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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-01-06, Page 5
Dashwood SHIPKA par- days 73 BAYFIELD Thomas Klump, returned CREDITOR WHALEN ■ J stop stit- tlie of and tills Mrs, St, ■Of also hav- was Mr. wing got bulged the the goalie this period The final a oltup* he keeps Heywood, with Mr. 50 years, find. T. , Hensall; one W. Port will with returned spending Mr. of It has been asked by a girl if it is all right for her to go out walking with a young man witftot& orone? Quite all right—if walking 50 years, 2nd. Mr, week Jaques of Woodham. The scripture lesson was read Miss Marion Casern ore. The to on “Obedience’' was ably given Mr. Sinclair. Readings by Miss police village under Joseph’s for as Miss Eleanor Fisher ORGANIST HENSALL UNITED CHURCH TUITION IN PIANO 'Terms Moderate Phone 68 Io* M. THE EXETER TIME»Ab^CATK News From Hensail Dr, CowenJ , ,• DENTAL SURGEON A’At office in Hartleib Block, Dash- wdW> first three das of .week and at office ever the Post -Office, in Zurich* last three days of week, Sjjclpjal of (Commerce CLINTON. ONTARIO School Re-opens for Winter Term TUESDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1927 Why npf attend the School that has the Highly Qualified Staff*. The only School that teaches real Practical Business Training from start to finish. Where High School students and teachers are taught spsciub ized expert training in Business Adininistraition and Secretarial Scincc and are sure of a good ^position, rapid, promotion and big income. COURSES Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Cicxl Service Commercial Teachers Course and Special Courses arranged. For Information Write to B. F, WARD, B.A., M .Accts. Phone 198 Principal HENSALL IIENSALL’S NEW COUNCIL Wm. Consitt, Robt. Higgins, Robt. Cameronl Jas. Priest. ’ Mr. Win. Hildebrandt spent 'the •Week-end here. Mr. Herb Kercher has purchased n new Chevrolet sedan. Mr. Wm. Webber spent the Christ mas holidays in London. Mrs. E. Fines, of Clinton, visited friends in town on Monday. Mr.'iFred Staecy of Lucan is visit- dng with his mother and sistei* Lil lian. Mrs. A, Coxwortli visited over New Year's with relatives iix Lon don. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Whiteside, of Goderich, visited friends in town on Monday. Miss Mildred McDonell visited ov er the week-end with relatives in Clinton. Miss Marion Casemore visited ovex* the week-end with her parents in Wingham, A number from here attended the New Year’s dance in Exeter on Fri- - day evening. A number of oui‘ leading citizens are confined to theii’ homes with severe colds. Mr, and Mrs. John G. Scott, of Cromarty, visited with friends in town on Friday. M'iss Margaret Johnson, of the Tarr Line' is visiting hex* sister, Mrs. Gordon Hunter, . Mr. Barnett, of Toronto, is visit ing with her parents Mr.- and Mrs. ,G. S. Tho'mpson. - - Don't forget the Hockey Match »n Friday evening when the Exeter sextet will play here. Miss Jean Elder, of London, vis ited over the' week-end with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. John Elder. - Mr. John Elder, of Toronto, vis ited over the holidays with his par ents Mr, and Mrs. John Elder. Miss Salina Beaver and friend of Kitchener visited over New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. graver. Miss Nettie Pepper has been en gaged as teacher of the Varna pub lic school beginning January 3rd. Mrs. John Wilson, who has been .confined to her room for a number of weeks is able to be around again. Mi', and Mrs. John Ellison were DR. R. P. I. DOUGALL . Honori^graduate of Faculty of ^Medicine, and Master of Science,, University of Western .Ontario. Member of College<pof Physicians nd Surgeons of ' Ontario. Office □ doors east of Post Office. one 56 Residence 114 IIENSAI.L, ONT. ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES. A SPECIALTY •JB Years Experience, Prices Reason able, Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Charge^ Phone 57-13 Dashwood IL R. 1, DASHWOOD, ONT. the Latest Designs Prices from 1 c to $l<50 PER ROLL HARDWOOD FLOORING LAID AND POLISHED "X Sangster, Hensall OSBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Farquhm^ Ont. JOHN ALLISON in Stratford on Friday visiting Mrs. Ellison’s brothei4 who is seriously l»< . / . The holiday passed quietly in town,,a number' of ou£ citizens be ing away and a number having com pany. Mr, and Mrs. A, J. Swietzexv who, have been visiting over the holidays here, returned to Detroit, on Wed nesday. , > • Miss Nellie Carmicheal. left, on Saturday for Stratfords -where she will visit with hex* uncle,who is ser iously ill. Miss Edith McEwen who has spent the holidays;with her sister and brother here nas returned to Kitchener, . Mr. Robt. Green and Mrs. Beverly Beaton, of Detroit, visited over the holidays with their parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Green, Our public schools Opened Mon day, and the Continuation school on Tuesday, all the pupils going back to do a good year’s work. A watch night service was held in St. .Paul’s Anglican church on Friday'evening last to see the old year out and the new year in. Mr. and Mrs. Lemon, of Ripley, have moved to town and are occupy ing the parsonage. Mr. Lemon in tends going into business here. The services in the United church on Sunday last were largely attend ed, Rev. Mr, Sinclair preaching special ‘New Year’s sermons both morning and evening. The ’-cheeks for payment for the officials in the recent Provincial Election have arrived, and Mr. Ro bert Higgins, Election Clerk for South Huron, is sending them out to those entitled to tlijsm in the South half of the riding. A meeting was held in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, to dis cuss the Equalization Report, of the’ recent equalization Committee to the County Council, as far as Hensail is concerned, which a full report of Honshu's side of the case will be given next week. We mentioned 'last week that the stores in town w°uld reraaiu closed every evening except Saturday for the next three months. Following ai'e the names of the merchants who have agreed to close: Case & Son, F. W. Hess, J.* Passmore, W. H. Pfile, Scott’s Grocery, Bertha. Bell, Bon- 1 throb & .Drysdale, T.4 C. Joynt, Wm. Sangster, Roy Webber, T. D. Wren, T. Drummond & Som, E. Rannie, J. W. Skinner, E. F. Knipe,’ W. A. Mac- Laren. Election day passed quiefly in town there being no fight for reeve. Mr. William Consitt led the poll, securing J98 votes, Robert Higgins o£ the old council with 178, came second; Robert Cameron a new man ill Hensall Municipal affairs, came third with 168 votes and ’ James Priest, who came on the council for the first time in 1926-was re-elected with 140 votes. Mr: McArthur came fiftli with 132 votes and Mr.JGaxnp-1 bell with 86 votes: ’ , The meeting “ of the ^Young Peoples’ League, .of the United church was held on Monday evening' with a good attendance present. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. Lee Hedden and presided over by‘ Miss Jessie Buchanan. The meeting was opened by ^singing a hymn, aftei* which all repeated (the Lord’s pray er, by pic by Gladys Luker and Miss.. Mattie Ellis instrumental by Miss Irene Dou glass and a duet by Mrs. A. Joynt and Miss Margaret Jphnson ' vzere all Well rendered. RECEIVES PAINFUL INJURY On Monday afternoon Harry Cpok met with a painful accident,, while coasting on .Stewart’s hill, a< mile east of the village. He fell from his skiis while travelling at a high rate of speed and cut his knee se verely on the ice. Dr. Fletcher, of Exeter# and Dr, Dougall, of Hensail, worked for several hours to. the blood and a number, of ches were required to close wound. • •4 i SMiTH^-PETTY NUPTIAL^ ■' *A quiet wedding was solemnized on New Year’s morning at the; home of the bride's parents at the txOine M.j youngest daughtex* of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty of town became the bride of Di*. G. L. Smith, of St. Marys. Only the immediate? rela* fives attended the ceremony, among whom were Mrs. Smith and Miss Jean Smith, mother and sister of the groom. Rev. H. Naylor officiated. Miss Petty was well known hero, having acted as organist of TnuT's church for a ‘ nnmber years While .the groom was Grnwn to many friends iiere, *xg, previous to moving to Marys aetised the dental profession in Tim happy couple loft on the a.m?. train for a short honey- it and on their return will make r homo in St. Marys. The best s of tlioix’. many* frimitis are ed Mr. and Mrs. Smith in ^ixeir, latlonship FINE BARN BURNED Quite an excitement was caused in town on Mbnday evening, when ward was sent in that the barns of William Green, of the 3rd Conces sion of Tuckersmith were on fire. The new fire department were call ed on and with their new engine made a quick run to the” scene of the fire and immediately began work and kept the flume^ from spreading to adjoining buildings, but owing to the lack of water were unable to save the large J»arn. If water bad been available the large horse stable could have been saved. The new elected council all went to the scene of the fire and were par ticularly pleased with the work of the fire engine, and particularly Councillors Robert Higgins and Jas. Priest, of the old Council who put Up the fight last yeai' for better fire protection for the village. Mr. Green’s loss will be heavy but lucki ly xnost of the stocky were saved.. The barn was ope of ‘‘the finest in Tuckersmith, Township, but Greqn having a splendid bush his own Will be able to replace it. REPORT OF HENSALL CONTINUATION SCHOOL Form III—Margaret Douglas Dorothy Hefferman 73, Mildred Scruton 69, Avis Lindenfield 66, Ruth Chapman 65, Mildred McDon nell 64, Jean Stone 59 Milton Boyle 59, Norman Alexander 49. Form II—Margaret Melgaren 83r Gertrude Higgins 72, Marie Bell 69, Isabel Alexander 67, Pearl Elder 66 Jean Southron 5 8, Louise Drum mond 58, Beryel Pfaff 57, Grace Tinney 57, Edwin Dick 5 6, Edwin Tayjox* 54, George Tinney 53, Roy Bell 53, Benjamin© Tinney 57 Scott Welsh 47, Stewart Blackwell 46, Clair Way 40. Form 1—Olive Walker 75, Mildred Forrest 72, William Joynt 70, Stella Ingram 65, Russell Blackwell 62, L. Chapman 61, Bertha Soldan 5 9, Al bert Passmore 60, Gordon Troyei* 55 Earl Dick 54, Mervyn Ryekman 53, Marie Foster 52, Margaret Drum mond 49, Lillian Steacy 47,.Dorothy Little 45. I ( Jessie V. Johnston, Principal Mary Stewart, Assistant. HOCKEY SEASON” OPENS ’ On Thursday evening last the first hockey match played in Hepsall this season drew a large crowd, to see Owen Geiger, reeve of the village, drop the first puck and deliver a short address of welcome, after .which the Dashwood sextet enter tained the local team, the; latter winning by a 5 to 1 score. The first* period saw the visitors at their best when they notched their only count of the game after fess than 5 minutes of play. L..Tieman was the player who scored Dashwood’s lone goal . when he grabbed a loose puck near centre ice- and with a flash of speed nosed through the Hensail de fence and was dn top of the goal with only Hedden to beat. The locals did not score in the initial stanza but evened it up in the-second when Blowes on right away a nice shot which Dashwood net before saw it. o The balance of was somewhat ragged, set-to saw the • locals step out and notch four goals while the visitors were unable to tally. . Mr. Norman Cook was the holder of the lucky admission ticket and received a 5-lb. box of chocolates. Hensail met defeat at Zurich on Monday evening when the latter team handed them a 7 to 4 defeat. Zurich had- the better of the play all the way through the game. Exeter team make theii* first-ap pearance here this season on Friday evening, January 7th. A prize of 10 lbs of Drummond’s beef is to be ^iven the holder op the lucky ticket. OLD TIME FIDDLERS’ CONTEST MUCH ENJOYED An enjoyable time was spent on Monday evening by those who at tended the Old Time contest put on in the Town Hall here by Mr. Hugh McDaitgall, of Tiverton, and al though th’e hall was not filled, the program presented was first class and merited a.larger attendance. M’r/ McDougall acted very ably in the capacity of chairman and at inter vals in the program provoked hearty laughter ' by telling Old Scotch Stories. Mr. Jock Ball an ty- ne, of London, comedian, also took part in the program, between the several contests', and kept the aud ience in good humox* with Scotch stories and songs. He appeared in costume. Mr. Spence, of the' Bruns wick Trio, also of London, render ed several songs which Were Well received. Mention must also be made of the little McDougall girls, Annie Boll and Flora, who, al though only six and seven years old sang several old time Gaelic songs in a very pleasing and distinct man* nex> The little ladies are to be com plimented on their performance. The following are th© prize win ners of the evening: Old time fiddlers over 1st, Win. Hyde, Honsall; Murdock and G. Bolton tie, 3rd R. Bonthron, Hensail. Old time fiddlers undex* 1st. Wni. Collins, Brucefleld. Bert Boyce, Brucefield; 3rd Russell Brintnell, Hehsall;. Lady fiddler: 1st. Mfes A. Kinnoil, Kincardine; 2nd Miss Boyce, Brucefield. Pipers—•-John Ewing, Paisley. Step Dancing--—1st. R< Bonthi 2nd Lee Hedden. Highland Fling—Wm. Sangsh Old time Gaelic Songs—Mb Annie Bell and Flora McDdugatl. An old time dance was held after THAMES ROAD A family gathering was held at the home of Mr- and Mrs, Artier Gardiner on New Year’s Pay, about 87 were present, Mr, and Mrs. L. D. Fulton, spent several days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Ken. McNicoL Mrs. Anson Smale left on Thurs day to visit»friends at Saginaw, Mich,, fqr the holidays. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Pollen family spent New Year’s with and Mrs. Will Pollen.. Mr, and M'rs. F, Gollinga? family spent New Year’s with and ...... _ Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Walks, of Maplehursr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McNicol en tertained for New’Year’s. Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Harris en tertained several of fhelx* neighbors to a euchre party last week. , WCAN f "A *| John Park, Well known cattle .dealer died at his hwe on the Qourspyrlinfy Friday night. He had beep, ill but a short time and was in his 61st yea-y. He was’ born an Bannock and spent his early life in Granton, He came to Lucan 38 years ago and for nine years worked at harness-making. Then, owing to • ill health, he went on a farm and has been engaged in farming and cattle dealing since. He was a prom inent worker in the Presbyterian church,, serving as an elder for 33 years and as superintendent of the Sunday school for 36 years. Since church union, he has acted as associ ate superintendent of the United Sunday school and teaehex* of the ladies’ bible class. He is survived by his widow, three daughters, Mrs. Clinton Haskett, Miss Emma and •Miss Mtherine,' at home and three sons, John, Stuart and David all at home. Mr. Geo. Koch attended the fun eral of a relative in st. Thomas last week,. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger and daughter .Zeta visited in Exeter on Thursday. ^Mrs. N. Stire is on the sick list We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs, H. pope, of Pres ton, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs, J- W. Graybeil. Mrs, A. Oestriclier and children spent New Year’s with her parents in Dorchester. Mr. L. Kleinstiver Sr, is on the sick list. Mr, and Mrs. Wilber Graybeil re turned to Woodstock aftex* spending the holidays with the former’s ents, Mrs. Witzel^left Friday for Huron and Detroit where she spend the rest of the winter her daughters, Mr. J. C. Reid spent a few in Toronto last week. Misses Elizabeth and Ferrol Hart- leib spent New Year’s with their parents. •Miss. Alice Hoffman returned to Stratford after spending the holi days with her parents. Mrs. Wm, Nadiger entertained hex’ Sunday school class on Wednes day evening. ' At the annual school meeting last Wednesday Mr, Ed. Nadiger was re elected as trustee. The Dashwood trustees were all re-elected by ac clamation namely '' __ Clayton Pfile and Chas. 'Steinhagen. Miss Hazel Snell, who spent the holidays with her parents to Detroit on Monday, Miss Grace Kellerman to Toronto Monday after __ the holidays with her parents. Miss Grace Guenther, who spent the holidays in town -returned to Mitchell. Mr. Geo. Maier* has returned to Detroit aftei’ spending the holiday at his home here. Next Sunday, January 9 th at 11 a.m, quarterly service will be ad ministered in the United church, Rev, Hiscocks in charge, Wednesday, Manuary 12th the Ladies’ Aid will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaiser. Miss Violet Sharp left last week for New Ontario where she has been engaged as public school teacher. Miss Nelda FassohJ of Dashwood, visited with her sister, Mrs. Milt. Ratz last week. » Mr, Jack Locknei* spent the holi day at his home here/ Quite a number of the young people of this vicinity gave a sur prise party for Miss Catherine Mc- Eachen last Friday evening as she is leaving to attend school at Pt. Huron,z AU had a very enjoyable time. Lumley and Mrs. John Selves visited their daughter : * ” x Mrs. John M. Glenn’s brothei’ Mr. Albert McTaggart spent a few days last week with her, Mr. Roy Ryekman, of Toronto, spent the holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Grant Ryekman. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Glenn return ed home aftei* spending the Christ mas holidays with Mr, Glenn’s sis ter Mrs. Tliomas Jackson, of -Listo- wel. Miss Vera Mawhinney has return ed to Flint, Ont., to attend to her school. Miss Beryl Hill left on Friday for London were she will attend Nor mal school. Miss Clara Rahner has returned home after- spending the week-end with friends in Toronto. Miss Myrtle .Willert has returned to Detroit, after spending the holi days with? relatives here. Mrs. Ri^jf&rd “Hill spent the week-end with relatives at Ettrick returned home on Monday, Mrs. Lloyd England and daughter Ruth, are spending a week’s visit With relatives iix Port Huron. Miss Beartice Martin has return ed after spending the Christmas holidays at her home in London. Miss Wiola Prang has returned after spending, the Christmas holi days at her home at Zurich. Miss Luella Finkbeiner and her mother have returned after spend ing‘a few days with relatives at Greenway. , Mrs. Herbert Young and daught er Shirley, who has been visiting with relatives at Tavistock has re turned home. Rev. Lome Brown,, of Stamford, Conn.* delivered The New Year’s sermon in the United church last Sunday evening* “Hitherto” and “Henceforth” are the subjects to" be dealt with at Zion Evangelical church next Sun day morning and evening. Rev. Lome Brown, of Stamfox’d, Conn., spent a Jew jdays of vacation with his mother and friends in Cred- ifon. He left again, on Monday. Mr. Vernon’ Beaver returned to Carniega, Penn., on Monday after spending the .Ckristmas holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaver and family. Communioxi .service will be held in the Crediton United church next Sunday evening January 9 th begin ning at 7 o’clock. The pastoi' in Charge. All welcome. Mr. Murray Holtzmann, of De troit, who has been visiting with his mother Mrs. Leah Holtzmann dur ing the Christmas holidays has re turned to that city on Monday. The watch-nite service at the Evangelical church was well attend ed. The six orators all did splen didly in the Missionary Contest. R. Finkbeiner was first winner, secur ing the lovely silver medal. The lantern slides were interesting. Rev. Lome Brown, of Stamford, Conn, also gave an address which Was ap preciated by all. At the dot of 12 o’clock- the meeting discussed all present feeling that they had spent; a happy three hours. * (Intended for last week) Mrs. August Ewald .and Bertha, spent a few days at London. Mrs, Will. Baker, of Exeter'spent wdtli ACi* * till cl Bakei\ Mr. and Mrs. Broderick, of Lon don, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Th os. Trevo thick. Mr, and Mrs. John Love, of Grand Bend, spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. George Clarke. Mrs. Russell Schroeder spent day., last week with Mr Sweitzer. Mi*, and Mrs. Esll Exeter spent S< Mrs. Edward E A distressingly fatal accident oc curred near Bayfield on Monday of last week, when. Mr. Thomas Brown- eft received such injuries that he died in the Clinton, hospital on Wed nesday afternoon. In company with two boys Ardell and Murray Graing er, Mr, Brownett was felling a tree, which in its fall struck another one, knocking down a large branch which fell on M’r. Brownett’s bax*e head, rendering him unconscious. He vas at once taken to his home and later removed to the Clinton hospital, but never regained consciousness. Mr. Brownett was one of the most wide ly known and prominent residents of this locality. Although residing on a farm a short distance from the village, he always took a deep in terest in everything that pertained to its welfare. He was a member of the United church, a director of the .Agricultural Society and of the Cemetery Board, and was deserved ly well thought of by all who knew him. The deceased was unmarried, but is survived by two sisters lived with, him. FRANK TAYLOR CARLING & MORLEY Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN SURANCE Office: Carling’ Block, Main Street Exeter, Ont. VIOLIN INSTRUCTION- Spohr Method*'1* G. M. GRANT Phone 8 for appointments tooin « ioomj 1952 FORD TOURING WITH STARTER FOR SAL® Good Running Shape FIRST ?125 TAKES IT H. Bagshaw Toronto gKaBetay TWBgBM, ®*S ....'L—J, SINGLE'. EDGE DOUBLE EDGE Perfect Edge W.S.WLE, Druggist ...../: j. GLADMAN & STANBURY Bax*risters, Solicitors, &c. Money to Loan, Investments Made , Insurance, ' , /Safe-deposit Vault for of 'W* Clients without charge, Exeter London Hensall. ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer, Investments Insurance Office one door south Times Office FINDS “FRUIT-A-TIVES” BEST CORRECTIVE FOR CONST!PAW The annual school meeting held on Wednesday last when Wm., Hodgson was elected trustee. Miss Reta Squire entertained a number of hex* friends on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Melville Gunning entertained a number of their re latives on New Year’s night. Mr. and’ Mrs.' Wm. Morley and family spent Friday with relatives in London Township. Mr, and Mrs. A. Duffield and fam ily spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. McNeil, of St. Marys. Miss Olive Elliot has been visiting her friend Miss Dorothy Stevenson, of Thorndale. Mr. and Mrs. Hiltbn Ogden and children have returned home after spending a pleasant week with Mrs. Ogden’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Currie of Wingham. Mrs. Geo. Millson is .visiting her son, Mr. Clarence Millson, of Lucan. (Too late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tookey and daughter Marion, 'spent Christmas with Mr. and’Mrs. Albert Gunning. Mrs. Tookey and Marion remaining for a few days. Mrs. Sam. Gunning has returned home after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Sid. Mills, of Wood ham, who had the misfortune to break her collar bone. The many friends of Miy D. A. Johnson, Jr., gathered at his home on Sunday afternoon after the reg ular church service and had a half hour song service and prayer. Mr. Johnson will be confined to the house for several weeks as yet but is doing remarkably well consider ing what he has gone through. Mr. Raymond Brooks spent Xmas at His home here. Ray and Ralph Parkinson were quite ill with the jaundice during the past week.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sqxiire and family, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Nat. Ogden, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Langford spent Sunday in London visiting the former’s parents also the latter’s father, Mr. Geo. Squire who is in St. Joseph’s Hospital, having undergone axjjiperation for appendicitis. Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S,,DM DENTAL SURGEON Late District Dental Officer of Military District Number X)ne, Lou den, Ont. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 34J Main Street, Exeter Ont, Office open on Wednesday until April 20th, 1927 ...... .. ... ' . . . L -■ .— Dr. G. F.'Roulsfcon. L.D.S..D.D.S- DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling’s Law Office Extractions Undex* Oxygen' Gas . . MR. S. MacNAIR. Mr, S. MacNair of' New Mills, N.B., is one of the thousands “Fruit-a-tives”. Full of gratitude he writes the simple truth as follows: z “I can honestly say that ‘Fruit-a-tives’ are the best intestinal regulator I have ever used. Other remedies, and I have tried a great many, cause pain- and grip- • ing, but ‘Fruit-a-tives’ always act easily and effectively. I was. inclined to be con stipated before, but now I am feeling first rate, and most sincerely recommend ‘Fruit-a-tives’ to" everyone.” “Fruit-a-tives” is the sworn enemy of constipation. Made from the intensified juices of fresh fruits combined with ton ics, it is a natural medicine. It is not habit forming. Don’t let constipation plague*you. Get back the bloom of health, the sparkle in your eye* the feeling that life couldn’t be better. Begin 'at once, with “Fruit-a- tives”—25c and 50c a box anywhere— everywhere. “Mother looks forward to my telephone visits Dr. A. R. Kinsman. L.L.D..D.D.S, DENTIST Honor* Graduate of University Office over Gladman & Office, Main Street, ^tanbury’sj Exeter DR. HARRY J. BROWNING xvi.D.v.ai., lorouCo L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh L.F.P. & S. Glasgow Physician & Surgeon Office over Browning's Drug Store! Phones Residence 26J Office 26W, DR. W. E. WEEICES Physician and Surgeon Late Chief Interne Vancouver General Hospital CORONER FOR HURON COUNTY Office removed to the former Ford garage building^corner of Main and. Ann St. ■ ’’ Office -hours 2 to 5 and 7 to . Phone: Office 67W, Residence 671^ Eg*?*.—■ I .1 ..1,,,^^,.^,. DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER Graduate of Faculty of Medicine University of Western Ontario, Mem ber of the Colleg of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Member of the; British Medical Council. Phone 6—(The office of the late' Dr. H. K. Hyndman) DR. E. S. STEINER VETKm.VAKV SUKGEOM Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Office, old Ford Garage Building Corner of Main and Ann Streets Telephones: Office 15 8w, House 158j EXETER. ONT. Dr. A. B. Gibson, VETERINARY SURGEON Office anil residence, Main St. Scm,w Second house from enu ‘Of* pave- ment East side of the. road. j All calls promptly attended to I Accommodation for treatment of j animals Phone 99 — Exeter, Ont* said Helen to her husband— /‘That was av Wonderful idea of yours, Fred', that I Should alternate my lettei’s to mother with telephone calls. “She misses me a good deal, and she Was just delighted when she heard my voice. We talked over a lot of things, too — settled more questions in three minutes than we could have done in twenty letters. “And it’s So much easier than Writing! We were both 'so pleased that I’ve arranged to call her every Wednesday night now—“ To bridge thos0 unavoidable gaps, there is nothing like an occasional talk'by Long tils* tance. For a few minutes the Jmiles are tolled away and sund ered friends Are brought face! to-face LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfaction' guaranteed EXETER P. 0. or RING- 138 Elimville Mr. Chas. Johns has been con fined to the home during the past week With throat trouble. The students who were spending the Holidays here have returned to their x'espective places of learning. Master Dalmer Skinner went an operation in St. Hospital, London, last week mastoid. He is doing as well can be expected. Mr. Sam Hogg passed away Monday last at the home of Mr. Cooper. Ho had been in health for a number of years. Mr, Richard Johns is confined to his bed with intestinal flu and a nurse is in attendance. We hope for a speedv recovery. JAMES' W. WATSON , Licensed Auction? Sales conducted in Harm Stock sales a faction guarinteed erate. Orders loft be promptly attei 1. Kirktonand Mrs. Otex*on ir is vVoife is on the stole on B. poor ’the contest, music for which was supplied by the McKinnon, McDou gall orchestra and uturday . „ rf'itilinof.* Mi\ and M’rs. i Victor Kestie, of Ex eter, spent thd week-end with Mr. and Mrs* Frattpis clarke. A Ernest.; Bates# of Hensall, Saturday iii ’toWIL and Mr?. Font. Yeariey and ■““ ? Saturday at Exoter, * Mr, j spent Saturda; Mr. i “ family spent with Mr. and ® rs. George Lawson. Mr. Albert Honor Gra< ction School Registered I Merchandise Sales, etc,. prevailing prl sured, write Osc. phono 18*33