HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1927-01-06, Page 1TIi © Tl:!Xj The Ry i Councillors LADtCS CYCIC O’CEDAR M $1.2$ and $2-00 f / II). lb. LIQUID VENEER MOPS $1.25 and $2.00 ^Otlmr Floorc^Iopg. $1.00 / Hi ''WiB; ESTABLISHED 1873 A.DV0 MT 1 " «E£», -u ESTABLISHED T 111 ^^KwT^TMURSPAY MOWING, JANUARY 6th, 1927,FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR,NO< 37CS Stock We have just finished our annual Stock-taking and are placing on sale this week many remnants, odd lines, etc. at greatly reduced prices. It will pay you; come and look them, over. Clearing of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Coats Every coat must go. This is the final mark down in price for this season, Many smart coats to choose from. . ’ Clearing of Ladies’ Cloth Dresses We offer the balance of our ladies’ and misses’ «cloth dresses at greatly reduced prices, Good quality dresses as low as $5.00/each. JANUARY SALE — of MEN’S and BOYS’ OVERCOATS Men’s at $13.00, $15.00 up to $25.00 Boy’s at $7.00 to $12.00 ± T BARGAINS IN SMALL BOYS’ COATS $5.00 to $8.00 Men’s and Boys’ Suits are stock taking and have several odd sizes in suits; Come in what bargains we are offering. PHONE 32 PHONE 32 Reduced Prices Before J Stock-Taking Toilet Clippers Barber Shears 98c.... 85c. WAX NOTICE Accommodation for Farmers Stainless Knives and Forks 10 per Carvers in piiirs and cases 10 per c. off c. off Johnson’s Wax 1 75c. Old EnglishtwSn85c^ Waverley Wax 50c. Waxers Automobile Skates Hockey Sticks Hockey Pucks’ Perfection Ankle I Shin Pads I $1.25 up 15c. up 10c. up Supports $1. $1.00 COLEMAN Lamps & Lanterns ' are useful Coleman ’Lamps Coleman Lanterns Coleman Irons Mantles, Generators, etc. $11.50 $10.00 $0.50 1 Le & Paint Store ■Hl1MBV .................... ...... Lvln Usborne, on Holiday, ;>y 3rd, 1927/ Samuel Hogg, years. BIRTHSc,on December K'l, Mrs, Clarence W. NEW RECTOR ARRIVED Rev, Walter jlow the new rec­ tor of the Trivltt Memorial church, arrived in town Munday ' evening with his wife and two children, from Dover near Chatham and are getting comfortably' settled in the rectory. Mr, Jone® will occupy his new pulpit on Swiay next. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jone*' are of pleasing personality and will be welcomed to I Exeter not only by their parishion­ ers but by the oiltons generally. SOLDIER’S MONU/i'ENT .''■fL. A meeting was., held recently to consider the question of procuring a suitable figure to he placed on the Soldier Monument and also with the VjLew. of having the monument com­ pleted in time fo” the National Diamond Jubilee Celebration on Do­ minion Day, July Jit, 1927. The fol­ flowing gentlemen ware named as the' nucleus Of the committee: President W. D. Sanders; Vlee-Pres., R, G. Seldon; Citizens’ Cbm., L. Penhale; Soldiers’ Com., J. Wilson. LITTLE DAUGHTRY PASSES . The death occurred at Milford, Mich., on Monday,-. December1 27th, of Sliirley LaBelle, ^daughter of Mr. and Mrs.'Milton Jacobs, aged 3 years and 2 months. T.be little girl had been ailing for about a week with pneumonia. Mr, and Mrs. Jacobs recently moved to Milford from Hay Tp. Mr, and Mrs*. J. Jacobs, man­ ager and matron of the Huron Co. Home, are grandparents, Mr. Jacobs attending the funeral. DIED IN SASKATCHEWAN x A former resifiepl: of Exeter died at Melfprt, Sask., on Dec. 13 th, in the person of Sarah Elizabeth Harvey, relict of the late William Trgvethick, aged 7< years, 2 months an,d 2Q days;.’ Tli^ deceased was born at St.: Thomas?-, Ont, and lived with her husband‘gjul family in Ex­ eter1 fo# a number • of years. They Went west in 1904 settling on a farm near Melfort and’‘“moving into the town about'eight years ago. Seven years ago Mr. Trevethick - passed away. Thr.e6 s.pns and three daugh­ ters survive; Lida,'Herb and Gert­ rude at home.; Chai les at Naisberry ; Fred at Vulcan, Alfa.; and Mrs, W. N. Attrill, of Rancb'o Sante Fe, San Diego, Cal, The deceased is alsc survived by tw<r.-sisters, Mrs. 5V.-L. Hanna, of Moravia?, Cal.-, and'Mrs. Thos.. Penfold, of-Ft. William. EXETER OW-bJy" DIES IN DETROIT » While enroute with "his wife Saginaw, Mich, to visit with tives In London for New Year's, _ Thos. Harmon Davidson was takA ill in Detroit with pleuro-pneumon- ia and passed away. The deceased was born -in Exeter where he spent his boyhood days. When a young man he went to Saginaw where he spent the greater part of his re­ maining life. He is survived by his wife, four sisters Mrs. Rollins, Mrs. Edwards, Edna and Ruby of Lon­ don and four brothers, Judson F., of Saginaw; Alvin J., of Mancelona. Mich.; W. Fred, of Merritton, Ont? and Harry L. of Charleston, W. Va. interment was made in the London on cejjietery on Monday.. "V 7 fro A rela- ;, M?I PRESENTED. WITH TABLE The young people of town chivar- ied Mr. and Mrs. Arto. Delve Tues­ day evening making the night air vibrate with the tooting ‘ of auto, horns and the beating of tins. After­ wards they presented the young couple with a handsome library table ACCEPTS POSITION' Mr. Thos. Coates, who has been' working in St. Thomas, has accepted a position as service man with Mr, Milo Shell, of the Ford Garage. Mr, Coates Will assume his new duties, February 1st and will move to town and occupy the residence Mr. Snell recently purchased from the of the late Miss M. Lewis. EXETER WINS FR*bM DASHWOOD •On Monday night the local team handed the Dashwood team a 4 to 3 trimming on the local ice. Tlie local boys had a little the edge of the play, but on the whole, the two teams were quite evenly matched. A large number of fans witnessed the game. The game was fairly clean with a few minor penalties being handed out. The first period end­ ed with the score a deadlock vith each team securing one goal. In the second period a fine brand o£“ hockey was displayed, with fast skating and close checking. The period tended with the score 3 to 2 in Dashwood’s faVor. In the third period Exeter tied the scor£ when' Pollen batted in the puck from a scramble in front of the Dashwood net. For the visitors Lorne Tieman stood out above the rest. His .fast skating and clever stick handling kept the local team on the watch at every moment. In -the local team everyone played well with Hind and Medd standing out a little above the rest. Harness in goal for the locals made sojne clever. stops. The line­ up:- Exeter—Goal, Harness, r. de­ fence, Lawson; 1. defence, Tuckey; centre, Hind; 1. wing Medd; r. wing Pollen; subs, Willard and Snell. , Dashwood—Goal, Atkinson.; 1. de­ fence, M. Tieman; r. defence, Beak­ er; centre, L, Tieman; 1. wing, Gais- er; r. wing, Eveland; subs, Wein,' Haist. EXETER DEFEATS ZURICH On Thursday night of last week the Exeter hockey team defeated the fast Zurich crew on -the Zurich ice. ■ The score was Exeter ;7,, Zurich 5. The .game was fast .throughout with clever stick-lianfiling and. fast skat­ ing' on both sides. Few penalties were* handed out. Zurich started the scoring in the first few minutes of play but at the close of the period Exeter was leading, with the score of 3 to 2. The score at the .end of the second period was 5 to 4 in favor of Exeter and at the final period the count stood 7 to 5 in favor of Exe­ ter. For Exeter, Lawson and Hinds showed some clever work* while the others played'well. SERIOUSLY ILL Mr, Jos. Hawkins, who has been ill for several weeks, has develojied pneunjonia and is at present in a very critical condition. His daugh- Mrs, Wilbur Hunter and the latter's daughter Sarah, of Salvador, Sask., arrived Sunday. Mr, and. Mrs. son Hawkins and family, of forth, have been in Exeter for eral days, Wil- Sea- SQV- We Can Help You to, See Better Our method of testing is most plete and pur prices moderate. fice hours 9.30 to 12 a.m, and to 5 p.m. Evening by appointment S. FITTON .- Phone T5w. OPTOMSTOIST com- Of- 1.30 estate. REEVE. W. D, SANDERS AND ODD COUNCIL ARE RETURNED The elections passed off quietly in Exeter op. Monday, was fine and a good vote was polled. Reeve W, D. SanderB was re-elected for a fourth term and the old coun­ cil were all returned. Following were the results: USBORNE TP.—J. Ballantyne elected to the reeveship, CdU^oil- loips elected were: Hugh Berry, Ben' Williams, W. Skinner and Daniel Dew. The weather STEPHEN TP.-—-John Hayes was. elected reeve by acclamation a. week ago, with Reuben Goetz as deputy. Councillors elected JMonday wew! Wesley Dearing, Mawhinney. I, Tetreau and C. ’ Sanders W. Snell, G. B. Coultis, Eli Davis, Jos. Hawkins, J Gillespie, Wm. 'Ogden,. Nat. .. Ballantyne, Jame? Hanna, ' John Berry, Hugh Dew, Dan ,. Shier, S. N. Skinner, Wellinton Williams, Benson EXETER Reeve USBORNE TOWNSHIP Reeve 70 48 Councilloi’s 93 57 18 81 23 19 ,41 99 3:21' STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Wesley Dearing Robeit Love".... Isaiah Tetreau Peter Martini . Chester Mawhinney Nelson Schenk ..... John Hayes, Reeve and mation. Councillors 33 71,--2 2 8 43 307 37 384 Ruehen Goetz, Deputy-reeve, elected by aecia- Dome Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY January 7tli and ,8th given, me. d^^t:ofthahK„jallvJAo,s.e^ .assisted-in my election. . / ' < ' M BENSON WILLIAMS__________• . / CARD OF THANKS/ Having been elected a member of the municipal .council of tire. Town­ ship of Usborne, I take this oppor­ tunity of expressing nw apprecia­ tion-of the splendid, vora that wits Chas. Ray and Joan Crawford • ( CARD OF THANKS Maud E. Miller, former teacher of S. S. No. 2 Hay, wishes to express sincere thanks to the boys and girls for the beautiful basket of roses. A Our stables have opened up for your service. We would like to use you as we find you, deserving the best, accomodation. • x Saturday all Meals 35c Team to Hay 40c Single 'Horse, Hay 20c Standing room for Team 10c ' Single 5c. CHESTER LEE, Proprietor WM. SNELL, Manager of The Co-Workers’ Class, James St. United church, honor their teacher. This class played the part of San­ ta Claus to their teacher, W. H. Johnston, by sending " a beautiful easy chair to his home the day. be­ fore Christmas so that he might find it in his stocking, or some oth­ er convenient place Christmas morn­ ing. When found "that ..morning it was certainly a great and' pleasant Surprise to him. took the opportunity of thanking the members of his class for their kindness and generosity in remem­ bering him so kindly. At this ses-. sion of the class the retiring secre­ tary, Mrs. E. nual report, year’s work, teachers are are looking blessing, to a good year’s work for the Master in 1927. They have room for more and will be glad to welcome all who erne. us story of the Apache life, Apache dances, gay cabarets, etc. COMEDY Usual Admission January 14 th and 15th “Brown of Harvard” with Jack Pickford, Mary Brian and Francis Bushman Jr. COMEDY ' . Usual Admission BAND at RINK Rowcliffe gave the an- showing a successful The new officers and now in charge /nd all forward, witlA God’s ____ .. “Come and we shall do you good.’’ THE. PASSING YEARS with Written for tbe Times-Advocate by J. P. Ross, of Calgary, formerly of Exeter. Like weaver’s shuttle in its flight, Or the proverbial watch at night, <*. So swiftly pass the days That measure out our span of life, With all its tedium so rife ‘ Urging us on space. DIED IN N. DAKOTA William Dew, for ‘ thirty-seven years a resident of Wales, N. Dakota passed away recently following a week’s illness of pleurisy and heart complications. The deceased was born in Ontario on September 1st, 1857, being 69 years of age. When a young man. of 22 he went to Mani­ toba and settled near Snowflake where he engaged in farming. Ten years later he crossed the line add took up farming neai” Wales, where i the family lived until two years ago when they retired Co Wales to %en- joy the fruits of many toilsome'yedrs extending back to the pioneer days of Cavalier County. Forty-one ■yqara.ago the deceased-was united in marriage to Miss Jennie Kelland, of I Snowflake, who survives and to this Sale of Home-made Cooking and 8 union. were born four children, two Candy under the auspices of the!of whom survive. Fanny Dew, the Chancel Guild of Trivitt Memorial | daughter is with her mother and Church at Heaman’s Hardware | Matthew Dew operates the old homo Saturday afternoon commencing atj farm. Peter Dew died when a boy three o’clock. | and Jeffrey Dew passed away at —___________ t Wales two years ago. The deceased j is also survived by- one brother, one The Hurondale Women’s Institute | sister, four half-brothers and held their regular monthly^ meeting | half-sisters. The brother and sister at the home of Mrs, Chas Allison C-n are Robert of Snowflake and Mrs. December 29th with the president Wm. Gregg, of Victoria^ B.C. The, So, when a backward glance we cast, in the chair. Following'” the opening I half-brothers and sisters are John exercises a discussion was carried I and Frank, of Wales; Dan and Ivan, on in connection with holding aj°£ Usborne Tp., Mrs. Philip Rickman Cooking sale and bazaar in the near i &P-d Mrs. Frank Golder, of Alex Al- future. The offer of the Women’s I A Cavalier Co. newspaper says Institute to - have music lessons "Rew men had taken a more prom­ taught'to the pupils of Thames Rd. inent part m the business life of Ca-; . was reported bv the committee to I valier county and feWnnen were bet- ■ Insuperable some appealed, was lepoicea oy tne committee to jTh6 n£sWs of hlg death Our fondest schemes were often" came as a great Shock to his friends’ queered, and business associates. For a pe- ! And magnified our troubles, riod of twenty years he served his With Faith and Courage on the township as supervisor and was al-: throne " -........................................ ' s and fears to which we ro prone Proved to be empty bubbles. have been accepted. Plans for hold-1 ter known, ing a nursing course vrere discussed. Several letters of appreciation from institutions and persons who were remembered at Christmas were read. A very interesting and in­ structive address was given by Mr,i--;.-- —... , J. G. Stan bury, of Exeter , who spokfi the Wales Far nteis /■-on “What Women Should Knowj6r Company, Mr. Dow was el.Med About Law.” Misses Lmra Contes | fitesident oi uerv comin.iy luid and Madge Doupo delighted all with | piano and vocal solos. Mr. Kenneth Stanbury favored the ladies with, violin solos. Following the program lunch was served by the committee in' charge. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Archie Morgan at 2.3t p.m, sharp, Roll Call, treasures >om an old scrap book. 1 Wednesday, January 12th HOCKEY MATCH Tuesday, January lltli HENSALL vs.. EXETER CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the Electors of the Township of Stephen for the support that was given me at the polls on Monday in electing .me to the municipal council. The welfare of the township shall have my consideration. CHESTER MAWHINNEY first CARD OF THANKS wish to express my sincere The Old Year thus seems to have passed, And yet, when implicated, Three hundred days, plus sixty-five, Each one a veritable hive With .obstacles inflated. so a member of tho school board for . Worries several years. Following the organ!- | ago. At the time jof reorganization of the State Bank? of Wales a- few I years ago he was {elected president J and was serving ini that capacity st ithe time of his death. Although ‘ •At" and 1.0 fln- the deceased was allways promi u ess ity tho County i.f the 'vmsta.m ly inden tiffed with ‘tlio social life of his1 doxi found time to devol uror egt farm homes fn| Csvs and ho was known county’/, most whoso valued o ly sought in 1 b usin' sun IW It CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this thanking the electors the splendid supportgiXSIi”*!— polls on Mondajfe^^Again^w^-*-.-. you the season's’ greetings. ELI COULTIS CARD OF THANKS wish to thank the electorsI ......... .................... Exeter for the confidence they jiave>- again placed in me by re-electing me to the council and I promise to serve you as faithfully in the future as .I have done in the past. JOS. DAVIS CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportuni expressing my epprociation of very cordial treatment that has been extended to me by the users of the Thames Road Telephone” System during the years I have been in charge of the lines and I bespeak the same cordial treatment for my successor, Mr. Geo. Frayne. E. C. APPLETON CARD OF THANKS To tho Electors of the Village., of Exeter ■ Ladies and Gentlemen: / I extend to you i rv , • thanks for again eleei»»^; ineXtr"/* to I Donorabie position J .RoeVe fti-of 1927. I since/!. New Year will be ushered in -,omo with revelry and din, Perchance complete abandon, wrong or right they do not query, r motto, cat, drink and be merry I,uxu riously wanton. comes to others as a trust, Improve its every day they m W‘ih heart that’s brave ana strong, " Dey and Genorathin they hfnlly ,.,ervj> jv: best they may Tu which clJ-.&y do you bcloilj I thanks to the electors of the Town­ ship of Stephen for1'the very hand­ some majority that was given me at the polls on Monday. I will en­ deavor to serve the municipality Without fear or favor. Wishing you all the compliments Of the soa- i WESLEY DEARING I deem it a greaj/honor from the fact of its being a^purely voluntary expression of faith.'and trust and in return for your ccmfidonco and trust I will give my strictest attention to all questions pertaining vancemeut of (he best. Exeter ^n all its details. J am youx* obedient to the ad- .interest of servant D„ Sanders (We Serve and Satisfy) More Fish, No Doctors, no We Delim Fewer ills, s-gi B. C. Salmon, fish 16c lb; sliced ...... Halibut, fish 28c DM sliced ............. Lake Ontario Herring ..... ..... .............. Salmon Snacks ................... FInnon Hnddle” .......................... Fillets ............................................ OYSTERS, LIMBURGER.REG GRAPES, POP CORN, POP, LERY, LETTUCE, CABBAGE, TURNIPS, APPLES, CAW PARSNIPS, ETC.-