HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-01-20, Page 5grljurtl «jf QtommeiTe CLINTON, ONTARIO Dr. H.H, Cowen, L.D.S. D. D. S. DENTAL SUBGEON .At office in Hartlolb Block, Dash­ wood, first three das of week ainbi the EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATe THURSDAY, JANUARY 20G:, Dashwood CREDITON School Re-opens for Winter Term TUESDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1927 Why not attend the School that has thp Highly Qualified StaH< The only SchooLthat teaches real Practical Business Training from start to finish. Where High School students and teachers are taught spsciul- ized expert training in Business Administration and Secretarial - Scince and are sure o£ a good pp sition, rapid promotion and big income. COURSES Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Cicil Service Commercial Teachers Course and Special Courses arranged. For Information Write to B, F, WARD, B.A., M,Accts. Phone 198 Principal HENSALL NOTICE With every set of new handmade 3iarness you buy or order from us up •to the 1st of March we will give one' ipaii* of work shoes free. We have English Oak and Canadian tanned Jiand made harness in stock at xea- Bonable prices. Call and see our harness before purchasing. T. D. WREN, Hensail Mr. John Fluker, who has been ■visiting friends in this vicinity for some time returned to Auburn, on Tuesday, taking with him his two little grandsons who will visit with liiin for some time. The services in the United church on Sunday last were largely attend­ ed. At the morning service the choir rendered their usual anthem and a quartette composed of Mrs. Alf. Clark, Mrs. Sinclair, Mr. Geo. Eollick and Mr. W. O. Goodwin, sang '‘The Homeland” and at the evening ^service the choir rendered two an­ thems,. Rev. Mr. Sinclair preached ;st both services. The Hensall Horticultural Society lield its annual meeting in the town liall on Saturday evening with Mrs. <J. A. McDonell, president, in the chair. The society, with the co-op­ eration of the council, is planning to make improvements with flower beds in several localities, among ^hich is the school ground. Nearly sill the present officers were re-elect­ ed. We heartily endorse t'he work of the Horticultural Society, and no­ tice in the towns around us these societites are very active in beauti­ fying the parks’ and other places in then* town, Hensall has about six acres of park land, and the north 3half of it id being devoted for sports, . Tsve would suggest that the Horticul­ tural Society take over the balance >»f the park property and lew years sa beauty ■writer well lorla Park, an a few short years it has grew up to be a beauty spot. A little money spent judiciously, plenty of trees sand flowers, and a little work when­ ever possible by our citizens and Hensall could boast of its beautiful jiark as well as other things that they have now. see in a if they could not. create spot fox* Hensall. The remembers "when the Vic- Exeter was laid out, and■ ~ Miss Eleanor Fisher ORGANIST HENSALL UNITED CHURCH „ TUITION IN PIANO ‘Terms Moderate Phone 68 DR. R. P: I. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of Medicine, and Master of Science, .University of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians sand Surgeons of Ontario. Office two doors east of Post Office. Thone 56 Residence 114 HENSALL, ONT. ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY J8 Years Experience, Prices Reason­ able, Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Charge Phone 57-13 Dashwood B. B. 1, DASHWOOD, ONT. Wall Paper In the Latest Designs Prices from 10c. to $1.50 PER ROLL HARDWOOD FLOORING ' LAID AND POLISHED Hensall Ik /JfcSBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL Ijjp^'IRE INSURANCE COMPANY ) MeaS ■ Office, r’T JOHN ALLISON • Wlce-Presidont, JAS. MCKENZIE directors . yR,ANK mcconnell, sniON dow ROBT. NORRIS, WM. BROCK AGENTS '■ .aoHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fuliarton and Logaix W.A* TURNBULL .2^* geCrGtary-Tr6asurer D9, Exeter, Ontario, GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter1 Wedding bells are ringing in Hen­ sall. A great deal of sickness is at pre­ sent in town..,<- Mr. J. W. Ortwein visited in Clin­ ton on Thursday. « Miss Jessie Parks visited in Ex­ eter on Tuesday. Mr. Wxn.^ Stone intends leaving fox* Detroit on Monday. Mr. W, D. Sanders, of Exeter, vis­ ited in town on Friday. Mr. John Jdanson, reeve of Stan­ ley was in town oh Friday. Miss Bertha Bell is attending the millinery opening in Toronto. * ‘ Mrs. Robt. Bontlxron is visiting hex* daughtex* Mrs. Jas. McMartin, in Barrie. Miss Flossie Foss, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Foss. Oxx Sunday morning, February 6, comnxunioxx service will be held in the United church- A numbex* from here attended the funeral of the late Joseph Hawkins in Exeter-on Tuesday. On January 30 will be Men’s Day in the United church, a mien’s choir will’furnish the music. Mr. Wm. Luker was in Wall ace­ burg last week attending the funeral of his brother-in-law. Mr. Petty and team was in Clin­ ton on Tuesday evening, installing the officers of tlie Clinton Lodge of the LO.O.F. Mrs. Kyle, who has been visiting hei* daughter,’Mrs. Wm. Consitt, left Thursday for Toronto to visit hex* son foi* a few months. Mr. Garnet Ca^e has been confin­ ed to his home foi* nearly a week. Mr. Robert Higgins was threatened With pneumonia, but is recovering. The firemen of the village are having another dance and euchre, party in the Town Hall on Thursday ‘ evening, January 20. A good crowd is Being looked for. The meeting of the village coun­ cil which was to have been held on Tuesday evening of this week has been postponed foi* a few days ow­ ing to the illness of Councillor Ro­ bert Higgins. The many rriends of Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell will be sorry to lxeai* that they are both confined to theii* home through illness, Mr. Caldwell being confined to his bed. Mr. Robert Caldwell, of Toronto, was sent for,’ and has arrived to help wait on his father and mother. The young people of the Presby­ terian church, held a skating party at tiie rink on Monday evening. A number of prizes were given,, and after several hours of enjoyment on- the rink, a dainty lunch was served in the basement of the church. We forgot to mention last week that at the match between Exetei* and Hensall two weeks ago Wm. Deitz, of Kippen won the prize of 10 pounds of Drummond’s best beef steak. It was real clever, of the hockey committee to be able to judge so closely Bills eating capacity. The young people of the United church held theii* regulax* league meeting on Monday evening with a Iarge„ attendance present. The meet­ ing was in chai-ge of Miss Emily Morrison and presided over by Miss Enxma Dickson. The meeting was opened by the singing of a hymn after which all repeated the Lord’s Prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Mildred Scruton. Mr. Follick gave a vei^y interestin'g topic on “The Model Church.” An instru­ mental duet by Miss Eleanor Fisher and Miss Irene Douglas, duet by Mrs. Sinclaii* and Mrs. Lee Hedden and a solo by Mr. Sam. Rennie were all greatly enjoyed. The meeting was closed by all repeating the Mispah benedection. The annual meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society was held at the Commercial Hotel here on Saturday afternoon and there- was the xisual large attendance. William Consitt, president, px*esided. It was decided to-have bpth a spring fair and also a spring‘seed show. The following officers were appointed: President, W. D. Sanders, of Exeter; ■fii'st vice-president, Dr. A. R. Camp­ bell, of Hensall; second vice-presi­ dent, Matthew Clark, of the Town­ ship of Tuckorsmith: Sec’y-Troas. Keith McLean, of Seaforth; direc­ tors: Owen Geiger, John Manson, Oscar Klopp, Milton Love, Chris. Campbell, Wm. Pepper, Frank Bean, Bert Pock, Wm. Consitt. HENSALL LOSES TO’ ZURICH IN OVERTIME <ci 'i Wlxat whs .undoubtedly the best game played here this season was staged on* Friday evening last wlien tho local soxtot wei‘e defeated by the Zurich team aftex* sixty minutes ‘■of fast hookey ahd ton minutes ovex*- titne the score being 8-7 for Visitors. Hensall took the .early in tho game and had the of tho play in the first period ing three goals to tlie visitors tally. The second stanza was i fast and fairly clean, but saw1 the vis- ] iters hotch three goals to the Hen- mtll’s one ana thus tue period oau the load best SCOT- Ione also ed 'with the score 4 all. The final frame found both teams fighting to break the deadlock, which was ac­ complished by Hensail who bulged the Zurich twine twice at short in­ tervals. With Hensail 2 goals and about five minutes to go, affair looked like a win for the home team, but the Hensail team failed to resort to defensive tactics and within the last 5 minutes of regular time Zurich scored twice and the score was again tied, It may here be mentioned that Leroy O’Brien, playing right wing for the visitors scored all six of theii’ goals, several being on nice combination play. The overtime was hard fought with Hensail again the first to score when Bell took the puck down the right wing and got a perfect angle shot away which easily beat Bedard. The visitors, however, came back strong in the second five minutes and got the tying goal from a melee in front of the Hen sail net and the last and best bit of hockey of the evening came when Gascho, visitor’s left defense man secured .the puck at his own defense and stick handled his way, unassisted through the en­ tire Hensall team and beat Hedden at the goal. It was a pretty piece of work and. deserves credit. „ For ,the visitors Gascho ‘and Leroy O’Brien were the best, although there was not much to choose be­ tween the Hensall team, all trying hard and deserving a better out­ come. One unfortunate accident occurred near the end of the final period when Blowes, Hensail’s speedy right winger, when engaged in a scramble, was hit with a stick in this mouth, resulting in the loss of three teeth, jvhicli put him out of the game in the overtime, Lee Hoff­ man, of Zurich, handled the referee’s bell and gave entire satisfaction. GRAND BEND in- uf> the someThe heaviest ’ snow fall for years fell here last week causing a lot of work to the villagers to clean the sidewalks. * Mr. Wm. Stebbens had his house wired for hydro. Just a few more and all will be wired up. The skating party on Wednesday night by the young people headed by'our worthy, Pastor, Rev. J. M. Colling was a huge success. About seventy-five in number gathered and after skating for awhile a arge bonfire came on the scene and !.unch was served by the young ladies and all enjoyed a good time. Mr. Joe Olivei* has been laid up with the old fashioned grip. Putting up ico for the season .is nearly complete. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Link and Mrs. Link’s mother, M'rs. Alex Wilds, vis­ ited at Bert Holt’s on Saturday last. Every'body, boys and girls, young and old grandmother, and all, axe expected t» be out in good time for Friday night, January 21st and re­ ceive a treat. It is to be a lecture by. the pastor, Rev. J. M. Colling en­ titled “Jack Spratt” in the United church of this place". Put on by the Y. P. S. and only 25c. for adults and 15c. for children, refreshments will fail, but come. -A large crowd meeting of the congregation range committees for the building of the new church. All committees have been duly elected and the con­ gregation expect to' build this com­ ing summer. , ’ \ Mr. and Mrs. John* Mosseau, who has been visiting friends around here, have gone to yisit in Detroit and elsewhere before returning to their home in Hensall,. A. large crowd gathered to hb"ar the sermon by Rev. J. M. Colling, on the “Sinners Welcome Home” Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs, Dave Sturgeon visit­ ed at tho home of Mr. S. Merner on Sunday. k The ice is beginning to form on the Jake and tho fishermen are hop­ ing to get some nets set this Week. Don’t forget to here ‘Jack Spratt’ on January 21st. After the be served. was out lecture Don’t to the to ■ ar- GRANTON UNITED CHURCH . . HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING GRANTON.—At the annual meet­ ing of the United church congrega­ tion held in the church Wednesday night, the following officers were’’’ elected; Session, W. D. Radcliffe, F. Riddell, Mrs. Alp, Jas. Keith, C. Mc­ Roberts, W. Lindsay, M.iss Frances Rigney, W. Kerslake and Richard Hobbs; stewards, E. McDonald, W. Langford, R. Spence, R. Slierritt, E. Harlton, F. Wallis, D. Westman, E; Middleton, G. Keith, W. Lindsay, C. Jones and J. Hodgson; Sunday school superintendent, C. W. McRob­ erts; corresponding secretary, S. Adamson; envelope secretary, W. Langford; treasurer, Morley Wass; ushers, Carleton Ridley, Clifton Knowles, Walter Jones, Ivor Lindsay Norman Riddell, Delmar Westman, Earl Middleton and Fred Wallis. The appointment of organist and choir leader was left with the ficial board.of- INJURIES FATAL TO GODERICH WORKMAN xGODERICH.—Thos, Lacey___ aged 68, of Goderich was fatally injured while at work in the plant of the Goderich Organ Company. He died in the Alexandre Marino and Gen­ eral Hospital at noon. Mr. Lacey was a valued employee of the Gode­ rich Organ Company. He was in the sanding 4*oom when in some un­ accountable manner, he became caught in a belt attached to a shaft­ ing*.‘"’“’in a second he was .whirled to the ceiling of the room. The ma­ chinery was immediately shut off. The injured was was taken down and removed to the hospital, Mr. Lacoy is survived by his widow, one daughter, Mary, of Goderich, and two SO11L, .H JUull’Oil.. at office over the Post Office, Zurich, last three days of week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wein visited London on Thursday. Miss O. Wilfong of Sask., is vis­ iting in this community, Mr. P. Mclsaac made a business trip to ^London on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. o. Restemeyer en­ tertained a number of their friends on Friday evening. Miss Lena Steinliagen, of Cleve­ land is visiting her brother Chas., who is still under the doctor’s care, Mr. Shenk spent a few days in Stratford last week. HOCKEY AT DASHWOOD Liist Friday evening Exeter hoc­ key team journeyed to Dashwood and played our boys a very close game. The score at the end of regulation time being 2-1 in favour of Dashwood. The score by periods was 0-0, 1-0 for Exeter and in the third period the red and blacks scor­ ed 2 and then played a defensive game. The score does not indicate the play as our hoys were continu­ ally. shooting the puck at Moir, the Exeter goalie and lie was stopping it from all angles. He saved his team from -a much larger score* Dashwood’s two goals were scored by tho Gaiser brothers. Hensall lost at Dashwood on Mon­ day night by the score of 11-3, it being the worst defeat of the sea­ son. The Red and Blacks were al­ ways in the lead the score by periods being 2-0, 7-1 11-3. The Dash­ wood forward line led by L. Tieman at centre played combination beauti­ fully and at the beginning of the second period slammed four goals into., the net in about as many min­ utes? They skated Hensall off their feet and were never in danger. In the first period Zimmer in goal for Dashwood had very little work to do. It would not be doing justice to the team to pick out one partic­ ular star, as the boys all played to­ gether very well and one starred • equally as well as the other. L. Tieman lead in goals scored and was always dangerous with his bul­ let-like shots. Fans don’t forget Zurich team will meet Dashwood on Dashwood Friday; January 21st and you sure see a good game. Come andycheer for your home team. Kirkton in ice will out One year ago the stone church closed its doors for public worship. A-t that time it was thought wise by the congregation to turn the key in the door and leave everything as it was for one yeax’, and then call a meeting and decide what would be best. The trustees, Messrs Albert Shier, R. Ross and Milton Gregory, tried to call a meeting on Thursday night but as tlie majority of the members have become connected with other churches they thought a meeting unnecessary, so it is left in the hands of the trustees to use their own judgment what they think best to Mrs. friends Mrs. son Elison, returned home on Thursday after visiting friends in Detroit. Rev. J. L. Foster* spoke on Sunday morning on the Maintenance and Extension Fund of the United church which was very interesting to those who heard him. The annual meeting of the Kirk­ ton Agricultural Society was held on Saturday afternoon. A goodly number were present. The secret­ ary-treasurer’s books showed a bal­ ance of $225.00. The directors in­ tend -holding a field day some time in June and other business was dis­ cussed. do. Walter Hazlowood is visiting in St. Marys. Chester Hazlewood and little Elison, returned Khiva Quite a number around here are laid up at present with the flu. Mr. and M’rs. Robert Clarke, of Saskatchewan, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Witzel on Friday. Mr. Alex Neeb was in Toronto a few days last week oix business. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willert visited friends in Zurich on Thursday. -Miss Ema Neeb is spending a couple of weeks at the home of Mr. M. Finkbeiner, Crediton. SAINTSBURY Mr. and Mrs. John Davis spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Mardlin, of Birr. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff. Ings, of Lon- ‘ ’ ' ’ ' ' ' ! Ofdon, spent last week at the home Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carroll. Mr. Harry Carroll is taking course at the O. A. 0., Guelph butter making. Miss Mary Dickens is visiting Kitchener. GREENWAY a in in 11thKeep the date of February open so you can attend the Oyster supper that will be given by the Ladies’ Aid of the United church. Watch for further particulars, Mr; ‘ “ - * sister Mr from The Ladiei the United church held a ____ meeting last Wednesday in the base­ ment. The Young People’s League are putting on a contest for the balance of the winter. Come to the meeting Thursday night and hear all about it. Wo ate glad to see Harold firophoy home again after his opera­ tion in Victoria Hospital* Mrs. Foster Is visiting David Foster in ParkhilJ. , - __>. Robert Eagleson visited her in Sarnia last week. Wm, Whitesides is recovering a severe attack of neuralgia. Aid and W. M. S. of anion Mrs. 1 David Foster her son Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clarke, Saskatchewan, are visiting friends here, Mrs, Wilfred Mack and£f.wo child­ ren are visiting friends Michigan. Mr, Eli Lawson and Mr, Godfreid Nicholson are getting a load of choice horses from Artland, Sask. Mr. Nicholson is out there now and -expects to arrive here with them next week. Mrs. August Kuhn and sons spent Saturday with her mother, Mrs. W. Clarke. Mr, tained week, Mr. Fahner, spent Saturday in London. Mr, James Carrol has been very ill but is improving. We welcome Mr, and Mrs. Fred, Gaisex* to their new home in town. Mr, Fred. Gaiser has taken ovei* his father’s farm. Mrs, Eli Lawson is confined to her home through illness. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Mark. Mitchell, of Centralia, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mr. Harry Lewis and Mr. Edward Fahner made a business trip to Lon­ don Saturday. Mrs,. Blake Heath and baby left Monday for her home in Windsor after visiting several weeks with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson had a Bell telephone installed in their home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eilber, who were visiting with their children in Detroit have returned home after a few weeks’ visit. Miss Della and Irene Fahner spent Saturday in London. The Dashwood Brass Band will be in attendance at the skating rink on Thursday night, January 20th which will give the best of music. Every­ body welcome. We are sorry to hear that Mr. F. Gaiser is under the doctor’s care. We wish him a speed? recovery. Miss Stock, of Tavistock, who lias been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. IT. Young returned home last week. Friend—You arc cordially invited to attend Divine Worship in the United church next Sunday evening, January 23rd, and hear the pastor speak on th ex. subject—■‘‘Some Rea­ sons Why I am a Christian,” The service begins at 7 o’clock. ‘‘Come thou with us and we will do thee good.” Missionary Sunday will be observ­ ed at the Evangelical church next Sunday. At the forenoon service the pastor will speak on ‘‘The "Com- and in the evening the missionary en- Evangelical church ‘‘covering a million annually.” Let this and Mrs. Ezra' Haist enter- a few friends one night last All report a jolly time. Harry Lewis and Mr. Ed- ing Kingdom” he will review deavors of the in every land dollar program be a fruitful study in missions by the entire church family. Mr. Daniel Oestreichex* has been under''’ the doctor's care for a few weeks. He is improving satisfact­ orily and we hope to soon meet him again on the streets of Crediton. Junior and Senior League woi*k will again be resumed on Friday evening at 7 and 8 o’clock respec­ tively at the Evangelical church. There passed peacefully away in Stephen on Saturday, January 15 th Mrs. Mary J. Bedford at the age of 61 years. Deceased, who was critical state of health at the of her husband’s death some months ago, never gained strength, and for the past months has made her home with hex­ sister, Mrs. F. Reeder, where she re­ ceived the kindest attention possible, She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawson, and by her kind and unselfish disposition she won the love of all who knew her. Even iix her last hours her chief concern was fox* the coxn'fort of those around her. She was a valued mem­ ber of the United church -and Rev. Mr. Hiscocks assisted by Rev. Irwin, of Centralia officiated at the funeral which took place on Monday after­ noon to the Exeter cemetery. She leaves to mourn her loss, three sis­ ters and five brothers; Mrs. F. Reed­ er, of Stephen. Mrs. T. Wilson, London and Mrs. J. Woodall, Crediton; George and Wilfred, Stephen; Josenh. of Crediton. James of Exetei* and Edward, of London. One her. in a time nine her few of of of brother Thomas predeceased ‘--------------7-^----------- THAMES ROAD Wedding bells. Mr. Moscrip, of 'Iroquois Falls, is spending a few days with his daugh­ ter, Mrs. Roy Robertson. Miss Madge Doupe is home again after visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Francis, of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Anderson, of Exeter, entertained tho former pupils of their Sunday school classes the teachers and officers of Thames Road church. Supper served at 6.30 after which a gram was enjoyed and the evening spent in games and .all returned home thanking Mr. and Mrs, son for a happy evening. Colds are very prevalent community just now, Mrs. Len. Harris visited at filyth, last week. Mr.- and M'rs. “Dutch” with the was pro­ Andor- in our friends __ __ ___ ____ _ Kestle were home for a couple of days, Miss Rheta Pollen is also home for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott visited ■ the latter’s father, Mr. Squires, who wo are glad to hear is progressing nicely after a serious operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. A very jolly evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pollen re­ cently when about 30 of their friends decided to visit them. Each arriv­ ed laden with good things and the visit was much enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Louie McNaughton entertained on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. Thompson also enter­ tained a number of relatives the same evening. SHIPKA The Shipka IV F. hold their annual moi day iiigliL January one interested come, 1I Make as many words as you can from the twelve letters in NYAL CREOP1IOS. You cap win $100.00. Get your contest sheets from the iRraDH uHf bDRUG STORE “Once a trial— always Nyal” 8 “Once a trial— always Nyal” Elimville Mrs. Ben Williams, who has been ill with a heavy cold and little Miss Hazel Williams who has been seri­ ously ill with whooping cough and flu are both recovering nicely, A number from this vicinity at­ tended the funeral on Tuesday of the late Mr. Jos. Hawkins, of Ex­ eter, who fox* years lived on his farm south of the village. The young people of the neighbor­hood are actively engaged xix im­ proving theix* skating rink. Several tanks of water have been drawn from the creek to flood it sufficient­ ly. Mrs. East of Saskatoon, visited at the homes of hex* brothers, Messrs. Len. and Mert. O'Reilly fox* several days during the past week, M'rs. Chas. Johns has been con­ fined to her bed with flu. she will soon be convalescent. Mr. *’ ill at Bruce We -hope Samuel Brock has been the home of his sister, Cooper. CLANDEBOYE quite Mrs. Owing to ill health, Michael Blake for many years auditoi* of Biddulph Township, has been forced to relin­ quish duties. He is succeeded by Amber. Carter, Clandeboye. This was the only change in township of­ ficers for the new year, according to Reeve R. T, Reycraft. The reeve states that only $1,000 remains un­ collected of the 192 6 taxes, "which totaled $3 8,000. Biddulph Town­ ship, it is expected will get approxi­ mately $3,000 Government grant for road expenditures in 1927, judging from the estimates already approv­ ed. Reeve Reycraft is a candidate for the warden’s chair this year, and judging from election gossip, he stands an excellent chance to annex the honor. He has served a total of 11 years as reeve of this municipal­ ity, while he has been in public life for more than 20 years. ........... \- WHALEN The W. M. S. held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Wilson Morley on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Jas. Baker, of Climax, Sask., spent a few days with his brother, Mr. Arthur Baker last weSk. Miss Edna Squire has fully recov­ ered having dice during Mr. Geo. his home, children, of the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Millson. Mr. Geo, Squire, Sr., of Granton, who has spent the past month in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, having undergone an operation for appendi­ citis. returned to the home of Clar­ ence Gunning on the Sth .of Blan- shard and is now doing as Well as crni be expected. suffered from the jaun- tlio last ten days. Millson is quite ill at Mrs. Geo. Mardlin and London Tp. have spent 0. ciub will j gave a ? ting 24 th CENTRALIA Mr. Irwin preached very interest­ ing and instructive sermons on Sun­ day. Mr. Homer Buswell is able to be home agaixx somewhat improved. Mrs. Wm. Essery and children are out again aftex* theix* recent illness. Conxe to the autograph party on Friday evening in the basement of the church. The death took place last Friday night of Mrs. Bedford, of Crediton, at the home of her sister, Mrs. F. Reeder, . she has been for this last three months, pected as the deceased had been in ill health-fox* some time. Interment took place last Monday afternoon to Exeter cemetery and was lax'gely at­ tended. Mrs. Geo. Baynlxam is ill and un­ dex* the doctors care this past fevp days- Mr. Irwin’s subject next Sunday evening in the United church on “Is tlie Bible the Word “The Men Whom All pews free. A who wish to hear Mrs. W. Hodgins, Clifford and Clara, of London, spent the week­ end at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Willis. Mr. Wm. Colwill, who has been on a business trip through the West this last few months has returned home,* Mr. Tlxos. Willis was in London last week attending the Dairymens' Convention. Mi'. M. McCabe received 2nd prize- in the individual scoring competition in buttoi’ at tho Dairymen’s Associa** tion of Western Ontario London last week. Mr. ceived a silvex* cup, the has won in a year. The regular monthly tho W. M. S. met last afternoon in the school room church. .. J. '__ the devotional exef'cises. Baynliam, Si* read short papers on work in India. Mrs. gave a helpful talk on the rules of the society. Little Jean Thompson sang a solo and Vera Kerslake Afterwards Mrs. took charge of new members of Fairfield Line, where Her death was not unex- of God?” will be God Inspired.” welcome to oil those interesting held McCabe second in he ofmeeting' Wednesday ho Mrs. Irwin, had charge of ' " Mrs. G. and Mrs. W. Parsons papers on missionary Irwin also reading. on Mon- Brooks, president Every-the meeting. Two wm*o reported. i Safety Bladw J Sharpened (any make) ^SINGLE EDGE .............. . ........ l DOUBLE EDGE ......................... 40. Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, Drpggist LOOK’ look: 1922 FORD TOURING WITH STARTER FOR SALE Good Running Shape FIRST $125 TAKES IT H, Bagshaw VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Spohr Method j G. M, GRANT I Phone 8 for appointments CARLING & MORLEY x Barristers, Solicitors^ Etc. ■ ] LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN­ SURANCE Office: Carling Bloek, Main Stre0 Exeter, Ont. GLADMAN & ST ANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance. Safe-deposit Vault tor use o£ our Clients without charge. Exetei* London Hensall ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer, ’investments £j Insurance Office one door south Times Office Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.jDJXS* DENTAL SUBGEON Late District Dental Officer of Military District Number One, Lon­ don, Ont. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 34J Main Street, Exeter, Ont Office open on Wednesday until April 20th, 1927 Dr. G. F. Roulston. L.D.S..D.D.SL DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling’s Law Office > Extractions Undex* Oxygen Gas Dr. A. R. Kinsman. L.L.D.,D.D.S« DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto 1 University Office over Gladman. & Stanbury’S Office, Main Street, Exeter DE. HARRY J. BROWNLVG M.D.C.M., Toronto < L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh L.F.P. & S. Glasgow Physician & Surgeon Office over Browning’s Drug Store Phones Residence 26J Office 2 6W DR. W. E. WEEKES Physician and Surgeon , Late Chief Interne Vancouver General Hospital CORONER FOR HURON COUNTY Office removed to the former Ford garage building corner of Main and Ann St. Office hours 2 to 5 and 7 to S p.m. Phone: Office 67W, Residence 67J DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, Mem­ ber of the Colleg of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Member of the British Medical Council. Phone 6—(The office of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman) DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON ' Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Office, old Ford Garage Building Corner of Main and Ann Streets Telephones: Office 15Sw, House 158j EXETER, ONT. Dr. A. B. Gibson, VETERINARY SURGEON Office anil residence, Main St. South Second house from end of pave- meu t East side of the road. All calls promptly attended to Accommodation for treatment of animals Phone 99 — Exeter, Ont. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER I for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed EXETER P. 0. or RING 138 JAMES W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in any locality., Farm Stock sales a specialty. Satis­ faction guarinteed. Charges mod­ erate, Orders left at this office will bo promptly attended to. R. R. No* 1, Kirkton, Phone Kirkton 54r2* AUCTIONEER OSCAK KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones’ Au­ ction School.. Special course taken in Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,) Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales, etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as-* sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich/ or phone 18-93, Zurich. ,