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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-01-27, Page 8
*.0; far. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JANUARY «7, 192T 1 t. J. 'T'^T'Tg? " Exeter Markets 9 Coats T STEWART’S -Phone 16 Men’s Bar.ie Cloth,Coats Underwear Hats ’I ^5 *3 J p. c. discount off every Ladies’ *^<^3 and Girls’ Coat in stock, and 33 1-3 per cent, off all Men’s and Overcoats, excepting Barrie C Wheat $1.25 Oats 45c. Barley 55c. Manitoba flour $4,55. Blended flour $4.05 Pastry flour $3,55 Feed Flour $2.10, Shorts $1.75. Bran $1.65. Creamery butter 48c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Hpgs butter 38-41c< extras 42c. pullets 32c. seconds 32c, ?10.75. selects $11.82. r locals _s t I!' Ladies’ Coats, $10 to $35 All subject to One Third Less Men’s Overcoats, $15 to $32 All subject to One Third Less . Come to die Tea Meeting at Main St. chui’di February 4th. Hot sup per served from 5.30 to 8 p.m. fol lowed by splendid program: Zurich ladies’ chorus, Miss Elizabeth Ren nie, reader; Miss Ellis, Hensail, reader; local talent, greetings from resident ministers. Admission 4Oc. and 25c. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rst* Jamei Foote, B.A.. Minister IP a.m.-—Sunday School • 11 a.m.—“The Soul of the Hand” 7 p.m,’-—“Servant in Spirit.” second of Historical Series. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Roy, D. McTavish, Pastor W, R. Goulding, A.T.C.M« Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.-—“Isdiah, The Prophet Holiness.” 4th in the series Paintings of the Prophets, p.m.—Sunday School. p,m—“The Tragedy of a Jealous Heart,” 4th in series on “Bi lie Tragedies.” Cf cn 3 7 Men’s Overcoats at Reduced Prices It will pay you to buy that new coat you are in need of.. We offer very Special Prices on any coat we have as we do not want to carry them over. Very Special Values at $18.50 - $22.50 - $25.00 MEN’S BARRIE CLOTH COATS ARE MADE FROM A PA TENTED CLOTH—PURE WOOL—YOU CAN’T TEAR IT—YOU CAN’T RAVELtIT—IT’S WINDPROOF—MOTH PROOF—AND ALMOST RAIN PROOF—WE BELIEVE /IT’S . THE BEST CLOTH COAT IN ONTARIO—SOLD UNDER AN ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE. YOUR MONEY BACK AT ANY TIME IF YOU . ARE THE LEAST BIT DISSATISFIED. / ■ ■ • ■ COME IN AND LOOK OUR COAT BARGAINS OVER YOU CANNOT BEAT OUR GROCERIES—QUALITY AND VALUE EVERY TIME. End of Season Clearance of Suits Overcoats Shirts Socks Mufflers Handkerchiefs Gloves W. W. TfV.. Merchant Tailor and Gents’ Outfitter is 5 r 4.^s*r ■<L ©SM The HARVEY BROS. EXtT£R.OMT CANADA 'J best ground and sifted cereal fcod ever offered for a man or wonjan’s*. appetite entertainment— “Exeter Flour 5 HARVEY BROS. Exeter Ontario I EXETER HORTICULTURALISTS MEET . • The annual meeting of the Horti cultural Society was held recently in the Town Hall. The reports receiv ed showed a good year’s work dope. Each Saturday a Window display of blooms, both cut and potted plants, Was made and these* proved of great interest to flower lovefs. At the meeting it was decided to continue these displays during the coming season “arid td hold another floier show in August,. The election of officers ■resulted as follows: Honor-, ary president, I. Cdfling; presi dent* j: s. Harvey; ■ 1st vice-presi- ■ent’ G. S, Howard; 2nd vjeerte'em- 5ent, Mrs. (Dr.) Hyndman;' dbdrfet- ary-treasurer, J* G. Stanbury; ex ecutive committee, Messrs. M* R. Complin, J. Hunter, Miss L. M* Jeckefl, Miss Andrew; parks com mitted, Messrs H. Johnston, W. G. Medd, B; W. F. Beavers, James g^okeil and W, H* pearjng* Mr. B. M. Francis i& in* London attending a convention of. Canada. Life Insurance agents. The Exeter Womens' Institute held their January meeting in Sen-' ior’s Hall on Tuesday ^evening. A- talk on the Armenian Boys’ Farm at; Georgetown was-giyep by Miss A Mc Kenzie who has Spent Considerable time there. The Institute members; were very "much interested in this- first hand information particularly so as they are Jielpteg to- support an Armenian Boy at ithis . .Institution. Miss M. Harvey gave a very interest ing demonstration ' on wax Work .showing how common articles can 'be made things of beauty by the use of vfeut 'the voc^r"duett by> Misses E, Jones and R. Rowe added much ttf.HhP'’ evening’s4 .■program. Miss Medd gave a te&st' Interesting talk oh durrent events, The report of Trip around the^i^^rid Showed it had been a success netting the In stitute about $&0.00^^ They decided to hold a progressive crokinole party February 11 th, Mrs. Wm. Kuntz and Miss Ella Link spent Saturday in London. Mr. Jos. Grant, of London, spent the week-end under roof. Miss Thelma Ford home after spending in Detroit. Mrs. Turner, of Bayfield, is^ visit- ng her son-in-law, Freckleton. Mr. W. J. Beer is tending a gathering Arch masons. Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Roulston and son Verne are spending a couple of days in London. Mrs. Esli Heywood is visiting fox* a week with hex* sister Mrs. Ed. Fah- ner, of Crediton. Mr. Janies Morley is Wednesday and Thursday and Sarnia on business. . Mr. Robt. Pollock, visited with Mr. and and other friends in ity. Mrs. Wm. Vale, of visited with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. McDowell, of Denfield, on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clarke,. of Windthorst, Sask., are visiting with relatives and Exeter. Mrs. A. E. J. Jamison, _ .. __ guests on MTonday at the home of* Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant. The death took place in Detroit on Saturday of Mr. Ed. Cavanaugh, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. John Keys of town. The deceased' had been ailing for some time. Judge Doyle, who.,, ter 33 years was Seniox- Judge of Huron County, died at his home in Seattle on Mon pay of last week at the age of 85 years. Since his retirement ten yeqrs ago, Judge Doyle has resided ip. Seattip, Mr. Tbqs McCurdy has been ord ered to his bed by his physiciari. Mr. McCurdy, who suffered from the “flu” a year ago never fully recover ed his strength and it is' hoped that a rest will do him good. Mr. W. A. Fisher, mahager of the Dominion Bank at, St. Johns, N.B., spent a tew days'in towix visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher. He left Tuesday, evening to attend the annual meeting of the bank at Toronto. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late Peter L-. Oke, on Monday were Mr. G. K. Heaman, of Toronto; Mr. H. E. Tomlinson and son Clifford, Mrs. J. Lutton, of London, and Mr. E. Wark, of- Popular Hill. Miss M. A. Horton and her Sun day school Class of young ladies had a sleigh ride party on Thursday evening, afterwards going to the home of Miss Ruth Jory where lunch was served and a very ■pleas ant evening was spent by all. On Wednesday of last week Mrs. Gilbert Freckleton, of town, under went an operation for acute appen dicitis at Dr. Fletcher’s hospital, the operation being performed by Dr. Peever, of London and Dr. Fletcher. Mrs. Freckleton’s many friends will be pleased to know she is getting along nicely. “Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moir of De troit, are, ;new-comers to . town to pass the evening of their days. They reside on Queen fStedel south, at the corner of Stanley street. Al though only a few weeks here, Wxey are noticing .the improved living conditions as compared with the big City of Detroit.”—Kingsville Re porter. Mr. J. Elston received word Mon day from his sister, Miss Dinah El ston, of Edmonton, Alta., stating that she was recovering from her re cent accident. Miss Elston narrow ly escaped instant death when a milk bottle dropped from a third- the the MAIN STREET. UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E. Clysdale, Pastor 11 a.m.—-‘‘Christian Memorials.”- A preparation for Holy Commun ion to be celebrated February 6. —Sunday School. . -“Processes of the Soul.” Part II, Healthful services; invite friends; .come yourself. Get clos er to folks pud God. “A wel come for all.” 3 7 p.m. p.ni. your the parental has returned several weeks Mr. Gilbert in London at- q£ the Royal spending in London Manitoba,of Manitoba, Mrs. J. Rowe this conunun- Exeter North, friends in and around Sutherland and Mr. K. of Glencoe, were the storey window and struck her In head. Her life was saved by bandeau in her hat. EXETER. AGRICULTURAL 'SOCIETY . The annual meeting of the Exeter rAgricultural Society was held in the •Town Hall, on Thursday afternoon last with a goodly attendance. Mr. , Fred Hunkin filled the chair very • capably. The financial report was read and proved quite satisfactory, ; Mr. Wm, Andrew, delegate to the County ■ Fair Association, t hgld at Stratford,..gay® a report of the pro- [ceedings, arid the auditors gave their report, The officers for the ensuing year are as follows Jari. Jebkell*, * 1st vice-pres., Elliott; 2nd vice-pros;, Fred. Eitef- ington; directors, Wm. Coates, Wm. Andrew, Thos. Hunkin, Fred Taylor, Dan, Dew, W. J. Henman, Ben. Wil liams, J. H. Grieve, Geo,. Pehhale; Lady directors, Mrs. W. R. EUlott, Mi’S. F. J. Christie and MrS. R. G, Hunter; auditors, C. H. Sanders Hhd Paul Coates* BreS., W. R, Reeves W. D. Sanders, of town; Jas. Ballantyne-, of Usborne; John Hayes and Deputy-Reeve R. Goetz, of Stephen are in Goderich attend ing County Council. The travelogue given in James St. United church Monday evening by Mr. Geo. W. Vaux, of Toronto, gen eral agent of the Union Pacific Rail way,, was one of .the finest entertain ments . given in Exeter . for some time. With magnificent views the audience ‘was' taken on a, trip from Chicago to. California through Den ver, Yejlovfstone Park and. many other places of 'iriterept. For over two hours Mr. Vaux held the inter est of his audience. The January meeting of James St. United church W. M. S. was held at the parsonage, the president presid ing. After the usual devotional ex ercises ' and ' business, Mrs. Miners took charge of the program. Chap ter four of the Study Book was tak en by Mrs.* Miners,’ Mrs. Mantle and Mrs.. Hooper.- A pleasing solo by Miss Vera Essery was much appre ciated. 'The 'meeting.'' closed with prayer.' Mrs! Mbllavd Will 'give' a short address afr the February meet ing to JijB held -at’the home Pedlar...at( 2:30,. Note the of the Hour./ 't t ' • •* .’V."The anniversary services James St. Sunday school on last were a splendid success, did congregations .were of- Mrs. change of the, Sunday Splen- present morning and evening and the pastor,. ,Rev. D. McTavishj preached two fine, sermons.. In thq;af.ternoon a special open session was ; hejd in the audi torium. The ■awirestr.a furnished several niusicar selections and an ad dress. was 3del|vere)il<<.by- the pq.stpy. Forty-spyeri spal® and dip|c>mus yrpre givei| tprthos^ who .had a perfect at tendance rpcord-;in lQ2q. Miss Mar garet Jphns receive^ '-•het -twelfth se^I, havi^ a .perfect record ter twelve .years.; . The. primary c|asp e£.ng qn4 Master ,Allen Penhale de lighted the audience with an excep tionally fine solo. The proceeds of the day amounted to over $90.00. • The Literary Society of'the Low er School-held' its'meeting' oh Janu ary 13 th With thej president, Marr jorie Westcott in -the Chair and Jeji- nie Passmore acting as:’secretary. The meeting* was opened by' the reading of the minutes of-the last meeting. As there. Was’ no- business t.o be done -the meeting was taken oyei* by Helen Penhale’s side and the following program was given: reading, G, Zwicker; play. entitled “Wife Wanted,” by several of_ the boys, and girls; reading^ Hazel Hay? jokes, T. .Allen; reading, Willie Balkwill; riddles, Dorothy Thomp son; reading, Anna Hackney. The Herald -.was then ' read by Grace Chambers, and the critic’s, report was given by Mr. Wethey. ■ .Alter the program candy was.passed. The meeting was then brought to a -dose by singing “God Save the King.” ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING The Annual “Vestry Meeting of Trivitt Memorial Church was -held on Tuesday evening January 18th at 8 o’clock. The pastor presided and offered prayer after which he expressed his great pleasure at hav ing such a large number present. At this juncture Mr. William Pom fret the rector’s warden, read an ad dress of welcome to the new rector on behalf of the congregation, to, which Mr. Jones replied expressing the hope that his stay -at Exeter would be happy and beneficial to both the congregation and himself. The churchwardens’ report, as al so the reports of several organiza tions of the church were very satis factory. They showed many im provements having beeri undertak en during the year, and plans were also made.for a fruitful year to jome The officers for year are as follows; Rector’s warden, Wm. Pomfret; Peoples' warden. T. Sanders; lay Delegates to Synod, Messrs. R. H. Murphy and James Morley, substi tutes. Messrs. Dan Dew and Walter Cunningham. Select Vestrymen: Messrs. W. J. Stanlake, W. Cunning ham, J. L. Lewis, P. Dunsford, C. H. Sanders, Sid Senders, Mr. B. Cdmplin, R. H. Murphy,. «Ex Offi cio, The wardens, Financial' Sec’y i and Vestry Clerk. Sidesmen, Rich ard Davis, L. E. Day. James Morloy, Harry West, James Penrice and La- ' verhe Wells. Auditors, Messrs, M. R. Complin and Jas. Mt\rley; Fin ancial Sec’y, Mr. E, J. Wethoy; Vestry Clerk, L. Day. A congregational Tea ' proceeded the meeting of Vestry, and a real ; good time was enjoyed by all. Mueli; credit Is due the Ladles’ Guild ter * the etcelleht supper provided. The large number ptesent end the fine spirit which , prevailed throughout the whole' proceedings Is a good binen of a great year ahead. The? Vestey was. brought,-.to .a .close with TT=t Men’s Horsehide Mitts Ladies’ Winter Vests 3 dozen men’s horde?-hide mitts with good warm lining. A great wearer. Regular .value; >i$l;25). Special at per pail’ 08c. Of special quality 36 inches wide, good weight and fine weaye. Special at per yard 25c. ‘' Flannelette 25c. TV Colored Flannelettes The same' quality as we sold last year ter 35c a yard. Good patterns. Special price per yard 25c. 10 onl^-Flannel Dresses We. offer ter the1'week your choice of 10 Flannel Dresses, regular prices which were-‘$9.0:0?‘to* 11.00. Specially priced fqr this week youx* choice $6.50. In cream or white with short sleeves and V-neck, sizes 36, 38, 40 42. Special at each 75c. New Spring Goods at Reduced Prices • V New light prints per yard'A.A... 24c White flannellettef per. yard, ,25c. Colored flannellette .36-ih." wide- 25c Bleached table linen per yard-.*..65c 8 42-inch pillow cotton .... FOR SALE OR RENT . The Following Properties Brick Store on Main St., Exeter , . Commodious Brick dwelling, fur nace heated, and wired for Electric lighting, etc. with fixtures in place, John St. . Six and a half acres of choice land suitable for market garden, running through from Huron St. to John St. Choice Saskatchewan farms in the Carnduff, Fillmore, Plenty and Fro- besher districts. For price and terms on above see ROBERT E. PICKARD, John Street •EXETER.’ Agent for Great West Life Aa'ce Co. I . FOB SALEr-T-2 cutter?) pf J|ght Single sleighs, -set-’ of farm <tqales, double .beam, 1200 lb. capppify.. Apply yvra'. Walker,'' FxpterT$Ptth-’ . "■ ’ ' ‘?^l-ltp. . ■ ■ , —*.'” ■ i ■> GRASS FARM FOR ^ARR Splendid - grass term ter sale> known as part of west half lot 8 and 8, Concession South Boundary, Tp. of Hay, 146% acres more or less, 2 % miles west of Exeter North' >on the Lake -Road.- Excellent water supply. Apply to Moses Amy, Ex ecutor of J. S. Amy estate, Hay P.O. Ontario. •' J-27-2ec WANTED—150 to 300 lbs. of milk each day. Apply to W. F. Abbott, Exeter. i FOUND—At Khiva an auto tire. Owner may hhve same by paying for advt. Apply to Mrs. John Walker, R. 3, Dashwood. * 1-27-te FOR SALE—10.0 acre improved farm ' near Lucan, on good road, handy to school, good buildings, lots of water in house and. barn; 17 acres fall wheat, plowing all done. Will sell at Sacrifice. $3,000 cash, balance time. Address Box' 131, Lucan Post Office. 1-27-tf Wm. Ward desires to inform the farming community that although he has sold his warehouse on Main St., Exeter, to Chambers Bros., he yet retains the machine agency of the International Harvester Co. for Exeter and has reserved room in the warehouse for all repairs for 1927. Anyone needing machinery or im plements by calling at my office to •buy will receive liberal treatment as it- costs money to drive the roads business.—Wm* Ward. 1-27-2tcfor W. C. CUTBUSH Bricklaying and Plastering General Repair Work •fixeter Simcoe l-20-4tp st. The Exeter Canning Co. will be closed every Saturday afternoon commencing January 22nd until further notice. l-17-2tc TENDERS WANTED Tenders for wood 10 or 1'2 double cord two foot wood, beech or maple. Tenders to be in by January 31.*d at 8 p.m. for the Thames Road Unit ed church. Wood is to be on the ground by April 1st. AU tenders to be sept to secretary-treasurer., IT. ,11. Brown, R. R. No. 3, Exeter. FOR SALE—Open ’butter, good buggy, stable blanket good as new horse clipper, the property of the late Dr. Hyndman. Apply to E. .0; Appleton. l-lS^Stc Subscribers to the Times-Advo cate are coming in freely. The pried is $1,50 In Canada attd $2.00 _____ .... .. I__-rf. . , to the United States. Look at the the usual tote t>t thariks* and the: label and if the time has expired Benediction._____________________I send your remittance today.send your remittance today. l ib. North Star Bats 1-yard c,wide fancy chintz per yd. 25c Pure linen tea towelling at 18c yd. Two Loaves for One V .1 * Serve twice as much Bread, and solve the problem of how to make-the family dollar bring In most, nutrition. Bread makes the best basis. tei1'every meal. Enjoy It with yonr,,mqrning cup, your lunch eon'salad, your dinner soup.I iLockwood’s Better Bread is matchless food. Every loaf toppy, tasty and rich in nourish ment. W.H. LOCKWOOD - BAKER EXETER . ONTARIO GRANT'S BREAD It Quality*-' Counts-^— We Win” ■••■!.• “ ’ Ask For I/'.’ ' F Rich with Vitalizing Vitamines" .......Wholesome and Delicious. .JJr&ad; ils A’o'ur Best Food—Eat " .......... More Of It, Pies and Fancy Cakes, Etc. •*: Phone in Your Orderau (GRANT’S BAKERY - EXETER HURO RIE DEBENTURES Authorized by Government as Trustee Investments 5% per annum is paid half-year ly upon $100.00 or more for 1 to 5 years. Applications for same are accept ed at any time by CARLING & MORLEY BaiTl^ters &C-, Exeter, Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE Brick residence and garage with three choice lots on east side of William St., Exeter. Well built and best of material and workmanship throughout. Central location. Will make a choice home. Special terms of payment if desired. GLADMAN & Stanbury Solicitors for Vendor WANTED—-To hear from owner farm' for Sale. State cash price. D. F, Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 12-23-5tc t Bring your broken castings, mai lable, brass or ‘ steel, etc. and have them *made as good as new. Horse Shoeing General blacksmithing and acetylene welding. “ HILLARY HORTON Rs Goulding ...A* T* O. M. Organist and Choirmaster' ‘James St. United Church i instruction In Plano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music in Schools Concert Engagements Accepted Studio, Main St* B<nr 67, Phone 192 EXETER, ONT. Stock-Taking Bargains Buy for 1027 from this store wheri^ “SRrvfc.rt und Onnlitv CJnnntia’* ?“Service and Quality Counts’* R. N. ROWE FURNITURE DEALER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR ■ . Nigh* 20APhoi^ ■ ' 1 ' I lu ■ . j Have Your Eyes Examined To-day There is nothing to be gained bjr delaying that eye examination. There is much to be lost,.Each day that ypui eyes are under a strain makes it more difficult for your Optometrist to give you satis factory glasses You will be surprised at the thor oughness of our methods—and wilt be pleased with the ' Call today arid about your eyes.. glasses, learn the truth. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PHONE 70 Sylvester B. Taylor Jeweller, — Exeter Fitton’s Old Stand WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING* GUARANTEED FIRE INSURANCE FJIOTECT YOURSELF AGAINST * LOSS BY FIRE, WITH B. J. CHRISTIB OFFICE: North of Elliott and John* ■st J. U LI3VVISS BUILDING and CONTRACTING Homes and Barns ESTIMATES AND SUGGESTIONS GLADLY FURNISHED Pbone 152w John St. East, Exeter E. C. Harvey & L. V. Hagartfr — Agents — Mutual Life of Canadar* EXETER ONTARIO ......——...... . Hl............................ ............ >5 1S74 192Z The London Lite Insurance Go. ’ W. U. l’EARCE, AGENT Exeter. Phone 130 W. Residence, Ann St. two blocks westr of Ford Garage 1847 1927 CANADA LIFE The Oldest Assurance Co. In CanadM B. M. FRANCIS Phono 104, Exeter u J>