity Floar Cook Book. 265 Western Canada Flour Milla Co. Limited Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Saint John. Practical Suggestions on:— PLANNING, BUILDING, FINANCING, DECORATING, FURNISHING and GARDENING. 150 pages. Profusely illustrated. Plans by prominent Canadian architects from every province4 Homes suit- able for any locality in brick, stucco and wood. New ideas in roofs, windows, entries, bath­ rooms, floor plans and other features. Tells how to make your home distinctive. Supplies facts you should know about construction. ** Ready Now. Order Yours Today. Special Price 50 cents per Copy. MacLean Builder’s Guide 344 Adelaide St. West A delightful place for a winter sojourn, where weather conditions are ideal. An abundance of hotels, apartments and cottages offers any desired type of accommodations at reasonable cost. Take one of these fine trains down. The Flamingo Detroit (M.C.) Cincinnati (L & N) 7:00 Jacksonville 9:00 Miami 8:00 8:15 7:00 9:50 Lv.<< ’ Ar. Ai~ St. Petersburg it — a 12:05 Noon pm pm am am am am Tampa Sarasota Through sleeping cars, observa­ tion and dining cars, coaches. The Southland Lv. Cincinnati Ar, Jacksonville “ Miami 7:10 am 9:50 am 9:30 pm Ar. Tampa 8:05 “ St. Petersburg 9:30 Sleeping cars and coaches, servation and dining cars. pm pm Ob- THE GULF COAST sall quees- Japan and• by Baron Land of history, romanco and charm, from and East. Delightful -climate. Excellent Through train service from Chicago, Cincinnati aud Louisville, the undersigned for particulars and Literature. New Orleans to Pensacola hotels. Reasonable costs. Ask H. E. PORTER, Trav. Pass’r Agt. 605 Transportation Bldo.—Phonos Cherry 3850-51—Detroit, Mloh. LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE R. R.t1- IRISH SUSPICIOUS OF HALTS DICTATOR <«' t ‘Physical Expansion” May Cause International Com­ plications. Italy’s crying need for more room Ultra-Violet Rays for “Bossie’.’ Will Cure Kiddies. The novel procedure of exposing cow® to ultra-violet rays in order to cure children suffering from rickets was advocated by Dr. Stuart J. Co­ well, of London, before a recent con­ ference In that city on the care of crippled and invalid children. Says Dr. E. E. Wee in his Week’s Science (New York): ’>*'■ “Altho this sounds more like the; forgotten magic of ancient times than' like modern, science, the suggestion is • quite in accord with the latest scien­ tific information. It is known that rickets can be cured by exposure of the child sufferers 4to the .ultra-violet rays, either from a ’sunlight’ lamp or In sunlight itself. Also,. Dr. Alfred F. Hess, of New York City, and others, have shown that the cure can be ef­ fected equally well by feeding to the sufferer certain kinds of food, includ­ ing milk, which food® have been ex- *posed to the Ultra-violet rays. Such food® are altered chemically by the rays so that tlie curative power Is 1m- ’ iptartefd. to thorn. Cow® plentifully pro­ vided with the rays, as they are by pasturasounder the summer s*un, give millt which Is already rich in these curative niAtea'iaJ-g.. But cows get lit* tie sunlight In the winter. Dr, Go- well’s suggestion is that during the darker season cows whose milk 1® to M Siz-rid for the food of elckly children gfecaM be exposed regularly to some fcriM fa' ultra-vlolei lamp.” Tas to What that- IpipHw exactly ‘be allayed by the statement that it docs not mean that Italy is ready to jump at the throat of the flret passing nation in order to tear a colony from her, when it 1» followed by the state­ ment that while the policy i® pacific it is not exactly pacifist.” Endangers Peace. At the same time 'his Irish weekly ’giye& credit to M^.«olini for having ' pointed out one of the dangers to the . peso© of the world. Some nations, it notes in passing, remain stationary in population, while others, such as Italy or Japan, increase lheir populations so that they press upon the means of subsistence. A® Jong as the United State® opened ita gates to emigrant® from Europe almost without limitation, it i® recalled, there was no great Eur­ opean danger as tho overflow was not checked, but-— < “Now the United States feels it can expand from within, and more and more limits* the number of immigrants, India, Japan, and China, with their teeming populations find it more and more difficult to get rid of their over­ flow. In Australia, in South Africa, in Northern America, the Asiatic 1® either not admitted, ■pi’ if admitted, only with such limitation® that they amount to a practical denial. It would be in­ teresting if Mussolini would put be­ fore the League of Nations sugges- i tions for a pacific settlement of this problem, Italy is keeping Europe in a state of perturbation, because of its need for expansion, and we all know that the still more obvious need of. begins to poison the blood instead of Japan for an overflow has alarmed the! feeding it. Tills is followed by all the United States, and also Great Britain,! pangs of indigestion, such as gas on as* guardian of a white Australia.The the stomach, pains around the heart, Something to Remember. One thing they have learned in cold Alaska is to make no attempt to elean a silk or woolen garment in gasoline in the winter time. Writing, in Scribner’s Magazine, Mary Leo Davis, the wife of an engin- j ecr, says that two women of her ac- ' quaintanco were burned to death in so doing. “Just the ■’friction," she says, "of lifting the material from the gasoline bath produces such sparks in the elec­ trified air that an explosion almost in- hriably occurs." Although there isn’t quite so much electricity in the air in this section of the country, there are few indoor sports more dangerous than washing articles in gasoline. • If you must wash things in gaso­ line, do it outdoors, -------- ........ Can Be Strengthened Through the Use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Bills. Wonderful is the process by which the chemistry of the body changes the food we eat into blood*. And the whole of our well-being depends upon this* being maintained day after day, year in and year out. Sometime® the process becomes faulty, and then food and In clean, bright Aluminum I wKEE&tt w9nw ■■■■■ HF E A.“is good ted* When you serve RED ROSE ORANGE . PEKOE to your family you are giving them the best tea you can buy*. Classified Advertisements.Trick Flyers, Th© aesthetic pleasure of watching the flight of trained birds has some­ what lapsed iu^courtly circles, though it lives among our few falconers, and is manifest In London, where citizens are found in jvinter standing, as it entranced, while watching the flying feats of the gulls that haunt the Round Pond or the river’® bridges-, As dusk is falling over the Serpentine, many mark how the gulls on the water turn their heads to the west, and in company after company rise to wing westward to spacious Thames-side meadows, and such open spaces- as- football ground®. At the same time companies- of sterlings passt eastward, flock upon flock, to their roo-sting- p-laces about Nelson’s head in Trafal­ gar Square, St. Paul’s, the Post Office, and other city buildings, where their evening incantations* must bring wist­ ful memories to many citizens of Nor­ folk reed-beds and autumn evenings. And s-o the country laborer, coming home by twilight, marks the home­ ward flight of the rocks to their roost­ trees, contingent upon contingent, all flying on.tlie s-ame plane. . . . We- have many trick-flying bird®, from the ’sparrow-hawk that threads its way at full ©peed through an in­ tricate maze of tree stems and branch­ es, to famous hoverers, like, golden-‘ crested wren, kestrel, and kingfisher; soarers like eagles and buzzards; and the divers; and our native woodp-lgeon has some tricks almost the equal of the tumbler-pigeon’s. As spring, draws on, his pleasant crooning is heard among the earliest songs, and he is seen sailing away from his chos*en bride to show himself off a® a master of flight, soaring to ho-ver and then glide gracefully down to renew his w-ooing on a tree branch. But the 'supreme master of trick flying among British birds may be the round-winged lapwing . . . like the Persian king’s j pigeons, be sometimes actually flies on his back.—Marcus Woodward, in ’“Country Contentment?'” AQENT8. Farmers, put tour spare time to profitable use during tho winter months M representing "Tho Old Reliable Foothill Nurseries." Highest commissions paid, erclurfvo territory, handy some free outfit. Splendid list of new and speciffll lines. Send for list and full particulars. Stone 4e Wollin ston, Toronto 2. FOR SALE. WTICTROLA STYLE, FULL CABINET, rLAY?i V all lecorda. 48 (elections, automatic. Valufc 595.00 for 185.00 guaranteed. Poisson, 840 Jfotual Royal East, Montreal. sn 1'ILEPSY—FITS PERMANENTLY STOPPED! Jtu by Trench's Remedy, Simple homo treatment, 85 years success, thousands of testimonials. Writ* at once for froe book. Trench’s Remedies, Limited. Dept, W., 13 Adelaide East, Toronto, Canada. (Cut this out). a dis*expounding of a pacific, settlement of this problem would interest the whole world. The statement of the problem with reference to Italy and without the troubles is< to tone up the digestion so that you can assimilate all your food. To do this you have only to take Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. A short course of these pills will quickly tone up the stomach and banish indigestion. Here is a bit of convincing proof given by Mrs. Chas. Ladner, Ellerslie, P.E.I., who says:—“For some years I was a sufferer from stomach trouble. Every­ thing I ate caused distress, sour stom­ ach and belching. I could not eat meat or potatoes, and I grew weak and neiwous. No medicine seemed to help me until I was persuaded to take Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and these simply worked wonders. I took the pills faithfully for a couple of months by which time every symptom of the trouble disappeared, and there has not since been the slightest symptom of stomach, trouble. No wonder I praise Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills.” You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr, Williams’ Medi­ cine Co., Brookville, Ont. . . ------------?--------- Garden Medicine Chest. A well-known doctor recently dared that the old* inalt-and-hops beer of England prevented a large part of the country’s manhood from being killed off in the days when scurvy was rampart in winter because of Insuf­ ficient supplies of fruit and vegetables, kfany people du not know that their gardens may be made to supply them with an ideal dietary. Celery is good tor rheumatism. Spinach contains iren to an important extent. Tho countryman gives his horse carrots to improve its coat, and we should take a leaf out of Ilfs’- hook, fur carrots improve the complexion, the nails, and the hair. Apples*, which contain malio acid, act on the kidneys and tend to retard old age,. Lettuce contains quantities of vlta- ! min “C,” and is therefore a highly im- ' portant item in the daily diet. .Oranges and lemons, though regarded as a hot- weather food, are invaluable during winter for reducing Inflammation and as a medicine in cases of influenza. often nausea after eating, like for all kinds of food. The only way to overcome pacific policy elucidated will not help in the allaying of suspicion.” Asiatics Not “Niggers.” One tilling Mussolini said, which The Irish Statesman believes to be alto­ gether true, is that the Asiatic, peril , will disappear whenever Europe ! ceases to think of Asiatics as barbari- ! ansi, and breaks down this mental bar­ rier between the European and the Asiatic mentality. In Asia are the “ancestor civilizations,” it is recalled, and we read: “Asia gave birth to all the- great re­ ligions — Christianity, Brahmanism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Tao, Islam, and many others. Alike in the arts and in literature, in everything except science, the intellect of Asiatic races has been demonstrated to be equal to that of Europe, and in science, as Sir Jagadis Bose and others have shown, the capacity for fine and original in­ vestigate n is- there. Yet many Eng- ..liishmen will refer to Indians as1 .nig­ gers in cGuversation, as c different tinting of the skin implied an iiireti- ority of intellect or imagination.” these A Film of Copper Industry. The United States bureau of mine# is making a movie of the capper la- try of that country and Canada. and Pneumoma Neglected "bronchial cold, are dan­ gerous. Stop them instantly with Buckley’s Mixture. Its action in re­ lieving the cough and clearing the tubes is amazingly swift—and sure. All druggists sell "Buckley’s” under a positive guarantee. Buy a bottle today, and be safe. S22 Acts like a flash— a single sip proves it W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 IF BILIOUS, SICK OR CONSTIPATED TAKE “CASCARETS” No headache, bad cold, scrax stomach or costive bowels by morningde-Statesman (Dublin), ar.e always heard with nervous interest. This is par­ ticularly true, it Js claimed, about Mussolini, who has “made his own character his country’s character, the law of his- own being the law of its being.” Since Lenin died, it is assert­ ed by this weekly, no statesman has ! had anything like this1 “complete iden- _ and na­ tional will.” We read then: “Naturally what he says is brooded o-ver. Political philosophers have of­ ten commented on the inevitable con­ sequences of the biological expansion of races, but philosophers have not the direct use of power, and people sleep sound p’ nights whatever they say. But when Mussolini gives an interview to a correspondent of the Associated Press, and ’ dilates upon rapidly ex­ panding national organisms like Italy, and upon the necessity of providing for Italy's crying need, not only for moral and spiritual, but for physical expansion, foreign statesmen will be concerned mainly about the interpre­ tation to be given to- the- phrase ‘physi­ cal expansion.’ Nations may expand morally and spiritually without troub­ ling other countries, indeed only ex­ citing admiration or envy. But a physi­ cal expansiop. proclaimed to be a necessity is another matter, and it is doubtful whether the nervous anxiety p b^iu-5 xvi x vvx^ n.au anything like tills1 “com L>1 ( In the world for her people is voiced J tlty . between personal will every so often by Premier Mussolini, and some wonder whether in his em­ phatic manner of speaking he does not consciously or unconsciously assume a menacing shape. The utterances of men who have power to commit their country to war or otherwise upset the peace of the world, remarks* The Irish |||pn ’ Use SWOHOS | saws„ « ^anJ Machine Kniv^So gfc SIMONDS CANADA 6AW CO, LTD, M BC MONTREAL . IMVANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, H.B.. Wgi TORONTO B /AMK Baby’s Own Tablets Are Effec­ tive and Easy to Give. You do not have to coax and threat­ en to get the little ones to take Baby’s Own Tablets-. The ease with which ■they are 'given, as compared with liquid medicines, will appeal to every mother. None is spilled or wasted; you know just how big a, dose has readied the little stomach. As a rem­ edy for the ills of childhood arising from derangement of the- stomach and bowels they are most satisfactory. Mrs. Rose Vey-er, Willimantic, Conn., says:—"I used Baby's Own Tablets in the Canadian Northwest and found them a wonderful medicine for child­ ren’s troubles, especially indigestion and constipation. I have also given them to my children for simple fe-ver and the restlessness accompanying teething and they always gave relief. I can recommend Baby's Own Tablets, to all mothers.” • | Baby’s Own Tablets are sold by medi-1 cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents- a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Go., Brookville, Ont. Minard's Liniment for animal ailments --------------------- Phoebus. A word like Phoebus brings to me A whiff of rare antiquity. I sniff it curiously and then I place it on the shelf again; For, I would never care to choose A vintaged word like that to use In speaking of my friend—the sun! —Mildred Weston, Jn "The Singing Hili.” A lump of camphor stored silver will help to preserve its liancy. +***-«-M * * t ■ r it nt t ti, tt ttjt m / irTr it i INDIGESTION, GAS, rct.fi JLO-cent box now. Y oii’re'bMio'uwL bing sensation in your head, a bad ■taste in your mouth, your eyes burn, your skin is yellow, with dark ring® under your eyes; your lips are parched. No wonder you feel ugly, mean and ill- tempered. Your system is full of bile not properly passed off, and what you need is a cleaning up inside. Don't continue being a bi*liou® nuisance to yourself and those who love you, and don’t resort to harsh physics that irri­ tate and injure. Remember that most disorders of the stomach, liver and IWHCaO ’O •VU.AV'U’ UJ AAAXL^ JT j gentle, thorough Casearets—they work ' while you sleep. A 10-cent box from ! your druggist wiMi keep your liver and ; bowels clean; stomach sweet, and your I head clear for months*. Children love i to take Casearets because they taste j good and never gripe or sicken.I _.________’ ......... , ... ... ....... ;_ *( i with bi-il-i'bowels are cured* by morning with V Canadian. Farmer erience cLes,f Booth, widely known Ontario farmer, and a sick man for 20 years, suffered daily, only half alive. 4 Now strong, robust, vigorous, credits new found health to Tanlac TliOuMi’ popularly known as “Les,”popyjarly known as “Les,J Mr. Booth’s ‘ correct first name is ■ George. His home is at 271 Perth St., Brookville. For the past three years hd has enjoyed vigorous health but what he endured before then is best told in his own words. “For twenty years my arms, shoulders, back and hips, ached with rheumatism," said - Mr. Booth. “Often I had to quit work entirely and I remember one bad. spell that kept me in bed for six months. “My case got to be so chronic that tho help ran the farm. I was prac­ tically helpless. Even my wrists and • hands would swell up so that I couldn’t Write my name. I dreaded bedtime, for I got no rest, but Jay there in agony, waiting for morning. Nqrvous spells would seize me and I would tremble all over like a leaf. I couldn’t get any benefit from my food and had to force myself to eat. My weight was far below norftial. “Three years ago I decided to give TafilaC a good trial, for nothing else had helped mo. I could scarcely be­ lieve such results were possiblet as those Tanlac Soon showed. The aching stopped, my appetite camo back and I could eat heartily. My nights be- oatae more restful too^ I .riopt soundly. I gained 10 pounds which I still retain, and I now work hard out­ doors from 8 to 10 ho’urs a day. I never have an ache. It’s hardly believeable! It folks want to know What Tanlao can d(ell them to Write to Les Booth, or to come and sea mo. I’ll tell 'em." . If your health is broken from over­ work or neglect, profit from Mr. Booth’s experience. Try Tanlac, na­ ture’s Own body builder, made from roots, herbs and barks. Your druggist has it, Oyer 62 million bottles sold. SELF-WILLED BOY Cannot Be Reformed by Pris­ on Bars—Must be a Higher Appeal. ,.x . “No use sending this boy to the Shelter—bars not strong enough to hold him.’’ Thus wrote one of our Magistrates in referring to a lad who 'had committed.two or three offences against the law. He was probably right if the Shelter is considered from the standpoint of a prison, but entire­ ly wrong if he thought prison bars the; only way of subduing and controlling a lively boy. Too many deal with the young offender from that viewpoint— hence this comment on the futility of such methods of reformation. Our appeal is to the heart, to the intelli­ gence, the sympathy, the affections, the spirit of service, to all those finer elements in life and character that boys in common with all humanity possess in a more or less highly de­ veloped degree. Lack of faith, effort and enthusiasm on the part of the worker accounts for many of the fail­ ures and the lost opportunities that are so tragic in their later conse­ quences. What might have been and What we might have accomplished-'is one of the sad reflections that come to pus all when we look over the past. —J. J. Kelso. Some men ate so fond of an argu­ ment that they won’t even eat food’ that agrees with them. * I Already Has It. She - “I'll never marry a man whose fortune hasn’t at least five ciphers in It.” He (exultingly) — “Oh, darling! Mine’s all ciphers'.” Those old enemies, gas, acidity, pain and dis­ comfort arc soon Lnucl.rd for st fare-thee-well b.v Seigcl’s S’...... store.. . - . .. ■ ■ To Birds. Go if you will and must. Your round, bright eyes Will look on many marvels Without surprise. And you will rest in jungles And peer down craters And see slow ant-ea^i'S And alligators. Then you will come some morning To your old tree And set your old example Of domesticity. —Elizabeth Coatsworth. .: " • ' ' The Deduction. Sister—“What is an autobiography?” Brother—“Weil, auto means car and biography means a story. I guess it’s a story about a car.” Doctors vouch for Minard's Liniment, i J UPSET STOMACH B Instantly! “Pape’sDiapepsin 'Corrects Stomach so • Meals Digest ................................. The moment you eat a tablet of "Pape’s Diapepsin” your Indigestion is gone. No more distress from a sour, acid, upset stomach. No flatulence, heartburn, palpitation, or misery-mak­ ing gases. Correct your digestion for a few cents. Each package guaran­ teed by druggist to overcome stomach trouble. B.AVER K Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Pain Neuritis ToothacheDon’t get so interested In what you’re going to do to-morrow that you don’t do anything to-day. ISSUE No. 6—’27. ^Accept only “Bayer0 package which contains’p^oven directions. Handy “Bayer" boxes of 12 tablet# Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. Astfrln Is the trade mark (registered In Canada) Of Bayer Matmfnctws of MonoacettC- acldestor of Salicyllcacld (Acetyl Sallcylli! Acid, “A, 8. A.”), While ’» Vi well known thkt Aspirin tncins Bay£r manufacture, to assist the public against lw Tablets! of Bayer Company will be Btamped with their general trade Wittig -’Bayer Lumbago Rheumatism Headache Neuralgia DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART i—................. .