HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1959-12-24, Page 8Your friendship ,through the post year has meant a great deal to us .Gialittas "N Christmas N s to T to MI a WA Night your of vgar ' CO' tale! tfitiOVIE4WRIVIMIC VOCitiegbitiVitiCiMet . -44,504 weletettoetztetevetvmem ii itAta lOst a rote Wm to to say, hav e a Most Viapcoi kkolidasil V , I r".• KINGSWELL WELDING "HEC" KINGSWELL, Prop. HU• 2-9771 65 Huron Street, Clinton r rg -FRED J. HUME SAWMILL BUILDING SUPPLIES CLINTON PHONE HU 2-6655 tm-204101WhISM-Butenr.enTatM. r.., , , , r:. '•. ss ld de .015;vaiei PAM: ECEMTM4 f 3,959 Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Guest, l and Mrs.. Kenneth Brandon, oVer Whitby, were the guests of Mr. the weekend. Vii01101NwelViiK4WPONN11,14-110“.10011,001410Att"WW‘10444/04 Miss Grace Peck, London, spent the weekend at Belle Vile cottage. Mr. and. Mrs, Nelson McCenkeY,. Toronto, Were at their home in the village for the weekend, Mrs, S. 13, Cobb left Oa TVA*, day to spend •Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. J. Wallace, Oakville. Mr., and Mrs, George Aitken, Sr„, London, were at tneif Cot- tage in the village on Sattulay. Charles $cothiner was able te. leave „Clinton Public Hosiptal on December 11, and Is recuperating at home, F/L And Mrs, B., A. Simons and two :childrenleft on Wednesday to spend Christmas with her mother. in WindSor, • Mr. and Mrs. B. A, Featherston went to Willowdale, on Wednesday to have Christmas with her daugh- ter, hors. 1.6.1.t.ti Leonard andrfamp. ily. Miss Diane Hulls was the guest of Brian Grime; at the Engineer School UWO dinner and dance in London, on Wednesday, of last . week. • Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson left last week to spend Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Roger Cor- riveau and family,inear Montreal, Quebec„ Christmas services in Trinity Church will be Holy Communion, at 1,1.30 p.n. Christmas Eve, and at 9' a.m., on, Christmas' morning (quiet—no music). ' The Rev, and Mrs. F. H. Paull, Listowel,' called on friends in the village on 'Monday afternon, after attending the ordination service i13 James S. Donaldson (By our Bayfield Correspondent) Wordwas received here recent- ly of the death of James Stuart Donaldson, eldest son of Charles Donaldson; Ottawa, and the late Margaret Stewart, Lucknowi He was born November 2, 1895, on the Bronson Line, Stanley Township, on the farm now owned by Ralph Cornish. Stricken suddenly at his home at Royal Oak, Mich., on the even- ing of November 19, his wife im- mediately contacted a married daughter, Firemen arrived and administered oxygen as he was rushed to hospital but he expired a few minutes after arriving." The funeral, which was very largely attended by friends from widely scattered points, was held from the Virgo E. Kinsey funeral holie, Lafayette at 5th St., Royal Oak. on November 21, 1959. The service was in charge of the Rev. George B. Evans. Graveside ser- vices at Oakview Cemetery were under the auspices of Royal. Oak Lodge No. 464, F.-and A.M. Mrs. Percy Lewis (Shirley), Ottawa, is a sister and Keith Donaldson, Renfrew, and Charles Donaldson, Hanna, Alta., are bro- St, James Chureh, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. john MacKenzie and two children, Margot and John arrived from Toronto on, Tuesday to •spend the Christmas, tide with, his parents, Mr. and. Mrs J. maeKenzie, Miss Doreen. Mckenzie, Queen's OniVersity, Kingston, arrived home on Sunday night tci, spend the Christmas vacation, with .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc, Kenzie, Blue Water Highway, Godericir Township. Mr. and Mrs, James Hutchings met their son OS Tony Hutchings at London en Sunday. They spent the day with Mr; and Mrs. Frank Smith, Strathroy. Tony is on Christmas leave from HMOS Cornwallis, NS, until -$1210n.Y.. Brian Grime is home from Uni- versity of Western Ontario, Lon- don, for the Christmas vacation. Miss Margaret Howard ,accom- panied by Lawrence E. Stotes- bury-Lesson, Huron College, are spending the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr:, and ,Mrs. J. E. Howard. Mrs. Hugh McLaren, Port Elgin, was the narrator of the Christmas Story, presented by Senior Citi- zens of Wingham and surrounding town who gathered at CKNX-TV for • the broadcast on Friday at, ternoon. This was especially int- eresting to her sisters, Misses A, M. and B. J. Stirling and other friends here. Mrs. R. A. Simons ably assisted by Mary Elizabeth Ervine, enter- tained little folks for her son, Randy's sixth birthday at "Shang- ri-La" on Monday after school At the 'part with him were his sis- ter Danielle,. Brenda and Brian Maleins, Colleen Merrier and Lorne Me/per; David Leitch. Linda Sparks, Robbie Irwin, Kelso Fitz- simons, Robbie MacVean. Mrs. J. B. Higgins, Brown Owl,, and Mrs, Austin McCurdy, Tawny Owl, marked the 's approach of Christmas with the Brownie Pack at their meeting on Monday even- ing, December 14. They made Christmas decorations and there was a prize for the neatest Brow- nie. Sharon Middleton and Karen Fitzsimons tied for it. Karen won the draw. At the close each Tweenie and Brownie received a gift. Lawrence E. Stotesbury-Leeson and Miss Margaret Howard, were in Stratford on Monday for the ordination of four deacons to the priesthood, in St. James church for the Right Rev. George N. Luxton, D73, LLD,', Bishop„ of Hur, on. The preacher was the Right Rev. Willtan A. Townsend, DD, :CIS, Suffragan Bishop. One of. those ordained was the Rev. Wil- liam A. Collins, curate of St. Mary's Church, Walkerville, who visited at the hoine of Mr. and -• • Op*: "48,4:-•.iik. Trinity :Auxiliary Re-elects Officers At .Annual Metting (Sy oar Hayfield Correspondent) The annual meeting of Trinity Branch Woman's Auxiliary was. held !at the home of the president, Miss Lucy R. Woods on Thursday afternoon, Mrs. E. A. Featherston was at the piano for the opening hymn, "Joy to the world, the -Saviour Comes," The Bev. B. B., Har- rison led: in the litany and Opening prayers, He read 'the Scripture, St, Matthew 25: 1-32. • Mrs. T. Castle, secretary, gave her report. Also adopted was the financial statement' by Mrs. It. J. Larson. Mrs. Percy Weston, Dorcas retary, reported that the require- • ments had been met this year. • • Mrs. E. A. Featherston reported • 11. subscriptions to, The Living Message, ,MrS. C. Knuckey,- pray, er • partner secretary; had„ not heard from. Sister Dorothy Dykes. She led in the prayer partner's prayer. -The- president expressed her thanks to the officers for their. support and asked that her name not be' proposed for office next year. The Rev. Harrison then took the chair for the: election of officers which' resulted in the • full slate being re-elected as folloWs: Honorary president, Mrs, J. M. Stewart; vice-president, Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner; second vice-presi- dent, Mrs. ,Emerson Hard; .secre- tary, Mrs. Thomas Castle; treas.- urer, Mrs. R. 5. Larson; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. P, Weston; edu- cational sceretary, Mrs. 3. B. Hig- gins; prayer partner secretary, Mrs. C. Knuckey; Living ,Message secretary, M. E. A. FeatherSton. Mrs. F. Fraser was elected as press sceretary, and 'Mrs, W. R.' Elliott named sick visitor, ' Following the. closing prayers. by the rector, Mrs: 'Emerson Heard, hostess, served refreshments - in- cluding shortbread'and-Christmas cake. P MIDDLETON o There will be a' service of Holy Communion in St. James Anglican Church, Middleton, on Christmas Eve, December 24, at 8.30 p.m. On Sunday, December 27, the service in St. James Church, will be at 2.30 p.m. and, will take the form of The Nine Lesson Carol Service, with. laymen reading the various lessons. News of Bayfiekl buss Licrow WOODEI TIANnaip Or A A ; ; • r Joy to Ail this Christmas Season and our thanks for your loyal patronage. them of the deceased man. Mrs. 3. E. Howard, on Saturday. VZicieMatiMalMORIMICIMMX42001geW/c1=-WiattingiVvotVeteig-P=0: 1 , VARNA FEED MILL J. H. F. Broeze, Prop. PHONE HU 2-9219 AvablesiMrtatkizaab. ahlt 24,,a-ZaiWzal-Vaaari4v,MDAMMIetZt24% , May this Holy Season being , ,yiiu an abundance. of happiness! Superior Food' Market AND STAFF CLINTON HU 2-3813 tibiab1001100121-ZuVeiti-Wal .141004(140044,MMiScialMatzt0044440 Otoeflogo to oar Fritodo W. H. DALRYMPLE & SON STUDEBAKER SALES and SERVICE BRUCEF1 ELD HU 2.9211 t41104-.1401N1441,43000141400M104044004100040081-0401rOgrat ART Li CLAYTON GROVES ELECTRIC CLINTON, ONTARIO - HU 2-9414 Aripplustveakkabuoistbamatt,,Imbr3oya VCIVCIVOCCV0064110414141MOVVVVV40446000Mg4ZEOMAKWCICXV • •• 2” and, thank you for your , -j. patronage! AUTO SUPPLY • HU. 2 -7034 ait,6•0t, 40,4?4,40- MAilln/nlit04,Mbli014-7444100i00,1,0nIttntitttikahliMADMAINNYagin, Beauty is in many things - a. snow,covered countryside ...the bright Northern, star, Jo the meaning of Christmas! CLINTON FEED MILL and STAFF ..4*-0 ,500'.04V-rtejb' HU 2-3815