HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-12-31, Page 6ells and Stall You'll certainly drive'a long way before you find one of•T.C.A.'s new DC8's at an Imperial ESso service station, But they're important Imperial customers just the same. The jet and the liamily car- toget r' th y mean lower so lite prices Gy The new DC8 jets are po ered tailored for its job as the asolin Today gasolines and t fuels products made by Imp rial fro of them—cover everyt ng: gase for all kinds Of needs, g' Cases, lub special Imperial jet fuel, as carefully your car. only two types of a whole range of etroleum. These products—over 600 hich are turned into plastics, waxes king oils, fuel oils and asphalts. This efficiency in get ng everyth g out of every,galion of crude oil is an important reason for lo er fuel prices—whether for a DC8, a jalopy or the new family car. Gasoline is a bargain: in 'the last five years the average price of things. people buy has gone up nearly 16 per,cent, while gasoline has actually gone, down about half of one per cent.* *DJJS zelplesale rice index,. IMPERIAL OIL 'UNITE D fpr yearn a leader in L6ahad '01 roWt AM: SIX 4442•ITONIIVWS,RECORD NEWS OF MIDDLETON 'Mr, and Mrs; B. J. Sturgeon and family :spent the ,Christrnas holidays with their daughter, Mrs. Frank Anderson end family, Rai., Science Mr., and Mrs: Gs. M, _Galbraith, Mr, and... Mrs. Douglas Macaulay funttwo, children returned. to DUre das on .' Monday after -spending, Christmas at ''Sylvan Acres", Hine Water highway, 'Goderich .Towrp, ship.. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Walden: and family, Lpndon, also .joined the -family. circle on Sunday, . Mr, and 1Virs, R. McFadden, Mary and Shirley, spent Christ- mas Day with Mrs. -.McFadden's aunt iii Courtland, Mr, and Mrs. R, Kerr 'attended the funeral 'of his, aunt, Mrs. Mary Kerr in Petrolia on Thursday, re- turning to the village,, they left that night for Port Stanley to he With their daughter, Mrs. .Robert Humphries and fartily. until Sat- urday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hovey were in London on 'Christmas Day -with his. brother,. $, W. Hovey, and . spent BoXing Day in Mitehell With, Mrs; Hovey's sister, Mrs. G.• Doerr. • Miss Jessie Metcalfe who was with her 'brother, William L. Met- calfe and wife in Montreal . for the -.Christria.s weekend; is spend- ing. New Year's at. her home "here,. ,and -Mrs. E. W:' Oddleifson, London, Cainel, ens ChriatrnaS-DaY to spend this season at their 'horne. • here.- •• 4 • , • - NSW Mrs. Glenn Brandon and. baby, denghter came home from..Cliri-, ton Public Hospital last Thursday,: Johnny MacDonald, Ooderick is • visiting his .a.Amt, Mrs, James A. Cameron, F/L and Mrs. A. A. Simons'and two children returned on. Sunday after Christmas in Windsor. • Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Butler and daughter, Lois, Mifflinburg, came on sunday to' be with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myron But- ler over New Year's. Mr. and Mrs Russell Flowers, Debbie and Kim returned -to To- ronto on Tuesday after having been with his parents, Mr: and Mrs. Adam Flowers for Christmas, Mr, and Mrs. R. S, Roddick re- turned to Century House ors. Wed- nesday after being with his sister, Miss M Roddick, London, for week. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Irvine and Mary Elizabeth were with her parents in Southampton . from Thursday to Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Les Gray and Mrs. H.. A. Lawson, London, spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Comm. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Utter visited in Port Dover, . Brantford,. Nor- wich, and Sinacoe from 'Thursday 'to Sunday night. They spent Christmas :Day at.Sirecoe. • 'Thomas W. Castle, Si'.,- was in London with his daughter, Mrs. Llosd,SWinhold. and family over Christmas. Mrs. David Dewar visited Mrs.. George Wheatley,- Clinton, over Christmas, Mr. and Mrs, Bobby Brandon and_small,sen ,Greg, Terrace Bay, came on Saturday to visit his brother, Kenneth. Brandon, and. family. They are spending their Christmas vacation here' and with. Mrs. Brandon's parents in London. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' Heard and Donald, . Lando/1i; -were with her 'father, H. N. Brandon, for Christ- mas. Mrs. Heard had been a pa- tient in Scett, Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. for a couple of , weeks., Miss . Shir ey Branders _B.A., Es-, sex, , is ome 'for :She Christmas, vacatio'.Also under the parental roof I Christmas Were Mr.. and Mrs. Keith Brandon and three chi wren, Gary, Brian. and Shirley, S afford, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pit- ado, Oakville, Miss Berthena Sturgeon return- ed home on Saturday after having spent Christina.s with' her sister, Mrs. Ed. Florian, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. 'Higgins were in Toronto for Christmas. Mr and. Mrs. It. Matthews spent Christmas in, Port Dover , with. their children. • , • Mr. and 1VItS,,Williarn.A. Parker and' Charlie, L6 dons were with her parents; Mr anti Mrs. Jack , ss. Fraser 'from. Wednesday to Sun- day; and' Mr. and Mrs, Jack rr'.4*•• er and two children, Ricky and Elizabeth, London, spent 'Saturday with them, Mr,and Mrs.. RObert 'Parker,. Pam and "cis London, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William E, Parker, on Sunday. ,Mr. and Mrs, William A. Parker and Charlie joined them for the family :dinner, Mrs, William E.. Parker accomp, anied 'them upon their return to London at night 'to visit her -Sens for a few days. Miss Ethel Blair, London. was home for the Christmas weekend. George. and Rosemary Telford, London., spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Telford: • • Mr." and Mrs. Lloyd Makins were with their daughter, 'Mrs, Kenneth Mackie and . family, Lon- don, for the Christina% weekend. Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Makins, Brenda and 'Brian returned home on. Sunday after having been with her mother, Mrs. George Wright for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Francis and family spent Christmas Day with her sister in St: Marys. Miss Mabel Scotchmer, Toronto, and. Miss' Doreen MacKenzie, God- erich 'Township, were with. Mrs. Robert 'Scotchmer from Christmas Day until Sunday„ after celebrat- ing the festival, with Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacKenzie. Mr; and Mrs, Donald Sager, Clare, Nicky and Tommy, .Gritle•- rich, were with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Arkell„ on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, Gayle and Phillip, also joined them for the family dinner. • Mr. and Mrs. George Simons and Dawn, Georgina Island, .arriv- ed on Monday to spend this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell. Corporal._ Lloyd Westlake, OPP, Kitchener, with his wife and two children Ricky and. Cath.erine Ann, were with her parents; Mrs. "Malcom Toms from to Sunday; Ricky rem spend this.. week with hi parents. Miss Ineke Line, Stanley - Miss Lucy. R. Christmas vaca Elizabeth is visit Sunday to Th Mies Joyce B with the - London Company, London, came Christmas and is with he until her marriage on J F/O and•Mrs. David B rived at the' home of. her Thee annual Christmas concert of SS No. 19 (Fairmont). Public School was held Monday evening, December 21. In Xharl<.ed. contrast previous, years weather condi- tions were ideal and the usual large and appreciative crowd WAS present, Prom the opening chorus and the opening recitation by Joyce 'Scott to. the grand 'finale of .Santa's arm rival, this program was well re- ceived, being, ably presented by the pupils, their teacher Miss San- dra .Williams, Hohnegyille and the musical accompanist, Mrs, Rqbert Stirling, • The 4131437, "Wanted, keeper" evoked -MAO from the audience, wit derbaar and Peter P 01 pathetic old bachelor of Hallswho.interviewedi sucee o of impossible . They. de- cided after harrowing .interviews to maintain their original status quo. • .The juniors presented a variety of 'sprigs with 4 new' novelty num- ber . called "The Windmill Drill". Joan .Rathwell gave. a quaint monologue' entitled -"Mtanpy". The seniors sang a lively "To Grandinother's House We Go" with Patty.Seriiple singing the solo part very sweetly. The juniors' "Broken Toys" wasi.: intriguing. '• • • • • Bonnie Stirling and Judy Craig. Middleton, Hensall, over Christ- mas Day. The Rev. E, J. B, Harrison mot- ored to Durham on Christmas af- ternoon: tp be with 'his twin broth- er, the Rev. A. H. Harrison, and wife. He returned to the Rectory on Saturday morning. arol Service Th ine-caral service in' Trin- ity urch on December 20, was attend4'd. It was conducted the rector, the Rev. E. J. B. isori Reading the lessons ejse: M and Corrie, James A. Caritson, avid Corrie, Stephen Scotch John. M. Stewart, award tchmer, j„ Brown:Hig- gins, Bellehamber: and Lawren totesbury-Leesorsof „ Huron ,,The with Mrs. E. A. Feathers the organ, under the direct of Mrs:. J.,13, Higgins sang three anthems, -Come in Dear Angels", "What Child is This?" and "Holy Night." The congregation joined the choir in carols. Taking solo parts throughout the singing were: Jackie Weston, Roberta McLeod, Michael Scotchmer, Gayle Turner, Mary Elizabeth Ervine, and Frieda McLeod. The church was beautifully . de- corated for this Occasion as well as for the mid-night service com- mencing on Christmas Eve when the celebrant was the rector, the Rev. E. J. H. HarScison, .,Lawrence Stiatesbury4seessftlfwai server. On Sunday morning, December 27 there was a special family ser- vice at 11. o'clock, with no sermon, instead of Sunday School. Holds Baptism In Trinity Church at seven o'clock on Christmas Eve, the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison officiated at a baptismal service •for Thomas John Colquhoun, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Colquhoun, Clinton, and an adults Charles Ronald Coleman, London. The godparents of the baby were Miss Helen McLeod and Ronald Coleman, while the wit- nesses for C. Ronald Coleman were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. W. Castle, Jr Mrs. Colquhoun, formerly' Miss Joan McLeod, Was baptized on Christmas Eve, 1937, and her sis- ter, Miss Helen MeLeed, on Christ- mas Eve, 1938, by the Rev. W. G. Bugler. Car Accident Jim Higgins With' Mrs. J. B. Higgins were in a motor car acci- dent • when returning to Hayfield on Saturday. A head-on collision in the fog, a mile from. Acton re- sulted in head injuries for both. Mrs. Higgins (who • was driven through the windshield), sustained gashes in her forehead, required a number of stitches 'and suffered from shock. 'After Medical treat- ment in Acton they returned to Toronto by taxi. J. B. Higgins, who had driven relatives in his car, went back to Toronto for his wife pn Sunday. The front of Jim's new car was badly damaged. s Surprise Shower It was back to the "Good Old Da'ys" for a' surprise shower in the Orange Hall 'on Monday. evening for Miss Joyce Bell. The affair was arranged by Mrs. V. Black, Mrs. Donald Bell, Mrs. Ernest Bell and Mrs. Eugene 1VIcLaren. Of the 70 guests invited only about 20 attended and surprisingly enough, they were nearly all from other points. Lighted by a coal oil lamp and candles, those pres- ent had more fun than if hydro power was available. The weather and roads were so inclement that when her fiance, Howard Arm- strong tried to persuade his bride- to-be to dress up for a mythical dance, she flatly refused and the best he could do was to get her there in sport clothes, so it was a real surprise party in more ways than one. After an evening of games and contests, the ladies put a rainhat on Joyce. Janice Galbraith' and Ellen Lindsay presented her with an Umbrella which when open, was found to contain bills pinned in- side, Miss Bell thanked those present, for the gifts and the hon- our accorded her. Mrs. James Hutehings; Mrs. George Heard and Mrs. Charles Bell assisted the other ladies in serving lunch. They had to get water from Bell's pump and make the coffee on the wood stove Which heats the hall. and having prepared for many more the men errjoyed lunch too,• when they cal- lheodm te:e take their women and girls each favoured with lovely accord- ion-solos, which drew hearty ap-plause, 41410 Ellen Cole gave an anus- ing recitation. The Christmas Story, with a na-tivity scene was .presented by the juniors with Hoirme Stirling read- .ing the story as recorded -hy St. Luke, • A closing chorus of a medley of carols was sung. with Linda Rath-.' well and Bonnie Stirling as lead- ers. Mr. Robert Welsh, chairman of the Goderich Township School Area Board was the genial master of ceremonies for the evening and, congratulated the pupils, Miss .Wil- liaMs and Mrs. Robert Stirling oil their fine. program, produced in spite of much absenteeism due to contagiOus diseases.during the fall. In spite Of the absence of snow,. jolly old 5antI Claus arrived and With the assistance of Robert' Welsh, unloaded the Christmas tree to 'the delight of all the child- ren. WA Postponed The Women's :Auxiliary of St. James Anglican Church, Middlesi ton, will not meet on its regular date but on Wednesday, January 13. Please see next week's paper' for time and place, eS/sis!g-iSiSsSissectsissimissesVssissegems, News of Bayfield By KISS LifMy R. WOODS PHONE: 13AWIELD 45 r 3 May it,pla • HAPP May ) holicl Clinton, Ont. Seli**1000404-Y4141)04 MAI FRElY HUDIE and STAFF Phone HU 24655 4 ar Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss, Jan- ice and . Charles, London, were' with her mother, Mrs. J. H. Park- er, from Wednesday to Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker and Bonnie Searboro, and Leo Delong, were also with her from Thursday to Sunday. They were all the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wes- ton and family for the Christmas• dinner. Mr. and Mrs. R, Fraser and two c ildren, Gary and Reid, River- de, are spending the Christmas- ide with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fraser. Mrs. F. Fraser's brother and sister,,,E, Walton and Mrs. Mary Jordon, Clinton, were also their guests on Christmas. Day. Mrs. J. Kulbach and daughter Elizabeth, New York City, arriv- ed on Saturday to spend the Christmas vacation with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ormond. Miss Lola Elliott returned to Detroit on Tuesday after having seent Christmas with her, brother, W. Leslie Elliott. The Rev, and Mrs., Peter Ren- ner, Teeswater, spent Christmas with their son, Percy'Renner and family. Miss Charlene Scotchmer, Tea- chers College, • Stratford, is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles! Scotchmer, for the Christmas va- cation. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Merner and family spent Sunday in De- troit, Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Featherston returned 'home' on -Saturday after haying been with their dauhgter, Mrs. Keith Leonard and family, Willowdale, from Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heard and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert • Kirkham, London, and Mr. and Mrs. George Heard and Larry, celebrated Christmas on Saturday with their.parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Emerson Heard. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkham returned to London' on Sunday, Mr. and. Mrs. J. 1V1. Stewart re- turned home from London on Sat- urday Where they went on Thurs- day to spend Christmas with the latter's niece, Miss Helene Brown- lee, Mr. and Mrs, William Murray, Warren, Mich., who had been to Clinton to visit his mother, Mrs, Agnes Murray, called on his niece, Mrs. Thomas Castle and family, on Christmas Eve. Miss Helen McLeod and Ronald Coleman, London, spent the Christmas weekend with her mo- ther, Mrs. Thomas W. Castle. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Larson and Karen returned to London on Sunday after •having been with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lar son, for Christmas. Mn and Mrs. Elmer Johnston and five children, Ronnie Stevie. Judy, 'Carol and Christy, 'Preston, Visited the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. W, H. Johnston,'' on Sun- day. • Mr, and Mrs. J. Pounder and three ehildren, r.lohtiny, Cathy and Mary returned to London on Sun- day after having spent Christmas With Mrs. Pounder's mother, Mrs. Lloyd Seotchmer and family, Miss Lucy R. Woods returned home on Saturday after 'having been With Mr, and Mrs, It. ronson with r the sister, r from one me for arents ary 9. tye ar- arents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert on Christmas Day after a honeymoon trip to Kentucky. John R. MacLeod was with his mother, Mrs. L. H. D. MacLeod, for Christmas, In the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Carson Fawcett and Nancy, Miss Dorothy Ann McLeod and Mrs. MacLeod drove him back to Port Stanley. They visited L. H. D. MacLeod at Westminster Hospital, and Cathy MacLeod,, London, accompanied them upon their return to spend a week with her grandmother. and uesday ed to grand- ,Time to say Happy New 'Mario WILLARD and ARTHUR' AIKEN assa?ssirsosisissIssiesSismessississzerarA May- it prove to b G you(' ,Hiappie WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL CLINTON PLUMBING HEATING ELECTRICAL SERVICE In The Pas We h look out 1 our patronage. crying you throug • JO ALDINGTON VARNA HU 2-3380 Vrr.vatablopamtaaatra0242,41-xelmatomtztmDtwaNzliiDattavatzt