HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-12-31, Page 3TM'p $]^y 00•Q1yI U 1909 .�„-�-.,. .... .. ..., _ NIF�ENE+fGM4 �M° N.`ME! IEM N kPX WQl%)KV1A$ TO WJ01M7-WILLIS 'WA � T AN 44*VABUY 7 Many " - their J uar a it9 t soTh on. Y meet 7 . � , The Wesley -Wilks Woman's As, Man customers are flnding The `Happy Workers" Gluh 'wall; ' ee. hold t.. e. an... x ane t g :a the et at tlse church ,f r the Sp d Wash at ;14 King home of Mrs. cliff Glazier o>�: ; on. Tliursd'ay, January 7, at 2,30' Street very helpful. The driers. +, Thursday, Ja ary 7, at 2 pin. r cicpk. in the afternoon, o'. and Washers ,are Civa .fable day Roll call wl a answered 7�y pay-; ^-�vp c� �^,�T + ,. Ing me ership fees for 1.960. Y# or Inipht. h Mrs, E anal Mrs, 91mex Dale; g �Y T ly VET NU'ARY #i and M." and Van Loon are � :: � s The WgxnensMissionary Society 1un�lcoruve err. : and Women's Association of Stt ' " 'his. weeks The l unicX n 4. ;Nay. is 1 959 �� ;� eve'.'Presbyterian'Church u•; +.h'�`'. '3ez %"$`�5'1 meet Tuesday, January 5 at }. .. . .,. � ;. , y w 5 E' ,,:.like %i r 958 Galen. ar. :r:a ' ; r Y v� v - a: : Mrs, W, J. Coop's home at 3 Check yAu. 1.... d If the n RO � 2, 0 t Galen LONPU.PO ,. in the afternoon.,. ,. z rlurrtber :matC.izes, ko . he :. n y s n Y �7 i M j a4 o k, 4a:>,: ,:,,, ,., : ::. r our off.ics ana claim you, rs. Port A -,-Cor es ontlent K.-.,.<..:, :.,, f.,.t �� >.a ,.;:..c da . to M Por . Ilan r.. q wFr �� u � All the .luck in the $$.go amd t. K Y }� ; Mr.and Mrs. Fred YOungblut ,.;,,� ,�;Y,3 and fa lI W o k i ...., r world. t0 you and rn Y, A dstoc , visited on is $hk u s , � o- ' . u r a. .I�IE •196, C L. 1 Suri t d r/ r r y a i5 x '�'� ��Townshlp 7 44d u is day ver.. h Mr. an.. Mrs, Joe r r _ :: Mr. and Mr,, Keith Jackson and f- r .a A N 5W E�►RC rr i« av Youngblut,'Londesboro, ' ` Y �' o your family .during are >� p o .0 y;; x x Vernon, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. no ;g o._ d e m1psi9n Circle �: James Jackson and family, fiam l the New Year, 1960. onQ--•:-eo r lim The Aunwell Mission circle held $. tcom'be d f rs. J �s New- " 3 • their Christmas meeting in the ° a church. Mrs,. Harry Lear opened �. � � and and. Mrs. lint n E!o �C hog ng°y . p $ George Jackso s Ruth the tmos Stowith Toa ,° "The k i ; t Churn, all. o don spent the Q., W .COR SH, Proprietor' 1•, n {p a. seals: with . Mr. and C y clay and Mrs Little read a story based on the IU -5 CLINTON . . „C as". w w Mrs, Stanley ac . on, Rn 5, Olin. theme, „.� ton. Srrr�a��zi�fi�rtt?f ` th kris < .► 1VfLss Edith • acorp• read Star of �.�, _� t , r, a the East." wi piano. accompatu Ment. Ch isirn carols were sung Roll :call asveered by the 13. x xnembers p n a Christmas r • � . verse, Mrs. ear was elected president Donald MCNall, vice- w Charles MerrillA� Y secretary; Mrs.. ack Lee, tineas- .., ..... „ .. ... , .. , ..:• , .. ..,•.:K ... ' , .....:;.: ;, � D ac+cuelmWV4N=WM r t r _ W `;.: ©. . .� sc. HAPPY . NEW 'Y" AR:i• ' May Every D B` ou "'Lucky .. say ine. JhW i9 BALL MURR, I.KA. HARDWARE , Phone- HU 2i.9,505'/ Clinton 1 N• urer; • Mrs. Geoa Wright, stew- ardship;, Mrs, onald McLean, temperance; Mrs. Donald McNall,• pianist. , Mrs. Wright gave a report on thestewardship.e ' m etm in CI'n-; ton. Mrs. eville Forb s gave the first chapter of the ,Is book; followed by a short quiz. Starting with the first of the . New` Year, meetings of this group. will be known as the Evening Aux- iliary. uxiliary. Benediction was :followed by a s Ial hour, making favours for theiospital'trays at Christmas: / r BUTT RMIL K BISCUITS SAVE 4c PAY :O N: Y c �I (linton.16A :Moth earnest Wishes o and true, that the i# • Y 7 NowYear will proye1o, be the year fob y 31 P . B nen ebakerv I,D.A., DRUGS' ALBERT STREET Phbne '"U 2.6624 „ dew Butcher' Shop • r Clinton's'newest food store, known as Peter's Modern • " Meat Market, opened this week at 57, Albert Street. • Owned and operated by.Peter Damsma (formerly with YY Burt Stanley at, the Red and White Store), the shop is � f Specializing in fresh cut meats, cured meats, and .an im ;ported line of cheeses and specialty meats from Holland. _ Peter, above, displays part of his meat counter. To all our Custo eril Gods Twp. . Souter. .Clarence Dale Connell CIarence Dale Connell died sud- Correspondent 2h R. Stirllrl9. denly Monday, December 21, at Antett J Phone Hlr 2-9537 41his home; 157 Ontario street, Chn- Vk1tors with Mp, and Mrs. John ton,, , his 61st year.. js Tce orranwet Mr. and Mrs. -Ed Williams, Goderich; `Miss Dorothy He was born in. Goderich Town Reinke, Hamilton; Miss F. Cuning- ship on September 8,'1$99, the son hame and Miss Priscilla Elliott, of Mrs. Adeline Cowielr and the hVaMy1N"1n" Clinton.. late Williams D. Connell,: and lived��+a+c+ Mr, and r s. Jack Stirling and. fall his life in .Goderich Township son M, ' Toronto, spent the' and,, Clinton, Formerly proprietor weeken with their parents, Mr. of Connell Meat Market, (now and s. James R,Stirling. (Fitzsimons Food Fair), he was M and Mrs, Alvin•.Bettles spent employed as a salesman at the C stmas ,and the weekend in To- time of his death. r to with, his brother and sister- Mr. Connell was married to -law, Mr, and Mrs. Erland Bet- tlesEstella May Bell on September Mr. and M Ben"Rathwell spent 24, 1924. He was a mem1ber of Christrnas. th their son-in-law Ontario Street UrAted Church and ' and..d ate•, Mr, and Mrs. John of Murphy Loyal Orange Lodge, Grig No. 710,,. M a A11eh B.ettles spent Si i vi'ving . besides' his wife are Sund in H Ilton, two daughters: Mrs. Cameron 1Vliss Ma Snell (who spent (Marie) Proctor, Clinton; and Mrs, riam RClinton)'and ph- Christmas h Mr, and Mrs. and Robert (Lois') Miller, Scarbor- R' 1, Miss uske, returned to their ought one sister, Mrs. 1VCyrtle Tyn- rF Asa . home with them, dall,,• -Clinton; his mother, Mrs. - Mxt. Eleanor Picot„ spent. Christ- Ade me ConnellClinton five rr c .; •i, mos with lien ssar,.�; ,• d -and, do ' dren, JACK �+� ' TON'�A�"�`' ily in C^1 °.. � ridthlek? x '�� 0 rvice was from the `Ball and y ,. Mr: and Mrs, AN Sterling and Murch funeral home 153 High family spent Christnsas with Mr. , g CITIES SER CE OIL' CO.. LT,p. and Mrs Jack Watson, Street, Clinton; by the Rev. Grant . Mr. ;nkd Mrs.•J. lhxf .Tia vier and Mills, of Ontario Street United their famiIy had Christmas dinner 0iurch; on Thursday, December� rn vwclaw.L- gra r,",4, with their son-in-law and daugh- 24: Interment was in Clinton ter; Mr. and Mrs. Fraser. Stirling. Cemetery. Pall -bearers were 'Rus- Mr, and. Mrs. Harry Torrance sell Holmes; Lloyd Batkin, Wilbur and family spent . Christmas with • •..... , .. the lattees parents, Mr. and,Mrs, Welsh, Roy Tyndall, Willard Aik- George Falconer. en, William Miller. Flower�bearers Mr. and Mrs. Sam Argyle, Lon- were Bruce Tyndall, Weldon TYn- ,,,• don, spent .the weekend with the dall, George Wilson, Roy Connell, lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliv- Harold Connell, Verne Dale. er Cole: of KA Boy'Scoult News � ; (By PAUL BATEMAV) On December 16 an event which promises to be an annual affair, was held at the Clhiton Legion �. Hall. A Christmas celebration for the Scouts and Guides took place with�e01m fro � 80 to 90 boys and girls PM. Ces began with dancing, MR. and MRS. folio ed by: skits by the Guides and Scouts; - an onion -rolling con - ter in which tlke contestants were R. I W1 N a iged to roll an onion with his BES L o her nose about four yards. The and STAFF G ;==Z ��. .; �� Murphy and Mrs l�iichalson.�������.��. to all our new Customers and Friends To all Cu tom rs I K46, Xf C L 0 0' INSURANCE '$r REA ESTA ISAAC STREETi, CLINTON NU. 244. BOB and NANCY NEPHEW As the custom has been in the past, we are giving the first baby born in Minto ne I I `"x14"" ph�itograph, col. ou e�fi and one Btaggin' Book. . Mdare, S U 9d 5T+ DAY�h ST T" Telephone JA 4y` 924 Ooddtieh, Ohtario' V inners received the onions as the year d, their prize.rzt<.;zrrnnatrr�ar in . otning a our Everyone was treated to several • •"' •""'• , , ,. �+a thanks for you . art kinds of dances and singing, then refreshments consisted of sand - patronage. • wiches, chocolate milk and cook - nr Sud �6 les. Presents were opened; and the contents were found to be such articles ab babybottles dolls corn Ne.w -ter �rl•� Pads, etc. \ :t QUALITY HARDWARE Adults' .attending? the party were Mr.. and Mrs. l§,oh Mitchell, Mr. and" !Mrs. ' Mel Cleaves, Mrs. "Bud" and HOUSEWARES Graham, Percy Brown, Mr. and Yl6ar I I Cli ton HU 27023 Mrs' Cameron Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. ). G. Winter, Mr, and Mrs. D, Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. J. G ;==Z ��. .; �� Murphy and Mrs l�iichalson.�������.��. to all our new Customers and Friends To all Cu tom rs I K46, Xf C L 0 0' INSURANCE '$r REA ESTA ISAAC STREETi, CLINTON NU. 244. BOB and NANCY NEPHEW As the custom has been in the past, we are giving the first baby born in Minto ne I I `"x14"" ph�itograph, col. ou e�fi and one Btaggin' Book. . Mdare, S U 9d 5T+ DAY�h ST T" Telephone JA 4y` 924 Ooddtieh, Ohtario' V