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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-01-13, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATk January w i.V I Dashwood > ews From Hensail mb sa a CLANDEBOYE Mr. and Mrs. Ches. Boyle, of Moose Jaw, Sask., who have been spending the past two weeks with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs, Simpson of this place left for Birr to spend a week with Mr, and Mrs, J. Cahoon, Mrs. Milton Henry and son of the west fs Spending the winter with hex* mothex’ Mi’s, John Simpson. Mr. Henry will arrive here next week with a car-load of horses. Mr. W. J. Cunningham has return ed home after spending a week in Woodstock. Hydro was turned on in the town a couple of-week ago. Most of all the houses are wired, Mr, E, Ab bott, of Windsor, is now engaged in wiring tlxe general store of Mr. J. Simpson, Mr. Rv L, Atkinson has returned home aftei’ relieving the agent at Brucefield for two weeks, He will leave for Toronto next week where he will continue in capacity of tele graph operator on the C, N, R, Mr. J, Lewis left for Warren, Mich to resume his position on the M. C. R. after spending a few weeks at his home here, Mr. Jas, McHargey will leave for Detroit this week where he will spend the winter. Mr. Joseph Armitage spent a few days this week with his daughtex* Mrs. L. Cohleigh, of London. Mrs. Thomas Lewis left fox’ Ailsa Craig where slxe will spend the win tex* with Mrs. Dorman. Miss Florence Lewis, of Detroit, spent n few days with hex* parents of this place before leaving fox* To ronto where she will spend d few4 weeks. z Miss Isabell Sltevenson, of London, spent tlxe week-bnd at the home of Mrs. John Simpson. The roads in this vicinity are in fair shape for sleighing and traffic. Mr, Andrew Patton, who has on the sick list is recovering nicely at present. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Hodgson re turned to their home in Owossa, Mich.-, after spending a few days with the former’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Esli Hodgson. Safety Razor Blades Sharpened (any make) SINGLE EDGE « ........ 3« DOUBLE EDGE .mm..... Perfect Edge Guaranteed S, COLE, Druggist J f$600 f in Prizes *1Dr. H. U, Cowen, L. D. S. IX D. S. PENTAL surgeon At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three das of week and at office over the post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Among those who are attending the Real Estate Excursion to Texas this week are: Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Kraft, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and Mr. Louis Rader, Mr, Fred Rader, gnd Mr. -Chas. Beaver. Mr. Elmer week after a Buffalo. Exercise your wits on discuss the report of th© County Valuators. Owing to the cold, stormy night, not as big a crowd wag pre sent as otherwise would have been, Mr. Alex. Murdock, clerk of the vil lage was called to the chair and om the platform were Reeve Geiger Councillors Higgins and Consitt, Mr Geigex* was first called on and thank ed the people of Hensall for electing him reeve by acclamation. Mr. Geiger gave a splendid address touching on the finances of the town school and county. He also gave a review of the work at the County Home and also spoke of the steps taken by the 192 6 council to secure better fire protection for the village. Mr. Geiger spoke for'a few minutes on the County Equalization, after which Councillor Robt. Higgins was called to speak on the Equalization report. Mr. Higgins thanked the electors present for the splendid vote given him on Monday. He spoke for a few minutes on the town a .’id school finances, and then gave a ie- view of the County Valuators’ report as it effects Hensall. He gave the reasons leading up to the appointing of the valuators, and read the motion as passed in committee, that the Val uators’ commission be composed of three members, one from the urban and two from the rural municipali ties- of the County. The men ap pointed were C. A. McDonell, 1-Ien- sall; W. H. Coates, Usborne; and Charles Stewart, of Ashfield. In case any one of the three members refusing to act, it was left to the warden’s committee to fill the., vac ancy. Mr. McDonell, of Hensall re- fuse'd to act, so the Warden’s com mittee met and appointed Mr. Wm. McQuillin, of Wawonosli, completely ignoring the claims to representation on the committee of the towns and villages of the County and the men who acted apparently did not take into consideration the conditions that exists in the..villages of the County to day?-^ Twenty years ago, when the last County Valuation was ‘ made, Hensall was a flourishing village, with about a dozen industries run ning full time, a large oatmeal mill, flour mill, salt well, foundry, two saw mills, two plaining mills, a large ■ coopei* shop, flax millsraand othex* in dustries; where to day, there is only the flax mill Running part of the time and the working men of the vil lage cannot secure work. Twenty years ago the assessment of Hensall for town purposes was $284,205 and the County Valuators at that time thought that assessment; too high, and made a twelve per cent, reduc tion, or $250,400. If the County Valuators of to day had looked at the matter as the Valuators of twenty years ago did, Hensall’s new valuation would have been 'about $345,000 or $100,000 less than valu- ated by the present' valuators, and an amount that the Hensall people’ would have been satisfied with. The County Valuation for assessment purposes has been raised, from $42,-, 501,400 to $45,892,400 or a differ ence of $3,391,000 of which the ten little towns and villages of the County have been raised $2,592,410 leaving the balance, of $798,590 to be assessed over the 800,000 acres or more comprising the Township’s part of the County of Huron or ac cording to the Valuators’ report the farms of Huron County are not worth a dollar an acre more than they were twenty years ago, and tak ing into consideration the' great amount of building, draining and fencing done on the farms, and the vast amount of money, spent by the County and Government in improv ing the roads. Mr. Higgins claimed that the earning powor-fof the farmer was as good as ever it w,as, if not better, when the earning power of the man in the small village is get ting less every year. People in pass ing through say what a fine built up village we have, but they said the same things of the fine buildings at St. Joseph a few years ago, and what happened to St. Joseph with nothing to back it up, and the same thing is going to happen to a lot of the qmal'l places in Ontario. Mr. Higgins claimed the County should take these things into consideration when making their County Valuation, should consider algo the amount of money spent by the County in build ings good roads .with the result that the farmer is going to the larger places to do business to the detri ment of the smaller places. Work must be found for the working men in the village or they will have to leave, and that means vadant houses. The speaker before he sat down showed up same of the assessments in the townships and compared them with the sellitig price of the same farms, Lot 13, Concession -2, Us borne, Township Assessment is $6200.00 and was sold some time ago for $10000.00, Lot 20, Con cession 2, Ste'phen, (if we remem ber tho figures correctly) is assess ed under $6000.00 and we .don’t think tile owner would consider an offei* less than $12000.00 for that farm. The Moyoart farm on the 1st Concession of Hay sold tho other ’day for over $9000,00. Mr. Higgins gave'1 these figures as an example of farm values, in this district, and in spite of tho fact tha't the Huron County Valuators, say that tho farms of Huron County aro hot worth a dollar an acre more than they were 20 years ago, Mr, Consitt was then called on and gave if short address thanking the Electors for electing him to tho now Council, but said lie was not suffi ciently posted, as yot, on town af fairs to discuss them. Reeve Geiger spoke again for a few minutes, after which Mr, Ort* Wein, a former Reeve and member of tho Council addressed tho meet ing after which a strongly worded resolution was passed instructing I Reefs Geiger to take whatever stops .he considered necessary to fight the 1 2 . I unreason able valuation by the A mooting was held in the Town county Valuators of the property of Hall bit Wednesday evening last to the Village of Hensall. gidjcrol of Ccmnuu't CLINTON, ONTARIO School Re-opens for Winter Term TUESDAY, JANUARY &tli, 1927 Why not attend the School that has the Highly Qualified Staff, The only School that teaches real Practical Business Training from start to finish, ■ Where High School students and teachers are taught spscial- ized expert training in Business Administration and Secretarial Scince and are sure of a good po sition, rapid promotion and big income. COURSES Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Cicil Service Commercial Teachers Course and Special Courses arranged.For Information Write to B. F. WARD, B.A., M.Accts. Phone 198 Principal ill Zimmer returned lust very pleasant visit in HENSALL Mrs. Henry Arnold visited in Clin ton on Tuesday. Mr. David Foss is confined to his home through illness. Mr. Augixtus Luker is confined to Ixis home through illness. Miss Dorothy I-Iefferman, wljo has Ixeen visiting in Seaforth has return ed home. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hunt and child, ©f Foremost, Alta., are visiting wich their mother Mrs. R. Hunt. Reeve Geiger is .in Goderich this week attending a meeting of the jCriminal Audit Board of the County, Mr. ’ and Mrs. J. Moussau and child left fox* an extended trip to Detroit and other places for a month Miss Nellie Carxnicheal, who has been in Stratford attending the fun eral of hex* uncle returned honxe on Saturday. Miss Beatrice Cudnxore, of Toron to, is home loking aftex* her pax*ents wh are both confined to theix* home •through illness. Mr. R. R. Maxwell, of St. John, K. B., is spending a few weeks with Jxis daughtex* Mrs. J. W. Peck and Mrs. Sydney McArthur. w The services in the United church on Sunday last were largely attend ed, Rev. Mr, Sinclair'occupying his own pulpit®at both services. Dr. John Hagan, o£ Chicago, visit ed ovei* the holidays with his mothex* Mrs. Hagan, of the Parx* Line. “While liere he presented his mother with 4a fine new radio. On Sunday, January 30 th, will be anen’s day ixx the United church and a men’s choix* will lead the singing. Special sermon’s will be delivered by tlxe pastor," Mr. Sinclair. Mr. George Ingram hag- purchased the Moyeart farm, Lot 10, Con, 1, Hay, tlxe ixrice being over. $9000.00. Mr. Moyeart held a sale of his farm implements on Tuesday afternoon everything realizing good prices. Mr. Moyeart came to this country from Belgium before the war, his wife and daughters who were behind the Herman lines in Belgium during the war joined hixn in this country at tlxe close of the war, and tlxe family this and A meeting of the W, M. S. of the United church, Hensail, was held in the schoolroom on Thursday, Jan. 6. . Mrs. Henry led in prayer, and Mrs. Steacy gave the bible' reading. A paper entitled ‘Faith in our Fel low Man,’ was given by Mrs. D. Can- telon. The visiting committee report ed calls made on 14 shut-ins and 4 sick people, the latter receiving re membrance of. fruit and flowers. The topic, India, was taken by the presi dent, Mrs. C. A. McDonnell. A let ter of appreciation was read, from Toronto for the Christmas Cheer that was sent from the Mission Band Mrs. S. Merner closed thg meeting with prayer. COUNCIL MEETING < The hewly elected Council of the Village met for its first meeting as set by statute on TVTnnrHvv *n.t. nnnn. all the office. ’is a member of the Criminal Audit Board of tlxe^County, to Goderich to attend the Board foi* a few thought advisable to first regular meeting evening, January 18th. The meet ing then adjourned. In the after noon Mr. Carmichael, of Ingersoll, came up and looked over the fire en gine and brought up the n,ew nozzle as agreed and was paid the balance owing him on the machine. The meeting of the new council on TuesX day evening will no, doubt be a mem orable one. K. 1 > statute on Monday *at noon, members taking the oath of Owing to Reevej Geiger, who having to go a meeting of days, it was postpone the till Tuesday The many friends of Mr. Chas. Steinhagen will regret to know that he is not recovering as fast as his' friends would like to see. Mr. Mervyn Tieman spent the week-end in London. Mrs. Otterbein and sou Chester Gaiser attended the funeral of her- sister, Mrs. Fred. McCrea, in Detroit on Saturday. Harold, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kraft is very ill with pneumonia. The following is the election of officers of the Evangelical E’.L.C.E- President, Mrs. Geo. Link; vice-pres. P. B. Moffat; see’y, Idejla Bender; Treas., Letta Guenther; cor. see’y, Edith Guenther; organist, Verna Birk; asst, organist, Mrs. A. Oes- treicher. The following are the officers of the Evangelical Sunday school, supt. A. Birk; asst, supt., Ezra Bender; see’y, Vernon Schatz; treas., Ben. Price; organist, Anna Tieman; asst, organist, Idella Bender; chorister, Catherine Finkbeiner; asst, chorist er, G. Oestreicher. Please take notice that the stores and business places of this village will be closed every night except Sat urday nights during January Febru ary and March. auto been very I How many words can you make up from the letters in NYAL CREOPHOS? The person sending the list con taining the greatest num ber of words will receive $100.00 in cash. Twenty other cash prizes will be given. Just go into the Nyel Drug Store and get as many entry sheets as you wish. Write your words on these sheets and send them to Nyal headquarters. No obligation. Just a friendly method of making more people acquainted with Cxeophos, the wonderful winter remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis, etc. Better drop in to-day at the LOOK! LOOK! 1922 FORD TOURING WITH STARTER FOR SALE Good Running Shape FIRST ?125 TAKES IT H. Bagshaw VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Spohr Method G. M. GRANT Phone 8 for appointments CROMARTY January meeting of the W. was held on Friday at the pf Mrs. Kenneth McKellar, Ixave certainly made good in ■country being hard working ^highly respected people. Miss Eleanor Fisher ORGANIST HENSALL UNITED CHURCH TUITION in piano “Terms Moderate Phone 68. ENTERTAINMENT An entertainment wa*s held in the basement of the Anglican church on Friday evening, January 7th. A good program was given by the Sunday-school, consisting of a carol entitled “Carol Sweetly Carol’’; reading by Mary ” Aldrich, < instru mental, Irene Hoggarth; reading, Albert Wolf; reading, Nellie Fee; song, Louise Drummond; reading Mabel Fee;' solo, Katherine Drys dale; reading, Beryl Drummond; reading, Edith Wolf; duet, Beryl Drummond and Florence McDonald;, pantomine entitled .“Sally’s Christ mas,” given by a number of the scholars; solo by Mr. Goodwin; mon ologue by May Wolf; reading, Marion McKay; candy drill by eight girls; reading, Herbert Naylor; reading, Mary Goodwin; mouth organ selec tion by Margaret. Drummond; read ing, Doreen Varley; carol by three girls; a play entitled “Christmas Plots,” which were all well given and enjoyed by the large audience. After the literary part of the even ing a dainty lunch was served. The M. S. home Friday being the day set apart for day of prayer by all auxiliaries of the Presbyterian church. The meet ing opened by singing P^alm selec tion 3 6, after which the president opened, with prayer. Mrs. Houghton read. the scripture lesson from the 40 th chapter of Isaiah. Mrs. Russell Scott read an interesting paper on the “Powex* of Prayer.” Mrs, Edgar Allen leading in prayer. M'rs. Wm. McLaren then read a portion of the scripture from Hebrew's 12th 1-14, after which Mrs. Hill led in prayer. Scripture reading by Mrs. T. Scott, a few minutes- talk on a vision of our W. M.’S. engirdling the world., The meeting was interspersed with suitable selections. Mrs. Lammon closed the meeting with prayer, the closing hymn txeing 509, “Day by Day the Mana Fell/’' and the Lord’s Prayei* in- unison. Mr, and Mrs. Cha's, Godbolt, Mr. and Mrs. Batten-, Mr. and Mrs. Flet cher, of Winchelsea, spent the day on Monday, the guest of Mrs. S. A. ’Miller. Mr. John Erving, of Brussels, who, was visiting friends and relatives around the village returned to his home on Tuesday. , \ Miss Lousie Burrough, of Strat ford, was the guest of her-cousin Miss Ethel Howe during the holi days. .GREENWAY Zurich (Too late fox* last week) Mx*. axxd Mrs. Thos. Bullock enter tained theix* childx*en and grand children oix New Year’s day. Miss Jean Foster “visited hex* home in Bayfield last week. Mr. and Mrs. English and Miss Olive spent New Year’s in London. Mrs. Angus McIntosh and Miss M. Pollock are visiting Mrs. C. Wood burn. Mr. Whiteside and Mrs. Sheritt spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. H. Harlton. ' Little Miss, Lorraine Eagleson has returned from visiting her aunt Mrs. Wareham, of Sarnia. Just at the entering in of the new yeax* death called Mr. Austin Hayter who has been ill fox* some time. ■ He had been suffering fox* some years from a. series of strokes each one leaving hinx a little, weaker. He spent his whole life in this com munity and was well and favorably known for his neighborliness and sterling qualities. He is survived by his^idow, (nee Miss Maggie Fos ter,) three sons, Elmer and Orville, of Detroit and Thurman on the home stead aud three daughters, Misses Uel'ilah, Inez and Chrystal at home; also one brother, Nelson and three sis’ters. Monday to Grand Bend and Avas largely attended. The funeral was held on cemetery W1 k DRUG STORE A jjjpfek “Once a trial— MBHaaffik always Ny^“ 5 “Once a trial-— always Ny^J” 5 S. S. NO. 11, STEPHEN Report of S. S. No. 11, Stephen for December. * absent for’ part of term: Sr. III.—Benedict Dietrich 402; Anna Dietrich 3 52; Charlie Dietrich 346, Blanche Morenz 304, Minerva Vincent 105*. Jr. III.—Leonard Disjardine 349, Jerome Dietrich 271, Edna Brenner 2 68, Hazel Disjardine 152, Mervyn Disjardine 92, Dorothy Vincent 87*. Sr. II.—-Thelma Vincent 490, Clara Dietrich 437, Hugh Morenz 347, C. Weiberg 2G2, Earl Vincent 226. Jr. IIA.—Elda Devine 379, Ernest French 289. Jr. IIB,—Ervin Devine 190, Lester Disjardine 171*, Ira Vincent 122*, Trellis Disjardine 63*. Sr. I.—Eugene Dietrich 532, E. Brenner 42'6, Veva Adams 421, V. Disjardine 414. Y Pr.—Louis Dietrich 445. H. Neuschwanger, Teacher Elimville CARLING & MORLEY J Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. . ] • LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN SURANCE Office: Carling Block, Main Street » Exeter, Ont. GLADMAN & STANBURY .Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance. Safe-deposit Vault for use of our Clients without charge. Exeter London Hensall ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer, Investments , • Insurance Office one door south .Times Office' Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.M4 DENTAL SURGEON Late District Dental Officer of Military District Number One, Lon don,Ont. Office Phone 31W Residence Phone 34J ‘ Main Street, Efeeter, Ont Office open on Wednesday until April 20th, 1927 Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S..D.D.S* DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling’s Law Office Extractions Under Oxygen Gas Dr. A. R. Kinsman. L.L.D..D.D.S* DENTIST l/onox* Graduate of Toronto ’ 1 University Office ovex* Gladman & Stanbury’s Office, Main Street, Exeter ffMopacMs ii1 man ti ij There are quite a few cases of chicken pox in this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Johns are re covering from the flu. A piece of ground at this corner is bei^g flooded for an open-uir skating rink and no doubt will be a source of enjoyment foi* the young j people. _ __ _ The members of the Quarterly | Office over Browning’s Drug Store DR. HARRY J. BROWNING M.D.C.M., Toronto L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh L.F.P. & S. Glasgow Physician & Surgeon DR. R. P. I. DOUGALL Honor graduate of^Faculty of Medicine, and Master df Science, University of Western Ontario. Member of College" of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office iwo doors east of Post Office. Thone 56 Residence HENSALL, ONT. YOUNG PEOPLES’ LEAGUE The Young People’s League 114 ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER Foi>Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY $ Years .Experience, Prices Reason able, Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Charge Phone 57-13 Dashwood K. R. 1. DASHWOOD, ONT. fc the Latest Prices from 10c. to §1.50 .PER ROLL HARDWOOD FLOORING of the United church was. held on Mon day evening with a large crowd pre sent. The meeting was in charge of the Mollard Mission Circle,, and pre sided over by Miss Elva Shaddock. The meeting was opened by the sing ing of a hymn after which seiitexice prayers were giveh-by a number of the Circle girls., followed by all re peating the Lord’s . Prayer. The minutes of the last meeting was lead by the secretary, Miss Mary McKaig, after which all repeated the 23rd Psalm. A reading by Mat Joynt, solo by Miss Nellie Boyle, . instru mental, by Miss Lillian Stacey, after which a dozen of the young ladies presented the pageant entitled “The Missionary Sign." A solo by Mrs. Joynt, instrumental by Miss Gladys Luker, after which a Missionary dialogue was given by Miss Mary McKaig, Miss Nellie Boyle, Miss M. Kasmer, and Miss Mildred McDonell, solo by Mrs. L. Hedden. Every num ber was well rendered and greatly enjoyed by the audience. THE LATE GEORGE REYNOLDS Miss Mildred Ortwein left for De troit, where she will spend some time. At the nomination meeting in De cember only one member nominated for''Village Trustee qualified, John Hey, Jr. Another nomination was held Monday to fill the vacancy for two more members. Mrs. Jacob Howald and Mrs. Hy. Thiel attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Baker, at Kitchener last week. Mr. Milne Rennie and family, of Seaforth, visited at the home of his mother last week.*' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bhttrs, of Buf falo, Mrs. Hy. Demuth and Albert Demutli, of Toronto, who spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weber, returned to their respective homes. X Mr. Rennie Weber, who spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Weber, returned to Tor onto to resume his studies as elec trical engineer at the; University. CENTRALIA LAID AND POLISHED BmEORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL ft FIKE INSURANCE COMPANY Wwl Office, Farquhar, Ont. Uremdont, JOHN ALLISON Viee-rrcsident, JAS. McKENZIE D5KECTORH ruANK McConnell, simon now ROUT. NORRIS, WM, BROCK AGENTS JfOtJN ESSER.Y, Centralia, Agent ter . Usbonm and Btddulph OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent’for Hibbert, Fullurlon and Logan W. A.TURNBULL Secretary-Treasurer .Bex 90, Exeter, Ontario. ft STANBURY L Solicitors, Exeter a Khiva spent The fujneral of tho late George Reynolds, who died at the General Hospital, ..Guelph, on Wednesday, January the Sth took placo from his mother’s residence, south Richmond St., Hensall, on Monday afternoon to tho Hens,all Union Cometery, Rev. Mr. Naylox* of the Anglican church conducting the services. Mr. Rey nolds was born in Hensall 42 years ago, being a son of the late Henry and Mrs. Reynolds, of Hensall. For some limo he has mado his home at Port Dover, where ho conducted a drug store.. Mr. Reynolds lias boon in poor health for sometime and fi nally went., to the General Hospital 'at Guelph, for treatment where he passed away. Besides his sorrowing wife and three children he leaves to mourn his loss his aged mother and two sisters at home, Mrs, Robert son and Miss Amy Reynolds, two sisters and one brother Percy at Calgary, and one brother William.at Tillsonburg, who have the sympathy of tho whole community in this their second bereavement inside of a year, Mr, Wm. Reynolds, of Tillsonburg was herd attending, the funeral, EQUALIZATION MEETING I The following names were omitted.^ from the list of new officers-of the" Young People’s Society given itx last week’s issue: Secretary, Mrs. W. Skelton; Treasurer, Mrs. E. Wil son; Pianist, Miss D. Davidson; Asst. Pianist, Mrs. R. Smith; Mr*. Horaex* Buswell, wlxd" has been in Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital, at Ex eter, this past week foi* blood pois- onixxg in his hand, is somewhat im proved. Mr. and Mrs. Samson McFalls and family, of Molavai, Sask., are spend ing the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McFalls and others. Mr, Trumaxx Mills, who has been under tile doctor’s care foo- the past week is much improved, Mr, W. J. Parsons, who has been ill this last tew days is improving. Oxx next Sunday evening Rev. R. Fulton Irwin will preach the first of a course of sermons on “Is the Bible the Word of God? and how we may know it is." Tlxe title of tho ser mon for* next Sunday evening is “In spiration and What wo Mean by it.” Rev.. A.‘ A. Holmes, of Clinton, was a visitox* at the parsonage this week. Mr. and Mrs. Art. Willert Suxxday with friends near Parkhill. Mr.’’Wm. Hanover spent the past couple of weeks in Goderich. Miss Erxxa Neeb Spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff, Grediton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason visited with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Baker at$ Grand Bend one day last week. Mr. Ben. McCann sold a valuable team of horses to Ernest Rader far a lxandsoxne sum. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stado entertain ed a number of theix* fi’ionds to a card party on Thursday evening. WHALEN ........................................... Mrs. Geo. Mardlxn and children, of London Township are visiting at the Ixoxne of her parents, Mr. ’and Mrs. Geo. Millson. Mr. Wellingtoxi Shipley has re turned home and is now working for Mr. Freeman Arksey. Miss Grace Duffield is visiting her arnxt Mrs. Jas. Shipley, of Lucan Mr. Geo. Millson is suffering from a severe attack of erysipelas. Mr. and Mrs, Hilton Ogden and family spent Sunday evening* with Mr. and Mrs. Wxn. Morley. A number from this community attended the funeral of the Samuel Batten, of Kirkton, on day. late Fri- CRED1TON the morning service in Board of Zion and Elimville appoint ments met in this church on Tues day of this week. The wives of the members prepared a banquet to which all sat down and Rev. F. E. Clysdale, of Main St., Exeter, gave axi address on the ‘Maintenance and Extension Fund,” which was both instructive and s enjoyable.The Young People’s “^League have chosen sides and are having a con test beginning last Monday night. New members, topics, regular atten dance, being on time, etc., are fact ors in deciding the winning side. Tlxe W. M. S. of this church will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred. Del- bridge on Wednesday of next week. Tlxe husbands of tlxe members are to provide the program. No doubt it will eclipse anything the ladies have beexx giving. Come and see. Messrs. Melville and Franklin Skinox1 were in London on Monday visiting the former’s who is recent able to Phones Residence 26J Office 26W DR. W. E. WEEKES Physician and Surgeon Late Chief Interne Vancouver1 General Hospital CORONER FOR HURON COUNTY Office removed to the former Ford garage building corner of Main and ■' Ann St. Office hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. Phone: Office 67W, Residence 67J ZionAt __ _____„ _____ Evangelical church next Sabbath tho pastor will speak on “The Assurance of our .Adoption into tho Sonship of Christ,” and at the evening service you are Invited to hoar his message on the subject “And Another Book Was Opened.” The special services which began on January 3rd in the “Union Week of Prayer” held alternately in the United church and the Evangelical church, are being continued and are proving a groat spiritual refreshing to both congregations. Como and share them with us. These services aro held beginning at* 7.30 and con cluding at 8.45 p.m. Rev. Mr, His- cocks of the United Church and Rev. Mr. Dreier, of the Evangelical church are preaching Die Word with great liberty and power. “’Tis the Old Timo Religion and its good enpugh for you.” Man is supposed to have a larger vocabulary than woman, but has less opportunity to use it. : > :Js The beginning of all wisdom is tho recognition that you are a jfooU the if being in love makes people thin end of growth , the belief that you perhaps that’s tho reason so many aro smart. wives &et stout,*1- son Dalmer, recovering nicely from his operation, bu.t will not be leave the hospital this week. DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, Mem ber of the Colleg of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Member of'the British Medical Council.- Phone 6—(The office of the late Dr. H. K. Hyndman) Kirkton extraThe school children had an week's holidays owing to the paint ing and decorating the school. The United church building com mittee held a gravel bee on Satur day afternoon and placed 40 loads of gravel on the ground in prepara tion of erecting a neyv shed in the spring. - Mr. and Mrs. Lester McCurdy, Lloyd Colgan and Mr. Wm. Hazle- wood who spent the holiday here have returned to Detriot. Mr. Fred Brown, of spent last week with Mr, S. Tuft. Mr. Geo. Vickers, of DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Office,, old Ford Garage Building Corner of Main and Ann Streets Telephones: Office 158w, House 158j EXETER. ONT. Toronto, and Mrs. Chesley, spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. S. N. Shier. Miss Audrey Bickle, of Londoxx, visited hex* parents Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Bickle over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ed., Hazlewood and little daughter, of Crandall, Man., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hazlewood. |J Mr. and Mrs. David Foster, of Russeldale, have moved into the village, into the house recently pur chased fronx Mrs. W. Mr. Samuel Batten, teemed citizens died hero on Wednesday. . .. had been in poor health for some time and death was not unexpected. Ho had reached the age of 74 years, His funeral was held on Friday to tlxe St. Marys Cemetery, conducted by Rev. J. L. Foster. Dr. A. B. Gibson, VETERINARY surgeon Office axuii residence, Main St. South' Second house from end of pave- men i East side of the road. , All calls promptly attended to . Accomxxiodation for treatment o£ animals Phone 99 <*— Exeter, Ont, FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfaction' guaranteed EXETER P. 0. or RING 138 > j T. Roadhouse, one of our es- at his no mo The deceased BRINSLEY The Ladies’ Aid of the Brinsley United church will hold an oyster supper in the basement of the church on Wednesday evening Janu ary 10 th, 1027. JAMES W. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer Salos conducted in any locality^ Farm Stock sales a specialty. Satis faction guarinteed. Charges mod erate. Qrders left at this office will bo promptly attended to. R. R. No., 1, Kirkton. Phone Kirkton 54r2. AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones* Au-* ction School, special course taken in’ Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,)’ Merchandise, Reul Estate, Earns Sales, etc. Rates in keeping with! prevailing prices. Satisfaction as* med, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, .tn? phone 18-93, Zurich. , J