HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-02-10, Page 1TOTX-I'OVnTH YEAR, NO. 2767 been i ■» 1 1»AVCJ 4*4vVWLp 11 t*M 4*sP*y*. AI*V JAM-U/J vY«**rM6•. eieciea oxiicers • wjien fOur names v/ere placed in nman, K. N. creecn; nomination, viz: C. B. Snell, Geo. A PLAY ENTITLED de­ al. the Announcementeach sign will visit the K. MacFaul, Secretary { E Hay 2nd the the Del- or Tp. of com- Of- 1.30 Mrs. Nelson Kestle suffered a slight paralytic stroke on Sunday and is confined to her home. Monday on business. 1927 MODELS, Rooms waiting at once and'it is least fifteen miles of lines built this coming summer. Twenty-one cash prizes. $100 for the best list. Secure your contest sheet from the chairman This is a clean, humorous play. Come and have a laugh. ADMISSION 35c and 25c OPTOMETRIST Tires, and on hand; and a BATTERY SER- . . . ... Stanbury; Sec.- IJ^iss K. McFaul, at same Library representative for •9/^T. Prydc. resignation of Mr. B. M. WORD CONTEST? EXETER TIMES, ESTABLISHED 1873 I AMALGAMATED ’’KXIITHR ADVOCATE, ESTABLISHED 1887 J DECEMBER l»t, 11 SALE OF- EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10th, 1927 We place on sale this week over 100 Men’s Fine Shirts Arrow, T'ooke and Gordon, standard makes, in cords Broadcloths, etc; sizes 14 1*2 to 17 1*2 Values up to $3, all at one price only $1,95 each «■ 36 inch Comforter Chintz at 22c per yd. 20 New Patterns of beautiful quality comforter chintz, 36 inches wide, new designs and colorings, suitable for comforters, draperies, etc. Very special price 22c per yard. x Large Comforter Batting at 90c. Large comforter batting opens up 72 inches by 90 inches. A real good quality. Selling at 90 cents each. Special February Values in Cotton Staples . GOOD QUALITY LIGHT AND DARK PRINTS 23c PER YARD. 40 INCH AND 42 INCH CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON 35c PER YARD HEAVY ALL LINEN TEA AND ROLLER TOWELLINGS 5 YDS. for $1.00 HEAVY ENGLISH FLANNELETTE IN WHITE ONLY 27c and 29c YD. LARGE SIZE 12 x 4 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS (SECONDS) at $2.35 BOYS’ COAT SWEATERS 95c EACH MEN’S WOOLLEN GLOVES 39c PAIR. ■ LADIES’ CHAMOISETTE GLOVES 39c PAIR LADIES’ KNITTED BLOOMERS REGULAR $1.00 FOR 69c. FRILLED CURTAINS SUITABLE FOR BEDROOMS, ETC AT 95c PAIR Black Duchesse Dress Silk, $1.25 yd. For February only, 1 web 36 inch black Duchess Dress Silk. Good wearing quality. A real bargain this month at $1.25 a yard. DOWNPROOF SATEEN For Comforters, New Patterns, ijust Arrived. Selling at 75c a yard. Men’s Overcoats, including -some Navy Coats at $10 to $15. This is a rare chance to buy a good overcoat cheap Women’s Overshoes on Sale ADJUSTO STYLE E J i Jones & May ™onB32 j >lilllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllljllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIII[rH Si ATTEND BANQUET A banquet was tendered to the Premier, Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King and members of the federal cabinet at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, on Thursday evening of last week at which over fifteen hundred persons were present. The banquet was fol­ lowed by addresses by Premier King and Hon. Ernest Lapointe who spoke on the work of the Imperial conference, • describing how the var­ ious questions arose and their settle­ ment. Mr. King said that the con­ ference had in no way altered the constitution of this or any other do­ minion. The., speakers were given a great ovation and their addresses were broadcasted by radio many list­ ening in throughout this community. Among those present from South Huron were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker, of Crediton; Mr. J. G. Stan­ bury artd son Stuart and J. M. South- cott, of town; 'Dr. Shaw, of Clinton and Thos." McMillan, M.P., of Sea- BOARD OF EDUCATION The inaugural meeting of the Ex­ eter Board of Education was held in the office of the secretary on Wednesday evening, February 2nd. After signing of the declaration of Vi. office by the newly elected and ap- TOSfinh pointed jpemhers present, the fol- ’ - lowing Were C ' for 1927.'; Chai Vice-chairman, J. G Treas., salary; 1927-8 The Francis as a member of the board was read’, J. G. Stanbury, F, J. Delbridge: That the resignation be accepted anfl that Mr. E. M, Dignan be electee! to fill the vacancy. Car­ ried. ■ The chairman named the follow­ ing strikipg committee: J. G. Stan- bury, W. .'May and F. J, Delbridge. Their reilmt being received, was adopted as follows, the first named to be chairman: Insurance Committee—E. M, Dig­ nan, W. A. Turnbull, W, H. Dear­ ing. Fuel—H. T, Rowe, W, H. Dear­ ing, J. Elston, Teachers and Supplies—W. May, R. N. Creech, II. T. Rowe. J. G. Stan- bury. Finance—R. N. Creech, E. Dignan, F. J. Delbridge. Scholarshiii—J. G. Stanbury, W. A. Turnbull, W. May, Mrs. Mollard and Prin„ Wethey. Building and Grounds—J. Elston, Mrs. Mollard, R. N. Creech, F. J. Delbridge? The regular meeting day was fix­ ed for the third Monday of month. Per. H. T. Rowe and F. J. bridge: fliat Vice-Chairman and the secretary­ treasurer be empowered to cheques in payment of accounts and salaries. Carried. The reports of the principals were received and ordered filed on motion of Mr. Stanbury and Mrs. Mollard, with the request that the secretary seek information from London in­ spector as to use of phonograph in different subjects. * The public school principal was probable’ to com- GEORGE WILLIAMS IS NEW COUNCILLOR Mr, George Williams has elected by acclamation to fill the position on the Exeter council made i vacant by the death oil the late i Hawkins. A nomination meeting was held Monday evening Williams, Birtle M. Francis and Harper C. Rivers. The nomination was held in the Town Hall but owing to another meeting the citizens ad­ journed to the firemen’s room and there listened to short addresses by the nominees. All expressed -egret at the cause for the new nomination and while all were aspirants for the position none of them wished to cause an election. The meeting was a particularly free and happy one and after the nominees had spoken Chairman Joseph Senior called on the movers and seconders of the candidates to say a few words. Short speeches were made by W. J, Carling John Taylor, Thos. Jones and A, E, Fuke, The candidates had until nine o’clock Tuesday evening to qualify and the only one to qualify was Geo. Williams and he was dared elected by acclamation. OUTLINE WHEAT POOL A public meeting was' held in Town Hall Monday evening regard­ ing the proposed forming of an On­ tario Wheat Pool. The speakers were W. A. Amos, president of the U. F. O.; H. A. Gilroy, president of the U. F. O. Co-operative Co. nd Secretary J. J. Morrison. Stirring addresses were given on farmers controlling, where possible, their na- tral produce and co-operating in the marketing of them. It is proposed to orgnize by districts in the wheat pool and the Co-operative company is lending its organization to put the thing across. Five year con­ tracts were distributed and if suf­ ficient signers are- obtained by the canvassers a district organization be affected. HYDRO FOR THE FARM Hydro power for farm purposes is being brought to the attention of the farmers of the Township of Us­ borne. A meeting was held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Wednesday afternoon of last week addressed by W. V. Bishop, engineer of the fl.E. P.O. and chairman J. Hind, of the Exeter Public Utilities. Mr. H. Strang, of. Usborne was chairman. A similar meeting was held at the Township Hall, Elimville, on Thurs­ day. An effort will be made to run one or two main lines through the township linking up Kirkton and Woodham. From these it is pro­ posed to run branch lines up and down the concessions wherever an average of three farms to the mile can be linked up. The service charge for the Exeter rural power district has been reduced from $60 to $39.42 and the consumption charge has been reduced from 7 to 5c for the first 42 K.W- hours, ever that amount 2e per K.W, hour. These attractive prices have been made possible because of the i>ion- eering work that has already been done. As 'consumption, increases the prices for power will no doubt decrease as this has been the ex­ perience all along. It is estimated that the wiring for the average house and barn will cost between $150 and>$200. The cost of equip­ ment depends upon the number of appliances used. The average cost for lighting house and barn, pumping water, pulping roots, sep­ arating, running a washing ma­ chine, toaster, iron, etc,, is estimat­ ed at about $5.00 a month. Hydro lifts the drudgery from the home and the present price brings it with-. __ been con- opportuite contracts, the muni- estimated We Can Help You to See Better Our method of testing is most plete and our prices moderate, fice hours 9.30 to 12 a.m, and to 5 p.m, Evening by appointment S. FITTON Phone 75w. New 1 Homestead” will be presented by the young people of Winchelsea and Elimville / at ELIMVILLE UNITED CHURCH — on — Friday, February at 8 p.m. in the reach of nearly everyone, number of farmers have vinced that the time is and have already signed A canvas will be made of cipality that at will be asked to ascertain the number of new scholars mence after Easter. - . The Board decided to school on Monday .afternoon at 4 o'clock tp investigate the necessity of somene-w.d^esks, blackboards,-etc. ' Miss Helen Penhale having won second place in the District Entrance examinations as well as the first place in Exeter School, she was en­ titled to the second scholarship therefor, and the board ordered that a cheque for $5.00 be sent to her. Three small supply accounts were passed. DIED IN HAY TOWNSHIP The death took place in ,on Wednesday, February iMary Ann Gould, widow of the iate William Northcott, aged 7 G years, 2 months and 25 days. The deceas­ ed had not been well for some time and for over a month had been con­ fined to her bed. She was born in Reach Tp., near Pt. Perry, Ontario County in 1850 and in 1870 came to Hay Tp. with her parents settling on the farm now owned ®by Mr. Wm. Bieber. In 1874 she was married to Mr. Wm. Northcott who predeceas­ ed her" in 1914. Mrs. Northcott is survived by two sons and four daughters, Wm. J. and Mary E. at home, Mrs. Geo. Geddes, of London; Mrs. Chas. E. Aidworth, of Hay and Mrs. W. C. Pearce, of Exeter. The deceased was the oldest of a family of four, two of whom survive, Mr. James Gould, of Stratford, and Mrs, Roger Northcott, of town. The fun­ eral was held Friday afternoon con­ ducted by her pastor, Rev. F. E. Clysdale, interment in the Exeter cemetery. Among those from a dis­ tance who attended the funeral were Mrs. A. Wilson, Mrs. (Dr.) C. Lum­ ley, St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes and son Wm., Mr. H. Eyre and Mr. F. Brown, of London; Mr. James Gould', Miss Francis Pearce and Miss Marguerite Aidworth, of Stratford; Mrs. Adams and Mr. W. Wilsie, of Thedford; John Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. M. Box and daugh- T A ia rl C3 ci 11 A'f USBORNE COUNCIL The Municipal Council of- Township of Usborne met at Township Hall, Elimville, on Satur­ day, February 5th, 1927, pursuant to adjournment. All members were present with Reeve Ballantyne. in the chair. The minutes of the meet­ ing of January 10th were read and approved’ with the exception of the Hibbert Boundary Settlement, which was reconsidered and corrected on motion of Williams-Skinner. Correspondence — Acknowledge­ ment of grants from the Children’s Shelter, Sick Children’s Hospital and Muskoka Free Hospital, request .from the Ontario Municipal Associa­ tion for membership and fee. Filed. Notice of conference of Township Road Superintendants from the Highway Department urging a dele­ gate from Usborne with the offer of the Department bearing 50 per cent, of the expenses. Berry-Dew: That Henry Ford be instructed to attend if possible. Carried. Letter of Ontario Educational As­ sociation giving notice of convention in April and soliciting membership fee. Laid over to the March meet­ ing. Letters from the Cockshutt Ban­ quet Committee urging contribution. No action. Notice of County By-Law re Equalization of assessment received and contents noted. Ordered filed with Township By-Laws. By-law No. 3, 1927, re appoint­ ment of a Township Road Superin­ tendent and fixing salary of same „ .................. Mr. S. Hardy has been critically ill during the past week but at time of writing he is somewhat improved. The family were called home Mr, Earl Hardy coming from McConnell Man,, Mrs. Webber and son from Hornell, N.Y., and Mr, and Mrs. A. Ingram, were home from Detroit. Mr. Hardy’s many friends will hope for his recovery. Have you jr entered the W. S. HOWEY Exeter, Ont. MR. MILO SNELL wishes to an­ nounce that he has been authorized by the Ford Motor Co. to make some changes in connection with the GARAGE here, and to carry out their new policy of every Ford deal­ er, throughout Canada,, running his own service. In re-organizing Mr. Snell has taken into partnership with him his brother, MR. CLARISE SNELL, who will act as Sales Manager, and who will be pleased to meet pros­ pective customers and friends who will visit our Show Rooms. MR. THOMAS COATES, who is well known in Exeter and vicinity, has-been engaged as Service Mana­ ger? Mr. Coates has taken a course in electricity, and is an expert in the repair of all makes of cars. THE BEST OF EQUIPMENT has been installed in our garage and our customers can be assured of prompt and efficient service in repair work —and at moderate prices. A FULL STOCK of Ford parts, Dunlop and Firestone Accessories always Specialty made of VICE. NEW FORDS, now in our Show your inspection. USED CARS—We are in a. posi­ tion to deal cars and wijl pay the highest prices for second-hand cars. We take this opportunity of soli­ citing your business and extend to you an invitation to visit our Show Rooms. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A NEW- CAR—WE CAN INTEREST YOU.k|||||||Nyal Druggist Your Stock and ONTARIO BaiAitaaaasnHEgBaKM Poultry Need It/> Notice l $1.35 and $1.75 OF CARS AND TRACTORSand$1.00 $4.00, THE LATE MBS. EARL Phono 200 Exeter, Ont. meet IE Phone 102 (We Serve and Satisfy)We Deliver lyltin.. of and gone. bO' fade away. $2.00 ,45c. lb. lb. lb. lb. regis- s al ary Maple away Henry Strang, memory who died VWUb, ML tVRH) . OllcXVYj U1 Ci and Thos.' McMillan, M.P., of forth. Royal Purple Poultry Specific for POULTRY in 60c. and $1.75 packages ROUP CURE ............ 35 and 60c. Royal Purple Disinfectant .... 60c. on a and decay of her who sleeps SULPHUR, SALTS & SALT p PETRE HORSE CLIPPERS HORSE SINGERS RT.CAL REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Royal Purple Stock Specific HORSES, CATTLE AND PIGS in 60c. and $1.75 packages WORM POWDERS ............... 60c. COUGH POWDERS ..............60c. WE SPECIALIZE IN REBABBITING, REBORING AND ELECT- ' WORK 75c. 70c. Hockey Sticks Hockey Pucks Shin Pads ...... Prof. Ankle Supports CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Northcott desire to express “444” Axes guar. 15c. up 15 and 25c FOR BATTERY STORAGE AND SERVICE CALL 200 OYSTER SHELL, GRIT, AND BEEI? SCRAP STABLE BROOM ... STABLE SHOVELS * Cross Cut Saws Samson Axes guAr. Racer and Ldnce ^uar. $8.00 Handled Axes Tinsmithing and Plumbing GARB OF THANKS 1 a Black Diamond guar. $6.50 BIRTHS TOOKEY—In Lucan, on February to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Tookey, son. AUTOMOBILE SKATES FROM $1.50 UP Wm. _ ___ their sincere thanks to the many neigh­ bors and friends for their, kindness and expressions of sympathy during their recent bereavement and also for floral tributes. was read and passed on 'motion of I Williams-Skinner. Wm. Johns presented- the Audit­ ors’ Report for the year 1926 and certified the corrections of the Treasurer’s Statement. Berry-Dew: That the Auditors’ Report be adopted and 100 copies ordered printed. Carried. The offer of the Dominion Road Machinery Company for No. 2 main­ tenance Grader at reduced price of $130 was accepted and two purchas­ ed with freight paid to Exeter, on Motion of Berry-Dew. Skinner-Williams: That The fol- „ __ __ .. _ _ lowing bills be passed and orders is-tbr Lois and Mrs. S. Campbell, of! used for the payment of same, viz: Parkhill; Mr. and Mrs. W. Prance,'- ’ ................. Mr. and Mrs., J. Prance and daugh­ ter Irene, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lovie, of Win Chelsea and Messrs.' John Herb Young, of Crediton. We have moved our equipment from the Ford Garage to the property formerly owned by Wm. Ward, Implement dealer. Opposite the Public Library Beaman’s Hardware & Paint Store deaths GOULD—In Hay Tp., on Wednesday February 2nd, 1927, Mary Ann Gould, widow of the late William Northcott, aged 76 years, 2 months and 25 days. GAUL__At Ethel, Ont., on February 2nd, Mary Earl, relict of the late James Earl, aged 85 years, 5 months and 18 days. IRELAND—Tn Stratford on Febru­ ary 4th, Simpson L. Ireland, for­ merly of Grand Bend, in his 5 8 th year Airs. James Frayne desires to press her sincere thanks to 0X- her neighbors and many friends for their kindness atid sympathy expressed during her recent accident and her very great and sad bereavement. XN bHSMORlAM WEIN—In losing memory of Mrs. John F. Wein, who passed away one year ago to-day, February 8, 1927. A loving mother true and kind, No friend on earth like her we’ll find For all of us she did her best, And God gave her eternal rest. Her loving Sons and Daughters IN MEMORIAM FAHRNER—In loving Mrs. Chris. Fahrnef Feb. 12, 1925 Two years have passed __ Since one we loved so well Was taken, from our home on earth, With Jesus Christ to dwell. The flowers we placed upon her grave May wither But the love neath Shall never __ ___,. Sadly missed by husband and children* The remains of the late Mrs. Jas. Earl were brought’ to Exeter from the home of-her sister, Mrs. Adam Turnbull, of Ethel, on Saturday, last for interment beside those of her late husband. The deceased had been ill for about two weeks with pneumonia. Mrs. Earl’s maiden name was Mary Sinclair. She vas born in the Orkney Islands, August 19th, 1842. being 85 years, 5 months and 15 days. She came to j Canada with her parents and sot-; tied in Grey township, In 1878 1 she was married to the late Janies | Earl who predeceased her 14 years ; ago. After their marriage they liv-' od for a time on the farm now own- ■ ed by Mr. C. Frayno, on the Thames Road and from there they weht to Hibbert where they farmed for five years before moving.to Elimville. They lived at Elimville for nearly thirty years until after the death cf Mr, Earl when the deceased wont tp Ethel to make her home. The de­ ceased was one of a family of six. Mrs. Turnbull being the only surviv­ or. Mr. Hy. Tindall and Mr, John Earl, of Seaforth, accompanied the remains to Exeter. Wm. Johns, auditing $10; E. N. Shier, do. $10; Gladman & St,an­ bury, fees and deeds closing William Street, $45; Clerk, B. M. D. trations $15; Frank Coates, as treasurer $85. stamps $25, $110; travelling road 5—Fred Ford * ' ' Wesley Webber $2.00, Hector Row- cliffe $4. Whitney Coates $4: Henry Ford, superintendance $7.00, team work $1,25; R. Skinner, 140 cords gravel Bidd. Bdy. $105, Trcas. Hib­ bert, balance, duo of boundary ac­ count $63.93.. ■ Carried ......... Berry: That we adjourn to March 5tli. Mr, Wm. Harris, of Cardiff, is visiting with Mr, Chas. Cann and [ other friends in this community. I Mr. Wallace, of Rochester, N. Y.,; visited with his son-in-law and | daughter, Dr. E. S. and Mrs. Steiner, for a few days last week. Mr. i Wallace was returning home from a ( trip to Chicago. Mrs. Steiner ac*» eompanied him to Rochester visit. Miss Charlotte Smith, of Lodge, McGillivray, passed < dv Monduv morning nt the homo {.* b-v brother-in-law, Mrs. Harry Smith, I. .tike Rtmd. The remains were taken to Maple Lodge, and the funeral win be held Thursday after­ noon to Carlisle cemetery- EXETER GARAGE Chambers Bros. More Fish, Fewer ills, No Doctors, No pills. 11. C. Salmon, Silvorbright, fish, 16c lb., sliced ..... .......... 18c Halibut, sliced ..................................................................... 30c, Winter Caught Whitefish, dressed ................................ . 18c. Lake Superior Herring .......................................... 9c, Finnan ITaddie ............. ............................................................ 12S<db. Beacon Haddie ............................................... 17c. lb. Fillets .................................................................................... 20c. lb. OYSTERS, LIMBURGER.KEG GRAPES, POP CORN, POP, CEL­ ERY, LETTUCE, CABBAGE, TURNIPS, APPLES, CARROTS, PARS­ NIPS, BROKEN SODAS, ICE CREAM BRICKS, ETC. ■ HARVEY & HARVEY