HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-12-31, Page 1..... . ...... ....
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'THE N W 15RA=93r.d. YEAR TK NEWS-R�,CQRQ-77th Ya -R
ma umle with. a bour*l*e dog No. "Ur—The" Ho With tho "10W* OWNTON; OHTAIK.1%�1%1011t$DAYV� 0901EMORK P., 1959 $3.00 her y0pr19 'Cants Per Coo 'Pogo
me, Popq .0,
Am beVIMinI; to think that _y
*bl'r,' thp animal ht
b ds' bleg'. ',, Howard t's' IN TUCK91111SMITH.TOWNWIll"
e pond near tile col- or ew
f4o 4 and Jim . po �-o
F NK $0 _es
_Oa at th
legi,,te f
One the boyatad a glightritark n.. ou 6et.APPM,.V1 0
Oj And it attackedthem Reeve Forsyth'a, d -L, ncil
on, h1s; the skin did not
appear to 6ubtrOkerx . The dog e P6 0. e -h lea
utilit q,
wa.s.'about la., -Riches high, With
short hpir, b1gc1c with dppple white Aff G''down anACACIMation,
spots V ces to foL Q T
Art I Ir Aew., lomes
Ivan 'Forsyth, reeve for three W,., E.' Haney),' , hur V I
I a"'o
ownship, (Wilinip Broadfoot; Robert, Gein�' iond Str�e v atlt) Or4od by.
IS NO 11,MI- years of Tuckersmith. T.
THOUGH THE e ClintQ U0,11tie.,s
pation that ra 40s, exists in this received an acclamation to that �mell); F:rank 0
Y I nor mission at,tho P�ng o
Area, it migs quite close, by last post in 1960 at the nomination Pepper, Ernest C
Tuesday night, .,T..UQ*y are for ZcL- !0A.
Soveral farm,animals meeting in 5eaforth T it 1�la opl area. 'trustees, also ing
.n C M0,01ce - Frame;;
Exeter a die rom th -onday afternoon. ow lon'i . 7 0 j'dp-h , 4, Jark
His no� a o ;;b�cllnie w.ero.. returii& to of, Peter "H40** -and I.
Suin o
the disease it is was� 'made bytCharles Eyre, see- fice: Clair Haney (Victor , Lee,
Wilmee 7 BroAdfootl;
Zn'=t' to be oft the ", look. -Out onded by Rob e:rt - Gemmell: Piitri�k foi*es. aro being airang
for suspiclotW anlmal�, And. warn Four councillors, aft on council (Mervyn Falconer, Ross Fprrest).
the dh &en, to 4 .e sc for by I%Tu�Qiy Buadliigs Titd,, g614 .
�O th., mme f � threoyear& ilqq w re a W. P,.RobexU R-Tt 3, Seaforth,
P ediaim- x b�c
first nam- was -appointed �halrrpan of the Ou
Anyone sellig..4 dog, similar,to, the ed. With each one, the Sewerage gervieq 1-0..'Ch�rloo-Lee
One.described ab,&%�e ... or an yorte ed in the bracket was the mover, public meetingy afid called for one
on Queen duth-
owning it, -would be wise to con- the other Ahe seconder. Elgin 141-14t.-15 silence in memory of. the.
',It late E: Pl.,Chesney.' The Rev� Dr., orized,
-M a, ThIgnipson (R t Co$tl,.Iofi the,,n4�v' conithercial
oPr . . . Dallas, Gordon
diagnosed DO NOT KILL a liott) Victbr Lee J, A. Seraple offered.* p
(Clair Haney, Tayer re-. water service, to'f 1d,W,
the, I I I I �p
,,#,Spec , Ash
dog Xing $treef4'wUl
,u suspect of having rabies questing divine guidance. for e9ta-blishnient 04,'
disease I,%' not fqp. ad-, councillors. be 'charged. on 1�,d5jS,L :of..-tbe
annot 6 detected
it c be comnientpd"oiltbe
p,: difference,-, b6 tweeq�
"Iblg� business" in the, toWlighl t'" " the�cost 6f a:
t PietsonalsNeeded "Forty'
animal is deAd' Just lai- fWem0gh1$. se'rvice,
keep it confined un L 1:11 authorities' handling $335,000 per year. He.' regul ' ".
�tho two-ifich servide,2ifistalled; plus
can, deal 'With the situai U, said 1, percent of the ratepayers'l . Of"di --"'f"_' _j . ,
-News Abofit Yo have -taxes still outstaxiding; a lho,c gging, opq in the:
1S 'is.
:THE FAIRYLAND OF IM.'AND total of $37,457.70. The towns.hip service.
mezci�a sersw, :`1A`,-UnaeJ_r�'t e
has, $3.4,0.0Q borrowed from the.
-.011 dnC d5ting
�Jay. I d . And Y`our ramines bank. The township seems td. be
a nightmare to the telelJhQtie com-
din, A The inaugurial,'-�MA'W�ag of,,:the,
ey len g, instit I
'for Tuesday,,
�panles, 6d.4'46 hydrV'm eii,�,. The News--R,-cord needs more used as, a mop ut PUC for
tion," said Reeve Forsyth, 4'tha
Ltialkily in this aroh the pdw�r- iLtems.for its,p,�rsonal Colum 8'
Ice w . n! 4 hould not be." ary
servi -at r4stored ea�ly The �epplo_ V-6 buy the, Nenv4- s
Other centres are' i not so -lucky -vLt,live gutside of Cli' Mr, Forsyth predicted incr�ased
Ve':ihinkt f Record th n -
I juit one tree
1 b the lee, chool�5 " serving the
ton,and the iffimedi&W Area," are t,�xeg in future because all three
Were made y interested, in you, and your, family. secondary s
additions.� .66nfi
.then, tourists. Would travel for They *want. to know: When yotir township are planiting.. Has
miles to mg'rv&,, ., .'But nature is t Re-bullftg of the, - road past.
childron, graA, �L q hey, win
, hen t
W ' ]�Mq'.s at RCAF Station. Clinton.
generous With - h6fAce and snow, prizes., when they tak part in
11 ' 0 L ' ma'"y � y! t !s
es � well w, the As. paid
fa 'for I
.rm,- -lid church, affairs. W 00 - per cRnt, by, Ve�'
w4 in the coneorts, a
summor,, . $hesbows no f4your- Those,whoread thid" Ndws-Req_- partment of National'DefOnce.
itism an&� at times, X10 Ord live Mr: Forsyth �oted -the s4ccess!
a��.far away as, Englan(,
tion to the..Dephr r
?sympa, D�� - of, a delega, tment,
Bermuda, Vancouver, .,South I Chrlstmas'
kota� �Flo alifornia New- "if Education in Toronto which got'
0, ,
L06K BACK�OVER 1959 IN f�un �Idl and C -payment of, grants on'. and Eigg
A, d and many points m.be- approval, of in',t6iIs ye6r ' 6., reside
this Issue is,' -quite -a revealii�g tween. Right now, there are �Otjr a -percentage of cost of el sroor not fdrr�
.as n �hty:H6
'st y_ . .'Many things topic placo, subscribers at. Whit6horsdin the raised from $�0,00,13.,-eacli to $2 gotten. A' ItUOV,or. tP, nto Sdhools
, Ory q�it I
Iduringthe,past�36.,5 days .,�o.,a.ftd yuko irl 000. This W111-41olp, co, j? A -he day witlx relAtjvess,:or'MenI%.'
.1 , n A. I Sheri 6c k-Manni rig Piano Company -
man 1 1, be. 'for, additlons'biiingp -is ing,,tauc
I th na',hMiw -nI Tlie�e was,�tlio,,'usiiitl �m�e��f: ast in ,touc es.are given t
.y. important pAis wd "Mair' su-bscribers'to the, X&;Nis� e
rts and entorta , irtmen i�- _&iaho at
cqmpl4e.4,4�rkng the 366 d4y.9 of He also suggested,..A �plan- per- conce t PrQ-: .'to. . aoStreet, by, Ca-ryl;,Drape� M�s hJ Hugh' 'Ladd 'before W is Packaged for
h all of,. )�epord ar6 Air Force� peopleybo
19.60 ahead . . . We Wis, axes in 'vided 'by' dlffk;eh�t 'W Offiz&tiolls� i' _06, to 6,ronto. It, is onp_-of in- artltlko)jnot,fi'nish'�nade.by the -f ctory for the
A fho I k I a
mlttng prowpayment of, t T
borr'pOlng who visited ofi66. N' 6. Yo� I %Vere ih N�vember; and tho'coriio
in. toueh'%�, d -the 1Hont0,,.,cF*r several; i , . o
you the best, di health and hap* wbi their children. we Order, to save. costs �of AdU6 i ir� ort ippP4, in,
,town in oh re lete
2piness'. and w�altfi; tm,,; I the'bank. Mr.. Fo th gavd days almost 800 card�.; ddrrie'to' th ..6� s . to f4a,'v'Ie this week,' lf is'l&gee in ed ini the. aVerf e,,hornev,
ony boru�the to they,. c�nsider rsy size , I I .ad
WTI. �J thbn' t�at us
Af it is nee a reView of.County Council -work residents.
o$PaTy",r0_" the othe" 16_'ir "homeAdwit" and the peopler -th � t; .1 is designed for gene.ral musical requirernepIts.. and church6s,. � Lafge,,,
two nothw, 'at to unw i+
tho.. Tegard, vs thielr�'nelggiib6uri, ego iations. wq� exhite V',1.hqd an
se "double 'wheell.' costdrs'.dre 'Q$Qd`for' "easy moving rom ondi clossrooryi to another. Dudley
rW to get the: road,. ftQnl,,, 1 "tte74is,
._ge Ica p
AWY -GRANDMOTHER' D I 1� D DIXTRP. IiYoOgft IF�i roX mmeb, s, thcit"'d niornber ot erU9,,, yhos� ave., eF 1,nto'Ont-
.Yoit�;&e. their n "rh t, i )"" -, , , Sh ck�,M�nnind, "I h b qi9aing
lo It; ul I V b 00
;�e cis, Q
F e kdo�v)
nekt fuaf�k.
a? pe o
_e L &,:�V luality
:162 ii14, IT but it It
you would, like'to'' see', in" th'e"i Per -a. I , �j definite ions, y
S -he lived. 45yeargIonger than her �Gnal colunin Q)r.an�wlAo�rejht.the yet. At Goderich, a. -8', ess ot
husl9and ... grandpa'di6d in 1914:paper) Aoiff hesita-to , t� S -d Frank Falconer reviewed -the RCAF, Station,. ton BAD.CONDITIONS COHTI.MUE
That was the year -+b6'fli�f 0 callu -grantspald' -by the township, cbm- of. r I 91kU1_ -6, b8e-,
noe, even with. two telephotio Varna. - n1to
e'. We e te
qrs nion.
fai was nine years there are times, It is difficult tq He costal - Chureii, of Ex hi. W
-d�qratfon... a retuin to Wdmen,g� Institute S
bid at the time of qq4f� said the k
World War began Sh' gienting',particulakly -upon the Belles. and -of 'li N C
lines at the, �News;�,Record Office,, $100..to th
bor4i in ornin Janu'a- '4 e C MUC
loi�Ion W -C
get,'us here, we have etillizAed-16. nied' a Sle"It� Snow ause
She was 51 years old,� jus a t, help of Catherine Plurntree (Dial the.levy,system for membership, carol singing . by Weiley-W- illis Members.of the council of the
half of her lifetime - gone' when but the council felt it was too - nited -Church, Young Pe -of Clinton for'1960 will be
-HU 2-9695). . She will. receivd i6stly ople's town
air&,aft first began to be used in calls every morning be ieff 9� And c to. !administer. Then, the Union on Christmas Eve, sworn into�office, at the town hall Disaster to the, Piro vm
10 o'clock. Items you give her will Union wanted,the same grant that -h United Church WA on Monday, Janua& 4. The first,
Canada This Year our country The Blyt
celebiated., the 50th yo" of pow- appear in the News -Record just. the Federation of Agriculture — and the Brownie Pack of RCAF regiflar m6eting of the new year The worst ice storm f6r s0me the �Pdewas covered-. uriderA, com-
,'ered flight. This year Russia $7,00. Council could not -hat
as, if you had, left them at. our, PaYA -Station provided, -.treats as,,well as will:beon Monday, January 11 yeam in -Ontario h0A `e.adied ,-Iiav K ive hiisurahc6 elduk.
much Union asked for in
took pictures of ihe far side of the Of Then the
any brganimt:16ns that renieXit, Final meeting of the 1959co pTcengto subscribers of the'Tuck.
province causing the
moon ... And one 'of her gran& per member but the c6unell bered those froin.their own dist- cil was la oc, across the d 11110therKr�;it M al Teleph&6 Sys-
st night, December. 30. situation to be tdrrnO It unicip
sobs flew his own planefron� Mon-, could not find out how many,riet. On behalf of the residents- ., ) polei�
treal to attend her funeral. .: . I ` tem was qt gh. Over X
g Ameinbem there -were in the town- who, 0 Hazerl -as far as h4art misery flt6 hi
may I say thanks too all those w ighway. be -
V and property 4amage is concgriwo ere down along the h
GRAN SAW THE' PERIOD OF Publik Speakin Mr. Falconer said. he felt they helped to ma ' ke Christmas a� happy Ted Ryder's T I, Shop Aside from dlse��fo�j 61� mo�-' tween Clinton - an(f BrUeefloid-
season. at ., -the. 'Huron County Moved* To Mill Street of the system also.
Aime when horses gave way 'to sho4ld go after unpVfftaxes early -Home. day. night, when hydro. intArPul?�,� Other sections
Test Open To All rvey C. Johnston,
autontabiles .:when dirt roads, in 1960. Superintendent, - - Ted Ryder's TV, Sales and Ser- tions- caused many homes to be suffered damage.
'became paved _ electricitk w Lee spo�e -briefly. vice, which operated for four too cold to live in, and. loss in. Clinton. Pubii� Utilities, reports.
use - ' Elgin Thompson reported on the 0— months. in a downtown location on s6me industriei due to'the-Iinter- little damage,,in fact thai lee,
as Studen n ri s &I 1,=* o L, line
put. to cures were foun ts I Dist kt vletor
for tuborculosis arid -other dreEid Ausable -R�%,4r Conservation Au- Albert Street, has moved back to ruption, little damitge was,, exper- kept in I bs fallen n th
- The Legion-spoinIsored public thority Oj( whic odelfinq Begun On i from causffig a short. All. trouble,
disease; the, Salk va h he is Tucker- Rem Mr. Ryder's residence on Mill ienced in this area.
io and many inor ceine for pol, aking contest- this year'will-bei swiths' e delegate, Work had in- Willi -am. Bakelaar, employed at was cleared up on Tuesday.
& medical won, spe ii _ aightening river . at Port. ng street. Mr. Ryder Will continue I - Tlie main interruption was
ders . . . 16 ' her day ladies wore held I Clinton, Legion H6111, on 1cluded Ar . g Former PUC Buildi his -service work and retail sales Anstett Jewellers, parked I his ear
hoopskirt:s, dustcaps, and night; January 12. The contest'is openI Fran6; �,bullding the Morrison Work has begun on . the re- from there. just off Rattenbury Street tn the� caused by a short length of
.eaps . . . damW a fine'handker- to all students of elementary and -bam; dredging chanpe�l at Grand modelling, 6f the former PUC, 0 public,parking lot behind the lib- jiFound wire coming loose on a
,.chief and never, Wore. slacks or secondary schools.in the area. �teftd. Now considered Is a dam building a:bAliq corner,of Princess . Christmas guests at the home rary on Monday morning. By ten Tiole structure of the 110,000 Volt
jeans; . Subjects for' the speeches -were at Parkhill to cost about $950 1000, and Albert Streets. AlanGalbralth, ssell Neal, dc a large limb about eight line feeding ttds area from Dev-
of Mr. and Mrs. Ru lock
to Announced in last we6k1d News. 'TuckersmithIs levy. is' $121.62.' owner of the groperty, is planning Maple Street, vVere Mr. . And Mrs. inches in diameter, and up to 18 ises Junction. TKis. line'cornes,Pft
IT 19' A*ESCORE. TO, 'THINK OF Record. Any onet%4shin.&'fu her 'Arthur- Varley gave figures on to move his A�pliance shop from Q�Aydon Neal A�d Murray, � Erie feet long, fell off one of the large the high, voltage lin� between
so many, thnigs happening in one Information should call J. DoUgla4, warble fly contr6l. -He said com" Its present'locition. further north Street; Miss Irene Saint, Wing- trees. there, and struck the roof of London and Stratford, ana feeds
V_embn's lift*hel .1A. What doeJ Thorndike, chairman of the local' �faifits,o,4no in about some farm- on Albert '�§treet, an(! �alsb will-. harn; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Neal and the car, It was bent In rather into the station south of Seaf6rth.
&-future hold in th6*next " contest: dial HU ff-7090. t(Continued orL)?4ge Eight) have room for other businesses. Nancy, RR 1, Clinton. badly, but no one wits injured, and With the line travelling crogg,
cen-' country, it is necessary to walk
tury . . . Can there be as many
Poor commun�datlons (because of
�Atrides inade? 'Or wifl,,,We man the line looking - for the trouble.
0 div
ge toi -bring about the end f
ftation asWe know it, entl�- telephone Hiles opt) resulted in
the Clinton'Rural, Operating Area
ply What mar�vels %-ill God r 6rd
Vtrndt ihankind to. ace lish be.; Lookling, Ove 1 59, in 'the News=Rec I-, (with offi6es here in, town) - frord,
.Omp knowing/What the situation was in
-tween now and .2059.
JANUARY 8_ FEBRUARY 5'-.., la�d ov6ed by Frank Andrews .. for disti Clubs. 14 clubs were entered In* time t6 take immediate action.
tiguished service in the
Burton Stanley received mayor'g The Rev. D. J. Uthe re-nained Winners In 1he -Legion-sponsored work of jotting'�the -message of competition Charles Mac-� The "interruption was finally
gavel. Counall heard, outline of president of the Clinton Citizens * u lib s a ' g contests were Car'. the recent campaign across to the Naughqn was again nahied to rep- found about two miles from the
year ahead foil I oast g se 61, ud; Adastral Park, Jun- public Easter Seal Ckimpaign resent Huroh in the In t 13 1
606d Christmas. " r1I MU ... t Horticultural Society o -Charles ex rOvIne- saefortli power statiom'.
dinner,At Hotel grs F. Lockwood retired from active jor public ool.; William XcXim; has -netted $688 -to date, ial election Library week was' I eanwh
baby born in the New Year was business as a barber, I -lit son Jam'mn- C , n, senlof piiblic school; - Bar- I MARCH 26 marked by a special'tour of the M ile, by gettinj - power
Hope For Safe the - daughter of ME and Mrs. Harz es Lock -Wood will operate the shop. bat& Inder, Xlinton, junior high A breakin occurred at Stanley's Clinton Library by Grade 8. from the Stratford direction, and
0 old W�llert, RR 2,: Honsaffi on Albeit Street while Frank Van sehool, �Sherty Cochran6,, Clinton, Red and White Supermarket. - 30 APRIL 93 feeding it over the new high Vol -
Ivan Forsyth Was acclaimed reeve Altena has taie_� over the shop on senior high school. camtons of cigarettes, one caspe of George Wilson, 58 Blyth, was tage line recently built from Sea -
New Year's' Ahead Of Tuckersmith, Mng Strbet . ., Mobile unit from IOARCH 5 butter and $30 eash.were ta ken killed instantly when % he fell from forth up to Clinton'and from Otero
JANUARY16 CKNX-TV recorded .. interviews Ugtowei?s fivo-`year�old arena �. . . Two accidents on Highway 8, the roof of a Victoria Street houi7e up to Godetich, directly to the -
Clinton area had Another good E. Elston Cardiff resigned with Mayor Burton Stanley and tollapmd, killing seven peewee each involving three cars, occur- where he was sungling . , , Wayne newly opened rock. salt mine, it
Christihas as far as traffic acc!-" "Whip" position 1A House of Com- Reeve W. J. Miller concerning the hockey lJlayers and the recreati6it- red during a severe snowstorm . . . Johnston, Blyth, lost control of his wag possible to get energy there,
dents are concerned. No injuries mons ... Irvine Tebutt, represent., proposed rental housing scheme 6A ditodor, �The strutture of Clin- Organization of .195q 4-H clubs has 1951 English car on Vinegar Hill,
nor accidents in this area, and on. Ing. Goderich -township on the and the pending changes at the Lions'' Arena hat been com- begun in the county. and caused $300 damage to one. to get the 'miners up from below
ly minor m1shaps in the county, CDCI Board, was re -named chair- Post Office. . . INtmely inspected and declared safe APRIL 2 owned.by J. A. Garneau which gTound. They were still below at
This is a repeat of th6 situation man ... E. Beecher Menzies, who 17EBRUARY 12 Stanley township Councillorg A $23,000 fire";razed Cralg)s was parked in the driveway 7,30 p.ft
has been serving as president of This winter can be reckoned agree to isupport the board of Clin- General Store at, Brucefield on Mrs. F G. Tho son ag& heads Then it was found that enough
es PrO7
fil 1958. the Clinton Liberal Association with the "bad One" of 1947 the ton District Collegiate institute In Easter Suhday'niorning . . . Ten- the a !ressive nserva- power was available to serOice
Hopes is for � a gi # time the roads,, -were blWk�d In a proposed $328,000 addition to the dots were received for the. pro� tive elation
milAj� good has been elected -president of & a the -town of Goderich, and'Bay.
week over thd New Yoarls holi- Huron Liberal Association, mid-March And the telephone poles school building. posed new building for the PUC APRIL 30 field, (still using the new high
day. As was offered last'year JANUARY 29 w6ro drifted � over.' Drifts at pre- MARCH 12 . . . A.,�record. number of births The tall cast iron bird on the
. 0 4. t voltage line).
Clh#on police are Willihk to'drive AnnexeMoai of 12 acres of land sent are nigh onto , -ten feet tall , . . Open House was held At Clin on took plitce in March tit the Clinfi5n f6uhtalh in Library Park fell ad -
anyone home Who feels himself Adjoining the tioftbemt tide of A rabid fox Wag ghot.1by Mervyn Public School, attended by about Public Hospital a total of 34 ross the lawn 4nd was shattered An 'Attempt was made about
unable to drive hOme in. hl Clinton was approved by Mullett gatkin,at the VletOr'T.%y1Or_ far'm 90L percent of the �.hrerits Clin. Maij6t YoungblUt, maple syrup ... V lentind ToWntend died from' 9,80 to serve the entire area, but
11 . is own toWnship council Billy Hanly, on Concession 2 Stanley t6wnship ton, Lions Club, pre$ented general spee a
car. Of 'course taxis will be oo, I labst in the Blyth diattict, has a tall off the roof at the home of there wAs not enough P6 ir eom-
t �io Z tdaate ere . . . I f ht n Mr, a
Clinton, was introduced to County CDC �rs W oft a ,6ficiency awards fdr the 1957- -tapped 650 trees C if At 6 fid Mrs. Ross Mextill, Vie-. -Ing through, so the 'line Wag shut
b Ne ere 98r, 'year to five '-0DCX ,
the 16 sw Years' Eve ari.4 will Council lit Goderich As the deputy 0 yorly 4��h i -hicrtase % StUdehft� defeated Bert White in a §nook- tolia Street, where he,had bedh off again, Mott of the other 6rea,
be 'happy to see citizens -home in clerk of the county . . . William FEBRUARY19 Tames Uanaghb#, Matlt' 8endeil, er tournament he . Id at M, J, A.g. Working Arthur S. 1361ton rc- Seaforth,' Clinton, ACAP Station
safety. A. Jewitt, popular reeve of Hulleft; 14arry, Ball was rre-�eldctpdd dbait- Fkanchie. Groyd4nds Alft- Coch. hewlt poolroom. signed from -his position as`as8oci- Clinton, tx6ter, Grand Bend,,ZuN
won the wardenship, of Huroh. man of the Clinton Hospital Board ra'ne and Gotclon . i4butt APRIL 9 ate agricultural representative
County 19-14 over Reeve Cedil ... 'Zablocld Wag hired as Speaking At Hdro&'q ,12,th Seed Douglas Andrews wag named for Huron County ich, etc, were served with power
'Thi'Week's Weather d . Itimey h�u Xinamen again by �0.30 p.m. afid it gtkv&d-
Blake, Ashfield. part earetakeri for 4Minit6n. Vitir, 4�;eotgo MoLa Kin,' Beaver. deputy -&ono comm 1,
,ander of Zone began work on tfieIr se -numb,
1959 1958 JAN UARYL go Pub c Sohd6l A tam dig h ton, stated that ho I otlier, industry C-1 At tl�e �weqkejid rany of Lqgloil orilig project. " I . on.
111,9b, Low High'Low W. V. Perdue Was,49alh named set ts been evocteds at tPhe" Rin_- has fecorded the dficrea�e in pro- member.§ held in Wingham-. . , P MAY 7 Any local difficultlei,' reported
Ded, 23 21 it 36 go ha,='nan OIf Publiattilities in 26th toh P6sVOffIce ... Harry Strang, duallbri pot niah, that farmers have The principal of the public scho6f , Donald Epp.4. Was named next 'rural roaftager Arthur M,, Knight,-,
24 29 i8 82 ig �r on Commission The RensAll fa�rner was hatned cafidi- brought about lnth6 last 20 Years. is to have at! assistant for the first prbsident of Clinton kinsmoti ... Were nearly all attended to 'by 5
1, ftll Re
25 34 98 U, -4 Department of Public Works. pro. date for the, �omlng election. in MARCH 19 time lit the town's histoily'. TOM Godetich Township School Area re- P,fn, and by 'the time full pc"Arer,
26 86 81 25 2 misod more Post Office space in Ontario Mr. And Wig. Cree - A blizzard delayed many Motor- J6,hii Carter 4as been hired In this quested permission fkofft douncil to Wa
'27 40 35 33 U Clinton ... Charl;� MAdNaUght0h Cook, James 9ttett eel6brated Istg and marooned a number who capacity, , , build a. new four-r6om school at g restored. only Ofte tostomor
1 guesi their.50th w0ding Ann%1v6ksdry. stayed overnight in Urm homig4 Am APRIL 16 'Rblinesville . . . Prafieeg Mecul�- in the Londt-tboro area wag With.
'28 so ' 25 &S 'A) MLAfor Huron �Cotmtyl Was 6 long annyl,l Col uh)uft Wag lough 1-1, 1 All w out hydro, A large elm linth down
M a banquet meetling held In the FEBRUARY 2 hi'h 8 4 and 8 Clin- It W. ID 0 me" 0 on a $150
29 26 21 3.5, 18 I-egion, M11 by the Clint6ft L-AdieS CoiltrAl Voittgago And HOOMAg toil Cutswr,e,ceived a'Cltabon of voted Mnsmen 6f the ti&cr at thd seholarship Off6rtdl by the Carria. Oft the Main feeder line near car,.
Rain. .69 ins. Snow! 14 it*.. Progtestive CbnaorvatiVe'Assocla- Corporation t6ok-opilon -on a, site Morit, award &OW the Musdul" convention Of 2on6 B. Disfaict. I flon Company, , . Tb�vn of Cliffiton 161V Wft the biggest problem Ix
Snow: 2 ins, n 'homes, . a bardel . of I I)3h§tr( lAtidh of 9.11rismon (CoqtIftuod on Page r, (Continued on Page tight)
for . 12 � )tft Agsoplation, of Canada, I of the Assoc I ight)