HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-12-31, Page 4MINTOS INTVWS-ItgcORD 11-VMSPAY, DECENR R. 31.„ 100a AGE 'VOW, 'Money Wanted "INVEsiMENT` • NEED LOCAL MON eral "First' gam yearS, % .r an seeurity f $10,000 .0Ox S2 , .CIInten for imp .tant info Estate PARK THEATRE GODERICH Rates NEWS RECORD Mg- po If . your- por .04r 60 yroOuR oljwiTrrn aLE fo•n inateihonoicseeelo a guernot Sgtruee2t , s. No Charge .for Announcements of B111018, Marriages and Deaths. ArtieleS for Sale, Rent, etc., cards of ,Tharacs, In Menwriarns• Engagements, '3c a word, minimum 75e. Box No, to this office 1.5c additional. Repeat insertions 2c a word, minitnum, 500. CASH DISCOUNT: % if paid by Saturday fol- lowing last insertion. Billing charge of 3.0c added, lratest Time for Insertions - 12 noon Wednesday Dial HUnter 2-3443 . r 1•1!or iro 08f ie vvt eo- ation, pi)] eWs-ke. C rd Bn,est 52-1-b ANT FOR QUICK RESULTS ..u•, 1.$'4 °Wei Home , ,?6tf14. NOW PLAYING Jerry Lewis -- Marie MaeDonald and sessue HaYakawa BOYS I BUSINESS PROP - °TIES. f s and homes. 13 ' . home . snit your poeketbo • : on th • 4 u-Way house plan. eonard . Winter, Real Estate, • gent '.r Heinohan. Phone HU 2- 692 appointment, High Street, , ton. 49013 . . Notice To Creditors In the Estate ef EDGAR JO- SEPH TREWARTHA, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, De- ceased. All persons having clai • • . gainst the Estate of the ob. Deceased are required to fi • A e same with the undersignet• S• eitor for the said Estate, o or before the th day of Janua A , . .D. 1 0, which date as•L be dist- ributed en- titled to the cl 1'7 i .0 ' all have been :,,iv• Dated a Clin • • 0 alio, 1 14th day of Dees. ben AD. 1 59 E. B. ME ZIES, Clinton, I ntario, Solicitor I r t • said kstate. Notice To Creditors In the. Estate of ERNEST MEL- VIN KNOX, late of the Township I of HuIlett in the County:of Huron, Farmer, Deceased. All having claims „persons against-the Estate of above e- ce d are require to file he 5 e with the und -. • . o - /tor for the said te-, o fare the 11th d f jan , . 1960, after w ch dat will be distribut ,amo s parties entitled etc) . , gard only to el: of , eh notice shall have been yen. Dated at Clin n, 00 . o, 15th day of Dee 1)er s 195'. • E. B. MENZ ES, b, Clinton Ontario; ' Solicitor for th- said E. ate, Poerg: VP, ner r.-. The Codfish lays temthousand y ' The homely hen lays one. The codfish never cackles To teli_you what she's done. Apd 6-we scorn the codfish, hilg th@ humble hen we 1 " prize, Which only goes to show you I that It pays to advertise! -Anonyonius, Miscellan;,ous ..rrerm ALL WEEK January 4th to 9th. RENT 1VIcCIUL Saw by e day ' at wgr..,Ls Auto phene HU' 2-385 C eek. lectric PPIY Linten, 49-tfb Sale Help Wanted Articles.' F emote ESS wan- m restaurant. Western Bar- 52-p Accommodation For Rent Stecao). artment private eta now, Phone HU 2- 869 DOWNSTAIRS . furnished and heated, lences, centrally ,loc HU 2-9005, 40„0`14rin West. APARTMENT, UNFIT heated, newly decorat floor, , self-contained, cate, available now. 2-9372, Accommodation For Rent Adult Entertainment The current British comedy , that is •running over iMe coast-to-COaStl! DRESSED DV. a lb. P,hone HU SET OF MAT, tables, a step tables, coffee table; baby's complete with plas ring filled mattres • ed 'for ' quick, sal Rd., RCAF 'Static 2-7113. EXPERIENCED ted for night we Apply in person B-Q, Clinton. , 450 • ties 52-b r.g.,Tm3., QUEEN S ice, Repairs to al cuum cleaners. HU 2-7146. •%. va- ce call 35t1b. R '1AC G livingregm , er table, , 20"x40" c'24 Eve•73;nton like new, e- Clin .• phone 52-b d5 e5M1 pv :31 del vere. •ric- 14" on ecinest, wTilnle -442.,17Lguinc..- 52-tfb ed, gas. tfb 2 AP RTMENTS, fur, 'shed, one he Phone HU 2-9682, ailable 52b Phyoenn-e ss Street, 52b Help Wanted-Male. MARV IS NOT TOO MUCH FOR THE MAN WE WANT Bepanse we pay our top men in other cities from $14000 to $24,.4 000 in a year, this o ning in the Clinton area wort 3ust as much to the right If you are e ee 45 and 65 ... can make s o a trips - can call on mit 1 w rUral hncl in- dustrial hope to he fr• e you right away. I would r e to IV' e you start with us soon d sta for a long time. All replies confidential. G. W. SWALLOW, President P.O. Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas 52-b t.F.T US REPAIR AND le KE your rings and jeiveller Diamond rings renewed ones safely secured - don't e chan- ces. Expert work done easonably to your satisfaction. atch re- pairs and Pearl rest nging. W N, Counter. 52-p 1 FOOT TRAILE Apply at North E 3323. \all • • loped, • • HU 2- 52-b • a geant" With th ,sain ca Sc rry1 an ,produ atop Kenn h Connor & 7Jharles Ha try SAT RDAY MATINEE 0 LY An African Adventure tory "THE IVORY HUNTER" COMING "The a I t e Flesh and the evil" Starring Harry Belafonte and roger Stevens 11th hirle 3 ROOM APARTIVI bath, furnished, gas h able now. Phone HU 2 BEDROOM Modern unfurnished, available HU 2-6677. , wth avail- 390. 52-lp SHE DRAIN ”..1 inch delivered; -Mein $8. ered; 6 inch $1.10 8 inch, $175 per for 10",-12" yelall Brick an field, phone BA), an. gro at all Pho - . • lo- HU 52.1-b WATCH REPAIR IS FO experts. Our work s yo satisfaction. Counter ewellery Huron County's Oldes Establishe Jewellery Store, 52- P tme e OW. KAPPe bedr b th sessio one- EVEN ROOM HOUS three bedrooms up, o plus usual rooms an Oil heated, garage, p uar 15. To see, on GE 2-281.5. s 3 ROOM APARTMEN and heated, suitable Phone HU 2-3844. n. Jan- ollect, 52.1-b WAREHOUSE SALE every Sa urday on refrigerato freez washing machines an urn cleaners, televi Save money on br pliances. Warehous to 7 p.m, each Sat Dutton Appliances, B 2- 3232. • . WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "WheriTi„: et Bulls Ar Usecr ARTIK IA INSE ATIO 1SER .F0 LL BREEDS TLE ers, on sets APARTMENT - Self-Contained unfurnished. Available irst month. Phone HU 2- 8. etc, ap- a.m. . T. efield. HU 23tfb LOVELY HOME with' 3 bedrooms, 3' piece bath, hydr telephone, water ry heated, furnished or Located On High%V Clinton a II Seafo drive f tereste ope 4 ROOM APARTM urns ed, on King Street, g'. d flo available now. Phon , oil rnish , .betty e man, If t1 FIREFIGHTER LIEUTENANT Flowers', Telegraphed Anywhere, MODERN USED HOUSEHOLD FURN NGS Refnigerators, Stoves Hea- ters, Electric and mg -Re CHUTER E TRIC HU 2-3324, 7,4 Victo la St., Clinton 50-51-52-1-p FREE 'FUEL OF It - $100.00 prepaid with each purchase of a Massey-Ferguson No. 50 tractor. Te prove to 'You that you have picked the most econornieal-to-ru 3-plow tra.ctor in ' class. sey-Ferguson is, g to •fo e fuel bills for th f mo s of operation. Don' miss Mas- sey-Ferguson ree F " Offer. Good for a mite me only. Come in and s now. Your Massey-Ferguson Dealer, George Wraith, Goderich. 36-tfb 52-b tati 5 ROOM UNFURNISH ment with three piece availa• e, second floor, nary . Phone RU 2- Jo, than on the roperty, HU 24:22 evenin. - or before 9 . a.m. noon. ugi phon aftei or `bel Dept. of Natienal Defence (Air) RCAF Station Clinton, Ontario, • SALARY $3570 -$40 per annum Applicants must ye had exten- sive firefighting perience with a recognized firef ting organization and have a °Ugh ltho ed of firefighting ipment, t 'd Ind fire bers. have had sup rviaory Preference in /*dint given to resid ts ef , ario and' Inear y. Appli,cation Forms a lable at Post Offices, Nationa Employ- inent Services r Civil Service Co mission, sho be/fir with CIVIL SER ICE / C‘'OMMI ION" , . -.St. Clair Avenqe TORONT 7, On rio, CI' ton p.m. ore 12.30 50-tfb Owned Call us betwee 7.30 and 10.0 ntrolled 2 MALL APARI1M funi- is ed and heated, one ly.per, one wer. Apply 93 Huro Street. 52-1-p ROOM FURNISHED AR ment. SUitable for a coup Wa ing facilities available. V cant yember, 20. Phone HU -95 D ay = Articles For Sale . 6.00 and 8.0 p.m. Saturday Eveni gs - at Clinton,HU 2-3441' 46-tf • K. be ser- Jewellers, 48-tfb TIMEX WATCHE viced through AN E Clinton. 45t1b apart- le for ly f or f ishave wel- -tfb P SPECIAL: Sunbea Razors, $19.95. AN ers, Clinton. F L'O R I Dial HU 2-701 FURNISHED and HEA meat, private bath, s couple with small f Iwo or three girls. P 3837. orey, 5 foOmed dwelling, co pasting of living room with na ural fireplace, dining MOM, :bedrooms kitchen, 3 piee bat sunparch,,/:oil h g, t 'a prox. 84x120'. oe alf b ock from 111 Earl ;possesalon.-Price ,, like We. Ph- 2-p ood. rvered. urn. Ph- 52-p ZENITH REFRIGERA new; Beatty washing ma one HU 2-92.70. one H 52b Articles Wanted QUANTITY OF ELM c $3.50 at the bush, $4.50 Arthur Hallam, RR 1, A one Auburn 33r16. ERT' S WE BUY late model used appli- ances, refrigerators freezers, stoves, etc. Must be and good condition. T. pliances, Brudefield 3232. Open evenin • BEFORE JAN 9th, 1960, 52-h SUCH AN IMPORTA T G as ( a diamond should be ehos with special care. Phone for even- ing appointment. HU 2- r HU 2-7051 Anstett jewe 50tfb Annualllanuary $ale of 1Kenwood" and INSURANC d AL ESTAT Hotel ton Building Dial HU -9644-.biusi HU 2- 87-resi ce 52- an. 32tfb Alf?Ofri fle4 For Sale' 1954 CHEVROLET d condition, $575. Ap End Store, 'HU 2-3 1958 CHEVROLET D sedan, 9,000 miles, on Must sell, owner tran seas. Phone HU 2-99 Livestock Wanted OLD HORSES WANT lb., and dead cattle a %'Icf dead, phone at once ERT BROS. MINK RANC ne col- lect, Godericb, 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1. 1"‘rrt, AUTHORIZED Dumo TV dealer, Ted Ryd and Service, 72 Al Clinton, Ontario. Ph 9320. enith Sales Street, ne HU 2- 42 to 1-p -1 orth 52-b 4-door .,er ear. ed over- 51-2-1-p ATTENTION FARMERS! $5. paid for sick, down d disab cows and horses, a mg t and condition. ea icked up free o ect Ed. Andrew Associated with of Canada Ltd. "Hudson's Bay" lish dine and get our ounter's 52p SEVERAL new patterns i Bone China Dinnerware lovel nCornflower". S , . oche'in our window a low prices for fine china. Je ellery, ize stock all col- , Seaforth, arling and Co. 39p-tfb ba. pea GREETINGS 1960 Clothing for Sale All Wool Blankets W SH ALL 0 • I CUS S and friends a New ear'. Bayfielcl Wo op. 52b TTENTION , DAIRYMEN „and Beef Producers. See B ger Sir Unloader and Auger ders operation. Lowest pri s n a le cleaners. Bill Arms ong, 3, Bayfield, phone 584 49tfb ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK Ser vice. Highest cash prices p for dead, old, a', or disa horses and cattl. Old hors at 5c a lb. For th- 'fastest an rop- er removal of anima day or night, use our tomati xchange, at no cost to u. C long dist- ance and ask ood Zenith 34900 (no toll I, or Norrican Knapp, Blyth 2 r12, 44tfla CustOm Work y;) TRUCK LETTERING. 2- 952Q, 147 TaWnsend 30 years,. experience. 52-tfb FOR YOUR PLUM G AND HEATING needs, call HU 2-9433. Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb S CLEAE4 and DIAM ND D chec d free ief e arge. nstett Jew llers, Clinton. 46-tfb ARANTEED TV CfNG. ed Ryder TV Sales Service, 72 Albert or 54 Mill reet, Clin- ton, Ontario. HU 2-9 20. 42 to 1 . There! We put New Year s ute e fin hi g t o yo ! t ch on our persora shes of gaiety re- of Dead Stock Services HIGHEST CASH PRItES PAID FOR SICK, DIN or DISABLED OWS1 nd HO Commencing: and good pr Monday, y FOR. YOUR DZAINA ing and pipeline work, levelling, 'gravel fill Coated Jack! Merrier, 2-9731 • exeav nda ns, d to soil. ph e HU 20-tfb SOUTH END- . and CLINTON , ITIE SE SOME BLANKETS MA NO EXCHANGES SOILED Dead Cows At Old Hon d Hors NE ORDERS MOTORS and PORTABLE Power TOols Rewound and • pair Parts for all ,popular es. motors available on o t n e. Art Levett, 139 Eri St one Week north of Epps hone HU 2-6640. 49tbf Phone HIJ 2.7055 F. E. HIBBERT SON 13 Gove men to tle S.y W ight TER CAS JOE ORE e BOB 1VIcN , uctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Cler .., „ terometetdeng-uptomitsttMeee:MMMItIMK BR 24 wasterovaspemeiclunclevencesisiestwalemeeecietereaso , • GdIDERICH, Employment Wanted YOUNG GIRL would e a doing slight houSeWork 1 after children, can sta Phone HU 2-7509. Money To Loan ung r out. 2-b honia. ugh, R,R 51-2- aleraleells.Ve To Our Friends and Customers . . . Unlimite To. City Moneysfor Phone OPS INV . 380B Bloc: ey Loans rm Folks and anywhere. 'te noVv. ENTS LTD. est, Toronto 2-2442 52-b WOULD LIKE TO C elderly co ple in my o Write rs, Annie Colel 2 Seaf rth. Fruit For Sale YED APPLES FOR SAL y, King, It:asset, Tabrian SW reehing, Madritosh win, Delicious, etc, 2-3214. Free delive RCAF houses. 'Fr and Sens, 1 Mile , Poultry Wanted LIVE TURKEVSt due and hena. Top prices Vatna arid Zurich tact 1V1ervyn Hayter. Produce, Britssels. geese, antee riet a.st on fl-tfb With sincere o past year, we e>5t,9 Yea d to yo illed wit and USED TV SET SALE • Bursting forth with our b Each pasthlg ye friendly contacts and the course of business. 1951 ADMIRAL 17" t model $ 69.00 1953 ADMIRAL 17" le $ 79.0. 1954 MOTOROLA 'I e $ 89 *0 1957 WESTINGHOUSE 4" porta $ • ' .00 1956 HALLICRAFTER table 95.00 1955 SYLVANIA 21" able ode $ 95.00 1956 MOTOROLA 21 table ,, $130.00 All Sets haVe been Comple y Ov anted and Our Service Gnat tee TED RYDO.'S TV Sal s and tyke 64 MILL STREET, CLiNTON hone HU g.,026 and We look, for of 601 irt the joy during eathnf ass • Barth& Bak Lt . Pickett & mpbell ME S WE lied KEN PICKETT CLINTON Bakery and Rettattrani CLINTON 2.9/27 • B CAMPBELL NU 2-9732 " • ••,.2 4,; 4•• •