HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-12-24, Page 11Nomination Meeting A ,Meeting of 'the 'Electors of the Township of Tuckersmith will be held in TOWN HALL, SEAFORTH MONDAY; DECEMBER 28 1959, %r the purpose of nominating candidates for the off ices of Reeve and Councillors for 1960, and School Trustees for the year 1960-61. ciegemaievespermicieeeissupeicicioovalate .T7 PmenerzomtMeeeVezOMMIMBtriestle .04,0141maromoci It's time to send greetings your way... • and, thank you for Our patronage! TRORSDAY. DECBMBBR 1950 nov ( LAWRJE SLADE and STAFF Corner of Isaac and,, Mary Streeti — Clinton atvggfaotAmmaLviN=, „. '!"4.:lasot.'irtir,1027,DemzomaaraakaorvicaDiva reztvwctglatcoammetcwatTatetivactzFatatatcmimmcvemtlpatemors 7 ' 115 We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of O• alio and solicit year patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative 4/Reny Christmas outh end Cities Service and VIAPP HOTEL CLINTON HU 2-7011 A Sincere Wish for a Merry Christmas and, Thank You to Our Customers ! CLINTON M4 RKET INIews of Auburn CarresParldent: MRS. W. FARADNOCK phone Auburn 153W FARMERS IL S. Hunt, Skipper, Phone 778 weekend with Mrs. Kenneth Step- les and family. Mr. and Mrs.. john ,Ciatworthy, and Mrs, Fred Taylor, -Graf-1ton, Visited last Friday with' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arthur and Jane and John Wright, and were present for Jane's' second birthday party, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig visited last :Friday evening at siert= with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Craig and family and attended the schocil concert there. Visitors over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph - D. Munro were; Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ling and' family, Guelph; Glen Young- hint, .Calgary Ord,' Robert Young- blut, Toronto, • - wornenos. institute. The Auburn Women s Institute met with the president, Mrs. Them- obsheedetemaieedzbashomaibesaueih Veg-{4 PHONE HU 2-9475 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH • Notice Of 'Nominations 'will be received from the hour of one o'clock to two. o'clock an the afternoon, In' the event of more being nominated than are ,required to fill the positioni, AN • ELECTION will be held on Monday, :January 4, 1960 Polls will be open favm 9 am. to 6 pm, at the following places; PSD No, 1—Frank Nigh's House . .. ,DRO—Audrey Cameron Egmandville PC= AliceBoyer PSD No. 2—SS No. 8 DRO—Roy McGeoch, , pC-7-Edith Respell PSD No. 3—.SS No. 4 DRO—George 'Turner PC—Howard Johns PSD No. 4 SS No. 3 DRO—Norris Sillery PC—John Broadfoot PSD No. 5—SS No. I DRO—Melville Traquair PC--Glen Bell PSD No. 6-LSS No. 9 DRO--John Woods PC—Edna Trerneer CORA CHESNEY, Returning Officer. 50-1-b - e`qt-lratellealeigielel „gog-Agogiz ez-es&-. 1 eason s Best Wishes 'Tis the warmth of our' heart-felt friendship in this greeting that makes the age-old wish so warm and true: A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy Holiday Season To You and Yours! as Haggitt do them, Mrs, RObert I, Phillips presided at the piano.,' Mrs. :Gordon R. Taylor led in the singing of several Christmas ear- The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Bert Craig and approved as read. She also gave the financial statement, It was decided to send a donation to the Children's Aid Society . along' with the parcels received that day, Many gifts were also received to go to the War Memorial ;Children's' Hospital of London, • Plans were made to have spec- ial films ohoWn at the March meet- - in. The guest speaker of the aft- ernoon was the Baptist minister, John Agulian who gave an inspir- ing Christmas message, He re- marked- that "we imitate the acts of the wise men when we give gifts to our. loved ones", and spoke, of the ,Mother-Child relationship in the Bible story of the birth of Christ. He concluded his address by saying that the God of the Old Testament is the Babe of 'the New Testament, A solo, "The. Heaven- ly. Stranger" was sung Oy Mrs. W, Bradnock, Mrs, Robert J. Phillips thanked Mr, Agulian and present- ed him with a gift from the Insti- tute. Mrs. Ed Davies gave a demon- stration of making salads for the coming holiday season. Her -tempt- ing dishes were later auctioned. The president told about the pot- tery 'demonstration to be held when the weather was better anti re- minded everyone to remember their .Sunshine Sister.' • The exchange of gifts were in charge of Mrs. William Straughan and Mrs. Arnold Craig:. Pot luck lUnch was served 'by Mrs. Wes. Bradnock, Mrs, Frank •Raithby and Mrs, Andrew Kirkconnell. Knox YPS - The Young People's. Society of Knox Presbyterian . Church held their Christmas party in the Sun- day School room with a short de- votional period led by the presi- dent, Edgar Leatherland. After the pall to worship the hymn Holy Night was sung, followed by pray- er by Mary Kiriwonnell. Helen Youngblut read the minutes. Roll call was answered by naming a member of parliament. The ex- change of gifts was tin charge of Bruce Youngblut and the of- fering was received by Bill Govier. Games and contests were enjoyed and the lunch was served by Mari- lyn Edgar Leatherland and Helen youngblut. CGIT. Party," Barbara Sanderson was in charge, of the short meeting of the Canadian Girls in Training meet- ing held in Knox Presbyterian Ch- urph with a full attendance for their Christmas Patty, Silent Night was sung with Barbara Mackay at the piano. Margaret Haines gave the sec- retary's report and Carol Brown gave the financial statement. It was decided to send a contribution to the Presbyterian Treasurer for the year 1959. Roll call wa ,san- swered by telling where the girls would like to go in Christmas holidays. The Christmas story as told in St. Luke's Gospel was read by Jannett Dobie and the offering was received by Judith Arthur and ded- icated by Rose Marie Haggitt. The story of the Green Cradle was told by the leader, Mrs. Wes. Brad- nock. The exchange of ' gifts .was in charge of Linda Andrews and Jan- nett Dobie and the program by Margaret Haines and Barbara Mackay. Games were conducted by Judith Arthur, Marilyn Daer, and .Barbara Sanderson. A delic- ious lunch concluded the even- ing, Carol Service The Auburn community carol service was held on Sunday even-ing in St. Mark's Anglican Church with theerectdr,•Rev. Robert Meal: ly in .charge and Mrs. Robert J, Phillips presiding at the organ. After the processional hymn, "While Shepherds Watch Their FlOcks", Rev, IVfeally welconied the large congregation on ' behalf Of St. Mark's 9hurch. Chrlstinas carols were sung and sculpture lessonoras from the Gos- pel of St. John. A quintette of girls from ,KnOx Presbyterian Ch- urch sang a selection with Mrs. Dunean , Mackay , accompanying. Frank RaltlibY of the Baptist Ch- urch spoke a few words and read a poem on Christmas. The United Church choir sang an anthem with their organist Miss Margo Grange, at the organ. The offering received by Gordon R. Taylor and Robert J. Phillips was for the Bible Society. • Rev, Meally chose for his address, "Un- to us a •Child is Born". He stated that the message of Christmas is a Message of love for the world, The Anglican choir Sang an an- them and the benediction was pronounced. Flowers in the chan- cel were placed there in memory Of John McPhee, infant son Of Mr. and Mrs. Orval McPhee who pas- sed away a year ago. A beauti- fully decorated Christmas tree also stood in the church. SS 9 Christmas Concert The pupils of SS 9 Mullett Township and their teacher Wil- mer Erriitton, presented their an- nual Christmas concert to a large crowd. Henry Hunking was chair- man, The program included choruses, plays and drills; recitations by Bet- ty Hallam, Joyce Hallam, Nancy Lapp, Bobby Schneider, Stephen Haggitt, Billy Lapp, nouglas Arch- ambault, Linda Andrews and Ka- thy Schneider. Solos were sung by Brenda Archatnbault and Ruth Schneider; duets were sung by the Misses Joan and Jane Mills?' by Brenda Arehatthault and Nancy Lapp; a quartette by Kathy Schneider, Brenda Bell, Wendy Schneider , and Shirley Hunking, Piano solos were played by Nancy Lapp, Brenda Archatnbault and Stephen Haggitt. An Irish dance was performed by Sharon Ball, Ruth Schneider, Linda And. rows, Lois Hallam and Marilyn Deer. 4 The Story of the Nativity was told an pantomime, with Sharon Rail as the reader. Santa Claus arrived and Tat, seated gifts told treats to the ehilettete, Robert, J, Phillips was the lucky winner of a Christmas cake at McGee Motors recently, Mrs, -Clifton McDonald is a pat- lent in Clinton Public- Hospital, We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. William Xruse and Eligabeth of Kitehener visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson. . • Misses Mary and Margaret Clark Stratford, spent' the weekenci• with their parents, Mr, and 'Mrs, For- dYce Clark and .family. -Jack Beadle, Goderich, visited 'friends and' relatives -in the village last Saturday.' Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ives, of For- rester's Bridge; Mr. and- Mrs. George Ives- and family, Blyth and Mrs. -Coclough and fern- Holmesyille visited on the QUALITY HARDWARE told HOUSEWARES Clinton Dial HI! 24021 Merry Christmas, • lEveryione! t I) TED RYDER'S TV Sales and Service. Moving. To. 54. Mill Street (The House) CLINTON • , Phone HU 2-9320 Ak71D4014- Vd#00447701201410k -1114KRMiatiOgifilegv&WO1 To Their Customers \ and Friends 4.~~4.4141.4114,0410.0 THE ANNUAL FOWL ROLL Is Still On Until Midnight, December 26 PHONE JA 4-9966 bizalcosea.miorztoaaoaaet MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR 204 Huron Rood — Goderich WOULD LIKE TO'SAY - '5?-letieMete te-beeeeMateMMieVa-if,MWMfMlo' White Rose, Distributor Alex Ilkley Akidio CLINTON, ONT. * PHONE HU i.9311 Ntitooktompitagootuftatoottottes amAA. HU 2-6661 RAY'S Sunoco Station RAY HOGGARTH, Prop. Clinton Huron Street